The Real Reason The Media HATES Cyclists is not what you think.

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@lafamillecarrington Күн бұрын
It used to be easy for those vested interests to say that good bike infrastructure was bad for local businesses and residents ability to get around. Now that there is real data on the effects of giving the streets back to pedestrians and cyclists, this is no longer the case.
@iMadrid11 Күн бұрын
The data is useless when ignored by government officials who are compromised car brains and anti-bike. Here in the Philippines. The persons in charge of traffic. MMDA Chairman Artez vetoed the protected bike lane at EDSA. Since it would affect the car dealership business in that part of highway. As his actual reason during a town hall meeting recorded by the national press. The President of the MMDA Mayors representative Zamora removed all of the bike lane bollards in his city. The same Mayor who went on junket trip to the Netherlands to learn about bike lanes and road design.
@1gingerbaker Күн бұрын
I have been a professional driver for twenty years, and I'm an HGV driver. In that time, I saw it all. In my own experience, private car drivers ie non professional drivers . Are the group of road users I have had the most conflict with a lot of them do not pay any attention to what is going on around them. I have had very occasional run-ins, with cyclists being unaware of the blind spots on an HGV, if you can't see my mirrors I can't see you. We are all human we all make mistakes.
@Frostbiker 8 сағат бұрын
I find HGV drivers to be by far the most aware of their surroundings, including the presence of cyclists.
@paxundpeace9970 6 сағат бұрын
How is it that they kill the most cyclists and are fault for modt collisions. ​@@Frostbiker
@guambra2001 Күн бұрын
I never thought I would care for cycling infrastructure but as I watch mi kiddo grow up, i see how much we’re bound to the auto culture. I just want my kid to ride his bike safely in a way that allows for freedom without the ridiculous risk of death.
@davidgates4450 Күн бұрын
I've been a motorcyclist and cyclist for 6 decades plus until loosing my legs to Sepsis in 2021.. The last Cycles I rode locally..I live in rural Kent...were refurbished machines some 50 years old... They were ideal for local use.. I always fit a 'bell' and rear-view mirror..I want to see what the Alpha-Male behind me in 2,5tons of 4x4 is doing... Unfortunately, the sheer terror induced in British traffic conditions has certainly removed any further interest in venturing onto our roads.. You are so right to highlight the aggression towards 2 wheels fostered and encouraged by the irresponsible elements of our 'Meeja'...Most car drivers have no empathy towards those who choose otherwise; an attitude in stark contrast to that generally met just 35km across the Dover Strait.... Britain is far less egalitarian now than as recently as the '70s.... I've handed in my M/C licence... There's no desire to risk what's left of me out on the roads...
@PhilbyFavourites 16 сағат бұрын
I would suggest it’s the yummy mummy brigade in Discoveries and Range Rovers - that’s where the danger lies…..
@Zeyr01 15 сағат бұрын
How much did your motorcycle cost? An arm and a leg?
@Sam-xs9kr Күн бұрын
Living in the east and cycling in both Norwich and ipswitch, it has always baffled me why there’s so much push back for independent segregated cycle ways. It separates both cyclists and motorists. Yet motorists still complain about them, despite the fact it (on paper) means it would get us cyclists off the road in cities! I can cycle from the center of Norwich, out to the airport in 15 minutes if the traffic is good. Yet if there was a dedicated cycleway this could be cut down to 7 ish minutes, and I wouldn’t nearly die by terrible overtaking on my trips. Instead local authorities insist on low cost shared paths and road cycle lanes, which then just pisses off pedestrians and drivers, because they can’t read signs. Truely baffles me how we approach cycle infrastructure in this country, despite our world pedigree in the sport. Rant over, thank you for your video!
@NightshadeShroud 21 сағат бұрын
Speeding Cyclists? The average cyclist can just hit 20 mph, 30+ when going downhill
@RUBBER_BULLET 9 сағат бұрын
20-30mph can be very dangerous in many situations.
@alexseguin5245 4 сағат бұрын
Using miles per hour is cringe. Stick to kilometers per hour please.
@nigelhughes6096 18 сағат бұрын
I heard a driver moaning recently about a 20mph speed limit because she couldn’t overtake cyclists
@a1white Күн бұрын
Creating conflict gets clicks. Whether it’s immigrants, or cyclists it doesn’t matter to these media outlets. I left twitter because Elon musks algorithms would try and trigger me every time I logged in (often successfully). We do live in a car centric world and I’m glad I’ve broken free of that, it has saved me a fortune.
