The Tragic Decline of Pirates of The Caribbean - A Franchise Retrospective

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Table Creed

Table Creed

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@TableCreed 3 күн бұрын
The narration in this video is pretty bad. Here's the improved version of this video, linked below. Click to watch 'The Tragic Decline of Pirates of The Caribbean - A Franchise Retrospective [RE-RECORDED]' Thank you to everyone who's already watched this video. I really didn't expect so many people to watch it. I have really enjoyed our discussions down here in the comments section (yes, even the Star Wars fans who told me to screw myself). That's all I really want. A place where I can talk about this stuff, with people who actually care. It's so nice to speak with people who share my passion for story-telling. I was very lazy with the narration the first time around. I sometimes clutter my words together, (mild speech impediment, but nothing major), so don't give me your pity. It's a lot worse when I'm speaking in front of a crowd or in this case, speaking into a microphone while being hyper-aware that what I'm saying will eventually be heard. For this video, I ran through my script very quickly, and if I stumbled on a word or didn't really hit the right pronunciation, I just carried on with a "I'll fix it in post" attitude. For some reason I thought the narration was fine when I posted it, but then as it got more views, it began to irk me a bit, then it just started to annoy me. Anyway, now I just take my time when it comes to recording the narration for my videos, and I am really happy with how the re-recorded version of this video turned out. If you take the time to listen to me, then I want to make sure I can say I tried my best to deliver the best possible listening experience. With that said, thank you all for gathering around my table.
@onemoreminute0543 3 ай бұрын
Davy Jones: "My heart was broken by the woman I loved and, in my bitterness, I imprisoned her. In my guilt I carved out my own heart and buried it in a chest, and I soon became a cruel monster feared by all, lashing out at the world to fill the hole in chest." Salazar: "J A C K S P A R R A H."
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
Salazar is like a younger cousin who didn't take losing Monopoly too well. Just a sore loser having a meltdown. He blames Jack Sparrow for his own stupid decisions.
@lasercraft32 4 ай бұрын
I hate how every studio in the world will tear up the graves of dead franchises and tarnish their legacy all for some extra cash.
@TableCreed 4 ай бұрын
Yeah it's crazy. It's gotten so much worse because of streaming platforms like Disney+. These companies are just ravenous for popular IP to beef up their streaming service. It's the equivalent of sticking your hand down the side of a couch for a few loose coins.
@nilesclifford9704 3 ай бұрын
​@@TableCreedI want pirates of the caribbean 6.
@skyteus 3 ай бұрын
Huh, it's like there's a driving force to increace profits ad infinitum...
@kaydgaming 3 ай бұрын
You say that about a series where greedy pirates defile graves for promised treasure
@lasercraft32 3 ай бұрын
@@kaydgaming Its one thing for fictional pirates to do it, and an entirely different thing when _real life people_ do it.
@OsofoGriot 3 ай бұрын
The deleted scene between Cutler-Beckett and Sparrow where Jack utters the legendary line “people aren’t cargo mate” is the true heart of these movies. PEOPLE. ARENT. CARGO.
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
It's a good scene. Crazy that they deleted it, but maybe they just wanted to leave Jack's backstory more ambiguous for the audience.
@ari_zona0 3 ай бұрын
@@TableCreed it made the cinema therapy point about him not having a moral compass sound even worse. That line was the whole basis for his moral compass and all the decisions he makes as a character.
@nadie_0003 4 ай бұрын
Pirates of the Caribbean should have remained a trilogy, that's a fact
@TableCreed 4 ай бұрын
From the perspective of an audience member, yes absolutely it should have remained a trilogy. But from the perspective of Disney, you'd be crazy to stop at just a trilogy so I can't fault them. They problem is that they just didn't maintain the same high quality of production. They didn't understand why people loved this pirate world, so they ended up hiring people who also had no idea why people loved it. Once Verbinski left, it was game over. I don't know how they couldn't find someone else to take over. There must have been plenty of solid directors throwing pitches at them.
@TableCreed 4 ай бұрын
@@Cynic-Retired Yeah, I would agree there is a pattern in most franchises. I think its because when a studio tries to hire people, they try get them to sign on for multiple movies. It seems pretty typical for directors to get signed on to do a trilogy so I'm assuming that was the case with Gore Verbinski. Problem is, a lot of the crew probably agree to sign on just as long as the director signs on, so by the time the director leaves, you've also got an entirely new creative team for the most part who aren't familiar with the franchise. There certainly are exceptions, as you alluded to, like the Harry Potter films, which are relatively consistent in quality with some being better and some being worse, but the creative team on those 7 movies were committed to completing the story for the most part. It probably helped having the author of the books supervising the whole thing too. She would have kept everything in line. Pirates didn't have someone like that and it left them vulnerable. Same for Fast and Furious. A director makes a good movie and then they have no one left to manage the franchise and make sure there's consistency. Imagine your franchise being in the hands of Vin Diesel.
@kingkyan4112 3 ай бұрын
@@Cynic-Retired how dare you call the prequels shit if you dont like the prequels you dont like star wars
@skywalker2676 3 ай бұрын
@@Cynic-Retiredumm prequels are good sir you sound bitter
@absolutezero7353 3 ай бұрын
It is a trilogy idk what you on about
@DCMarvel2009 4 ай бұрын
Honestly the fourth movie was relatively harmless since I mostly consider it an “epilogue” movie now that Jack doesn’t have to worry about his debt with Davy Jones anymore and can just do what he wants. But as was pointed out in this well-constructed video, Dead Men Tell No Tales decided to pull a “happy ending override” for the original cast and retcon for the sake of it.
@TableCreed 4 ай бұрын
Yeah, I thought I'd be more upset with the fourth movie when I rewatched it but I wasn't too offended by it. It just exists. It's not awful, but it's not good. It's kind of like how I feel about Jurassic Park 3. It just exists. Nothing super noteworthy about it. You could have salvaged the franchise from Pirates 4, but now there's just too much decay as a result of Pirates 5. No saving that at this point.
@Hirundo-demersalis 3 ай бұрын
Agreed. Also in DMTNT they killed off Barbosa for real and made him into a deadbeat dad for a dramatic backstory. Fuck that shite!
@Binks182 3 ай бұрын
I find dead men tell no tales at least much better than on stranger tides
@raphlecia 3 ай бұрын
i agree! i adored it for the mermaids mostly, and consider it a holiday spin-off with a few notable characters. like the old star wars tv specials with chewbacca and the ewoks. in that way it stands on its own rather than aggravating the lore and story of the trilogy itself.
@ilovenycsomuch 24 күн бұрын
@@raphlecia the entire mermaid sequence was gorgeous
@finefred9682 3 ай бұрын
Honestly instead of a sequel/reboot, I'd rather have a prequel directed by Verbinski based on Calypso and Davy Jones and his downfall, also another major issue with DMTNT is the lighting, the original trilogy felt had this dark and mystical atmosphere, DMTNT feels glossy and disneyfied
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
Respect your opinion but I'm generally not too fond of prequels. I don't think you can really make a 'four-quadrant' appeal to everyone blockbuster movie about Davey Jones and Calypso. That kind of story would only appeal to a certain niche of people and to be honest, I'd rather fill in the blanks myself. They did a good job giving us the rundown in Pirates 2 and 3. Would be down for Verbinski to return though. Imagine if they reboot and he directs. If he made a fantastic movie completely detached from the world he already created, that would be insanely impressive.
@finefred9682 3 ай бұрын
@@TableCreed I agree, especially over a decade after AWE it wouldn't be the most financial decision, but I'd rather see it than Pirates 6 or a straight up reboot, or a Verbinski directed PoTC film
@nexusthenormie5578 3 ай бұрын
​@@TableCreed I honestly wished blackbeard had more done with his character
@randomdude189 3 ай бұрын
Calypso sucked and was annoying
@lengthymcbottoms2923 20 күн бұрын
I agree with the lighting and color looking Disneyfied. It’s the same problem with Disney Star Wars.
@oldman5247 4 ай бұрын
Gore Verbinski and his crew turned a Disney ride with almost no real story. Into cinematic gold and created something almost out of nothing. Sadly Disney nowadays is turning this Pirate Treasure. Back to a ride with almost no real story. At least the theme park ride was fun to look at. Plus you didn’t have to think about a plot or characters really.
@TableCreed 4 ай бұрын
It's honestly astonishing what Gore Verbisnki accomplished back then, and to be fair, Disney deserves some credit for enabling him to do so. They tried to turn Jungle Cruise into a movie but that didn't work. Pirates of The Caribbean had a Big Bang where it exploded and became this vast open world with endless possibilities. You believed in the world. You could nearly feel the spray of the ocean hitting your skin. Crazy how they're kind of reverting. I think a reboot is inevitable but I think they are in serious trouble.
@eren__morwen5947 3 ай бұрын
Imagine that Pirates 3 was hated on. What the hell was wrong with people to hate it
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
Pirates 2 as well. I just can't understand it.
@Manotevebaba 3 ай бұрын
@@TableCreed Dear TableCreed, I can tell you what my experience with them was, though other people, who disliked them, might felt differently. So I was 11 when Pirates 1 came out. I loved it so much I watched it every day for a while. I've seen it about 200 times within a year. I knew every piece of dialogue by heart. Me and my friends would quote it at school all the time. That's how passionately I loved it. So when the sequels came out, I hated them with equal passion after Pirates 3 ruined everything. Not the characters but storywise. I knew I would never be able to rewatch the first film, and I don't appreciate it when I'm robbed of my favourite film. I still rewatched it years later, not remembering that I shouldn't. As expected, I couldn't enjoy it, knowing that everything that the characters achieve is ultimately in vain. What do I mean? - they defeat Barbossa for nothing as he's resurrected later - Will and Elizabeth get together for nothing as they will be separated forever - Jack becomes the captain of the Black Pearl again for nothing because he'll just lose it again - the governor and Norrington are fine, but they'll both die - even Murtogg and Mullroy, two minor characters are promoted in the end for nothing because they'll fall into piracy anyway. To me, these sequels did exactly what the Star Wars sequels did: ruined the ending of every single character irrepairably. Of course, the SW sequels did much worse than that, but a good story and good character development before a terrible ending is just not enough for me. I didn't like the tone of the sequels that much to begin with, I found them too dark, too serious, the jokes too sparse and forced, but I could've forgiven all of that. I remember I was actually hopeful after Dead Man's Chest, but cried for hours after At Wold's End, just like I cried for hours after both SW 7 and 8 (never watched ep9), even though I was already an adult at the time. That being said, my opinion of these films are based on the emotions of a teenage girl (I was 14 and 15 when they came out), and it's possible I'd have a completely different view about them had I seen them as an adult for the first time. But alas I was in my mid teens, so here I am. If you read my comment up to this point, thank you! I hope I could convey my opinion with respect, not offending those who like these films. Have a nice day!
