The Newest Disgusting Trend Has Emerged

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@sadboiinasweater6104 2 ай бұрын
The only pet lore i have is that: - my dog does not like my cat - my cat likes to be brushed - cat likes to drink out of faucet
@Snow_Sailor 2 ай бұрын
Kind of related but I hate how normalized fish abuse is. Like why are so many people using 0.0001 gallon tanks for goldfish & bettas? Why was it a trend to impulse buy fish and put them in the sink? "Bringing my fish back to life" that's temperature shocking your betta while it sleeps what the hell??
@tobycampbell7783 2 ай бұрын
All of my “pet lore” is my cat pebbles being an escape artist and us having to climb into stupid places to rescue her
@arkorat3239 2 ай бұрын
The hamster pet lore must be crazy.
@DoughBoy_Silly 2 ай бұрын
bro its insane
@CaptainCloudyNWhiskers 2 ай бұрын
My hampsters died of old age. They lasted much longer than my cousins hampsters. I was young and I did make mistakes, but my hampsters lived long lives, one of my hampsters even got better living with us
@Heluva_boss_fan3 2 ай бұрын
@@CaptainCloudyNWhiskerssame my cousins hamster exploded after she fed it a biscuit like WTF I had two hamsters both died of old age
@Averagelilman 2 ай бұрын
@@Heluva_boss_fan3HOW DID IT EXPLODE??????
@LesbianAhhhLabyrinthRat 2 ай бұрын
@@Heluva_boss_fan3 WAIT HAMSTERS CAN EXPLODE?!
@PotatoTheShorts987 2 ай бұрын
My rabbit's pet lore is that she's a little bit of an escape artist and won't stop chewing on the furniture. Lotta personality in one tiny body. Her previous family didn't want her because she was so spunky, but it's been 5 good years and the little furball is still going strong. Take care of your pets, people. And if you don't, here's hoping you get what's coming to you.
@letsdostuff8967 2 ай бұрын
The worst thing that has happened to my pets: I got a hamster and a new cage, the cage was defective but I didn't know that. She opened the cage door and escaped into the vents. Good thing it was summer and the heat was off. We called a vent repair company that cut open the vent to reach her. Pumpkin was completely fine, not even stressed out. She did end up passing away a year later, which is young. But the veterinarian said she suffered a heart attack and that it was unpreventable and unrelated to anything we did. All of my other hamsters and pets have lived healthy long lives. My oldest hamster was 2 years 8 months. My old man, Latte. I currently have a 1 year 10 months old dwarf hamster named Apollo, a 7 month old named Tom and others.
@mintytrash 2 ай бұрын
My childhood cat was allowed to go outside whenever she wanted, no issues up until the last week of her life. One day a bobcat had her cornered on the front porch, my brother scared it off before it could get her. Another she was napping under my brother's car tire right before he went to work - luckily, he noticed her. And she was scheduled for a vent appointment because she'd gotten very ill, likely would have needed put down, but she went peacefully in the night the day before the appointment. And that's how my cat evaded death three times within a week - including dying to do so. She was eighteen when she passed, so needless to say she lived a long happy life with a loving family. That's an insane chain of events for a single cat to go through, let alone so many animals having gone through so much worse. (Also, we don't allow our cats outside anymore - I advocated heavily that our cats from now on only go out in a harness). And out of the cats we have in our house now, the worst that happens is on occasion they will fight with each other (never anything bad, just redirected play aggression) and one of them fell off of the banister for the basement stairs. Completely fine, just scared himself. Again, I'd never want any animal to experience that!!
@I-Beat-Raikous-in-my-basement 2 ай бұрын
That’s good, and RIP, people are monsters with their pets, I own a puppy ( golden doodle ), he is a year old and he is a mischievous boy, I play rough with him, but he loves me and so I do
@YourLocalWinKid 2 ай бұрын
2:30 THIS IS ABSOLUTLEY TRUE. I really want my cats inside, but my mom wants leave them onside because she thinks they bring the fleas... AND WHAT IF THEY DIE???? LIKE MOST OF MY CATS DIED CUZ OF LEAVING THEM OUT... AND ALSO, she tortures my cat when he poops somewhere random, LIKE GOSH, JUST GIVE IT A LITTER BOX... AND I CANT TELL ANYTHING TO STOP HER CUZ SHE LITERALLY DISAGREES WITH ME AND CHOOSES TO LEAVE THEM OUT AND ONLY LET THEM IN IF THEY MEOW... just please dont leave your pets outside unless someone stops you from all costs and never chooses to agree with it.
@table2.0 2 ай бұрын
Cats are indoor pets!! For so many reasons!!!!
@YourLocalWinKid 2 ай бұрын
@12cat123 2 ай бұрын
You shouldnt have cats then i know its hard to give your animal to some one else but this isnt good for them please be reasonable i also wanted cats my entier life but we cant get one becuase of my brothers alergies it is hard but get a Cat when you are older and live on your own but if you cant give it to some one else please dont get more cats
@PolybiusCypher 2 ай бұрын
My dog was abused by drug addicts and she was apart of a puppy mill. I don’t find this kind of content funny, knowing how my dog was abused so harshly in the past and people are willingly letting their animals get mauled and ran over. It’s not funny, it’s just horrific.
