The SURPRISING Story You Didn't Know About GRAND FUNK!

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Artists On Record Starring ADIKA LIVE

Artists On Record Starring ADIKA LIVE

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@smilinacha 9 ай бұрын
Thank you, Lynn Goldsmith, for all you did for GFR back then and especially for being such a supportive friend and ally to Mark💙. I remember back when I heard about Mark being voted out of the band, the lyrics to “I’m your captain (Closer to home)” came to mind and for some reason and even though I knew them, I read the lyrics, particularly the verses, and I was thinking about the way that Mark said the song lyrics came to him after he prayed to God for a Song. And it hit me like Thors hammer that most of the lyrics (the verses in particular) were a metaphorical foretelling of what would happen to Mark 20 or so years in the future. It was prophetic, but the thing that quells the hurt I personally felt for Mark is the fact that he did not allow it to make him a hateful bitter person. He has chosen his battles, guarded his own heart and thankfully been able to continue performing solo in spite of Don‘s past efforts to more or less try to legally bind him from doing so.
@tod3msn 10 ай бұрын
Mark played a small venue in Pottstown, Pa, in 1989 and played a great show with all his heart. The man is the real deal and totally authentic.
@DJ4bama Жыл бұрын
There is no Grand Funk without Mark Farner
@skydogfan4671 Жыл бұрын
I have always said Mark Farner is one of the best singers in rock and roll history. He’s up there with the best. Top tier vocals. Just listen to him singing the song Creepin by Grand Funk Railroad.
@upyours574 Жыл бұрын
You are right on the money. Mark Farner is a monster singer, performer, songwriter, and I believe...guitarist.
@peggyloyd1957 Жыл бұрын
@inasowders7793 9 ай бұрын
He definitely was. And still too this day is. Incredible voice. His energy
@smilinacha 8 ай бұрын
Agree 110%! My favorite vocal performance is in the song “The Railroad” on their 1975 live album “Caught in the act.” if you’ve never heard this track you’ve missed half the world. I particularly love how he belts on the second verse : “Burning sweat running down my back”……..
@1gitarz Жыл бұрын
Great insight. Mark is such a decent guy. No one deserves how Don treated him. Thanks Lynn...great interview!
@joecrone9862 Жыл бұрын
I remember seeing Lynn Goldsmith's name on pretty much all the promotional stuff, photos etc. back in the day. So glad to see this video! Me and my older brother were always huge grandfunk fans. I still go see Mark if he's playing anywhere close. I wouldn't walk across the street to see a free concert with "fake-funk" Don and Mel.
@bills4u Жыл бұрын
Grew up with grand funk being my favorite band. I loved them because the critics hated them. Met Mark a few times, it was dream come true. Have a photo of him, myself and a few friends proudly displayed in my home. Signed by Mark
@douglasgrossman6200 Жыл бұрын
Lynn Goldsmith, you are BRILLIANT!!! An Absolute Geneous!!! AND, you've got ROCK N ROLL SOUL!!!!
@StefanvonGagern Жыл бұрын
What a fantastic cool and creative lady. I didnt know about her. Let s hope Grand Funk will have the one final happy tour, which this band deserves. As Mark says „Do it for the fans“.
@RandyFricke Жыл бұрын
I have always felt this way about Mark Farner. If it wasn't for Mark, there would have been no Grand Funk Railroad. Don and Mel would have been assistant managers at competing car dealerships in Flint, MI.
@impalaman9707 10 ай бұрын
The point about Mark, Don and Mel all being still alive is what I've been saying all along. We just lost yet another member of the "1948 club" this past week---Wayne Kramer---the same age as Mark and Don! There's only so many grains left in the hour glass once you reach the age of 75, you're a quarter away from 100! As long as you are sucking air, still healthy and able to rock---get it together!
@rogersimerly3645 Жыл бұрын
I was Professional musician for 15 years, my favorite band was always. Grand Funk railroad. I cannot think of any other band in this world in my generation. That should get back together and give the fans what they deserve. We love you and we want you to come back. One of the greatest bands of all tiwe love you guys and we want you to come back. Let's do it before you have to go to the bone suit, LOL.
@jeffpowell3163 Жыл бұрын
I was asked a few months ago by a friend if I wanted to go see Grand Funk. My first question without thinking was “Is Mark with them”. He said no so I said no. I’m a 66 year old musician who would absolutely go if it was the original trio.
