The Mashiach’s arrival. The signs and timeframe

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Lawrence Hajioff

Lawrence Hajioff

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@johnriggs7247 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this beautiful shiur, Rabbi Hajioff. May Hashem send His Moshiach today. Baruch Hashem from NC, USA.
@Mashiachkingdavid Жыл бұрын
Don’t be so happy ! I saw in vision that Your Rabbi head is on the top of Lamb and peg heads , boiling in Put ! As He deny My 40 page 📄 the Mashiach invitation deny and all the blood 🩸 of students is under His hand 🤚 ! I the Kind David fulfilling Ezekiel 20:46:47:48 in Canada and Ezekiel 21:1to32 in Israel many will punish ! Till I and my chosen people Go there soon as way is clean !
@selahsolomon9216 5 ай бұрын
The Messiah is Hashem himself. He tells you over and over he is your redeemer and your King. The Messiah is not some random Jew. He is the Angel of the Lord (the Angel of the Covenant)
@termination9353 3 ай бұрын
Hello-Im the Moschiac. I'm willing to declare all Palestinians descendants of Jacob's twelve sons and are therefore just as rightfully heirs to the Holy Land as equal citizens.... One State Solution.
@mdevorah6833 8 ай бұрын
❤❤ I await moshiach every MINUTE! it cannot happen soon enough for me. Gathering of exiles, being told what tribe I am in. Ressurection of dead, no more sin, no more sickness, no more death. I read and watch everything I can find on this.
@luciferlucero 6 ай бұрын
@mjdietz 4 ай бұрын
The Final Days utube Signs in The Heavens !! Mfatw COT Reports to Assist Humanity Going Forward Isaiah 61Setting Crowdsharing for Returning To God John 3:16 Maranatha o__o ❤️ 💙 💜
@termination9353 3 ай бұрын
Hello-Im the Moschiach. I'm willing to declare all Pallestinians descendants of Jacob's twelve sons and are therefore just as rightfully heirs to the Holy Land as equal citizens.... One State Solution.
@anthonyreeves5834 16 күн бұрын
As a Bnei Noach my wife and I loved this lecture. Thank you so much Rabbi for sharing with us.
@Shari105 5 ай бұрын
What a wonderful class. Highly engaging, educational and informative. Thank you Rabbi. Moshaich Now!
@ridasz7954 Жыл бұрын
Thank you, Rabbi Lawrence Hajioff for inspiring shiur! G-d bless you and gives strength to be a light to the nations!❤❤❤
@AniYehudi 8 ай бұрын
Well done Rabbi Hajioff. 👏 I just purchased your book, "The Future." Toda Rabba and Hazaq U'Baruch! FRom a fellow Sephardi.❤
@Absomet 8 ай бұрын
You're making me laugh!😄😆😆😄 I like you!
@Tomorrowandtomorrowandtomorrow 9 ай бұрын
More accurate than the 'news'. This is all the information we need.
@IsraelSuperguide 5 ай бұрын
Rab. I enjoyed your content. It will be very helpful if you can organize and create a playlist for your videos. P.S I tried to order your book on this topic (the Final) from Amazon but they won't ship to Israel. How else can I get it?
@ainagrnnestad8235 Жыл бұрын
Beuatuful. All thanks to Abba. Frim Norway.😊
@seanblackchicago Жыл бұрын
Shalom! Great video; 18:40 I believe Elhannan is most sufficient since the soul of John is knit with the soul of David. Some use the term “bonded,” but “knit” is much more accurate, for the 2 individuals are still individuals of their own. Though Jonathan and David are knit together, they are yet still “separated for a purpose,” which is a true description of the term “Holy.”✡️
@derekabishua Жыл бұрын
What do you have to say about the Daniel’s calendar
@mohamedissa8834 2 ай бұрын
I don't know why we not love the people God chose to be lead by great men and prophets and loyal servants of God - like King David and Suleman. There is a reason why God has chosen the jews bearing in mind they worshipped God a time where all nations in Syria, in Babylon, in Egypt even the Philistines ancestors of Palestine all worshipped idols except for the Jewish people who worshipped God!
@ShabirBurhani2021 4 күн бұрын
@swen6797 8 ай бұрын
Israel is required to keep His covenants for day and night, or the inheritance passes to those who do. Jeremiah 33:20,25. Jeremiah 31:35,36. This covenant is how the sabbath is kept, avoiding work you dont even know the flesh is performing, which is leavening light and night of the sun of righteousness with light that is not the glory of the incorruptible God. Isaiah 5:20 describes the leavened bread that is not bread alone; and the consequences of adding bitter light to the night, or subtracting sweet light from the day. Death is the result for adding and subtracting from the Word in the light.
@Spark_Iskra_z_Polski 6 ай бұрын
What about the Moshiach that was recorded in Jerusalem ab 2 yrs ago?
@christopherv9427 8 ай бұрын
Often imitated never duplicated
@justsojourning Жыл бұрын
Please Rabbi check your voice tone, im trying to watch this and then it goes from loud to soft. When you raise your voice I'm having to turn the volume down and then turn it back up. Would be great to have a steady audio.
@luancarlos3758 Жыл бұрын
Mashiach Now Baruch HaShem ☝🏾🔥🇮🇱🖖🏾
@TheBenFranklinShoW 11 ай бұрын
Its me
@luciferlucero 6 ай бұрын
@maggoli67 Жыл бұрын
I, for one, welcome our Moschiach overlord.
@Mashiachkingdavid Жыл бұрын
They hide MY letters and deny ME ! What kind of welcome is this ???
@luciferlucero Жыл бұрын
@skullrepublic9735 Жыл бұрын
Is that a new video game,😂.
