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Antoinette Emily

Antoinette Emily

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Пікірлер: 42
@reginas.3491 2 жыл бұрын
I had to giggle when you told about your husband having to drive long15 min to work and put it on the con side for moving. I live in Berlin and as long as I was working I always had to drive (or go by ÖPNV) for at least 30 min (one way). And I still find it appropriate within Berlin. That shows how the surrounding adjusts your reception ;-) But I'm happy that you feel good now and enjoy your life in Germany.
@kilsestoffel3690 2 жыл бұрын
I live in a City with 160.000 inhabitants. Going to work by car takes 15 mins, by bike 30 min, by ÖPNV more than 45 mins. I miss the U-Bahn (underground/subway)
@viomouse 2 жыл бұрын
agreed. 15 minutes commute would be my dream. Right now I have 1:30 h one way....
@jurgenrathjen5965 2 жыл бұрын
Very interesting video. Everyone is different. I prefer the hustle and bustle of big city living. The variety of people you meet is always interesting.
@Kiwi_Bayer 2 жыл бұрын
Oh Hey! I just stumbled upon your channel. Used to live in Akl and moved to Rosenheim in July 2020 and live in a small villiage approx 2500 people. Quite love it here!
@benjaminZ19 2 жыл бұрын
hi i am from a vilage in germany called Münstertal in Baden-Würtemberg, here live more than 5000 people and we are considered as a small village, it is a nice place and the house prices are not that high so for everyone out there who wants to live on the countryside i really recommend it here, and if you wanna travel a bit in europe it is just about half an hour away from the french and swiss borders (by car)
@HuongTran-og8ir Жыл бұрын
Hello, it’s so nice to know you here! I am gonna study and live in Germany and looking for a small town to come to . I don’t know much about job opportunities particularly for a teacher at kinder garden and also nursing. I am finding as much as information for this. So if by chance you see my comment, could you do me a favor ? Thanks in advance. Have a nice day!
@BaluDerBaer933 2 жыл бұрын
I have a new colleague in Berlin and I ask him if he didn't get a culture shock when moving to Berlin. But he said: I am from Franconia, people there are actually more unfriendly than in Berlin! ;-)))
@AntoinetteEmily 2 жыл бұрын
@franksasse3883 2 жыл бұрын
If you say that many people in small villages in lower franconia are unfriendly, this is not what I can confirm. It is more the case that the Coconut shell ist just a bit thicker but the inside is even sweeter and softer. 😁
@BaluDerBaer933 2 жыл бұрын
@myvillagelifeintheupperhar607 2 жыл бұрын
I live in a village in the Upper Harz of less than 800 people. I really enjoy living here. We purchased our home a year ago. When we purchased our home, there were four other homes for sale. The homes sold quickly. There is currently one home for sale, but it needs a great deal of work. Here in Wildemann, it is quiet and peaceful. Some of my neighbors speak English to me and help me practice my German. This is a tourist area, so English is readily spoken. We are surrounded by hiking trails and beautiful views. I highly recommend living in the Upper Harz.
@PalmyraSchwarz 2 жыл бұрын
If you had landed further west in Swabia, you would be a "Reingeschmeckter", that is a newcomer. This is very bad in smaller communities whose families have known each other for generations. I think it's good that you have now researched why, in contrast to other countries, Germans are more reserved towards strangers. In my opinion, it is also related to the fact that many cannot accept, that the world has changed very much in the last few generations compared to the centuries before. The German population is older than anywhere else.
@noizW 2 жыл бұрын
Wow, du siehst zur Zeit echt fantastisch aus, richtig strahlend!!!
@gelbehexe2010 2 жыл бұрын
I moved from Lower Franconia to Southern Palatine and was wondering why people in the grocery were smiling at me. Then I realized they are just friendly and open minded. A huge difference to Lower Franconia 🌞
@SavedByJesusHeimatLiebe Жыл бұрын
I have some Relatives from where you live. I love that Place. We visit every now and then when we are not in the East. ;) and i can confirm that Rents and even having to find a Appartment in Wü Area is outrageous and very difficult. Which is exactly why we love East, also People are much more Welcoming....but imho it also depends on how someone approaches People.
@robertzander9723 2 жыл бұрын
Like you said it, it depends on what you like and you prefer. Not every little town or village is like the other. There are regional differences in Germany, the mentality is a different one, Frankonia is different to the Baltic Sea, the North Sea coast or the Frisian islands. A few informations about the areas are definitely necessary. Oranienburg or Bernau are smaller towns, but with a public transportation connection to Berlin and the city centre.