8 ай бұрын
Marks driven passion and amazing stamina is GFRR. YEAH the other band members contributed a bit, but Mark was blessed by God. And now he's giving the praises in gratitude. I'm not some groupie, I'm just his little cousin, who witnessed his rise to fame, with pride. Thanks for sharing Lynn, you rock.
@harrylessinger5769 Жыл бұрын
Love, love, love this interview . Well done!!!!
@davidbutcher2976 Жыл бұрын
Lynn, I have always thought the world of your work. And learning all of the information from you in this. Love you! Your saying MARK WAS GFR, SAYS IT ALL.
@chadbennett7873 Жыл бұрын
Boy, this gal ought to get in a time machine (see what I did there?) and discover that Grand Funk Railroad were at their very best in the early days. She's talking about the "second album" which was their EIGHTH. When they went "commercial," with "We're An American Band" was the beginning of their demise. That's apparently when this gal started her stint with the band with her "first album - second album" crap. Wow, the size and magnitude of her ego is actually breath taking. Mark was the heart and soul of that band and Mel was the spine. Don did his job, but he was a basic drummer and a halfway decent backup singer, but Mark wrote the songs and was the frontman, and nobody who didn't live through it will ever understand how big they actually were from 1969 to about 1973.
@TheArielee Ай бұрын
@@chadbennett7873Seems to be a bit delusional at times. The Locomotion was their producer's idea to put on the album. He wanted another hit single. And she left out the person that put them on the map. Terry Knight! Now I know who's responsible for dressing them up in Disco outfits. Seems Brewer didn't take any of her crazy antics. She definitely has an issue stating American Band was the first album.
@chadbennett7873 Ай бұрын
@@TheArielee Terry Knight made them famous at their own expense. He was siphoning off nearly all of their money. I totally understand their turn to commercial as they progressed, because they had been financially r**ed by Knight. In the end, I turned away from them, and have sided with Farner over Brewer for their direction. I think it is difficult to understand their journey if you were not there to witness it. My third concert was GFR at the LA Forum in 1970 and they were spectacular.
@oliverseal6462 Жыл бұрын
I learned to play drums listening to Grand Funk. They were one of the great power trios of the 70s. But, as much as I owe to Don Brewer for the drum lessons, I believe that 80% Grand Funk’s success was due to the talent and creativity of Mark Farner. I would love to see them live if they got back together, but will not go out of my way to see the current lineup without Mark.
@debbiemoeller2169 Жыл бұрын
Fantastic interview!!! Stefan you rock!! ❤❤❤❤. I wish they would come back!! Welcome Jeff Kidd to the channel👍
@artistsonrecord Жыл бұрын
Thank You Debbie!! Welcome KIDD! Debbie thanks for starting the Membership Trend! Our wonderful Clubhouse!
@debbiemoeller2169 Жыл бұрын
@@artistsonrecord your more than welcome!! The King of Podcasts!!
@ronaldtiracchia2017 Жыл бұрын
Great interview
@regtaylor1163 Жыл бұрын
Don Brewer, despicable human being. On the first live album, his drum solo TNUC (read it backwards) 15 min long. He started taking control, and the quality of the albums went down and down. There are people in this world who build things up, like Mark, and those who tear things down like Don. I still am amazed by the early albums, and drop everything to listen if thar music is playing. But the lifeless walking of Don's band is like ashes in my mouth. The fans curse you, Don.
@billlashure2008 2 ай бұрын
Mark forgives Don; so should we; bury the bitters and get back to be brothers with one another-- Mel too!! They never disappoint - live shows the best.
@edwardshea7142 Жыл бұрын
Yes Grand Funk Railroad should get back together
@artistsonrecord Жыл бұрын
Thanks for your comment!
@spencerstauffer6496 Жыл бұрын
Together: Mark, Don, Mel -- and Craig. All four were simply the best musicians in one tight band. All it's going to take is humility, then the reunion will happen.
@jangunner Жыл бұрын
Grand Funk come BACK with Lynn Goldsmith
@donbaker3993 Жыл бұрын
You think that Don could swallow his ego?
@jangunner Жыл бұрын
@@donbaker3993 sadly NO
@inasowders7793 9 ай бұрын
Yes. Mark was definitely Grand Funk Railroad. I read an article saying that Grand Funk isn’t in the Hall of Fame because of the album cover showing all muscles up. And refused to put them in for thinking they were on steroids. Yet all these other bars were strung out on any and everything.