@michaelwinn5274 5 ай бұрын
The Hebrew scriptures say that we can calculate the arrival of Moshiach to the exact date. “Know therefore and understand, that FROM THE GOING FORTH OF THE COMMANDMENT TO RESTORE AND TO BUILD JERUSALEM UNTO THE MESSIAH THE PRINCE SHALL BE SEVEN WEEKS, AND THREESCORE AND TWO WEEKS:: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times. And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself:”(Daniel 9::25-26) Well, this shouldn’t be hard to figure out. Messiah will come at a set date after a decree to rebuild Jerusalem (after its destruction by the Babylonians) including the streets and the wall. So, if we knew the date of the decree and the number of days to follow before the arrival of Messiah, we could know the exact date the Messiah would come. Well, we DO know the exact date the decree to rebuild Jerusalem, including its streets and walls (not only the Temple) was issued. The Book of Nehemiah mentions precisely when this decree was issued. Artaxerxes was king of Persia from c. 464 to c. 425 BC. The explicit edict Artaxerxes to rebuild Jerusalem, including its streets and wall was issued to Nehemiah in 444 BC. (see Nehemiah 2:1-8) This is the ONLY known decree that included the rebuilding of Jerusalem’s infrastructure. Although no day-of-month specified, according to the Jewish custom of the time, the date is to be understood as the first day of the month, which would be Nisan 1, 444 BC. Translating this date, Nisan 1, 444 BC. to a more familiar term within our modern Gregorian calendar, we can determine it to be March 5, 444B.C. Ok. We are making progress. We now have the date that the decree to rebuild Jerusalem was issued - March 5, 444 B.C. But can we know how many days afterwards before Messiah would arrive? Yes. Without question. Within Ancient Hebrew, the term “week” can either mean a period of seven days or seven years. The text within the Daniel prophecy clearly indicates that the term be understood as “weeks of years”. A score of years equals twenty. Threescore equals sixty. Therefore, Daniel tells us to expect Mashiach exactly in 69 weeks after the decree to rebuild Jerusalem. And we can now calculate exactly how long SEVEN WEEKS, AND THREESCORE AND TWO WEEKS is: SEVEN WEEKS (49 years) + THREESORE WEEKS (420 years) + TWO WEEKS (14 YEARS)= 483 YEARS. So, we now know Messiah would come exactly 483 years after decree issued to rebuild Jerusalem. Now let’s convert 483 years to its corresponding number of days using the Jewish lunar calendar (God’s prophetic calendar) where a year equals 360 days. 483 X 360 =173,880 And we now know many days after the decree to rebuild Jerusalem, Messiah should be expected to arrive - 173,880 days. Now, if we want to know the exact date that Messiah is due to come, all we need to do is add 173,880 days to March 5, 444 B.C. After doing this, we will know the date of Messiah’s arrival. But we’ll have to use God’s clock, however. God uses the celestial bodies within the Heavens as His clock. And specifically tells us they are to be used for signs, seasons, days, and years. “And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:” (Genesis 1:14) Therefore, to God a day is not exactly 24hours and a year is not 365 days as we know it. God's ays are a teeny bit longer than 24 hours and a year equals 365.2422 solar days. (God doesn’t do leap year as in the modern Gregorian calendar or leap month (Adar Aleph) as within the Jewish calendar. God doesn't mind working with the fractions.) So, we’ll need to convert Nehemiah’s prophetic years (483 years or 173,880 days) into solar (or tropical) years: 173,880 ÷ 365.2422 = 476.068 years which equals 476 solar years and 25 days. Now we know. Mashiach will come exactly 476 years and 25 days after the decree to rebuild Jerusalem was issued on March 5, 444 B.C. So, what day does that take us to? March 30, 33 A.D. This is the exact date that God told us through His prophet Daniel to expect the arrival of the Messiah. Did anyone show-up on this date? The prophet Zechariah tells us to expect the Messiah to arrive in Jerusalem riding a donkey’s colt. “Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass.” (Zechariah 9:9) So, did anyone show-up on March 30th 33A.D. riding a donkey’s colt? Let’s look at an abbreviated chronology of the last few days of Jesus of Nazareth’s life as recording in four eye-witness accounts: March 29th 33 A.D. - Jesus Travels to Bethany March 30, 33 A.D. - Jesus makes His Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem while riding a donkey’s colt. April 3, 33 A.D. - Jesus is arrested and has First Trial for blasphemy. Found guilty. Deserving of Death A Second Trial is conducted (as required for death sentences.) Jesus is brought before the Romans and accused of treason. Jesus is tortured in public Jesus is mocked and watched Jesus is crucified and dies on the cross. So, Jesus came on March 30, 33 AD, the exact day that was prophesized by Daniel. He rode in on a donkey’s colt just as Zechariah foretold. During which time, Jesus wept for Jerusalem - foretelling Jerusalem’s future destruction for their foreseen rejection of Him because His people would not recognize the time of His visitation (referring back to Daniel's prophecy.) Jesus of Nazareth would be cut-off just as foretold by Daniel. And would by rejected by His own people and “cut-off from the land of the living" as foretold by Isaiah. The term “messiah the prince” is only used once in the entire Tanakh. It's in Daniel 9. Jesus was Israel's prince coming to be anointed as King but was rejected and killed (not for Himself but for others) before the destruction of the second temple (70A.D.)just as foretold. It seems the Daniel, Zechariah, and Isaiah prophecies were fulfilled to the letter. How much more do you need? May Almighty God provide for, protect, and preserve the children of Israel.
@michelleowens632 18 күн бұрын
Excellent! Exactly! And we await the 70th week, at the end of which Yeshua(salvation) Moshiach will return to save the remnant of Israel (and they will look on me whom they have pierced Zechariah 12:10) Then He will set up His earthly Kingdom for a thousand years in Jerusalem. After that New Heaven and New Earth for Eternity, and we shall be with Him, the Father, and Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen!
@MessiahSonOfDavid 13 күн бұрын
I'm here 🎉
@AdrianMagyar-tq6iz 5 күн бұрын
You're not the real one . Jesus is 😁👌
@colleenwerth6350 8 ай бұрын
Would you consider the implications of the following names? I find it interesting that it seems to fit in with Isaiah 53. Adam - Man Seth - (is) appointed Enosh - mortal Kenan - sorrow Mahalakel - (but) the blessed G-d Jared - shall come down Enoch - teaching Methuselah - His death shall bring Lamech - the despairing Noah - rest & Psalm 19:1-3 The heavens declare the glory of G-d. Day after day utters speech, and night unto night Reveals Knowledge. What knowledge do the heavens reveal through their "speech"? Isaiah 7:11 & 14... The Virgin. If one considers the story (the speech) of the heavenly constellations, beginning at the "Sign" of Virgo through to the last constellation, Leo (the King), the heavens tell the exact same message as the names mentioned above. A man was appointed ("The LORD Himself will give you a sign - Virgo). This man - servant of G-d (David's Lord - Psalm 110) will come teaching) then suffer mortal sorrow that will bring the despairing rest. Though He was "cut off" for the transgression of His people," as an "offering for sin", "He SHALL see His seed, He SHALL prolong His days...": "He shall see the labour of His soul, and be satisfied." (etc.) He is King, and shall reign forever and ever - The Lion (Leo) of the tribe of Judah. I bless you in His name - Yahweh will kneel before you, presenting gifts, and will guard you with a hedge of protection. Yahweh will illuminate the wholeness of His being toward you, bringing order, and He will provide you with love, sustenance, and friendship. Yahweh will lift up the wholeness of His being and look upon you, and will set in place all you need to be whole and complete (Numbers 6:24-26) Shalom.❤
@randiwaxman879 6 ай бұрын
23 minutes "The phone became silent as I slammed it down"😂😂😂😂
@Jensenjournal6375 11 ай бұрын
Can I get the handout for this??
