The Third Eye

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Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D.

Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D.

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▶INSTAGRAM: @BruceLipton / brucelipton
▶FACEBOOK: Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D / brucehlipton. .
▶TWITTER: @biologyofbelief / biologyofbelief

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@MeganAlisaMedium 4 жыл бұрын
As a psychic medium who loves science & spirituality, I want to thank you for making this content! I also tell people fluoride doesn’t do anything to your pineal gland. I know tons of great mediums who have been using normal toothpaste and it hasn’t made a bit of difference in the quality of information that can come through. Also for anyone wondering why crystal balls were something used as a tool to receive psychic insights, it was not because the crystal ball did anything but give the mind something to zone out to while looking at it. It is in this state of altered consciousness that we can gain extra sensory information through our awareness.
@hurstjames6199 2 жыл бұрын
Hello how're you doing hope you're safe due to the covid 19 pandemic?
@IIXxx_juliet_xxXII 2 жыл бұрын
Kundalini meditation has helped me to open mine. Also many years of chiropractor care since childhood ~ some of us ‘sensitive’ types perceive more than most.
@Noelsterrr 2 жыл бұрын
Psychics aren't really psychic, at most you make guesses based on generic information and you expose people to evil forces in the process.
@rainbowbridgerestoration979 2 жыл бұрын
@@hurstjames6199 hello! I kno u weren't speaking to me but I thought I'd be kind and reply since the person u WERE speaking to just ignored u, since u didn't validate their assumed knowledge...namaste
@Tinyteacher1111 4 жыл бұрын
Again, for those whose first language is not English, and asked for a transcription, I wrote it out (which took me hours), but I was unable to post it. I had posted about 2/3 of it, but deleted that to post the entire transcript. Google said NO. I’m going to try to post it in parts. Better grab it while you can, because I can’t find the post where people were asking for it. Here’s half: Transcript of Dr. Bruce Lipton: Hi, I’m Dr. Beyond. Welcome for this opportunity to look into the future, gazing into this crystal ball. We can understand things that we haven’t really come to understand in our world yet, a future understanding. And today what I’d like to show you is some information about the nature of our psychic capabilities. Where do we get intuition from? Who are we in this regard? If we look into this magic crystal ball, we can get a glimpse of the future, an insight into the understanding of who we are and how we operate, and today we’re going to look especially at the psychic nature of humans. I want to welcome you to the inner world of this crystal ball where we can see information that can’t be seen anywhere else. And before we go deep into this, I’d like you to do one little exercise. I would like you to close your eyes, and in that moment, I want you to visualize in your mind a pyramid. Can you see this pyramid in your head right now? Where did that image come from? It’s inside your head. It’s not outside of your body. Where, in our brain, are we creating images, and how are we creating these images? We must go into the story of something called the third eye. It’s an eye buried deep within the brain’s structure, and this eye is called the pyneal gland, and the pyneal gland is reading information, but not directly from light. The pyneal gland is reading information from the energy field around us, and to understand this, we would go into the anatomy of the nervous system and how this anatomy contributes to the understanding of how intuition and ideas can come into our head in a non-physical realm, and yet manifest themselves as a physical expression in our vision and in our consciousness. One if the most interesting aspects about the science of biology is that we’ve taken living systems and broken them down into individual systems, so that every organism has, like, the equivalent of a digestion system, a respiratory system, or a nervous system. While all these are different functions, there is one common characteristic to a system because all systems have three functional units that are important, and these functional units include INPUT, and that’s where information comes into the system, PROCESS, where that information is analyzed by the system, and OUTPUT, where the system creates an appropriate response, connected to the INPUT. So, there are three divisions of the system: INPUT, PROCESS, and OUTPUT. What’s so interesting is that when you look at the nervous system, the elements of the nervous system all reveal a physical structure showing that these subsystems, INPUT, PROCESS, and OUTPUT, are laid out in a pattern of sequentially showing that the INPUT, followed by the PROCESS, followed by the OUTPUT as structural correlations if the nervous system. For example, let’s look at a neuron. At the top of this neuron, you see what look look like antlers. These are the dendrites. This is where information comes in to the neuron. That’s called INPUT. Then, the dendrites end on the cell body, and the cell body is where the information coming in is processed. And then, when the sequence is analyzed, and output is sent through what is called the axon. As you can see, these three subdivisions are physically oriented from INPUT, PROCESS, and OUTPUT. Again, this same pattern is repeated if we look at the spinal cord. From the top of the spinal cord, when we look into it, we see a butterfly shape in the center of the spinal cord. This is where the neurons are, and what’s interesting, is that there’s a stratification. The top part of that butterfly is where the Sensory Neurons are, information coming in from the environment. In between is a zone of neurons called the Associative Neurons. This is where processing occurs. The bottom of that butterfly is the Motor Output. This is where information is now sent back to the body to control the function. INPUT, PROCESS, and OUTPUT. Or, for example we could look at the whole brain because there are three sections to the brain: Forebrain, Midbrain, and Hindbrain. Interesting, of course, is the Forebrain is associated with the information coming into the biology. The Midbrain, is actually that area of the brain that analyzed and creates a response. It’s a processing element. The Hindbrain is characterized as the motor element, because from here, informations sent to the body to control the functions of the systems. Again, there’s INPUT, PROCESS, and OUTPUT physically (dis)placed in that same sequence. And, one final example is the retina of the eye. There are three layers on that retina. The layer next to the pigment is the area that contains what are called the rods and cones. These