The Mercenary Guide to BattleTech - FIRESTARTER

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Nerdy Overanalyzed

Nerdy Overanalyzed

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@XanderDraft Жыл бұрын
Used the Heart Breaker in a classic game. Very effective refit overall. The other common refit I play is something affectionately known as the red dragon as it’s exclusively armed with flamers and love mechs loaded with ammo.
@upandaljm 2 жыл бұрын
Three of them can take down an Atlas. Cooked it until popped in table top to prove it could be done. Still a favorite tactic of mine.
@nerdyOveranalyzed 2 жыл бұрын
Lol, can you go into more detail about this? XD
@gruberjens4354 Жыл бұрын
They had a song about this mech, back on old terra. Written an performed by a prodigy, I could not find the name if. Even before the mech existed... People sang: "I'm the firestarter" A wonderful hymn for a choir and organ, to remember the glory of the old times...
@Charistoph Жыл бұрын
We got an FS9-A for our Company. When allowed to modify it, I took out the Small Lasers and put a Heat Sink in place of the one in the Left Torso and replaced the Rear-facing Flamer with a Forward-facing Medium Laser. This puts 1 Flamer and 1 Med Laser in each Arm and the Center Torso, along with 1 more Heat Sink and 1/2 ton more Armor than your Heart Breaker. I chose this route because we've already lost 2 'Mechs to ammo explosions, and if it wasn't for a "lucky" acquisition of CASE and other Energy-only modifications, would have lost at least 3 more. It also fed in to our unit's supply system which focuses on Flamers for Anti-Infantry and Medium Lasers as our standard "sidearms". It's been deadly enough and a survivor. The most danger it has been in was when it Shut Down between the use of its own Flamer use AND some Motorized Infantry with Infernos.
@mageleader3699 2 жыл бұрын
My favorite light 'mech.
@nerdyOveranalyzed 2 жыл бұрын
It's quickly becoming mine too!
@mageleader3699 2 жыл бұрын
@@nerdyOveranalyzed It's a beast in Alpha Strike. 12" jump with HT1. Combined with a skill 1 pilot it can mess up someone's game plan.
@HeadHunterSix Жыл бұрын
That Heartbreaker is a tight design. I've used a similar build in the HBS video game, to great effect. It's essentially a mini-Grasshopper when used in that role (which, btw, is a 'Mech that would definitely make for a good video!)
@nerdyOveranalyzed Жыл бұрын
Thanks! Yeah I think the Firestarter is great!
@franksmedley7372 2 жыл бұрын
Hello Nerdy. Again, you have hit upon my own variant of a 'classic' 3025 Mech design. I, too, strip out the flamers for additional armor, and a pair of additional MGs. Reducing the 'factory' ammo bin by half is also a good idea overall. Since this usually prevents 'ammo cook-off' in most cases. The addition of 2 more Medium Lasers increases overall firepower, and with the weight savings, an additional pair of heat sinks does not go amiss. The variant, with 4 Medium Lasers is a bit 'hot', and even with additional heat sinks, does run a tad bit 'warm', it is still effective enough to use in Mech to Mech Combat. Your variant is more geared to anti-infantry use, or seeking critical hits with the MGs. This is not a 'bad' thing, but I feel that dispensing with the MGs and their ammo frees this Mech design up to become a Deep Penetration Raider. More useful overall than any ammo dependent design. Yes, the 6 Jump Jets will allow, in most cases, the Mech to get behind the target to use its weapons. But the same is true of the 4-Laser design as well, and the 'sweet spot' increases from 1-2 hexes range, all the way out to 6 hexes due to the Medium Lasers range. For added fun. On Deep Penetration Raids, a couple of your Firestarters can be 'downgraded' to return a pair of Flamers to the design, allowing all sorts of pyromaniacal fun in the Enemy's rear areas. Should you choose to do so, an entire Lance of Firestarters is not an entirely bad idea. Especially, if outfitted as Deep Penetration Raiders into an Enemy's rear areas. Although a bit more costly than such a unit of other Light Mechs, it has the potential to cause enough havoc to peel large numbers of Defenders off the main firing line to fall back to attempt to deal with the lance causing the damage and confusion in the Enemy's rear. This, alone, is well worth the C-Bill costs. Having NO ammunition pays for itself in such cases quite quickly. Such 'beam boats' do not have to rely upon re-supply, or scavaging Enemy ammunition. They are free to move about 'at will' and have no worries about running out of a key resource. This then keeps the units 'on the field' and useful for longer