@mattesrocket 2 жыл бұрын
yes, it is very important to get really good informations about the village and their people and what this village offers. One village can be really nice and just 10 km away it can be awful. Antoinette said, her region is known as being especially not-welcoming to strangers, might be true, but I have experienced some other regions too, where people are extremly cold.
@windhelmguard5295 2 жыл бұрын
the thing is that, since german villages are often far away from the nearest police station, each village has a set of unspoken rules and customs which serve to keep the peace. you see since there is no such thing as a permanent police presence in a german village, so most german villagers engage in freedoms that city folk don't enjoy such as painting a fence with oil, washing their cars in their driveway, burning garden trash, butchering road kill, stealing a christmas tree and so on. when city folk move in we have to be weary because they are not part of the mutual understanding that villagers do not rat on each other. next point is that a lot of villagers own pets or livestock and those REALLY don't want to end up with a neighbour who can't handle a rooster crowing in the morning, a dog barking or the smell of a manure pile when the wind is blowing in an unfortunate direction. last point is that villagers are raised with the previously mentioned freedom of living in a village and can therefore exercise it responsibly. many city folk moving into a village however often end up abusing that freedom to the point of becoming a nuisance.
@julieenglert3371 2 жыл бұрын
In South Australia where I live, a town of 11,000 would be a big town 🤔 On the other hand, we live in the outer suburbs of Adelaide, it takes over half an our for us to drive into the city 😮 I was in shock about Germany’s population density when I was over there. So different to over here.
@valentinapettovel9794 2 жыл бұрын
Hi, i lived near Würzburg too, also in the Frankonia Area. You are right, the rental prices in the city are insane, also the apartments the most of the time are old and ugly. If you can go a little bit outside you have more choices (but also outside Würzburg the prices are going higher and higher). Tschüss 😊
@gweisa899 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Antoinette, People in the US been moving to suburb from the city too. CA people moving Texas. Oregon people moving small Montana town because of prices.
@Ahui87 2 жыл бұрын
Meanwhile in Austria: 1.500 is not even a village anymore. 150.000 would be the fourth largest city in the country.
@nebucamv5524 2 жыл бұрын
Die kleinste Stadt Deutschlands hat 3000 Einwohner - das ist Lassan in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. 😁
@irish.9046 Жыл бұрын
I'm moving to a city with only 2.200 people in Germany and I just can arrive there by car or taxi 💀
@beatrixpastoors1104 2 жыл бұрын
Ich kann die Argumente für das Landleben gut nachvollziehen. Preiswerte Mieten, Kindergartenplätze UND trotzdem nur 15 Autominuten bis Würzburg, das klingt paradiesisch. Und jetzt eine Neubausiedlung in einer Kleinstadt mit guter Nachbarschaft... hört sich toll an. Eine Frage nur: wo befindest du dich, wenn du Videos machst? Es sieht nämlich so aus, als würdest du in Emilias Kinderzimmer auf dem Fußboden sitzen. 😅 Aber das kann ja wohl nicht stimmen, oder?
@peterkuerten5730 2 жыл бұрын
I am from lower franconia myself and I must protest. We are not unfriendly, just a bit slow to get used to new people. I guess your grandchildren will be regardeed as a bit less suspicious. Just kidding ;) It is true that the "typical" franconian is a bit stubborn, not very open minded and foreigners (by that I mean like Rheinländer, Bavarians or the Northern...) may have a rough start here. But as you will already know it is worth tp put some effort, cause living here is really nice.
@nordwestbeiwest1899 2 жыл бұрын
If you want a lot of money and a lot of stress and an unhealthy life then you live in a big city. If you earn less money but place more emphasis on work and life balance and are healthier, have less stress and are happier, then you live in a village or a small town in Germany. At least you know your neighbor!
@wernerruf7761 2 жыл бұрын
Can you explain why you insult Würzburg? "very small city" with a population of around 130,000. According to the International Statistical Conference of 1887, all cities with at least 100,000 inhabitants are large cities. And complain about a 15-minute commute? Ever been on the road in Munich? "Des is gor nix!"
@AntoinetteEmily 2 жыл бұрын
I was not insulting Würzburg by saying it’s small. I absolutely love Würzburg. I was comparing the population to some of the bigger cities it Germany and in comparison it’s quite a small city.