are the INPUTS to the vision. This is where signals of light coming in hit the rods and cones. The next layer above the rods and cones is called the Bipolar layer. Well, these are neurons that integrate all the inputs coming into all the rods and cones. And, the top third layer is actually called the Ganglion layer, and this is the actual motor layer that actually sends the final signals that have been processed into the brain. So, when we look at the retina, INPUT; rods and cones; PROCESS; Bipolar Layer, and the third layer, the Ganglion layer, is the motor OUTPUT. So, what we have, again, is a structural correlation between the input process and output as a physical disposition, and all of the structures of the nervous system. Well, this stratification of input process and output really intrigued me one day, when I was teaching in an embryology course. We were looking at sections through a developing brain, and in the brain, the central section is called the third ventricle. It’s a part of the brain where there’s a hollow interior where spinal fluid is running, and then a layer on the outside. But what was unique in this particular section was the symmetry that I saw. It was cut through the brain as illustrated where this arrow is right here (Look at diagram.). In that section there was a symmetry that was very profound. It has two walls with a bleb above a bleb below. And I looked at it and the first thing I recognized is “Oh!” And the third ventricle of the brain, the bottom bleb is called the Pituitary Gland. Well, that’s the master gland, and in this particular case, that’s the master output. That’s the motor equivalent. Then, I say, “ But, what is the other structure in the top, right above it, the very top bleb? That’s the pineal gland. I say, “Why is it relevant?” Because if the pituitary is the master output, then in the symmetry of INPUT, PROCESS, and OUTPUT, then the pineal gland would then represent the master INPUT. This provides a new and important insight that says the pineal gland, which gets its name from a very simple fact, because the structure of the pineal gland resembles a pine cone, and historically has been illustrated as a pine cone. This pineal gland/ pine cone actually represents a receiver, an input of environmental information. The signal coming from the pineal gland passes the third ventricle, where it’s influenced by the processing information of the thalamus and the hypothalamus that alters that signal. And, then the final signal hits the pituitary gland, the master gland, which sends information throughout the body to coordinate its functions. If we go back in history, in understanding the nature body and it’s coordination, these controlling centers have been referred to as chakras. There are seven of them. The sixth chakra is called the “third eye” because that chakra is right above our eyes right here. And, I say, “But what does it represent?” Historically, it represents the pineal gland, an eye, a vision. But, the pineal gland is very deep in the skull, and doesn’t get any light from the outside. It’s an eye, all right. It’s analyzing electromagnetic spectrums, electromagnetic fields. So, the pineal gland has been recognized to be an input device, a primary input device. Well, one of the interesting characteristics of the pineal gland is that it’s filled with crystals. A lot of people consider the crystals to be degenerative processes, influenced by such things as fluoride in the water. Well, let me assure you a very important fact. The pineal gland had crystals in it long before there was anything called fluoride in the water. Historically, it’s always had crystals in it. And, it’s also very interesting because we’re born with crystals in it. It’s not that, all of a sudden they showed up. They were there from the very beginning. And, so, instead of a degenerative process, it’s very likely, they have a function process.
@DayoSamuelMastery 4 жыл бұрын
Totally helpful.
@WOLFMAN2975 3 жыл бұрын
@@DayoSamuelMastery : )Hi my Friend 💞 *The Literal Silver Bullet Cure! and Prevention! of cancer.* PREVENTION AND CURE FOR CANCER My Mom had cancer Cured. *Cancer is a Lie.* A 100% Curable and Completely Avoidable disease, (Dis-Ease). Squirrels never develop cancer, all they eat are nuts and Seeds. Cows in the wintertime develop what's known as winter tumors, cancerous tumors which then Disappear in the spring when they Again Begin grazing on the grasses. The Hunza, a people who live near west Pakistan, the surrounding population lives to be 67 on average, The Hunza live to be 120! on average they are traditional Apricot farmers and consume the Seeds on a regular basis, 30 to 50 a day they never develop cancer. What all of these have in common is vitamin B-17 Amygdalin as it is in all of the foods consumed. The old saying An Apple a day keeps the doctor Away is True when you also consume the Seeds as we did in the past. All your regular cells are 100% Protected from the cyanide and benzaldehyde molecules they Convert them to a Harmless substance called Thiocyanate, cancer cells cannot do this as they have surrounding them what's called Beta-glucosidase which makes them Vulnerable to the cyanide and benzaldehyde molecules Eradicating cancer leaving 0 scar tissue. We Evolved with the substance therefore we need it, as we need Vitamin C. Back when we were hunter-gatherers if you came across an apple tree you would Fill your stomach you Wouldn't throw the core or the Seeds away because no one told you to : ) In exchange any Seeds you did not crunch down on, masticate during the chewing process would then/then pass through the digestive tract and be fertilized as they have Evolved! a protective coating for just that purpose, so another tree May grow from our experiment and the excrement of animals alike, Harmony with Nature. If someone develops Scurvy the treatment is large doses of Vitamin C to Reverse the disease Dis-Ease, in order to avoid Scurvy one must simply consume vitamin C on a regular basis much the same with B-17 Amygdalin for cancer this information is *Heavily Suppressed* and it has been Buried! as first and foremost cancer is used as Population Control, secondly they are making Billions! of dollars from donations alone therefore this information will Never be willingly released to the public. Imagine if we were told vitamin C where Poisonous, not to consume it, some would still get enough through Trace amounts, as with vitamin B17 Amygdalin, but many would not and develop the horrible disease, dis-ease Scurvy. Bitter Apricot Kernels have the Highest concentration of vitamin B-17 Amygdalin. I have a playlist titled IMPORTANT all capitals exclamation marks front and back within my KZbin channel (Tyler Murphy) Wolf Eye channel photo, there you will find 100% percent Proof Validity. Video titled (How to cure cancer with apricot kernels) man cures himself of bowel cancer he was given two months to live he received