durations, before needing to make their way back around Enemy lines to link up with your main force for repair and refit. It is suggested, in the case of the Firestarter, that the rear internal Cockpit panels (AD-4, AD5, AD6, and BR7) be removed, and the wiring found within be bundled into a single cable to make room for long duration supplies... such as bedding, food, water storage, medical kit, survival weapon and ammo, combat knife, fire starting device, and other such 'camping' gear. Panel BR7, above and behind the Pilot's head, is especially good as a storage area. It can also be expanded by opening panel CZ2 above it and pushing the cabling higher up into the void area and securing it in place, giving half that area's space to add to BR7's. A panel cutter and a simple hinge allow access to the resulting additional space, allowing the storage of a 3rd canteen, more ammo for the personal weapon and survival rifle, and enough volume to tightly pack 4 or 5 pounds of 'nutrition' bars into it. Believe me. The inclusion of a space for 'poggy bait', comfort rations, is good for Pilot Morale. My As-Techs often stuff this area with the Pilot's preferred comfort rations, and then add something special. In a recent DPR mission, a Pilot returned to compliment the Techs for fitting 3 lbs of dried apricots to his usual 'granola' bar supply. The Pilot mentioned that re-hydrating them over a camp stove added a bit of 'home away from home' while on deployment. The Pilot then took the entire Tech team out for beers, on his tab. Master Tech, F Smedley, Star Lions Corps Mercenary Unit. Addendum: Although 'pop catches' are a useful way to secure the panels after alteration, you really should look at the type of 'push and twist' type latches. Pop-Catch mechanisms tend to 'pop' when the Mech Jumps more than 150 meters and lands a little hard. The 'push and twist' types are more secure.
@nerdyOveranalyzed 2 жыл бұрын
Hey Smedley, thanks for all your responses on the videos! The idea of a deep penetration flame mech is a pretty good one. I usually (as you will see) have flame throwers spread across other mobile mechs. Choosing between 3 and 4 medium lasers was my main concern with this build and I'll be monitoring the performance of the mech to see if it can cope. If not I'll probably go ahead an increase armor or maybe take another look at adding back a pair of flamers to bring back the utility.
@franksmedley7372 2 жыл бұрын
@@nerdyOveranalyzed : Flamers are great... if you are hunting Infantry. Against Mechs? Not so much... which is why I tend to favor multiple laser designs. I do like a few of the AC designs, and a few 'missile boats', but my 'go to' is always the 'all energy' builds. Now, having said all that, I do appreciate MGs on occasion. I even took a 45 ton Mech and gave it 10 MGs and several SRM systems. With a 4-6-4 movement (tabletop), it was designed for City Fighting in particular, or any other dense terrain. Believe me... having a 45 ton Mech leap behind you, over intervening terrain, and dumping loads of SRMs into your backside, followed by a storm of MG fire, isn't pretty. But it is effective. Enough so, that my old Playing Group 'banned' the design. And that is before the release of the 3050, 3055, and 3067 TROs and being able to upgrade the Mech.
@mehmarcus1995 2 жыл бұрын
Aw, I was hoping the custom would be called "The Prodigy" because, IT'S A FIRESTARTER, TWIS-TED FIRESTARTER!
@nerdyOveranalyzed 2 жыл бұрын
Neat song!
@3capullosenapuros 2 жыл бұрын
Just discovered this channel, and it's awesome! Please keep up the good work!
@nerdyOveranalyzed 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks man! More videos coming right up!
@BazztheBazz 2 жыл бұрын
While it definitely feels wrong to not have any Flamers on a Firestarter, your proposed refit does look like a real ripper, especially if you manage to get behind the enemy.
@nerdyOveranalyzed 2 жыл бұрын
Oh yeah, for sure it's weird lol. Part of the reason I named it Heartbreaker was to break the hearts of veterans/traditionalists. XD But I think the design is worth a shot.
@AceArata Жыл бұрын
I dont even play the tabletop, but i use these videos to inform my decisions in the Battletech Advanced mod
@nerdyOveranalyzed Жыл бұрын
Heck yeah! Glad they're of use to you!
@erikvale3194 Жыл бұрын
You want heresy. Enjoy the Firehawk. 4 small lasers and a AC 2, reduced jump jets and maxed armor. Can't jump as far, but runs cool with consistent all range poke from the AC 2 thays also good at taking down aircraft, at least in MW5, before knife fighting with lasers protected by high speed. It's one of my two staple light mechs.
