The Problem With Dating Christian Girls

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@Whatisright 10 жыл бұрын
Grew up in church. Not a christian. They do say though. If you make it into heaven and don't see the pastor there, don't be surprised.
@matthewstewart5008 Ай бұрын
@otoolehouse1 6 жыл бұрын
As a life long Catholic man with the experience of three serious relationships with home schooled Catholic girls, I can honestly say most of this is sadly true. Christianity is a beautiful religion and helps a lot of people, but so often girls embrace only the sexual and romantic dictates of the faith and then discard the teachings on charity, kindness and compassion. I dated a girl who claimed to be a “devout Catholic” and dumped me three weeks after my brother died unexpectedly. She started dating me again out of loneliness and then after months of me showering her with kindness and affection, she dumped me out of boredom. It’s been like six months so the wound is still somewhat fresh, but she managed reach out with an intense apology and I found later that she only sent it because she met someone new and wanted to bring good karma into her new relationship. I’ve made my share of mistakes and done things I shouldn’t have so I can forgive her. But to this day, her lack of empathy astounds me.
@Psmgamer 7 жыл бұрын
I have had problems dating girls in my church. It mainly has to do with me getting permission from her parents to let me date her. What's interesting is I asked this girl out and she said sure "I'll go out with you, call me anytime" where her exact words. I tried calling her and she would always have something come up at the last minute. So give it a few tries and I just plain out asked her "Are you really interested in going out?", her words "Yes" but something came up with family preventing her from going out. I eventually said screw this girl, she is just playing mind games with me and can't make up her mind on whether to date or me not. This was back when I was 19 years old, the girl was 17 years old. What's interesting is this girl left my church and went to another church. I later found out she had met someone which lead to her getting pregnant at 21 years old, her mom was pissed and she ended up getting married behind her mom's back. The last I saw of her was at my old church where she showed up with her husband and new born baby. I sort of felt like I dodged a bullet by not dating her as I didn't want to get married in my early 20's or have children until i was older.
@ericjennings853 Жыл бұрын
she had already made up her mind whether to date you or not in the beginning it was no.
@sitdowndogbreath Жыл бұрын
@@ericjennings853 unfortunately he has a point
@MichellesdesignsEtc Жыл бұрын
Well she either fell away (sadly) or she wasn't a true Christian that's not an excuse to be unequally yoked or for you not to be a Christian furthermore she was technically a minor and our brains aren't even fully developed until we're 25/26 young girls in general are undecevise hopefully you realize this..... also her parents might have told her no. Did her parents also go to another church as well as you know that if you live in parents home you do what parents say even if you are 18, 19 well if you want to live with them anyways
@Psmgamer Жыл бұрын
@@MichellesdesignsEtc We had been invited to her church and she seemed happy to see us along with her mom and younger brother. She was rebellious as a teenager talking back to her mom badly from what I heard from my mom. I agree with her being a minor and I agree her mom could have told her no as her daughter was in love with her boyfriend.
@SandmanMGTOW 10 жыл бұрын
I once had a LDS girl date me and try to convert me and get me shipped off to Salt Lake City.
@PaulJohnsonM 10 жыл бұрын
Whoa... FLDS?
@IndyDefense 10 жыл бұрын
"I think he did a little too much LDS."
@FirstNameLastName-wx4ix 10 жыл бұрын
saintgauden maybe in those countries because that shit doesn't work in countries like Italy, Spain, Portugal or Greece
@FirstNameLastName-wx4ix 10 жыл бұрын
saintgauden you guys got to learn on how to mark your presence on women otherwise, you are going to be pushovers. one time a former girlfriend of mine wanted me to go some place she really wanted to go with me but i was coming from work and i was tired, so i tried to explained her. she didn't listened and started threatening me i wouldn't have sex for a month, i told her to fuck off and to never come back. so yeah i broke up right on the spot because i don't tolerate any kind of manipulation or blackmailing.
@FirstNameLastName-wx4ix 10 жыл бұрын
Moe MGTOW I know about that and those it's important groups like these keep growing. women think they can control the relationship because we men are fucking stupid. we led them thinking they can have their way just because they have a hole between the legs. We have to continue boycotting marriage and even sex if it is necessary. We have to control the relationship not the other way around and we have sex. And if she cheats, go to a strip club right after the break up. after all there's nothing more sadder than seeing a man crying over some skank. also that passive aggressive attitude has to stop. you guys have to deal drama like it's a cancer or a virus. if it's there kill it before it goes wild, be precise, immediate and effective because it won't matter if you reach your boiling point, au contraire, by the time shit hits the fan you won't be able to do shit.
@softypapa 10 жыл бұрын
Your videos deserve WAY more views.
@imadn4147 7 жыл бұрын
softypapa awesome! so you want more girls to watch this video so they can adapt to it against men right?...what a fuckin idiot
@pooperscoop54321 5 жыл бұрын
“Less than 5% of the people that go into that church actually are Christians.” I became a Christian about a year ago, and when I was first going to church, I was worried about this, and wondering how many of the people there actually believe it. Because I never grew up Christian, so I don’t know how many people just go along with it because of culture. The thing that worries me is how little most churches knock doors or try to spread the gospel. If they really believe people are going to hell for their sins if they don’t believe in Jesus, why do they not care enough to try to save them? Those people are going to burn for all eternity, and you just isolate yourself in the church and witness to one person a year?
