The New PHB Controversy: Rogue's Downfall?

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Let's go over the new version of the rogue, and see what all the hulabaloo is about. I've seen lots of people negatively criticizing the new rogue, and i need to know why! So lets dive on in!
Original video: • New Rogue | 2024 Playe...
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@cronykil74 2 ай бұрын
Cunning strike should have been proficiency bonus times per day without costing sneak attack dice.
@NorseDungeonMaster 2 ай бұрын
That's not a bad idea, but they really wanted you to have the ability to use it as many times as you wanted without having to worry about how many uses you have left.
@cronykil74 2 ай бұрын
@@NorseDungeonMaster they could have perhaps done proficiency bonus times per long rest for free and then allowed them to sacrifice sneak attack dice for more. Or maybe made it so that a specific cunning strike was free PB times per long rest depending subclass. So assassin would get the poisoned attacks one etc. Their damage is just a bit lacking and I don't feel that giving up sneak damage for many of the strikes is really worth it. They could have given out an extra sneak damage dice at levels 5, 10, 15 and 20, and it would have been fine. It just feels like they don't understand that rogues still need to be able to do damage, and their old skill monkey traits are being walked all over by pretty much every other class now.
@NorseDungeonMaster 2 ай бұрын
@@cronykil74 Oh I don't disagree with you at all. However I don't see cunning strike getting too much use regardless because in my mind the only thing worth using in that tool kit is knocking the target prone so all the other melee fighters get to attack the target with advantage
@pingwin4076 12 күн бұрын
imho the problem with cunning strike is, you trade dmg for effect that MAY can happen.
@NorseDungeonMaster 12 күн бұрын
@pingwin4076 That is the biggest problem with it yea. But it a problem that can be ignored if you have a high damage party that those effects can help with. Or if you're trying to take the enemy alive, but that's pretty rare in my experience
@pingwin4076 11 күн бұрын
@NorseDungeonMaster that's true, but you are picking rogue for a reason, and sneak attack is signature ability. It's just.. Not feeling satisfactory compared to warrior and his attacks, paladin/lock with smites.
@NorseDungeonMaster 11 күн бұрын
@pingwin4076 i absolutely agree. Honestly the only time I would ever maybe use it is at the very beginning of a fight when I know even max damage isn't gonna be enough to put down the strongest foe. Then I'd attempt to knock them prone and run away but even then probably not
@arcanerecovery2567 3 ай бұрын
Concerning the subclasses: Assassins - they no longer get an auto crit from their Assassinate feature, they just do an amount of damage equal to their level in addition to their regular damage and sneak attack... so 3 more damage at level 3, unless they've switched it again between their last UA and final printing... we will soon see as more previews will be made from Aug. 1st going forward. Arcane Trickster - sorry to hear you found this boring as it's literally one of the only Rogue subclasses that can't be boring... because of the spellcasting, what spells does each player take, what do you do with them, the combinations are virtually limitless... and now they've removed those limitations... WOW! Soulknife - was always great and now some of the few things holding you back hve been addressed, get to use the psychic weapons a lot more, able to make more attacks with them. Thief - now you get to use Fast Hands to activate magic items, and can maybe sneak attack and not get detected if you're hidden. Doesn't that make them the best at assassinating someone now?