@-MansBestFriend 2 ай бұрын
Same! It’s genuinely not funny or ok to let that happen for views on the internet. Before I got my cat she was locked in a dirty room with a full litter box eating dog food and Mac n cheese, and her brother had a broken tail. I’m so glad my mom saved them. Her brother is living with my mom’s friend and she’s currently sleeping on my bed right now. Sadly the lady who my mom took them from still has another cat that won’t let anybody get near him and a dog who the lady won’t let anyone take.
@gayrurumon 2 ай бұрын
I try to be open minded when it comes to the glimpses of other people's pet ownership that I see online. These people are strangers to me, and I hold the opinion that it's practically impossible to judge whether a stranger's animal is being mistreated from a single post or photo (with the exception of like, really blatantly obvious stuff of course), since there is just so much about the situation and parties involved that I might not know. This "pet lore" stuff though... It's certainly _weird_ at the very least. On one hand, I think the philosophy of "assume no malice, don't jump to conclusions" still holds water in regards to this trend. For example, if I were to list every single misfortune and health problem that befell our previous dog in one short video, you'd be forgiven for coming to the conclusion that we were awful, terribly neglectful owners for allowing all these things to happen to her. In reality, these incidents were sad exceptions over a lifetime that was largely shaped by my family doing our very best to nuture and care for this dog, who's own body and genetics at times seemed to be working against her. I'm really happy for all the people I'm seeing in these comments who don't seem to have experienced having something truly bad happen to a pet under their care, and I genuinely, sincerely hope that continues to be the case for you. But my lifetime of pet ownership experience + the experiences of a close friend of mine who is a vet nurse lead me to believe that this is not guaranteed, even among the most responsible and educated pet owners. Sometimes things happen that are out of your control. Sometimes, in spite of your best efforts, you make a mistake. It is in human nature to do so, after all. So I would urge those of you who have happy and healthy pets to never rest on your laurels, and to endeavour not to look too harshly upon those who have not shared your good fortune. On the other hand: holy shit this pet lore stuff is a nightmare. Remember back one wordy paragraph ago, when I said it would sound bad if I listed every bad thing that happened to my dog in one tikto length video? Well the thing is, I _don't_ do that, because yes it would and _does_ sound bad when these people do it. And some of this stuff very much does go beyond the sort of mistakes you might expect an otherwise responsible pet owner to occasionally make, to the point where I have to question just what people are thinking, casually posting this stuff to the masses in the tone of a funny anecdote. I think it has something to do with a phenomenon I've noticed, where tiktok seems to be somehow cultivating a culture of... almost _bragging_ about animal abuse. You see this a lot with small pets (like that hamster story mentioned in this video), as well as the less "cute and cuddly" pets that people seem to have less empathy for in general (fish, reptiles, bugs, etc.). In any comment section of a tiktok about these animals, it's common to see a lot of people bringing up their hamster that died because they dropped it, or the fish that they forgot to feed, or the lizard that got eaten by their cat somehow. Oftentimes, these stories are shared in a lighthearted, outright humorous tone. Now, even in these cases I try not to assume the worst; everyone copes with grief and trauma differently, and sometimes dark humour comes into the mix. However, in a majority of these cases, I don't think that's the case. It seems from my observations that these instances have become extremely normalised as "just something that happens" to these types of pets, and tiktok seems to be spreading this idea around. Impressionable people see how many have lost pets in similar ways to them, and it winds up supporting the false notion a lot of people have that pets like hamsters and goldfish are just super fragile animals that "just die randomly", and they don't end up questioning or reflecting on what they could have done differently to prevent it. It's an attitude that's very concerning to me, and I worry that this pet lore stuff will end up further normalising mistreatment of an even wider variety of pets. I'm starting to run out of steam writing this comment, but I hope I've gotten my points across so far. It is normal and understandable for even the best pet owners to make mistakes, but you must always take responsibility for those mistakes, and be prepared to do your utmost to try and prevent them every happening again. I also think it's important for people to feel free and unafraid to talk about any and all past pet ownership mistakes they've made, because this can be a vital part of educating others on how to do better. Nevertheless, I think a modicum of caution is necessary regarding how this information is shared, lest it inadvertently contribute to the normalisation of animal abuse that is unfortunately present online. And finally, I would like to remind people that it's not all bad new; for every person making a bad pet lore tiktok out there, there are others who are doing their best educate people about animals, correcting misinformation, and calling out harmful practices when they see them. Being a pet owner in this day and age is sometimes difficult and confusing, but by being open-minded and kind to ourselves and others, we can get through it together.
@CottenVee 2 ай бұрын
Don't buy a pet if you can't take care of it. That's my message to these people.
@bunnytornado 2 ай бұрын
and this is why I don't want to touch tiktok with a fifteen foot pole.