@JudyBarrette 7 ай бұрын
Wow! Interesting. People that go to Church are all at different places of commitment and belief. When you become a Christian you don`t swallow the Bible and the Catechism all at once. You are simply on the road to becoming aware of a whole new way to live. And you journey. There are all kinds of challenges and pitfalls along the way. Christians suffer - and some more than others. Becoming a Christian does not make you perfect. It makes you yearning for a different life. A Christ filled life. As a Christian I am very careful who I speak to about my Faith. This is so counter culture. You are seen as someone who is going to try and change them. And they do not not want to change. This need to change may come, and once they desire it, the people they need to help them journey will come to them. A new Christian will desire to tell everyone of their new found LIFE, but few - so very few will be interested in what they have to say. Only another Christian will understand.
@justinhillenburg9286 8 жыл бұрын
Dating Christian girls, headaches ahoy!
@sith4388 5 жыл бұрын
Justin Hillenburg I agree to that
@StardustSpiritDragon 3 жыл бұрын
I rather have that then dealing with chicks who sleep around with random womens.
@kristinhowell8633 10 жыл бұрын
This is ridiculous. I'm a christian girl. If a girl is a TRUE christian she demands respect. If a guy is just dating her for sex, that's not respect. God says In the bible to wait until marriage for sex because it causes hurt! He puts the things he knows it can destroy and he's saying it out of love. Gods plan is for one man and one woman to get married and share that bond (sex) with each other because it makes them one. If you have sex with multiple people before you're married, it's a proven fact you are training your brain to be with multiple people. So when you're married, it affects marriage! God gives us free will. But he guides us and try's to protect us. If you mess up he will always be there to forgive you and help get you through it. God states what is wrong to only protect us. It's our choice to choose that or not.
@risafey 9 жыл бұрын
Kristin Howell I do find it hilarious that quite a few of the men who watch Cappy bemoan the lack of virgin and/or non-slutty women in the world (at least from what I've seen). Yet then they'll complain when they can't get into her skirts after the first few dates. This seems even more strange to me, since in some other video he described dating as a "transaction", women essentially prostituting themselves. If I date, I'm looking for love and commitment, not what I can get from a guy, and I'm hoping he's not focused on what he's intending to get from me. I'd rather he spend time with me without spending his money, instead of taking me somewhere that costs him or buying me something material (especially since I'm a minimalist) all while expecting sexual comfort in return. Sex is described as "the two becoming one flesh" for a good reason. They are one, to the exclusion of being two separate beings. This is why sex outside of marriage becomes so convoluted, riddled with "give me"s and "I need"s, debating on what's even moral nowadays. The Bible commands the husband and wife commit their sexual duties to one another. It describes the man as the head of the household, and the woman as his helper. "Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church...Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself [his life] for it..." It delineates clear differences and roles between the man and woman, and what is to be expected in a Christian relationship. Christ *is* also supposed to come before the spouse or boy/girlfriend. Christians should not even be looking for love outside of the faith, since clearly to allow oneself "to be unequally yoked" would be foolish. I love Cappy and agree with him 95% of the time, but when he gets into these sorts of opinionated, experiential rants... ugh. I do believe, though, he makes valid points in areas I wouldn't know about, but the over-arching emphasis distracts from those little pellets of truth. Yes, there *are* Christians 'by name only' out there. But Christians should not be selfish; we are told to think of everyone else as better than ourselves, and think not of ourselves more highly than we ought. We serve others and show them Christ. Fornication, however, is irrefutably a sin, and we are commanded to flee from it, for we are not our own but were bought with a price (the priceless blood of Christ which bankrupt heaven) 1 Cor 6:18. As for Cappy indicating that you can get anything out the Bible? Well, that's where you get into the issue of conservatism VS liberalism, and exegesis VS eisegesis.
@SM77785 6 жыл бұрын
Christian men get no respect from women, at all ever. Especially, "Christian" women.
@dayknight9045 6 жыл бұрын
ragglefraggle respect is not earned it is a privilege
@SmoothOperator412 Жыл бұрын
Well looks like I’m fucked then lmao. Ugh.
@kdr129 11 ай бұрын
You never did find that Christian man huh? 10 years and nothing to show for what you claim to believe in. I would agree with you, if I knew you meant what you said, and lived up to it, but we both know you didn't.
@rendarsmith 10 жыл бұрын
Sex isn't even provided. It's SHARED! Both people enjoy it. I get so tired of men who go around saying "I gotta do this for my wife/girlfriend because she gives me sex." She doesn't GIVE YOU sex! You both SHARE sex! It's enjoyable for both!
