The Mystery Knight - Part 1

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3 жыл бұрын

From George RR Martin's "The Mystery Knight."
If you like what you're hearing, be sure to check out my channel, where you can find all of my A Song of Ice and Fire recorded chapters in order in playlists! And leave a comment! I don't care about any youtube algorithm reach nonsense but I love hearing from people who are listening!
I am in no sense a professional reader, voice actor, or what have you. I began this audiobook project some years ago when some friends of mine jokingly said they'd read A Song of Ice and Fire (my favorite fantasy series) if I personally recorded the whole series in audiobook form and sent it to them. Having now made my way almost through the first two books in the series, I decided to join the small community of people who post their own amateur audibook readings to youtube, and share my efforts.
I have no intention of profiting off of the work that is copyrighted to George RR Martin. This upload is a tribute to a series I deeply love, and I strongly encourage you to purchase these books. You won't regret it.
Also I should give full credit to my cat, Claudio, for the frequent background meows and purring sounds you hear throughout.
Art by Marc Simonetti

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@oz4087 3 жыл бұрын
John the fiddler be like " How do you do fellow hedge knight?"
@idunnygiveafock7640 2 жыл бұрын
I saw that alt shift x vid too lol.
@oscardanda10 2 жыл бұрын
@@idunnygiveafock7640 same here
@idunnygiveafock7640 2 жыл бұрын
@@oscardanda10 Fuck that Alt Schwift X guy though, he just steals content from swift.
@Jarvis466 Жыл бұрын
People of culture in this thread
@jerrywhoomst1116 2 жыл бұрын
"we'd all be bastards of old king Aegon if half these tales were true." "And who's to say we're not?" That line is so good upon a reread.
@dominicmccullough6133 Жыл бұрын
Especially since dunk don’t know his own parents and if there was a 7 ft tall woman Aegon the unworthy would have wanted her
@coldhands2802 8 ай бұрын
​@@dominicmccullough6133 It was Maynard Plum that said that, who is actually blood raven lol
@bellamaz1972 3 жыл бұрын
Oh yeah I forgot about the straw hat on the mule… how George mingles such adorableness into such gritty tales… :)
@renaigh 2 жыл бұрын
the stories of Dunc 'n' Egg are lot less Grim than most the chapters in ASOIAF.
@Leptyzz 8 ай бұрын
“I’d love to cross swords with you” “I should LOVE to try my lance on you” Knowing more about the character of John the Fiddler, these two quotes probably have quite the different meaning. ;)
@tunafour-shoes4618 2 ай бұрын
Obvious flirting be obvious Dunk. ...*confused blinking*
@inoshikachokonoyarobakayar2493 Жыл бұрын
In every Dunc & Egg story, I LoL every time Dunc tells Egg he'll get a *clout in the ear.* My fav time was when he mouthed it to egg under his breath.🤭 David is the best audiobook reader IMO.
@theelectricprince8231 8 ай бұрын
That made laugh out loud. "Dunk the Lunk, outsmarted by a 10 year old" 😂😂
@bakedpotato7858 Ай бұрын
I cannot wait to see it on screen!!!
@Flowshow88 7 ай бұрын
Egg cutting ear holes in his straw hat for the mule 😂👌🏽❤️
@elonscousinmusk8413 3 жыл бұрын
Daves like a well oiled machine ...... That churns out asoiaf content for all us stoners that gather here cheers dave
@Paulzor923 2 жыл бұрын
Are u spying on me? Lol
@aaronbaron3155 2 жыл бұрын
Yes. It sounds even better after a bowl and a brownie...🤗
@macnsteez3938 2 жыл бұрын
I knew I couldn't be the only one blazing it to David's voice acting 🤙
@_Code_3 2 жыл бұрын
drugs are bad. Get a job
@shauryasegan5177 Жыл бұрын
Whaatttt how do you know!?
@renaigh 3 жыл бұрын
Daemon Blackfyre has quite the cult of personality, they glorify the dead because the dead can't confirm or deny the stories.
@EKJ313_ 3 жыл бұрын
The past is always glorious.😂
@renaigh 3 жыл бұрын
@@EKJ313_ not for all
@TheCbot88 2 жыл бұрын
I just wonder how much kin slaying happened on that red grass field with half the lords backing both sides and all the intermarriage of the houses and everything else.
@TheCbot88 Жыл бұрын
Also why can’t Danny make a hat in dance of the dragons? Fr. She’s supposed to be Egg’s great great grand daughter and Egg can sure make a fine hat! She should be able to make a hat!!
@dominicmccullough6133 Жыл бұрын
Maester Aemon measured Sir Duncan the tall 😅
@vlpinfinity9448 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you! Been looking forward to this! It's my favorite D&E story.