@RabbiHajioff 8 ай бұрын
My book The Future is available on Amazon.
@barcode6495 4 күн бұрын
Great lectures and i am a Jew but believe in Yeshau. Yeshua so said when talking to his people and being asked how could he know Abraham since he lived thousands of years ago and he Yeshua him self is bearly 30 years old? He then responded: for the truth I tell you before Abrahan I am ...and i have seen him....
@greensage395 Жыл бұрын
It is the Hopi that reside at the 4 Corners of Heaven and Earth! The Hopi are the Hope, for which those Fowls of Heaven recognize the Children of GOD!
@greensage395 Жыл бұрын
Within "Jer-USA-lem, it shall be Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah! :)
@greensage395 Жыл бұрын
Within reason, I am certain you recognize what was once Sumer, and that of Babylon....I can reveal to you that the Anasazi are the Anunnaki, as they are our "Neighbor", for which we are given "Nibiru"! Our Law, Written within US, tells us we must Love our Neighbor as we Love ourselves! We must Pray they do not Eat their own Children...for we are their own Children, and they may have Forgotten as we have! It is Written into the Rocks!
@greensage395 Жыл бұрын
The relationship of the Hopi Language is Truth....ANU Whirled Order!
@greensage395 Жыл бұрын
We know?
@greensage395 Жыл бұрын
Heyoka say, "Hoka-Hey"...I will let you look that up!
@GodsElph Жыл бұрын
@GodsElph Жыл бұрын
@guitarvorous 3 ай бұрын
He is going to be from Isreal? You almost had me before this.
@anoldpotentin2446 2 ай бұрын
No he will come from Africa
@greensage395 Жыл бұрын
Irony is how you should have found me, Truly, as I reside under 3 Crosses on a Hill, beneath the Tabernacle called the "Organ" Mountains, beyond those Dry White Bones of Ezekiel, as seen from Space....White Sands National Monument! I have been here all along! I also hold a lineage to be seen, for all of "Jer-USA-lem", to remind them!
@greensage395 Жыл бұрын
No, I am not the King...I am not the Messiah, I am the Messenger Sent! I am who Gabriel said I am! I am of the House of Manasseh, as Ben'Yosef! Yeshua is Ben'David!
@luciferlucero Жыл бұрын
@swen6797 8 ай бұрын
The name of a person is what they are and what their house (blood) stands for.
@greensage395 Жыл бұрын
What of the Man of Lawlessness? Does the Rambam speak of him?
@greensage395 Жыл бұрын
Israel Seeks a King...Israel seeks the Messiah, who must first present as Mashiach, so as to is why there are Two, as the Lord is quite Merciful! If you were to be given what you Desire, it would be the Destroyer who must come as the Deliverer, as Yeshua is in the Grave Fulfilling 3-Days, as one day is but one-thousand years! There is more than this as the reason for which Almighty-YAH must cut these Day's Short, if but to Save the Flesh of the Elect! Truly!
@greensage395 Жыл бұрын
It has more to do with the Keys than it has to do with the Story!
@greensage395 Жыл бұрын
It's what you do with those Keys that is the Story!
@BestFeminist Жыл бұрын
You've begun to speak about the dna testing theory which suggests a Cohen Modal Haplogroup set of characteristics. There is a large problem with this, and nearly every peer reviewed article on this subject. Somehow many of these geneticists miss the understanding of YAP mutation (Y-chromosome Alu Polymorphism), which it is suggested there's an 80% rate of YAP+ in Kohenim. By the basis of this mutation, this is impossible to have at such a percentage, as no YAP+ man has ever birthed a YAP- man. It is my belief that this will be used to help filter the Kohen. The only YAP+ men are D and E haplogroup men, with the majority of modern Kohenim being other haplogroups. If the Priests of Aaron reside on the E haplogroup, the existence of a mutation that seems to defy the natural order would make sense. Such an unnatural thing might provide protection allowing close proximity to the Ark.
@gelfandmirages7816 Жыл бұрын
Messiah should be able to just smell their odor, and everyone has a unique odor, don't need all that expensive dna stuff. But what you said is a good idea to check before Messiah for Minyan services that require Kohen.
@michelles5439 9 ай бұрын
The scientific journals are not to be trusted on this issue in particular & a few others including but not limited to rh- blood types & mtDNA w (or x) haplogroup. It’s become obvious to me over the years that they’re outright concealing or manipulating information. I’ve been monitoring this for a decade & certain articles seem to disappear from existence especially over the last 3-5 yrs. I began to print hard copies years ago because of this issue.
@randiwaxman879 6 ай бұрын
@urielm774 10 ай бұрын
Rashi had a son? Maharal was a descendant of Rashi via one of his daughters. lol
@williamwightman8409 6 ай бұрын
Godmen and Saviors have been quite popular over the last 3-4 millennia. Here is a list of mostly virgin born and resurrected godmen that have passed into the mythology books: Odysseus, Romulus, Dionysus, Heracles, Glycon, Zoroaster, Attis of Phrygia, and Horus. Jesus and Krishna are still in the common religion and folklore. It sounds like Mashiach is a lesser known religious messiah that has also not passed into mythology yet.
@jerryfrasier8839 11 ай бұрын
The messiah will have a wife and kids and will be a regular person until G_d lets him know. I think you're looking at the wrong end of the story. That was Moses before the burning bush. G_d told us who the Messiah is, he will have the soul of Moses.