@kevinnorris6157 10 ай бұрын
Yes, women do enjoy sex. If she isnt banging you, its not because you arent being a good boy. Its because shes banging someone else
@Blk_tape_ang 10 ай бұрын
Exactly they sound like a useless caveman that can’t do anything unless it’s for sex 🤦🏻‍♂️
@DozerfleetProd Ай бұрын
That's a worldly mentality. When a woman insists it's an exchanged product he has to pay her for, she isn't thinking in the Holy Spirit. She's thinking with the mind of a prostitute. At least red light district prostitutes can be honest with themselves that they do this. Far too many "church girls" are guilty of having a similarly corrupt spirit, yet can't be honest with themselves that they're doing the same thing as a hooker.
@DEFIRYAN 10 жыл бұрын
You should do a video about how girls put up this amazing front of who they are being the best girlfriend and little by little they start taking stuff away and expecting you to be the same loving guy giving but not recieving anything in return. It's like a way for women to collect men and resources. Making multiple men fall into a trap they and don't even realize how they got stuck in.
@Dave286i 6 жыл бұрын
young men asking.. atheist girl for phone number: a) yeah sure! my name is sophie btw :) b) i have a boyfriend c) phahahahaha! christian girl for phone number: a) eehmm.. ahhh.. mmhhh.. eehhh.. (looks ashamed to friendgroup who observe the scene carefully) b) i'm 18 years old and marrried (that handsome church guy randomly appears) c) well the lord told me my future husband will be half israeli, half brasilian and he is a vegetarian ingenieer who does crossfit and when the seventh trumpet in heaven blows the lord shall speak: THIS IS YOUR FUTURE HUSBAND! YOU CAN SAFELY GO ON A FIRST DATE WITH HIM!
@pdxeddie1111 10 жыл бұрын
every believer of Christ is technically "born again" but it isn't a born again of flesh, your flesh is judged and going into the fire already, that's why according to the faith or manual you die. Yes there's true believers and there's the culture. The US is steeped in the protestant christian culture brought over by the reformation of Europe. I do have a hard time with the Christian family or legacy Christianity it's a bit out to lunch to me because children don't know anything else. They personally haven't had their feet to the fire so to speak and this belief that faith transferred from one generation to another is most likely why Churches are so weak these days. If you want to see a real Christian go to the street and see the bum holding a sign that says "jesus saves" and he isn't drunk but he has a crazy look in his eyes. True believers are crazy in the world's eyes, the people that you say are bad Christians, some of them could be real. They don't make nonbelievers comfortable they don't make "church people" comfortable. They are fearless and spectacles before angels and men. They care not about this world but to bring glory to whom they worship. I guess they are crazy but not in a mortally dangerous way like a muslim jihadist but in a Christian mind they are in a spiritual war where the treasure is souls. I think we should be grateful that the Bible didn't allow conversion at the point of a sword cause they would be feared. Their personalities are fierce enough because they believe they can move mountains. Yes there is a difference between the cultural christian and the true believer and people can see it right off the bat.
@MichellesdesignsEtc Жыл бұрын
So true BUT they aren't actually crazy only in the world's eyes 2 Tim 1:7" For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind" what is sad though is that men especially non Christian men see dating as a mere transaction that isn't love that's just lust and feeding your flesh! If a so called Christian lady gives into you (she has sex with you before marriage)she's literally doing you a disservice she's not showing you Jesus as we're called to do so in the Bible. Non Christian for me just isn't what I'm looking for in a marriage relationship (because God has taken that desire from me and I literally have no obligation to do those things even if satan tries to tell me or tempt me otherwise and my gender doesn't matter here because if I was a man I'd still not have that desire vice versa. I would like a Christian born again marriage on God's terms yes I am a daughter of God, I'm HIS princess don't think that you're just gunna simply date me! And say well how about it if you know what I mean... 😂💯💖✝️ and don't care if you think that is selfish I'll let you take that up with God my Father!! He says no🚫
@Whitetiger187 2 жыл бұрын
I am a millenial who was homeschooled in the Bible belt. We would have have socials and sub-courses with other home schoolers. There were some beautiful, wholesome, girls with some proper old world manners, which would been up my alley. But there was something really off about them. Many were really just 90s yuppie kids who used Jesus to lord power over others while thier boomer parents did the same. The practical old school church going southern country girl who wants a real man seems to be a thing of the past now. I have seen good sensible religious women from my parents and grandparents era, but from gen x on getting a religious girl is asking for trouble. Again I think its a product of yuppie culture. Women these days cling to religion the same way many of them cling to leftist politics and become sjws. A bunch of spoiled, narsisitic yuppie princesses who never really dealt with real life clinging to an ideology to use to lord power. When I went to university, I saw the exact same thing, only with leftist politics.
@HolyknightVader999 10 жыл бұрын
I disagree with how you think the bible is amorphous, Cap. There's clear verses that say women are subject to the rule of men. Since day 1, after the fall of man, Eve was Adam's subordinate, and God made it that way. When a woman pulls a verse on me the way you describe, I can easily point to a verse on both the OT and the NT that justifies me being her superior. When she says that it doesn't count, I'd respond that her verse also doesn't count.
