The True Depth of Yuji Itadori

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The Salad Bar

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(MANGA SPOILERS AHEAD!) By some, Yuji is regarded as a bland main character, with no development or characterization. Especially after what happened to Gojo recently, some have even said that he was the true main character, and there's no reason to read it for Yuji anymore. However, I think Yuji Itadori is a much greater character than most realize, with development and characterization that often gets overlooked. What makes him so great for me, and how does he improve the other characters around him?
#jjk #jujutsukaisen

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@rogersmith9535 5 ай бұрын
I have no idea how anyone can hate Yuji. The pain and suffering he goes through in the anime and manga, one of the best examples of an inner demon trope, and his determination to keep going is what made him one of my favourite new gen MCs.
@lormingo5259 5 ай бұрын
It’s artificial fake pain with no build up . He has intense feelings for complete strangers. His gpop gave him a bs last words save ppl. It’s just ass. Also combat wise he hasn’t undergone any real character arc to defeat sukuna . And his mission of eating all the fingers n kill himself idnt even possible now 😊
@bocaangus 5 ай бұрын
@@lormingo5259 English please
@chromtastic2092 5 ай бұрын
​@@lormingo5259whole Lotta yap lil bro
@Saucenoat 5 ай бұрын
​​@@lormingo5259absolute megumi(fatherless) behaviour
@AntiUni417 5 ай бұрын
@@lormingo5259brother in Christ, any normal good human being would feel devastated for being the cause of mass destruction. Quit your yapping you alien and go touch fucking grass.
@Blank-ej1zi 5 ай бұрын
The best part about Yuji is that he’s different from everyone else in the series. The main theme about JJK is selfishness and how you can exponentially boost your power with that, Yuji is selfless and goes through so much to save everyone else. He isn’t selfish in any shape or form. And even in fights, we see people like Gojo, Megumi, Yuta, etc. lose themselves and become more emotional and psychotic. Yuji is a polar opposite, he just shuts down and rarely ever loses his own cool. The main reason Yuji is “boring” is because of the way all the other characters are written and where he’s become an outlier as a character.
@Saucenoat 5 ай бұрын
Watch yuta fangirls come and say" nOoOo oUr uWu BoY iS Not pSYhoTiC" when he literally kissed a curse to death lol
@zuperzack3509 5 ай бұрын
He is selfish, but not in the traditional sense. He's selfishly selfless, I think is the best way to put it.
@hype5456 5 ай бұрын
​@@Saucenoatwhy are you making it about yuta in a Yuji discussion, focus
@WanderingNerd21 5 ай бұрын
​@Saucenoat now hold on there, I'm a hard-core Yuta stan, but even I can tell you that he went crazy during his fight with Geto (In the manga, boy was SMILING after he got smacked by playful cloud!)
@Red-Line71 4 ай бұрын
To be 100%, Yuji is selfish, but not like Sukuna or Gojo. He thrives for power but not for the same reasons. He is selfish, in the fact he continues to help people regardless of circumstance, to make the "curse" his grandfather put upon him, since chapter 1. "Do not die alone."
@sirius_raspberry 5 ай бұрын
Yuji's self-destructive nature and desire to save people with no regard for himself feels very reminiscent of characters like Shirou Emiya, another character that I often see misunderstood in a similar way to Yuji.
@etherealmako 5 ай бұрын
Fate does a better job conveying Emiya's actual depth though and how he isn't just bland
@nhazulkimonalos9895 5 ай бұрын
@baeber 5 ай бұрын
​@TTVmakomami I love Shiros people die when they're killed line that was life changing when I first saw it I had no idea. Shiro taught me people die when they're killed he's such an amazing character. Haha joshing aside I really like Shiro too he's got things that I really like about him like his theme is such a banger, heavens feel is my favorite route its funny when he abandons his hero of justice goals and goes for selfish goals of saving Sakura he's at his strongest
@raito6689 5 ай бұрын
What about Kamijou Touma from Toaru series though?