@shawns.5674 Жыл бұрын
Great band. I saw GFR in Vancouver Canada and Seattle. That was when you could almost right up against the stage. Ended up coming away with a towel that Farner had used. Still have it
@MichaelBeller-w1t 10 ай бұрын
Got to have Mark, to be Grand Funk. I believe they could fill a large venue with Mark, without him I’ll pass.
@jangunner Жыл бұрын
🎉 Yep this gonna be cool🏅
@lrshoop Жыл бұрын
Ain't Grand Funk w/o Mark Farner. Brewer's one of my favorite drummers, but booting Farner was a huge mistake. Again, no Farner, no Funk.
@majormal1 Жыл бұрын
If you want to see Grand Funk, just go see Mark.
@friguy4444 10 ай бұрын
Once AGAIN (yea I've been here before LOL) as a life long song writer performer Band leader singer etc I start to hear a woman talking about one member as "The Guy" (And it might be true I'm not saying it isn't there's always ones that shine brighter and are more prolific) and when that starts to happen it makes one of the BROTHERS of the group feel left out or like they are included. When Mark decided to give publishing rights (Some not all) Don he had a long history already with his brother and he wasn't a dummy by that time when it came to song writing credits so he knew what he was doing and why. This woman I'm sure put a rift between them in I'm also sure many ways! That's something women aren't good at. Keeping groups together. They can be amazing at management and promoting and organizing the list goes on. But men know how to be BROTHERS! She is sounding like she's always saying "I'm not a greedy person, I don't need to be the center of it all or control everything". But the only reason she's saying these things is because she NEEDS to be the center of attention and to prove that she's right or can do this or that. She's a control freak at the expense of the very thing that makes a band a band BROTHERHOOD! Ego's are already hard enough to deal with without some woman coming in and pushing buttons and shoving people round without any care for their feelings or what they've been through together etc. IMHO> anyway. LOL. Oh and yes MARK should be up there as one of the sincerely greatest singers of the era or any era! AMAZING talent! DON? Wow no slouch there either.
@johnhalverson1133 Жыл бұрын
I was fortunant enough to see GF play in Schweinfurt, Germany when they gave a free concert for GIs in the summer of 71. The opening act was Humble Pie with Peter Frampton. What a memorable concert. Years later, I took a date to a GF concert in Lansing, Mich. She informed me, Mark was the first date she ever had when she grew up in Flint. Unfortunantly Mark had left the band by that time.
@marcludeman4106 Жыл бұрын
It’s just a cover band without Mark Farner
@chadbennett7873 Жыл бұрын
My question is whose songs are they covering? Who wrote them? Check it out.
@marcludeman4106 Жыл бұрын
@@chadbennett7873 mark Farner wrote all of their songs / Don asked him for help on American Band - that’s why he bought Craig keyboards- if not for Mark they would still be in flint Michigan
@chadbennett7873 Жыл бұрын
@@marcludeman4106 Yeah, I know. I've been with them since their second album. I was making a point that Mark was the key to their success! My third concert was Grand Funk at the Los Angeles Forum in 1970, and they were spectacular! Saw them twice after that, until they went too commercial for my taste.
@marcludeman4106 Жыл бұрын
@@chadbennett7873 I ve seen them in their prime- and nothing beats the 3 together- but jealousy and greed will get you every time. I feel sorry for Don & Mel cause we are only in these bone suits for a little while- wish they would get it together
@chadbennett7873 Жыл бұрын
@@marcludeman4106 Totally agree. I think Don was butt sore that it got out that Mark "gave" him sole composer rights to the most successful song. He really needs to check his ego, because I don't think anybody is going to list him in their top whatever drummer lists. He was great for the band, but as a former drummer, he''s not anything but adequate. Together they were amazing, but when they were screwed by Terry Knight, they needed money and basically sold their soul to commercialism. I understand and don't hold it against them, but they turned their back on their art for the sake of making a living, I guess. Don deserves the obscurity in which he will forever live.
@mben-david2064 Жыл бұрын
To refresh Lynn"s memory, GFR was a quartet in the period she is discussing. There was a guy named Craig Frost doing some pretty impressive work to vault GFR to the next level.Sad that he always gets stiffed when talking about these guys.
@monicajane7888 Жыл бұрын
Yes, I was thinking the same thing. So glad he went on to success with Bob Seger!
@rickyp73 Жыл бұрын
I would love the Original members back of GFR, even if it's only a few gigs.