No chemo No radiation and No surgery. He was told he was to far gone for any of their treatments (as they call them) that they could have offered him and that they would be ineffective. He purchased the book G Edward Griffin a world without cancer the story of vitamin B-17 which is also a documentary and also within my playlist titled IMPORTANT which explains how it works chemically/scientifically in the body, the one and only Flaw within the book and documentary is the belief of toxicity if to much is consumed, as I said it does Not work that way in the body, the man who cured himself of the bowel cancer is Proof of that as am I, my Mom and many others, All regular cells Convert the cyanide and benzaldehyde molecules to Harmless substance as I rote, that substance is Thiocyanate. The man who Cured his bowel cancer was consuming 100! to 130! Bitter Apricot Kernels along with with Bromelain pineapple enzyme, a natural digestive enzyme to Aid in the Absorption of the cyanide and benzaldehyde molecules, No ill effects. Within a month of consuming the Bitter Apricot Kernels his stomach sucked back in he Stopped pooping blood and he is now 100% cancer Free and has been for Years now. I personally consume 10 to 15 Bitter Apricot Kernels daily along with, on average 4 to 6 apples most days, always with the Seeds included, I have been doing this for Years now with No ill effects and Multiple Benefits. The seeds of grapes were an Excellent source of vitamin B-17 Amygdalin watermelon seeds were also an Excellent source of vitamin B-17 Amygdalin, both very hard to find now they are making our fruit seedless people think this is for their convenience but that is Not the Agenda. Half the apples I cut into now are missing seeds have extra seeds within the same channel/seed pod, some with no seeds xcetera Our food is being tampered with in order to Eliminate the B-17 Amygdalin thus increasing cancer rates also almost all Non organic food is irradiated, nuts and seeds Pasteurized to destroy the B-17 Amygdalin within. At the time of writing this cancer rates are 1 in 2 for men and 1 in 3 for women, for women cancer rates are slightly lower as they have two ways of getting rid of toxins in their body one is having a baby the other is breastfeeding. The chemicals are in everything from the unnecessary chemical cleaning products, food, Water, clothing all of it. We are being attacked on Multiple fronts from Multiple angles. Dogs and cats that live no more than 15 years on average are developing cancer this Never used to happen. Think about it what do they eat, our food supply is Contaminated Saturated with cancer promoting Chemicals, Genetically Modified, pumped full of hormones, pesticides etc. Cancer is only the tip of the iceberg Please help me to get this information out to others I am not trying to obtain subscribers that is not what this is about. I couldn't care less about my KZbin channel other than using it as a tool to Help spread this extremely important information. I would never use this to make money. I'm simply trying to get the Truth out to as Many as possible to Stop the Suffering. Within my KZbin channel you will also find the Cure for Arthritis the Cure for Alzheimer's and dementia the Cure for type 2 Diabetes, Watch the documentary (What the Health), etc as well as much more you may find helpful I have researched many ailments diseases and created playlist, for those interested. Diet is Everything. If you have not yet seen it I Strongly recommend watching the documentary (What the Health) available on Netflix, in my KZbin playlist, on KZbin as well as multiple other platforms. And also (Forks over Knives) in that order, if interested. KZbin channel name is Tyler Murphy Wolf Eye channel photo. Let food be thy medicine and let medicine be thy food, Hippocrates. Wishing You and you All Perfect Health Love Happiness and a Wonderful Journey. The Truth Always Makes Sense. : )Tyler Much More within my Multiple playlists that will be of help to you and others, if interested. Nature is the Key to Healing and Regeneration there is no other way. Please Help me get this information Out, we need to Stop this before it's too late, they're making Everything Seedless! cancer rates are increasing at Exponential rates. I couldn't care less about my KZbin channel that's not what I'm saying. Just the Information!. Please help however you can Thank You💞 For All of our sake and the future generations to come🌎 Thank! you for reading. Please Confirm you have received so that others May see this Vital! information. Potassium and iodine are also of Great! importance, most people are deficient, potassium is Vital. Avocados are an Excellent source of Healthy fats and Potassium, Potatoes are also Very High in potassium as well as many beans and lentils, Everyone should Always consume adequate amounts of potassium whether you have cancer or not. One last thing it is importance to consuming the right salt pink Himalayan salt has 84 trace minerals (the same 84 trace minerals found in the human body) Himalayan salt is salt from ancient sea beds it has many more minerals than sea salt and is much cleaner pink Himalayan salt is the salt I choose to consume on a regular basis. Overtime consuming pink Himalayan salt will correct mineral deficiencies strengthen the body as a whole. If you have cancer you must also Detoxify your body, a juice cleanse would benefit you Greatly look up (John Rose) here on KZbin he is a Master on the subject. All the Best my Friend: )❤️ I Love you All💞 As I wrote you cancer is a Lie. That said there are many things that promote cancer in the body from pesticides to personal care products and the use of chemical cleaning products to pollution and everything in between. There are toxins/poisons in the most everything including our clothing and laundry soaps, this is by design, to keep us toxic. Minimizing these is best. B17 Amygdalin consumption from all the research I've done trump's them all with regular consumption when it comes to cancer. Use Natural cleaning products chemical free and personal care products that are chemical free whenever possible, if for no other reason then Better Health. Remember to drink plenty of water, the body is a filter, more or less that must be flushed on a regular basis for optimal health and regeneration. Also Please watch my Short! KZbin video, it is of Great IMPORTANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!. Link is pinned in the comments at the top. Again Please Confirm you have received Thank you 💞 🌎 Please share this & the link with as many as possible & ask them to do the same, the Butterfly Effect Will take care of the rest 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋 We Will Win this. Stay Strong I Love You♥️. I Love you All 💞 Be Strong you are Needed I/We Need You, a message to All Soldiers of the Light. 🐺
@rogercoronell3636 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you Kathrin.
