The Media That Scared Baby Me: Childhood Trauma

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C-Puff Person

C-Puff Person

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@guardianHQ Жыл бұрын
One weird piece of childhood trauma i had came from a series of anti-drug PSAs they showed at one of my schools. In one of the sections they went over people sniffing febreze air freshener to get high (yes thats a thing I don’t understand it either). They said one of the side effects of doing this was and I quote “INSTANT DEATH”. From that day forward whenever my parents used air freshener it made me tense up. I’ve gotten over it now that I’m older but that story is really funny looking back on it.
@c-puff Жыл бұрын
omg XDDD That is CRUEL to give children phobias of air fresheners! Also I am gonna have to track down the PSA because that sounds amazing.
@justanotherfan384 Жыл бұрын
It was Who Framed Roger Rabbit for me, the melting shoe moment and the revelation of what Judge Doom truly is. This moments terrified me so much I had to skip these parts every time I watched the movie, which was often because I loved this movie as a child despite being terrified of it. I think the things that terrified me the most as a child were scary faces and people melting, that's why as a child, I wasn't much into Indiana Jones, because of the scene at the end of the first movie where the bad guys are melting terrified me...
@c-puff Жыл бұрын
I remember watching parts of Temple of Doom as a child, but I was in and out of the room so I missed most of it. I think the first one would have scared me a lot too specifically because the guy at the end melts into a skull. Child me would NOT have been into that.
@HeroofMightandmagic1 Жыл бұрын
I can severely relate to the Skelton thing. In Sweden there once was a kids show named "Mysteriet på Greveholm", translated it means "The mystery of Greveholm", that was about a family moving into what turns out to be very haunted castle for Christmas. The big villain turns out to be Count Von Dyh, a late 90s bad cgi living skeleton. Now as an adult it looks silly. As my two year old brains first exposure to cgi, from a show that had been mostly fun and games live action with some cool special effects, it was instant trauma 😀
@c-puff Жыл бұрын
Oh lord 😂 despite what people think, although we may have thought early cgi looked convincing in the 90s, we also knew it was TERRIFYING.
@johnnysalery7383 Жыл бұрын
There's something about weird, ominous figures that just creep me out. While I was a bit scared of King Ramses' as a child, I was WAY more terrified by the Moon Spirit (The Spirit of the Harvest Moon). His presence gave me the impression of an almost godlike being. Despite just being a floating white head, he had pitch black eyes and a menacing demeanor. Ironically, it's also one of my favorite episodes lol
@c-puff Жыл бұрын
I know exactly what you mean! i think I always just assumed he was the god of the harvest moon or something. Something very pagan.
@GrosvnerMcaffrey 4 ай бұрын
The harvest moon gives me Eldrich vibes it's an existential fear. King Ramses is more uncanny valley than the "unknown"
@SeveralGnomes Жыл бұрын
Oh, god, The Groke. When me and my sister were kids, our mom had to record over the Groke episodes on the VHS because we were so scared of her. Nowadays I just adore her, but _the lighthouse episode_ with the disembodied feet... That still sends chills down my spine. Also, I couldn't help but laugh at the witchy voice they gave her. I'm so used to the Finnish version (the old Finnish dub, to be exact), in which she has this really low, growling voice. No wonder she scarred an entire generation of children! 😄
@commandixnostalgia2321 Жыл бұрын
My childhood trauma was The House Of No Return from Goosebumps,and that's not a joke.
@pastelsparadox 6 ай бұрын
As a long time fan of Watership Down, ever since I was a kid, your rant on the subject was so true and I was aggressively nodding my head the entire time. It feels like everything about the film just gets watered down (ha) to "ooo scary violent bunny rabbit movie!" and nothing more. Happy to see someone else comment on the subject!
@biggie7019 Жыл бұрын
if friend, why not friend shaped, but if foe, why stand there doing nothing
@Prophet_of_Puns Жыл бұрын
I’m glad you gave Watership Down it’s due credit, it deserves so much more than it got. Also, never heard of the Water Babies but I’m very intrigued now. If you do end up making a video about it I’ll gladly watch :)
@c-puff Жыл бұрын
The Water Babies is a very strange little movie but Nostalgia makes me love it a lot even if the animation is EXTREMELY jank.