@GregOdette 10 ай бұрын
Being from Flint and the same age as the Grand Funkers, I was with them in their first garage set up on Grand Traverse street . They needed more space , I mentioned their was a large house for rent down the street. They moved into the house and the next day or so I went there and they were gone and all the windows were blown out. Man they played loud!! GRAND FUNK turned up the AMP'S and cooked the windows. LOL. Best Greg
@GregOdette 10 ай бұрын
Yes we can hear GFR again in Flint at Atwood Stadium. Let's make this happen!! Best Greg
@prajnachan333 Ай бұрын
What is her name? What did Donny do? I don't know the story at all. But they were one of my favorites. Of course, I would 👍 like a reunion!
@radiomindchatter7994 Жыл бұрын
Don is the Anthony Blinken of Rock..
@jockaud 4 ай бұрын
Yes, Lynn Goldsmith please get Mark, Don, and Mel back together for a 2025 Reunion Tour with the best audio/video recording to put out as DVD / CD!! I am sure the huge number of fans would greatly appreciate it!!! Thank you for your awesome service to GFR in the past and now one huge favor for the true fans of the real deal!!!
@funkfan1751 Жыл бұрын
I would love to see GFR back together but only for Mark Farner's good.
@cindystucker4834 Жыл бұрын
Yes bring back GFR! Do
@superorangeish 10 ай бұрын
News Flash: Grand Funk was great LONG before American band. Mark was an AMAZING front man! AMAZING!
@marcludeman4106 Жыл бұрын
So true
@warrenhummel6506 Жыл бұрын
Would love to see grandfunk get back together to do even a few shows but don't think it will ever happen 😢
@gregb8565 Жыл бұрын
Fascinating story - much more accomplished than I in my profession. It is funny to me how managers publicist and a and r reps photographers , seem to in this case consider themselves part of the band . She tells a good story but to call herself a fourth member, I want a drag off of that before you toss it away ;)
@davidwiegel2175 11 ай бұрын
Hell yeah I love them more than 40 years got everything they ever did
@williamecolemansr1930 Жыл бұрын
It’s just been proven over and over that Don was a Ego Maniac- it had to be about him-I watched interviews with GFR and Don just Speaking like “HEY” watch me and Mark would just take it in and smile
@timanthony4184 Жыл бұрын
I wish they could get along and play live together. I won tickets on the radio to see GFR and they canceled the show and broke up right after the VH1 episodes. I feel like I was cheated from experiencing the greatest show I could ever see. Because they blew Led Zeppelin off the stage.
@artistsonrecord Жыл бұрын
Love the comment!
@billbledsoe8701 11 ай бұрын
Don Brewer, ain't worth the sweat off Mark Farner's nut sack! Farner was Grand Funk plain and simple, no question! Without Mark Farner, Don Brewer and Mel Shocker would have been only sessions musicians, God Bless Mark Farmer!
@johneasler9967 Жыл бұрын
Great interview. We all know don is the problem
@funkfan1751 Жыл бұрын
John! Zman here. How does one get a hold of you? Keep Rockin' with Farner!
@johneasler9967 Жыл бұрын
Good to hear from you. I still have the same email as I did
@johneasler9967 Жыл бұрын
Can you get in touch with Suez? She has my email
@artistsonrecord Жыл бұрын
Thank you for watching! I appreciate it.
@johneasler9967 Жыл бұрын
Always good interviews
@29thorn 11 ай бұрын
Mark's American Band sounds much more like Grand Funk than the current "Grand Funk."
@johnmcguire7435 10 ай бұрын
Yes it was mark without him they were just another band n he was such a non selfish person with a heart ❤️ of gold it was all about the music 🎶 they made together not who is the boss or leader n could he write songs "YES" with his special voice n arrangement wow they were so gifted MARK FARNER was the god of 🎶 music n happy feeling they brought us all😂 god bless them for there music 🎶 n 🙏 n love of there special gift to all of us thank you GRAND FUNK RAILROAD for all you gave us
@clinterz Жыл бұрын
Lynn, the Yoko Ono of Grand Funk.
@gms9655 Жыл бұрын
She released the Grand Funk live in LA (1974) video...which is actually a bootleg. Poor quality and the band didn't receive any royalties from it, according to them. GFR considers Lynn as a gold digger.