@sheristapleton922 4 жыл бұрын
Beautiful explanation for those of us just discovering the magnificence of our Divinely created bodies. Dr. Bruce Lipton has a heart of gold and he radiates this throughout humanity. So Grateful!
@llaman9342 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah !! I couldn't of said it better , just how I feel 2 : )
@loiswestervelt3966 4 жыл бұрын
Sheri Stap
@danam.5433 4 жыл бұрын
What if we are just an ET experiment.
@panayiotisstavrou3283 4 жыл бұрын
And you just believe it? LOL.
@aabdille 4 жыл бұрын
At one point when I was young, I had the ability to close my eyes and still see light with my closed eyes. This is so informing. When I feel pain, I would close my eyes and clearly see where my pain was and what it was and that would help me heal.
@jadudu 4 жыл бұрын
Abdullahi Hassan that’s actually interesting! I was able to see light when I was younger too. About a year ago I saw a light again when I was resting very still on my bed. When I saw the light I had a thought that I was going to see and experience something when I woke up it actually happened I saw what I knew I would experience. It’s as though I consciously manifested something to me because of this light. I’ve been trying to research and understand what happened to me for a year now. It brought me down this path of spirituality and how much it’s our very own biology. I’m glad someone else saw a light too!
@CP-nrg8p 4 жыл бұрын
Me too! I began using my abilities about 20 yrs ago. I can send white light of love to any ailment or sing a loving song and spin a close chakra and boom gone!
@aabdille 4 жыл бұрын
I don't exactly remember who I told, I think it was one of my sister's about the experience and I asked her if she had the same and looked at me with a different and told me no, she did have them. I think it's something you can develop when you spend a lot of time by yourself. When I was young I enjoyed being a lone and I spend all time with in my head and still enjoyed it. I remember talking to myself about creating something that would make the light dark, just like we use light when their is dark and I don't up to now know why I had those thoughts. Like you said, I would see something happening and I know for sure I had the experience a head of time, but I would not exactly know when I felt it, but the experience is totally familiar.
@jadudu 4 жыл бұрын
I’m actually very happy to hear that there might be other who’ve had such an experience and can easily express it and make me feel less alone in this. Those who haven’t experienced this like my friends tend to think I’m “crazy” or it my “imagination” which is annoying because it makes me feel as though I am that negative connotation instead of their being something more to myself or “human”. I truly believe we humans have yet to tap into our full potential. When you look at each individual person ability, rather than think only that person can do so, we should realize this ability is amongst everyone just asleep. Thank you for sharing your story! Anyone else pleas share your story, it makes me feel a lot better knowing there are other like I.
@aabdille 4 жыл бұрын
I feel the same, all these years I had those things staying with me and when my only trusting sister told me she doesn't and looked at me as if I was from another planet, I decided to keep it to myself. Thank you Kelly for the assurance that it's not only me that have such senses.
@xovictoriacrystal 4 жыл бұрын
You are so adorable Dr. Lipton. I enjoy the levity you add to these insights!
@drkittyrathod 4 жыл бұрын
Absolutely, making it light and easy! Spreading smiles and creating beautiful environment for our genes to be happy!
@ShaareiZoharDaas 3 жыл бұрын
I think all of the women following him would catfight over how adorable he is♥️💋🌹
@Tinyteacher1111 4 жыл бұрын
Second part of transcript: Let’s go back in time before television, and actually, the beginning of radio. I say, “Why is it relevant? Because the first radios didn’t have tubes and wiring and all kinds of stuff like that. The first radios were called “crystal radio sets”. I said, “What do they represent?” Well, they were called glenium crystals, and what would happen is if you would take a pin with a point and touch the crystal at a certain part, you could, all of a sudden, hear a radio broadcast. And so, the crystal was transducing (?) an energy in the field into actual radio broadcasts that you can hear with a pair of earphones. So, again, no tubes, no transistors, no resistors, no capacitors... just a crystal downloading a field, and then from that field, there are certain parts where you touch that crystal, and then all of a sudden, out of that area, the energy of the radio frequencies is actually turned into sound that you can hear wearing a pair of earphones. Yes, that’s a primitive radio. I say, “Well, how does it work?” Well, just to give you a simple example, in the old day before LCD television, we had picture tubes. I say, “What was relevant?” Well, in this model of a picture tube, you can see at the back of the picture tube is something called a gun that shoots electrons toward the screen which is at the other end, and as the electrons hit the screen, they cause it to light up, but between the gun and the screen, there’s a bunch of magnets on the neck of that picture tube, and guess what? The information in those magnets alter the beam as it comes out of the gun, and before it hits the screen, and it’s the information in these magnets that gives shape to the final picture that shows on the screen. Now, let’s put this analogy into place in regard to the pineal gland; that the crystals in the pineal gland are the equivalent of the gun in the phototube; that the thalamus and the hypothalamus are generating electromagnetic fields that are influencing the signal coming out of the pineal gland based on our life experiences. And, in the end, the information from the pineal gland, as altered by the thalamus and the hypothalamus hits the pituitary gland which is the equivalent of the screen on the television tube. This is where the image is finally produced. Well, the relevance is that the image that is finally produced is controlled bumpy our pituitary gland, where that image first shows up, and the pituitary gland organizes the body to complement that image. Well, when I saw all of this, and I started to recognize the polarity of the physical expression of INPUT, PROCESS, and OUTPUT, I was visiting a dear friend of mine, Christopher Hills, a yogic scientist, and I was so excited to explain, “Oh, my God, look at the pattern because this is how you understand things that happen in science, by understanding a pattern, you can make predictions. So I was talking to Christopher, and I was saying, “Look, here’s the prediction: this is how information, intuition, and identity comes into our body through the crystal receiver, called the pineal gland, and how that’s modified by our experiences and then controls the output and controls the master gland, the pituitary, that shapes our lives. And while I was talking to Christopher, he had a smile, which then became a laugh, and he said, “You know, Bruce, thousands of years ago, yogic scientists already understood this. They referred to this area of the brain as “the cave of Brahma”. They said that the ventricle where the spinal fluid was was the equivalent of the primal sea. They talked about the emphasis of the pineal gland sending information into the spinal fluid, sending up waves that now finally connected to the pituitary at the bottom of what is called “The cave of Brahma”, and that this is how our life is shaped. Of course, I was not only just immediately intrigued, but totally excited to find out that the idea of the pineal gland as a receiver of information that we use in organizing our life is not a new idea. It’s been expressed for thousands of years, but the new insight is this; is that the conforms to modern, conventional biology and the anatomy of the third ventricle of the brain. It’s not an accident. It’s not a coincidence. I firmly believe that the third eye chakra consisting of the pineal gland is one of the primary inputs that controls the character of our lives. (I hope these are his exact words, and the spelling is correct, but if I made a mistake anywhere, I apologize.)