@Prophet_of_Puns Жыл бұрын
@@c-puff I feel the same way with the Rankin/Bass Christmas movies. I remember there was another movie from my early childhood but I can’t place the name…. Ugh I’m sure I’ll remember it at random 4 days from now ^^;
@Sailor-Khione 5 ай бұрын
Watership down only scared me when they got trapped in the burrow and talked about them suffocating. And I've seen a lot of people talk about felideia. Also I was a teen when I watched it. In my opinion this movie is more sad than scary.
@molegoddess 7 ай бұрын
Never heard of Moomins or the Groke before, but even as an adult watching clips on a youtube video, that was legit chilling (punnage, ha). Probably the number one traumatic media experience for child me was The Brave Little Toaster. Just... all of it. The Jack Nicholson-esque air conditioner having a panic/rage attack because he's stuck in the wall until he explodes, the flower falling in love with its own reflection on the toaster and wilting (dying?) of heartbreak when the toaster leaves, that goddamn nightmare the toaster has with the clown and fire hose and forks and dangling over the bathtub, the blanket being carried away in the storm and the lamp getting struck by lightning trying to find him, all the appliances being cannibalized while singing a creepy song, the cars being crushed into cubes also while singing a song about how they're old and worthless, the characters all being lost down the waterfall until only the vacuum is left and he sits there alone for a moment before throwing himself off, the toaster hurling herself into the gears of the compactor. That movie really hits all the bases.
@MforMovesets 11 ай бұрын
I'm glad I found another good content creator who reviews animated movies for ridiculous long times instead of 15 minutes where 5 minutes is the Raid Shadow Legends monologue. Also if you like ghosts I recommend Haunting at Hill House, which is like the last thing that has creeped me out in a long time while having no gore at all. It has everything. Especially menacingly standing.
@unterdessen8822 3 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for mentioning The Water Babies! I saw it as a child in a different language, so I never knew the original title, and all I remembered were the children's names and a line from one of the underwater songs. I couldn't find it with that little information, and for a while it had been my favourite movie.
@senaruryuin2773 Жыл бұрын
What's kind of interesting about the black rabbit of Inle is that, despite all the stories the rabbits tell about it and El-ahrairah, when Hazel comes to the end of his natural life, he is visited by Inle- Who is also El-ahrairah. So not only is El-ahrairah their god figure next to Frith (the god of creation, while El-ahrairah is the 'Prince of Rabbits') he is simultaneously also the god of death that frightens them terribly, which is somewhat poetic, and interesting in concept, to be the thing of both salvation and endings.
@oddeyes9413 Жыл бұрын
There is one movie from my childhood that to this day, has a scene that I firmly believe had no business being in a kids movie: *The Seventh Brother - Danger Song.* its so obscure its almost impossible to find now, but the imagine in the song terrified me.
@christakitty89christa67 Жыл бұрын
My childhood trauma was an episode of Peter Rabbit and Friends called The tale of Samuel Whiskers or the roly poly pudding,where two rats try to make a poor baby kitten into a pie.
@christopherauzenne5023 Жыл бұрын
13:51 Holy crap 16-15 years after this bastard scared the crap out of me as a kid/been in my knowledge and I am just now realizing he has lips, this whole time I thought he had no lips and was talking through a pair of teeth, I am genuinely experiencing a paradigm shift.
@KARMAZYNA 8 ай бұрын
As a kid, two things that messed me up were the inside-out baboon scene from The Fly and the Fiji mermaid from The X-Files. I stumbled upon both by accident when my parents were watching TV, and boy was I traumatised for a long, LONG time. O_o
@TheBayzent Жыл бұрын
Ohh yeah, Predator 2 scared 6 year old me too, but to me Akira, which you showed in passing, was far worse, literal the reason I can't sleep in the same room as stuffed animals to this day. Another film which implication screwed me up royally as a kid was Little Monsters, since "monster under the bed" wasn't a concept that was common in my culture back then.
