The Tragic End Of The Bellwright Preview - Upcoming Medieval Open World RPG/Survival Game 8/8

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@ThreatX 6 ай бұрын
Series Reflection : I just want to say I am happy this series did do well but I am not blind to think it was as good as it could have been. After I started doing the last 4 episodes with me just flat out recording whatever game time was left trying to rush to village conquest the quality clearly declined in the process as they where no longer recorded as hour long mini stories but just raw content without a clear start/end or goal in mind as I normally try to do. I hope people will forgive me for my folly and give me a 2nd shot once we get the full game where we can take a proper crack at it will all we have learnt over this test period. Normally I try to have my content be light hearted but with a constant strive to play well. I like to take on the game with the highest difficulty while playing logically with the information I posses with a method to the madness under the surface while this was mostly just madness XD Yes I did go insane by the end of this video and no I will not recover.
@Targa7W 5 ай бұрын
Great effort, you got a million miles further than anyone else. Some observations for you and everyone else, you are handling resources wrong. Gathering food on top up is a task that will never end and will lock out everything else, setting large stocks for everything is counter productive, gather exactly what you need for the current job/research task and do one thing at a time. For those items you want large stocks of, wood/stone/flax in the main and hemp/river reed secondly. Build a camp chest for each and set 1 for wood only, 1 for stone only and 1 for flax only and fill each to 50 and set the gathering hut to 50 top up on all three, 1 chest for hemp/river reed and set top up to 25 each. Don't craft dozens of items at the same time, once you have the basics stocked start by researching weaver, advanced craft bench, bloomery, smoking fire, etal 1 at a time pausing in between to restock. Early game you want to get shack, 1 house, no camp fire go straight to smoking fire campfires are expensive rubbish, 2 resource collectors and no logging camp you can cut the logs and store them in a lumberjacks log its painful, but you want less stuff and buildings so your threat remains low. I would do research of weaver, bloomery, advanced craft desk etc before building anything else, again 1 at a time restocking after each one, then do bow, bandage, mining camp for pick axe and various non strap goodies. If you build large storages set them to off for everything, then your crafting stations can be used as storage and the stockpiles can be used by you to dump everything, you farm and you can help fill your quotas easily, if the camp chests are full the excess will stay in the stockpile and the npcs will fill from it to the chests which have the good set. When you gather mats travel away from camp so as to deplete the local spots so npc gathering is maximised, on that note its probably best to fill the initial quotas this way before setting the top ups in the resource gathers. Do NOT fight bandits until its 1 day till winter then hunt them till you trigger raid for the day before winter, so you can minimise the chance of a raid during winter, do NOT engage with bandits in winter. Getting raided in winter is a cluster fudge because food is just to much of a pain early game, on that note build about 12 to 16 or 20 traps and places them in not winter in the wood next to your camp in clusters of 4 and in a line together bait them and do not touch them unless it is cook in winter for a raid, if you know its a going to be winter and a raid the next day set 4 meat to cook and fully fuel the fire as the last thing and immediately before sleeping so there is meat ready in the morning. Obviously there will be finesse required and the order of building stuff will need juggling, but by prioritising the quests, tech and buildings needed to get the basic stockpiles, 2 followers you should be able to get 2 guys in full basic armour with at least a club (NB Tools are not weapons they uneqip them, every follower must have a melee weapon) and a shield. Bows maybe a week/raid 2 affair as they are expensive and take a lot of river reeds. You and 2 followers with full adventures gear, club and shield should own the 3 man raids and if worst comes to worst there should be nothing in stock more valuable than hemp or river reed and you'll can rebuild any broken stations quickly. In the early game visit the various trader dotted around and check what they buy, the guy at lake east of the start village buys 16 sticks for 2 each thats 32 a day for a few sticks, various herbalists buy sage and other stuff they are standing on, finding and doing this routinely will nets 100s if not 1000s of coin for minimal effort. With a bit effort you can probably easily get 3 copper clubs costing 960 coin as a nice buff for the first raid, not mention quivers, arrows if river reeds are tight making bow research and building more feasible. Any further coin you make in this way use for books, get as many strength, agility, 1 handed and shield into you and your followers as you can. With a bit of patience and streamling, you'll save a heap of time have better geared and skilled dudes, after week one you can then quest and hunt bandits and increase your follower count 1 at time fully gear them rinse and repeat till you have a large gang. There is a debuff for having more than 4 followers from the same village in the same settlement, but you can avoid that being a problem by having multiple settlements, so you could have a gatherer settlement that fills the basic quota chests and a crafting settlement that is in the same place but has your crafting benches and a stockpiles that you may have to fill by loading from the quota chest your gathers fill, not sure how inventories share between settlements, but that side of the game looks to have a lot of fine control between setting what chests hold, what gathers gather and weather they off or you order one off orders you have a lot of control to get stuff done very quickly and easily. Anywhoo, just some stuff for you ponder before release, really looking forward to watching your content for this game then. This game looks amazing and getting on top of the management of the npcs and settlements is the crux of this game and from what I've seen it a jump forward for the genre. Thx for the content o7.
