The Real Noahs Ark, The Real Nephilim, The Real Flood

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@MacPherson100000 10 жыл бұрын
I was excited about seeing the new movie about "Noah". What a mistake. After reading a review of the outrageous story line, I can see it's nothing more than a blasphemous mess meant to detract and confuse people about the Bible!! It's not like they just changed a little to make it more interesting to the mainstream public. There are so many outright contemptible lies, they seem to deliberately render the story (and depiction of the righteous man Noah) completely unappealing and unbelievable! So glad I read the synopsis. My Mom and I will NOT be contributing any money to this wicked, slanderous farce!!!
@ThePlatypotamus 11 жыл бұрын
Hey man I love all your vids. I was inspired by you to start making my own body kit. I have all the materials and have clay sculpted my hood scoop (going to start there and move up to bumper of all goes well) I just went to see your vids that I previously watched to get exact instructions, however I noticed that the (how to make your own panel) video was removed (or made private) please don't leave me hanging man, if you could re-upload it or send me some help with is stuff it would be great. I'm 17 and have a crazy passion for cars, but I can't do it all myself. Thanks in advance
@S1KRYD 11 жыл бұрын
Wow what you are doing sounds really interesting. I would like to see your work. I hope you are taking video or pictures. OK I will open up the video you want if you can answer my one question: Who were the Nephilim and where did they come from?
@ThePlatypotamus 11 жыл бұрын
S1KRYD Nephilim were a race known as the heroes of old, men of renown. They were the children of the sons of god, and are described as giants. They lived pre-flood
@ThePlatypotamus 11 жыл бұрын
S1KRYD yeah I plan to document the whole process and upload it if all goes well. I just have a question, the carbon fiber panel that you made, can the same series of steps be applied to creating bumpers etc.? Or should I use that method exclusively for panels and smaller things? I've looked into other methods, however most other sources throw a whole different combination of other elements and don't seem as cost effective and simple as your method. EDIT: I have added a list of steps from the video that I remember however some of the details may be missing etc. I will type what I have as a comment on your "cobra on the streets" video so as not to redirect attention away from the purpose of this video (sorry lol) I really appreciate your help in this as it is becoming a major ambition for me. I plan to try and try until I get really good :)
@S1KRYD 11 жыл бұрын
ThePlatypotamus Well done! I have just opened up the video for you mate. Don't let your clay go hard. Put your tin foil on right away. One to 2 layers of fiberglass CLOTH at 6OZ is good. Use polyester fiberglass resin. One day for this to set is fine.
@S1KRYD 11 жыл бұрын
ThePlatypotamus The carbon fibre can be used for large front bumpers ect. I have opened up that video for you. Please ask more questions if you need more help. Thanks
@DJJS7 8 жыл бұрын
Question. What happens to the Angels when they went to heaven ? where they casted to earth ?
@S1KRYD 8 жыл бұрын
Eventually yes. But this did not happen until Jesus set up the kingdom in heaven first thousands of years latter. Then war brock out in heaven and those angels were case down to the earth and unable to return to heaven as brought out in Revelation.
@S1KRYD 8 жыл бұрын
***** Yes if you follow the bibles instruction then the ark is chest shaped. Yes I know about the one recently completed. They did not follow what there bible said. But this would be because a chest like ark is boring compared to the hulled ship they have produced. They are trying to create a tourist attraction in order to make money. This means they have to make it more interesting to look at instead of the original barn like structure the ark really was.
@harryandruschak2843 8 жыл бұрын
I have been pondering the idea of making a LEGO version of the Ark. (I am age 71...and still love to build with LEGO. Do you have a problem with that?). A LEGO board of 120 x 20 studs is probably the max I could afford. And the height would be 12 LEGO bricks. 4 LEGO bricks tall for each deck, and the superstructure on top of that.
@S1KRYD 8 жыл бұрын
Wow that is so cool. I am in the middle of building an ark. It is made out of wood and it is 2700mm long 440mm wide and 280mm high. It weighs in at about 60KG. I am almost finished. Would like to see you project once it is done.
@harryandruschak2843 8 жыл бұрын
STIGZ You may have to wait a bit. I am short of money. Right now I am planning the basic layout and how to start. A company makes LEGO compatible base plates in 20 x 20 studs size. Six of those laid end to end gives the 120 stud length. 1 x 10 bricks will hold the sections together.