@vernowietsch Жыл бұрын
The one thing that I vividly remember being afraid of as a young kid was from the german Jim Knopf cartoon that aired on kika. Now that I actually think about it, there were a lot of things I found scary in the show, but as a child I kind of accepted that a series just got a bit tense every once in a while. But the thing that I for some reason could never look at, as in, I always turned my head away in fear as soon as they showed a glimpse if it on screen, was the Eye of the Storm. Which was literally just a somewhat ominous looking symbol of an eye on the ground.
@foreveremcee1129 Жыл бұрын
The water babies was a childhood memory for me my father used to watch weird stuff from england i never thought ANYONE else knew about this movie 🤣🤣
@KARMAZYNA 8 ай бұрын
It's one of my favourites. ♥ Fun fact, the film is an English-Polish co-production.
@hannahdawg6829 Жыл бұрын
I was a scaredy cat child too, but now also love horror, and i realized that i didn't hate horror, i hated jumpscares. I hate horror that's nothing more than a scary monster jumping out and going "BLEEEERGH!" Probably why i've never been into FNAF either. My favorite types of horror are slow creeping dread horror and non-linear horror. The former freaks me out much more than the jumpscare, but it's a much more manageable fear than the BLERGH monster jumping in front of the camera and showing off his messed up face. The latter is the type of horror that gives me existential dread, where the rules for the situation constantly change on a whim, but are in place just long enough to think you're figuring them out and then everything changes. Even if there is a monster, you might not ever see it, as it plays an eternal game of "i'm not touching yoooou" and gives you the sense that the only thing this reality warping entity wants is to fuck with you for the funsies
@georgethompson1460 Жыл бұрын
Dr WHO gave me so much childhood trauma, wheeping angels were the worst. Just the idea of something coming to get you when you aren't looking creeped me out. And just when I got over it and tried to watch Dr Who again it turned out to be the second wheeping angels episode and I noped out instantly.
@elaynadiedinside Жыл бұрын
Ok I actually agree with the Watership Down thing. I've never seen the movie but compared to what I have seen from other videos like this it's definitely just "the scary bunny movie where they die" when there's definitely worse, in that movie and countless other things.
@WolfJarl 23 сағат бұрын
Some fun facts regarding the Moomins and the Groke: The import footage had a fault with higher contrast, thus scenes in the dark were actually darker than in the original Japanese. hence the Groke looked even more terrifying during her first outing. But in the Japanese she's more brightly colored along with the surroundings, so she doesn't look AS terrifying aside from the soulless eyes and eternal grimace. Also in the Japanese version she made these guttural sounds akin to one of the ghosts from the Grudge. In various other dubs she actually growled while in front of the porch, in some it's outright terrifying, like in the original Finnish dub where she was voiced by the deep-voiced Tapio Hämäläinen. The Groke is also an allegory for homophobia, as is the story involving her and Thingummy and Bob. The creator of the Moomins, Tove Jansson, was a lesbian, and Thingummy and Bob were based on her and one of her girlfriends, and the secret within the suitcase and the Groke chasing them is allegorical to someone pursuing and trying to forcibly take away their agency. But the Groke is also an allegory for loneliness, in how her ability to freeze anything she comes into contact with (and seemingly changing the local weather pattern in her vicinity) makes her unable to be close to anyone, as well as the depression that comes with it, as well as winter depression; a condition suffered in the northern hemisphere due to the cold and lack of light.
@anticksss Жыл бұрын
I think i must have watched The Ring at some point because i had recurring nightmares for years about monsters coming through the TV screen
@AlexanderTF Жыл бұрын
Admitedly king Ramsies, is one of the first and one of the creepiest episodes, since seeing that old weird CGI was new and it was very freaky ... though the later seasons of Courage were more weird then scary in comparison of what the 1st season put us through and we already had some mental resistance from that built up ...
@Sailor-Khione 5 ай бұрын
I never watched predator 2 but i watched alien vs predator with my dad. (My older cousin tried to make me watch it before that and i said no. But i wanted to watch the day after tomorrow) He (my dad) got me as he said the scariest monster would be coming and then it turned out to be a penguin. But the alien scared me
@Felicat82 Жыл бұрын
I never had this media induced childhood trauma, unless it's buried so deeply I literally can't remember it. I do recall watching movies-or rather, seeing them in the background as my mom watched them-like Child's Play when I was all of four years old, maybe even younger, maybe a little older, and not being the least bit bothered by a doll going on a murderous rampage.