@dougmurray3692 11 ай бұрын
15:20 - Precisely. If he is reincarnated, he can be Jewish at the "Root" b/c he was Jewish, by blood, when he lived before. On tip of thst, his personality will be "leaning" tiward being Jewish as far as the Torah goes, AND still not be Jewish, by blood, this time around b/c he isn't born into the Jewish bloodline, or at least, directly. This eould explain his Kingship to all ppl of the pkanet, as well, not preferring the Jews over others. He eont even preferhis family to strangers actually, as far as his Teachings are concerned to eho makes what Grade. Thatll be a little ahead of what you're talking about. He may be connected to Jewish bloodline expectations but not have enough David in him to genetically qualify - according to the so-called "rules" about MoShiach, and DNA distinction, right? So depending upon perspective, you get more than one explanation, and a myriad of potentials that may not have even been considered yet. I've found that most "experts" think MoShiach will be a blood Jew, right from the line of King David. I have a diff view, and have fir a long time, but ut eont matter what the current teachers tell us anyway - MoShiach will be Moshiach, whether you recognise him or not. Snd the "rules"? Id expect him to invalidate many of them, inckuding thr need to perform mirackes as proof. That's not what he's here to do - prove himself. You will hsve to evidenxe him to See the proof. And whatis 'proof'? Evidence accepted, and ur wont matter of one velieves he is who he is. He'll 'Be' in any event.
@tonygarcia0072 Жыл бұрын
I understand that the strange belief about Mashiach's superhuman sense of smell is based on Isaiah 11:3 " he will delight in the fear of the LORD. He will not judge by what he sees with his eyes, or decide by what he hears with his ears;". I would respectfully submit that in modern parlance the meaning is that he will not believe everything he sees or hears, not that he is endowed with some superhuman sense of smell. After all, Rambam did state that he would not be required to perform miracles, and such a sense of smell does appear miraculous...
@gelfandmirages7816 Жыл бұрын
Remember there are 5 interpretations of Torah and prophecy of Isaiah would follow suit. 4 interpretations are Pardes, and the 5th being Chasidus.
@tonygarcia0072 Жыл бұрын
@@gelfandmirages7816 I'm always happy to learn from someone more knowledgeable than myself, so if you are aware that this belief about Mashiach is attributed to some other Torah passage in a different interpretation, please be so kind as to share your knowledge with us. Personally, if I was going to claim supernatural attributes for Mashiach I would have have quoted from Isaiah where he states " and he shall smite the land with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked".
@ryandavis394 Жыл бұрын
All senses or activated and heightened when your heart base heart shakra opens (to source our creator)
@gelfandmirages7816 Жыл бұрын
@@tonygarcia0072 Well to me it didn't seem so supernatural, I've smelled a lot of people in my days, they are unique, the smell prophecy is purest, but it will only come back with 50.00+% of jews in the land, no one alive today would know what it would be like to be a prophet. That passage from Isaiah sounds like Exodus 7:17, thanks for sharing that.
@atarasarinanetanel8582 Жыл бұрын
Maybe they have autism? Because the smell or other stuff sounds like sensory stuff that happens to me and others on the spectrum I think it's a sensory thing about dangerous smells like cigarettes 😂
@christopherv9427 7 ай бұрын
They are chosen already nothing will change that. Everyone else has put their faith in something else other than the Lord. Thats your choice, not my problem.
@yearofchange1419 10 ай бұрын
The star who arrived in Akko, Israel, in 2002 has been living in exile since 2009, carrying the light and wisdom of Abraham. This exile resulted from persecution by Fatah, Likud, and Mossad, who are still pursuing him. It's evident that the responsibility for rectifying this situation lies with the Jewish community, which should issue an apology for this individual. This man, known for his controversial life story, is named Hesham. It's time for all of us to look in the mirror and recognize the truth.
@JamesEdwards-td7bi 6 ай бұрын
Just missed it by not being Jewish, and you know that’s perfectly fine.😚
@YosefDanielMusic 20 күн бұрын
@greensage395 Жыл бұрын
I Love the Earth, don't you? As for the World, I do not! ...Do you not see the difference?
@greensage395 Жыл бұрын
Adam was given 120 Jubilee years, through the Spirit, which is 6000-years! We are upon Year 5783, and so the Sabbath Day of the Lord has yet to Occur! No one has broken the Sabbath! Adam exists, and yet Man was Destroyed in a Great Flood, for which Mankind is what we discover is a kind-of Man called Men, for which we were made in "their" Image, that of the EL-O'Him, those Angels who Keep House in Heaven! Angels are Man, they always were! Adam is Sasquatch! He Exists and he is here! He is given his Existence by the Creator, by which there is a "Will" of-GOD, that which ensures that it is Held, it is "Kept"! Do you not know you are of the Beast of Revelation? Do you not know of those Fowls of Heaven?
@Mashiachkingdavid Жыл бұрын
Adam finished the first 7000 and we are in second so total will be 12783Y 😊
@AbelbenAdam Жыл бұрын
How would you read this sentence; ''The wind from the south will blow and it will not stop until...'' What about this one; ''The water was filling this creek and it was the source for the whole village until...'' And this one; ''The earth was shaking and the mountains went out of their place until...'' Do you notice the pattern here? All three point to a stopping of a certain process that will be conditioned by some other event that will occur in the future, OK? So what do you do with the ''elephant'' in the next sentence; ''The scepter will not depart from Judah, neither will the law between his feet, UNTIL Shiloh comes.''? Wait, don't tell me. I already know. You ignore it completely. Why? What's the problem? Are your eyes deceiving you? Ignoring the context of the sentence, like Christians do? Severe case of cognitive dissonance or just plain denying it? I would guess both.
@ryandavis394 Жыл бұрын
The divine script ✨️ the ending will be the same as the beginning a return too Padres. Blessed is he/she who is able to stand g at the Beginning for he/she will not taste death for everything that has a Beginning has a end. Where there is a Beginning (Birth) Consiounessly awoken there is a End (death) unconsciousness.
@gelfandmirages7816 Жыл бұрын
Souls are eternal, so is yours if you convince Adonai.
@ryandavis394 Жыл бұрын
@@gelfandmirages7816 Why would I have to convince our creator when he convinced me?
@gelfandmirages7816 Жыл бұрын
@@ryandavis394 I'm not talking about Malkuth matters here, I'm talking about the Heavenly Court up in Gevurah (Din).
@ryandavis394 Жыл бұрын
@@gelfandmirages7816 Yes
@ryandavis394 Жыл бұрын
@Gelfand Mirages I serve our creator Lord is a title given to Angels.
@JackAtkins-xz5wi 6 ай бұрын
Not in a million years
@QueenQaffir 6 ай бұрын
Ur rejecting Jesus as the messiah bc He came riding into town on a donkey? Zechariah 9:9 sure didn’t.