@JudyBarrette 7 ай бұрын
God took a part of Adam`s rib to create woman. Not a part of his foot, not a part of his head. But his side. There is meaning in this. We are meant to complement each other, work together., side by side. Each has gifts, the other does not have. I am blessed to have a loving husband who leads our family. I can relax in know that things are taken care of. I appreciate that in him. And I will surrender to his decisions, if they make sense of course. But I know he is fair, intelligent, and loving always. I do everything I can to be the best wife I can be, as I see he does all he can to be the best husband he can be. I see to the details of our lives and he sees to the big stuff. Don`t ask him to dust, or manage socks, or organise rags, as I did today, as examples. I rely on him to move furniture, open jars, and reach upper cupboards, as examples. Of course, it is a lot more than that. Men are not entitled to superiority over women as a law in the Bible. If a man is loving, responsible, God fearing, and fair, among other qualities, then his wife will surrender to him, and love him, as he loves her.
Ай бұрын
@@JudyBarrette”if they make sense”. That means you don’t just surrender to his decisions and you aren’t truly submissive, you’re only going along with what your husband says if you agree with it, which isn’t true submission, but nice try though.
@JudyBarrette Ай бұрын
This is my second marriage. I know that not all husbands have the best interest of their wife and children in their hearts. How far on the road to hell to you go before you say no? If he is leading you to hell, you need not submit. Being a man does not make you all powerful. It is a great responsibility.
@HolyknightVader999 Ай бұрын
@@JudyBarrette Oh, no, the man is judged based on how he uses his power over his family. Abusive fathers are in danger of damnation.
@JudyBarrette Ай бұрын
And they do not know it.
@lycanthropy7.624 5 жыл бұрын
I think He's nailed the "Christian" woman personality.
@grzegorz16100 5 жыл бұрын
Had one girl who had a boyfriend in Australia... Wow! Must be so common.
@DEFIRYAN 10 жыл бұрын
Lol I love you're sense of awareness. The only way to save yourself is to walk away! Lol
@TheBechtloff 10 жыл бұрын
"Well I don't see Jesus in your heart." Holy shit (No pun intended) you are dead right on that one. I've knew a guy in the church had an actual major crisis of faith because some twat hit him with that kinda crap right at the perfect moment to get under his skin. And thanks for the reply Cappy Cap.
@AaronArnoldaquapod Жыл бұрын
Got hit with this Sunday. I was destroyed that night. Faith challenged and everything. Church elders took her side in a way. I had to read scripture to let it defend me. It's bullshit.
@EMan-qg6dv Жыл бұрын
In the Bible it says that fornicators will not inherit life after death.
@Akhmatceila777 Жыл бұрын
What verse is that because I forget
@EMan-qg6dv Жыл бұрын
@@Akhmatceila777 it would be 1 Corinthians 6:9
@johnyzero2000 10 жыл бұрын
That was a very good video and you are so correct about Christian women. I graduated from Wayland Baptist College and the females who attended were some of the most smug and sanctimonious bunch you would ever meet. I started to refer to them as The Wayland Bitches and it caught on quick.
@HolyknightVader999 10 жыл бұрын
Pretty much, this problem can be approached two ways; either you take the religion seriously on all fronts or you don't. If she doesn't, then she's got no obligation to him, and he doesn't have one for her, they're just there to have sex and fun. But the moment she claims Jesus' authority and stalls sex until marriage, then she is automatically his subordinate. The Bible, in both Old and New Testament, speaks of the husband's authority over his wife. If he's gonna hold it in until marriage, and he's not gonna go out with any girls, then her obligation is to clean his dishes, wash his clothes, cook his meals, clean his house, and serve him in all things but sex. She's not gonna intrude on him when he goes off playing video games or drinking beer with his homies. She's not gonna clean or do chores with a frown on her face. She's going to do them with a smile, and she's going to do them right. While the man provides for her all she needs and remains sexually loyal to her, her price for that loyalty would then be to serve his needs and maintenance. To be his support system in his time of need. If a "Christian" girl cannot do these things, and they still claim Jesus' authority in denying him sex, then she's not acting as a Christian, she's acting like a bitch, and the man has no obligation to be loyal to her. He can separate with her and find other women to please him.
@HolyknightVader999 10 жыл бұрын
I'm pretty sure he'll agree. In some writings that recently surfaced, he denounced feminism.
@Omoiyari23 10 жыл бұрын
Yup look this is a real- Timothy 2:12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. lmao for real search this up brah
@ikillf0fun 10 жыл бұрын
Some people take these socio-religious nuances too seriously, probably why religious couples are more likely to divorce over non-religious couples (and the fact that they rush to marriage so they can have sex so GAWD won't punish them).
@greggfisher7365 Жыл бұрын
good fucking luck with that
@chrissimpson6701 5 жыл бұрын
Plain and simple, I'm not putting out!!!!!! That's it!!!!!!!
@solocha8234 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you! This is the best factual video I've every saw
@YesitisDex 7 жыл бұрын
Sir, this applies to all "religious" and "spiritual" girls.