@bugwooo 2 ай бұрын
Bro, I fucking HATE ANIMAL ABUSE. I don’t understand how living human beings can see other creatures get hurt and be stressed and LAUGH AT IT?? Like yeah a nervous chuckle is acceptable because of how RIDICULOUSLY THESE PEOPLE TREAT THEIR PETS!! The cat getting ran over, bit by dogs, and falling nd shit is LEGIT SOMETHING STRAIGHT OUT OF TOM AND JERRY ISTG. When I was younger I lived in a house hold that was HORRIBLE TO PETS. Me and my sis tried to take care of our dogs as best as we could but the people i were living with at the time straight up refused to let the our dog with MANGE go to the vet! I’m so happy I’m living in a good environment for pets now!
@yeahjv 2 ай бұрын
i thought the pet lore videos were satire??😭
@ratgoblin5011 2 ай бұрын
responsible pet owner lore time: dog lore: we got my sweet little mutt for free bc my dad saw her sister in a shelter and asked about her and my dog’s previous owner said she had two siblings of that dog so he went and chose my dog out of her and her brother. ended up being a great dog with enough training and socialization, she just forgets to feel pain and wears her claws down to the quick when playing/running/digging (we now make sure her claws never get cut since they’re naturally short). we did think she had a heart condition for a bit bc the vet said there was a heart murmur and an enlarged heart but it turned out she was fine and just had such a minor heart murmur it really won’t affect her at all. that’s it. that’s the pet lore. she’s got to eat home cooked treats to make sure her potato self stays healthy and needs good food bc both of her breeds are prone to skin issues. cat lore: cat lore is a bit deeper. got him from a friend who found him in her back yard, had a respiratory infection, worms, fleas, etc as a kitten, got healthy and turned into a fatass chaos creature. ended up with a mass in his gallbladder that about killed him a few years back, but got treatment so this durable little fatass survived. now he’s 12 and his only issue is arthritis. trained like you’d train a dog and can sit, ring bells, walk on a leash (unless he panics). has to eat special food because he’s an old man with bladder problems. cat lore is more bc he’s old, and the dog only gets injured bc she doesn’t really think “this hurts i should stop” but has yet to receive a major injury because when we notice something’s bleeding we stop her
@Hypno_the_dino 2 ай бұрын
The worst thing that happened to my pet is my cat she had ate a string so as soon as we found out she had ate it we took her to the vet immediately she still alive and good right now though and we making sure she doesn’t eat things she not supposed to But honestly it’s just cruel to be like “Blank and blank happened to my pet and killed them haha”
@Space-Milk 2 ай бұрын
Heres my pet lore, in a freak accident my puppy got ran over, genuine accident, no ones fault. The outcome? He was bruised, seriously, thats it. The accident isn't funny but the fact my dog is low-key invincible is.
@FalltoCrimiez 2 ай бұрын
This is why I don't have tik tok
@floofiAnimatez1234 2 ай бұрын
@asleepyb0i400 2 ай бұрын
My rabbit’s pet lore is that he regularly “protects” me from the vacuum cleaner, and was very pissed off for a week after he got neutered 💀
@clown_real 2 ай бұрын
"Am I, [name goes here], [age goes here] years old, the a*shole for throwing my two-week-old puppy across the living room like a baseball?" - these goofs, probably
@MM2_lucky 2 ай бұрын
I saw one on yt shorts and quote on quote said “I killed my grandpas bunny” and the song was everyone makes mistakes…. And she was dancing and ppl where like laughing😭😭😭
@Pu33ydestroyer695 2 ай бұрын
1:15 The most infuriating thing about this one is that cats can fall from VERY high heights, and it would probably have to fall from a 40 story building MINIMUM to break their legs, meaning that they either left their cat unsupervised on a 40+ story building, or they left them unsupervised for so long that they climbed a 40+ story building. Also, CATS HAVE ALOT OF BALANCE. the cat probably had some sort of disability or sickness, or was pushed.
@DoughBoy_Silly 2 ай бұрын
THATS WAHT IM SAYING. How did you cat fall so hard under your supervision thst you allowed it to break its leg from that height.
@MuffinSeeker 2 ай бұрын
This is actually a myth. While cats do always land on their feet, the idea that cats can fall from any height and be fine is survivorship bias: Statistics only account for cats that were taken to the vet and made a full recovery. Nobody takes a cat to the vet if it is clearly mangled and deceased from a fall. In fact cats can seriously injure themselves just falling off a counter wrong!
@Pu33ydestroyer695 2 ай бұрын
@@DoughBoy_Silly FR!
@michaelhorton8489 2 ай бұрын
The worst thing i ever did was hug my cat too tight when i was a toddler
@lazar4nekko 2 ай бұрын
Me too.
@SpiderLilyLover_3000 2 ай бұрын
You literally just popped up on my FYP, love your art, and your voice is very calming to listen to. Thank you for shedding light on something so serious as this too. It isn't funny when your pet is hurt either, my cat was hit by a car, and whenever she accidentally gets outside, she panics and hides under one to protect herself. It isn't "lore", it's traumatic and can cause them mental harm.
@DoughBoy_Silly 2 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for the support! I think its always good to shed light on such suprisingly untouched topics! You're so right, its never just lore, its psychological and physical on so many levels for those animals
@Pizzaferretsissuperswag 2 ай бұрын
Here’s my lore!!once my uncles dog as a puppy [who is a Daschund]had his tail bit by another puppy because he was annoying that puppy in his litter and now he has a bump on his tail because of that,also my dogs uncle might be related to two other Daschunds he is friends with because they are both from the same ethical breeder!
