I'm glad I took the controller apart. Today, the controller froze on me. The fourth light was stuck on, and the third light was half lit. The official documentation mentioned something about waiting 50 hours for the battery to die. Heh, I'm not doing that. I opened up the controller again, yoinked the battery cable, put it back together, and now the controller works. The SteelSeries Nimbus+ really needs an on-off switch. It's too bad the Apple TV doesn't have a USB Port, because I'd probably just get a wired controller.
@benfuhler95562 жыл бұрын
Btw the original one has an on off switch but not a battery button, so to see the battery you have to plug in a cabel
@geobeta13513 жыл бұрын
Well spoken, calm and kind off sarcastic...love your review. among the best review/style out there! congrats man
@PhoticsTV3 жыл бұрын
Thanks! I'm glad that you like the review. 🙂
@atinisaton2 жыл бұрын
Can we connect two nimbus+ controller to Apple TV to play games locally? Like me and my kid play together.
@PhoticsTV2 жыл бұрын
I don't know for sure, as I only have the one SteelSeries Nimbus+ controller. Even just a couple of days ago, I had trouble connecting the one controller. 😄 But while making this video… kzbin.info/www/bejne/iGmoZKx4pJibjNU …I was able to use the Apple TV remote with the SteelSeries Nimbus+ controller. (It's related to the second part of the video, the Crossy Road part.) Also, the official Apple website says… “Apple TV 4K and Apple TV HD support up to four Bluetooth game controllers simultaneously. If you're using a Bluetooth audio accessory with Apple TV, only one game controller is supported.” - support.apple.com/en-us/HT210414
@entertainmentunivers Жыл бұрын
Mines garbage. Won’t turn on or charge. It’s like a dead controller and it’s new. Not worth $ 69.99!
@PhoticsTV Жыл бұрын
Maybe it's still under warranty? 🤔
@benfuhler95562 жыл бұрын
Love the video. I actually have the original steel series nimbus (not the plus) and have enjoyed it for a few years not. To clear up your question about the se, I have actually used mine on the original and 2020 se. It’s compatible with both. The only difference is that it doesn’t fit in the controller mount for the nimbus+, but the original nimbus doesn’t actually have a mount so they never even crossed my mind, also the controller likely came out before the newer se’s came out so they didn’t include it on packaging, also about the click lay dpad is not present on the original model. My biggest complaint is that you can’t click in the joysticks, I often use mine when I cloud stream Xbox games to my iPhone/iPad and when a game bind needs me to click in my joystick, I’m just unable to. I’m not sure if that was changed in the newer version. Overall I’ve had mine for a few years and I’ve loved It.
@PhoticsTV2 жыл бұрын
I'm glad that you like the video. 🙂 The SteelSeries Nimbus+ has been great for recording video from the Apple TV. Although, I've had some additional trouble with it. I'm not sure what you mean by “click in" with the D-pad. Actually, the D-pad hasn't been working for me, not recently. I'm not sure if the problem is hardware or software, as I have taken the controller apart several times since making this video. 😄 I've been busy, so I didn't look further into the problem. The analog sticks still work, so I'm still using the controller. It would be a lot better with a physical on-off switch, as that would be an easy was to reset the controller.
@blondebeau49793 жыл бұрын
Dude Love your review and your style I mean you are like Jerry Rigs everything, again big fan, keep up the good work :)
@PhoticsTV3 жыл бұрын
Don't you mean the LockPickingLawyer? kzbin.info/www/bejne/e6HTpKttZr2Kbas 😄 Seriously, thanks! Both those channels are really good. The idea is to grow Photics.TV into something cool like that. I'm not quite sure what exactly the channel will become, as it is a bit of a tech variety channel, but the general idea is to create lots of entertaining and helpful videos.
@yoloswag_81722 жыл бұрын
Can it connect with xbox360?
@PhoticsTV2 жыл бұрын
I went to the official web page for the SteelSeries Nimbus+ and I only saw Apple devices listed in the “Compatibility” list. The site says, “Compatible with Apple Arcade” and “Official Apple-licensed wireless connectivity for all Apple products including iOS, iPadOS and tvOS devices”. I don't have an XBOX 360, or the other newer PlayStation / Nintendo gaming consoles, which is one of the reasons why I picked this controller. I was looking to play Apple Arcade games on my Apple TV.
@JosePerez-ho3ix3 жыл бұрын
Why you need the box….and so concerned.. with it… stressing over the box and cable…
@PhoticsTV3 жыл бұрын
I don't need a fancy box. That's my point. It looks like premium packaging, but it doesn't have a cable. So, that posh feeling is ruined. Like this router - kzbin.info/www/bejne/fYDZmqWHn6-NpdE - it has really simple packaging, but it also has all of the necessary cables. Later in the review I show one of the Lightning cables I already have. It's not in good shape. So, a new Lightning cable would have been nice. I like the controller though. 🙂
@Brian-jv8iy2 жыл бұрын
Its a really bad controller, totally not worth the price. Xbox wireless controller is the best option for all iOS devices, so that includes Apple TV. It also works with anything else that’s got Bluetooth, even smart TVs directly, not just android and windows and Mac OS. Also Xbox got rumble and is higher quality. Recommend anyone to skip steel series, almost got it, and returned one other controller before accepting the fact Xbox is the best here
@Brian-jv8iy2 жыл бұрын
As for lightning cables, I got 10 year old ones and they’re not fried.