@Isaiah-qk9gp 22 күн бұрын
You must have humility before you can govern God's Nation
@krisztiweitner7082 7 ай бұрын
Let the spirit be in you that was also in Christ Jesus, who, when he was in the form of God, did not count it a spoil to be equal with God, but he emptied himself, took the form of a servant, and became in the likeness of men. And when he was in human form, he humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death, even death on the cross. Therefore, God also exalted him and gave him a name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven, on earth, and under the earth, and every tongue confesses that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. (Phil 2, 5-10)
@randiwaxman879 6 ай бұрын
Sounds convoluted to me...
@randiwaxman879 6 ай бұрын
Like someone made it up.
@randiwaxman879 6 ай бұрын
But you are free to believe what you want
@simonlawrence5740 6 ай бұрын
The statue of liberty has misiach birthday 28th october place the star of david over the pyrimid on us $1 you get a simon his name used the eye above as a letter i he is waiting.
@dorothyhendrix1610 Жыл бұрын
@JoaquimLuizinho 4 ай бұрын
DNA Test? test god?
@watchingpilgrim8851 7 ай бұрын
The "identifications" you use to identify the Messiah are all hindsight AFTER he's anointed king, AFTER he builds the temple in Jerusalem, AFTER he sets up his kingdom. That's not HOW you recognize and believe on him. If you do it this way, you will be deceived. Adam plunged the world into sin and that sin needs to be dealt with. Just look at the animal sacrifices God required for sin offerings, including Moses in the law. Sin is the problem and if you are not righteous with his righteousness, you will not have part in his kingdom. What about Isaiah 53??? and every other verse describing sacrifice and offering for think sin is not a big deal??? THIS IS HOW YOU IDENTIFY MESSIAH!!! He shed HIS BLOOD for sin! Everything you're describing around 13:30 Daniel's 70th week AFTER you've been duped by the false messiah. Hopefully you realize you've been duped BEFORE Jesus returns to put down the false messiah. 1:35 ...If you reject that Jesus Christ (God who became flesh) died for your sin, it won't be the most embarrassed moment of your life. I guarantee it.
@jw9597 8 ай бұрын
The gentiles will be blessed by G-D’s priests, the Jewish people
@user-vg2qc2db8f 11 ай бұрын
Daniel 9 says the Messiah will come right before the Temple is destroyed. He did. It was Jesus.
@ElloSheerio 7 ай бұрын
No messiah on a donkey but a ferrari? How is that biblical? In Zechariah we read, Behold, your king is coming to you; righteous and having salvation is he, bhumble and mounted on a donkey,on a colt, the foal of a donkey.
@TheBenFranklinShoW Жыл бұрын
Its me here is the meshianic interpretation of adam and eve
@karlyost3572 6 ай бұрын
😂❤😊 even Jesus said you won't receive me but you'll receive the one that comes in your name so they rejected Jesus and he put him on the cross but that was for our sins and their sins and he wanted to save us from our sins so anyone rejected Jesus who came in the flesh who is God in the flesh is Antichrist and that's to it amen 🙏💕🙏 why is it so hard to receive Jesus the one who shed his blood 🙏 Amen for our sins 💖🙏
@nika_kopaleishvili 8 ай бұрын
‎יְהוָ֥ה עֹֽז־לָ֑מֹו וּמָ֘עֹ֤וז יְשׁוּעֹ֖ות מְשִׁיחֹ֣ו הֽוּא(psalm 28:8) “he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.” ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭53‬:‭5‬ ‭ “They pierced my hands and my feet.” ‭‭Psalm‬ ‭22‬:‭16‬ ‭ “they shall look upon me whom they have pierced” ‭‭Zechariah‬ ‭12‬:‭10‬ ‭
@user-je1go9mw5y 7 ай бұрын
Sadly, these are not the translations of the Hebrew. Try again
@randiwaxman879 6 ай бұрын
Your translation are off, not correct but keep trying until you don't have to succumb to lies you were over exposed to
@christopherv9427 8 ай бұрын
Still can't match 2020
@moshiachhasawakened6781 3 ай бұрын
6000 Years ago mankind was not able to math with numbers more than count their fingers.
@JamesPetrycia-zj7yq Ай бұрын
YES! Today Moshiach will come3 in a Maserati.
@greensage395 Жыл бұрын
I met Gabriel before I ever could comprehend Re-Legion, and yet, I met Lilith before I was able to handle Legion, as they are her Children! Gabriel used his Inkhorn upon me, filling me, and now, I must be relieved! Truly! .....Adam is but asleep for the most part, in the Spirit, and Dan is ready to Leap forth from Bashan! Dan will Judge all of Israel, falsely in the Light, and it is Judah who must put an End to it. Dan is DNA, that which exists in all men!
@greensage395 Жыл бұрын
We know the House of Windsor are German!
@greensage395 Жыл бұрын
We know one of the boys is "Ruddy" and Scary! Esau is Isa!
@gelfandmirages7816 Жыл бұрын
@@greensage395 If he even existed in the first place, could just be propaganda.
@larryjackson6075 Жыл бұрын
What's the difference between Dan and Gabriel?
@greensage395 Жыл бұрын
@@larryjackson6075 Dan is a Tribe, and so it is Genetic (Dan=DNA). Gabriel is the Man with the Inkhorn at his Side, an Angel!
@undignified2843 6 ай бұрын
You will see Him. You will see his peirced hands. You will mourn. And you will bow. Praise Jesus.
@theocerigo5475 Жыл бұрын
Is mistake one about one think of there is no second coming why in rabbbi call for two from from the line of Joesph that Christian believe already came and then on of the line of David. One to suffer and one to lead. Hence christian believe line of Joseph already came now we wait for the line of David.
@AbelbenAdam Жыл бұрын
692 - silent abomination 692 + 1290 = 1982 - birth 692 + 1335 = 2027 - four more years
@mjdietz 4 ай бұрын
The Final Days Utube Channel Posted for the past 4 yrs. Signs in The Heavens Jonathan kleck Revelations to increase More knowledge Isaiah 61 Setting El Shaddai Ministries for Jewish Clarity Hebrew Gospel Unpacking Virtue of Messiah Yeshua ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@greensage395 Жыл бұрын
I like clean clothing, but a King's Ransom is not my style, get that in your Head...I am but a Vagabond, a Beggar, and most mistaken me for a Gardener! Truly! I won't be here very long!
@greensage395 Жыл бұрын
I am not sure there is a cure for what I Suffer from...that of Disbelief!