@fuckingpippaman 3 ай бұрын
I didn't like it at first. Too detached and confusing (and i was an adult already at the time). After a lot of rewatches its still somewhat confusing but i quite like it.
@TalmoTheSell 3 ай бұрын
Seriously. Pirates 3 has like the coolest ending ever
@Ronam0451 3 ай бұрын
​@@Manotevebaba what a baby
@jorgecas5678 3 ай бұрын
Id say Jack in the fourth movie was still Jack, he escaped from the King and still did clever things like swapping the chalices. But Dead Men Tell No Tales almost has no redeeming qualities, they screwed up the canon and Jack is a bufoon even after having the Pearl back. It is almost a parody.
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, I said something similar to that. The characters in Pirates 4 are actually fairly well preserved. They're just not the same though. The writing isn't strong enough to capture the true essence of the characters, particularly Jack and Barbossa. They need solid writers.
@jorgecas5678 3 ай бұрын
@@TableCreed I agree, and Barbossa is better written than Jack in that movie. That final scene getting the Queen Annes Revenge is epic. Also, the only thing (as a Spaniard) DMTNT is better than the fourth movie is the Spanish uniforms of that era. They are represented in OST as black, but they were white. But, ultimately, even OST had a better use of the Spaniards in terms of story. They are much more baddass in the fourth movie destroying the Fountain of youth. Its a little strange that the Gore Verbinsky Trilogy didnt create any spanish character, given that they were the ones dominating the majority of the Caribbean, along with the French.
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
@@jorgecas5678 Yeah, I suppose Spain was kind of glanced over in the original trilogy. They do mention "the Spanish Maine". I just think there were already enough pieces on the board for the original trilogy, and yeah that ending in Stranger Tides with Barbosa taking the Queen Anne's Revenge was great.
@gRinchY-op5vr 3 ай бұрын
​@TableCreed part of the problem is the removal of Will and Elizabeth, sure they're boring characters but they're characters that Jack and Barbosa bounce off of. They're the straight men/women next to the two pirates that they've built a dynamic with, bringing in stand ins like the mermaid/religious guy or Will's son/Barbosa's daughter doesn't work so neither do the remaining characters
@BlackangelKatakuri 3 күн бұрын
​@@TableCreed 4 did give us Blackbeard
@Cynic-Retired 4 ай бұрын
I'm so happy were finally starting to acknowledge Pirates TRILOGY! And I've said this before, I always saw the end of the third film as a depiction of alternate history where Pirates were never wiped out and won a revolutionary war against the British empire. And as much as I like Ian Mcshane as an actor I never liked the inclusion of Blackbeard into this world. The first three pirate movies NEVER relied on actual historical pirates it instead used them as inspiration for their own fictional ones. Like speaking of Blackbeard, Jacoby who is the pirate from Curse of the Black Pearl with the bombs and the SMOKING BEARD is clearly based on Blackbeard. Elizabeth Swann is also probably inspired by someone like Anne Bonny or Mary Read and Barbossa's name is taken from Barbarossa ''Redbeard''. Pintel and Ragetti mention Morgan and Bartholomew as the writers of the Pirate Code as a nice little reference. All the pirate lords are fictional but their flags we see during hoist the colors are all from real pirates, the flag of the Black Pearl is taken from Calico Jack Rackham and if you pay attention you can see that Captain Teague flies what in reality was Blackbeard's flag! But no HISTORICAL Pirate ever showed up in the trilogy and I would think that if Blackbeard did exist in this universe he would probably be part of the Brethren Court. I get the sense that the historical pirates were almost legends to our fictional characters like their time has long passed. Historically inaccurate but this entire Universe is clearly supposed to be FICTIONAL!
@TableCreed 4 ай бұрын
Yeah, Gore Verbinski clearly established this as a fictional world but once he left, they seemed determined to gradually bridge the gap between the pirates world and our real world. I agree that Blackbeard wasn't good in Stranger Tides but I think Ian McShane could have been really great if they gave him something good to work with. I feel like he had a strong commanding presence, at least for his character's introduction. Interesting facts about the real pirate lore. I honestly don't have a problem with them incorporating real pirates into the movies, but maybe that's just because I'm not as well-versed in pirate history as you are. It probably would be best to just adapt the traits of these well-known pirates into new fictional characters though, as you said. Maybe we shouldn't be glorifying real-life pirates who probably did some pretty awful stuff.
@pieterboelen2862 Ай бұрын
​@@TableCreedI thought the Pirate Lords were based in reality. Mistress Ching, at least, was real; right?
@RyanFloom 3 ай бұрын
That’s what Pixar feels like anymore. Products. Incredibles 2, Finding Dory and Toy Story 4 all felt like products. It even says “Disney presents” at the start of the films instead of “Walt Disney Pictures Presents” just feels so corporate Same for the mcu. Same for a majority of blockbusters
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
It's crazy to me how well received Toy Story 4 was at the time of release. I felt like it really didn't live up to the other 3 films. It didn't have much to say. Half the movie seemed to just be about that stupid fork.
@RyanFloom 3 ай бұрын
@@TableCreed and making Buzz a complete MORON! He learned he wasn’t a toy 3 movies ago but now he thinks his voice box recording is his inner voice? It’s not funny nor does it make sense. That’s why he doesn’t feel “real” to me anymore, more ai or something. 4’s ending was just a rehash of 3’s much better ending but woody saying bye instead of Andy. We don’t need a new installment so every character can say bye to the rest of the characters. And they just threw Key & Peele in there for some reason, gave them some real creative character names Bunny and Ducky. Yeah and “Forky” his plot went like nowhere…
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
@@RyanFloom I agree with all those points. I think the movie has a 100% critic score on RT. Not sure how that happened.
@quangamershyguyyz7166 3 ай бұрын
All of those Pixar movies are good films though. They still felt like there was plenty of passion and care put into them, despite most people not asking for them.
@ProtossOP 3 ай бұрын
@@quangamershyguyyz7166as a huge fan of The Incredibles, The Incredibles 2 was more or less the same movie on the surface, but it felt like a hollow shell of the original. I don’t know how to properly explain what’s wrong with the movie, but the first one had a message, several even, that it wanted to tell(like marriage problems, celebrating mediocrity, struggling to be a superhero in a society where they are ostracised, and so on and so forth), the second one had nothing of sorts, it felt like it was made because some higher up said “what can bring us money?”.
@delix787 3 ай бұрын
The reason why Beckett didn’t fire the cannons is because he uses dialogue to control to get what he wants out of people. If he used weapons, it would be out of his character. He had nothing to bargain with so he excepted his fate. 🙂
@randomdude189 3 ай бұрын
It was mostly bad writing for a visual they wanted
@kingDowahs 2 ай бұрын
@@randomdude189Not necessarily since it seemed more like Beckett was having a panic attack at the start and then he didn’t really have a chance to fight back once he got a hold of himself and so just accepted his fate
@deuxlamesvod1360 2 ай бұрын
Even though he had a ton of canons, he could only cover on side of each boat. In contrary, the pirats had both of his side. He could have use his cannons, but he lost in any scenario ​@@randomdude189
@alexlazzerly3677 3 ай бұрын
While On Stranger Tides isn’t nearly as good as the first three, I would argue Jack Sparrow is still consistent with what we’ve seen of him. I think that’s mainly because it was the same writers. It’s in Dead Men Tell No Tales where they hired new writers who did not understand the character whatsoever.
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
I agree.
@lengthymcbottoms2923 20 күн бұрын
@@TableCreed I’ve never understood when taking on an already known franchise why producers don’t hire the same people that made the previous films great. It’s like they felt as if they wouldn’t get to take as much credit if they did. Nothing infuriates me more than when corpos and wokies get involved with beloved art and focus more on making it their own thing for the recognition rather than respecting the fans and source material.
@NotUlpoadingAnything 3 ай бұрын
One of the several things I didn't like about DMTNT is that it totally rewrote Jack's backstory. There's a deleted scene in Dead Man's Chest that shows he was branded a pirate because he freed a EATC slave ship. The book The Price of Freedom elaborates on the story set up by that deleted scene. Why not just make that into a movie instead?
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
I've seen that deleted scene. I liked it, but I'm fine with it being cut. It confirms what we all think about Jack Sparrow, that he's a good man. I don't think that should be made so clear. I like that you have to read between the lines to understand Jack's character and motives. The Liars dice scene is probably my favourite deleted scene. It's so good.
@M33PSTER 3 ай бұрын
The only way a pirates reboot could work and not spit on the franchise would be an entirely new cast, entirely new story, and retcon the curse undone.
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
I agree. Erase everything, don't actively search for a director, but wait for someone to come knocking at the offices.
@DJGHOSH 3 ай бұрын
Hollywood is allergic to a well loved franchise existing without sequels that tarnish it's legacy.
@kingDowahs 2 ай бұрын
Barbossa: Cursed because of his own greed, now wants to repent and live again Beckett: Wants to use Jones to end the pirate era and take control of more of the world for the East India trading company Davy Jones: Ruined by the Woman he loved and turned into a monster, now just wants to live and make others suffer like him Blackbeard: Wants to be immortal because he’s a boomer Salazar: F### the sparrow, All my homies Hate the sparrow If that doesn’t show how this franchise got ruined I don’t know what will
@TableCreed 2 ай бұрын
Yeah. It really is only a small element but a great villain can really take a movie to the next level. A bad villain makes things very tough. That's just an uphill battle.