@streddaz Күн бұрын
I agree. It's not just car advertising it's all advertising and if you have a story that gets eyes on it, that helps with advertising revenue. Also, people do tend to dislike or even hate a thing that they don't do themselves or anyone close to them. Since bike riders are a big minority, they are an easy target for dislike and hate. A lot of media knows this and play on it to get views on their story. Saying that the local media where I live is really positive about cycling and I find it more the commercial or right-wing media outlets that really demonise bike riders.
@16m49x3 15 сағат бұрын
you live in an echo chamber and get triggered when anything outside your bubble is exposed to you?
@badabing8884 Күн бұрын
Spot on. The way our urban areas are designed shows that governments don’t give a shit about cyclists, their health or getting to net zero. Where I live there are 4/5 different roads that all lead to the next biggest town, cars are littered on streets during the day because urban planners didn’t plan for households to have more than one car. Majority of trips by car are 5 miles or less and by single occupant drivers. The Govt. Has fleeced motorists for decades by using revenue from VED, fuel duty and VAT to help plug their financial black hole. Roads have therefore not been maintained and are full of potholes. Giving up road space and protected cycling infrastructure, which is far cheaper to build and maintain is a no brainer.
@atmywitsend1984 19 сағат бұрын
Totally agree. They pretend that the car is bad,by pushing for clean air zones and 20mph roads everywhere these days. It is really just a stealth tax in disguise as a safer and cleaner road😅but at the same time in my 40 year commute to work very little has changed in the infrastructure that benefits cycling. Unfortunately my commute is on horrendously busy and narrow roads. Apart from one section in my 14 mile journey each way,which is 600 yards long,and ironically was already the only quiet section,they have placed a cycle path on the actual footpath. It is useless for me,as on that little stretch if I was to use it,I would have to yield to cars and lorries coming in and out of businesses no fewer than 8 times. On the road section I have the right of way all along it. I honestly don't think that councillors have the foggiest idea about the cycling issues. The only positive I can think of in recent years is the placement of cycling boxes at the traffic lights,although on my commute there is only one,but it does help. On one section of my commute I do actually ride on the footpath,as it is a very steep road,and every 100 yards it has pedestrian islands that actually narrow the road dangerously,and some drivers don't seem to have any idea that there isnt enough space to pass me at these points. I hate having to do this,but I really do not feel safe at all,and I am a very confident cyclist. Plus I hate holding traffic up. The whole clean air/net zero is a pipe dream,and the powers that be know it isn't remotely possible to achieve,but they are getting plenty of revenue from drivers as a result,so sadly I don't expect things to improve any time soon. I certainly don't want to prevent motorists from using their vehicles,I just want transparency,and this horrible division the media are creating to end.
@badabing8884 18 сағат бұрын
@@atmywitsend1984 totally agree on councillors not having the foggiest idea. I attended a borough council event to promote local walking and cycling infrastructure in my area. The local cycling officer stood up and said the reason why children cycle on pavements was because of a lack of education. No you idiot they cycle on there because of a lack Of protected cycling infrastructure in the area and they have been taught not to go on there by their parents who fear for their safety. To be fair council boroughs are dependent on county councils who are in turn dependent on central govt funding. We have a cycle loop that goes around our town centre that was supposed to be completed by next month. Absolute rubbish as they haven’t started on large sections of it.
@KlavierGayming Күн бұрын
I heard your accent and immediately thought i was watching an Adam Something video lmao. Great video, very high quality. Hope the algorhithm likes you
@mikerodent3164 21 сағат бұрын
Very well argued. Unfortunately it's not all rational: I have been cycling the roads of London since 1980. I have also been watching TV car adverts since even earlier than that. Car adverts have turned the brains of 100s of millions to mush: for decades and decades these pernicious vile forms of propaganda have been promoting the idea of "car = the open road = freedom". Mostly driving or owning a car does not involve open roads, but congested roads, endless frustration, endless bills for fuel, maintenance, insurance, etc. To say nothing of the unbelievable costs of building and maintaining car infrastructure for all of us through our taxes, or the real cost to the climate of not adequately taxing fuel, driving, the industrial processes involved in manufacturing cars, etc.. Not driving keeps me healthier as well, likely to make me a lesser burden on the health system, etc. etc. Due to these advertising campaigns over decades, car companies no longer even have to broadcast explicitly that message about freedom, as cars have, for 100s of millions of people, become a completely subconscious symbol of freedom. Which I why I also rage when car companies pay to do things like "book-end" documentaries and films on TV with some "brand identity" footage which simply says "Ford Motor Company (or whatever), sponsoring challenging documentaries" ... in just a few seconds they are not just subliminally injecting "brand identity" into the minds of the malleable, they are also reinforcing incrementally the continuing normalisation of these fantasies about cars generally. And it's all being done completely deliberately and purposefully of course. As for the Daily Mail, I could feel the toxin level in my blood rising just from the few seconds of footage of those pages of carefully calibrated hatred and ignorance in your vid. Good work though!