@NorseDungeonMaster 3 ай бұрын
@arcanerecovery2567 I'm not so sure about the auto crit since they pointedly avoided that in this video. The advantage on initiative rolls makes sense though Arcane trickster I'm very much looking forward too with the few changes they announce. I don't really know why I just didn't have fun with it before. But hey to each their own right? Soul knife has always sounded fun to me but I've never had a chance to play it, but it definitely seems alot more fun now. And as for the thief subclass a handful of the new feats are questionable. As in they feel like they belong in the other subclasses. I got the feeling that they couldn't think of any changes to make for the thief other than the fast hands change, but they want to give it new stuff so they took things from the other 3 subclasses and shoe horned them into the thief subclass
@DesmondDentresti 2 ай бұрын
So, I like most of the changes to Rogues here. A lot of the changes in the 2024 PHB in general seem good. The thing with Rogue there is in comparison to the other significantly overhauled classes like the Fighter, Barbarian, Monk. Those classes got several things adjusted that just ADD ON to what they were already doing, to round them out to make them smoother to pilot and just directly better. Rogues have to trade things, like Sneak attack dice, for their improvements. Especially so with Assassin - there was a low bar to clear. The Assassin subclass mechanics used to literally not work 90% of the time due to the extremely elusive Surprised condition, even when you had something surprised to attack it was usually not on the target you wanted. But when Assassination did land right it was incredible. They just needed consistency really. The new version has BARELY managed to clear that bar and "improved" the Assassin subclass, which now has to be compared to the other new subclasses which also got a lot of very cool enhancements. Now its only like 2% of the time where the Assassin doesnt get to use their Assassinate on something, great. But that came at the expense of the damage bonus they actually receive which basically halved as well as meant losing all synergy they had with tons of cool spells, magic items, multiclass options which previously was the only way Assassin was even used. Even in the newly updated Surprised condition - they made it only Disadvantage on Initiative and totally dropped the "surprised creatures cannot take reactions" which means nobles can Parry as a reaction and enemy spellcasters (the exact kind of thing Assassins are looking for) can now cast Shield as a reaction to your attack and make you likely to miss... All that negativity and it doesn't even actually solve the real issue it had. For YEARS now I have said the fundamental flaw with the Assassin was that WotC have this idea that assassins don't WAIT. They say they have to act first, strike hard RIGHT NOW and if they don't, well then, go suck eggs. They are all about initiative, they want to attack enemies that havent taken a turn yet, they only have their Assassinate feature in their first turn of combat. But... why? Why not let them CHOOSE when to activate the Assassinate bonus damage after they hit with an attack? Why couldn't they spend the first turn of combat letting their target get distracted by a duel with the barbarian, let their bodyguards run past, why couldn't an assassin disguised as a guard spend the first turn deceiving their target to follow them to safety as an accomplice start conflict in the main room, THEN stab the target? Why do assassins, in contrast to every other class in the game, only exist in round 1 and only if they do one specific thing and only if they succeed that attack roll? And your 8th level Assassin get a grand total of 8 bonus damage out of their subclass when they do. Booming Blade, a cantrip cast by the Arcane Trickster EVERY turn, is 2d8 + 2d8 if the enemy ever moves.
@NorseDungeonMaster 2 ай бұрын
@DesmondDentresti I like the majority of the changes as well. There are some changes I like, but they don't really fit with the subclass they were put into. As for Assassination was something I was always able to easily utilize by constantly sneaking around and being able to attack before combat began. If the enemy creatures can't see you then combat cannot initiate. That's how I always interpreted the rules as written at least. Though assassin's getting advantage on the initiative roll does make sense too
@DesmondDentresti 2 ай бұрын
@@NorseDungeonMaster You have played a house ruled game. A very common house rule to let the aggressor act before combat is even established. And thank god you did otherwise you would be as frustrated as I am. RAW in 2014 PHB, when you declare your intent to enter combat, or something declares its intent to attack you, initiative is rolled. You don't get to attack outside of combat in 5e and the first step of combat is always initiative. You check if a creature could be surprised when rolling Initiative. They stop being surprised after they take a turn in initiative. So in Adventurers League, to do what you did. You first roll stealth, beat the passive perception of all your enemies (if you didnt, no surprise for you to use as they heard you coming). This includes all your allies. So better hope the Fighter wearing full plate with a +0 to Stealth rolling disadvantage is too far away to be counted as relevant to the encounter. Or maybe they just roll two incredible dice. Even after sneaking in... Assassin: I draw my bow and fire. DM: Roll initiative. Assassin: I got a total of 17. DM: The Necromancer rolled a natural 16 + 2 for dex, 18. DM: I go first then and for the necromancer's turn, he is Surprised, he cant take actions but turns to the entrance of the chamber, and says "I swear I closed that door for the ritual." That ends his turn, he is no longer surprised and it is now your turn, Assassin. Assassin: So I am hidden- wait, he isn't surprised any more... Why does it work this way? No idea. Maybe it was always played using the rules of an older edition because the DMs at WotC felt overconfident they didnt have to look up the rule, or didnt care to play RAW. "It worked fine how I remember it, so lets do that" is how a lot of D&D players transitioning editions play for the first few weeks. But thats the reality of how it was designed. Reality sucked.