@ellingtonf1097 5 ай бұрын
It's also like Ichigo's savior complex as well, which once again people misjudge Ichigo's character
@xlanila 5 ай бұрын
Manga spoilers ahead. To me, Yuji brings something completely different to the genre. For the first time, we are not following "the chosen one" or "the special one", but "the cog", "the pawn", "the sacrificial lamb", created solely to be used by both "the good guys" and "the bad guys". Do the Occult Club members need a third person? He is in. Does the Jujutsu High need a vessel to kill Sukuna? He is in. Does Megumi need help to save his sister from a death game? He is in. Do they need to save Megumi? He will eat anything and he is in. Then he is used by Sukuna to kill people and get Megumi's body and by Mahito to find the essence of his own soul. He will also be used by Kenjaku eventually, a secret role we know nothing about yet. And all of this is possible because Yuji is a teenager who lost his purpose when his grandpa died. He had this father figure, he went to visit him at 5pm, same hour everyday, bought him flowers, spent some time with him despite the old man being a difficult person. That was Yuji's entire thing, that was his life. And he lost it in episode 1. He thought that by being told to "help people", he actually could, even in the jujutsu society. He'll control Sukuna, then he will find those fingers, eat them and get killed. That's his new purpose. His desperation for being useful to others in the way he was to his grandpa made him very naive. Helping anyone he can can be easily interpreted as Yuji being cursed by his grandpa or as him being an "only thinks about other people" character, but he also does all of this for himself, to feel like he is useful and he matters. He is just a kid and instead of experiencing his teenage years watching movies and hanging out with friends after school, he needs to experience them shouldering the guilt of indirectly killing thousands of people, his friends included. In a sense, JJK is a coming of age story, but a really twisted one. The loss of Yuji's innocence and naivety. A child who is beaten up by the real world for even trying to find his role in society. And when he finally finds it as "a cog", it's truly tragic. A kid should never feel like just a cog, but in the context of the story... he is. Anyway, amazing video! Yuji best boy. I hope he's not on Gege's blacklist and he survives the end of his own series.
@apyr7222 5 ай бұрын
Amazing comment, loved reading it. Yuji is a more deep character than people believe he is. Usually shonen consumers want a main character that fullfills their power fantasies, thats one aspect of why gojo is so loved and even tho he is one of my most prefered characters I cant really deny it. If you jump from mha to jjk you still get a protagonist who is a nice kid (sorry for comparing yuji to deku lmao yuji better) but one is hella overpowered while the other only deseperately uses his fists because it is the only thing he can do, i find that the kind character trope works bests when the charactee actually needs to fight tooth ans nail to be a good person and not break down from his failures. Overall yuji is an amazing character and bro deserves a hug
@Koin00 5 ай бұрын
@Red-hw5ue 5 ай бұрын
Great breakdown, are you gege? Because you understand the character to it’s core.
@diamzamokomele7155 5 ай бұрын
THIS!!!!!!! You've put into words perfectly why Yuji is so compelling as an MC and why he's such a breath of fresh air in terms of the "inner demon" trope.
@seg162 5 ай бұрын
I thought he was the FIRST person to die in this manga
@AVeryNormalGuy 5 ай бұрын
Yuji is a Seinen MC in a Shounen manga, Gojo is a Shounen MC who found himself in someone else's Shounen Manga.
@yudasrain4774 5 ай бұрын
That doesn't even make sense…
@chivalricsoul8463 5 ай бұрын
Perfectly said..👏
@fuyu8674 5 ай бұрын
That actually makes perfect sense
@infinitetaquito4484 4 ай бұрын
@@yudasrain4774 gojo is op
@MilestheDirtyMindedGoblin2099 4 ай бұрын
Ngl that’s a good way to put it
@Koin00 5 ай бұрын
Yuji is arguably the best written character in jjk his potential is insane. People who hate him are just kid's and are solely watching jjk for gojo and power scaling probably not caring about character writing or story like little kid's. People who actually know what good character writing and good story is will never hate yuji and will see the potential in him and a lot of people do!
@Saucenoat 5 ай бұрын
You are right. I swear gayjo meatriders are the most annoying living beings to ever exist bruh, even moreso than sukuna glazers.
@morgansboobies 5 ай бұрын
​@@SaucenoatThe only positive with Gojo's meatriders is that they can actually participate in a discussion without having to constantly berate the other side about a totally unrelated topic. Like bro, I opened up a comment thread about some guy criticising Gege for making Sukuna too strong for the story and somehow Sukuna glazers started berating OP for being "a fraudjo meatrider" even though nothing was said about Gojo at all in the original comment lmao
@Saucenoat 5 ай бұрын
@@morgansboobies Damn bruh i didnt knew sukuna glazers were moving like that, i have only ever encounterd toxic,boderline delusional halfjo fans, the only interaction i had with sukuna fans were them doing tricks and backflips on their kings di*k, never knew some of them were just as braindead as fraction meatmunchers.
