Was just hearing that eighties song talking bout "i can feel the eagles flying higher and higher"
@VinceGuthrie8 ай бұрын
Joel 2-3, Groom and Bride come out of their chambers and the outpouring begins in NISAN. ISAIAH 24;23 The Full Moon will be embarrassed and the Sun; For the LORD of Host will riegn On Mount Zion and in Jerusalem, And before the Elders, Gloriously! Psalms 25:14 When the people's are gathered together, And the Kingdoms to serve the Lord. Psalms 25:14 The Secret of the LORD is with those who FEAR him, And He will show them His Covenant. Zechariah 9;13-17 EXPLAINS WHY THE RIDERS ON THE WHITE HORSE, Have no need for arrows. In my daily Bible Proverbs, I saw in my minds eye, a horses mane being braded. Being the City boy that I am, I looked up why the braded mane? To keep the hair from entangled with the Sword or Rifle, of the War Horse! Seer Tribe of Simeon
@worldrocker59148 ай бұрын
@piteshbhanushali11403 ай бұрын
Why this story so much simillar to hinduism vishnu 10th and final avtar kalki avtar ..