@NorseDungeonMaster 2 ай бұрын
@DesmondDentresti Whenever I see it ruled that way it's never made sense to me. In the real world a combat scenario wouldn't start without both parties knowing their enemy is in the same vicinity as them, preferences within some form of line of sight. I'd have to double check the rules, as it's been roughly 10 years since I read the rules revolving around the start of combat, but I don't think it specifies that combat automatically starts when an unseen entity wants to attack something. However I am not perfect and cannot remember every minute detail so you may very well be right
@DesmondDentresti 2 ай бұрын
@@NorseDungeonMaster Yeah, Surprise is a mechanic INSIDE of a combat encounter in 5e. Always good to double check. From the SRD, dashes indicate I have cut lines that I think dont add to the literal translation of the rules; "Combat Step by Step 1: Determine surprise. The GM determines whether anyone involved in the combat encounter is surprised. 2: Establish positions The GM decides where all the characters and monsters are located. --- 3: Roll initiative --- 4: Take turns ---" "Surprise --- The GM determines who might be surprised. If neither side tries to be stealthy, they automatically notice each other. Otherwise, the GM compares ---- Stealth ---- of anyone hiding with the ----- Perception ---- of each¹ creature on the opposing side. Any character or monster that doesn’t notice a threat² is surprised at the start of the encounter. If you’re surprised, you can’t move or take an action on your first turn of the combat, and you can’t take a reaction until that turn ends. A member of a group can be surprised even if the other members aren’t." The superscript marked 1 & 2: Here the use of 'each' and 'notice a threat' means if any individual in the encounter isnt trying to hide or hides badly, the enemy isnt surprised.
@NorseDungeonMaster 2 ай бұрын
@DesmondDentresti was this copied from the book? If so this doesn't directly say that a player can't make an attack before combat is initiated. I always used surprise as a form of ambush like the party jumping out at the enemies as they walked by
@Staff7 2 ай бұрын
rogues are overreacting cuase they buffed monk. if anything the bard could be brought down a peg
@NorseDungeonMaster 2 ай бұрын
@@Staff7 I personally love the changes to the bard, but I am biased in that to be fair. And I haven't looked at the monk yet. That is going to be the next class I go over
@Staff7 2 ай бұрын
@@NorseDungeonMaster fair but they can do skills are full casters with almost no spell limitations on what they can learn, the valor bard will be better then many pure martials.
@arcanerecovery2567 3 ай бұрын
Trading away sneak attack dice sucks... BIG TIME! Want BIGGER sneak attack dice... want MORE sneak attack dice... want to be able to do sneak attack more!!!
@NorseDungeonMaster 3 ай бұрын
Trading away sneak attack dice is 100% optional. I'm sure there are lots of people that won't trade away damage for effects. But it's not something you ever HAVE to do
@arcanerecovery2567 3 ай бұрын
@@NorseDungeonMaster I like the feature and the option of getting to do some more Rogue-like stuff... just not a fan of trading away SA dice. Also, if you choose not to use the feature maybe stick with the 2014 Rogue and not lose anything? Choosing not to use a feature isn't much of a choice... everyone else gets to do something with their feature and your best option is to choose not to use yours? This Rogue is way worse than what people are making out online, they are just knee-jerk reacting to what's on the surface. Just wait until they see the 'Iceberg' lurking beneath the surface.
@NorseDungeonMaster 3 ай бұрын
@arcanerecovery2567 I get where you're coming from, but there are also new things that are very usable. And while giving up a sneak attack die to do something more isn't ideal poisoning or knocking your target prone could prove more useful than that extra d6 damage. They didn't specify in the video how many sneak attack dice you have to sacrifice in order to do an extra effect but it did sound like you will still be doing bonus damage. We won't really know for sure until the book comes out
@arcanerecovery2567 3 ай бұрын
@@NorseDungeonMaster Again, I agree for the most part and love the new options... tripping, poisoning, free disengage etc. I just don't want to have to trade sneak attack dice to do it. And the UA had it at 1d6 for most of the early and minor effects, 2d6 for later and more powerful effects. So yeah, they're not going to stray far from this, probably not at all.