@Ulysees3131 10 сағат бұрын
My people are here
@NR23derek 16 сағат бұрын
Designing for cars is totally different to designing for all other forms of urban transport - walking, cycling, bus etc etc. Cars require everything to be spread out, surrounded by huge car parks and served by wide roads. So we get out of town shopping centres - "trading estates" and out of town employment areas - "business parks", which are next to impossible to access via anything other than a car. Our cities are being rebuilt like this and so the centres are dying. What used to be countryside is now sprawling suburbs where you need a car just to live, a bland, uniform could-be-anywhere dullness.
@krakatoa1200 21 сағат бұрын
I was a good racing cyclist in my youth, and now in my 70's I still ride on a regular basis. I have found over the years, that my courtesy to other road users makes a big difference. I try not to be a nuisance when out on my bike, I wave vehicles by when I see a clear road, and often pull in to a gateway or lay-by, when i am a holding up. Lorries and buses especially, give a toot or a thunb's up as they go by, and cars often flash their hazard lights as a thankyou. I feel, that being thoughtful to other road users, they realise that we cyclists are not all the same.
@atmywitsend1984 18 сағат бұрын
I do the same,but unfortunately a lot of drivers have tarred us all with the same brush. On the whole my experience on the road is good. But a little too often I will get aggressive drivers blocking my route,I have even had one or two deliberately close pass at speed,and open their doors to knock me off. I have been spat on,and on one occasion actually punched by a back seat passenger. I have had a car turn off its headlights behind me and intimidate me for over a mile on a tight country lane,threatening to push me into the hawthorn Bush that ran along side the road. I have been brake checked on occasion,but the most common occurance is being over taken,for the driver to turn right in front of me. And don't get me started on the mobile phone users while driving,I swear that every other driver has their phone on their laps. I have also seen some shocking cyclists,but there are far fewer of them where I ride. I did actually see one once cycling the wrong way around a very busy roundabout. I am sure you have experienced a lot of the same things,even though we ride respectfully,there will always be morons that just hate us.❤
@rangersmith4652 16 сағат бұрын
It might seem prudent in the moment to extend unwarranted courtesy to a motorist, but over the long term and in the bigger picture, giving way to a motor vehicle while the right of way is yours teaches motorists -- erroneously -- that people on bikes are _supposed to_ get out of their way.
@kramelbbiw 16 сағат бұрын
​@@atmywitsend1984It seems like the person you replied to is getting friendly waves and thank you's while you're getting literally life threatening assaults. Why is that? Do you pull over to let faster moving traffic pass, or mostly carry on until they can get by?
@krakatoa1200 13 сағат бұрын
@@rangersmith4652 I see what you're saying ,If I have right of way at a junction, or a roundabout, I stick to my passage through, but on the fairly narrow roads that I cycle, I found it better and safer for me to just pull in. Many years ago, probably 1970 or 71, I was out training with a club mate near Worcester. Riding towards Malvern there is a little village called Powick, a man in a Morris minor forced us both onto the grass verge, luckily about a half of a mile up the road we saw him pull on to a drive outside a bungalow. I said to my mate john. "I'm going to have a word with him" so we stopped. all I got was a mouthfull of abuse, i let him carry on for a couple of minutes then hit him. he fell on to his flower border, dropping his car keys. We picked up his keys, an rode off, throwing his keys onto the verge a few hundred yards up the road. A few weeks later we were riding a road race along the same road, and wondered if the guy would come out and cause a problem, but thankfully he didn't.
@sheep4483 9 сағат бұрын
@@kramelbbiw I don't think it necessarily matters what they're doing--if they're actively blocking the road and intentionally making it impossible to pass using 2 or 3 biking friends to take up as much space as possible and going 5mph while blocking all traffic, they still shouldn't be receiving those kinds of reactions. Only literal psychopaths act like that. You're using the same logic rapists use saying things like "well maybe you shouldn't have been wearing a skirt."