@faathee8740 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for taking the time.. you learnt it twice)
@Nurse_mici83 4 жыл бұрын
Dr Lipton, I love you ♥️we all need this message now.. stay safe and be well everyone here
@ty5odopeemusic 4 жыл бұрын
it’s a shame we have never learned any of this in school smh thankYou 💜💜🦋🐚🦁🧘🏽
@Anon13100 4 жыл бұрын
It is becoming ever more clear why home schooling (at least some of them) produces far better, often outstanding, results.
@whatifitnt 4 жыл бұрын
tysodopee we have an opportunity now... 💫
@fer.vicherati Жыл бұрын
Every time I see videos from Dr Bruce Lipton, I think to myself, what a cutie this man is. We should all thank this man, he is manifesting a world in which humanity wakes up. Though his work, he is manifesting a world where humans realize their potential. I can’t help but think, I am waking up, thanks to minds like Dr Lipton’s who did the work, and through their manifestations, individuals are waking up, thank you Dr Lipton 🙏🙌
@linux1800 4 жыл бұрын
If I were a student, I'd love him to be my teacher.
@samanthasmile7746 3 жыл бұрын
@dotafever8150 3 жыл бұрын
@bikinggal1 3 жыл бұрын
you are a student if you are learning from him!!
@gym_bob 3 жыл бұрын
Love the guy!
@jeffxanders3990 3 жыл бұрын
All is both student and teacher to Itself... definition of friend or enemy.
@alexandralane7690 4 жыл бұрын
Dr Lipton 🤗🤗🤗 you are such a ray of light 🙏🏼💜💜💜
@susandavies3532 4 жыл бұрын
Watched and learned.....can't wait to watch again and again and use in my meditations. Thank you!
@quantumdimension6186 4 жыл бұрын
Very good explanation! Three year ago, I went to a workshop of a spiritual teacher, she called the system formed by the Pineal Gland, the Hypothalamus and the Pituitary, the Divine Triangle and added that in visualizations, meditations, astral projections, etc., the Pineal Gland is not alone, as many people think when centering their attention to this gland exclusively, but that that gland works together with the Hypothalamus and the Pituitary as a system. Thanks doc, nice video! Greetings from Buenos Aires, Argentina. 💖 💖 💖
@lordpimpjuice1503 4 жыл бұрын
"Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new" - Abraham Lincoln
@lordpimpjuice1503 4 жыл бұрын
@Aaron Dill you just sent me down a rabbit hole, I ended up at London Real. I wasn't sure what you meant lol Thank you!
@chickenjuice4841 4 жыл бұрын
Kurt Hajroja Kurt is cool
@lordpimpjuice1503 4 жыл бұрын
@@chickenjuice4841 and then...?
@chickenjuice4841 4 жыл бұрын
Kurt Hajroja And then Kurt watched OutOfShadows
@babaaritahclark2503 4 жыл бұрын
One of my goals is to meet this adorable man at a work shop. He radiates joy and abundance. Margaret is super fortunate. They both are!!!!
@EZUSR2 4 жыл бұрын
Bruce, I adore your imaginative use to help with the presentation of wonderfully scientific content. As a semi-retired educator I appreciate your efforts and certainly will continue to follow and enjoy them. Blessings!
@anaghabhavale4987 3 жыл бұрын
I did my Masters in Reiki, and while doing my first degree in the year 2004, my Reiki master taught us about the seven chakras and helped me understand the vastness of the pineal gland or the third eye. I'm so grateful that I got access to this knowledge years ago and I'm trying my best to utilize it in my daily life :) :) :)
@bluebellnavaratna4231 4 жыл бұрын
You truly are my "WIZAR"!....A Metaphysician of the EYE the says goes.w.hen the student is ready ....the Master(s) appears!!.. Bravo, and thank you for your imput Soul Brother!
@rociozamora877 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you Dr. Lipton. I have listened 2 of your audiobooks and the way you explain the science of the body is fantastic. Your teachings are the bridge between science and spiritual transformation. Keep up the excellent work. Much love to you and your family!! ❤
@wontanajj7820 2 жыл бұрын
thank you dr bruce lipton for your explanation . i pray god be with you and lead you day by day. with love in christ jesus
@annettecinquemanifalbo17 4 жыл бұрын
I've been practicing the science of Iridology for 35+ years. I found this most interesting! I see the pituitary gland and the other glands of the endocrine system in the brain area as I study and research the irises of my clients. I've always been intrigued with that system of the body...I'd love to sit down and talk to you Bruce about my hundreds of experiences in reading the iris of the eye!! I have several certifications, but the most important one that I received was from Dr. Bernard Jensen in 1983 who was considered to be the Grand Father of American Iridology. I'm a retired physical fitness specialist, but I'm still an herbalist and still practice Iridology as well as Pilates. I've owned and operated 7 health food stores where I house over 450 bulk medicinal herbs too. Yoga is something I've never practiced before! East does not meet West when it comes to Pilates...but I'm wildly interested in the mind body spirit connection...and the chakras are fascinating! I enjoy your videos immensely! Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge with us! Sincerely, Annette C. Falbo
@hurstjames6199 2 жыл бұрын
Hello how're you doing hope you're safe due to the covid 19 pandemic?