@donovanmcgarry3801 6 ай бұрын
Oh my gosh… a pale raven with bloody beak, caws into the ear of our King, Aerys… just as the three eyed raven infiltrated the dreams of Aerys II, furthering his madness.
@EKJ313_ 3 жыл бұрын
“Dunc the lunk, thick as a castle wall!”😂
@brendonmckeen7807 3 жыл бұрын
The absolute best.
@rexpopuli4833 3 жыл бұрын
Thicc as a castle wall UwU
@renaigh 2 жыл бұрын
I'm following along with the Graphic Novel and your voices match the illustrations incredibly well.
@SuperEpicDizzle420 8 ай бұрын
How did you do this?!
@avengedinrage7044 5 ай бұрын
not a huge fan of the texan accent. but rest is great
@maxbloo 3 жыл бұрын
I was waiting for it like a kid for Xmas. Thank you
@buntun3670 2 жыл бұрын
lmao - this part in 5:00 has me in stitches, the man is brave
@ryanellion Жыл бұрын
My favorite of the trilogy
@biropgrules 3 жыл бұрын
the Mystery Knight. I think this might be the pulpiest of all of martins asoiaf stories. Thats not critisim mind you, but it is an admission that this book is a bit different than the other books. In particular, this books main point is to explore the concept of hedge knights. not in their worth like the first book, but rather how they operate, from the regulars like our cat knight, the supremely skilled like Ball, the knight errands like Dunk, and the snail knight who actually understands that this is a sport, and like all sporting events it can be gamed. that is of course only half of it. the second half is of course devoted to the meta plot of dunk and egg. Red or Black. In this book, we explore what im going to take a guess, and say are the worst people of the respective sides. now, if we get more dunk and egg books, mayhaps ill have to eat those words, but for the moment, i feel confident in saying that Gormon Peake and Bloodraven are both the worst "in charge" people on their respective sides. If Eustace Osgrey was the idealist, then Peake is the absolute worst of all the men who followed Daemon Blackfyre, being the absolute embodiment of the naked powergrab that many of the men who followed the black dragon wanted. he wanted to be the lord paramount of the reach. and that, and no other reason is why he followed Daemon Blackfyre. now he wants that, and to get his castles back. Peake is a monster, who by his own admission hangs any armed men he finds on the road, even though 1. its not a crime to just own a weapon, and 2. While he might have the rights of pits and gallows in his own lands, that is most certainly NOT the case here. he has no more legal right to arrest a man in these lands, than he has to hang them. Yet he regards it not only as his right to do so, but he is eager to do so just because. He is a complete and total heel in every sense of the word. he is a feudal tyrrant in every sense of the word. Eustace was the idealist who didnt quite live up to his ideals. Peake is the man who doesnt care about any of his duties and obligations, and just wants more and more for himself. On the other side, there is bloodraven, the jackass who lets the west burn, wants to turn westeros into a police state, wants to put a mentally handicapped man on the iron throne in order to rule through him and become king in all but name. Also, assuming that this isnt just the talk of the persona of Plum that he has crafted for himself, Bloodraven looks just as much down on Anyone who dares to make his coin on something other than just taxes, as he sneers at the idea of earning cash on tolls and direct cattle farming. Bloodraven might be a "for the greater good" kinda guy, but make no mistake, he is not some noble reformer. he LIKES the feudal system, and his only main problem with it, isnt the tyrrany, or the lack of protection for the smallfolk, but instead that it doesnt go far enough. he cares nothing for the feudal contract, and shrugs his shoulders at the thoughts of tens of thousands of people dying that he could have stopped as kings hand. their deaths didnt mean anything so long as he got to carry out his grudge against bittersteel and the blackfyres. And to top it off, his grand justification for not sending ships to aid the west and put down the greyjoy rebellion, didnt even work. Haegon landed despite all his efforts, and seemingly came relatively close to winning it all(at least moreso than any of the other blackfyres except daemon I). So all his tyranny, all his for the greater good BS, in the grand scheme of things didnt actually prevent Bittersteel from landing. our good cat is absolutely right. Brynden rivers really is the main source of problems for the targs at this point in time, being the main symbol that people(rightfully) have come to blame for all their voes. of course, this is martin, and martin likes to always have some ambiguity. in this case, being that despite ultimately failing in the grand scheme of things, his methods would lead to the downfall of the second blackfyre rebellion(though that isnt all that impressive in the grand scheme of things, as ill cover under the following videos.) Also, i'll give my full thoughts on Daemon II later, but for now, i just want to draw a very sharp comparison. namely that Daemon here is very much a prototype Rhaegar, just as Maekar is prototype stannis. and just like Maekar, he isnt quite a complete match. He is a musician, he believes in phrophecy, he seems a decent enough fellow that is courteous to Dunk, saves his life from peake, is highly attractive and wins the love of at least one man who loves him more than anything, and just like Rhaegar, he may or may not have made a decent king... only for his flaws making sure he never got the chance to sit the iron throne. however he is also different. he's gregarious where Rhaegar was more the kind who won friends through soft words, he's cheerfull where Rhaegar was always melancholic, he was abandoned by his own family in favor of another while Rhaegar was the shining hope of house Targaryen and so on. I'll get more into him later, but for now, i have to say i kinda like Daemon, and i kinda wish there was more to his story than just this book.