@robertzander9723 2 жыл бұрын
Could you please explain, what exactly the word insult means to you? What actually is the insult, if someone has the opinion, that Würzburg is a small town? Hopefully my questions are not an insult? 🙏
@AntoinetteEmily 2 жыл бұрын
The meaning of insult according to the Oxford dictionary "A disrespectful or scornfully abusive remark or act"
@martincichy9495 2 жыл бұрын
Polite as you are, you will have had at least isolated very bad experiences if you raise the subject so openly here. But in the long run, you naturally surround yourself with people who are well-disposed towards you.
@patrickchambers5999 2 жыл бұрын
"Bang for the buck" doesn't sound German or Kiwi. Why did you use this more Americanism (or perhaps Australian)?
@AntoinetteEmily 2 жыл бұрын
We say this in NZ too.
@helilebon614 2 жыл бұрын
Sie sollten bitte langsamer sprechen. Viele Deutsche sprechen schlecht Englisch und können Sie nicht ganz verstehen. Ich würde gerne verstehen, was Sie über mein Land sagen.
@stateofflux7453 2 жыл бұрын
Antoinette spricht sich sehr deutlich aus .. Die _neuseeländischen_ Vokallaute unterscheiden sich oft stark vom Standardenglisch.
@wernerruf7761 2 жыл бұрын
Also die spricht doch nicht schnell, schnell sprechen texanische Auktionatoren, wenn sie einen Haufen Viecher loswerden wollen. Das mit viele Deutsche sprechen schlecht Englisch wollen wir doch mal ganz schnell in einige Deutsche ändern, sonst beleidigt man viele Deutsche. Selbst so alte Knochen wie ich sprechen, lesen und verstehen Englisch leidlich ;). Und wenn nicht, kann man das ganz einfach ändern. Nachdem die Methode aus meiner Jugend nicht mehr so gut funktioniert oder wenn dann nur noch Lokal muss man halt auf das Internet und die Originalversionen bei Filmen und Serien ausweichen, das ist gegenüber der grottenschlechten deutschen Synchronisation sowieso eine Wohltat. Aber wer immer die Gelegenheit hat, einfach anwenden. Ich hatte mir ein "Longhair Dictionary" vom HQ EES/AAFES ausgeliehen (lief mir beim Little Oktoberfest einfach so über den Weg), das hat Wunder bewirkt, leider nur temporär, war plötzlich weg, weil der Verfügungsberechtigte Balken gegen ein Blatt tauschen wollte und dazu um die halbe Welt umgezogen ist. Den Aufstand wegen nur einem Blatt verstehe wer will, ich hab mir im Laufe des Lebens einen ganzen Kranz aus Eichenlaub mit Eicheln samt Sternen erarbeitet. Danach musste eben die zweitbeste Methode ran, Fernseher mit NTSC-Modul bei freier Sicht auf den Sendemast von AFN und AFN Munich als Standardsender im Radio, da war das inhaltliche Angebot sowieso besser als das Schlagergedudel vom BR. Netter Nebeneffekt Star Trek gab's lang bevor man sich im deutschen Fernsehen dann ob der Wiederholung langweilen durfte. Die Sendemasten von AFN wurden zwar mittlerweile ausgedünnt, aber das Internet liefert (nötigenfalls mit einem VPN und passendem Exit Point) besten Ersatz und CD/DVD mit Serien wie Game of Thrones, etc. kann man im Originalton abspielen, danach will man die Übersetzung eh nicht mehr hören, die klingt einfach nur komisch. Dadurch schleift sich die Sprachmelodie ein und man versteht besser. In der Anfangszeit kann man dazu die Untertitel mit einschalten und mitlesen. Das funktioniert übrigens auch bei KZbin, da kann man automatisch generierte Untertitel einschalten, das hilft möglicherweise dem ein oder anderen, der sonst nicht mitkommt. Die tackern so langsam über den Bildschirm wie die BBS-Chats aus der Zeit vor dem Internet, sollte also jeder mitlesen können - meint 300 Baud Akustikkoppler und man kann jeden Buchstaben einzeln begrüßen, OK, wollen wir mal nicht so sein, wie bei der Nachfolgegeneration mit 1200 Baud.
@ulrikerezavandy8453 2 жыл бұрын
Neuseelandisches englisch ist fur jeden wine herausforderung
@stateofflux7453 2 жыл бұрын
@@jabberwocky143 I’m a native English speaker and it’s interesting how well the ears are tuned to understand every English accent that exists around the world. Regardless of the accent however, it helps so much if the person speaks at a good pace, speaks clearly, and also gently.
@michaelhintz245 2 жыл бұрын
Dafür kannst Du ja jederzeit die deutsche Übersetzung als Untertitel einschalten. - Im Übrigen spricht Antoinette deutlich und gut verständlich.
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