@MrMgkman13 3 ай бұрын
I disagree that Jack gets over his fear of death in At World’s End. That’s actually what On Stranger Tides is about. Jack’s plan in AWE is to replace Davy Jones. He wants to live forever because he’s had a taste of dying and doesn’t want to do that again. He never works through this in AWE, he just has to change his plan to save Will at the last minute. It was a split second decision, and as soon as the dust settles he immediately pivots to another eternal life plot; the Fountain Of Youth. It isn’t until the end of Stranger Tides that Jack realizes the thrill of adventure and possibility of death is what makes life exciting, as laid out in the final scene with Gibbs.
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
I didn't say he got over his fear of death. I just meant that the horrors of Davey Jones' locker showed him that there are things to be more scared of. That kind of allowed Jack to closet his fear of Davey Jones for a bit, because a world without piracy, without true freedom is the scariest thing of all for Jack.
@spawncampe 3 ай бұрын
My quick rankings. 1. First movie: Actual film perfection, a film I wish I saw in theaters 2. Dead Man's Chest: not perfect but a lot of fun 3. At World's End: some pacing issues but very satisfying finale 4. Stranger's Tides: just a meh Jack Sparrow spinoff, sorta works as an epilogue but wasted potential 5. Dead Man Tell No Tales: bruh...what was that
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
I agree for the most part, give or take a few percent.
@Marshwiggles 3 ай бұрын
I heard that in the last movie that Johnny was wearing an earpiece and they were feeding him his lines that way which could be another reason why he was so off as well. When it comes to Corina as Barbossa's daughter if you actually did the math, she would have been conceived and born when Barbossa was still cursed. I highly doubt the undead pirates could procreate at that time. The Will Turner being barnacle-like is supposed to be because Salazar's crew *eye roll* was still in the sea rather than being picked up by the Dutchman.
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
I wouldn't have thought that Salazar and his crew would have been included in that. They're not supposed to pass on to the afterlife. That's their punishment. Doesn't make sense to me that they'd be Will's responsibility.
@Marshwiggles 3 ай бұрын
@@TableCreed Neither would I, but that is what people are using to keep it from being a plot hole and explain why Will and his crew are reverting back to what they were under Davy Jones. And likely what the writers of Dead Men Tell No Tales were trying to push in order for people to accept Henry's quest and to be able to make Pirates 5?
@Cheddarcheese- 3 ай бұрын
The "My name is Barbossa" Scene is not giving flashbacks, its actually foreshadowing xD
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, I guess you're right. The Star Wars one is just the more prominent one of the two. It's the more egregious, so that's why it's kind of reversed for me. The Star Wars one is the one you want to be reminded of the least.
@Scorpia__ 3 ай бұрын
...Barbossa Skywalker
@praeamble 3 ай бұрын
Stranger Tides is the one that hurts the most for me, that movie had so much potential and could have returned the series to the more grounded roots of the original, but it was just such a mess and the portrayal of Blackbeard which should have been a highlight of the film was absolutely atrocious.
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
I can understand that. It was the first sign that things weren't ever going to be the same again. I think Stranger Tides hurts, but Dead Men Tell No Tale enrages.
@nexusthenormie5578 3 ай бұрын
​@@TableCreed Blackbeard is such wasted potential man
@Jaythesparrow 3 ай бұрын
Completely disagree, what a whack ass take. Blackbeard was awesome.
@iDunnoMan9000 3 ай бұрын
"Will Turner's heart is in a f*cking box" had me absolutely rolling! XD
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
Glad to hear! That's better than the eye-rolling I was experiencing while watching the movie again.
@christophermichaelclarence6003 4 ай бұрын
I grew up watching the POTC Trilogy as a kid and a teen. Really fortunate. Same as Star Wars, Lord of the Rings. They were such blockbuster movies. Dead Men Chest and World's End are by far my favorite. We’ve all noticed from the 4 and 5 is less enjoyable to watch. There’s decline indeed No Jack. No Pirates of the Carribean
@TableCreed 4 ай бұрын
Yeah, it's crazy how the franchise has just drifted into irrelevancy. These were huge movies. And yeah, I'm with you on Dead Man's Chest and At World's End. I love them so much. I cannot understand why a lot of people think they're a massive step down from the first film. It's hard for me to pick which one I like best. I am curious though, would you watch a Pirates of The Caribbean movie if they just used completely different characters? Obviously if they try cast someone else as Jack Sparrow, I support everyone who doesn't want to watch, but what about a whole new universe with new characters? Have they got your movie ticket or no?
@christophermichaelclarence6003 4 ай бұрын
I might not watch the next movie. However I wouldn't mind they're adding new characters. As long as they are accurate. Female pirates, like Mary Read and Bonnie had existed in real life. They better bring a beautiful female actress
@TableCreed 4 ай бұрын
@@christophermichaelclarence6003 I'm glad to see you're at least saying "might". I agree with everyone who doesn't want to support Disney if they recast Jack Sparrow, but by all means if they do a complete factory reset with new characters, get a solid director with a passion and a vision, and it receives good word of mouth, I will absolutely go and watch that. If I feel disrespected as a fan of the franchise, I suppose that's the deciding factor. Interesting that you want them to use real-life pirates. Another person in the comments said they prefer purely fictional characters. I don't know how I feel about that.
@christophermichaelclarence6003 4 ай бұрын
@@TableCreed Indeed. However I dont like the idea of a reboot. Restarting again
@TableCreed 4 ай бұрын
@@christophermichaelclarence6003 I don't think many people will like the idea of a reboot until it comes out and hopefully it's good. There's a worry that it will be unrecognizable and people generally don't like change, but if the quality is high enough, I think we will all get over it. Just kind of doubting their ability to put something high quality out.
@delix787 3 ай бұрын
Honestly, I feel like the fan base overhyped jack sparrow as some fearless being! And because of that, they set themselves up for disappointment. Jack sparrow was originally supposed to be this pirate that no one respected because it’s part of his illusion. He wants you to think he’s dumb so he can get the win on you. That’s what the fans took way too literally. Jack never implied that he’s a god or does anything differently. He’s mentioned several times that he needs a crew a ship and food and Rum! He’s human. He has emotions like everyone else! Some people say it’s out of character for Jack to fear Davy Jones. But why? 😂 We’ve seen people be brave and tried to stab Davy Jones and he literally does not die. Jack sparrow can be fearless all he wants, but that does not take away the fact he can’t defeat an octopus god. 😅 Jack knew very well that there was nothing he could do against Davy Jones without a plan to take him down. He actually was being smart and not being overconfident because he knew that would be the end of him, if Jack just took advantage of his name and believed he could take down Davy Jones, because of title reasons well that be the end die him lol. Jack sparrow knows that he can’t accomplish everything regardless of what the sea hyped him up to be. He has a limits. And I think the fan base can’t stand the fact that he literally is just human. I believe they took the first movie way too seriously. 🗣️
@dimension323 4 ай бұрын
Im so sad, they did my boy wrong
@TableCreed 4 ай бұрын
What's really weird to me is how nobody really seems that upset by it. Jack Sparrow was a cinematic icon and they turned him into a weird parody of himself. I honestly cannot express how much I hate Dead Men Tell No Tale for what it did to Jack Sparrow. The people who made that movie clearly had no idea why people liked Jack Sparrow or Pirates of The Caribbean for that matter.
@shahbanouscheherazade5651 3 ай бұрын
@@TableCreedTotally with you on this. The last movie was really intolerable. I saw it twice, and wrote six pages of notes whilst viewing it-all critical. I simply could not believe they could make a movie that awful.
@jesustyronechrist2330 3 ай бұрын
I genuinely always forget that there are more Pirates movies than the trilogy.
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
Ignorance is bliss. Your brain is subconsciously protecting itself.
@bar2d29 3 ай бұрын
I do too! I remember stranger tides because I thought Blackbeard being in it was cool, but the 5th one never crosses my mind until I see a film clip or it’s mentioned in a video🤣
@NoahBennett-vk6py 4 ай бұрын
Jack considering shooting Elizabeth, is exactly how I feel when someone says they don't like the other films 😂
@andrewkelly1337 3 ай бұрын
That little bit where Jack puts down the bottle with the pearl to line it up with the sea after his crew leaves was pretty good
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
Should've had it out of that Bottle a week after the events of Stranger Tides. I had no patience for that stupid bottle. It's ridiculous to think that Barbosa wouldn't have freed it for Jack sometimes after the events of Stranger Tides.
@andrewkelly1337 2 ай бұрын
@@TableCreed Ridiculous to think Barbossa wouldn't have freed it for Jack, ok. You really don't have to contrive bogus criticisms to get mad at.. Dead Men Tell No Tales. I think that's it.
@TableCreed 2 ай бұрын
@@andrewkelly1337 sorry, but that latest comment is confusing me. I'm not sure if you're in agreement with me or oppose me on that. Either way, that's not a genuine criticism, which is why I didn't mention it in the video. It's just a little nitpick, a thing that bothered me. You can't just pick up on one small thing I said in the comments section and use it to make it seem like everything I deemed worthy enough to be included in the video were just 'bogus criticisms'. idk, I'm not too sure what you're implying. Maybe you can elaborate a bit more?
@LARS20235 3 ай бұрын
The only way I could except a pirates reboot, is if it featured a younger Jack Sparrow with perfect casting for someone to play his younger self. There's plenty of backstory to build a world around and tell interesting stories, in my opinion.
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
I'm not sure about that. I kind of like that Jack's past is up to interpretation. An aspect of his character is how he lies about his history to make himself more respectable. I feel like we shouldn't be let in on his real history, just like the other characters around him. It's nice you're so open to someone else playing Jack Sparrow but I genuinely think there would be riots if that actually happened. Johnny Depp would have to give his approval. People aren't just going to let someone else play Jack after they basically kicked him out of the Disney family, even if it is a younger Jack.