@CryptidCatArtz 2 ай бұрын
My only petlore story is i thought my cat died, put her in a box crying all that, right before we got in the car she woke up and began cleaning herself, she was completely fine :,) (Also i agree with every point in this video, i hate seeing animals getting abused and it sucks that i cant do anything for these poor creatures)
@Lucyygoosey0 2 ай бұрын
The worst that happened to my dog? We have 3 large dogs. Our dogs are escapists, absolutely love my dog. They had dug a hole without us knowing out of where we could see them. We let them out the house to use the bathroom for like 5 minutes and they ALL escaped. We realized and went to hunt them down. One came back to the house, we found one, and we found another closer to the other with his leg ran over. We left him in the kennel until his leg healed. The other two haven't learned their lessons, but our girl who saw him get ran over hasn't escaped since. The one who was ran over tried to get extra affection the next couple weeks after his leg healed. Otherwise, they are all fine, alive and very happy.
@lmnpie2 2 ай бұрын
The worst thing that's ever happened to my cat within about 5 years of having him, was he fell of the railing on the second floor of my old house a while ago, and broke his knee. The railing was pretty thin, and me and my family would constantly take him down whenever we saw him jump onto it (to which he ignored it, and continued to jump onto the railing anyways), and so one night, when everybody was asleep, like usual, he climbed onto the railing, probably walked across it for a bit, then fell, which made a thud sound against the floor, waking up my mom, who found him meowing and limping. He had to have a cast around his leg and be kept in a small room, since he was very young at the time and couldn't run super fast on that leg like he always did. We moved out of that house about 3 and a half years ago (not because of that incident), and thankfully, the house we have now only has one floor, but it was still difficult to hear constant meowing coming from the laundry room when it DID happen. Nothing serious has happened since then, and we've definitely made sure of it. Me and my whole family care a lot about him, and I'd NEVER in my life do something so stupid like this for views. He's an indoor cat, and very much terrified of going outside, so he's usually around us somewhere in the house, but sometimes I still get worried when I can't find him for a while. My point is, I love my cat, and this trend sucks.
@DomojunoandBat 2 ай бұрын
My dog’s lore was that he had to have surgery for some cartilage unneeded in his leg, so the vets put him in a medical bed with blankets. And took a picture!
@ralyxfafalix 2 ай бұрын
what the actual hell the worst thats happened to my cats is them running out and getting scared and hiding under our porch while we lure them out and get them back inside. when im married yada yada, i want a lot of cats, but realistically i probably won't, since i forget to even feed myself, and i dont wanna put pets i own through that, and i am a-okay with admitting that, as much as i wish i could say i was lying. hopefully this changes in the future so i can, but right now, it looks like that's not gonna be what happens, and ive accepted that. it's better no pets are harmed because of my forgetfulness anyway. those people need to come to terms they shouldnt have pets too.
@DJ-Buckethead 2 ай бұрын
The most pet lore I had was like.. me and my brother found out our black bombay burmese cat mix might* have vitiligo and has white fur growing like around his lips and his footpads and on his body. Wild that theres ppl mistreating their pets under this tag I assumed itd be like.. actual pet lore but OFC NOT 😭✋️
@Cleared__ 2 ай бұрын
This is why I don’t have TikTok downloaded, bullshit of an “app”
@cosmicreef5858 2 ай бұрын
TikTok is literally NOT the problem? Actually make a point? BAD PEOPLE are.
@creeperrobloxgirl_imlyla 2 ай бұрын
@@cosmicreef5858100 right but bad people is 99% percent of TikTok :c
@azureequus8045 2 ай бұрын
This extends past small pets and dogs and cats to, The amount of videos I see of people abusing or scaring there horses cus is "funny" when a horse freaks out. One time I saw a video of some guy bragging about how terrible he was at riding horses with spurs as like a "joke" the horses sides and shoulders where the spur should never go where dripping with blood and the people that uploaded it thought it was funny. Horse, fish and small pet abuse is so often overlooked when compared to dog or cat abuse.
@syrathdouglas1244 2 ай бұрын
Pet lore? My cat’s a dumbass that accidentally gave me a massive scar on my thigh by going from comfortably sitting there and purring to 5 feet in the air trying to catch a moth. Worse thing that ever happened to him was him trying to eat a sticker on my laptop. I threw them away before he could. Worse thing from his perspective is me sleeping instead of giving him attention.
@R0TT1NG-D1N0 2 ай бұрын
my only "pet lore": My dog used to live in a home where he was neglected he was moved to a shelter my family adopted him he's now happy and well
@myfavoritecolourisblue3184 2 ай бұрын
Now you mentioned this trend of neglecting pets, how about people talking about their child being neglected, I’m sure there are people doing a trend on neglecting their own children and bragging about it
@-MansBestFriend 2 ай бұрын
I’m honestly very young but this disgusted me. I’ve been been self teaching myself about animals ( as in doing my on research on the internet) for as long as I remember. If you do this and you say “ ik but I don’t want to surrender him/her bc I love him/her!” No you don’t, if you loved them you wouldn’t be abusing them.