@augustotorres9746 9 ай бұрын
Linn 🇺🇸💪👏👏👏
@kingofallmediums2123 Жыл бұрын
Lynn Goldsmith: I invented the world! 😂
@JohnHolland-kb1tq Жыл бұрын
@ronaldtaylir9688 10 ай бұрын
@jamesferris4573 11 ай бұрын
I respect her talent and I also love the older rock music but the original three piece band was my favorite before her or Todd Rundgren got involved. They were raw rock, blues, and funk but afterwards they became more commercialized and I lost interest in the music. I agree with Mark about forgiveness and Mark was the heart and soul of the band. I won tickets to a "Grand Funk" concert last year and went to the show but left very soon because it sounded nothing like the Grand Funk shows that I saw in the early 70s.
@fredfox3851 Жыл бұрын
Hey I love Farner too BUT only a fool would downplay the contributions of Brewer and Schacher to the GFR sound and legacy. They were WAY better than all but a few top rock rhythm sections of the era, consistent, powerful and innovative. The slop I often see in my other favs like Zepp and the Who when they play live, does not seem to occur with GFR. Mark on an average night, could make Plant, and Daltry, turn green with envy, all while playing guitar or keys.
@fghhgf6197 Жыл бұрын
On this Don Boo-er guy = To think l play drums til this day because of this guy 40yrs ago / and now l see him and l think wow what a low down , selfish , unconscious, con artist he has become and if you look closely it shows on his old face = the look of '' injustice ''. The saddest thing is this man will die with this injustice to the fans and Mark Farner while holding a grudge.
@dandaniels5260 Жыл бұрын
Selfish and extremely immature.
@apetro8895 8 ай бұрын
He does sound like a douche. However, there are always 3 sides to every story...
@mrDCunningham Жыл бұрын
Okay I would walk acroos the street to see the current so called gfr for free.only if it was free .But I would book a flight and pay big money to see Mark.
@gregb8565 Жыл бұрын
Love it , yes I would walk a few blocks to see the ‘Bruce Kulick band one night only - featuring the songs of kiss and GFR . ‘ coming to a bar near you.;)
@georgeupham7524 9 ай бұрын
I have that gold album.
@barrysmith8920 2 ай бұрын
NO ROCK SINGER could sing, dance and play lead guitar as well as Farner.. NO ONE 🌹
@davidwiegel2175 Жыл бұрын
Yes I would love to see the greatest rock band ever again saw them with mark and without him and saw mark 6 times solo incredible show every time even in poring rain I would like Craig Frost to be with them everyone forgets him I don't I always knew mark wrote American band met mark once so cool posed for a picture signed poster introduced me to his wife just the coolest celebrity I ever met
@kingfish440 10 ай бұрын
Mark Farner = Rock Star!!
@impalaman9707 10 ай бұрын
Look up the word in the dictionary and you'll see a caption of his smiling face right next to the definiton!
@leonardhill4440 5 ай бұрын
That always blew me away with Mark..he was one of the few who was better live.
@josephanthony392 Жыл бұрын
Ever hear about the bass player that locked his keys in the car? took him an hour to get the drummer out! 😂
@mrDCunningham Жыл бұрын
That's a good one 🤣
@MajikJaxsin 11 ай бұрын
I like the band but I’m not a diehard fan. You’d just think that whatever contractual disagreements and/or differences could be ironed out??! It just makes sense to have all original members communicating and amending any legal agreements, even temporary. the original lineup today would be a win win for everyone involved? These guys need a new voice and person who can bridge their differences internally. I personally don’t care. damn the money, the brand and their legacy isn’t important enough obviously.
@ybog1653 Жыл бұрын
She comes off as a big supporter of GFR, but she was screwing at least two of the members so yep, they were probably on board with what ever she had to say. (HINT: Don turned her down!) not that I'm supporting him. I don' t like her. She turned them into pop, disco crap and ruined them. She takes too much credit for the success they had... can't stand the woman.
@premierrulz 9 ай бұрын
Hate to see the picture next to the album with her doing the whole ring around her eye
@amberlights1 Ай бұрын
Glad I'm not the only one who noticed that, and what it represents.
@williamecolemansr1930 Жыл бұрын
GFR came to the NY State Fair-Couldn’t wait to get my ticket- “IN LINE” I herd “NO MARK” I walked out of line and just left so Disappointed
@williamecolemansr1930 Жыл бұрын
EGO MANIAC DON had turn GFR into a VERY BAD cover band- But Hey- Don is in charge so all is good
@longbowsafari9974 8 ай бұрын
Brewer IS "a despicable human being!" They sold out Shea with Mark Warner songs, not Brewer songs! I believe that Mark wrote "We're an American Band"-the important parts that made the song a hit, anyway! Mark could have played with session men. It's the same situation with John Fogerty BEING Creedence Clearwater Revival! I wouldn't see GFR without Farner if they were playing free in my neighborhood!