@oz4087 3 жыл бұрын
I disagree on Bloodraven being completly terrible at ruling, he realy couldnt do anything anout the drought, but he dealt with the plague extremely effectively, he dint just burn the victims he got rid of rats that spread the plague. And he did take care of blackfyres, despite how harsh it sounds the Ironborn raids were localised issues and the Westerlands and North dealt with them on theyr own fine, the Blackfyres under Haegon were the bigger threat, and he dint look down on Butterwells and Freys due to being toll colectors and cattle farmers, but because the butterwells abused theyr positions as hand of the king and played sides in rebbelion, and are curently now planing one, and on the Freys because they are honestly the most despicable family of weasels in Westeros
@biropgrules 3 жыл бұрын
@@oz4087 he didnt wipe out the rats. The plague did. Just like how the black death practically exterminated the black rat from europe. Also that dorne and the vale were spared was due to their own actions before bloodraven even became hand. As for the ironborn issue... by the point of the mystery knight, its been going on for literal years, and bloodraven hasn't done a thing to stop it, despite it being his duty as hand to uphold the feudal contract. A king who does not protect his people is no king at all, and frankly has no legitimacy whatsoever. It was Aerys and bloodraven's duty to deal with Greyjoy and protect their subjects, and they didn't lift a finger to do so. As for the blackfyres... no he didnt. Oh, he took care of Daemon II and Aenys Blackfyre, but all the rest were defeated on the field of battle, AFTER, having crossed the narrow sea despite Bloodraven's insistence on refusing to use the royal fleet to put down Greyjoy, making that gambit completely, utterly pointless. He hates the freys and butterwell for several reasons. The fact they're traitors is also one of them. The point, was that Bloodraven is a staunch feudal supporter.
@oz4087 3 жыл бұрын
@@biropgrules while i understand your points im trying to look at it from BR perspective. Why did he go Stalin on the realm? Well there are good reasons The Blackfyres split the realm in half, sometimes there is just no way to reconcile after such a civil war, and after that he is made hand and a series of unfortunate things happen, the realm is recovering and te spring sickness comes in followed by a brutal summer, the realm is barely recovering and so are its armies, those are legitamete reasons for why BR wants to keep the royal armies and fleets close to defend against the possible return of Blackfyres, as for the brutal crackdown, i think Bloodraven realised that he will never be loved so he desicided to do the opposite, if they wont love him they will fear him, he purged any and all dangerous foes, takig out entire families of nobles, sfter he was done he alowed Egg to banish him knowing he is leaving the realm in good hands. I would compare his actions to those of Maegor the Cruel, was he brutal? Yes. Was what he did nessary? Absolutely, in six years he destroyed all the threats to the Targaryen dynasty and ushered in the reign of Jahaerys. Same with Bloodraven while what he did was brutal, i think it was nessary as Maekars, Eggs and Jahaerys II reigns proove.
@biropgrules 3 жыл бұрын
@@oz4087 there is not a shred of evidence that Bloodraven planned to be banished to the wall for killing Aenys. He might have, but he might also have expected to get away with just like the dornish got away with killing Daeron under a peace banner. Either way, he invited an innocent man to come plead his case peacefully. Then he murdered him. That is wrong. That is red wedding levels of wrong. Worse actually, because unlike the red wedding, daerons murder, or even eustace plan to kill Rohanne, there is no argument to be made that Aenys was a true threat to him. Unless there was some incredible behind the scene reasons why Aenys might against all reason and logic win, He had absolutely no chance at winning the vote and was absolutely no threat to the side that murdered him. As for judging him based on intent vs result... If i judge him on intent, he's a gigantic asshole that's planning on establish a true puppet king in the form of a mentally challenged king, and turn westeros into a magically empowered police state. One that is also willing to break the most sacred of all laws of westeros to achieve his goals. Also willing to sacrifice tens of thousands of innocent people along the west coast. If im to judge him based on results... Bloodraven put down the second blackfyre rebellion and... Not much else. That is not nothing, but its really the only thing bloodraven has positive to his name. He ultimately failed his attempt to keep bittersteel on the eastern side of the narrow sea, and the third blackfyre rebellion was won by Maekar and his family with martial might. It was Maekar who made sure the targaryens kept the throne, not bloodraven. His efforts to prevent bittersteel from crossing didnt achieve anything. Meaning that every single person that Bloodraven sacrificed by letting greyjoy reave, rape and plunder as he pleased, all died for absolutely NOTHING. It didnt achieve jack shit.