@MforMovesets 11 ай бұрын
What isn't terrifying about Watership Down as a kid though? As a kid I was traumatized by the rabbit killing the others. As a teen I re-attempted to watch it again and already failed during the panic scene at the beginning. Also people don't talk about Felidae because Zoomers don't know s*** unless some influencer mentions it. I wish Felidae adapted the second and third books too.
@monicadepaul6223 Жыл бұрын
Good thing you never saw the bathtub scene in Ghostbusters 2 as a child because that scarred me for years when I was 4.
@c-puff Жыл бұрын
Oh lord I know the scene you mean 😂 yeah now that would NOT have made me very happy. I think the sequel actually has a lot more disturbing visuals than the first Ghostbusters for some reason??
@monicadepaul6223 Жыл бұрын
@@c-puff I think it's because of improvements in special effects between the mid- and late-80s or maybe just better knowledge of what they could get away with doing in a comedy.
@VeradanaGriffin Жыл бұрын
I was also a child terrified by Watership Down, although I first saw it when I was seven or eight. But the part I remember scaring me was the very stylized opening with the heavy music when the pointed carnivores start killing the rabbits, and the goreless corpses are left lying there. I was a very easily frightened child though lmao; the vast majority of animated disney movies had at least one thing that scared me into never watching them more than once.
@AdamTheCoop1 Жыл бұрын
Jurassic Park #1. I watched only the intro "SHOOT'ERRRRRRR SHOOT ERRRRRRRR" scene with the raptor before my parents decided it was too graphic and sent me to bed. Sent me to bed... after watching the scene I found the scariest without the rest of the movie which would have actually made it better with the full context of the plot. I also thought there were xenomorph eggs in my bedroom closet for a majority of my youth, I was pretty scared of the dark.
@sentorus67 Жыл бұрын
Its always fun to turn a lifelong basket of trauma into entertainment. For me, I was always terrified of anything that infected/transformed someone. if a monster touched you and now your going to turn into the monster scared the absolute pants out of me. When I was really young my babysitter would watch a movie about special affects and they had this one scene where superman was getting shot down by kryptonite and it somehow turned him into the Hulk. Just watching my hero suddenly turn into a raging abomination traumatized me. Also Hyenas from the lion kings are genuinely frightening.
@c-puff Жыл бұрын
Ok but I can completely understand as a young child loving Superman and him being your idol and then seeing something traumatic like that happening to him being extremely terrifying 😭
@Rozdlc Жыл бұрын
I was VERY anxious as a child and hated scary movies. And yet I loved Courage the cowardly dog. No matter how many times the episodes spooked or unnerved me I kept watching it. One thing I find funny is my mother trying to understand the show. To this day she'll be like, "But you like this? Is it funny? Is it beautiful?" And somehow watching it in her native tongue confused her even more XD
@c-puff Жыл бұрын
hahaha! I love Courage a lot because even when it stopped being scary to me, the humour is that perfect absurd humour like the early season of Adventure Time that always appealed to me. But I agree it's a very strange show when you stop to think about it.
@panna7241 Жыл бұрын
6:20 - 6:52 This feels like something that'd play in a cutscene from Gran Turismo before I'm sent to the main menu I love it
@maggieknight118 Жыл бұрын
Watched The Intro And Heard Megalovania Mixed With The Goosebumps Theme. That's Fine. 😊💗♒
@martinnquipildor7753 Жыл бұрын
Curiously enough, most of this stuff I was fascinated by. I lost count long ago of how many times I watched Ghostbusters, and I owned both the costumes and the toys. I watched Predator 2 around your same age and absolutely loved it. Same with Courage. If I had to pick something that terrified me at that age, it was First Person Shooters. I was batshit terrified of Doom. There was something about looking through the eyes of the character that felt to wrong, more real than just looking at a screen and seeing other people doing stuff.
@c-puff Жыл бұрын
I can actually understand that. Although I know a lot of kids get scared of traditional scary things, I find that a LOT of kids also are fine with things that should scare them, but some innocuous thing an adult wouldn't think twice about would end up being horrifying to a child.
