The Rise of Hexxus Part 5 - imagination team’s entrance/Korra’s vision

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Animal and Human Ohana

Animal and Human Ohana

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In The Whispering Woods Near By The Animal Kingdom, Richard, Adam/He-Man, Adora/She-Ra, Reform Catra And The Rest Of Their Imagination Family Are Having A Small Festival Party At The Animal Kingdom In Hornoring Nature and Planet Earth As Well.
Then Suddenly Avatar Korra Begin To Touch A Tree, Then Surprisingly She Is Have Horrible Vision About The Forest Being Deforestation, and Seeing The Watership Family Member 'Oceana' Is In Pain By The Oil and Khan Kluay Saying The Name 'Hexxus'.
Perfuma is shocked and scared upon hearing that name again like she knows what Hexxus is then at the same time Moss-Man has come back just in time to see The Imagination Family.
Perfuma and Moss-Man decided to give their family a short story about Hexxus including how they were one who help the fairies lock him up many years ago. While out patrol Samurai Jack and Usagi Yojimbo has spotted smoke in the distance and creatures running toward them luckily The Samurai Trio got out of the way, both Samurai Jack and Miyamoto Usagi ran back to us and informed us that something is indeed wrong so The Imagination Family '*THE TWINS TRASFORM INTO HE-MAN & SHE-RA*' immediately went over there to investigate then a horrible site occurred to The Imagination Family that the forest has been deforestation and the river is cover in oil. The Imagination Family really felt bad upon seeing the forest in ruins, Richard and the others realize how dangerous Hexxus has because after hearing that story, now they know an new threat is coming and they to warn their allies including The Humanimal Ohana family as well, but they will help Khan Kluay and Kyle White to heal up their Mermaid friend Oceana

Пікірлер: 39
@FiverHeathersChannel 3 ай бұрын
Great seeing Richard and his Imaginators in this story, looks like they know about the destruction too
@Rodeo-Mizfit-Imaginator. 3 ай бұрын
12:12 Me: My turn!! *pulled out magic sword and revolver* FOR THE BRAVEY OF GREYSKULL!!! *transformers into* I AM SABER RIDER!!!!
@disneyvillainrocket1 3 ай бұрын
We must hurry if we’re going to stop hexxus
@TheImaginator972 3 ай бұрын
I like to say this part was pretty amazing and I'm happy to see My Imagination Family as well, I am curious about Big Green especially that my team will join with The Humanimal Family and The Watership Family, can't wait for the next part.
@rainbowsaurus-rex6580 3 ай бұрын
It’s awesome to have Rocky Ginger and Molly in this story as well. What an incredible surprise.
@Rodeo-Mizfit-Imaginator. 3 ай бұрын
0:07 Me & Rodeo Imaginators(My 1st Team): *arived* Me: Wow!! This is an amazing forest!!
@soseztheleadr 3 ай бұрын
Hurry, He-Man, She-Ra. The forest is running out of time.
@rileyohrt7256 3 ай бұрын
10:31 Maui: did not see that coming
@dreww2634 3 ай бұрын
I'm so glad to have rocky Ginger and molly In the story. I will be loving nature heroes we're having a good time to celebrate Earth Day but When Korra touches the tree she saw a vision that oceana got sick because of that oil And Hexxus has returned that perfuma. and moss man. knows the story about him. The spirit of destruction, The heroes have a bad feeling about this the two samurai warriors saw a smoke rising. When they saw all the animals flat, he-man and she-ra were investigated to see what more trouble comes. Nature will be in big trouble if they don't act NOW Oh Lord please help oceana she must get better. Her beloved elf is starting to get worried by now 😩
@tawnyacosta9091 3 ай бұрын
Nando & Ilima: ( *investigating the forest, and see nearly half the forest's trees have been cut down* ) Ilima: ( *gasps* ) No. How could those loggers do this? Nando: ( *comforts Ilima* ) We must tell our friends. This has to be stopped! ( *Suddenly, however, Nando & Ilima were hit in the back of their heads! Someone had knocked the two men, Nando & Ilima, unconscious!* )
@angelgarcia-ts3jlplayer 3 ай бұрын
Amazing Video Uh oh Hurry he-man, She-ra The forest is running out of tine.