@gizroc 8 жыл бұрын
100 percent correct sir.. thank you for such a great video, just dated my first christian girl, and she pulled no sex before marriage, and then i told her i respect her faith and then politely told her to leave my house, and i politely deleted her number, and no she keeps calling my phone.. lol
@MichellesdesignsEtc Жыл бұрын
A Christian lady wouldn't have sex before marriage and if they do they are compromising our faith!! This is a line in the sand a strict one! God is first and center in any relationship even platonic, why I don't date non Christians...yes relationships take compromised but when my faith is on the line and becomes involved it's a nope! My late husband's Mother remarried after her husband passed away and she met a Christian man thing is he changed his denomination for her just like that! And I don't know how to think about that, because different denominations believe differently (I'm just Christian no denomination....definitely not catholic) my question for him is what does the Bible actually mean to him and how was he interpreting it differently now.... I'm not sure he actually knows or even really changed any of his beliefs but he's still a Christian...they are elderly and my late mil can't get out and about anymore
@Wario1382 7 ай бұрын
Whiny incel
@sarahhastings517 7 жыл бұрын
It's funny how some comments have run-on sentences. But, then comments like Aaron's are short and to the point. Which is what we need in today's culture. Thanks for the video!
@samworthick 9 жыл бұрын
I disagree the the idea that a woman has the put out for me if I take her on a date, although I doubt you care. :) A profession of faith does not mean anything to me either so I do agree with you there. We Christians tend to like the "born again" part of the Christian doctrine when it serves us, but we seem to ignore the parts about real repentance.
@byronwright7753 6 ай бұрын
As an atheist, if I dating Christian women, they are going to be mad at me because I going to disregard their religious belief and debating them. I have self defense against their beliefs.
@andrewhernandez2987 6 ай бұрын
Whilst you should date whoever you want, if you and your girlfriend don't have the same viewpoints or beliefs, the relationship is almost certainly going to fail. I'd highly recommend not dating Christian girls as they'll constantly beg you to go to Sunday service with them, especially if you get married to her. Just some advice.
@denshaotoko2437 3 жыл бұрын
I learned more about Christianity from a Christian Kung Fu teacher and a Christian Doctor than from my pastor.
@MichellesdesignsEtc Жыл бұрын
Find a Bible based church! And we're supposed to live for God 24/7 not just on Sundays you should be learning from your Bible during the week! Don't just read it STUDY it MY Pastor I've learned a LOT from and he's preached a lot He's had services from 2 PM to 7PM for years when he was younger and He is still preaching even though he's suffered a stroke he is still preaching! I love my church as well!
@Brandon-305 3 ай бұрын
9:20 preach it brother..😂👏
@lovelyleblanc7 10 жыл бұрын
This is very true with most Churchian women.
@michaelnorton4356 7 жыл бұрын
Your whole premise lies on the fact that many Christian women are not Christian. There seems to be some truth in that primarily with the Catholics. The key is to look at their works and actions. See if it matches up with the Bible. But I was confused after you said that you aren't religious and have dated Christian women? Christians can't have intimate relationships with non-Christians. lol. That derails your opinionative argument since you have never dated a true Christian woman from the beginning. I get that you are trying to help people out, but you have no real authority to be speaking on this matter.
@RenegadeJames 6 жыл бұрын
Michael Norton Umm... Freedom of speech? This isn't school where they prohibit speaking about religious matters.
@robinconnelly6079 Ай бұрын
Christian guy here. Yeah, I have been through the mill with this. There are some good ones. I had a couple of really true "women of God" girlfriends and one I really respect to this day. We just didn't get along otherwise I might have married her. Yes, I think you are right on many points. I've met a lot who are like you describe. I blame the church leaders who just turn a blind eye to all this and pander to them. Ive had some horrible experiences. They do use religion to their advantage a lot of the time. Its sad because, at the end of the day, they give Jesus a bad name. But there are some good ones. I ended up a Passport Bro, though. Never looked back. Filipina. Now, those women are cool.
@Garyruizjr 10 жыл бұрын
Loved the Clint Eastwood reference! xD
@vicious-pi3rd 4 жыл бұрын
I noticed as well. They would always use "The Lord" for every talking point !
@Zechariah46 9 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, very interesting video and unfortunately very accurate. I know a lot of "Christian" Girls like the ones you described and I myself had an experience dating one of them. "Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat
@MichellesdesignsEtc Жыл бұрын
Hey I know that verse, did you know that the Bible tells us to wait til marriage for sex that goes for Christian men dating any woman I hope that's what you mean...
@denshaotoko2437 3 жыл бұрын
I learned more about Christian values from my cosplayers friends who are believers than my church.
@MichellesdesignsEtc Жыл бұрын
I encourage you in love to seek a Bible based Church!
@Itsuser_1234 Жыл бұрын
Religion is the off button of the brain.
@Torgo1969 10 жыл бұрын
Outstanding (and funny) Chapin impersonation!
@desertstar7664 10 жыл бұрын
Good luck to you all Christian guys.
@Byzantios1 7 жыл бұрын
Well, my take: that just is one type of 'Christian' girl. I definitely agree with the 'damaged goods' assessment. If they were raised that way its one thing, but the born agains, yeah, you may want to avoid those.