@paleoraptor1181 3 ай бұрын
you forgot the best part in the entirety of Pirates 5 : Uncle Jack
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, that was almost an honorable mention for the things I liked about Pirates 5 but it just didn't push the needle far enough. I remember a part where uncle Jack tells an awful joke then you just hear some absolute lunatic laughing his head off a few prison cells down the hallway. I actually didn't really care for Uncle Jack. It was just a throwaway joke but that laugh was so good. That actor or voice actor who did the laugh has really good comedic timing.
@lenoxx_s1884 3 ай бұрын
I did like seeing Paul McCartney
@justwonder1404 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for validating my decision to not go back for the parts 4 and 5. I didn't love how Elisabeth's story ended in the third one, but it was still an overall satisfying conclusion, and I know that a good story doesn't overstay its welcome otherwise it stops being good.
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
Glad to be of some use. Yeah, Elizabeth's story was kind of linked to Will's. She does get a bit of a raw deal at the end. 'remain faithful to this man whom you only get to see every 10 years, and by the way, here's a human heart in a box'. I do like her evolution from a privileged/ flouncy rich girl into a woman who can legitimately hold her own in a room full of pirates.
@justwonder1404 2 ай бұрын
@TableCreed yep, she had a great arc. I mostly was disappointed to not see her going on with her King of pirates career, but she probably wasn't much into it anyway. I think she'd be alright wherever she found herself.
@dragon32flower 3 ай бұрын
If they did make another movie, I would want it to be a spin-off. have a new curse, new crew, new villain, and no attachment whatsoever to previous 5 movies. Also have it take place in the earlier years of the francize because in 5th movie from what I remember it was sort of was saying the pirate era was coming to an end, and if you set a pirate's movie in that time period it wouldn't make an enjoyable movie were anything could have happened/ they wouldn't be on a historical accuracy time crunch.
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, I suppose if they set it far back enough, that would be okay with me, say 50 years before the events of Curse of The Black Pearl. If you set the time period too close, you risk them doing something incredibly stupid like showing us Jack Sparrow as a kid. Just imagine the horror of that.
I attribute the franchise destructive plot holes in the fifth film being the result of hiring two Norwegian directors who didn't speak much English while directing the film. . There was probably a lot of previously established lore that was lost in translation.
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
Might be a factor. Who knows. But if they were fans of the franchise, they would have seen a Norwegian dubbed version of the movies, but I have my doubts they even watched the other films. And even if your hypothesis is true, there should have been someone overseeing all of this to make sure everyone kept inside the parameters, made sure everyone was in check and that everything was consistent. There didn't seem to be a person like that, and that's a failure on Disney's part for not putting someone in that position. They just let the money-men run the show.
@delix787 3 ай бұрын
My favorite Jack sparrow moment in dead man’s chest. Is when Jack couldn’t desire what he wanted, so the compass couldn’t help him out. Jack takes advantage of Elizabeth’s feelings of wanting to save will. In order to convince her, if you want to save Will, you have to desire to want to get to the chest of Davy jones! If Jack couldn’t figure out what he wanted, he was going to get it out of Elizabeth by manipulation. Jack used Elizabeth in order to get closer to the chest so he could control Davy Jones along with going back and saving Will, by chance if he’s still alive because Will was only bite for jones, for Jack to have more time to get to the chest, but when he runs into many obstacles of desires, he was lost and confused so he used Elizabeth to figure out how to get the game plan started. People keep saying Jack’s intelligent went downhill after the first movie, and honestly, what are you talking about? 😂
@hm47ent. 3 ай бұрын
Finally, someone trashing on Pirates 5! How can so many call Pirates 3 the worst one, it has its flaws, yes, especially when you know they were writing the script while shooting and not before, but, Pirates 5 is an absolute piece of sh*t that shames and throws away everything the second did marvelously. Good video, mate.
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for the kind words. I wish I didn't have to trash on a Pirates of The Caribbean movie. It's so sad that it's come to this. I don't know how anyone watches the entire franchise and ends up thinking Pirates 3 is the worst one. I mean, if not Pirates 5, Pirates 4 is the next one on the chopping block. And yeah, Pirates 5 felt like they wrote it as they went along. I find it hard to believe someone proof-read that and gave it the green light.
@Twisterio2 3 ай бұрын
I always like to look at the potc 4 and 5 and just say to myself "nevermind all that!" then take potc 3 as an ending (even though it is teased clearly that there should be a sequel, that's up to imagination i guess.)
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
I do the exact same thing with the Alien Franchise. After 'Aliens', that's just the end for me. I'll imagine the rest. We've got to mentally protect ourselves from the sheer horror of our beloved franchises being destroyed before our eyes.
@alexman378 3 ай бұрын
To your point about Carina, it gets even funnier when you realize that female astronomers have been around for over a thousand years at that stage, and female horologists were a thing at the time.
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, it was absurd what kind of picture they were trying to paint. They really were smacking us in the face with that nonsense.
@Sigma-xb6kn 3 ай бұрын
It screems "I wanted a feminist message without ever reading up on feminist thought" In the original trilogy, Elizabeth escapes her oppressive life (represented by corsets) by entering the world of pirates. Throughout the 2nd and 3rd she learns how to maneuver the world and ends her journey with being pirate king, something that was impossible in her previous life. The message is clear: A woman can only be liberated if she lives in an environment in which she can thrive. Individual men aren't the problem (see how Barbarossa treats her in 1 vs 3, to him she is a person who has no idea how the world works but becomes a respectable amd competent person, it's consistent yet changes). In 5, the woman gets harassed by men and called a witch, which shows that woman aren't liberated because individual men are assholes. When did any influential feminist writer in the entire history of it, ever, wrote anything close to that?
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
@@Sigma-xb6kn yeah, the pirates trilogy give far better representation as to what life could have been like for women at the time. Elizabeth does get pushed around a little bit due to her being a woman, but a lot of it comes down to her position as the governors daughter. She has expectations placed on her, whether fairly or unfairly. The pirates trilogy doesn't say 'this is no place for a woman' or 'this is a man's world', but it does make it seem like it is very unorthodox for a woman to find power in this world, which is historically accurate, but despite this, Elizabeth takes insult after insult and smackdown after smackdown until she learns how to actually fit within this world of pirates. She learns how to hold her own. In pirates 5 it's just so unnatural with Karina.
@delix787 3 ай бұрын
The island scene always felt like a studio interferent to me, because it literally does not fit with the dark writing of this film. 😨
@Bobb11881 3 ай бұрын
You could also argue that Salazar wasn't Jack's biggest fear when he gave away the compass in the second and third movies. I'm more concerned with how the fifth movie completely forgets Jack's established backstory. In the original trilogy, he had been a sailor hired by Beckett to transport slaves, Jack freed them so Beckett branded him a pirate and sank the Pearl, Jack made a deal with Jones to raise it back up in exchange for Jack joining his crew in 10 years, then at some point he got the compass from Tia Dalma and used it to find Cortez's cursed treasure, but Barbossa betrayed him and marooned him on an island. That was his backstory. You could argue that deleted scenes don't count as canon, but that only discounts the part about the slaves, and I'd argue that absolutely _should_ count as canon because it's the only explanation ever offered by any of the five movies for what Jack's history with Beckett is or why he needed to form a contract with Jones to raise the Pearl from the depths. But in the fifth movie, suddenly he was always a pirate who served on what would become the Black Pearl and some random guy gave him the compass and made him captain. What? It was explicitly stated in the second movie that Tia Dalma gave him the compass and that he made a deal with Jones to raise the Pearl back up and become its captain. We know that becoming captain was part of his deal with Jones because of the first scene where they interact. There's just no regard for continuity.
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, you'd think if you were hired to write a Pirates of The Caribbean movie, you'd go back and watch the previous ones just to know what you have to work with, but they didn't seem too concerned about that. They didn't care about this world. They just had their stupid little story to tell and they didn't care about what came before. You'd think with these franchises, they'd have someone well-versed in the lore of the world to proof-read the script for any continuity errors. That seems like common sense to me. You can't pay some pirates fan a couple thousand dollars to go through the script?
@Bobb11881 3 ай бұрын
@@TableCreed On the contrary. One of the writers for the fifth movie was also a writer for the first three. I have no idea what happened here.
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
@@Bobb11881 Yeah, I'm aware of that, but I don't know if they were the head writer. It seems like there were a few writers on Pirates 5. I think there were two of the writers from the original trilogy working on Pirates 5. Who knows if they actually did anything or just got a writing credit because of prior work or maybe they just proof-read the script once in exchange for a writing credit. I don't know.
@phil7144 3 ай бұрын
I've always maintained that the reason 4 and 5 were subpar is because they were made with little effort from the director and writers. The director and writing team of the first 3 were extremely meticulous and passionate about the films. It's obvious that 4 & 5 were made by filmmakers who were just there to collect a paycheck
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
Can you believe that Pirates 4 was written by the same two guys who worked on the original trilogy? The only difference is that they didn't have Gore Verbinski on the writing team with them that time. Left them vulnerable. Think they had some involvement for Pirates 5 but there were other writers brought in as far as I'm aware. It was all downhill once Verbinski left the franchise.
@phil7144 3 ай бұрын
@TableCreed yeah that makes sense. Honestly I thought that Rossio and Elliot got credited on 4 by virtue of them creating the characters from the first 3 movies. I didn't realize they actually worked on part 4 but now that you told me I can understand why it wasn't nearly as poor as 5
@lemammouthcochondinde6974 6 күн бұрын
26:34 Also ironically that was what Beckett did in At World’s End when he asks Davy Jones to kill his pet. Thanks Henry for completing the goal of the main villain of the third movie.
@Mr.JoScope 3 ай бұрын
“the prequels sucked then and they suck now” You lost me. “the Pirates trilogy was great then and it’s great now” All right, I’m back 😂😂😂
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for being a good sport about it. There's been a few people passionately annoyed by that comment about the prequels. I only brought it in because I feel like it's an apt comparison between franchises. It's not my goal to trash Star Wars.
