Like most people, I naturally discovered the combining lunge with burning blade. I never knew you could charge both, simultaneously. So for that, you get 1 updoot.
@johnkim7890 Жыл бұрын
I like your variation with the charged magic! I tend to use the phoenix shift, charged blade, then torgal's sic, phoenix shift, three sword slash, bounce off the enemy slash combo again and then the drop. Mixing Torgel into the mix is pretty fun too : ).
@chazmatazzgames Жыл бұрын
Definitely fun to add Torgal in the mix! The timing can be a bit tricky, but it’s a good way to add in some extra damage!
@solstia458 Жыл бұрын
Awesome video! People underestimate how fun you can make this games combat. Will def try some of this stuff in Final Fantasy Mode.
@sephiroth21347 Жыл бұрын
I think my favorite/go-to so far has been Downthrust-magic burst-lunge-magic burst; especially from max height where its a big impact, it flows really fast and feels like neverending pressure on the enemy(s)
@TheSandyNicole3 ай бұрын
Great tips :D It's definitely a great start to a ton of combos! Awesome.
@SandersFamily-d4z Жыл бұрын
Another great video! Definitely going to have to give this a try 👍🏼
@jetteaime Жыл бұрын
The 3716 from the full melee+burst combo is taking into account the technique scoring bonus from magic burst and combo which equals 900, so you have to subtract that from the score to get the actual damage you did
@jetteaime Жыл бұрын
@@chazmatazzgames of course, if it would help your future videos I made a spreadsheet that lists cooldowns+potencies of most of Clive’s move set (still have to add a few things), and a sheet from someone else showing how much each move adds to your score. I can send them if you like. Looking forward to your videos!
@jetteaime Жыл бұрын
@@chazmatazzgames for sure! I sent you a request on discord since youtube typically removes comments with links
@viralshark Жыл бұрын
Tip: You can use dodge to cancel out of a lot of animations early, and you can shoot magic shots WHILE dodging. Try this: Extreme Lunge, Magic Burst, Forward Dodge (AFTER burst lands) while shooting a regular magic shot. The trick is to dodge cancel out of magic burst while shooting another normal shot. You have to press dodge and magic shot at nearly the same time for it to work. Once you do, your enemy is aerial without using Torgal or any Eikon abilities. You can follow it up with anything your heart desires. I've got a clip on my channel doing a lv4 Zantetsuken combo that starts off with it.
@-Jesus-Kun- Жыл бұрын
if you magic burst after downthrust lunge or burning blade youll get the strong burst from then end of the combo chain and that can be chained back to back or you can use torgal for precision sics instead since those moves count as combo enders with the bonus you can torgal after charged magic, you can also torgal after mortal blow animations or use charged moves to break/extend them but its trickier since the animation is random sometime burning blade wont connect but charged magic usually will
@-Jesus-Kun- Жыл бұрын
@@chazmatazzgames once you get used to torgal he really opens up combos since sic will extened them and ravagae can be used to either launch up or spike enemies out of the air, he has a tiny cooldown on precisions so you cant call it after every attack but if you can find a loop long enough it can something like charged magic, ravage, lunge, mortal blow or lunge, burst, sic, shift slash, down thrust, burst
@GamerNurseGale Жыл бұрын
Keep it up with the tips for FF😊 16
@davidtsmith33 Жыл бұрын
Wow. This is amazing.
@golfer435 Жыл бұрын
Currently about to fight Hugo for the first time and my ability spam build completely melted the coeurl (and all of the available notorious monsters). The core is lightning rod and gouge. Those two alone are more than enough to completely melt any stagger bar. Add in wykes for DR and more rod activation and aerial blast for cc and multihits and you can see where that's going.
@paristeta5483 Жыл бұрын
My favorite quote from the Mortal Kombat Movie. Even better in German!
@motivepigeon Жыл бұрын
We need a damage counter under the performance score in the testing hall I can't count all the Flames of Rebirth damage 😅
@DonIvan-m6g6 ай бұрын
What control layout do you use? Thanks
@Simon_Fenix7 ай бұрын
How does it work Double Shift?
@emerelle3535 Жыл бұрын
Im so baaaad at this game, but almost on the last quest in final fantasy mode (without rings, took me an eternity because of failure. xD). Wish I would be better but I keep mistiming my dodges and at this point, Clive is probably addicted to potions. On the Odin Fight I struggled so hard that I feared I have to restart it, I was for hours in the last phase with only 2 potions left and kept dying and doing it over again. xD
@str33tcarnameddesire11 ай бұрын
It DOES get boring REALLY fast. Whenever I unequipped the Ring of Timely Strikes and Ring of Timely Evasion and worked on combos, dodging, and experimenting, the game got exponentially more fun. But the Ring of Timely Focus actually makes the combat more fun and engaging as well.
@αρτιαννα Жыл бұрын
FFXVI has the best combat
@r987p Жыл бұрын
Titan, Bahumut, Ramuh and even the hardest hunts have been an easy joke. Not using that "dodge for you" or "combo for you" gear either. Really I have used + 15% experience +35% gil and 40% potion heals most the game.
@MayHugger Жыл бұрын
Gee, I wonder why the game has been easy for you…
@mrniceguylff14 ай бұрын
I agree that if the combat has a major flaw it’s that it’s way to easy
@ilhzardlatscliff1925 Жыл бұрын
My that horrible mortal kombat clip! haha
@raymondcampusano29912 ай бұрын
What boring combos.
@victorvictor4766 Жыл бұрын
so like, the most obvious basic shit possible. you're welcome for the comment btw
@DarkLumina Жыл бұрын
Like, buffering is in basically most action games these days. It's such a simple mechanic. I don't know why people are now figuring this out.