@MichellesdesignsEtc Жыл бұрын
Born again and raise too❤ ✝️🙌 I don't care what humans have to say! I'm a daughter of God, I'm His princess and He says no!🚫 ( no sex before marriage) you want husband rewards without husband commitment by the way the Bible says a true Christian husband lays his life down for his wife the way Jesus did for the church (any true Christian that has been or is or will ever be!) He died the wife is simply to follow as long as the husband is in Christ. Which again I don't date non Christians as I date to marry and I don't intend to marry a non Christian because it's bad for us both!! If he on his own terms becomes truly born again Christian (every true Christian is by the way!) You can't simply be physically born into Christianity you have to make that conscious Choice willingly and with all your heart and be born again... of which I am not ashamed to be a born again Christian! ❤✝️🙌
@nina-raedelong158 4 ай бұрын
With all due respect, if a "born again" girl is manipulative= she's not born again. Now it is true that fornication isn't allowed according the Bible. What would men want during dating outside of sex? Women can hug men, kiss him on the cheek or forehead, or cuddle as long as it doesn't lead to fornication or lustful thoughts. My question for Christian men is: Since sex has to wait until marriage, what can women do to give back to the relationship?
@denshaotoko2437 3 жыл бұрын
Kingdom hearts and Legend of Zelda taught me a lot about Christian.
@TheLady2luv 9 жыл бұрын
Is this a joke or a trolling video? I'm so confused right now. Someone please explain, is he a Christian? He just said something about a social contract and how once you take females out to a meal etc you expect sex. As a Christian if you're not married no sexual activity should be taking place and the bible does say this, this isn't being "crazy" as you say. I'm so fed up with rubbish as this, I'm guessing you're "Christians" happily living in sin. "Helping out our Christian brothers"- No, this is a joke.
@gspcro9047 Жыл бұрын
The fact that you can’t tell this is real. Describes precisely why Aaron had to make this video.
@TheLady2luv Жыл бұрын
@@gspcro9047 A wolf in sheep’s clothing…
@allenblack3785 24 күн бұрын
This is so true Aaron, and I wish i had known this when I was younger. Women are NO different in church, except that they feel empowered to take the moral high ground. I didnt marry a 21 yr old because she was a HS dropout who had gotten pregnant and given up the baby. I wish I had....we liked the same rock music, she was a hot hippy-chic, sweet personality, funny........far from the 'unobtainable' women i was meeting.
@hulu561 3 жыл бұрын
You need to host a TedTalk down here in the “Bible Belt” region 😂
@tripleatriplea5686 5 ай бұрын
I dated a Christian woman and it went ok until she forced me to try and speak in tongues , she said she believes in Jesus but didn’t want to date a Baptist” I thought we both believed in the same god”🤔, she seen my libra tattoo and was like “do I believe in god or do I believe in my horoscope…. I’m like wtf.. yeah this not going to last.. yet she been married twice and both marriage failed …
@Prepper1985 2 ай бұрын
Dated and was married to a preachers daughter for a number of years. Trust me when I say too you don’t…..just don’t.
@adrianpontes2423 6 жыл бұрын
Dude u r hilarious and you make many valid points
@RabiaSammy 13 күн бұрын
Ehh I agree w the Christian girls u shouldn’t sleep w anyone till ur married
@Allaboard139ers 27 күн бұрын
My only two conditions are you a woman of fairness? And are you capable and competent enough in co-parenting so that our child will grow up healthy?
@andylowe2725 5 ай бұрын
Abraham Lincoln said, "No matter how much cats fight, there always seems to be plenty of kittens."
@crab_aesthetics 10 жыл бұрын
Ya didn't do good, ya did well.
@Joe_334 3 ай бұрын
Must be super awkward if they break up, but then still go to the same church...
@eagleeye1975 10 жыл бұрын
I think I'm about to make a series of videos regarding this sort of thing... about dating, and women, and hypergamy, and selfishness, and female dysfunction, and all of that... like, sharing my own experiences so younger guys don't make my mistakes.
@eagleeye1975 10 жыл бұрын
cmiller8492 Are you a subscriber of mine?
@MichellesdesignsEtc Жыл бұрын
Waiting til marriage because God says it's a sin not to isn't selfish but rather giving in before marriage is selfish!
@Pinkflo363 Жыл бұрын
Fyi… a guy that calls all women crazy… is crazy!
@kevindavis4709 3 жыл бұрын
The problem is. If a guy isn't cute with perfect eyes able to drive he's not good enough for a woman.
@danielyounker5371 Жыл бұрын
Catholic Church is the truth, Aaron. Why not do a video on Humanae Vitae? It is a prescient writing by Pope John XXIII about birth control, among other sexual matters.
@11bsavage64 Жыл бұрын
Bro if there one thing I hate is the born again who try to be traditional. The were thhotts in their youth might of had children with multiple guys and now they want to be some traditional catholic chick. Fucken please you had 3 kids with 3 different dudes one out of being unfaithful. But you expect now the next sucker to wait for sex till marriage and then care for your bastardo kids. I know sex outside of marriage is mortal sin but give me a fucking break you fucked up even harder having 3 fucking kids. She still having sex at times no BC or protection because the church says that sin leaving them selves open to have another kid. 🤦🏻
@glennloan3605 Жыл бұрын
Uhm, Catholic priests are an abomination in their molestation of innocent children. And your popes have covered it up for years!!!!!!