@gordonlbelyea4409 Күн бұрын
I suspect that part of the problem as well is that most folks - media & govt alike - don't cycle or know anyone who does, while EVERY adult drives. Otherwise quite rational friends look at me with a mix of pity & incomprehension when I suggest commuting or shopping by bike, as I do. It is a huge cognitive blindspot, usually unthinking.
@michaelgurd7477 Күн бұрын
Correct, most adults will immediately identify as drivers.
@gordonlbelyea4409 Күн бұрын
@@michaelgurd7477 I think it was Art Linkletter who wrote years ago that a man could do almost anything and be excused for it, but the moment he said that he didn't drive, people would question his sanity.
@geraudamarger9884 Күн бұрын
Most people can't imagine moving their ass across 10km or more without a motor. They are always exhausted over nothing, often get colds and other illnesses. I've never had this much energy before using my bike everyday, breathing the air outside a building, outside a car.
@raithrover1976 Күн бұрын
Spot on. It's also the reason that gammon types don't demand that pedestrians pay road tax for all their lightly-used pavements because everyone is also a pedestrian. Normalising using a bicycle as a means of transport and exercise is the best way of neutralising the culture war narratives.
@raithrover1976 Күн бұрын
Spot on. It's also the reason that gammon types don't demand that pedestrians pay road tax for all their lightly-used pavements because everyone is also a pedestrian. Normalising using a bicycle as a means of transport and exercise is the best way of neutralising the culture war narratives.
@ImposterJones Күн бұрын
proof of content... this vid was directly followed by an f150 superdoody advert. we are owned.
@michaelgurd7477 Күн бұрын
My policy is that I never buy a product that comes up on my KZbin feed; I hope that is yours as well.
@ImposterJones Күн бұрын
@@michaelgurd7477 Yes! if at all possible I shall niether influence nor be infuenced lest I fall into eternal hellfire.
@linguaexdeo 18 сағат бұрын
You hit the nail on the head. It's all about money and profits. See the video "I Went to an Anti-Bike-Lane Revolt And Here’s What I Learned" by Oh the Urbanity to see the oil and car company shills attacking an effort to add more bike lanes in Montreal.
@shawnreynolds2705 Күн бұрын
Irony of the day...this video was interrupted by a Comercial for Honda automobiles
@CyclingSteve 17 сағат бұрын
100% I've been saying this for years. Newspapers are looking after their income and have the blood of tens of thousands on their hands.
@erinrising2799 23 сағат бұрын
I do think it boils down to advertising. Like when is the last time you saw a bike commercial? So they are gonna side with the people paying the bills, because these days you the reader/watcher is the commodity, they are selling you and your eyeballs to the advertisers. And if that advertiser has an adversary, the media is gonna side with the money.
@daniellarson3068 Күн бұрын
I've never been to England, but I kind of like the Beatles. Here in my little isolated corner of the US, I see a lot of electric bicycles being ridden by people of all ages. The thought occurred to me the other day that one of these days all these folks are going to be doing more of their chores with these bikes. They could be ideal for a grocery store run. As that happens won't these electric bike users be demanding better bicycle paths? It's just a thought.
@logicalfundy Күн бұрын
Hopefully! But the biking culture in the USA has been recreational for a long time. But with e-bikes becoming common and gas prices going up, I think more people will start considering them for non-recreational use. I actually calculated how much my gas (petrol) cost vs how much electricity cost for trips to work, and my bike will pay for itself in 2-5 years. If I factor in maintenance for the car and other costs, probably even sooner.
@christryst Күн бұрын
Well made video. Informative and insightful. Please consider making the background music a little quieter.
@sacakusumaa Күн бұрын
Since 2013 still using bike as main transportation because it is cheap, low maintenance and tax free, i bought it only cost 200$ and still hold on piece
@Soundbrigade 23 сағат бұрын
A dog biting a man, makes no headlines, but a man biting a dog does.
@RUBBER_BULLET 9 сағат бұрын
Could you elaborate? I've seen plenty of headlines of the former and zero of the latter.
@Soundbrigade 9 сағат бұрын
@@RUBBER_BULLET Pedestrians and bikers are injured or killed in accidents with motorists constantly and they never make any headlines. But on a rare occasion when a biker runs over a pedestrian, you bet that's gonna make it to the front page. Media really gets going when something extraordinary happens.