@AdrianTori-kc4mn Жыл бұрын
Are you hearing this woman Don…?
@rockerz57 Жыл бұрын
Mark is Grand Funk, Donnie is a narcissist.
@davidwineland999 Жыл бұрын
She has the biggest head for someone that was not on stage playing anything and if she was so big in the band cause of how smart she was why was Terry Knight able to steal millions from them?
@leelitif7187 Жыл бұрын
grand funk got worse with lynn goldssmith and todd rungren way more top 40 and commercial.period
@dave0267 10 ай бұрын
Mark Farner is Grand Funk as John Fogerty is CCR, period ! Anything else is just covered bands doing the casinos
@sonnytavares2006 2 ай бұрын
I say throw Brewer out and start over. Mel don't like it? Why not start your own band with Don. Call it Grand Flunk of all times!
@patrickbeeney3541 Жыл бұрын
It’s foolish , they aren’t children any more, it’s history in the making and it’s not about me !!
@darleneshedden4288 Жыл бұрын
I heard Mel has left Grand funk Sinse his Wife Passed and Don Replaced him
@michaelrussell7082 Жыл бұрын
Maybe he should switch to Bass Frehley
@Dallin456 2 ай бұрын
Loggins and Messina got back together in2005 after their woodwinds master died. They finally understood that time is fleeting. That tour was a satisfying reprise of all of their great music,and left fans with a peaceful conclusion and the ability to move ahead. I honestly think that Mr. Don Brewer believes that the only way they can sell Grand Funk’s name today is through the tension that there may someday be a full reunion. Well guess what, Mr. Brewer, I am done. You and your misfit band are a cheap knock off of the originals. I saw you guys perform a few years ago, and I saw you in about 1970. You may be able to fool some of the fans, but you cannot fool all of us. And the numbers of the fooled are steadily decreasing. Fans are smart, we know that whatever the excuse, you can solve it if the desire is there, and it is only Don and the attorneys who are making a living by keeping the band apart that are preventing reunion. Mel is intelligent enough and flexible enough to reunite, and Mark wants it. Get together, or go home-permanently!
@barrysmith8920 2 ай бұрын
Yeah, Brewer was a phenomenal drummer and backing vocalist. But… NO Farner NO FUNK
@John-c8q6q 8 ай бұрын
Don Brewers Drum Set Always Sounded Cheap! Like A Child's Beginner Drum Set, He Wasn't That Great!: Wasn't A Good Singer! Comes Across Ego Infested In His Interviews, All Business But Doesn't Have The Knowledge To Back It Up! Hope He Sees This Comments!
@gregsuperguitarsawnick4653 Жыл бұрын
Bruce Kulick lead guitar for Grand Funk Railroad. He is the best!
@markkenific6587 Жыл бұрын
No. No. No.
@gregsuperguitarsawnick4653 Жыл бұрын
@@markkenific6587 What do you mean, no no no. He has played lead guitar for Grand Funk for years. I personally don't care for Grand Funks unfunky music myself. But he is a great guitar player, especially when he was with the Hottest Band in the World, KISS!🤘🙂 Plus Mark Farner didn't write the song "Locomotion". In case you were going to try to use that song for their Funk. Lol
@dandaniels5260 Жыл бұрын
...maybe the best lead guitarist for some cover band.
@mkenific Жыл бұрын
@Greg "Super Guitar" Sawnick if you saw Bruce play live, you weren't at a Grand Funk show. That was a cover band. No Mark Farner, no Grand Funk.
@gregsuperguitarsawnick4653 Жыл бұрын
@@dandaniels5260 What you said doesn't even make any sense.
@edwardshea7142 Жыл бұрын
Grand Funk Railroad - History Part 5 Of 5
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Рет қаралды 31 МЛН
Artists On Record Starring ADIKA LIVE
Рет қаралды 58 М.
I Tried (almost) Every Martin Acoustic To Find The Best One
Rhett Shull
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Artists On Record Starring ADIKA LIVE
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Mark Farner Has Some Angry Words For Ex Bandmates in Grand Funk
Rock History Music
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British guitarist analyses Grand Funk Railroad live in 1969!
Wings of Pegasus
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Don Brewer Answers Fans' Burning Question on Grand Funk Reunion!
Artists On Record Starring ADIKA LIVE
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Episode 232 The Altamont Festival
Bernie Drops The Needle
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人是不能做到吗?#火影忍者 #家人  #佐助
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