@greensage395 Жыл бұрын
In 2008, I stopped earning Money, completely! I stopped Banking, entirely! I stopped Paying Taxes! Why? I don't know, I really cannot explain it, as it has to do with Mammon, and it has to do with the Master of the House. I am but Lawless for my Efforts! I do not own Real Property, I hold no Real Property! I am "Zero"...I am the Unknowable Number of Almighty-YAH, the Number of Impossibilities, and it is as saying, "I'm Possible"! It may seem like a Riddle, not a Mystery! It is!
@larryjackson6075 Жыл бұрын
1.If I even hinted, people could understand the Torah at the highest level. It's right before you, but you need an eye that sees. 2. Moshiach comes after we leave this material world, so why is that a good thing? To want Moshiach is to want this world to end.
@gelfandmirages7816 Жыл бұрын
This material world is Adonai's world! And it is precious. The only world that ends with Moshiach is the animal soul's world, the divine era of humanity begins!
@larryjackson6075 Жыл бұрын
@@gelfandmirages7816 The animal soul world is what world? This material world. When we leave life/living, we enter Moshiach's world. They like to make the simple complicated. Who really knows spirituality consciously?
@gelfandmirages7816 Жыл бұрын
No, inside of every human being is an animal soul and a divine soul. The world is currently ruled by the entire human populations animal soul. When Moshiach is 🤴 👑 🦁 he will rule the world with the divine soul only, and everyone living (remember The Holy One, Blessed Be He is the Living G-d, hes living amongst us as we type) will live with their divine souls.
@gelfandmirages7816 Жыл бұрын
@@larryjackson6075 The divine soul is an actualy physical material thing, its our blood in this physical world connected to spiritual worlds, same with our animal souls. The divine soul follows The Laws of G-d. The animal soul sins.
@larryjackson6075 Жыл бұрын
@@gelfandmirages7816This world is the LIVING PHYSICAL SENSORY world. When our body dies, then we enter Moshiach's spiritual world. While we are living, we have 5 souls. How can G-d be alive?
@therodofmichael5724 8 ай бұрын
Hi my brother and you are my brother. You speak well but unfortunately you are wrong, completely wrong. The reason you are wrong is that you speak as a man of flesh and that your eyes see only the things of the flesh. Your thinking comes from man, spoken and taught down from generation to generation. I speak as a spirit because my God is a spirit. What you say is totally different from one like me that teaches and views life from a spiritual perspective. You see the Moshiac or Messiah is already here. He is a man who has a spiritual assignment and has been called in 2006 to complete a spiritual assignment. No one knows him or sees him even though he walks amongst them cause he is a spirit. Only those who worship in spirit knows and will identify him. No temple will be built on earth cause the people who possess the holy spirit which lives in them are the temple. The Messiah you seek has been building and preparing a people for God for a long time now. He is turning all people's to God. I mean all races and cultures. Thousands of Muslims are turning or already turning to Christ. If only you could see into the spiritual world, you will be unbelievable shocked by what God will show you. My heart bleeds for you the so called Jews. You walk around dressed in black suits and hats. Do you even know the significance of the colour black. Be like Joseph and put on the coat of many colours, then you will see that in you are many nations and that all are Jew. God bless
@greensage395 Жыл бұрын
The Destroyer is the Deliverer! ..not the Accuser! They are Twins, they are Brothers! Together again, they are the "Bright" and "Mourning" Star!
@greensage395 Жыл бұрын
We know it is the Dead who must Rise First, as would the Mashiach! ...if you are Seeking the King, and he must Fulfill 3-Days in the Grave, you are misplacing yourself in Time! We are too Soon, because it is too Late! The Abomination which causes Desolation is Nuclear Energy! It is the LU-Cypher, the Binding of 3 or is the Splitting of the Adam, Male and FE-Male he created he them, calling them Both Adam! It is for this reason that Legion has taken Vessel among 3 Unclean Spirits! They are the "Many", and but 3 of the 4 Winds!
@luciferlucero Жыл бұрын
@runningonfullnostanks4523 7 ай бұрын
Maitreya (5th incarnation of Buddah) is coming to bring world peace & unity.
@notthemashiach567 Жыл бұрын
Why do these religious scholars and investigators never address the Moses nor Abraham wrote the Torah and most of the stories in the Torah were first written in Sumer?
@talirubinnow Жыл бұрын
המלך שאול הפך המשיח זמן שאול-זמני-שאול-גהנום-borrowed time
@mikel355 Жыл бұрын
Ask urselves what does the yamulka cover . )what is the mark of cain . (High di hydrogen testosterone essau bald body hair turns redish hue beard in sun . High strength . and high testosterone equals yakov lots of head hair. Not much body hair . Pronounced facial features .
@AdamDylanMajor Жыл бұрын
Can Jewish people recognize the Messiah's past Gilgulim before the key Gilgul comes into being?
@alchemistkingdickinson2256 Жыл бұрын
Nobody can recognize Yashua Hamashiach who is human until they fix their deceptions and stop lying. If a human cant do that they want see Messiah. Kaduri meet Messiah 11/04/2003. Anybody could meet Messiah if they can fix the deceptions and stop lying and breaking commandments and cherish Messiahs face and voice and what Messiah wants one to see and know which evidences; modern prophets Gods records which give evidence and proof who Messiah is that one must be conscious of to see and believe and know prince of peace. Christ is an eternal soul who comes to this world every incarnation like all other sous come here with a new body and a new name Rev2;17 Same soul who was crucified is same soul who is Messiah and that body has Davids & Solomons DNA IN THE BLOOD AND BONE. Christ 2000 yrs ago had kids and that family has been used by God thru out history in many different ways and its been a son of a son of a son all the way to Christ incarnation coming to pass. BIBI WILL MEET SAME MESSIAH KADURI MEET WHO IS ONLY REAL DEAL HERE AND ABOVE. MESSIAH IS NOT GOD MESSIAH IS GODS SON SAVIOR AND LIGHT TRUE DOOR REDEEMER WHO IS GOING SAVE BELIEVERS IS GOING BUILD 3RD TEMPLE IS GOING CUT 10TH LAST RED HEIFER ARK IS PREPARED AS KADURI KNEW.