@RUBBER_BULLET 9 сағат бұрын
@@Soundbrigade I understand that, but I don't understand your analogy.
@Soundbrigade 5 минут бұрын
@@RUBBER_BULLET That "doggy" expression is a sort of 100 yo meme, saying that only extraordinary news make it to front page. In the case of the video, bikers causing accidents are "extraordinary", but if the car industry is supporting the newspapers, of course that adds an extra twist.
@Policepigeon Күн бұрын
the daily hate mail
@wildmano1965 14 сағат бұрын
Oh God! It is like everything else. Like Corporate greed never gets blamed for the misery it creates, it's always the fault of poor and working people.
@micklumsden3956 8 сағат бұрын
The Dutch fought the auto lobby and one. Now everyone in the Netherlands cycles and everyone is happier. Keep working for bike infrastructure in the UK
@delftfietser Күн бұрын
Everybody wants to get where they want to go at everyone else's expense. Drivers want cyclists gone because cyclists are slow, weak, and get in the way. Cyclists want drivers excluded because cars can kill if they get in the way and are polluting and noisy. The problem is people, not the car, not the bike.
@JoseGomez-jr8hn Күн бұрын
good point
@jessegee179 Күн бұрын
Yes, people don’t like sharing space patiently.
@bestbehave 20 сағат бұрын
Certainly in cities people on buikes aren't slow or in the way. They're going faster than the traffic overall. And there is no equivalence between "I don't want you to be there" and "I don't want you to kill me". Quite clearly the group that poses a risk to the other _is_ the problem.
@delftfietser 16 сағат бұрын
@@bestbehave People in cars or on foot have been dealing with each other long before present day, and in different cultures. That the car makes injury and death possible while also providing real benefits does not mean it should be excluded. It does mean that both the driver and pedestrian need to look out for each other, because they are both human and therefore of equal worth and thus both have a place in the city. Yes, physically isolated bike lanes are needed for access by bicycle and safety for said cyclist. Yes, I can see cars and drivers excluded from a street or space that seems to be mostly dominated by those on foot or bicycle already by organic growth. Yet to see some cycling advocates fight against car domination, win, and then turn around and become the same kind of overlords they protested against because car advocates might want low speed access for good reasons is contemptible behavior.
@bestbehave 16 сағат бұрын
@@delftfietser The "dealing with each other" usually means people on foot being killed, and people who own cars being afforded privilege. Cars are a liabilty in modern cities , not a benefit And no, it is not the responsibilitiy of pedestrians not to be killed by car drivers. It is soley ther esponsibility of drivers not to kill
@wilsistermans1118 20 сағат бұрын
Motorists just are not used to cyclists on the road. Cyclists are a new category of road users and it forces motorists to pay more attention to the traffic as they used to do. While complaining the exaggerate problems with cyclists, for instance by counting deaths per decade, without saying the that same number of deaths caused by cares is reached within one week! Lot of accidents between cyclists and pedestrian are not caused by the cyclists, but by a motorist doing something which causes the cyclist to escape to the sidewalk. If you look to the Netherlands in cities lik Amsterdam, Utrecht or Rotterdam you see many cyclists. Because all these people are on a bicycle and not in a car, the car lanes are not overcrowded as the used to be in the seventies. One bike takes much less space on the road. One care takes more space than 4 bikes! The more people switch to cycling, the faster car traffic becomes! In the Dutch cities traffic congestion's are rare because so many people take the bike. So motorists should not complain, but encourage the use of bicycles!
@paulinebelford2645 18 сағат бұрын
There is good cycling infrastructure in several northern European countries. In Sweden the cycling infrastructure here is light years ahead of the UK and many more people cycle as their primary means of transportation. The public transport is amazing too, at least in the larger cities. The combination of these two things (plus expensive parking) results in a much lower volume of traffic on the roads. We went from being a 2 car to a 0 car household when we moved here.
@peglor 13 сағат бұрын
Cyclists are not a new category of road user. Bicycles were around long before cars existed.
@georgeg7840 Күн бұрын
Hey, cool channel. I have been a regular cyclist most of my life and am lucky enough to live in a city (Montreal, Canada) which encourages cycling more than most on this continent, just ask the youtube channels ‘shifter’ in Calgary, Alberta or ‘oh the urbanity’ here in Montreal.