@NorseDungeonMaster 3 ай бұрын
@arcanerecovery2567 exactly and in the grand scheme of things I would argue that giving up 1d6 damage to give the Paladin/ Barbarian/ Fighter advantage by tripping your target knocking them prone opens up the possibility of WAY more damage
@arcanerecovery2567 3 ай бұрын
Sorry if I sound negative about some of the changes, this is probably my own personal bias. If you ever get the chance again try the Soulknife over the Arcane Trickster... it's newer and the features are fun (having a pool of psionic dice to use on different features etc.). I'm curious, what were some of the things you heard online about the new Rogue? Until I see the final version of the PHB. and what all the changes are I will try to keep an open mind and a more positive attitude.
@NorseDungeonMaster 3 ай бұрын
@arcanerecovery2567 You didn't sound negative at all. We all have concerns about upcoming changes, and it's good to voice them. I don't get a chance to be a player very often if at all but I'll keep that in mind should I get the chance. As for what I read online there wasn't a whole lot of specifics. Basically just a cacophony of people saying the class has been nerved to unplayability and it does drastically less damage. And after watching the video I think they may have just misunderstood points
@morionlomiete7735 2 ай бұрын
But why even bother with new phb if you guys already have 5e?
@NorseDungeonMaster 2 ай бұрын
@morionlomiete7735 What do you mean? Despite what WoTC has tried saying this new PHB feels like 6th edition. It will eventually become the standard no matter how much we stomp our feet and complain. So anyone who plays in adventure league will eventually have to use this. New players will more than likely want to start playing with the newest edition. No matter how much we fight it change is inevitable. Besides there is a handful of really fun sounding mechanics in all of the classes so far
@TheSLATEcleaner 2 ай бұрын
New Rogue is just so bad compared to New Monk. For reference, here's where they're both at when class level 5 [early tier 2 or a decent time to start multiclassing out if you want to multiclass]: New Rogue at level 5 has bonus action dash/hide/disengage only [unless they spend a feat in character creation], Expertise and Thieves Cant [decent but minor overall], Steady Aim [good], Uncanny Dodge, 3d6 sneak attack, Cunning Strike [-1d6 damage to either poison for a minute or prone on a failed save or move half movement speed without provoking opportunity attacks], their level 3 subclass feature, and you get two weapon masteries. New Monk at level 5 gets extra attack, 6 options for bonus action [unarmed attack, grapple, push 5 feet, prone, disengage, dash] with 3 additional for focus points [dash plus disengage with jump distance, disengage plus dodge, or any two of the four unarmed attack options which means its actually _16 option configurations_ baked into one, _24_ if Warrior of Mercy or _36_ if Warrior of the Open Hand], deflect attack on physical damage types [worse than Uncanny Dodge at tier 3+, still decent], 1d8 martial arts die, first subclass feat, Slow Fall, Unarmored Defense, +10 ft movement, force damage on unarmed strikes [woof], *Stunning Strike* [only once per turn, but -15 ft movement and advantage on next attack on a *successful* save is brutal and you can fish for it off bonus action attack instead of being forced to use your attack action to proc it], and the new Uncanny Metabolism from level 2 which means up to 15 focus points per long rest if accounting for only one short rest/day despite a max of only 5. New Monk makes Rogue look like a joke. Paladin and Ranger both got bad beats as well with the change to Smite and Hunter's Mark still being concentration, but I think Barbarian is the only class around as weak as the Rogue now on paper and even they got some good stuff.
@NorseDungeonMaster 2 ай бұрын
@TheSLATEcleaner thanks for this insight. I haven't watched the monk video yet. It's the next one on my list though. As of right now I'm not comparing classes with other classes that will come when I have the new PHB in hand so I can do all the research I need to do. I'm only comparing new rogue to old rogue. And in that comparison I do believe, in my opinion of course, the the new one is better. Even if only barely
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