@crab_aesthetics 10 жыл бұрын
Interpreting the bible goes both ways, and there's a lot more material to drum from for a Patriarchal familial structure than a matriarchal familial structure. At least according to this heathen.
@BlamefulEye36 8 жыл бұрын
One time I was in my college's library, I was busy checking out girls in bikini's on Facebook and this religious girl gave me a green sticky note saying that one lusts after someone in their eyes has already committed adultery or something of that sort.... And I was so tempted to ask her if she was chaste or what not..... She could've been helping me, but I really think she was just looking down on me.....
@BlamefulEye36 8 жыл бұрын
Travis Thacker You know the funny thing is, I did ask her out... But I had to get her father's permission in order to date her (So she pretty much brushed me off....)...
@MichellesdesignsEtc Жыл бұрын
As a Christian lady I am chaste until marriage and it's not looking down on anyone but a loving warning maybe you are cute and she didn't want you to suffer I know a lot of non Christian guys that I am literally sad for them!
@lolvodsxi 4 жыл бұрын
This must be the most sexist thing I’ve ever seen
@StardustSpiritDragon 3 жыл бұрын
@pp-bb6jj 7 ай бұрын
I hope things turned out for you good even though you were stupid 4 years ago.
@Captain_Commenter 4 ай бұрын
The Christian equivalent of having a big dinky and a big wallet, is having a long guitar neck and a big ministry bros.
@PatrickChapmanuk 10 жыл бұрын
From William the second tiddlewinkies, there is a flaw in your accent sir.
@Jesus_loves_you_rmbdreamz Жыл бұрын
Yep ok I can agree with this I am a born again christian girl and I can say those people that use the bible against you are NOT christians or at least "proper christians". They are false christians. I would say this can and does apply to me but I am learning how to not be a false christian and to NOT use the bible against guys. And to not manipulate guys. Very good video (apart from swearing) but I can look past that and forgive you but yeah thanks for this video. 😁
@netherlandian 10 жыл бұрын
ever heard of church-days in europe? if not google it. lots of women there ask you flat-out in the face how much income you make as a man.
@netherlandian 10 жыл бұрын
not expect much. he described them quite perfectly in the video
@tarzeesays1201 10 жыл бұрын
Same here, happened decades ago and it only got worse. Well, why not just hit a brothel, what is the difference? Both want assets, not love. A sex-worker is more honest, and you can leave afterwards. And, you are not wage garnished for 20 years.
@jeremyrich123 10 жыл бұрын
I believe the Social Contract is invalid because it can be applied so broadly. You still made great conclusions though.
@cormacgraham5462 Ай бұрын
Jesus died for the sin of the world we can only go to Heaven by faith in Jesus sacrifice on the cross Read John 3:16 and Ephesians 2:8-9
@denshaotoko2437 3 жыл бұрын
Do you understand why I dated Roman Catholic girls and an Orthodox girl? Expect for that Evangelical girls and that Presbyterian girl.
@suzannebehrens9413 7 жыл бұрын
Being a hypocrite is not the unparnable sin so they are Christians,and if you are saying the Lord's Prayer in the new testament you are saved!If you want to know what the unparnable sin is read Jesus Christ words for yourself.
@Dingle294 Жыл бұрын
So no different than psycho Atheist girls (and I’ve been with many)
@solocha8234 7 жыл бұрын
I'd rather go to hell for it tho
@TheTramm 8 жыл бұрын
You crossed over religion like it was just one but from your opinions it sounds like multiple. In high school Mormon girls were doing just about everything with Mormon boys but they wouldn't look at a non Mormon boy. The catholic Latino girls love to make love from what co-worker told me (white male). These are just a couple of things that I have seen over the 45 years of being on this earth. I was raised in the church and married my wife from the church (22 years now) and we didn't exactly wait until marriage. I think allot of it depends on which religion + parents raising + environment (ie suburban, rural, country) .02¢
@AussieAnnihilation 10 жыл бұрын
a gravity assist?
@flyharvey6666 3 жыл бұрын
Yes, go on. Catholic girls? lol. As if I don't know the answer.
@11bsavage64 Жыл бұрын
Catholic church teaches sex outside marriage is mortal sin, abortion is wrong, condoms, birth control is sin. Basically if you have sex with a catholic girl you have to finish in her.
@ariestrucker7832 4 жыл бұрын
@SolveMe. Жыл бұрын
You are correct
@davidbamber5436 5 жыл бұрын
KZbin hot crazy matrix. It explains everything about women .
@joehinojosa8314 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the Christopsychology.
@nicolelewis2503 6 жыл бұрын
I think a Christian woman hurt you bad and thats why you are bitter. Christian women are not selfish. Real Christian women are selfless and understand to submit to men. You need to become born again sir. Heaven and hell are real. If you would like to discuss Christianity please message me. I would like to educate you.