@wolfielumn864 2 ай бұрын
It’s crazy how people just let these things happen, the worst thing that happened to my dog is nicking his ear on his kennel.
@0_Star1 2 ай бұрын
My “pet lore” is that when she was a puppy she got attacked by my sisters dog. Now it wasn’t fatal, she wasn’t injured. My sisters dog was a rescue and we didn’t know that he would be reactive in that way. (We had him for over a year at that point.) It was an accident that I only let happen once. I bawled my eyes out after she was attacked. I never let it happen again, and nothing else has happened to her since. Sometimes bad things happen that are unexpected or out of your control, but to proceed to make the same mistakes and not taking steps to protect your animal is abuse. I love my animals and I’d do anything I can to keep them away from harm.
Bro huh the only lore my pets have is that my terrier likes to look out the window like a toddler, my basset hound/beagle likes to hug people, and my cat is orange and lacks all intelligence because of it 😨 What are these people doing/just letting happen???
@furwerkstudio2057 2 ай бұрын
I left Tiktok recently because of how they are just, awful and it just seems so, evil.
@myfavoritecolourisblue3184 2 ай бұрын
Just so you know, I still use tik Tok and the algorithm it took me are just innocent or maybe I took a blind side
@RayDrawzDragonz 2 ай бұрын
my car lore; hes very long and loves cuddles, he has a health issue with a sensitive stoumach but he gets proper food so hes okay :3 hes 1 m long !!! and he stretched to be as long as my leg and he purrs really loud its adorable !!! hes also a meower, and a hand-licker; he licks ur hand but not with the sandpaper part... he also sleeps on everyone's pillows :3 hes a happy fella :> other car lore; shes a social fella who is a bit chonky cuz sshe eats the other cars special biscuits, we try to stop her tho... she likes to sit on shoes, especially my dads shoes and she likes my dad the most... this car also likes going in the backyard alot :3 i love my cars
@skippingseaglass 2 ай бұрын
my puppy's pet lore is that even though her original mama struggled a lot and eventually died she is one of the most happy and loved doggies to exist methinks! :] the first part of her backstory is overshadowed by how perfect and silly she isadn she is a doggy by the way and shes 3 and i love her. AND shes a tiny doggy!!! shes a lil goldie and if anythinng bad happened to her im ngl i think i would go a little bit insane AND another lore is that she became the BEST at puppy kisses through many years of training!!!!!!!!!!! she can make anybody happy but even if she couldnt i would stilllov eher because shes the puppiest doggy and shes a dog and shes fluffy and her fur is PERFECT and i love her
@skippingseaglass 2 ай бұрын
this always happens when i talk about my dog i think. my apologies
@skippingseaglass 2 ай бұрын
I FORGOT TOSAY SHES ALSO A HAND HOLDER WHEN SHE DSOE KISSES. and she is kind of the reason i get out of bed every day
@Giyuutomioka6124 2 ай бұрын
I have a lot of pet lore, but it was out of my care or it was my mom abusing then. I think the silliest lore about one of my cats Ginger was he has climbed on my door, and jumped on my face and climbed down by using my clothes, he gave me little claw marks but he was fine. I love Ginger, I hate that my mom put him out.
@CaptainCloudyNWhiskers 2 ай бұрын
I used to hug my cat too hard when I was little, now he's afraid of little kids :( Also he's declawed by my mom so that's sad. But he's a good boy and I love him, he's a lovebug cat.
@Random_Osc 2 ай бұрын
Worst thing that iv ever had happen to my animals was them be poisoned and die, now I am still young and I had 2 outside cats, I loved them so much but we forgot to take the mouse poison out of our geradge and they got into it, they had to of ate a lot since they did both die, however we learned from that and let our new cats live outside since they somehow the got fleas (we did attempt to get the fleas off of them and gave each cat like 4 baths that lasted 30 mins and the fleas did not go away) but we actually have been responsible this time and got rid of all the poison and have left a space open for them to get into since we have coyotes and our highly aggressive dogs. I get sharing your pets story but it’s different if it was your cause, these are adults doing this not children.
@Skullzofficialartist 2 ай бұрын
Pet lore? OH THE cat one, everyone knows it was BAD
@Boo_Woo-d9q 2 ай бұрын
The worst thing that happened to my cat under my care is that my shitty ex stepmom got him declawed without my permission. We also had to move houses and that was pretty traumatic for him, but he’s settling in. He’s doing well too, we just got him a new cat tower and a bunch of new toys. He’s such a sweet boy. Annoying sometimes but, all cats are lol. All the pets I’ve had have been well taken care of dog and lived long and happy lives. My guinea pig ended up dying of natural causes… we think a heart attack? We’re not really sure.
@Starlight-ue8jy 2 ай бұрын
Pet lore but it’s Lemmiwinks
@o_o888 2 ай бұрын
I would die for this Minecraft grass block But yeah that ain’t right
@DoughBoy_Silly 2 ай бұрын
its apart of our serves minecraft build contest, its gonna be a prize
@creeperrobloxgirl_imlyla 2 ай бұрын
Your art is so good!! :D new sub!! (Happy 800!!) meehehehhew I was the 800th sub also awesome video!!