@conniespruill5852 4 жыл бұрын
Wow Bruce! I'm still in awe of your explanation of DNA as a Blueprint! I wish I had you as a science teacher in high school. I wouldn't have had to take science over in summer school.
@hurstjames6199 2 жыл бұрын
Hello how're you doing hope you're safe due to the covid 19 pandemic?
@jackladd4332 4 жыл бұрын
Bruce this was a very very important video to me. It sewed up so many loose ends and of course i'll have to watch it again a few times. I don't know why KZbin recommended this video to me but it's an absolute Godsend and i'll be looking at your other work. Awesome. Thank you.
@JorisVDC 4 жыл бұрын
I love the 'perhaps' at the end. Of course we are multidimensional beings having a 3rd density incarnation experience. We just need to forget everything we are when we go into the simulation, otherwise it wouldn't work.
@gailscott3357 4 жыл бұрын
Amazing. I love that the process in the body through the chakras is the heart. It's the only way to process life and our experiences.
@suavedave4188 4 жыл бұрын
Gail Oh REALLY? Gosh, I didn't know that. How did you get so smart?
@frebrea 4 жыл бұрын
The doors are being opened!
@neljay_tip 4 жыл бұрын
Tell me about it.
@ejaws1720 3 жыл бұрын
Blah, blah , blah - all speculation & possible interpretation. Masters are glands- really recievers- third eye reads magnetic fields out in the environment. Good Freakin' God!
@highlandmary33 4 жыл бұрын
As an innate Empath, I’ve long researched all manner of ‘explanation’. It was many decades ago that I ‘knew’ there was a direct correlation to our pineal gland. What I continued to study upon was not just the philosophical stances throughout history but also the human animal (and non human animal) biology. It’s always so satisfying to find others who understand this.
@hurstjames6199 2 жыл бұрын
Hello how're you doing hope you're safe due to the covid 19 pandemic?
@ull893 4 жыл бұрын
We need more Bruce Liptons in this world who is willing to talk the truth, and not keeping mouth shut for fear of loosing their professional licenses and accreditation., ❤️
@dwayneholley9095 4 жыл бұрын
You are my man Mr. Bruce Lipton thank you so much for connecting the dots and opening our perception of awareness evolution of consciousness thank you sir
@thamimsweli2402 4 жыл бұрын
Dr Lipton you're a great teacher. somehow when I listen to you or read your book, it always feel like you telling me something that I already intuitively knew but somehow forgot.
@tatianahamad9183 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much! You are one of the people who have changed my life qualitatively. It all happened about 10 years ago when I watched a video of yours on epigenetics. I have mentioned your name to whomever I thought might be interested in your findings, and directed my friends and colleagues’ attention to the videos and articles I have been received in the newsletters. Whenever I can afford the time to watch another video, I do it. God bless you!
@jenniferreihana5155 4 жыл бұрын
Best explanation of the third eye process I have ever watched. This is a great vid for those just starting on their spiritual quest. Many thanks for this.
@TheBurlioz 4 жыл бұрын
Absolutely fantastic! You just created a bridge between so many unconnected aspects of our realm! Thank you!
@cory2778 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you Bruce for helping us evolve, you make everything so simple to understand.
@monicaprescher3852 4 жыл бұрын
cory c right! Exactly! I’ve watched a lot of videos on pineal gland/third eye and this is by far the most helpful one and easy to understand that I have come across.
@magplin 4 жыл бұрын
@POLARIStheTRUE 4 жыл бұрын
And this is why we love you.....because you are GENUINE and do not give a flying care what people think or say about you. Stay True, Dr. B!
@TheQueenmom1 4 жыл бұрын
I love the way you tell stories. Such a wonderous and magical approach.💜🙏
@alessandraB70 4 жыл бұрын
It's absolutely fantastic that a Scientist recognize all this antique knowledge... I am Brazilian and my English is not that good, regarding all this kind of information, but I love to study about this kind of subjects, when Science and Spirituality are talking same language. I want to say Thank You Very Much and ask if is it possible to have all this information contained on this video written?
@Infinity-gw9du 4 жыл бұрын
You are right. In Santan dharma their Lord Shiva has activated third eye i.e pineal gland. Now I accept it is true.
@Tinyteacher1111 4 жыл бұрын
Alessandra C If you want, I’d be happy to write it out for you and pass it on.
@joy7343 4 жыл бұрын
@@Tinyteacher1111 Please give at Thanks
@Tinyteacher1111 4 жыл бұрын
随喜Joy You’d like me to write this out and send it to you? Do I have this right? Give me a couple of days to listen and write it out and send it, ok?
@joy7343 4 жыл бұрын
@@Tinyteacher1111 perfect. thanks
@pamelawalmsley5971 3 жыл бұрын
The cutest teacher ever. I love his books. But love hearing him speak even more.
@eileenm9252 4 жыл бұрын
Love Dr Lipton! And editing of this video is SO suitable for his personality and way of storytelling!