@dylangeltzeiler946 3 ай бұрын
On Set: Avatar Korra just had a vision of something that has gone wrong. All the animals seem to be starting to panic. Plus, there’s oil seeping into the waters of the rivers & streams. Something has to be done. Off Set: Well, the Adventure continues. Also, perfect timing because I have something requesting to say as a helping assistant. 10:31 That clip reminds me. It’s about the sequence for the 2nd appearance of the Stamped in the town. Guess what I just saw on Netflix? I saw Jurassic World Chaos Theory. I even saw a clip of a new Dinosaur that would like to play the part of the Rhinoceros that charges at a red car & ripped off the door from the car. I was thinking… The Crocodile Mimic would like to play that sequence. (Sigh) you know… Suchomimus. Doesn’t anyone remember name meanings of Dinosaurs & other Prehistoric animals anymore? Like Tyrannosaurus Rex means Tyrant Lizard King & Triceratops means 3 Horned Face. Anyway… That’s right, I saw a Suchomimus appear on Jurassic World Chaos Theory. The Crocodile Mimic hasn’t been featured on the franchise except one of the Video Games in the past like Jurassic Park Warpath & Jurassic World Evolution. I could’ve sworn there was a Suchomimus on Jurassic Park Operation Genius. However, it was mentioned in the 3rd Film that featured its Larger Relative Spinosaurus. Anyway, what I’m also saying is use the clip scene of the Suchomimus from Jurassic World Chaos Theory where it breaks out of the container & bumps into another cargo container as one of the Rhinos of Jumanji that charged into a red car & rips off the door from the car for the upcoming Spoof it’s. Like I said, I’m just being a helpful assistant for the sequences. Oh & 1 more thing, I wonder if that clip preview of Jumanji is ready yet? The Plants started growing & the Pod attacks. But don’t forget, let the Suchomimus from Jurassic World Chaos Theory that broke out of the container & bumps into another cargo container play the Jumanji Rhino that charged right into a red car & rips off the door from the car. (Comment 100% Better)
@allyssahanner8202 3 ай бұрын
We must help Oceana and stop Hexxus before it's too late you guys!
@PompolisisWorld 3 ай бұрын
Fami: This is terrible, 55% of the forest of this zone has been destroyed Liku: Everything destroyed…this really is a carnage Lucario: Ror (I know) Aisling: They are attacking my forest!!! 🤬 Miss Acacia: Calm down Aisling, will find the responsable ones Tikal the echidna: Twilight and Mewtwo will help Usagi and Jack, Liku, Lucario and I will go to Green Hills to warn Sonic and his friends 😠 Robotboy: We better hurry, this is a race against time 😥
@PhillipNeumeier 3 ай бұрын
That was pretty cool introducing Richard and the Imagination Family
@oscarmarrero2766 3 ай бұрын
It's great to see our friends from The Imagination Family and it looks like they know about the destruction as well
@chynarainavina2090 3 ай бұрын
I'm glad to see that everyone is going to stop those tree killers, I'll be cheering you guys on, never give up. This is going to be the best birthday ever.
@williamjohnson1583 3 ай бұрын
Everyone was excited about the Earth Day Celebration when… 5:03 Horton: Yeah, what’s wrong? 7:00 Charlie Brown: Who? 7:25 Connor/Catboy: I’ve never even heard of him. Greg/Gekko: Me neither, who is he anyway? 9:02 Amaya/Owlette: Okay, he sounds like a really bad guy. Greg/Gekko: Don’t those careless people know about Hexxus? Horton: Apparently not. 10:13 Sally Brown: I see smoke coming from far away! 10:31 Linus Van Pelt: Stampede! Look out! 10:50 Charlie Brown: Seems like something’s upsetting them. 11:25 Connor/Catboy: Whatever Hexxus is gonna do, you can bet it won’t be good for anything or anyone. It’s time to be heroes! (Connor, Amaya, and Greg transform into Catboy, Owlette, and Gekko) 13:13 Horton: It’s off to Big Green we go!
@ragequitluke8767 3 ай бұрын
0:50 Kellen(oc): ah glad you enjoying this peace party my friend
@AndrewDavis-sj6mb 3 ай бұрын
New movie scene of this Grand Picture makes me thrilled to watch cartoon, puppet and live action characters coming as Equals.
@yaimeemaria2169 3 ай бұрын
Twilight sparkle: korra visions are like fiver's visions that the environment is being destroyed by loggers and oil spill also hexxus has been free from is prison.
@ragequitluke8767 3 ай бұрын
11:21 Kellen(oc) indeed we have to stop them before it get even worse plus we must warn the others
@beckloveu6filmproductions134 3 ай бұрын
It's great to see The Imagination Team again, especially Catra, since she left The Shepard's Flock and became a reformer.
@jamessparkman6604 3 ай бұрын
Hey, I wonder when there’s gonna be a part six or a part seven for that matter
@damionkennedy4792 3 ай бұрын
@mouhamadbassal7008 3 ай бұрын
It is awesome to see Richard and his Imaginators in it and they now know about the destruction of the Nature.
@WaynetheREDSniperLucario 3 ай бұрын
Impressive video, I wonder how my Mann Co Mercenaries would react to this, including me, Sarah, Arthur Morgan, Franklin, Michael, and Trevor
@Rodeo-Mizfit-Imaginator. 3 ай бұрын
Same with me and my team
@shoshanabinyamin 3 күн бұрын
Muno: look at all of these animals! Bj: i have a bad feeling about this!
@AndrewDavis-sj6mb 28 күн бұрын
ANIMAL AND HUMAN OHANA will you add any Thomas and friends characters in this special?
@emeraldphoenix5868 20 күн бұрын
Rocky,Ginger and Molly? Now there's a Surprise.