@starstray4326 Жыл бұрын
If you die before you die then you won’t die when you die.
@CameronKiesser 9 жыл бұрын
@denshaotoko2437 3 жыл бұрын
Like me Jesus the Christ.
@denshaotoko2437 3 жыл бұрын
Christian girls are good girlfriend.
@ChristnThms 5 жыл бұрын
He said asymptote. He lost half the audience with that one.
@aprilyounce4820 7 жыл бұрын
#imachristiangirl and proud!
@chellerobinson5906 Жыл бұрын
@yew921 Жыл бұрын
This is a stand up comedy show, you are a genius. Im not joking give this guy a mic and a stage.
@DeathAndTaxesAbolitionist 4 ай бұрын
Dating only became a thing about the same time women got the vote. How do you have Christian dating, when dating was not a thing 2000 years ago?
@HolyknightVader999 10 жыл бұрын
When a girl says Jesus is her Boyfriend, she should go be a nun. At least she'll be honest. Met quite a few good nuns in my day.
@TheGreatAustino 9 ай бұрын
They giggle just hearing a man's voice. Good women.
@allenblack3785 24 күн бұрын
Ive gotten that line. I tell them, if thats true, he should pay for dinner and the movie.
@robertpadua4252 7 жыл бұрын
This guy is right! They want someone perfect that doesn't exists. You will always be flawed and need improvement. They will manipulate you with their bible.
@shyane6309 5 жыл бұрын
Most of the time they don't even know the bible and it is funny didn't you know that the christian male is naturally giving more biblical knowledge and wisdom by God himself so between you and a women they have no argument.
@starstray4326 Жыл бұрын
@@shyane6309remember my friends the devil knows more about theology then all of us. If you want something so supernatural in this world known as pure genuine love. Look up the Saints of the early church especially in orthodoxy. I’m not trying to be a gimmick. However there is hope.
@theproplady 10 жыл бұрын
Matthew 7:13-14 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Amen Looks like Jesus agrees with you, Aaron! Also: Jesus for Conservative Girls = Big Daddy Government for Secular Liberal Girls
@markovchainz3761 10 жыл бұрын
"Less than 5% of the people that go into that church actually are Christians." I am not so bold as to outright accuse my coreligionists of apostasy, but I fear you are right on the money with this one. "And the Bible is so amorphous that if a girl takes the time to read it, they can pull anything out of it. And interpret in some obscure, intentional, dishonest way to make a compelling...scriptural argument." You have just entirely described basically the past 400 years of western Christianity (i.e. the Protestant version) on the fly. Impressive.
@MichellesdesignsEtc Жыл бұрын
That's called twisting scripture and you know God doesn't approve of us using scripture falsely if we intentionally use it to manipulate someone to do their will and NOT God's will.... and the key to this is knowing God and knowing the Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit teaches us (true Christians) and The Holy Spirit will not contradict the Word of God (Bible) this is why Christians should just date other Christians that way you know if someone is trying to manipulate the word of God against you! The Bible does say a lot of things ❤ Jesus loves you!
@allenblack3785 24 күн бұрын
Rich Cooper has a great channel about how women play marriage against men. The day after the wedding, she has ALL the power, may or may not want sex and can withhold at any time, and if she divorces you....say no more, you just lost half your shit, at least.
@minamartina254 2 ай бұрын
To many dating problems in churches... Too much religion, blablabla... Solution: Stop going to church, seek God for yourself, read your Bible and... don't listen to anyone
@shawnellemartineaux6212 4 жыл бұрын
Meanwhile, I'm atheist wanting a Christian boyfriend because of the family values. 🤣
@kevanwhoo897 3 жыл бұрын
Do it! Like for real
@theheartsees8752 7 жыл бұрын
His face expression😂 😂😂😂saying "We really need to go to church"
@djentile7773 Жыл бұрын
Ask them to explain the gospel. That should put an end to it right there.
@HexVisualNovelPlaythroughs 8 жыл бұрын
i had a christian girl(oh boy i fucked up i wish i had her back she was soo good n everything but she wanted us in real nore)one hell of a girl she moved on n got another bf but i did want a second chance but it didn't happen unfortunely
@Gabriel-icm 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks for making this video.
@MichellesdesignsEtc Жыл бұрын
Dating is to get to know whether you are going to marry someone sir! And we provide you with fellowship and love that isn't sexual in nature until we've married... that's why I only date true Christian men (they will not ask for sex!! ) (they will wait with you and they wouldn't view dating so transactional ) if you aren't satisfied by my non sexual company and you find yourself bored and just looking to sleep with me how will marriage with you be?? No talk only sex ??? Only for what I can give you that's a selfish reason for dating anyways
@MichellesdesignsEtc Жыл бұрын
You're very very wrong sir it is about about Jesus❤✝️🙌💯 and if you think that is just an excuse I feel very very sad for you! And after we get married we still can't drink alcohol not sure about " outfits" that is post martial so I won't go there...alcohol is soo soo bad for your health anyways
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