@WillieJamesOutlawJr 15 сағат бұрын
An excellent example to prove how the news frames bicycling and infrastructure is a FOX5 NYC segment from last week reporting construction of the Bedford Avenue bike lane, there was implicit bias from the studio hosts as well as which interviewees to include for the story.
@grahvis 23 сағат бұрын
I remember an article in the Daily Express with the headline stating how many pedestrians were killed and injured by cyclists. Though it was mentioned that the figures did not show who was at fault, the whole article leaned towards cyclists being a dangerous menace.
@ccederlo Күн бұрын
Truth! Most articles I read conclude with a need to stop these bicyclists or get them riding elsewhere. They could easily conclude instead for a push to making bicycling safer for everyone with better bicycling infrastructure... but nope, not in car centric land!
@ianstewart8301 4 сағат бұрын
Not all media is doing this…speaking as a transportation reporter for a public radio station.
@SiIverRay Күн бұрын
holy hell dude you are underrated
@CyclingSouthLincolnshire 8 сағат бұрын
Nice to hear someone else use the car centric term to describe our transport culture. I agree with what you say. One point though - insurance premiums can apply to cyclists. I insure my bicycles. Some will do this on their house insurance policy, but i insure mine with specific bike insurance.
@lycian123 16 сағат бұрын
Cyclists hits and maims a pedestrian - ban bikes. Car kills pedestrian - another statistic. Cyclist, motorcyclist and car driver for nearly 60 years, I've heard it all, from 'cycles don't pay road tax' (that's not how vehicle duty works) to 'why should your motorcycle take up a whole parking bay?'. The cost of building and maintaining roads in the UK is 13.5bn a year, income from drivers is 6bn. Charge a more realistic amount for cars, cyclist don't need all thart tarmac.
@jessegee179 Күн бұрын
I see a lot of product placement in shows and movies, including vehicle behaviour. I grew up on James Bond and The Italian Job, no wonder our generation glorifies the industry. The increase in vehicle size is concerning, it’s like a knock on effect, even single seniors previously happy with a top of the range little hatchback are willy waving giant electric 4x4’s, it would be interesting to analyse the motivation for their choice.
@wildmano1965 14 сағат бұрын
Take the Netherlands for example. In general, driving a car there is way better simply because not EVERYONE does it at once, like in most American cities or other places. It isn't like cars need to go away; we all use them, we simply don't need everyone to be driving them at once making for what amounts to a MISERABLE transportation situation. Car centricity is completely out of control in Boston MA and everywhere.
@bertkreft9689 Күн бұрын
"car drivers are murderers!" that is the slogan from Amsterdam - where people took to the streets - to defend themselves - against motorized violence - they threw stones at the police
@JonFairhurst Күн бұрын
There’s an additional dynamic: the weak minority gets dumped on, while wealthy, powerful, and majority groups get deference. Do we get stories about cancer, lung, and heart disease? No it’s common (dare say it, popular.) But a face eating disease that killed five people in New Guinea will get headlines. If a stray golf ball killed a kid, it *might* get headlines, except the editors will think twice, because it’s a wealthy person activity. If it was a poor, powerless person throwing the golf ball, give it the front page. We need official sounding organizations with popular, wealthy spokespeople. If billionaires wanted cycling infrastructure, it would be world class. If a driver killed a bike-riding billionaire, the media would skewer that driver. The media doesn’t just kowtow to advertisers. They protect the powerful, whether they are aware of it or not. And drivers have way more power than cyclists.
@mcbohdo 15 сағат бұрын
Politicians and (cough*) some media outlets cater for the majority, and the majority uses cars. Everybody talks about a cultural change in traffic, but when you start taking away lanes or - gasp - parking space, you'll get home owners and shop owners on the barricades, and you'll need very few incentives from the mighty car industry to boost that. Plus, when people know you are invested in cycling they will inevitably tell you stories about some impudent bike riders they witnessed. It is difficult, and you need a concerted effort by engaged politicians and public push to change something, like in Paris. When you call in hearings and want to make everyone happy, very little will change. *Every country has tabloids to address peoples lower impulses, but I think the British ones are world-leading. I still recall the Daily Mirror putting pictures of judges above the headline "ENEMIES OF THE PEOPLE", for which they should have earned a "Der Stürmer" - award.
@iot-portal4806 18 сағат бұрын
I don't think it's as sinister as that. I just think everyone uses cars and a minority of people use bikes... and people have a natural bigoted streak in them. They never question themselves but love seeing faults in other people.