@zizu-lakaka 5 ай бұрын
@@morgansboobies there's nothing +ve about go/jo meatriders cuz they only loved gojo cuz he was the strongest, that's all. They just want OP MC, most of them are OPM and DBZ meatheads. I'm very happy Gege PUNISHED them for thinking go/jo was the MC
@licht1066 5 ай бұрын
People liked Gojo because he had deep character on top of being strong, it's a thing called charisma. Which Sukuna is sorely lacking the only reason the fandom even like Sukuna is because he beat Gojo not because of his own character because Sukuna isn't interesting he's just a evil guy there's nothing to latch on to​@@zizu-lakaka
@im_skrunkly 5 ай бұрын
although its never stated, i love how its implied that he bottles up his emotions until he has an outburst (which is probably why he had such a light reaction to his grandpa dying but such a strong reaction during the shibuya incident)
@Caioboladim_ 5 ай бұрын
"bland, boring, mid, overated" That is kenjaku talking about choso
@TheSoulCalledZuzia 2 ай бұрын
true lol
@Ayesha-ps5ze 5 ай бұрын
I've genuinely liked Yuji since the first episode, but it was solidified by the second. In that scene that he was talking to his friend from the occult club. He puts all the blame on himself while speaking very brightly/nonchalantly, but then you have that split second when you see him pass beyond view from his friend, but not the viewer and you see his smile drop like deadweight. He is a kind and selfless person with an extremely harmful tendency to blame himself. He never once irked me with his attitude like other MCs who are genuinely just bull-headed and vacant in the head, never allowing for nuance. You can just TELL that Yuji does not cope with situations well, that he bottles things up until the truth comes out when he's by himself and facing a truth. I especially appreciated that scene with the Cursed Womb arc when he breaks down and admits that he doesn't want to die like any 15 yo (or honestly any sane person) would in that situation. Yuji's story is just a cycle of the world dealing him a blow, Yuji abusing himself before shutting down completely and doing what needs to be done. And another thing, I find it quite unnerving that ppl only now are liking Yuji with the latest episode as if only after he's utterly broken can they take him seriously as a character when this entire time he's been showing evidence of leading to such a fate. Some ppl are treating it like a powerup and it's disturbing. Like you'll only pay a character mind now that they look cool and badass? It feels like it isn't even about his character and just his ability to beat ppl up, but ig what do you expect from shounen fans?
@ilsagita5257 Ай бұрын
Not many people care about details like that I can attest to that some of my friends just like watching people go fight crazy do random shit That's the only genre they care about that's why they also didn't like AOT at the end . I guess it comes with emotional or whatever intelligence . In real life too they are more probable to not notice things like this
@Ayesha-ps5ze Ай бұрын
honestly don't get me started on AOT. It happens all the time. People don't pay any mind/hate on a character/mc who isn't all=powerful and stoically closed off. As soon as they become that (usually through intense trauma and bad decisions), wow there's a character they can get behind. @@ilsagita5257
@orderofscribes 5 ай бұрын
Honestly the character writing in JJK is extremely underrated. All of these characters have such depth and are incredibly layered. The entire magic system of the manga runs on emotion and perception. The characters push the story forward and drive the narrative and plot and its such a breath of fresh air to have a shonen that not only puts character first, but does it incredibly well.
@RomnysGonzalez 5 ай бұрын
People who said all those things about Yuji are people who ain't paying attention to the show at all. They are just cruisin through the series just watching the gorgeous animations and fights and nothing else. Yuji is one of the most well written protagonist a shonen ever got. This character is so well written. The way he start with it and how he start evolving as a character and changing personality traits and how changes as a human, how he changes his view about curses and purpose. The amount of crap he goes through and how his character is completely destroyed to the point were he doesn't believe he's worth living no more to then abandon his own life to fix the damage Sukuna has done through him. People are just mad because he isn't the classic "Power trip give me everything because YES" shonen protagonist. People wants their protagonist to be just a dumb idiot who get powerup because he's the MC and never something wrong ever happens to him and how he's able to save everything and win every fight every single time and never suffering anything thought the whole story. A character who start the series and end the series as exactly the same person. They want the classic "Goku-Like" protagonist. Yuji is the "Anti-Goku" shonen protagonist and that's make him so damn good and so well written as a character. All the MC are usually well above the rest because they got something special about them. They are some kind of genius or monster inside them or they are a dude that came from the most powerful whatever from the pass. Meanwhile Yuji is just a regular human who got into a battle that goes waaaywaaaaaay over his head. He's just a piece of checker piece on a Chess Board and that's brilliant.
@Ketheral 5 ай бұрын
I basically agree with everything in this comment besides the usage of the term "Goku-Like"
@jingleballs9935 5 ай бұрын
@ucmanhvuong4301 5 ай бұрын
I agree with most of this EXCEPT for Yuji being just a normal human. Just like any shonen protagonist, dude was born with at least one hax. It’s just that his hax takes quite long to truly show its potential
@seg162 5 ай бұрын
@@jingleballs9935 Because Goku changes as a character, even beyond the fact that he grows from a child to a teenager and then an adult with children.