@Mr.JoScope 3 ай бұрын
@@TableCreed oh, absolutely. I love the Prequel‘s with a burning passion just as much as I love the original trilogy and I’m always ready to have a talk about them, but there are some fans who just lose their freaking minds if someone makes a comment negative toward some thing, they personally like and that’s especially true with Star Wars fans. Stuff like that is just annoying and takes away from good conversation. By the way, amazing vid! Particularly your take with the cannibal island was spot on in my eyes. It always felt like it was one last idea from black pearl both in concept and tone that they moved to chest.
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
@@Mr.JoScope There's one person who I've been going back and forward with in a comment that's really just perplexing me. They wont accept my opinion at all. They said I was "blind" while watching them or just "don't understand", and I'm just sitting here thinking 'oh, so it's not okay for me to say I don't like the prequels, but you see no problem with trying to invalidate anyone who doesn't agree with you?'. Its so bizarre to me. I know this video kind of made it seem like I was saying the prequels were objectively bad, but I think anything I say in a video is inherently subjective due to the nature of it being a video I made, and I even explained that, but nope, I'm wrong and they're right. I must have had my eyes closed while I was watching the prequels apparently. Yeah, The cannibal island just felt like something they wanted to do and just couldn't bring themselves to cut it out. Like I said, I think it could have worked if they just adjusted the tone to keep it more in line with the rest of the movie, which set a pretty eerie tone very early on. There's a sense of darkness to Dead Man's Chest and that scene just doesn't fit in my opinion.
@Eli62104 2 ай бұрын
"The prequels sucked then. And the suck now. The pirates trilogy was awesome then and it's awesome now." Preach it, brother!
@TableCreed 2 ай бұрын
Ha. That bothered so many people. Nice to see a few in support of that statement.
@RazmOnnen 3 ай бұрын
I adore at world's end especially. I remember how polarising it was at school tho. Everyone HATED the rocking of the boat scene lmao, while I watched it over and over and over as soon as it came out on dvd. I thought it was so cinematic haha. But I remember my most rewatched scene for some reason was the first confrontation between jack and Beckett (right after they come back from the afterworld) intercut with the others bargaining on the ship. Non native speaker here, and that scene was the very first I watched in English. I thought it was so clever
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
ha, I love that rocking the boat scene. It was a bit of a gamble on Jack's part, but it was so funny when even Barbosa looks at the map and says "he's right!" and joins in. Again, just further showing how Jack operates on a different plain. He has a very unorthodox way of thinking, and yeah negotiation scenes with Beckett were always interesting.
@TheSEAempire 4 ай бұрын
Excellent video, you excellently explained why this franchise really just can't continue. I just subscribed, keep up the great work!
@TableCreed 4 ай бұрын
Thank you. You may have just made my day! Yeah, they completely wrote themselves into a corner. Removing ocean curses from this world is just so perplexing. Are they trying to say this is set in the real world or something? I don't know. Absolute lunatics working on this franchise. It's like they didn't even watch the previous movies. Pirates of The Caribbean is a mystical world. It's a complete fantasy. I don't know why they'd want to remove these fantasy elements.
@DCMarvel2009 4 ай бұрын
Gore Verbinski fully intended for the Pirates movies to JUST be a trilogy; that’s why At World’s End felt so CONCLUSIVE for all the major characters involved, even though it ended with an “and the adventure continues…” ending with Jack looking for the Fountain of Youth. Disney just decided to try and pile on an already-complete story, continuity and story sensibility be damned.
@TableCreed 4 ай бұрын
@@DCMarvel2009 To be honest, I don't blame Disney for moving ahead. When you've conjured a multi-billion dollar franchise out of nothing, you'd be a fool to stop making movies. I do blame them for not getting the proper people in place to carry on the work of Verbinski. They didn't even rush the decision. They just made a bad decision.
@femalesrule2295 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for this post!!! We felt like we were a part of the all the movies! We weren’t just watching them but enthralled/happy/brokenhearted. We lived in the world w/ POTC In big, Huge part to Johnny Depp!! ❤❤❤ RIP POTC!!
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
I think Pirates of The Caribbean as we know it is gone, but they'll keep making them as long as they make money.
@eddielong8663 3 ай бұрын
Another stupid plothole that wasn't mentioned here, is the after-credits scene in 'On Stranger Tides' when the magical Jack Sparrow voodoo doll washes up onshore right next to Angelica. I was stupid enough at the time to actially think that scene was going somewhere. But i guess it's not exactly the biggest plothole problem with the franchise anyway, is it?
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, it was a bit silly. You could make the argument that it wasn't forgotten about, and that Angelica has the doll but doesn't want to hurt Jack. I didn't really think much of it since it was such a throwaway thing. Maybe whatever spell was on that doll was broken once Blackbeard died, and Angelica just had a useless doll?
@skywalker2676 3 ай бұрын
Dead mans chest was and always will be my favorite pirate movie 😮‍💨
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
It's difficult for me to pick which one I like best but yes, I love Dead Man's Chest too.
@alxsytb 2 ай бұрын
i think what throws a lot of people off the second and third movie is its mythology. they are a fantasy story, inherently, whereas movie one could be viewed more as a silly historical setting with some light magic elements. the skeletons were one thing, because skeletons and pirates are very linked in pop culture, its cartoony. but movie 2 and movie 3 especially take it up a good few nothces on the supernatural aspects to the point where the world seems more like an ocean based dnd campaign than a silly pirate movie that happens to have actual cursed gold in it. which is something that i absolutely love but can understand that thats not the thing that some people wanted from a pirates of the carribean sequel.
@TableCreed 2 ай бұрын
That's a good way of describing it, "ocean-based DnD campaign". Like you, I also love how the world feels in Pirates 2 and 3, but yes it is far more complex and I can see why it would be difficult for people to get invested in.
@delix787 3 ай бұрын
Me forever defending gore verbinski’s amazing trilogy! 🎥 ☠️☠️☠️ (Part 1) For anybody who is always praising the first movie to be the best. I have been studying 1-3 and I constantly re-watch them. Pirates of the Caribbean does not go downhill in writing after the first movie. That is your business to believe that opinion everyone else goes with. Dead man’s chest gave the characters more depth! Elizabeth and William barely have anything to work with in the first movie. William’s relationship with his father that was hinted in the first movie of his father‘s existence. Paid off wonderfully. William’s character had way more in depth now and you have something to truly care about him for. You get both perspectives when you understand their Reunion! Bootstrap didn’t want Will to become a pirate like him, he wanted him to have a free life from the pirate life. William had a hard time accepting he was half Pirate but when he accepted his life and his father… He has a new journey to stab the heart of Davy Jones to set his father free. And you’re implying William is better in the first movie just because he wanted to save the girl he loved? William in the second movie now has Elizabeth as a lover. And now a new journey to rescue his father someone else he cares about. And this became a difficult situation when bootstrap told Elizabeth at world‘s end. William has to make a decision. Either don’t kill Davy Jones so he can be with you. Or he does kill Davy Jones and set me free, but he won’t be able to be on land for 10 years. If I were him I wouldn’t pick me! 😕 The emotional weight on William’s character gets better and better. Elizabeth in the first movie was just a damsel in distress girl. She wasn’t useless in the first movie but you get the point. In the second movie, Elizabeth learned to wield a sword and she used it in the battle. She pulled a gun to Beckett‘s head.. went on her own journey to save will. She has grown a lot since the first movie who was just an innocent girl! Elizabeth got better as a character in 2 and 3! As for Jack sparrow. He does not become a joke at all in all 3 movies. Jack sparrow is at his best in the second movie and in the third movie. There was a moment in dead men’s chest… Where Jack didn’t know what he truly wanted so the compass couldn’t locate what he desired. So when Elizabeth went on her journey and then found Jack.. Jack used her for his advantage! He took advantage of Elizabeth’s feelings by telling her if you want to save Will you have to want to find the chest of Davy Jones! In order to get will back.. That’s why Jack gave her the compass. Jack knew if he couldn’t figure what he wanted out he was going to get it out of Elizabeth. Since Elizabeth now wants to find the chest of Davy Jones to save will. This gives Jack the huge opportunity to find the chest to stab the heart in it. But instead he wants to control DavyJones before killing him. Jack sparrow is not stupid! When will was trying to stab the heart towards the end of the second movie. Jack knows just because Davy Jones is dead, does not mean the Kraken will be stopped as well. And you’re telling me Jack is dumb after part 1?? As for Beckett. He was a well executed villain who uses dialogue and negotiation to control people. The Reason why Beckett didn’t fire his cannons at worlds end. Was because it would be totally out of his character to use weapons. Beckett uses certain words to get through people and how to control them behind the scenes. Beckett at the end of the movie had nothing left to negotiate with. Davy Jones was dead, Jack sparrow is alive and well. Will Turner is now the new captain of the Flying Dutchman. Beckett had literally nothing to use against on people. He was caught in shocked and he decided to die.. Anyways I could defend the Gore Verbinski’s Trilogy all night. His trilogy is an underrated trilogy. It had great character writing and amazing detail of its depth. Also Will vs Davy Jones!!! 😈😈😈 when Will challenging Davy Jones. Davy Jones asks him how do you know about the key? Will replies and says, that's NOT part of the game is it? 😏 You can STILL walk away!! 😏 As for pirates 4/5 they are not even Canon they are filler movies. The story ended at worlds end! ☠️ (Part 2) Dead man’s chest has a very simple plot.. Jack sparrow is the master at controlling peoples hearts to get what he wants and out of a situation. He screwed over Will so Jack can save himself… But it worked in his favor for his reunion to meet his father.. William even told Jack you screwed me over but because of you I was reunited with my father after such a long time.. Elizabeth was caught in Jack’s illusion of trusting him to get Will back that had nothing to do with him which was a lie. Will being on Davy Jones ship had everything to do with Jack lol. Jack left on good terms with Elizabeth and William in the first movie. Elizabeth had every right to believe Jack…. It was Jack who took advantage of her feelings to find the chest by telling her if you want to find will you need to find the chest of Davy Jones! But it was an illusion so Jack can get closer to find the chest of Davy Jones to control him. But to also go back and save will after Jack got what he wanted. If people don’t understand these movies that’s their problem. But I understand every movie! That’s why I rank 2>3>1 ☠️☠️☠️ (Part 3) I’m sorry to break it to you but the curse of the Black Pearl is my least favorite in the trilogy. I rewatch the trilogy every few months. And to me I just don’t find it as deep or as interesting compared to dead man’s chest or at worlds end. Curse of the Black Pearl is still a well written amazing film. It’s just I’d rather choose having William struggle on trying to save his father from Davy Jones along side using very clever strategy and dialogue during the dice liar game on Davy Jones to get key from him.. VS William in the first movie who just wants to save Elizabeth…. I love darker storytelling and when steaks are becoming higher! Dead man’s chest gave me everything.. Elizabeth was a useful damsel in stress female lead in the first movie. But I would rather choose her character development in the second movie compared to her in the first movie. Elizabeth pulled a gun on Beckett’s face. She went on her own journey to save William. Who also taught her how to defend herself with swords. And that paid off well at the end of the movie! Her development is miles better in (Dead mens chest) compared to herself in the first movie who just takes the fall for William to protect him from Barbosa. Jack sparrow’s dialog and clever intelligence grew (MORE) in (dead men’s chest) and (at worlds end) and you cannot convince me otherwise. If people think he became a joke after the first movie that sounds like a (YOU PROBLEM) Jack sparrow is pretty intelligent in the second movie on being a master at manipulation and taking advantage of people around him to get himself out of a situation in order to save his life and possibly everyone else’s. He just knows how to play the game like that….. You can’t trust Jack sparrow on making the right decisions because he’s supposed to be ahead of the game on everyone’s perspective on him. If Jack was easy to follow with answers he wouldn’t be Jack sparrow lol. Not to mention what’s with this opinion on people saying Jack sparrow was someone you should not mess with?? Jack sparrow literally wants you to mess with him so he can use that to his advantage to pull you in under his string, for you to doubt him in order to rise up above everyone else. You were caught in his illusion the entire time so he can be superior at the end of the situation and screw you over. If Jack sparrow was someone to NOT mess with, just like Davy Jones.. Then you wouldn’t be caught in Jack sparrow’s illusion on being the worst pirate in the world.. No seriously if Jack had the same fear approach as Davy Jones…. Then all you would have to do were to look at Jack sparrow for a few seconds and be so scared of him, Everyone would just run away.. literally what’s the fun in that for Jack Sparrow?! If he was someone to not mess like people claim. Then (WHY) do people keep on assisting 100% on messing with Jack Sparrow?? Please answer that man lol. That literally makes no sense… 😂
@who3182 3 ай бұрын
The Pirates trilogy imbodies the Disney brand the most and is what every Disney movie should aspire to be Adventurous, funny, and imaginative as hell
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
It definitely defines a certain era of Disney, but I think most people will think of Peter Pan, Snow White, The Little Mermaid, and stuff like that when they think of what movies embody the company best.