@kneau Жыл бұрын
27:24 Watership Down: trauma from visuals aside, I think age four is too young to fully grasp this story as survival horror. *27:45 egg on my face for commenting prematurely. Yes, I first saw Watership Down at a friend's birthday slumber party ... though I think the copy belonged to her mom & it was only played after she deemed a gifted movie to be inappropriate (The Nightmare Before Christmas). The month was October, so I do wonder if host mom just shrugged & thought this was a solid replacement pick. At the time, a few of us had pet rabbits so there's absolutely a bias. That said, the rabbits were/are their own characters; I started to care about their dreams, fears & was rooting for them.
@jymjym7995 Жыл бұрын
People who think watership down is violent clearly haven't seen enough nature documentaries... and happy tree friends which i loved as a kid
@amanogirl1 9 ай бұрын
I would watch your review of The Water Babies, I grew up watching that.
@Nonjola Жыл бұрын
Here are childhood dramas: 1. The Groke 2. The monster from the intro of Alfred J. Kwak 3. The giant walrus from Pingu 4. Watership Down 5. Felidae 6. All the deaths in The Animals of Farthing Wood
@mileslugo6430 Жыл бұрын
during the Courage the Cowardly dog Segment what was the Operatic background music? it reminds me of one CTCD episode or Ghost in the shell... it's beautiful
@mileslugo6430 Жыл бұрын
Found it:
@MrDragondude5 Жыл бұрын
I don't remember much of the things I watched as a kid but I watched the birds when I was really young. probably before 10. to this day I get twitchy around birds and I'm over 30.
@c-puff Жыл бұрын
I grew up watching The Birds too, but I think I was around 13 or so when I saw it the first time, so by then I was doing ok with tame horror movies like this. 10 might have been a little too young for me to see it.
@nicodemous52 Жыл бұрын
I'm somewhat unsure how other people perceive a movie can be so annoying to you. If it effect other kids, it effected other kids. It is what it is. You were freighted by a decidedly non menacing black blob, some kids were frightened by militant rabbits. What I remember striking the most terror into me as a child was IT. In particular the scene after Georgie was dead, and the main guy was hanging out in his room looking at the photo book. When Georgie's picture winks then starts bleeding, wasn't what got got me. What got me was how mom came in, picked up the bleeding book and put it away like nothing at all was wrong. As a kid I didn't understand she couldn't see it, but that messed with me for a very long time.
@fermintenava5911 Жыл бұрын
EDIT: The Gmork from Neverending Story. He's the worst. I totally agree with you about Watership Down. Even people that like it focus far too much on the violence instead of the heart and soul of the story (and then use that focus to compare it unfavourably to other adaptations). I was a bit older when I first watched it, but while it shocked me a bit, it didn't really frighten or traumatize me. And instead of the gore, the most disturbing scene for me was in Cowslip's warren, with Bigwig nearly dying in the sling... Also, my personal childhood trauma always revolved around mind-control and (related to that) vampires. I can't recall any particular episodes, but whenever mind-control (or just someone turning into a mindless creature or vessel-of-evil) was involved, I was terrified. So in The Care Bears-movie, I wasn't terrified by the book, but by the finale when Nicholas got his crazy eyes. Oh, and the glowing-eye cloud and its monster-forms. The designs, combined with the loud sound-effects and the music, really pushed my buttons. Oh, and add Judge Doom from Roger Rabbit to the mix.
@memesong21 3 ай бұрын
the gmork is that worm dragon thing, right?
@badabingee Жыл бұрын
Great video, the narration, presentation, editing and script are very good. I can't say I watched Watership Down, so maybe I could be wrong about this, but the parallels you make with adult animation and newgrounds-era flash cartoons maybe miss the point, those are all rooted in comedy or action, someone blowing up into bits was usually seen as a punchline in flash cartoons, and in anime like Evangelion it was a sort of cathartic experience of seeing the characters fight back against something that was actively ruining their lives, much different than the air of hopelessness that this movie seems to exude, I think context matters a lot in these cases, like when you sit down to watch an action movie you won't bat an eye at the violence, regardless of how over the top it might be. It is a shame that the movie gained modern notoriety solely because of the violent content, from the snippets you put in the video it looks hauntingly beautiful and made me really want to watch it. On a side note, your speaking is fantastic, as someone who doesn't have english as their first language I could only hope to get to your speaking level someday, great job.