@DoughBoy_Silly 2 ай бұрын
CONGRATS!! That's a huge goal for me thank you so much!!
@creeperrobloxgirl_imlyla 2 ай бұрын
@@DoughBoy_Silly Yw!! I fully expected you to have like a few hundred thousand!!
@Arak_art 2 ай бұрын
The only thing that happened to my dog was that he choked with a piece of cheese (its worse than you think, jis heart literally stopped) but my dad and my cousin managed to save him (it almost happened twice bc my brother does not put the fcking cheese on the fridge)
@Random_content01. 2 ай бұрын
My only ‘pet lore’ was when I was asleep and my cat did what I’m guessing jumped onto my dresser then slipped and fell. She hurt her leg but no injuries just bruising for like an hour or two
I don't have TikTok anymore for this reason.
@eatchipvertically6614 2 ай бұрын
ur art is really good and also this shit is wild how do people even mentally and physically abandon a living organism and then post it to TikTok for many others to see and think it’s ok just bc they get a couple views or likes from it.
@Zippy_Diffy216 2 ай бұрын
If it’s tiktok, you can see countless videos of straight up abuse and NOTHING is done about it. It’s expected and it’s genuinely sad that it’s expected.
@Kxri.7 2 ай бұрын
You could never catch me doing this to my baby guys🙏🙏🙏
@karathewolfsfanficchannel933 2 ай бұрын
My pet Mice’s pet lore is eating a peanut for the first time
@matchedpowerofthesun 2 ай бұрын
unrelated i love your art
@DoughBoy_Silly 2 ай бұрын
Thank you 💕
@mythicalwarrioranimations123 2 ай бұрын
the worst that happened to my dog was when he was a teen was that he ran behind my dad car, he’s a white lab and it was snowy, my dad didn’t see him and when he felt he hit my dog, my dad immediately took him to the vet, he was fine he just broke his pp bone :(
@originsmenagerie9920 2 ай бұрын
My pet lore is full of spite and judgement. I do nothing but love her but my lizard is so mean… she’s watching (and judging) me right now
@K4SP3R_______INF3CT 2 ай бұрын
dude i have two dachshunds (technically mine is mixed with a yorkie and the third one we used to have three but one passed due to sicknesses :C) and the worst thing that happened to the one im specifically meant to take care of is that he got stuck between a couch and a ottoman and it wasn't even that bad it was more like being stuck in those square foam pits at trampoline parks dw hes fine just not that smart 😭 there was also a time he fell off of my bed and i was checking him because he was crying but i think he might've landed on his foot funny, other than that he was able to walk fine and could run 🥲 yeah but no, how the hell does a cat get hit by a car, eaten by a dog, and broke multiple bones and then STILL stay in that person's care...... i'm actually considering being a animal caretaker (daycares, shelters, ect) when i can get a job ALSO THE MINECRAFT BLOCK CREATURE THINGY IS SO CUTE AHHWEGGDB
@seashoreextinct3586 2 ай бұрын
My only pet lore is when my dog almost ate an entire bowl of plain pasta when he was a puppy because we didn't know he was now big enough to get onto chairs and the one time we took him to a pet shop to bathe him in one of the pet bathing stations he pissed on a cat tree.
@JasperMRA 2 ай бұрын
Not related but I love your character!!
@DoughBoy_Silly 2 ай бұрын
Thank you!!
@Random_content01. 2 ай бұрын
Not related but that drawing is really cute. New sub :3
@DoughBoy_Silly 2 ай бұрын
thank you! Its for my dervers minecraft build contest prize lol, I appreciate the support 💕💕
@Random_content01. 2 ай бұрын
@@DoughBoy_Silly ofc!
@StoryTheSilly 2 ай бұрын
this is disgusting. anyways, you're really underrated!
@DoughBoy_Silly 2 ай бұрын
Thank you!! I try my best!
@The2ndnnotonly 2 ай бұрын
idk maybe the pet owners werent there for the trauma the pet went through? i feel like most of the anger that comes from these videos are just people jumping to a conclusion with no solid evidence
@DoughBoy_Silly 2 ай бұрын
most of them state that the animal was under their care explicitly, the ones I discussed I personally talked to the owners and was told that the pet was under their care during the events, some I don't know, regardless sharing it for views is a stupid trend.
@unluckyart2191 2 ай бұрын
Dude the worst thing that happened to one of my pets was that it was a hamster (ofc) it got scared and bit my sister and she (being a child and trying to get it off) slung it up on top of the cabinets in our kitchen. I had to climb up and catch it (it was alright, surprisingly.) and it lived an average hamster lifespan after that. It died of old age but it seemed to live a generally normal life other than that incident. I feel so bad for everyones pets that do that stupid trend. If you’re neglecting your pets, why are you posting it online like it’s “funny” or “cute” and glorifying the situation? First of all, kids may see it and think that its OKAY to do that stuff, and secondly you’re literally putting an innocent animals life in danger. Thats just wrong. People suck sometimes. Obviously, some of my other pets have died but none of that was my fault nor under my supervision. For example, when i was younger my mother wouldn’t allow me to keep our cats inside and that ended in some deaths, but I wished that they were kept inside instead. We weren’t rich so we gave away some of the pets we couldn’t take care of! Why cant people understand that if you cannot care for the pet, get RID OF IT!!! We had a boxer once and she was super sweet but she was way too crazy for us and tore up EVERYTHING! My mom also couldn’t keep her inside all the time because she would tear up anything if you left her unattended, so we gave her away to someone better equipped to care for a big dog like her.