@zainkhan-uh5ub Жыл бұрын
​@alchemistking dickinson this is why you will accept the false messiah
@alchemistkingdickinson2256 Жыл бұрын
@alchemistkingdickinson2256 Жыл бұрын
@zainkhan-uh5ub Жыл бұрын
@@alchemistkingdickinson2256 what? 🤣🤣🤣🙄
@ZareenDevraj-mu3eo Жыл бұрын
SHIVA (ISANA) hindu god is Yahweh Himself. He is ONE but has many names, forms and attributes. He is fair as camphor and had new moon in hair. His wife is KALI, She who is born in all castes and creeds, SHE gives birth to divinity so He is born in all castes and creeds. She is Amba (mother), Akka (sister), Ambhoda (water), Annapurna (food), Amavasya (new moon), Allakesvarya (wealth), SHE is ALLAH! She has sanskrit names mahamari and Maha saaraa which means She who is the great mother or great destroyer. Mother Mary (Maryam) is the only woman mentioned in quran - 32 times, Her son Jesus (ISA). Muhammad was incarnation of Isaac-Jesus and Aisha was incarnation of Sarah-Mary. SHE is powerful, SHE has ancient name to say that She is the TRINITY...She is the mother of the universes, SHE who commands...a comet softly and sweetly approaches the earth to bring about extinction of man. She is the earth and nature Herself. The earth and nature and wildlife has been degraded and defiled by mankind....SHE is Savithri, power of sun, the sun has billions of atomic bombs, each having much more power than the Hiroshima bomb! Shalom! Halleluyah! Mubarak Ho!
@krisztiweitner7082 25 күн бұрын
THE KING IS COMING FOR HIS BRIDE!!!!!1 Yochanan 4:1.,2.,3. 1. Beloved, don’t believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. 2. By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit who confesses that Yeshua the Messiah has come in the flesh is of God, 3. and every spirit who doesn’t confess that Yeshua the Messiah has come in the flesh is not of God, and this is the spirit of the Anti-messiah, of whom you have heard that it comes. Now it is in the world already.
@AvivAvi-im1uv Жыл бұрын
The great thing is revealed, the Messiah has come.. Messiah's letter to a girl named Tamar: Tamar I want to tell you the story of Messiah. I told you that the one who sends you messages is the first Messiah, the source, the beginning, the root of Messiah. How will I reveal to you today the secrets of the creation and existence of Messiah in this world? Why does the Torah Bible, yesterday... say that the Messiah will never die and the Messiah will live forever on earth? And why can the Messiah rule and manage the world from year to year as the Torah says? Let's be realistic Tamar, everyone will die eventually, I am the first, also the source of the Messiah will have to grow old and die. All the above secrets will be in my dream, which I tell you the following: More than a year ago while I was sleeping I dreamed that there were many people armed with weapons, it was an army on a very large scale, while I also thought that these people were preparing to go to war. Then a man approached me (it seems to be an older man, it happened a long time ago, I don't remember exactly but I'm sure it was a man). This old man told me that these people are your descendants, your lineage, preparing to conquer the world, and the special thing is that the old man said that they will win and rule the world. The old man also told me that the purpose of this war of these people is to establish their own moral base all over the world. The person who sent you this letter is the first Messiah, the originator, the ancestor of the Messiah. This letter sent to you from outside Israel is supported by Google translation.
@Mashiachkingdavid Жыл бұрын
The only Letters went out from Me was 40 page colour print ! The same rabbi in this video also revived one ! Don’t be so happy ! I saw in vision that Your Rabbi head is on the top of Lamb and peg heads , boiling in Put ! As He deny My 40 page 📄 the Mashiach invitation deny and all the blood 🩸 of students is under His hand 🤚 ! I the Kind David fulfilling Ezekiel 20:46:47:48 in Canada and Ezekiel 21:1to32 in Israel many will punish ! Till I and my chosen people Go there soon as way is clean !
@ZareenDevraj-mu3eo Жыл бұрын
To add to my last comment, the Lord (YAHWEH) is Her husband but at times incarnates Himself to be HER son because He cannot bear separation from Her. SHE KALI (wife of Shiva ISANA who is Yahweh Himself) incarnates as SARAH (mother of ISAAC) and as Mary (mother of Jesus ISA) and Aisha (the wife of Muhammad). ... Kali has ancient sanskrit names mahamari meaning She who great mother and great destroyer. She will now destroy everyone and everything! Caiaphus head jewish priest and jewish elite demanded that pontius crucify Her son. The villagers accepted Him not and pushed Him to cliff, much to the horror of Mother Mary....The Pharoah dreamt about God warning him that he is not to touch Sarah. The Pharoah gave land, animals, and slaves to Abraham who had nothing. Sarah was childless and decided for Hagar to have a child with Abraham. When Sarah heard that Abraham was about to sacrifice Isaac, then She let out six shouts and left the mortal body and went to place of sacrifice and gave an animal from the nearby bushes for him to sacrifice instead. But this was too much for Her and She died. SO who is Sarah? Sarah is KALI who has sanskrit name to say SHE IS THE TRINITY. SHE WHO IS OF THE FORM OF INFINITY. SHE WHO IS THE VOID....She is water, all sacred rivers...DELUGE. She is earth Herself...earthquakes if magnitudes (unprecedented)! SHE is Savithri , power of Sun , has billions of atomic bombs, each having much more power than the Hiroshima bomb...Mankind, whatever creed and caste, is the most callous and cruel of the species on earth...HE is nor coming...a comet instead will be coming - complete extinction of mankind...and when earth and nature rejuvenates dinosaurs and mankind will not make comeback! SHALOM! HALLELUYAH! MUBARAK HO! Lambhorgini...Tesla...No! SHIVA, Him who rides on a comet!...the comet that will bring about extinction of mankind.
@yosefzamler410 Жыл бұрын
Why do people believe in such gibberish?
@Elysiel_ParadiseOfGod 3 ай бұрын
The punchline is that the Mashiach is the reincarnation of King Solomon, who has no interest in being a King. Ya'll going to miss out then, because my name means Paradise of G-d. Heavenly Father chooses one of his children for this role.
@KingMessiah1999 Жыл бұрын
My signs are like the Mahdis because i am. I dont come only for the Jews and Christians.
@Rabbivision4Goyim 8 ай бұрын
There are 2 Mashiachs. I do not believe the Mashiach ben Yosef must be a Jew. It seems far more likely he will be a Muslim.
@RabbiHajioff 8 ай бұрын
Mashiach is a Jewish King. He cannot be a Muslim. Only a Jew can be King of the Jewish people.
@Rabbivision4Goyim 7 ай бұрын
@@RabbiHajioff But Mashiach ben David is the ultimate king. It's taught that Mashiach ben Yusuf doesn't even need to come if the Jews are worthy, so he doesn't even need to exist. A racial Jew can also be a practising Muslim, so that opens up a possibility.