@PhoticsTV2 жыл бұрын
I have had issues with the SteelSeries Nimbus+ controller. Heh, I still like it though, probably because of the Knight Rider / KITT looking lights. 😄 But, I have been considering getting a Nintendo Switch. I've read that iOS 16 and even tvOS is supposed to add compatibility with Nintendo Switch controllers. I like the look of the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller. So, that might be my replacement for the SteelSeries Nimbus+. I haven't been thinking about it much though, as iOS 16 and the corresponding tvOS update are still in beta. Perhaps that's a good idea for a future video. Maybe I should test this. 🤔 As for the lightning cable. I usually keep my cables in good shape. That's why I was surprised that my iPad cable had such damage. Another thing on my shopping list, but I haven't gotten around to it, is heat shrink tubing. That's also a good idea for a future video. Heh, it looks like I have some work to do. Thanks for commenting! 🙂
@evgenyiserikov50943 жыл бұрын
Pess 22 mobile Будет работать?
@PhoticsTV3 жыл бұрын
It looks like you're asking if it will work with the soccer/football game “PES 22” or “eFootball 22” by Konami. 🎮⚽️🤷🏻♂️ I don't know. 😕
@samdeur2 жыл бұрын
I just read the reviews on Amazon the Netherlands and I’m not sure I want to get it thinking of buying the ps5 controller
@PhoticsTV2 жыл бұрын
I don't have a PlayStation, or an Xbox, or a Nintendo Switch. So, that's why I went with the SteelSeries Nimbus+. However, I recent got an 8BitDo Pro 2 controller. I'm much happier with that controller. kzbin.info/www/bejne/qpmon4Fnd9-jabM The Apple TV is not officially supported, but it works for me. 🤷🏻♂ kzbin.info/www/bejne/jnO7dGtmhphjq5I
@samdeur2 жыл бұрын
@@PhoticsTV also don't have a ps5 only an old ps3 controllers won't work on apple tv 4k and ipad.. so i'm looking for a good solution watching your other vids now thanks..appreciate your help a lot.
@Drasai3 жыл бұрын
Apple TV has already started competing with consoles. Try using this Nimbus+ controller to play Asphalt 8: Airborne+ with some quality speakers and subwoofer. It’s the full console experience.
@PhoticsTV3 жыл бұрын
You know, I was just thinking that, as I've been seeing a lot of rumbling that Apple Arcade is not releasing AAA games. I'm like, Asphalt 8 is a gorgeous game. This is the start of something wonderful! I like what Apple is building.
@makeyourhealthapriority15087 ай бұрын
I am really disappointed with this gadget not compatible with efootball mobile
@PhoticsTV7 ай бұрын
That's surprising, as it works like a common controller. What's not working exactly? Also, does the game support game controllers? I haven't played eFootball Mobile. Did you try contacting tech support for either the game or the controller? 🤔 I don't use my SteelSeries Nimbus+ much these days, but it seemed to have good compatibility with the Apple Arcade games that I tried.
@Lego_Collector_19322 ай бұрын
1:49 And 69 cents not 99 cents?
@PhoticsTV2 ай бұрын
Ha ha… it was correct on the screen… $69.99 …and I just checked Amazon. Surprisingly, that controller was still listed at that price. This review is over three years old, but the controller was still listed at full price. Lately, I prefer the 8BitDo Pro 2, but the SteelSeries Nimbus+ was fun during the early days of Apple Arcade.
@Lego_Collector_19322 ай бұрын
@ Nice! Can the 8BitDo Pro 2 be used for triple A games. And if it can, is it good?
@PhoticsTV2 ай бұрын
@@Lego_Collector_1932 I've mainly used it to play Crossy Road. 😄 Here are three related videos… *Fantastic Versatility - 8BitDo Pro 2 Controller Review* kzbin.info/www/bejne/qpmon4Fnd9-jabM *Testing The 8BitDo Pro 2 Controller With The Apple TV.* kzbin.info/www/bejne/jnO7dGtmhphjq5I *Super Tiny Controller - The 8BitDo Micro Bluetooth Gamepad Could Be A Nice Gift 🎁🎮* kzbin.info/www/bejne/gJi1o4VrmbWJrq8 I mention that last video because I've mainly been using the “Micro” controller. That's because I've mainly been playing Crossy Road. So, I don't have any modern AAA games right now. One of the main reasons I like the 8BitDo Pro 2 is because of the versatility. It has a mode switch, so maybe one day I'll use the controller beyond Apple devices.
@CarrotsNotCake Жыл бұрын
It absolutely does not. It's waaaay overpriced and not particularly good at all.
@PhoticsTV Жыл бұрын
Just yesterday I was looking for information about connecting Bluetooth controllers to the Apple TV. In my search, the online Apple Store was one of the results. That's when I saw the SteelSeries Nimbus+ for $70. I was surprised that it's still so expensive. I think that is overpriced. If there wasn't such a massive sale on the controller, I probably wouldn't have gotten it. Today I prefer the 8BitDo Pro 2 controller. But, I did have a lot of fun with the SteelSeries Nimbus+. Some of the games on the Nintendo Switch are also from (or originate on) Apple Arcade. So, that's definitely console-like.