The Noel Zone Episode 3 Boom Review

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The Noel Zone

The Noel Zone

25 күн бұрын


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@RaymondWilliams-uu1ns 23 күн бұрын
Ncuti is playing the role Gay. It might be unfortunate but people don’t want the Doctor to be Gay. This is RTDs vision for the Doctor. Representation!
@RaymondWilliams-uu1ns 23 күн бұрын
Capaldi was spot on from the beginning as well.
@RaymondWilliams-uu1ns 23 күн бұрын
Millie is overrated. She is a bargain basement Jenna Coleman. I can see why she was replaced. I could say the same for Ncuti. He just isn’t the Doctor. Matt Smith was young but could convey that thousand year old Alien. Ncuti is what he is. A young single man living a carefree life. That’s how he’s playing it. The wise, unimaginably intelligent Alien being, is missing!
@berliner0 23 күн бұрын
Jenna is my crush I’m willing to give Millie a chance
@RaymondWilliams-uu1ns 23 күн бұрын
@@berliner0 Well, she’s only got 5 + whatever episodes to go. Short but sweet.
@berliner0 23 күн бұрын
I haven’t liked any who since capaldi left he was great
@RaymondWilliams-uu1ns 23 күн бұрын
@joshuaverran9443 23 күн бұрын
Ill take the Jodie Whittaker era or The Devils Chord over Boom anyday atleast they were something different even if their not perfect but it was different, i lived through 7 years of the Moffat era i don't need to relive it again the man needs to retire and let someone new write these episodes including RTD.
@RaymondWilliams-uu1ns 23 күн бұрын
Eccleston was the Dr from the off.
@scottishdavros 24 күн бұрын
RTD is a weirdo some of the crap he comes out with dear me.
@davidmullen6011 24 күн бұрын
I felt sorry for the guests on the panel...
@RaymondWilliams-uu1ns 23 күн бұрын
@RaymondWilliams-uu1ns 23 күн бұрын
It’s The Maverick: Top Gun affect. When it was released in Cinemas people told me to go and see it. It’s the best movie they had seen in years and probably was. I went with the family. Terrific film, highly entertaining and I would later rewatch it on a 4k disc. However, although it’s good it’s not and never was a great film. The best film in years tag was because people had seen so much dross and films that subvert the viewer’s expectations that when Tom Cruise gave them what they wanted, their sheer joy on getting what they wanted made they call it an all time great. It was a very satisfying meal. This is what is happening with Boom! And Noel is right that people have lowered their expectations so low that what in the past would be called an ordinary story now takes on instant Classic status. They were surprised they enjoyed it and it was relatively agenda free or at least not so in the face with a message. Better than most stories in recent years but it isn’t great. IMO
@RaymondWilliams-uu1ns 23 күн бұрын
The damage the Chibnall era inflicted has come home to roost. Plus the insipid Specials. The Public were out before this New Season started. It’s bad but they haven’t tuned in to find out how bad it is. Lucky them! They are a lot wiser than RTD thinks😂 Ratings. This is what happens when people give trash like Star Babies 7/10. They then need to give mediocre stories that are better higher scores. I know, You Do You, I will Do Me nonsense that they trout out. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. However, does that mean that opinion can’t be questioned? 10 the pinnacle 09 Excellent. Near perfection 08 Very Good 07 Good 06 Above Average 05 Average 04 Below Average 03 Bad 02 Awful 01 The Pits That’s how I rate when giving marks out of ten. It’s pointless otherwise. I think people just spout out a figure without actually thinking how high or low they are marking it. We have to have rules or it’s hyperbolic nonsense. For those FEW that enjoy Season 1, Series 14, Season 40 and it is a FEW, good on them but they is no need to pretend that this is better than it actually is. Liking it doesn’t make you controversial. You are not shocking others when you say it. You just have a different taste. Every television show that was cancelled had fans and that’s where this is heading. Ncuti will be the last actor to play the Dr ( supposedly) for a while.