@femalesrule2295 3 ай бұрын
Cinema Therapy is Wrong about the traits for Jack Sparrow!!
@MAGSHMM 3 ай бұрын
That clip of cinema therapist HAHAHAHA love them!!
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
ha, yeah, I just couldn't make this video without bringing them in.
@Megatron_95 3 ай бұрын
Heresy. Downright blasphemous talk to saying that Dead Man's Chest and At World's End suck. But also, I have disagree with you, mate. The Star Wars prequels have their issues but they are still good. Always have and always be good
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
There's been a few people annoyed by what I said about the Star Wars prequels. Of course it's all subjective, but given how this video is from my POV, I kind of said it like it was objective. The prequels have a lot of issues though, but most importantly, the writing and character dialogue just isn't up to par with the original trilogy. I was never really invested in any of the characters. I have no loyalty to Star Wars. I think I watched it too late in my life. I don't have that same attachment to it like many others do, so I don't care for a lot of stuff other would probably get joy from. The reason I think they're not good is because I watched them about 6-7 years ago, and I've never rewatched them or even considered rewatching them. That's not good. They didn't leave an impression on me. I did say to the other commenters that Revenge of The Sith is the one I prefer out of the three.
@DezMarivette 3 ай бұрын
I’ve always felt like a Curse of the Black Pearl purist and treated all the other films like fanfics but your review has brought me new appreciation for them!
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
Glad to hear. I hope you enjoy them more on your next rewatch.
@GoldenAfternoonsInHell 2 ай бұрын
Jack's well-hidden moral code is like my favorite thing about his character. Its the first thing we see from him, so the argument that he doesn't have one or that its faulty is incredibly silly to me. If he really only cared about himself, he wouldn't have saved Elizabeth to begin with. There's no selfish logic to risking your life to save a woman you don't know, who no one else was about to risk their lives for, who fell from a height that might have killed her anyways into rocks that she could have just died on, when you're main concern is staying on the down-low to avoid being captured. Shoutout to Film Theory though for giving me closure with DMTNT by blaming the whole thing on Jack's boiled brain.
@TableCreed 2 ай бұрын
Yeah, Jack has one, he just can't let people know he has one, not unless he really trusts them. How someone can watch those three movies and not pick up on that just baffles me.
@chipfat 3 ай бұрын
Great vid mate perfectly summarises the issues this once incredible IP has suffered from in recent instalments. I’m very much a proponent of letting art rest in peace once it’s fulfilled its vision. Unfortunately big studios can’t make anything original these days and so they bastardise our beloved art until it’s no longer recognisable.
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, they'll run these franchises into the ground before they even consider stopping. That's just the way of the world. If something has the potential to make you money, you put it to work. As bad as the last movie was, it still made a lot of money.
@Homeboyflamefr 3 ай бұрын
One of my things is that the two final installments not only did jack sparrow wrong, but completely forgot about Elizabeth and William, just to bring them back for a cameo. And why does Dutchmen will have barnacles on his face?
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
I would have preferred not to see Will and Elizabeth over what they actually used them for. and your guess is as good as mine as to why Will has barnacles on his face.
@pieterboelen2862 Ай бұрын
You didn't even mention that scene where young Jack gets defined with all his characteristics within a few minutes. And for some reason, they retcon how he got the Compass, undermining the Tia Dalma angle from Dead Man's Chest for no apparent reason at all. Indeed the scriptwriters DIDN'T watch the previous movies.
@TableCreed 20 күн бұрын
ha. There were bigger fish to fry but yeah, that was corny.
@jaycollins2036 3 ай бұрын
Great editing and correct analysis. The first 3 are epic.
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for the kind words, and yes those first 3 movies are incredible.
@CB-THE-OG 3 ай бұрын
The first 3 movies were definitely amazing and I do enjoy the 4th film personally. The first PotC I saw in theaters was Dead Men Tell No Tales and I remember just reflecting on how far PotC felt so different from the first three movies to the 4th and 5th films.
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
Such a shame neither of us saw any of the original trilogy movies in a cinema. I don't know what I was doing at the time. Thankfully, I never gave Dead Men Tell No Tale a single cent, but I was also just blown away by how far the franchise went into lunacy and disorganization. The franchise lacked a visionary to guide it.
@unamisthekgb 3 ай бұрын
As you mentioned Pintel and Ragetti for us to assume they are dead, thats probably correct. Pintel and Ragetti rejected the offer to be part of the next POTC Movies (strangers tide and Salazars revenge) because they were focused on other movies they were part of. sorry for my grammar
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
That's interesting. I am a little suspicious of that though. I imagine they asked for more money and they were told no but maybe you're right and they were just contractually obligated to do other projects instead. Still doesn't excuse killing the rest of the crew off-screen. It is a bit odd to me that both of them would have been busy at the time. I haven't seen either of them outside of Pirates of The Caribbean. They were definitely under-appreciated by the higher-ups.
@unamisthekgb 3 ай бұрын
@@TableCreed true. If Pintel and Ragetti stayed in POTC it would be fire, or atleast for us to see that scene of them getting killed (when Barbosa explained to jack how black beard attacked and sank the black pearl)
@missladyhaha 8 күн бұрын
The fourth film could’ve been a great start to a new story. A new trilogy. Instead of having to find the fountain of youth in one film, have it a journey through three films. Angelica will be the first villain, slowly hinting Blackbeard, and then having him come in for the second film. More fights at SEA!!! Then having the third one be another epic ending of the trilogy and have a fight at the fountain of youth. Throughout the trilogy, they’ll be looking for the items needed for the sacrifice. Sam Claflin’s character would have a more character growth (new Will) and then being conflicted with falling in love with an evil mermaid later on. Barbosa will still have his revenge on Blackbeard. The black Pearl and the crew are already back during the second film and that leads to the epic ending.
@TableCreed 3 күн бұрын
I'm fine with the fountain of youth story taking place over one movie, but I think they easily could have had Blackbeard for 2-3 movies if they wrote him properly.
@kingtech7917 3 ай бұрын
I loved pirates but after the one with black beard and Penelope Cruz they probably should have ended it
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
and some lunatics think it should have ended after the first one.
@kalasatwater2224 3 ай бұрын
I guess I'm the only one that did like all the movies in this franchise 😅
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
No, a few others have commented saying they like them all. Wish I was in the same boat. I'd prefer not to hate something.
@notBrocker 2 ай бұрын
Same here i love them all
@JoshJr98 3 ай бұрын
The first 3 movies are special to me, seeing them young with my family. Some of my first epic action movies I saw as a kid. The first one came out when i was 5 and I remember seeing it on dvd later that year and then waiting to see the 2nd and 3rd in theaters
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
I'm jealous of you if you got to see the second and third in a cinema. I don't know what I was thinking at the time. I remember going to see Spider-Man 3 in 2007, I don't know why I wouldn't have gone to At World's End at the very least. I remember watching a lot of movies for the first time on a TV when I was younger, but yeah those first 3 movies are special to me as well, and it wasn't until I got older that I actually started to fully appreciate them.