@Honey_Boba159 2 ай бұрын
😨😨 worst I ever did was feed my dog a worm when I was 7… what are yall doing 😨😨😨
@Pantherealbloxxer 2 ай бұрын
Nice drawing it's cool as hell!
@DoughBoy_Silly 2 ай бұрын
Thank you 💕
@AlienCalledZurpALT 2 ай бұрын
i have two cats, ive had them since octoberish and the worst thing that happend to one of them js that she fell off our roof, nothing broke, she was just a bit cold (we went to the vets immediately and found out)
@shadowyct 2 ай бұрын
excluding how they died which was pretty normal and not preventable for someone with our income, the most of my two cats lore is me being a dumb 8 year old and putting random stuff on them, and them escaping once or twice. not. all that crazy stuff
@lilhedgehog8576 2 ай бұрын
My dog broke her leg by jumping off the couch. It was the weirdest thing because I didn’t understand why she broke her leg jumping from the couch because it wasn’t that high I still don’t get why she broke her leg. I guess she’s really fragile or she landed in the wrong spot.
@YourLocalFoxOnTheLoose 2 ай бұрын
Basically people are lazy and simply refuse to do proper research on how to take care of their pets. And by saying *Pet lore* or whatever it might be a way to cover up their absurd way of caring for them or just to get clout. *I said dark humour because in the video she said they thought it would also be funny so my bad if I thought wrong*
@CelesteMarie-d7t 2 ай бұрын
Dark humor is okay....
@YourLocalFoxOnTheLoose 2 ай бұрын
@@CelesteMarie-d7t Well it depends on the situation
@matchedpowerofthesun 2 ай бұрын
dark humor isn’t the same thing as people being neglectful and idiotic
@dna_rosepetal_wcue 2 ай бұрын
This isn't dark humor! Wtf!! Don't group us in with them!!!!
@YourLocalFoxOnTheLoose 2 ай бұрын
Hmm. Then let me rephrase
@OrcaThe8th 2 ай бұрын
This just shows that Tik Tok should just be banned, THEY EVEN TRACK YOU! And expose kids to DISGUSTING things! #BANTIKTOK
@clown_real 2 ай бұрын
Tik Tok wasn't trustworthy from the start.
@cowbearrie 2 ай бұрын
same with all social media though? cant hate that and support other apps
@OrcaThe8th 2 ай бұрын
@@cowbearrie yeah I mean that for most social media beside KZbin, they just need to ban content farms and we’re good but Twitter, instagram, Facebook, etc, are ALL horrible apps
@Krusty_bot63 2 ай бұрын
You know Congress wants to ban tiktok because of videos spreading awareness on the genocide in Palestine right?
@WashingtonsWingman 2 ай бұрын
The person they mentioned in the video is Seritoninisoverrated and their display is Gabby
@DoughBoy_Silly 2 ай бұрын
It actually wasn't the explicit person, this was a different person, but I did learn about this person after!
@Blaineworld 2 ай бұрын
pet lore we have two very cute dogs one of them is hyper and small and smells bad and the other one is calm and bigger and fluffy and they are friends and they playfight all the time end pet lore
@loyino2080 2 ай бұрын
@Aviation.Puppers 2 ай бұрын
The worst thing that happened to my dog was out of anyone’s control because it was a health problem from his mom It was not a planed litter so it was not a breeder or a backyard breeder I had someone actually admit strait to my face that they brought there dog from a backyard breeder and all they said was it was easy for the
@SevenBently_7 2 ай бұрын
You sound like a female version of DailyDoseofVideos (compliment)
@DoughBoy_Silly 2 ай бұрын
Haha I can actually kind of see that! I thought about that when relistening, i know exactly what youre talking about lol
@lilhedgehog8576 2 ай бұрын
It’s incentivized because whatever gets you more views gets you more money or at least more attention.
@versinick69 2 ай бұрын
very cool sona
@DoughBoy_Silly 2 ай бұрын
Thank you! He is the goob
@mahitos_biggest_fan 2 ай бұрын
legendary youtube pull under 500 views im tempted to share three of my moms terrible pet stories (none her fault, one not her pet, one completely someone elses fault, and the third from rabies) but i honestly dont want to traumatize anyonr 😭 all this to say why do ppl tell strangers on the internet ts ?? like what 😭 i have some bad pet lore but none of it killed them, most it did was inconvenience them ill share those since they arent too bad imo 1. my cat scratched his sister's eye, but she came to me and we quickly treated it 2. aforementioned male cat got kidnapped for a week bc hes cute 3. he got shot with a bb gun somehow (we think, probably an accident and he seemed chill, treated that quick too) pet lore is like me saying how my cats were born on a porch and the woman whos porch it was adopted the mom and fostered the kittens or how my old dog was found on the street yes this was an excuse to yap about my precious pets
@Torre_beanKat 2 ай бұрын
Consider me a new subscriber! Your stuff is awesome
@DoughBoy_Silly 2 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for the support 💕
@tydino101 2 ай бұрын
io want that block as a pet, and not to abuse, but nurtrues
@Averagelilman 2 ай бұрын
Funny dirt dragon :)
@Pawbrew 2 ай бұрын
Did you draw your sona’s poses, or was it a commission?