@NikkiJohnsonFreeThinker 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you, Bruce! Love the genie outfit. Your explanation included several bits of info that I hadn’t heard elsewhere, particularly the crystal radio and the input / process / output dynamic in the context of the third ventricle. Magical! ✨🔮✨
@Tinyteacher1111 4 жыл бұрын
🙏💕 For those of you who requested a transcript of this video, I’m writing it out, and I’ll post it here under the comments. I hope this is ok. I’m about 1/3 of the way done, so watch for it within the next few days. Love to all of you! 💕. Almost done everyone! I had a family issue, so I’m behind. It will be done today or tomorrow (if I have anymore issues!) 💕
@hurstjames6199 2 жыл бұрын
Hello how're you doing hope you're safe due to the covid 19 pandemic?
@TheVelvetvoicecoach 4 жыл бұрын
This has been very very helpful. Input - Process - Output.
@mlnfish 4 жыл бұрын
lol anyone who has not followed our dear Dr for years, at first glance would think he's a nut case..
@tiki7647 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the heads up 👍👍
@MariaM-ke7nw 4 жыл бұрын
Was thinking the same! ;)
@britelia7298 4 жыл бұрын
I’d love to know who he’s working with to create these videos.
@alignmentandmanifestationw6380 4 жыл бұрын
I really enjoy the wackyness :) he he
@davidjess681 4 жыл бұрын
Lol if anyone hasn't already, they should definitely check out his other content, he is a great man to listen to
@Carol-dw3iu 4 жыл бұрын
You have a way about explaining complex workings and I love you for that!!! the details of the systems you teach are fantastic!
@hurstjames6199 2 жыл бұрын
Hello how're you doing hope you're safe due to the covid 19 pandemic?
@rubyandrashmishow7090 3 жыл бұрын
Dr. Bruce lipton is so intelligent yet so humble and kind. His videos are helping me a lot to get success in my life. Thank you so much
@EXtaZz5663 4 жыл бұрын
My spirit wants to express huge gratitude for this video 🙌
@dee5184 4 жыл бұрын
Love you Bruce Thank you for all you do, Beautiful Soul. xx
@T.V.6388 Жыл бұрын
Congratulations Prof. Lipton! Well ahead of your era!
@medium_of_light 4 жыл бұрын
Omg at 2 o clock in the night I had to control my laughter so bad .. almost fell off rolling on the floor ,Now that's what I call a doctor 😅 I'm already healed with this laughter fit 😂👌
@EvangeliseGood 4 жыл бұрын
Such enlightenment at this time is so helpful, thank you.
@karthik3369 4 жыл бұрын
@djoy38 4 жыл бұрын
Dr. Lipton, We know your intentions are pure, but You are needed to help us change the matrix. Please don´t give them arguments to discredit your work in times like this. Grateful for your energy.
@udynes4457 4 жыл бұрын
My girlfriend has opened her third eyes about 3 months ago and her case is amazing and rare. She told me one day she wouldn't be able sleep one night because she could see in the dark with her eyes closed. It meant she was seeing with her eyes closed and I thought: what? She didn't know a thing about third eye. So I ask her to explain me with more detail. Well, we've reached the conclusion her third eye opened and now she could see in the dark like we see in the day with her normal eyes completely closed. Actually her third eye is still improving. It started darker but it's getting better and she almost can read with it. The most amazing things she can now do are: seeing spirits, seeing in the dark as it was day light and nothing can block the sight of this eye when it is opened. In the beginning she couldn't control it well. Now she can open it at will. When the eye is good enough we'll look for a proper institute to give her a certificate for being able to see with her normal eyes closed. How many people can do this on earth? I really have no idea. But I'm sure not many can and her case is absolutely real.
@leahquispe4569 4 жыл бұрын
It's also part of going out of body..... It's what I noticed before I started OBE
@jesusistheway1879 4 жыл бұрын
Wow ...amazing ....what is OBE?
@nomorefuckery1100 Жыл бұрын
​@@jesusistheway1879 Out Of Body aka OBE
@hostinmishell892 3 жыл бұрын
A little over 2 years ago after a NDE, I told my children we were much like living, breathing movie projectors because it was exactly as if I’d been disconnected and then reconnected to a sort of futuristic Quantum VR. Since then, it’s exactly as if my processor had received an upgrade and then a reboot because my perception is not the same as it was before. It’s much like many filters had been removed from perception, allowing brand new perspectives. And I’m able to adjust these filters upon the judgements. I’m still learning and then sometimes I’m still playing “hide and seek” from Self because the realizations are a whole lot to process and sometimes overwhelming. Don’t know of many other another’s that but it doesn’t matter because it’s almost as if it’s only Me, mySELF, and Eye here in this place. Yet, many perspect-I’ves.
@hurstjames6199 2 жыл бұрын
Hello how're you doing hope you're safe due to the covid 19 pandemic?
@JuanBarberis 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks, Bruce, for your passion & leadership. Wishing you health and continued passion!
@diwang6761 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for all you share with us.
@MotivationManifested 4 жыл бұрын
I love Bruce Lipton !
@LaMitre-Corzy 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much Dr. Lipton for enlightening us with all the information.
@7msjster 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you Dr. Lipton! You make this so interesting and easy to get!
@ZJsaladdin 4 жыл бұрын
@holistichealingastrology 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for simplifying a very complex process. God Bless You!
@hurstjames6199 2 жыл бұрын
Hello how're you doing hope you're safe due to the covid 19 pandemic?
@jarrodlsandoval9520 3 жыл бұрын
Beautiful! Gotta love Mr. Lipton. Thank you
@dalevelie5398 2 жыл бұрын
I love this guy. What a fantastic teacher.
