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This Sunday 20th August 2023 7pm (UK Time) we are extremely excited to bring you our 5OTH ONLINE CONCERT from the incredible Zych Pipe Organ of Licheń Basilica, Licheń Stary, Poland. This is the largest Pipe Organ and Church in Poland, and it was an unbelievable experience for Jonathan to perform on this monumental instrument. It has over 12,000 pipes, 157 stops, and a six manual console to control the 5 separate parts (& 11 divisions) spaced around the Basilica (with a colossal 12 second reverberation). The organ is actually based on the never built giant organ proposed by Cavaillé-Coll for St Peter's Basilica in Rome. Tom has created an immersive audio experience which places you in the centre of the Basilica as well as bringing you the sights of this architectural masterpiece. We hope you will all join us for the Biggest Online Organ Event of the year and share this unforgettable experience!
As we reach our 50th Online Concert, we would like to thank you all for watching our videos and sharing our musical journey.
Thank you also for all of your wonderful comments, likes and subscriptions. We look forward to sharing more wonderful places and instruments with you very soon.
We provide all of our online video content for you to watch for free and fund our projects ourselves. While we do not expect or ask for anything, should you wish to contribute to support our future projects, you can do so here: www.scottbroth...
Any amount will be gratefully received and put to good use in supporting our future projects. Thank you for your support. Jonathan & Tom
The Scores of Jonathan's arrangements featured in this concert are available here: www.scottbroth...
For more information about Scott Brothers Duo please visit: www.scottbroth...
Please follow us on:
Instagram: / scottbrothersduo
Twitter: / scottbrosduo
Shrine of Our Lady of Sorrows "Queen of Poland"
Bazylika Matki Bozej Bolenej Królowej Polski
Sanktuarium Matki Bozej Licheńskiej
Thanks to:
Professor Andrzej Chorosiński
Jacek Hyzny
Gioachino Rossini arr. Scott
The Thieving Magpie Overture
George Frideric Handel arr. Scott
Passacaglia (Suite No. 7 in G Minor HWV 432)
Serge Rachmaninoff arr. Scott
Adagio (Symphony No. 2 in E Minor Op. 27)
Johannes Brahms arr. Scott
Variations on a theme by Haydn 'St Anthony Chorale' Op. 56
Specification of the Organ in the South Emporium [OP]
I Grand-Orgue
Bourdon 16
Pryncypał 16
Pr. 8
Fl. harm. 8
Gamba 8
Kopula 8
Dolce 8
Kwinta 5 1/3
Flet 4
Pryncypał 4
Salicet 4
Tercja 3 1/5
Kwinta 2 2/3
Doublette 2
Gr.Fourniture IV
Mixtura IV
Gr. Cymbel V
Cymbel IV
Bombard 16
Fagot 16
Tr. 8
Obój 8
Clairon 4
II. Pos.
Violon 16
Flet harmoniczny 8
Diap. 8
Sal. 8
Fl. 4
Pr. 4
Viola 4
Kwinta 2 2/3
Sesquialtera III
Picolo 2
Plein jeu V
Szarf III
Dulcjan 16
Cromorne 8
Clarinette 8
Jannhorn 8
III. Récit
Gedeckt 16
Rurflet 8
Fl. trav. 8
Pryncypał 8
Gamba 8
Voix Cél. 8
Fl. trav. 4
Oktawa 4
Viola 4
Nasard 2 2/3
Doublette 2
Cornet V
Fourniture IV-V
Basson 16
Tr. 8
Obój 8
Vox humana 8
Clairon harm.4
Trem. IV-III
IV. Solo
Fl. major 8
Gamba 8
Keraulophon 8
Cornet V
Tuba Mirabilis 8
Subkontrabas 32
Subbas 16
Pryncypał 16
Violonbas 16
Kwintbas 10 2/3
Flet 8
Fletbas 8
Oktawbas 8
Cello 8
Chorał 4
Sesquialtera III
Okaryna 2
Hintersatz V
Mixtur IV
K.Bombard 32
Bombard 16
Quinttrompet 10 2/3
Tr. 8
Clairon 4
Specification of the Organ in the West Emporium [OZ]
I. Hauptwerk
Pr. 16
Fl. otwarty 8
Fl. kryty 8
Pr. 8
Gemshorn 8
Gamba 8
Szpicflet 4
Oktawa 4
Viola 4
Kwinta 2 2/3
Superoktawa 2
Flażolet 1
Kornet V
Mix. V
Mix. IV
Tr. 16
Tr. 8
Tr. 4
II-I, Super I
II Schwellwerk [Encl]
Kwintadena 16
Rurflet 8
Pr. 8′
Salicet 8
Traversflet 4
Prestant 4
Gemshorn 4
Nasard 2 2/3
Picolo 2
Oktawa 2
Tercja 1 3/5
Kwinta 1 1/3
Nona 8/9
Szarf V
Dulcjan 16
Krummhorn 8
Klarinet 8
Tubular Bells Tremolo
Bourdon 32
Subbas 16
Pr. 16
Violonbas 16
Fletbas 8
Oktawbas 8
Cello 8
Fl. kryty 4
Chorał 4
Sesquialtera II
Mixtura IV
Bombard 16
Fagot 16
Tr. 8
Clairon 4
II-P, Super I-P, I-P, Zimbelstern, Tympan
Specification of the Organ in the East Emporium [OW]
Gedeckt 8
Diapason 8
Prestant 4
Oktawa 2
Cymbel III-IV
Tuba Magna 16
Tuba Mirabillis 8
Clairon [harmoniczny] 4
Specification of the West Altar positiv [PW]
Voce Umana 8 [labialny, II]
Gamba 8
Aeolina 8
Vox coelestis 8 [I]
Pryncypał 4
Fugara 4
Harmonia Aetheria III
Nachtigall [Słowik] / Tremolo
Specification of the East Altar positiv [PO]
Gedeckt 8
Pr. 4
Hohlflet 4
Quintade 4
Dezehen 2
Zimbel 3x
Regal 8
Zink 4
Two Expression pedals (OP III / OZ II)
98 - 229 ALL Couplers for all divisions to pedal and all manuals