@c-puff Жыл бұрын
Thank you very much 😁 I felt this video could have used a little more script tightening but I'm happy to hear it's not too clunky. I'm still getting used to scripting and such and learning as I go. I think you have a good point regarding the violence. I actually was going to use other examples of violence in anime until I realised that some of the things I could show might genuinely be upsetting to people unprepared. So I settled on Eva and Akira as I felt people wouldn't be too upset by the visuals. Originally I was going to use a clip from Castlevania in which a demon eats a small dog as a direct comparison of animal violence. I was also considering something from Genocyber because of how over the top its gore is. But like I said, when it got time to edit I was like 'wait... maybe some people are not as desensitized as I am about "horror" content.' However I think you have a good point regarding adult animation often having the gore be comedic and that's why it's more palatable. Watership Down certainly is a story about overcoming hardship. Not through horrible events or anything, but simply overcoming the odds in the name of survival. And since our main cast are rabbits, survival is always about 50/50. However, I find the movie far from depressing. I have never watched plague Dogs by the same studio because I heard Plague Dogs IS extremely depressing. But Watership Down is more like you said, hauntingly beautiful. The violence is best encapsulated by the rabbit myth of creation, where their version of God, lord Thriff, says to the first rabbit "All the world shall be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And if they catch you they will kill you. But first they must catch you; digger, listener, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." which I think sums up the theme of the movie as a whole, and why I don't find it cynical or morose. (and thank you for the compliment 😌)
@badabingee Жыл бұрын
@@c-puff That is a very interesting point of view, I hope to see more videos from you.
@Snowwinterie 9 ай бұрын
i seen TMNT 1,2 and 3 but my fav was and still is to this day TMNT 2 Oh how dare you not like TMNT 2 and 3 was aw k
@crystalhufflepufftheluckyt2758 Жыл бұрын
Courage the cowardly dog scared me too as a kid. I don’t remember exactly how I felt about the Groke as a kid, now as an adult I feel bad for her. People are scared of her and she can’t get close to anyone because she freezes anything she touches. And I found it a bit awkward she’s silent in the english dub, specifically the second episode she’s in cause it looks like she making sounds with her mouth but we hear nothing in the english dub. Just my opinion. Btw I’m from Sweden 🇸🇪
@c-puff Жыл бұрын
Oh! Is she more vocal in the Swedish version? Although I suppose the Moomin cartoon is very strange since I'm not even sure which language is its "official" language. I need to look into that because I'm not sure if it's like a Vampire Hunter D situation where the dub came out before the Japanese language.
@crystalhufflepufftheluckyt2758 Жыл бұрын
@@c-puff Moomin’s creator is from Sweden, the books were written in Swedish but got published in Finland. So both Sweden and little Finnish kinda. Also this Moomin cartoon was animated in Japan. Also her name in Sweden is Mårran, and in Norway Hufsa and in Finland Mörkö
@jcudejko Жыл бұрын
Was that... Thingamee and Bob? 🤣 Sorry to hear you had a bad experience with Predator 2... that movie is awesome! Oh wow, I never saw The Ritual... that looks badass! I super agree with you about Watership Down. But here's the thing: most American children are waaaayy more sheltered than you would think.
@c-puff Жыл бұрын
yup! XD Thingamee and Bob! And yeah! I'm learned to appreciate Predator 2 now as an adult. it may not match the first one but I actually really like the "urban jungle" concept and it's a style of 90s not as common in movies as it was in video games and comics which is very cool.
@patrickleighpresents749 Жыл бұрын
Ok, that last one... What in the WHAT was that black dress?!
@c-puff Жыл бұрын
I GENUINELY don't know!! D: She just looks like that! It's scary!!