@orboakin8074 2 ай бұрын
My first introduction to this franchise was ad a kid in Nigeria🤩 Growing up, my dad bought me the Treasure Island novel and several animated adaptations of it and i loved them all. So when i first saw Pirates of the Caribbean:Black Pearl, on DVD, I was hooked(pun unintended😂) and i still love the trilogy till this day! The other movies are just ... 😮‍💨
@charlessmith9753 3 ай бұрын
I agree with almost everything you said except what you said about his escape in stranger tides. That was an excellent representation of how quickly Jack calculates his next move
@TableCreed 2 ай бұрын
I just think it was a little too much, and a bit cartoon-like.
@jessepace3042 3 ай бұрын
I was shocked when I saw this channel had less than 1k, subscribers. Now it has one more
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
Thanks. That's really nice of you to say. I'm glad you've chosen to gather around the table. When I posted this video, I think I had 46, so I'm really happy so many people are showing support towards me or even just this video.
@leoaguilar8684 3 ай бұрын
“The prequels sucked then and they suck now” A man of taste instantly subscribed
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
That comment has caused me a lot of trouble, so I'm glad to see you liked it, ha.
@leoaguilar8684 3 ай бұрын
@@TableCreed nostalgia is a hell of a drug But just remember a lot of people call space jam a good movie too.
@guidoivanmendez2354 3 ай бұрын
In my opinion, the charm of the first movie was that the pirates were real pirates; bandits, scum, outlaws living the "pirate`s life". They weren`t up to conquer the Caribbean via overthrowing a government, just wanting to be released from the aztec curse. Barbossa is the most charismatic antagonist in the series, because he behaves like a real pirate would have. Jack is a rogue character; he steals, but is not a cold blooded murder and he wants to live free. And also, the heroes are normal people, a bit idealist, like Elizabeth, or too devoted to do the right thing like Will. Governor Swann and Norrington are just a n administrator of a colony, and a law enforcer respectively. Pretty severe and serious at times, but with a good heart. I think introducing Davy Jones as the dark lord (so to speak) and Beckett (whom i like as a villain) is the classic conqueror/ruler wannabe, removed that charm of the picaresque characters from Curse of the Black Pearl. But that`s just me.
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
Respect your opinion, and yes everything was much smaller in scale and more contained in the original film, which is why I said I understand why people would prefer it.
@cyrillkeiser7583 4 ай бұрын
Very good Video, congrats! By the way, didn't Jack get the compass from Calypso? I mean in the 2nd movie she asked Jack if he still got the compass she gave him.
@TableCreed 4 ай бұрын
You know, I'm actually not too sure about where he got the compass from. I think we can assume he did get it from Calypso. That's something that can't be made by a mortal man. He must have gotten it from her. Wonder what he traded for it. Calypso seems to have a thing for men with a love of the sea so who knows what Jack's history is with her. They hinted at something between them in At World's End.
@DCMarvel2009 4 ай бұрын
Yeah, Tia Dalma blatantly said as much. The writing crew behind Dead Men Tell No Tales must’ve either missed or ignored it.
@TableCreed 4 ай бұрын
@@DCMarvel2009 Yeah, the carelessness with the continuity was just baffling in Dead Men Tell No Tale. It just gives the impression that the people involved just didn't really care for the franchise. They just wanted to use the IP to make a bit of money. The absolute worst for me was how Will Turner could just suddenly resume his life with Elizabeth once his curse was lifted, as if his heart isn't in a box. The curse was the only thing keeping him alive and they just didn't even think of that.
@pattyteodorescu4716 3 ай бұрын
​@TableCreed Thats comment about Wills heart was hilarious btw, it really hurts me how they almost pretend the other movies dont exist with how much stuff they igonore, like the compass.Calypso clearly said so "the compass you bartered from me". Tbh if they just pretend this movie didnt exist and made an actual good pirates movie it could work but thats a gamble of long odds aint it. Best call new characters new ideas. I agree with all your points and I like your video making style, keep it up.
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
@@pattyteodorescu4716 Thanks for the kind words and encouragement. They didn't just pretend the other movies don't exist, but even within the context of Pirates 5 itself, that thing with Will's curse still made no sense just based off that movie alone. It's like they just thought Will's curse was his binding to the Flying Dutchman as its captain, but I find it hard to believe they remembered that part and not the fact his heart was in a box. Are we to assume they're just that dumb? maybe. And yeah, I think new world, new characters is the way to go.
@GraysonRogers-f2h 18 күн бұрын
19:26 Actually I think it’s the other way around. As much as I dislike Henry, he never came across as being a know it all, but instead he was just cautious and wanted to avoid a horrible disaster. Unfortunately no one seemed to appreciate his knowledge and completely dismissed him by calling him a mad man. Maybe if the British just took a moment to learn more about his beliefs and education, then maybe they could’ve come to an understanding. Now, you want to talk about a know it all? I think Carina would be my best bet. But I’m not going to get into that. Bottom line is I hate this film, and the characters, and I especially hate what they did to Captain Jack Sparrow, my long time favorite character in cinema. It’s honestly really sad seeing so many beloved franchises get torn apart one by one. But a good way to avoid all this sorrow is to not think about it too much. Though I still appreciate people like you who create honest and meaningful video essays like this one, so thank you.
@TableCreed 3 күн бұрын
Thanks. I feel like Henry just went about that whole scenario in such a weird way though. I mean, obviously nobody was ever going to believe him, but he couldn't have done a worse job making his case. Maybe he could have convinced a few of the crew if he spoke rationally, but it's like he chose to make a scene in front of the entire ship-full of people.
@sitraash 4 ай бұрын
JUST FIRST ONE is art. Second and Third already become product, but just not bad.
@TableCreed 4 ай бұрын
I strongly disagree, but you're entitled to your opinion. I feel like there's a lot of love put into the second and third movies, and the world and its characters are handled with great care. The fourth movie is where I begin to feel something very strange is afoot. I can't feel the passion.
@rellrylio5567 3 ай бұрын
Noooo; watch them again. They are amazing. Second one is the best 💯
@kylemitchell541 3 ай бұрын
I agree with basically everything you say other than this gore verbinski did a lot for the originals but Johnny depp, and the other cast were the main reason they were fun a lot of it was improved and wouldn’t have worked without them
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
Well my counter-point to that would be to look at those characters with Verbinski vs without him. Yes, the cast all killed it in the original trilogy and they certainly played a big part, but at the end of the day it's Verbinski who gives the orders, tells them how to play their characters. He brought the maximum potential out of the actors. Just look at Depp and Orlando Bloom in Pirates 5. Bloom isn't in character and Depp seems to have lost sight of Jack Sparrow. There was nobody to shepherd them, to bring their best out of them. Thanks for giving your two cents. I like having these discussions.
@BusinessBearFilms 2 ай бұрын
Another thing is in pirates 2 it is revealed that Tia Dalma gave Jack his compass but then in pirates 5 it is revealed he got it from his old captain
@TableCreed Ай бұрын
Yeah. It was only a small thing, but it does show the negligence of the creators behind Pirates 5 at the time. How hard is it to have a room of nerds to go over your script before you shoot a movie? Just get some POTC fans to run through your script and get them to sign NDA's. Just think of all the inconsistencies that could have been avoided entirely.
@YuriNikolayavich 3 ай бұрын
907 likes? Criminally underrated.
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
It's all relative. This video has more likes than most of my videos have views, so I'm very happy. Not that I want likes, but it is appreciated that so many people felt the need to go out of their way to like it.
@Lord-valentine Күн бұрын
I think he’s wrong about the escape scene in stranger tides, filmento made a video analyzing the scene and he points out how everything Jack does is meticulous and planned.
@Mr.Scar_Real Ай бұрын
Tbh going through 2 and 3 and editing them into one movie has helped me appreciate them more. I love Worlds End, and some parts of Dead man’s chest, but damn there’s a lot of filler.
@Maniac61675 Ай бұрын
The only “filler” is the Pelegostos’ Island.
@Mr.Scar_Real Ай бұрын
@@Maniac61675 Yeah and I edited that scene out completely and it’s works a lot better
@TableCreed 20 күн бұрын
That sounds really interesting. How do you connect the ending of Pirates 2 to the start of Pirates 3? Given how Pirates 2 ends with Barbosa returning. It feels like a cliffhanger. How do you weave that into one movie?
@thelittleal1212 2 ай бұрын
0:58 can we accept that both trilogies are good in their own right?😅
@TableCreed 2 ай бұрын
I can't, but I won't argue with you if you want to accept them both. Prequels have good elements to them, but that doesn't make them good overall in my opinion. And what I said was just my opinion so feel free to ignore it.
@thelittleal1212 2 ай бұрын
@@TableCreed thats fair. Nonetheless I humbly respect your opinion
@TableCreed 2 ай бұрын
@@thelittleal1212 I respect you opinion as well. What I said was meant to be taken half-heartedly. I'm glad people like the prequels. They just don't give me what I want from movies, but I hope anyone who does like them cherishes them for the rest of their lives.
@mondodimotori 3 ай бұрын
It's a movie about a literal theme park ride. IT WAS ALWAYS A PRODUCT. It wasn't made solely by pure artistic will. It was a corporate idea that was handled in the right hands and got out pretty good. Gore Verbinski is still the guy that made that incredible crazy ass comedy of "Mouse Hunt". The guy is a genius.
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, it certainly was Disney's intent to try squeeze some money out of their attractions, but I would have expected their first movie to look something like On Stranger Tides. It's truly astonishing that those first three movies are as good as they are. Disney's intent was to sell product but Verbinski and most of the crew seems pretty intent on making art. They didn't care about boosting the status of a Disney attraction. They just wanted to make good movies at the beginning.
@conniekuist4812 4 ай бұрын
The most incredible amazing actor on earth. ❤
@MrTheQuestioner 3 ай бұрын
You lost me when you said the prequels suck
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
Man, you have no idea. I've been getting a few too many comments about the Star Wars prequels. I said it pretty jokingly I thought, but I should have known better than to mess around with Star Wars fans. I did half consider voicing over that line with something else while I was editing but I didn't really expect this video to do as well as it has so I just didn't think much of it. It is just my opinion at the end of the day, even though I did say it pretty objectively in the video, but anything I say in a video is inherently subjective.