@douanejohn1037 5 ай бұрын
Don't think I want to watch this it's not even the first 5 minutes and it's like you have already took a leave of your senses.... Why would you attack when in winter when you have the time you have the least amount of food, trying to do the thing that (fighting) requires food the most for performance? Please tell me it gets better? Cause the title and this reflection does not give me much hope...I'll wait.....LOL
@zeridiusmagus1676 5 ай бұрын
Loved it will be back for release! Got my sub!
@ThreatX 5 ай бұрын
@douanejohn I brought food for the fight so that was not a factor.
@ThreatX 5 ай бұрын
@Targa7W Hmm so I read through your comment and found it quite interesting as a former engineer I sees you subscribe to the kaizan thought process when it comes to management that is a very valid and logical way of approaching things. I would say I do agree with the majority of course in hindsight I would pick up the smoking bench I was not aware of how nearly every starting item would decay over night bar the smoked meat (the game devs should consider adding in a decay timer so people can correctly determine what is worth collecting) However I would say for myself the adhoc method of production relies very heavily on micromanage and a enthesis on the player not using the npc systems that are already in place. I personally would still use the npcs to collect stuff as required with ample storage available having flexibility of goods being stored would allow a more varied approach to gameplay and less requirement for the player to be ever present without the need for extremely specific storage if they only collect to what is required in the first place. Of course I am coming at this game from someone who prefers strategy games and mostly avoid survival due to the large amounts of grinding required to progress so I am more interested in automating the process than that of manually doing it all. Of course In hindsight the enthesis on food collection was and is pointless for the large majority of items at the start of the game due to them timing out constantly overnight and you need to rely on the smoked meat to keep food going over winter. There is of course a flaw in the current food management system that work orders are set to collect x of raw item if it is cooked then they do not count towards that quota causing them to essentially always work on it... Hopefully this will be changed for EA release. I find the trap system interesting it is a good away of getting around the decay and also it takes advantage of the seemingly lack of efficiency issues from proximity something I wish was improved was how the npcs deal with traps it seems they move 1 food item at a time to a single trap then bring the output back if they had the ability to ether move multiple food items to rest in bulk or personally a preferred method of perhaps have them be able to place there own traps instead that would be a way of improving things. I enjoy the raids myself though I see they can be annoying it felt it was good to get resources and potentially gear of course the lack of food caused issues with this but hopefully that can be better in the end that final winter I had in the series lasted 4 days so a nasty affair I will remember your suggestions for the full playthrough though with changes before release will have to see how the game might have evolved by then! (first 5 hours I was going off the demos food system lol so was super easy in comparison of course no winter back then though!)
@torrentius8874 6 ай бұрын
I absolutely loved all of this. I hope we get to see you play it again someday ❤️
@ThreatX 6 ай бұрын
I hope so too!