@andrewalker6050 3 ай бұрын
(Meanwhile, Ginger, Rocky, and Molly talk about her new friends and the Imagination Family during the Earth Day festival) Me: Indeed, it is truly beautiful and awesome to have a loving family and great friends. *Richard and the others arrive* Hey, Richard! It’s great to see you and your friends! *Catra talks about how Richard and the others learned how to trust one another and remain a great team* That’s very sweet, Catra. Thank you. *Samurai Jack and Miyamoto Usagi complement each other and share their interests for joining the Earth Day festival with the others* Yes, it’s truly a very momentous occasion to share with the ones you love and trust. (Suddenly, Avatar Korra has a very powerful vision of a giant black tree, a massive forest suffering deforestation, and the mermaid, Oceana, in great pain from the oil in the water, and Khan Kulay saying, “Hexxus”) Me: Woah. That vision is indeed very powerful. It tells of a very dangerous future. And this “Hexxus” is also a very dangerous and malevolent evil to take note of. *After the flashback, Adora and Adam ask Korra if she’s okay* Did you see something, Korra? *Korra tells of her vision of a dangerous evil growing near and planning to destroy nature and the world itself* A dangerous evil? *Korra also tells of a horrible sight of Oceana becoming ill from oil found in a river, and deforestation taking place* Oh dear, I hope Oceana will be okay. Also, deforestation is a horrible problem. One that we simply cannot ignore. *Samurai Jack declares that he and Usagi should go look for any signs of trouble* Alright, just be careful out there, you guys. We don’t want anyone else to get hurt or sick. *Korra then tells everyone of hearing a name from her vision, “Hexxus”* “Hexxus”? (Suddenly, Moss-Man arrives when hearing the name, “Hexxus”) Me: Hey there, Moss-Man. What brings you here? *Moss-Man says that he feels that nature is in grave danger* Yeah. Are you familiar with the name, “Hexxus”? Korra said that she heard that name in her vision. *Moss-Man agrees, and Perfuma also knows who Hexxus is, a very spooky and dangerous being to ever harm the environment* Woah. Okay, that is definitely not what I thought you were gonna say. Wait, Hexxus was a very dangerous force to harm nature? *Perfuma describes Hexxus as the spirit of destruction, and Moss-Man explains how Hexxus mainly effects the flora, including humans and animals who suffer from lack of oxygen* Yes. Hexxus sounds like a very strong and evil force of destruction indeed. But luckily, the fairies were able to help us to call upon the magical powers of nature and seal Hexxus inside a huge, black tree. But ever since then, an ancient prophecy was foretold: Only man’s destruction of nature can free Hexxus out of his wooden prison. We must all be on our guard, everybody. (Meanwhile, Samurai Jack and Miyamoto Usagi travel forth and see many animals running and stampeding from the deforestation that’s cutting down the forest) Me: Oh my, all the animals are very scared. Whoever’s doing this is destroying their homes! If this continues on, the loggers might be able to free Hexxus from his prison, and the world will become doomed! *Adam tells Adora that it’s time to transform and take action* Oh! Superhero transformation! They’re gonna do a superhero transformation, wait for it! *Adam transforms into He-Man, and Adora becomes She-Ra in a magnificent transformation sequence* Whoo! Superhero transformation! I really love it when they do that. (Adam/He-Man and Adora/She-Ra both witness the ruined state of a large part of the forest from deforestation) Me: Dear me, this is terrible! Those loggers are failing to realize that they’re destroying not just the forest, but the homes of many innocent and magnificent creatures! *Angered* What is this world coming to!? *Adora/She-Ra tells me to relax for a moment* Sorry about that. I’m just deeply worried for the animals and their homes. *Adam/He-Man agrees, and says that the machines are causing the destruction, and that Hexxus could be free at any moment* He’s right. But, what about the oil in the river? *Adam/He-Man says that the Humanimals will find a way to resolve this* Then we’d better head straight to the Big Green. They’ll know what to do. Also, I sure hope that the mermaid, Oceana, will get well soon. Another extraordinary part of this adventure, Khan Kulay! It’s so cool to see more friends of the Humanimals and Imagination family join together for the Earth Day celebration. But Korra’s vision of the forest being destroyed, Oceana getting sick, and Hexxus being freed from his prison means that we cannot lose our guard. Also, Adam and Adora look so cool when the transform into He-Man and She-Ra! ⚔🤺🦸🏻‍♂🌴🌳🫏🫎🦁🦒🐯🐭🦓🐴💥💗❤👍🏻😎
@ragequitluke8767 3 ай бұрын
5:17 Kellen(oc) it could be the sign of danger
@WarElephantthailand 3 ай бұрын
Another great video, bro look like many things is going more badly
@animalandhumanohana1919 3 ай бұрын
Tell me about it
@andrewalker6050 Ай бұрын
@@animalandhumanohana1919 I really loved it when Prince Adam and Princess Adora did their epic transformations!
@caitlyngreen7236 3 ай бұрын
Weeping wizards stampede.
@ladida7841 3 ай бұрын
@shadowfast541 3 ай бұрын
Can you please make a hmv with sith ahsoka tano as the main villain?
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