@charg1nmalaz0r51 23 күн бұрын
He didnt get himself out of the situation though, the ai did lol. he had given up at that point. I may give it a pass because the doctor appealed to the ais humanity ealier in the episode which lead to it doing it i suppose. But i still have the impression the doctor is winning by complete accident lol. Usually the doctor pulls off some clever shit and you are like wow, very you dont get that feeling. The whole episode was predictable, the stories have already been told before and you knew there were no stakes because the doctor wasnt going to die, therefore the threat of the planet being half destroyed wasnt even a factor into it. Ruby wasnt going to die as he has a whole plot thread for her and we know when she leaves. The 3 other guys in this who did die were not a shock at all because it was obvious they were all going to die. The reveal of them fighting no one was not a reveal, again it was obvious, probably because they pointed it out so many times during the episode. The childs dialouge was unrealistic and clunky, they wrote her like a complete moron lol.
@RaymondWilliams-uu1ns 23 күн бұрын
The next episode is Ncuti Doctor light. I expect it to be the best in the season 😂
@gemstonesvideograpghy6672 23 күн бұрын
The 4th Doctor controlled his adrenaline and bodily functions stepping on a land mine in Genesis of the Daleks.The classic Doctor’s could control their body and mind. The new Doctor with adrenaline rush. Poor excuse by Moff the Doff! Ridiculous!
@joshuajoshua2732 23 күн бұрын
I'm probaly in a minority here i thought "Boom" was boring it was just another typical Steven Moffat episode.
@RaymondWilliams-uu1ns 23 күн бұрын
You are definitely not in the minority. The opposite in fact. I never felt any tension in this episode. It was never close to Heaven Sent or Midnight. Ncuti’s very human, care free single man , doesn’t do it for me. The Doctor is missing. The 2000 year Alien with an unimaginable intelligence isn’t there.
@joshuajoshua2732 23 күн бұрын
@@RaymondWilliams-uu1ns I totally agree.
@berliner0 24 күн бұрын
Very below par
@berliner0 24 күн бұрын
The gloves are off hell yes
@RaymondWilliams-uu1ns 23 күн бұрын
A bit. I would have challenged some of the guests harder on what makes them like it so much. What is they are seeing that I’m not? Why was it a 9? Give me reasons why it was so great! What was it better than? Pyramids of Mars, Murder on the Orient Express, Heaven Sent or even The Long Game? There is a pretence going on that it was better than it actually was. Boom was the best of the 7 RTDs stories so far. That’s all it is. I think because it had a sci fi plot then at least it felt like a Dr Who story but it’s not great by Nu Who or Classic Who standards.
@RaymondWilliams-uu1ns 23 күн бұрын
Easily pleased! The Soyboys. That’s who this new era is being made for. There is no masculinity in this whatsoever! The Dr may as well had stayed a woman because he certainly has no masculine traits. Where is our hero? The MAN who would sacrifice everything just to save one person ( Caves of Androzani). Ncuti just doesn’t have the gravitas to play this role. RTD saw a very confident handsome young Gay Man and offered him the role. It could not have been on acting ability as I have yet to see any!
@berliner0 24 күн бұрын
Great stream all have a great week now
@xsm5525 24 күн бұрын
for me Boom is a 2/10 nothing less, nothing more. Moffat is rusty on DW writing IMO. I'm not even going to bother continuing with this series. it's over for me.
@RaymondWilliams-uu1ns 23 күн бұрын
Well said! This season is like confetti in the wind. Easily disposable and totally forgettable. Nobody is going to be talking about this trash in 5 months time never mind in 50 years!
@RaymondWilliams-uu1ns 23 күн бұрын
The Chibnall era was better than this! In Series 11, The Woman that Fell to Earth was better than Space Babies, Rosa was better than The Devils Chord, Arachnids in the UK better than Boom! In my opinion. People are easily pleased but this isn’t top tier Dr Who.