@zainkhan-uh5ub 5 ай бұрын
​@RabbiHajioff your not even jewish your white European sweetheart 😂😅
@greensage395 Жыл бұрын
This is so very sad, it really is...what needs to occur is for someone to bring clarity upon all 3 Re-Legions, for they are the "Many"! Good Lord, 3 Unclean Spirits which are upon all of Jer-USA-lem, "Spiritual" Egypt and Sodom where our Lord was Crucified, in the Heart of a Nation, One Nation Under GOD! Yeshua is not "Jesus Christ", as Satan is not Lucifer, and is certainly not Lilith for Christ's Sake! Yeshua is of the Seed of David, through his Mother, and that of the Bright and Morning Star (both of them). Yes, the Bright and the Morning Star, Twins as they are Brothers, for which one of them is the Prodigal Son (Lucifer is the Destroyer)! It is through Christianity the Story of Israel continues, but not through the Gentile, through Jer-USA-lem! Yeshua is in the Grave Fulfilling 3-Days, as one day is but one-thousand years....we are too Soon, as it is too Late, for the Abomination which causes Desolation has been placed! Clearly, they suffered not to Bury the Body, and they Rejoice and give unto each other Gifts (that of the Holy Spirit), and they continue to do this until the Comforter is Lifted and the Dead, in turn, Rise up! I-Ron, House of Manasseh, Ben'Yosef, the Son of Perdition in the Flesh! It is the Messenger you shall Receive, for the King has Come!
@greensage395 Жыл бұрын
Gabriel who had been Restrained, it is he who has come upon me who is Restrained. It is the man with the inkhorn at his side, the one who placed a Seal upon my Forehead, for I was Weeping for the World. Gabriel has placed me into my House, and he presented upon me that of Discovery! I have spoken to you and so many of the Many that my ears cannot hear you any longer, and for this, the Destroyer comes, for you Prayers cannot go without such a thing to bring you what you want! Truly! Irony is what I hold, Dear Rabbi, it is mine to offer the World, so they may know where they went wrong, and why!
@greensage395 Жыл бұрын
Sin is, and always has been the Comforter of Men, Sin must be Removed from the World...don't you Agree?
@greensage395 Жыл бұрын
Irony doesn't have to be Ugly, only in your Face, those who must own up to what it means! It is For-Giving! Truly!
@martinadra2547 Жыл бұрын
The messiah was here more than 2000 years ago - he will come again Jesus is lord of lords - king of kings . Salvation comes from the Jews ( Moses, David and Jesus ) Thank you to the God of Israel for his salvation and for sending his one and only son Jesus Christ ! Praise Yeshua Messiah
@jwhyte2042 Жыл бұрын
@patricktarin4272 Жыл бұрын
I was a Christian for 37 years, then I found out the truth after being lied to. The truth is in the Torah.
@ryandavis394 Жыл бұрын
Constantine Jewish peasent carpenter Sun hesus horus Krishna King of the jews his name guised under his anti-semetic/anti-feminist pro-roman polytheist trinity doctrine and re-wroten as the Messianic Messiah. He was anti-semetic mithra/sun/Satan worshipper. It's a heavily falsified doctrine of lies our creator wants nothing to do with it. Rabbi Yeshua Bar Yosef achieved what he came to do. He served his purpose, and he's not coming back. Idol worshipping made up Roman g-ds or any of the other saints prophets from the past is against our creators' commandment,its beacause it blocks you from your purpose behind your transmigration here on earth and your divinity. That commandment was put in place because humans were primitive/ignorant in those times,they could not grasp or understand the concept of a creator who was not fathomable,who could not be seen,heard,felt,etc
@truthverity4370 Жыл бұрын
If God was the God of the Jews only, He wouldn't have made the gentiles humans.He picked Abraham to reveal Himself until he second Adam (Yeshua- Jesus) to save the whole of humanity by grace not by the law of moses. No one can keep the law and enter Heaven. Impossible. Break one and all collapses. Jesus is the way. There is no remission of sins without the blood. The blood was shed on the cross. It is finished, Said Jesus.
@ryandavis394 Жыл бұрын
​​@@truthverity4370Jesus christ is the desolation of abomination he was born of sin, everything that came out his mouth was a lie.
@Chaepn77 25 күн бұрын
Yeshua came,died and as prophesied arose again. Ask him to reveal himself to you.He will.He ❤s you all very much so do I and I will pray for you all to find the truth!!!! King Charles is the AntiChrist do not be fooled!!!
@shlomolawrence6695 Жыл бұрын
These discussions provide nothing. The discussion should be about inclusion, charity, caring for those in need. sick , poor and lonely. Such blah blah blah. Out of touch discussion.
@Liberty-zw1lj 4 ай бұрын
JESUS already came and your ancestors killed him and all the prophets and you are still waiting. Time to come to Jesus.
@termination9353 3 ай бұрын
Hello-Im the Moschiach. I'm willing to declare all Palestinians descendants of Jacob's twelve sons and are therefore just as rightfully heirs to the Holy Land as equal citizens.... One State Solution.
@alchemistkingdickinson2256 Жыл бұрын
Nobody can recognize Yashua Hamashiach who is human until they fix their deceptions and stop lying. If a human cant do that they want see Messiah. Kaduri meet Messiah 11/04/2003. Anybody could meet Messiah if they can fix the deceptions and stop lying and breaking commandments and cherish Messiahs face and voice and what Messiah wants one to see and know which evidences; modern prophets Gods records which give evidence and proof who Messiah is that one must be conscious of to see and believe and know prince of peace. Christ is an eternal soul who comes to this world every incarnation like all other sous come here with a new body and a new name Rev2;17 Same soul who was crucified is same soul who is Messiah and that body has Davids & Solomons DNA IN THE BLOOD AND BONE. Christ 2000 yrs ago had kids and that family has been used by God thru out history in many different ways and its been a son of a son of a son all the way to Christ incarnation coming to pass. BIBI WILL MEET SAME MESSIAH KADURI MEET WHO IS ONLY REAL DEAL HERE AND ABOVE. MESSIAH IS NOT GOD MESSIAH IS GODS SON SAVIOR AND LIGHT TRUE DOOR REDEEMER WHO IS GOING SAVE BELIEVERS IS GOING BUILD 3RD TEMPLE IS GOING CUT 10TH LAST RED HEIFER ARK IS PREPARED AS KADURI KNEW.
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