@rangersmith4652 16 сағат бұрын
Look at how favorably Western culture treats people who are members of designated "victim" groups. The solution to this is simple, but difficult: designate people on bikes a victim group. Simple in that it requires that single step. Difficult in that the current general view of cyclists is that we're enjoying special privilege already and that motorists are being oppressed by cyclists. I don't know where that comes from, but it's here.
@Frostbiker 8 сағат бұрын
The sorts of people that act most aggressively towards cyclists are the same sorts of folks that are also against LGBT rights, immigrants and women's rights. I don't think that playing the victim card is going to help at all with those folks.
@_Safety_Third_ Күн бұрын
Normalization is *EVERYTHING*
@Myiata1979 12 сағат бұрын
In Ontario (Canada)...CTV media is all for helping our shaddy provincial government to close bike lanes.People here drive horrible and a lot of pedestrians and cyclists are killed every month. But car here is king and we have a lot of "sheeps" following it!
@bestbehave 20 сағат бұрын
3:10 small correction in your otherwise excellent piece. Cars are not responsible for accidents, drivers are responsible for incidents or collisions. One of the ways the media downplays driver agency is to refer to cars instead of drivers, and accidnets as if they're unavaoidable
@rangersmith4652 16 сағат бұрын
Spot on. Cars don't kill just as guns don't kill. There is always a person behind the wheel, and there is always a person pulling the trigger.
@cycleistic1365 Күн бұрын
Quality content, hope your channel gets traction. got my thumb up and subscription.
@SirLiamsBlade 7 сағат бұрын
Many drivers are careless and dangerous on a regular basis, everyone should know what it is like outside a car and then make a decision what form of transportation we should be focused on
@TimothySmith-pm6un 13 сағат бұрын
By coincidence I have just this second read an anti-cycle lane story in the Liverpool Echo (23rd Sept 2024) that exactly follows the format described in this video. It’s almost as if the media use a pro-forma rather than actually do any journalism.
@derekjolly3680 12 сағат бұрын
Not to be against the overall point or theme of this, but I would propose that as far as the casualties for pedestrians go, there would be far less reporting with bikes as opposed to cars and that would be in part due to the perceptions about bikes and what mishaps with them amount to. Nobody really wants to call the cops over a bike accident or place blame officially. I suppose insurance (like not having it) would factor in too to be fair. Most people (but not all), even without the need to are inclined to call the cops when two cars are involved. I think you could even say this was true before the year cell phones became wielded as magic wands by most people. When would that be? 2000 perhaps.
@highdownmartin 21 сағат бұрын
Whataboutism isn’t the answer. It’s necessary to get all road users to a good standard and hold them there because they are informed and understand about driving and it’s responsibilities. And education for all the public, who are the pedestrians, either full time or part time, and make road safety and road awareness a taught thing.
@bestbehave 20 сағат бұрын
Whataboutism? that's eactly what the press does, and is teh entire point of this vid. For instance UK. 30k annual deaths from traffic related pollution, hundred of times that lives blighted by chronic lillness. 20k+ KSI annually by road violence caused by vehicle drivers. "Yeah but whatabout the cyclisti saw on the pavement last month" 🥴🤪
@highdownmartin 20 сағат бұрын
@@bestbehave my point was that just because there’s only two deaths caused by cyclists against pedestrians doesn’t make that an acceptable statistic, especially if you’re one of the two. The forty a month by car drivers is also clearly unacceptable! I’m not the press, I’m not taking the presses side, I just think that some proper road safety education is long overdue for all sections of road users. It’s an expense that has a massive benefit in avoiding huge expense
@bestbehave 19 сағат бұрын
@@highdownmartin And in a world where people were actually saying that you might have a point. But we're not. We're in a world where the misery and mayhem affecting 10s of thousands and more annually, in one small country, is being masked by wildly and deliberately exagerated reports about a low risk, low impact and clean form of transport
@Dellvmnyam 17 сағат бұрын
Let's not even start on how many innocent drivers are killed by reckless cyclists.
@georgeadams-mb6yd 14 сағат бұрын
There is no law that can prevent stupidly. On a bike or behind a car wheel stupid is as stupid does. However, driving/riding fines do focus ones mind on following rules of the road.