@DoctorWhoManiaProductions23 23 күн бұрын
What are you smoking? Arachnids in the UK is amongst one of the worst episodes of the revival 🤣💀
@DoctorWhoManiaProductions23 23 күн бұрын
Rosa is episode 3 btw not episode 2 so it’s unfair to compare
@RaymondWilliams-uu1ns 23 күн бұрын
@@DoctorWhoManiaProductions23 The Ghost Monument is dull but it’s not as bad as The Devils Chord. IMO
@RaymondWilliams-uu1ns 23 күн бұрын
@@DoctorWhoManiaProductions23 Yes, I know 😊
@DoctorWhoManiaProductions23 22 күн бұрын
@@RaymondWilliams-uu1ns the ghost monument was good for about 5 minutes towards the end I just couldn’t get on board with it, the devils chord had me intrigued up until that song at the end which I just can’t like whatsoever, it’s got good choreography but they should have had a song from a previous series like idk “put the devil in me” or something that people recognise
@iluv2b 24 күн бұрын
For me, a great episode of Doctor Who, in which Moffat, whilst using many of his old tropes, did so to very good effect. A superbly realised dystopic setting was populated with believable, likeable supporting characters, with the existing tension greatly enhanced by the arrival of the Doctor and Ruby. Whilst being unable and unwilling to account for the writer's fixation with lesbians, I felt messaging to be completely absent, instead being replaced by balanced exploration of faith, religion, and the scepticism they can generate, together with a rebuke of the excesses of capitalism, rather than of the principle itself; the viewer was given the choice to reach their own conclusions and, to my mind, faith and religion gave very good accounts of themselves. I'll never be fond of Gatwa, a disposition cemented by his recent appalling behaviour; nevertheless, Moffat did bring out the best in him, my impression being that there was genuine effort from the lead actor to inject the requisite amount of gravitas in proportion to the situation. Gibson also impressed and together, their dynamic was compelling. Score: 9/10 I'm genuinely sorry to see you so unhappy, Noel, and I don't offer this opposing viewpoint to further your upset. I actually share your overall dismay with both this era, and the ethos attached to it, but can only attest that, after several viewings, 'Boom' continues to impress. Many thanks for all your typically valued insights, guys. All the best for now. Paul
@davidmullen6011 24 күн бұрын
Agree with most of that! I wasn't going to watch this episode, it was fifty/fifty all week with me as I felt no appetite at all for the series after those first two episodes. But this story opened with a very different style to those previous two, and straight away I could see a writer of a whole other calibre was at work here... One of the noteworthy aspects to Steven moffatt's approach here is that he tailors this script to put Ncuti Gatwa's skills to the test, a script that demands tension and a broad range of emotions and responses from him. It's by far the best script he has been given so far, and as such it was likely the episode that will truly sell him to the audience and fandom as he has _no_ excuses here, the script is good and it demands things from him. On balance I felt he was adequate, but for me not a convincing Doctor. He doesn't convince me he is a millennia-old Timelord . But taking this series on its own merits he performs adequately, and I don't hate him as a performer, it's just the unavoidable reality that he isn't mature enough, or _deep_ enough, to really make something of material like this. It may be a part of why he isn't connecting to the audience as yet, But a good episode I feel. One I could watch again. And interesting to note that Moffatt writes it as a script and a character that could be handed to any of the Doctor's before Gatwa - and I suspect this was a good part of Moffatt's intentions here.
@xsm5525 24 күн бұрын
I just want you to confirm that you did actually mean to put 9/10 ? and not some other score?
@iluv2b 23 күн бұрын
@@davidmullen6011 Thanks for yet another astute, insightful reply. Much like you, although not having seen the previous two episodes, I knew from the first few seconds that this was superior to anything that Davies had offered since returning as showrunner. In keeping with your thoughts, I feel the key difference between the two writers is that Moffat, whist sometimes errant, will always remain true to the core principles of the show; that this is both essential to, and absent from, Davies' current repertoire, is in large part responsible for the rapid loss of esteem and plummeting ratings. Also, the fact that, to date, Davies has been unable to elicit any measure of consistency from his lead actor, is a woeful indictment of his fitness to preside over this show, and one has to wonder to what measure of scrutiny, if any. his creative decisions are being subjected. Cheers.
@iluv2b 23 күн бұрын
@@xsm5525 By all means I'll confirm: 9/10.
@RaymondWilliams-uu1ns 23 күн бұрын
Good post. You give reasons why you like it. It wasn’t for me but having read your post I can at least appreciate what you saw it in. I think others just blurting out a 9 and saying I really enjoy it without actually saying what they enjoyed about it is baffling . I need context because 9 is a very high score. I’m obviously missing what you saw. I think Gatwa’s, free as a bird character, just doesn’t work for me. I need a more authoritative Doctor when the going gets tough. Had this another Dr in it, I think I would have scored it higher but as it was, a 5 was the best I could give it.
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