@JTHMSqueeMrEffDBoy Жыл бұрын
It's funny, I loved Courage but it never scared me. Guess I must have caught it at the right age (though, then again, I always found mixed media stuff cool, even as a young kid, so I dunno). I also agree with you that Watership Down is more than just a "brutal bunny slaughter" or something, but considering that a lot of people saw it very young and that it was probably the first bloody violent animation they saw, especially one with a supposed veneer that it was safe for kids, i can understand why that's mostly what they took away from it. I've never seen the Water Babies, and now I'm curious to. The moments that come to mind for me are the Pink Elephants from Dumbo and the Chinese Dragon from Thomas. I saw those both around the same young age, and they both hit on a lot of creepy and unsettling vibes that burrowed their way into my brain for a long time afterward. There's still a bit of a twinge when I think of them now, though not to the same degree, of course.
@MessedUpEssy Жыл бұрын
finally got around to watch one of your vids, damn you gotten so good at the editing puffy nkjegnjke ❤ and damn loved this vid, makes me try to remember movies I was scared of when I was little, can't sadly recall any that isn't like obvious ones like the sinking scene of the Titanic movie I got to see way too young and made me leave the room whenever the movie was on tv, or when I was a preteen and watched my firsts and only horror movies with my friends that messed me up for a several nights, especially the second one named REC I think xD but I so do feel you about Mumin tho and about the Groke, I was so flipping terrified of her as a kid, think I have already told you about this bit ages ago, but I remember how I was so dumb one winter and made not one but two snow groke's out in the garden for some reason, which then ended up terrifying me so much I was scared to even go out grenjngekj Oh and also, I recall there was this animated animal show that had like it's episodes in another show, where a group of different animals was travelling trying to find a new home but on the way some died or decided to stay, and I remember how in one episode this mice family lost their kids to this bird who put the kids on these spiked plants and impaled them, also a episode where some of the animals got killed by cars, that show was pretty wild and i no clue what it was even called xD
@c-puff Жыл бұрын
Hi Essy! XD thank you so much for watching!! And yeah yeah. You're thinking of the show "Animals of Farthing Wood Forest". I used to watch that a lot too, but it didn't upset me too much. Probably for the same reasons Watership Down didn't. And at least there wasn't any black rabbit in it!
@MessedUpEssy Жыл бұрын
@@c-puff ​ anytime puffy ❤❤ohh yeah that's the name of it, since it was in Swedish it's like a bit hard to remember what the english name could possibly be, not even sure what its called in Swedish xD but yeah I feel ya, and indeed no black rabbit to jump around unnaturally and stare! I think the scene I mentioned only rly affected me bc I still remember it so darn clearly haha
@c-puff Жыл бұрын
@@MessedUpEssy XDDD well I knew exactly which show you meant despite not watching it in over 20 years so you're not wrong haha!
@zainmudassir2964 Жыл бұрын
Good spooky vid!!
@dawidchodzinski7440 Жыл бұрын
Groke huh? Until now I was sure all versions have same name as polish. Buka. The more you know.
@JJDrakon Жыл бұрын
She pretty much has different name every language. English = Groke Swedish = Mårran Norwegian = Hufsa Finnish = Mörkö These are the ones I know from top of my head.
@xman2oo3 Жыл бұрын
Like... Can we talk about Felidae tho? I've actually seen the entire thing, though completely legal means, I promise, and that she's weiiird. Least from what I remember. Cat cults, trippy nightmares, drugs, experiments, and implying cats bumping the uglys? That seems like prime cult following material, if not weird furry subculture stuff, and I've only ever heard like... Three people say it's name.
@c-puff Жыл бұрын
Ah you must have seen the cut version if your cats bumping uglies was only IMPLIED 👀 Seriously tho, Felidae is really good. It's one of the few movies that actually had me buy the book and read it all the way through.
@xman2oo3 Жыл бұрын
Pft, I watched whatever English version I could find here in KZbin, but it was pretty nice, never read or seen the book tho, maybe some other time. Kinda curious what they changed.
@noirlavender6409 Жыл бұрын
Thank you, stay awesome and supuer cute ♥
@nesmario123 Жыл бұрын
halloween moment
@crispychips7161 Жыл бұрын
well this was an unexpected surprise. I know you from the HGHQ discord.