@asorlokirunarsson9864 3 ай бұрын
I think Black beard could have been a villain for an entire trilogy. Imagine a trilogy where Black beard takes over the pirate council thing to expand his search for the Fountain of Youth
@ladyvignette 3 ай бұрын
I only own the last movie for the last minute with Will and Elizabeth. I liked knowing they found each other again.
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, I guess. I just can't really look past the silliness, so that scene means nothing to me. May as well be just be Keira Knightley and Orlando Bloom. I don't see Will and Elizabeth in that scene. I see Disney jangling keys in my face.
@notBrocker 2 ай бұрын
@@TableCreed What a weird take
@Cton9573 8 күн бұрын
This is an overall great analysis of the sequels for these films, but I disagree with a specific point in the Stranger Tides/DMTNT sections regarding the "looney tunes-esque escapes" point. These movies have ALWAYS had silly escape sequences, from the upside down boat to the cannibal island sequence and ESPECIALLY the Up is Down scene (which while yes not an escape from a specific character, still technically counts as such due to the nature of the Locker), and even things as the wheel fight serve as such an example, although to be fair they are shot in much more interesting ways than both I also disagree regarding Carina as a character, and I personally enjoy her being a snarky, resourceful girl due to the enviroment she's grown up in and the things she has to deal with on the daily. I know "the books" is a weak excuse when it comes to discussing most films, but "Brightest Star of the North" delves a lot deeper into her backstory, and I think in a better written film, she could've bounced off the rest of the crew, and especially Jack and Barbossa. There's even a little bit of that in the actual film with the latter. Again though, overall great analysis of these movies.
@TableCreed 3 күн бұрын
Thanks. respect your opinion. I actually really like stuff like the 'up is down' scene. I think it's really fun. I don't think I can be won over on Carina though. She really bothered me.
@Cton9573 3 күн бұрын
@@TableCreed Yeah I love those sequences too and respect your stance on Carina, I just thought it was worth pointing out nonetheless.
@GGGame72749 3 ай бұрын
Disney: johnny we will pay you $50 million Johnny Depp: well okay
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, I can't see him saying no to that with the way his career has went. I don't think Disney would want the embarrassment of walking back their decision to fire him though.
@GGGame72749 3 ай бұрын
@@TableCreed they already hired him for a more what you talk about Willis
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
@@GGGame72749 I don't know where you heard that, but none of the reputable trades have reported it as of right now. The producer of the Pirates of The Caribbean movies has come out and said they're currently planning to reboot.
@LoremasterYnTaris 2 ай бұрын
If memory serves, he's explicitly said that unless Disney gives him a very sincere and very public apology, he has no interest whatsoever in ever working for them again, regardless of what money they offer. And frankly, I don't blame him.
@gabmoreno280 3 ай бұрын
As a kid growing up with the Pirates series you see all of the first 3 films iconic and 4 super underrated while 5 needs some time to grow
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
Disagree with you on your take with Pirates 4 and 5. I don't think Pirates 4 is underrated. It doesn't get a lot of praise but it also doesn't get a lot of hate, and I think that's what it deserves. It's just happy existing. Pirates 5 needs time to grow? Yeah, idk about that. You could stick that seed in the most fertile soil on earth and nothing is going to happen. I can't see the appreciation for it ever increasing. The only way I could see that happening is if they make an even worse Pirates of The Caribbean movie. Respect your opinion, but I have to say that I disagree.
@gabmoreno280 3 ай бұрын
@@TableCreed As for pirates 5 its one of those films where its feels like they were making a completely different film and that what I was referring to as for it needs time to grow, is more so script wise as well the length of the film its the shortest of all the pirates films which definitely affected the film, That is what I was referring by my terminology sorry I should've explained a bit more. As for pirates 4 I see it like it was manipulated by the studio in certain parts of the film were it feels like it would've been a darker film than AWE especially when u get the introduction by the spanish but you don't get them as the main anatagonists of the film they just feel like they are there.
@gabmoreno280 3 ай бұрын
@@TableCreed anyway thank you for ure opinion it was quite interesting 😌👍
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
@@gabmoreno280 and thanks for sharing yours as well.
@parzivalcro914 3 ай бұрын
I dont think "On stranger tides" was bad. I loved the movie but one thing i always noticed is that it felt more like a spinoff than actual sequel. To be honestjack isnt even main character. Whole movie is based around Barbossas and Blackbeards rivalty while jack is just their helper in the story.
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
Interesting thoughts. I think Jack is the main character of Stranger Tides and I think that was a big problem. The original movies always had him as part of an ensemble of other characters who he could bounce off of. Stranger Tides feels like a Jack Sparrow adventure more than any of the original three films in my opinion.
@masterofbloopers Ай бұрын
I just binged watched all 5 movies for the first time and I saw zero problems with the 4th and 5th movies (expect Jack's attitude in the 5th). It wasn't until I saw a few video essays on why the last 2 movies are bad did I notice all their issues. If I had a dollar for every time this has happened to me with a movie series, I'd have enough money to fund Pirates 6 myself. It really makes me feel like an NPC sometimes. I just consume media without analyzing or critiquing it.
@TableCreed Ай бұрын
I wouldn't feel bad about that. A lot of people go into a movie of tv show wanting to hate it. It's better to have a more neutral stance like you seem to have. I tend to know on the first watch whether I like or dislike whatever it is, but once I have that gut feeling, I need to go back and watch it again to actually figure out what it was that made me feel that way. I love watching video essays as well. It can often help to hear someone else's opinion. You don't have to agree with everything but it gives you stuff to think about.
@Ace-du7vw 3 ай бұрын
the only "reboot" i will accept is a prequel about Davey Jones and Calypso. their story was a beautiful tragedy and i think it'd do well as one or two films. Let me see the devastation that made Davey Jones rip out his heart, and the betrayal of binding Calypso to human form.
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
I don't think that would be good for the overall health of Pirates of The Caribbean. These movies are four quadrant, appeal to the masses type of productions. That doesn't mean they have to be generic slop but I just think going for a story in that kind of a niche wouldn't be successful. I'm honestly fine with that story being largely left to interpretation. I feel like we got what we needed out of the little bits they gave us in Dead Man's Chest and At World's End. What you're describing doesn't sound like something that can even use the title "Pirates of The Caribbean". How could you possibly stamp that name on a movie like that? and if the answer is 'you can't', then Disney probably aren't going to make it. Yes, I'm sure they want to tell good story's, but they also want a decent profit.
@lengthymcbottoms2923 20 күн бұрын
I’ve never understood when taking on an already known franchise why producers don’t hire the same people that made the previous films great. It’s like they felt as if they wouldn’t get to take as much credit if they did. Nothing infuriates me more than when corpos and wokies get involved with beloved art and focus more on making it their own thing for the recognition rather than respecting the fans and source material.
@Lil_Valor 11 күн бұрын
Not even that honestly. It’s absolutely more than possible to find a new director, producer, writers etc that had nothing to do with the previous movies but genuinely know and respect the material that came before them
@TableCreed 3 күн бұрын
Oh there's nothing worse than hearing directors or producers say "we wanted to make it our own". You just know whatever it is will be awful.
@danielkiran8174 3 ай бұрын
No, screw YOU! Star Wars Prequels were amazing then, and they are amazing now. And the critique for them is generally laughable. Am I supposed to hate their original, amazing, grand story, because Anakin said "I don't like sand"? Star Wars prequels will outlive all their critics. They only become more iconic with age.
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
That was just my opinion, and I meant it in a half-hearted manner. I don't have anything against people who like the prequels. I've given my criticisms of the prequels in other comments in the comment section. I'll jus tell you to go searching because I am a little tapped out when it comes to these Star Wars comments. You're not the first. You're assuming the silly dialogue is my reason for disliking them, when that's not really the case. They just don't offer me what I value in movies. I'm all about the characters, and if I don't have a connection to the characters, I don't care about anything else, period. That's it for me. That really is what it boils down to. I never cared for any of the characters in the prequels, so that just left me with a plot I really didn't care a whole lot about. I only started to feel something for the characters when Obi-Wan and Anakin are having that confrontation on Mustafar. That was good stuff, but too little too late. Glad you like them, but they're not for me. Love the original trilogy though, and despite me having a general dislike for the prequels, I do think they elevate the original trilogy even higher, which is a good thing in my book.
@sythezuah 3 ай бұрын
the fourth movie isn’t even bad
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, I don't think I said it was bad in this video. It's just kind of there. It's certainly not good but yes I wouldn't go as far as to say its bad. Definite dip in quality though.
@k.o.h3599 3 ай бұрын
25:16 Thats a great point about the crew. Jacks crew in the trilogy were more interesting and likeable all while having virtually no dialog.
@k.o.h3599 3 ай бұрын
27:39 and dont forget the writers Terry Rossio and Ted Elliot. Their absence in the 5th film is clear as day.
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
Not to mention they could actually pass as pirates and sailors. His new crew looked like they were pulled out of modern day. I wouldn't be praising Rossio and Elliot too much. They were the sole writers on On Stranger Tides and failed to deliver. What did the original three movies have? Gore Verbinski was also in that writers room. They needed him. Once he left, the quality dipped. I'm pretty sure Rossio and Elliot were involved in Pirates 5 in some capacity also.
@JessicaDeCastro-uq5vc 3 ай бұрын
Yeah I don't acknowledge POTC 4 or 5. It peaked at World's End, and needed to end there.
@yammt3148 3 ай бұрын
After Dead Man's Chest, it became a disaster. Enjoy the first two films. They're the best we got.
@TableCreed 3 ай бұрын
I don't see how it suddenly goes from good quality movie to 'disaster' between Dead Man's Chest and At World's End. I kind of look at them as one movie. I would think you'd have to either like them both or dislike them both but idk.
@FunnyHell 2 ай бұрын
Here me out. Imagine Jack with a Death Note...
@TableCreed 2 ай бұрын
I actually feel like prime Jack Sparrow would be quite responsible with it. I think he'd only use it if he really had to. Imagine him writing 'The Kraken' into the book. Would it even work on animals like that, or is it just people?
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