@kevinjheath Жыл бұрын
I gotta admit I like the Heart Breaker variant. Might have to use it myself.♥
@darwinsfolly2117 2 жыл бұрын
You should look at the Lyran FS9-M variant. It's a much better overall refit of the Firestarter.
@nerdyOveranalyzed 2 жыл бұрын
It's very good!
@Sierra026 2 жыл бұрын
Smokey the Bear approves of your refit.
@nerdyOveranalyzed 2 жыл бұрын
I'm doing my part!
@elijahsnow3119 Жыл бұрын
I called the Hearbreaker variant the Leadspitter as a nod to Mags of MagsTV. He introduced me to the concept of it in HBS Modded battle tech. And it’s just as horrifying with a slightly less obvious violation of the Geneva Convention. Good stuff.
@loganschroeder9814 Ай бұрын
Surprisingly this is the same build i did on the hbs battletech and made a sheet for it. An absolute monster against lights and mediums. The only difference between our builds is that mine has two additional heat sinks to offset the medium lasers. Though I'm still not sure if I made the right call in trading the jump jets for the heatsinks.
@Hascuce 2 жыл бұрын
That infantry squad just jumped out of the Calvin Klein catalog
@nerdyOveranalyzed 2 жыл бұрын
I like their dress shirts!
@Orcimedes Жыл бұрын
In a light mech dealing with infantry, remember that PBI can have a hefty dead-man's hand. Damage is resolved simultaneously and infantry don't have fire arc restrictions so stay keep your TMM up even if you expect to kill the whole unit with your damage output. And be especially wary of Steiner-style heavy infantry. Between the advanced body armour and (likely) mechanisation they can be remarkably resilient against anti-personnel weapons. C-bills preserve you if they get an ambush off on you after starting as a hidden unit.
@abzalamangos2049 2 жыл бұрын
Can't wait for the new video
@nerdyOveranalyzed 2 жыл бұрын
Glad you're enjoying! I'm working on the next one as we speak lol. What did you think of the Commando one?
@abzalamangos2049 2 жыл бұрын
@@nerdyOveranalyzed I am currently running a mercenary campaign, and one of the PCs use commando. The H variant though, the periphery RL20 monster.
@alphalegion5185 Жыл бұрын
Firestarter FS9-M "Mirage is my Favorite light Mech.
@nerdyOveranalyzed Жыл бұрын
It's a pretty good one!
@lkmdude8094 Жыл бұрын
In hbs battletech I was a fan of the 'fried starter' with no small weapons and about 6 medium lasers. I don't think it would work on the tabletop, but in game it could jump and alpha strike the same turn without having a shutdown risk.
@nerdyOveranalyzed Жыл бұрын
Lol, sounds spicy. I'm pretty sure you'd either fry yourself or your armor would be basically paper. Interesting idea though~
@erikvale3194 Жыл бұрын
BT has + rank weapons. I managed to nab 6 ++ rated machineguns, doing extra shots and -.5 tons of weight. (0 weight.) Max armour, deleted a light and sometimes a medium mech each turn by jumping into their rear arc and shredding them.
@thedango6890 Жыл бұрын
I named my firestarter Bucket!
@retrosquadchannel2.050 Жыл бұрын
I prefer good old-fashioned model of FS9-W from MechCommmander. Replace SRMs with two lasers, armour and heatsinks, and you have a nice energy-boat version of Panther with PPC and three medium lasers. Asskicking guaranteed! Clanners didn't complain at all.
@abzalamangos2049 2 жыл бұрын
Amazing video!
@nerdyOveranalyzed 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much!
@revenvrake7412 2 жыл бұрын
That customization...only *2* Armor on each rear location?! That would make me leery of any environment where someone might hide any sort of weapon to hit me in the back. Don't get me wrong, all those MGs are gonna be killer at close range...but I'm just so scared of something backstabbing the mech. A hit with something like a PPC or a Large Laser to the back armor is gonna be a bad day. Personally I'd rather drop the Mgs and the front facing flamer for an additional Medium Laser, extra heat sink, and additional ton of armor. 10 armor across all arms and side torsos, 12 on the legs, 15 for center torso, and 5/6/5 for the rear torsos. In CBT Flamers do something like 3d6 damage to a squad of infantry, so having 2 of them is pretty good for wiping out PBIs. But the rear flamer shows that someone expected the mech to get flanked by infantry (likely in a city) at some point so having a backwards gun makes sense.