@empire5235 5 ай бұрын
As I said once before this has been my most anticipated game since I played the demo last year. Just has so many elements that appeal to me and have been suffering withdrawals since the demo. Even Manor Lords has nowhere near the interest as Bellwright does for me. Just hope the game is in a good place and there are not too many more delays. Been fun following your adventures. 👍
@ThreatX 5 ай бұрын
Thanks I am very excited for Bell wright myself it has unique systems in place though other games have npcs they are not so usefull
@zeridiusmagus1676 5 ай бұрын
Great way to end and epic series! We are all greatful for sooooo much gameplay and fun. I can't wait to play myself. Also excited what all you could achive if you did not have a time limit. Thank you. Strengthen those vocals for next time 😂
@ThreatX 5 ай бұрын
Thanks cannot wait !
@badejong 5 ай бұрын
This was absolutely a very entertaining playthrough. I hope you will do an other run when the game goes live. Many thanks for creating this... ❤👍
@ThreatX 5 ай бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it!
@Deimos2468 5 ай бұрын
Great videos. Pretty sure you have to take down the banners at the bandit camps and then they will be removed. You have to look at the top of the banner to see the removal option.
@ThreatX 5 ай бұрын
That sounds like a bug in the demo they where super obvious though in this version it seems simply looting the camp removed some of the earlier bandit camps I attacked
@harrisondefries 5 ай бұрын
This was fun. I know it was a little different than your usual content, but I did enjoy the change of pace!
@theelitedivision 5 ай бұрын
You deserve more views bud
@markprobert2372 5 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for this as have enjoyed the journey, and look forward to more escaped in the near future hopefully
@ThreatX 5 ай бұрын
I hope so too!
@DyingCr0w 5 ай бұрын
It would be very nice if the order barking was contextual. No need to yell when telling the folks to grab some flowers... but the game looks very cool, with what seems like good progression and many QOL things as is 😊 The seasons are weird as fuck, tho.
@Dirtybrwnstr 5 ай бұрын
This game looks awesome and I look forward to it. Great videos on it my man! Keep up the good work.
@sinhelproductions 5 ай бұрын
I hate to see it end, I'm looking forward to playing it myself and I haven't felt that way in a long time.
@ThreatX 5 ай бұрын
@haydenc2742 5 ай бұрын
Such a cool game...and it really does look like an enjoyable game! Hopefully they will have a full release soon! Get some had one heck of a marathon! Keep em coming!!!!
@bazhen_1239 5 ай бұрын
Nice game and nice series
@survivalisttim 5 ай бұрын
First series I have watched of yours but really enjoyed it, would like to see more when the game goes early access for the public and see what they changed from here
@Pentagathusosaurus 5 ай бұрын
@ThreatX 5 ай бұрын
@CheekyChapGaming 5 ай бұрын
Have you heard the news? Bellend I mean Bellwright is coming to early access on the 23rd of April so book some days off for new videos ok?
@ThreatX 5 ай бұрын
yeh bad times for me too many games out at the same time a week before I go on holiday... will see what I can do before hand
@CheekyChapGaming 5 ай бұрын
@@ThreatX Have a great holiday pal, I will be playing while your sunning your self with a bottle in your hand. I will back in the UK cold and wet so please think of us while you sunning yourself.
@LogitechXibanga 5 ай бұрын
@ThreatX wheres that video you uploaded this week but after an hour you made it private? 🤔
@ThreatX 5 ай бұрын
I did not release a video yesterday? I did release one 2 days ago that went private it is on my 2nd channel
@LogitechXibanga 5 ай бұрын
@@ThreatX well its that one and i think you posted here but im not sure i had no idea you had a second channel i came here to for the bellwright watched all videos and you made a few mistakes, you lost loads of wood because you always put everthing on top off they used sticks to make simple axe and everytime you took one out they would go make another one, same thing with othe rmaterials every time you took a flax they would go run picking that flax leaving the collection of hemp behind because priority of flax was higher and was missing one to top it off :)
@ThreatX 5 ай бұрын
@LogitechXibanga if the game immediately drops everything for a single item they need to work on that mechanic wise that seems quite bad for gameplay. I did not notice a bunch of stuff on the ground myself however while playing will have to confirm it when the game is live again
@vikingconquest77 5 ай бұрын
Lol the days long winter reaction to waking up and its still snowing lmao hahahaha.
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