@subliminationnetwork6304 3 жыл бұрын
He's a blessing to humanity
@adonaiblackwood 3 жыл бұрын
Love you Uncle Bruce! Love this community & wealth of shared knowledge! 🙏💛
@HerbBennett 4 жыл бұрын
The Law of Three 3 and the threefold symmetry of life interacting with the 4 forces generate the 7 energies emanating from the SUCHNESS of the kundalini and the 14 chakras of the Pre Hindu India or the Shramanic, pre Dravidian, mystery traditions. Thanks for the re-minder
@busterhollars1446 4 жыл бұрын
@oceandevi13 4 жыл бұрын
Dr Bruce, you are AMAZING!! I teach about the chakra system and this adds a huge new dimension to my work. Thank you and Namaste. PS, I love the new look, sound and editing of this video. The intro made me smile and laugh! Thank you so much for showing your humour and your fun, lighthearted side
@fletcherlopez3078 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you dr. Bruce! You help us understand things in such an awesome way.
@BrianSmith-li3zs 4 жыл бұрын
The truth has set me free. Love,respect and gratitude. We are the people shining the light on the good energy, exposing the monsters and vampires the psychopaths. We are the people voting for good, respect and gratitude.
@patriciamitchell1401 4 жыл бұрын
Waaaittt...Dr Beyond... I recognize your voice as Dr Bruce Lipton....I love it!
@carloseduardonaranjosuarez5917 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you Dr. Lipton
@nievesrivera1482 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you Uncle Bruce for such a theatrical, yet simple and factual information. You made my day! 🙏🕊🙏❤🕊🙏❤
@johnnyn188 4 жыл бұрын
Dr Lipton is a heretic genius!! Taught me so much over the years. Now I'm also a heretic thanks to him, no longer part of the sheeple.
@雪鷹魚英語培訓的領航 3 жыл бұрын
Ended too early. Wanted to hear your advice on how to nurture proper access and use of the pineal gland. Excellent video, production values and well spoken content!
@lianamajed5316 4 жыл бұрын
I love Dr.Bruce Lipton!
@unapologeticdida 2 жыл бұрын
I see light, I see visions, I see people I don't know, I see my future self.🙏. am still trying to understand everything going on. this is informative
@elevatewithtrish3106 4 жыл бұрын
Fascinating. Dr Lipton your enthusiasm is electric and contagious. 💫🙌
@tutoff3753 3 жыл бұрын
@barnardb12 4 жыл бұрын
Great video. Love the wizard look. Thank you for your work Dr. Lipton
@hurstjames6199 2 жыл бұрын
Hello how're you doing today hope you're safe due to the covid 19 pandemic?
@monikawaldhauser8192 4 жыл бұрын
Truly wish we all can experience our full senses, all of them. Dr. Lipton, thank you!
@hurstjames6199 2 жыл бұрын
Hello how're you doing today hope you're safe due to the covid 19 pandemic?
@exeterwellnesscenter 4 жыл бұрын
Beautiful, watched 3 times, sharing.
@carolynlong8281 4 жыл бұрын
Great way to present, thanks Bruce
@nikiholland5010 4 жыл бұрын
I love this amazing being and genius and embodied love of a human! Thank you thank you thank you Dr Lipton for this insightful and hilarious film. 🙏🏼♥️✨🌎
@freeyourmindbali9910 4 жыл бұрын
Good job to make it light, fun and accessible ! Thank you 🙏🙏
@TheDeborahPetersShow 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks Dr. Bruce. I use the info in my business coaching processes to help business leaders function from higher levels. To run their companies with more heart, integrity and compassion.
@hurstjames6199 2 жыл бұрын
Hello how're you doing hope you're safe due to the covid 19 pandemic?
@joanfrances8570 4 жыл бұрын
Very cool presentation, thank you Bruce.
@pietervermond4743 4 жыл бұрын
Man you are good. Love this. J Krishnamurti has always said that our thinking is responsabel for our out come.
@tracybauld5030 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much our son is recovering from TBI this explains alot love it and you
@torontotom3168 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks again Dr. lipton! I am excited every time i find science confirming certain things as you said some have knows for a long time. Thanks for sharing the knowledge with everyone!
@LisaKTownsend 4 жыл бұрын
Excellent analogies Bruce. Thanks!
@hurstjames6199 2 жыл бұрын
Hello how're you doing today hope you're safe due to the covid 19 pandemic?
@kristoskalemanis 4 жыл бұрын
You are a great gift to us all!!!
@sunshinesurfer2049 4 жыл бұрын
Daniel 12:10 ..'nuff said:) Thank you Dr. Lipton!
@monicaprescher3852 4 жыл бұрын
Sunshine Surfer oh that was good!
@fonfonchristopher7686 4 жыл бұрын
@summerthompson4609 3 жыл бұрын
Yay LOve and Gratiude for this simple trinity and magic of Life....LOve JoYously Awakened
@andoniafreefrom 3 жыл бұрын
Bruce is a great teacher. I learn so much
@laraineflannery1934 4 жыл бұрын
Great video my dear! Very, very good with the sacredness of our Divine body with in all of it's possibility. It is empowerment for man and is needed in this time. Wonderful! Thank you..
@hurstjames6199 2 жыл бұрын
Hello how're you doing today hope you're safe due to the covid 19 pandemic?
@farismughal6431 4 жыл бұрын
He is the only old guy I love without any specific reason.
@patriziajones 3 жыл бұрын
Dr Lipton what a blessing your information is. Your way of explaining physiology is music to my ear 💜
@hurstjames6199 2 жыл бұрын
Hello how're you doing hope you're safe due to the covid 19 pandemic?
@vandnapatel9956 4 жыл бұрын
Beautifully explained Bruce! Awesome video! Thank You !🙏🏼
@dr.chrisstar3527 2 жыл бұрын
You truly are making the best movies on screen! Peace Dr. Bruce and family Dr.c*
@2768231 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for explaining this Dr Bruce Lipton!!!
@hurstjames6199 2 жыл бұрын
Hello how're you doing hope you're safe due to the covid 19 pandemic?
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