@nerdyOveranalyzed 2 жыл бұрын
Hmm, 5/6/5 is a pretty solid protection for rear and the front armor isn't compromised too much. That's a pretty good suggestion! Getting backshot is a think when you're required to get up close. As I work up the tonnage I'll think of getting up to 5 rear in locations. As for backwards facing gun though I'd still advise against it. I think that when designing "general use trumps specific use". So I'd rather have something that boosts me +10% and is used 80% of the time, rather than something that boosts me +50% but only is used 10% of the time if that makes sense. I feel like I'm running around with a "dead" ton for most missions.
@xerty5502 Жыл бұрын
@@nerdyOveranalyzed in almost any other mech I would agree with you but any thing that has to close to lnife fighting ranges to do passable damage getting flanked will happen. Acualy can't think of another mech that had rear weapons that I approve of having those rear weapons. but on this one it is OK on not great but acceptable.
@uglyweirdo1389 2 жыл бұрын
I don't even play thos game but you are so damn entertaining, lol.
@nerdyOveranalyzed 2 жыл бұрын
Haha, thank you! I suppose I'm doing something right then. Could you tell me what you like most about them?
@brothersgt.grauwolff6716 Жыл бұрын
when I played table top Battletech from 96-08 I used a Firestarter once and after getting one shotted by a Gauss through the flamer ammo my resultant detonation TKd 3 other players in the process I was asked never to use a Firestarter ever again and since I've gotten back into playing the CGL game I've avoided flamers like a deadly plague
@GeofftheIronwolf Жыл бұрын
I personally look for the Mirage Variant. Ditches the flamers for more medium lasers ditches the ammo. Turns it into a damn good knife fighter.
@nerdyOveranalyzed Жыл бұрын
Yup! The Mirage is pretty good!
@lexington476 Жыл бұрын
5:50 that was funny.
@nerdyOveranalyzed Жыл бұрын
@magni5648 Жыл бұрын
Ahh, the classic capellan riot control unit.
@MarsStarcruiser Жыл бұрын
I personally think the complete opposite, instead of removing the flamers, add more 😈!!! Muhahah! If enemy is clan/los-tech/royal variant with double heatsinks or simply one of the higher capacity heavy/assaults that can afford spare heatsinc room, firestarter is gonna loose anyway by the sheer volume of armaments that those usually also bring to the table, no matter how many extra mlasers it can try and squeeze into it. But if enemy is the normal run-of-the-mil front-loading-damage ‘hot running’ IS mech, this thing is there worst nightmare as is. Just a couple more flamers though, and inches closer and closer to tackling the bigger stuff too on its own. Probably can’t sacrifice any of the existing mlasers, gotta do damage somewhere. But do think the 2 machine guns and its ammo is a waist of space on a mech that is already superbly strong against anti-infantry and one that can already generate ammo explosions via heat instead of critical hits.
@nerdyOveranalyzed Жыл бұрын
@Anon26535 5 ай бұрын
Hey, PBI, your support at home? Did they go and leave you all alone? My kill count just got higher Woah, woah, woah You're on fire
@observationsfromthebunker9639 Жыл бұрын
I think you and some other commenters here are missing the idea behind the flamethrower set. The Firestarter in a versus-'mech scenario isn't using them to do damage. It's taking advantage of the advanced rule to hit the other 'mech for 2-6 heat. the Firestarter doesn't take down mechs by damage, it gives them heavy heat on top of their own activity. Beam boats and light 'mechs risk shutting down and being captured, while autocannon wielders and missile boats risk ammo explosions as well. Used as heat producers, the Firestarter causes enemy mech pilots to lose their cool in the most direct way! Plus, flammable terrain hexes can be ignited by the 'mech, making foes debate advancing through it towards the Firestarter and its lance mates. The MGs serve the same way as with other 3025 'mechs, by serving up heat-free damage at close range to follow up with the laser strikes. now, I suppose that if more armor was desired, the rear-facing FT would be an acceptable sacrifice. It's not really necessary, as a torso twist can always bring at least one FT to bear on backbiting foes.
@nerdyOveranalyzed Жыл бұрын
I just don't think the heat from the flamers is worth doing a lot of the time. I'd rather have the damage!