@diegogrunt6758 5 ай бұрын
Eh… Yuji is a superhuman who was capable to surpass even Maki pre-awaken without curse energy. He is said to be capable to run 50 meters in 3 seconds (We have to include that it takes a little time to go full speed), he Can resist explosions very well and Can punch through walls of concrete. He is the strongest shonen protagonist in their initials.
@ayush9202 5 ай бұрын
People just want same Naruto, Deku, Tanjiro type of character with OP abilities from the beginning and then complain about shounen formulas
@ellingtonf1097 5 ай бұрын
Um, Tanjiro? Dawg we think Tanjiro is mid and rightfully so.
@ellingtonf1097 5 ай бұрын
@@gemslion2966 Tanjiro is OP, but as a character he's mid. Lil nigga is mini Yoriichi with plot armor shoved in his ass
@ShatteredGlass916 5 ай бұрын
​@@gemslion2966 Dunno about Deku, but at least Tanjiro isn't that op till the very end And for Naruto . . . . yeah Kishimoto should have never turned him into some weird descendant lineage bullshit
@MachinaOwl 5 ай бұрын
@@gemslion2966 Deku isn't really "broken" for a majority of the series. There were a lot of situations he couldn't just walk into and instantly make better due to One for All.
@JustAFatherlyNerd 5 ай бұрын
Deku isn't broken Tanjiro isn't either.
@ShawnWeeded510 5 ай бұрын
I do not understand how Yuji in any way was boring. His relationship and the revelation given to him by his grandfather made me interested in him and his development since what ive seen in the anime with the Shibuya Incident.
@josephzeigler6853 5 ай бұрын
Because he's not the stwongest 😢
@toad7395 5 ай бұрын
I think most casual anime fans want their shonen protags to be like naruto, luffy, gon, guts etc. Basically the strongest if not one of the strongest characters.
@hype5456 5 ай бұрын
​@@josephzeigler6853definitely not the reason cheif the same reason you like them is probably a reason someone doesn't. Ya gotta stop forcing this narrative that people can't critique a character you like
@Amaninacanofsoup 5 ай бұрын
@@toad7395 HEY I like Guts ☹
What I find fascinating about yuji is the fact that, compared to the rest of his friends and teammates, like megumi, nobara, maki, gojo, todo, etc, who turn to their more psychotic and sadistic side whenever their backs are against the wall, yuji does the complete opposite, he goes from said violent outbursts to a restrained and cold hatred, which can be seen clearly during his final fight with mahito, but also inmediately after junpei's death, where he shows this internalized hatred towards mahito, before going back to his original state, and in fact (spoilers I guess) later in the story we see how yuji dealt with bullies and punks, and when compared to megumi and nobara's flashbacks, that definitely were more comical in nature, yuji's flashback was played completely straight, no jokes, no comedy, nothing, just his cold and restrained hatred towards the delinquents, and you get the feeling that if given the chance he would seriously injure them, even further on, in his fight against sukuna after he took over megumi's body, where, anyone else would definitely turn to their more insane state to deal with the situation, he still holds back that insanity and as a result, his hatred feels all the more intense. He always was a fascinating character for me, from his philosophy to his personality and his overall evolution as a sorcerer.
@spodermoose7401 5 ай бұрын
yujis a main character who doesnt get the classic OPpowers or plot armour they normally get. His character arc is truly insane and how itll end will be even more crazy then it has been so far. Hes by far one of the most complex characters with an insane past who also unlike gojo or sukuna or other power houses in the series is the one character who is actually very selfless
@KPMwolf 5 ай бұрын
No plot armor, really? Almost got killed by Choso and suddenly they’re related and on the same side. XD
@spodermoose7401 5 ай бұрын
@@KPMwolf and yet because of that he actually has his entire body, mind and ideology tested because of sukunas takeover doing so much damage and killing so many which then leads him into a battle with mahito as hes powerless to watch multiple people he cares about either get maimed or killed, his so called "plot armour" here only served to make him suffer. Not to mention they were always related.
@LowValueMan 5 ай бұрын
@@KPMwolfBro literally has no plot armor lol if constantly being saved by other people in your own anime and being berated by fans for how helpless he is as a MC is plot armor idk what to tell you. Considering how the story has been told so far its an implication for further along in the story I can’t even entertain your notion considering countless times other incidents that refute that.