@hatimhamid760 Жыл бұрын
Well very interested subject we don't celebrate Halloween here but it's quite nice to have a horror theme video from you... well I see you afraid from the unknown you seem like a logical kid back then and still now you know you never driven by emotions so emotion pressure never work with you but anything that out of logic in that period of time makes you an ease and when you grow up you form a kind of mindset you can by it understand everything and if you find anything out of place you put it in the logic term so you find it is strange but not terrifying... For me personally I don't remember anything that terrify me that much maybe because I'm not into live action that much still though until now prefer cartoon and anime cuz I found it a little bit cheesy and never hold any really scary elements in it rely more in a jump scare But I like psycho horror like (get out, the shining,The Silence of the Lambs) But I have a vaguely memory about me watching a horror movies like the ( scream) and I'm afraid from the character that seem Unstoppable unbeatable to the point that rich hopelessness and even when they won he appear again which represent infinity existing right now I know it's representative for an idea but back then I see it as a real thing can't exist and you cannot be safe from... But right now I'm fine not watching any scary movies but if I do I absorbed it as a the Prada break it down to see how well they've done it. Thank you again for the video it was quite a fun ✨😁.
@c-puff Жыл бұрын
Ah yeah I think I know what you mean. I remember that was why YMS was so scared of the aliens on mars Attacks, because as a child he couldn't figure out how he could stop them because every time the humans tried to speak with them the aliens would just kill everyone. I also know that is why the first Halloween movie was so effective, because Michael Meyers felt like an unstoppable force that would just keep coming. Which is also why the ending was so effective. Interestingly, when I watched the Sailor Moon R movie for the very first time when I was 11, I was shocked by the villain for the same reason, that he seemed to be defeated more than once but would keep on coming and trying to destroy Sailor Moon and her friends, and I had never seen a villain so determined before and was very shocked by it.
@hatimhamid760 Жыл бұрын
@@c-puff yeah exactly that's what I mean, the Unstoppable feeling all the threat that come over and over again and create hopelessness pressure will lead to fear... Is like having claustrophobia and entering tight Labyrinth keep getting smaller and smaller without anyway out. I'm sorry I heard of both of the movies but didn't watch neither of them 😅 and I feel embarrassed to not get exactly what you mentioned. and finally, I want to ask you about the messages that I send through "CrowOption 2h" name in tumbler I know it's quite rude to ask a person about why he didn't respond to messages you sent but I grow curious to know the reason and I hope that I didn't bother you by this question or by messages 🙏🏽.
@c-puff Жыл бұрын
@@hatimhamid760 You didn't bother me, but please understand that 1: I am extremely busy most of the time, so when I am online it's when I'm on my time off. 2: I have adhd so reading very large walls of texts is extremely hard. 3: You asked some pretty in-depth questions which I would have to think over how to answer, but also some of your questions I simply can't answer easily because those are the sort of things you should be asking a creative writing tutor or someone who gives writing tutorials and are open to that sort of tutoring. I can't give you in-depth detailed coaching on creative writing in an IM in my free time when I've already been working a full time job on top of Patreon, youtube and commission work. I don't mind answering questions, but I can't tutor you on your writing this way. Again, I would suggest looking to an online course on creative writing like Skillshare, or researching it on your own on book-youtube if you are not able to attend a formal course on creative writing.
@hatimhamid760 Жыл бұрын
@@c-puff I'm really thankful for you answering this question and I'm sorry for everything going through you are working hard and this your free time and I don't want to take it from you so I understand fully... So that a bad from my side because I should put in my consideration that you live a tight life, it's really sad that I cannot have a conversation with you but that's okay we live a different life and completely fine at least you answer me here and I feel that enough. I'll try your advice even though I don't want professional coaching through my writing just your opinion in general will be okay... And on top of that I cannot afford asking professional or anything so that's why I asked for your personal opinion not a professional one... So for that I just want to say thank you and I want to send love to you because you inspire me to write And I'm thankful for everything you do and I hope you the best in your life and I hope you accept me as a friend, have a nice day✨👋.
@HoxMouse 9 ай бұрын
19:37 Oh mannnn it's been a long time since I heard Baba Yetu lol
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