@observationsfromthebunker9639 Жыл бұрын
@@nerdyOveranalyzed Well, in the halcyon days following 3060 when DHS are as common as plates, flamethrower units don't seem fearsome or feasible. The typical MWO grinder doesn't reward using them either. But in a chaos campaign scenario, especially when SHS are the norm, the Firestarter's "free heat" technique can affect outcomes. And even Clanners in their omnimechs aren't automatically safe. My past experience shows many Clan pilots are trigger happy and run up to the line easily. A Firestarter can weaken an over-bold Clan 'mech pilot and make him sweat in earnest.
@deathwatch1169 2 жыл бұрын
Another lovely piece to see that's for sure
@nerdyOveranalyzed 2 жыл бұрын
Glad you like it! I think this and the Javelin have the best chance of being the best light mechs for a merc company
@deathwatch1169 2 жыл бұрын
@@nerdyOveranalyzed Oh really now? From what little chances I can play MW5, i always ran twin Phoenix Hawks and perhaps two Jav's or a Jav and a Locust. Had a Firestarter for a while but it was when I was first playing and didn't realize the full weight of the Firestarter. Always loved my twin Phoenix Hawks tho
@thedango6890 Жыл бұрын
I also named an urban mech bucket then he kicked it and i got a firestater and named that bucket too!
@tedcincoski2497 2 жыл бұрын
Why add Machine Guns in place of ammo-explosion free flamers? I usually make the opposite alteration to my Firestarters, not only do they stick to their namesake but flamers also are a very viable weapon against combat vehicles.
@nerdyOveranalyzed 2 жыл бұрын
I take them for massive crit threat against other mechs. Less utility for more anti-mech
@ian5395 2 жыл бұрын
One of the best light mechs One of the best mechs
@nerdyOveranalyzed 2 жыл бұрын
Yuh yuh yuh, it's very good!
@lexington476 Жыл бұрын
5:50 what song is that?
@nerdyOveranalyzed Жыл бұрын
Heartbreaker by Pat Benetar
@JS-kr8fs 2 жыл бұрын
The Chad of Light mechs. The one that makes the Jenner look like a stodgy fossil. The heat and crit spreading terror of the every mechwarrior to ever lay awake at night, sweating in terror at the thought of ammo explosions and heat shutdowns.
@nerdyOveranalyzed Жыл бұрын
yeet yeet yeet
@Marbo306 2 жыл бұрын
But SRM rockets hit in groups of 2, so if one group hit into component after ppc shot the is more than 50% chance, that srm group will deal 4 dmg. After that say hello to crits and mg ammo explosions.
@nerdyOveranalyzed 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Marbo, I think the classic tabletop rules are slightly different for SRMs. First SRMs roll on the "Cluster Hits Table" to determine how many missiles hit. Then they roll the location of each missile. You are correct that each missile does 2 damage, but each missile that does hit has a chance of landing in a different location. Hope that clears things up!
@saigancat 2 жыл бұрын
Each SRM does 2 damage but locations are rolled for missiles individually with the SRM. LRMs get lumped into groups of 5 missiles with each only doing 1 damage.
@thedango6890 Жыл бұрын
Whats better than a flea or locust ankle biter, strapping lasers into yer flamer ports on a Firestarter. Turn it into a legchopper! Or give it a melee and watch them chop and spitefire!
@acetraker1988 Жыл бұрын
Downgrade the engine to 175 for 5/8/5. Is far better I made versions of H, A and my own F. 7.0 Tons Armour. 12 SHS. H 4x M-Laser. 6x MGs. A 4x M-Laser. 8x S-laser. F 4x M-Laser. 4x Flamer.
@nerdyOveranalyzed Жыл бұрын
Ye, engine swapping would open up a buunnch of room for more weapons, and those loadouts don't seem to bad! I do however tend to shy away from engine swaps since they cost so much though!
@acetraker1988 Жыл бұрын
@@nerdyOveranalyzed My chaos campaign doesn't do refits. You buy whole mechs. The only units that can "refit" is Omni-units and that is swapping to a different variant.
@juckyvortex 2 жыл бұрын
Nerdy: By removing all the Flamethrowers. Me: Heresy! Nerdy: While some Mech purists may cry Heresy. Me: Well, you got me. Jokes aside, the flamethrower sadly is one of the worst weapons in the game even at the task it is supposed to accomplish. Heating things up. But still, there is something to be said about the ability to light things on fire. And I don't think Infantry with any degree of self-preservation would go near a Firestarter.
@nerdyOveranalyzed Жыл бұрын
Heh heh glad you enjoyed!
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