@pealingscab 10 жыл бұрын
working on a car project and doing research on clay molding then came across this wow I am jw bro from tx usa. And people say we don't have fun lol hey bro love the car videos.
@S1KRYD 10 жыл бұрын
Hi Bro. I'm an MS from NZ. Looking forward to the memorial tomorrow! I did another video called "Proof of the last days" Check it out! Also I have a client with a fortune 500 RX7 that he wants the back end redesigned on. A combination of the Ferrari 458 and the new FT-1 supra. So I have some pretty interesting videos coming up in the next 3 months. So Yea we have fun alright. We are just more level headed than the rest of the world when we do.
@toddworsley5849 10 жыл бұрын
S1KRYD I was very hesitant to watch this video due to my faith. I stumbled across after watching some of your awesome fiberglassing video. I'm in the process of making fiberglass door panels for my 69 couple deville. I couldn't belive it was a video of truth based on the bible. Is it from the the videos? I haven't watched everyone of them yet. I'm a jw brother from superior wisconsin. Love your videos!
@andre1dre 10 жыл бұрын
S1KRYD Thanks for the video uploads brother!
@S1KRYD 10 жыл бұрын
andre1dre Sweet as bro
@pelicanus11 10 жыл бұрын
YAHWEH not JEhovah!
@S1KRYD 10 жыл бұрын
Both are correct.
@S1KRYD 10 жыл бұрын
VideoAudioDisco09 It is actually the tetragram of YHWH that is the most correct.Yahweh is the transliteration of the Hebrew. In English it is Jehovah and in many other languages it changes significantly. For example in NZ Mouri it is ehovah. In French it is different again etc. The point is that the name changes with language the same way that your own name changes with language. So unless you want to wipe out all the other peoples on earth until only your own race and language is the only one left, then you will have to put up with Jehovah and the hundreds of other ways it can be pronounced. What truly is important is that we use the divine name.Why is it important to know and use God’s personal name? Do you have a close relationship with anyone whose personal name you do not know? For people to whom God is nameless he is often merely an impersonal force, not a real person, not someone that they know and love and to whom they can speak from the heart in prayer. If they do pray, their prayers are merely a ritual, a formalistic repetition of memorized expressions. True Christians have a commission from Jesus Christ to make disciples of people of all nations. When teaching these people, how would it be possible to identify the true God as different from the false gods of the nations? Only by using His personal name, as the Bible itself does.-Matt. 28:19, 20; 1 Cor. 8:5, 6. Ex. 3:15: “God said . . . to Moses: ‘This is what you are to say to the sons of Israel, “Jehovah the God of your forefathers . . . has sent me to you.” This is my name to time indefinite, and this is the memorial of me to generation after generation.’” Isa. 12:4: “Give thanks to Jehovah, you people! Call upon his name. Make known among the peoples his dealings. Make mention that his name is put on high.” Ezek. 38:17, 23: “This is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah has said, ‘ . . . And I shall certainly magnify myself and sanctify myself and make myself known before the eyes of many nations; and they will have to know that I am Jehovah.’” Mal. 3:16: “Those in fear of Jehovah spoke with one another, each one with his companion, and Jehovah kept paying attention and listening. And a book of remembrance began to be written up before him for those in fear of Jehovah and for those thinking upon his name.” John 17:26: “[Jesus prayed to his Father:] I have made your name known to them [his followers] and will make it known, in order that the love with which you loved me may be in them and I in union with them.” Acts 15:14: “Symeon has related thoroughly how God for the first time turned his attention to the nations to take out of them a people for his name.” Rom 10:13 "all those that call upon the name of Jehovah will be saved" Which form of the divine name is correct-Jehovah or Yahweh? No human today can be certain how it was originally pronounced in Hebrew. Why not? Biblical Hebrew was originally written with only consonants, no vowels. When the language was in everyday use, readers easily provided the proper vowels. In time, however, the Jews came to have the superstitious idea that it was wrong to say God’s personal name out loud, so they used substitute expressions. Centuries later, Jewish scholars developed a system of points by which to indicate which vowels to use when reading ancient Hebrew, but they put the vowels for the substitute expressions around the four consonants representing the divine name. Thus the original pronunciation of the divine name was lost. Many scholars favor the spelling “Yahweh,” but it is uncertain and there is not agreement among them. On the other