@darkphotographer Күн бұрын
follow the money ,, everybody make money out of cars , the state , from road tax , to gas tax , to parking fine and other fine ,driving schools , assurance company , gas company , car mechanics , advertising company , shipping company , private parking company , and banks from cyclist non of throws make money ,
@darkphotographer Күн бұрын
having a bike for 10 years , you may spend 50 euro on tires 10 on brake pads , having a car for 10 years , you may spend 2-5000 on service and parts /tires ,
@NSBarnett 19 сағат бұрын
So the media “hates” cyclists because the motor industry (cars and car fuel, presumably) tell them to, and those industrialists want people to buy their products and drive, not cycle. That is the reason, as far as there is one, that I thought would be true before I saw this video. And it’s the “real” reason too, according to this video. So what are any other reasons, the false reason, several false reasons, possibly? Or is this video just pointing out the pathological nature of capitalism, and the craven nature of the Daily Mail etc?
@sputumtube 9 сағат бұрын
Why are cyclists not obliged to pay insurance to use roads? Twenty years ago a cyclist (carry another bicycle on his back) pulled out on me as I was passing a T-junction on my motorbike. The handlebars of the bicycle he was carrying went through the visor of my helmet resulting in 42 stitches in my face, severed nerves and numbness to this day. My motorbike was written off (my insurance was third party only) and I got no compensation BECAUSE CYCLISTS ARE NOT REQUIRED TO HAVE INSURANCE. The police investigation absolved me of any wrongdoing, yet I still lost everything. No motorbike, no compensation...nothing except a large facial scar which was (at the time of the incident) so large I could breathe through it. So I ask again - why are cyclists not obliged to pay insurance to use roads?
@averagemanonabike 8 сағат бұрын
Sorry you had to go through all that, sounds horrific. Let me ask you, if someone ran out in front of you carrying a plank of wood, and the same thing happened, would you feel the same way about pedestrian insurance?
@TheSpaceBrosShow Күн бұрын
Great video!
@neurofiedyamato8763 Сағат бұрын
Your first mistake is reading the daily mail
@deafstoned9521 9 сағат бұрын
OMG! You laid it out beautifully!!
@andy-the-gardener 23 сағат бұрын
its all about protecting the car industry. in terms of casualties, even illegal ebikes are many orders of magnitude safer than legal cars, so the safety argument is ridiculous. and when you factor in the inevitable die off from global warming and collapse of civilization as energy (that cars have wasted) runs out...
@ms-ht1cj 12 сағат бұрын
I don't agree with you. Maybe this type of stories are common where you live. Here, cyclists are portrayed in a friendly way. I'm not saying drivers don't hate them sometimes (and unfortunately, they often are right), but media don't focus on conflicts. There are stories about new cycling paths rather.
@philipparris4287 15 сағат бұрын
Seriously ,do you know what this is doing to everyone's health long term.Don't people owe it to the kids
@Marchey_ 4 сағат бұрын
Awesome video! You made some really good points.
@electricbikerider 20 сағат бұрын
Very interesting and informative video, thank you. 🙏🏻⚡️🚴🏻
@cbailey2376 16 сағат бұрын
Getting hit by a car or 🚚 🛻 truck.....getting hit by a bicycle. Hmmmm, I'll take bicycle for $200. Actually, neither is optimal, so everyone drive better. Better/more bicycle lanes/paths make more sense. Stay safe out there. 🚲🙏
@ecopennylife Күн бұрын
Agree with your opinions 👍🚴
@richardhasler6718 15 сағат бұрын
Thanks, the Daily Mail standard headline reads: Teenage Somali Drug Addict Gang Build Mosque on Cenotaph With Euro Funding.
@BikeDispatch Күн бұрын
Well done. Subbed🇳🇿🚴‍♂️
@StefanDrake 23 сағат бұрын
Time to BAN cars from Cities (In Europe)
@bestbehave 20 сағат бұрын
It's happening, slowly
@StefanDrake 16 сағат бұрын
@@bestbehave good, the problem is where im from tho, Eastern Europe
@eBoard3R 8 сағат бұрын
*Subbed!* 🤙🏽⚡️🤟🏽⚡️👌🏽
@RUBBER_BULLET 9 сағат бұрын
Cyclists don't need any help from the media.
@Moonshinebikes 14 сағат бұрын
Why public hate media.... the thimbnail.
@Wildcard71 Күн бұрын
To activate chapters, you'll also need an entry for 0:00.
@averagemanonabike Күн бұрын
@emdxemdx 2 сағат бұрын
Meh. Do you really think that a fascist paper like the 𝕯𝖆𝖎𝖑𝖞 𝕱𝖆𝖎𝖑 will be fair to cyclists?
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