@oz4087 3 жыл бұрын
@@biropgrules that is fair, i think Bloodraven might a be a critique of the consept of "Greater Good" in ruling, since it seems he justified all of his worst actions as serving a greater good. And jugung by Dance with Dragons he hasnt learned his lessons...
@d_randy Жыл бұрын
Idk who theorized that Ser Maynard Plumm was actually Bloodraven in disguise?
@Kingedwardiii2003 Жыл бұрын
I think it was confirmed
@phyto12 10 ай бұрын
Because it was almost plainly written ? Lol
@alsharpe7213 3 жыл бұрын
Your the man Davey!! Thank you so much brother! I miss the everyday chapter of ice and fire so much and I’m so great full your still reading his other books and sample chapters! It’s a big surprise every time I see a blue dote up next to your name. I’ve her that winds of winter might be out before the new tv show so that will be super awesome!! I don’t think John is Targaryen! He’s to old to be born in the tower of joy and also in Kat chapter One or two in GOT it practically spells it out. He is Dawnish.. forgive my spelling please.. Anyway so happy to here your voice Davey!! Your the best and your dedication is commendable!!!
@jimboslice6367 2 жыл бұрын
Stop watching Order of the Greenhand, you’ll just me more disappointed when Winds of Winter comes out
@theybybaby-gz7rp Жыл бұрын
Can you explain what you mean about Jon a bit more thoroughly? Definitely curious about your take.
@user-fd6bo9rc2s 2 ай бұрын
I keep coming back to these. You really did a good job, my guy.
@ikki6792 Жыл бұрын
New Drinking challenge: one shot every time John/Daemon's dialog sounds fruity
@laughs150 3 жыл бұрын
Hell yea love this book
@loki_l_1380 Жыл бұрын
3:39 where have I seen this before? 🤔🥶
@paulsarnik8506 3 ай бұрын
You might think Egg would have known a kinsman🤷🏼‍♂️🤓😎✌🏻
@shimauma42 8 ай бұрын
Would love to see your content on RUMBLE
@fenrirofink8039 3 жыл бұрын
Ah yes! here we go.
@PewterScott 27 күн бұрын
I think I know Ser Kyle. We're both from Mississippi 😂 you can tell from the accent
@BloodyFoxDK 10 ай бұрын
Traitor blood runs in his veins. I am sure he will be welcomed at the tourney.
@TKMMA_ 3 жыл бұрын
Hey, I would like to use your narrations and animate wit them if that’s cool with you, your very talented
@chrisrubin6445 3 жыл бұрын
I’d watch that
@TKMMA_ 3 жыл бұрын
@@chrisrubin6445 thanks, I really would wanna use that. I think that would be cool to
@fandemusique4693 2 жыл бұрын
@@TKMMA_ so, how it is advancing ? If you do this, i would subscribe to your channel.
@TKMMA_ 2 жыл бұрын
@@fandemusique4693 I’ve had some complications, I’m still finding a final style to use it in!
@WiredLain_ Жыл бұрын
@@TKMMA_ why did you never do it?
@mildsalsa6697 9 ай бұрын
7 good
@rissjohnson3308 6 ай бұрын
@rossbaird1140 3 жыл бұрын
Pretty disappointed you didn’t go all out on the camp voice for the fiddler 😂
@DavidReadsASoIaF 3 жыл бұрын
Every interaction of Ser John and Dunk is like an inverse of this scene
@rossbaird1140 3 жыл бұрын
@@DavidReadsASoIaF 😂😂😂. How could you keep your composer to record with all that questioning of how large dunks lance must be 😂
@max_galingumas9409 3 жыл бұрын
you must do lord of the rings
@JayDee-gs2uv 7 ай бұрын
So wait dunk and his friends tossed a rotting head into the soups in kings landing 🤢🥴
@Kingedwardiii2003 Жыл бұрын
20:31 sounds like the gay Agatha knight from chiv 2 xD
@rodrigodiazdevivar6183 Жыл бұрын
The Souther accent does not fit. It is like listening to Huckleberry Finn with a South London accent.
@stuartday1330 Жыл бұрын
I was thinking that. That's the only one I don't like as if the narrator couldn't come up with a better voice. But the rest of the voices are great especially Plum.
@leonrobinson8180 5 ай бұрын
I beg to differ. He sounds more of a lunk with that accent.
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