Wow, you explored a lot of the game’s secrets. It’s funny to see you posting this today because the newest major update, The Content Update, (yes, that’s the official update name) went live yesterday and introduces new hidden entities, items, achievements and a lot of secrets. First, I’ll just answer the questions you had: 3:41 Regarding this door, currently it does nothing. To check it out, you either have to use the 2024 Halloween modifier or the new Admin Panel. The Admin Panel does cost 300 robux but it can spawn entities, modify stats or even create your own entities. 7:36 The Rooms is an actual different roblox game! It’s (one of) what inspired Doors. Rooms is exactly like this, mostly. There are two different achievements here: Escape The Rooms or Reach the end of The Rooms 11:52 So… yeah. There are 1000 Rooms. To escape, Exits will start to appear from A-200 onwards or you can reach the end (A-1000) by spending 2-3 hours for the Starlight Jug! A very good (though prob not worth it) item. The Rooms is not a test of skill, but endurance. There are only 3 entities, namely A-60, A-90 and A-120. 9:57 A-60, also known as the Multimonster, rushes towards the next door and emits static sounds (wow, how original). Instant death. 9:52 A-90 randomly spawns on your screen. When it does so, you have less than a second to stop moving. Well, just don’t touch anything since it also detects inputs. Higher chance of spawning when A-60 or A-120 attacks. Deals 90 damage 12:10 A-120 is the Ambush of Doors. It makes a drumming sound and comes from the front. It blocks the next door from opening and rebounds sometimes, other times it just disappears after one trip. Instant death 12:12 That should’ve given you an “explanation” like it normally does in the Hotel. Don’t know why it bugged out. Also, that yellow light is Curious Light, it’s counterpart, the blue light, Guiding Light. 14:14 Shears are mostly only used in the Mines. The Mines contains stuff that require the Shears 14:56 This myth is proven true by Kreekcraft himself. Kreekcraft has seen it on livestream. It was the Devs who told him this As of the Content Update, you can try the Hotel again up to Jeff’s Shop since nothing new happens after that. Door 50 and Jeff’s Shop got a whole new look. Now, there are a few things you can do. 1. The Backdoor: It’s a short Sub-Floor (unlike The Rooms) and gives off a very different vibe. Find it in the Lobby 2. Normal Modifiers: What it does is self-explanatory when you check it out. Some Modifiers are locked behind certain achievements, usually Crucifix Achievements 3. Event Modifiers: These Modifiers are coloured white and are past events that happened in Doors. Very fun (except 2023 April Fools. It’s extremely difficult. Still fun though) 4. The Mines: It’s… The Mines. Yeah. 5. Sally and Glitch Fragments: Sally is a new secret entity in the Hotel. She has a small chance (0.1% of spawning, I think) of appearing in the Hotel. Glitch Fragments is also really rare. It’s an item and looks like a glitched cube. It randomly spawns in the Hotel and the Mines. Interacting with it will give you a random trial. It will automatically spawn… something. There is currently too little info on it and I only encountered it once. It spawned a red ambush for me and it was 5x faster and rebounds 8-12 times
@Nuzlockeop4 күн бұрын
I did see the content update came out, I hope to cover it hopefully Monday! But seems as its a holiday week this week im going to be very busy, so the latest it’ll be out is this next Weekend coming up! Looking forward to it!