@DoughBoy_Silly 2 ай бұрын
This was a commision! You can find the person I commisioned in my youtube links, Ooohjellybird
@lilhedgehog8576 2 ай бұрын
You know about and seem to like Minecraft therefore I like you as well. Let’s do something about that. I guess I’ll subscribe.
@SpaceMomo-h5i 2 ай бұрын
I can't find your server on disboard ToT
@DoughBoy_Silly 2 ай бұрын
did you look up the name with any extra capitals/no captials?
@SpaceMomo-h5i 2 ай бұрын
@@DoughBoy_Silly I looked it up in all caps-
@SpaceMomo-h5i 2 ай бұрын
@@DoughBoy_Silly it says 1/1 server but does not show the server :C
@SpaceMomo-h5i 2 ай бұрын
@@DoughBoy_Silly I tried joining from your touhouse too but it just sends to plain old discord
@kittycrow8122 2 ай бұрын
Same I can't find it-
@God_i_love_Resident_Evil_games 2 ай бұрын
Just a FYI your discord link doesnt work
@DoughBoy_Silly 2 ай бұрын
Yeah youtube breaks the link, you have to go through disboard!
@Volkov_ch 2 ай бұрын
I cannot for the life of me find the discord server on disboard (it says there's no results). I'm not sure if this is an issue with me or something
@DoughBoy_Silly 2 ай бұрын
Are you typing in ZukiCord?
@Volkov_ch 2 ай бұрын
@@DoughBoy_Silly at first I typed it in all caps, then this way. But alas, for some reason both those don't work. might be an issue with me, I've got no idea what I'm doing wrong
@God_i_love_Resident_Evil_games 2 ай бұрын
@@Volkov_ch not just you dw it doesnt show for me
@Mxxiee 2 ай бұрын
R you southern 😭
@DoughBoy_Silly 2 ай бұрын
How could you tell?? I never have anyone ask! But yes I am! Im actually in the bible belt haha, everyone says I don't sound southern for a native southern person!
@Wendigo-Bait 2 ай бұрын
I couldnt finish your video, the minecraft music was so unbelievably loud compared to your voice
@nia_luvv 2 ай бұрын
help me i can barely hear it 😭
@DoughBoy_Silly 2 ай бұрын
I thought i fixed it aw man 😭
@spyritsolz 2 ай бұрын
Interesting, to me the audio sounds very balanced
@_D3mOnZ_F4LLinG_ 2 ай бұрын
As someone from the uk, most cats here are able to go outside of their free will most of the time (you used a cat as your first example). Getting injured is a risk and thats why you get pet insurance. I would reckon that what you consider "irresponsibility" is actually just cultural difference. Dont claim abuse without considering the fact that your cities are not made for life compared to most cities. (The mange example was defo abuse but the cat one is more just a lack of appreciation that other people live differently to you and have safer cities where rare risks happen sometimes)
@DoughBoy_Silly 2 ай бұрын
1. Person was U.S based, two, if you know your area isnt sutiable for a cat to be iutside, which obviously hers wasn't, then yes that does count as animal neglect That much i jury to an animal in such short time is nothing BUT abuse plain and simple
@Doub1eSpark 2 ай бұрын
I would like to point out that it's generally frowned upon to let cats go free beyond your yard because domestic cats pose a huge risk to local bird, lizard, insect, and rodent populations and have caused extinctions because of that. I have an outdoor cat myself(because my family needed a guardian for our chicken flocks) but he's trained to not leave the general area.
@TweekLeTwix 2 ай бұрын
@JeLLyMARKs28HERE 2 ай бұрын
@Ryukotic 2 ай бұрын
Don’t like ya
@DoughBoy_Silly 2 ай бұрын
womp womp
@Ryukotic 2 ай бұрын
@@DoughBoy_Silly you are pungent
@DoughBoy_Silly 2 ай бұрын
Big word
@Ryukotic 2 ай бұрын
@@DoughBoy_Silly big big big!
@Ryukotic 2 ай бұрын
@@DoughBoy_Silly pickle chungus
@theratsinyourwalls 2 ай бұрын
my dog doesn't have any lore shes just silly skrunkle meow meow critter
@Vesper31StudiosOffical 2 ай бұрын
Question, r u a possum? I'm slow I can't rlly tell
@DoughBoy_Silly 2 ай бұрын
Yeah! My pngtuber is a possum!
@Vesper31StudiosOffical 2 ай бұрын
@@DoughBoy_Silly heheh yay
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