hand, “Jehovah” is the form of the name that is most readily recognized, because it has been used in English for centuries and preserves, equally with other forms, the four consonants of the Hebrew Tetragrammaton. J. B. Rotherham, in The Emphasised Bible, used the form Yahweh throughout the Hebrew Scriptures. However, later in his Studies in the Psalms he used the form “Jehovah.” He explained: “JEHOVAH-The employment of this English form of the Memorial name . . . in the present version of the Psalter does not arise from any misgiving as to the more correct pronunciation, as being Yahwéh; but solely from practical evidence personally selected of the desirability of keeping in touch with the public ear and eye in a matter of this kind, in which the principal thing is the easy recognition of the Divine name intended.”-(London, 1911), p. 29. After discussing various pronunciations, German professor Gustav Friedrich Oehler concluded: “From this point onward I use the word Jehovah, because, as a matter of fact, this name has now become more naturalized in our vocabulary, and cannot be supplanted.”-Theologie des Alten Testaments, second edition (Stuttgart, 1882), p. 143. Jesuit scholar Paul Joüon states: “In our translations, instead of the (hypothetical) form Yahweh, we have used the form Jéhovah . . . which is the conventional literary form used in French.”-Grammaire de l’hébreu biblique (Rome, 1923), footnote on p. 49. Most names change to some extent when transferred from one language to another. Jesus was born a Jew, and his name in Hebrew was perhaps pronounced Ye·shu′a‛, but the inspired writers of the Christian Scriptures did not hesitate to use the Greek form of the name, I·e·sous′. In most other languages the pronunciation is slightly different, but we freely use the form that is common in our tongue. The same is true of other Bible names. How, then, can we show proper respect for the One to whom the most important name of all belongs? Would it be by never speaking or writing his name because we do not know exactly how it was originally pronounced? Or, rather, would it be by using the pronunciation and spelling that are common in our language, while speaking well of its Owner and conducting ourselves as his worshipers in a manner that honors him?
@S1KRYD 10 жыл бұрын
VideoAudioDisco09 The bible says there would be a world wide preaching work done in the time of the end. Math 24:14. And Acts 20:20 says this was done from door to door by the early Christians in the first century.
@S1KRYD 10 жыл бұрын
VideoAudioDisco09 You are right. God is not a trinity. He is one god. As for the temple being destroyed it happened in 70CE just as Jesus said it would. As for "this generation" this has also happened. That generation of anointed Christians that were to live in the time of the end has not yet passed away just as Jesus said.
@michaelblackwell6194 9 жыл бұрын
I too am a car fan and one of Jehovah's witnessess. Glad to see a brother who can see the need to balance personal hobbies and being in the truth. I am going to start practicing my clay molding techniques. is a good place to start clay molding for beginners and advanced as well. for info on bible truths.
@RnBMistress 11 жыл бұрын
I thought this was going to be preview of the new movie "Noah" that is coming out next year in 2014. I saw the previews of it, and I don't think that I'll be going to see it. People do not like telling the truth on the matter. They should Tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. This is just still pictures with someone narrating as it goes along, like a cartoon kind of version of the story of Noah. I thought I was going to see it visually, I like it more better told in a visual manner, you get the jest of what the story is about more better. Are you a Jehovah Witness? Even though people know thats his name, they do not use it, they'd rather say and use "Yahweh."
@1976ClassicCelica 9 жыл бұрын
God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit - Three in One (Trinity). Yes the Bible doesn't mention the name specifically but it's there whether you want to believe it or not. You can ONLY be saved by the blood of Christ. Man cannot get to Heaven by works alone but by the grace of God and Faith in Him. Love the car videos. Learned lots. Not a JW but a pure bible believing Christian. Peace!
@S1KRYD 9 жыл бұрын
+1976ClassicCelica The King James Version of 1611CE does say: “For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one” at 1 John 5:7. These words do not appear in any of the ancient Bible manuscripts whatsoever, but were added later in order to support the false trinity doctrine. This is now well known to Scholars and modern Bible translations omit these words. Nowhere in the bible will you find the word twinity or trinity.
@crustydownunder 10 жыл бұрын
The movie was full of blatant lies.
@darkwingdragon709 11 жыл бұрын
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