@sieghart1931 5 ай бұрын
​@@KPMwolfPlot armor? Are you out your undeveloped mind? You think Gege would let Choso find Yuji if there was no plot twist/story progress that will somehow happen? It's called story telling my lil bro. Typical "Story didn't happen the way I wanted to = Plot armor"
@ConstantinDOSSOU-vy1zo 3 ай бұрын
​@@sieghart1931 You know what it is plot armor ? The fact the only character who doesn't kill Yuji even he losts only by need of scenario is definition of plot armor. Even in this moment , with his level, Sukuna would kill him .
@Subpar1O1 5 ай бұрын
I really like Yuji because aside from the funny haha moments at the start he's just a good person. Sticking to his guns and just wanting to help people because that was his grandfather's last requests to him automatically made him likable to me. Seeing him break down over what happened in Shibuya with Sukuna actually made me feel things compared to something like Ace's death in One Piece, where it just kind of happened (Ace did it to himself I'm just sayin). I always felt bad for Yuji because every time the world gave him something like Megumi and Nobara, it took it away and spat in his face. Over and over, just taking more and more. And here he still stands with the same convictions we saw from the beginning. Also "character who can throw hands" is my favourite shonen manga trope but Yuji is genuinely a great character
@G_Zumbie 4 ай бұрын
Might want to put some spoiler thing there regarding Ace. I’ve already been spoiled of this information, but there’s some people who’ve likely haven’t gotten to there or haven’t heard. Other than that though, I agree with your thoughts on Yuji 👍
@jordanmorris5194 5 ай бұрын
My feelings toward Yuji were ambivalent until he agreed with Mahito. In a way I respected his naïveté in the harsh realities of the jujutsu world since he wasn’t actually born into it and now has to make sense of a completely different plane of existence that he now can’t leave even if he wanted to. His life is truly tragic.
@baeber 5 ай бұрын
I really like yuji he's got a good morale compass and compassion. He's fallen gotten beat down but stands back up giving it his all to do whats right even if he's not the strongest person he tries I really admire that.
@dominicwallace6946 5 ай бұрын
Never have I heard such great words from someone who is a DBZ fan and doesn’t talk about how DBZ is better than the series but instead talks about how good it is. (By the way you dropped this) 👑
@genocidehero9687 5 ай бұрын
Yuuji is meant of us. Just walking forward with no idea why just that we have to. Hopefully my boy finds a purpose beyond killing curses
@nghiemvo386 5 ай бұрын
Make him become a Kamen rider
@zuperzack3509 5 ай бұрын
I'd say one of the characters who Yuji parallels the most is Geto. If you look at the both of them, they go through very similar things. There's even a few pannels of them that look hauntingly identical, one with Geto slumped over on a bench, one with Yuji slumped over while sitting on some stairs, etc. Edit: I wrote this before I reached the part with Geto, I'm glad it was mentioned because not a lot of people do.
@norasyikinali6283 5 ай бұрын
I read this one fanfiction, and the author wrote in their notes that Megumi, Yuuji and Nobara reflects Gojo's high school class, kind of like Naruto's Team 7 is the reflection of the Team 7s that came before them. The only difference is that they do not reflect based on gender, it is based on their characters: Nobara is Gojo, because of their unshakeable self-confidence. Megumi is Shoko, because of their unwillingness to shake the status quo. Yuuji is Geto, because they are both non-clan sorcerers who got dragged into the Jujutsu World and suffer for it.
@Maldroid 5 ай бұрын
Characters who continually face significant losses yet fail to realize they can't save everyone don't appeal to me. However, my appreciation for Yuji started in season 2, episode 20, and increased greatly by episode 21. Before this, he just seemed like a typical main character intent on saving everyone.
@MouminYassir 5 ай бұрын
Anyone who says Yuji is a trash MC are beyond brainless. This man is going on against sukuna something yuta, someone whom he almost killed was scared to fight. If geto didn't shwo up in time, Yuji would have killed a special grade-evolved curse. And he still does that when alot of his loved ones and friends die. Gege is the writer,so he can give Yuji a power up that can kill sukuna if he wants to. Then people will say he's a good MC. Plus this mans determination is crazy.
@theworldoffun8997 5 ай бұрын
Main character that is not the strongest in their verse, doesnt do any weird comic stuff, doesnt have this annoying motto that he always repeats every now and then. Just a weak, compassionate and broken person who only wants to be needed. Who can be a better main hero of a story?
@natoriousthehopeful2786 5 ай бұрын
Not throwing shade at your point, but I prefer a main hero who's actions actually make a difference in the world they live in; key word being "actions". Yes, Yuji ate Sukuna's finger which impacted the JJK world (for the worst in my opinion), but after that... He just falls flat as an MC to me. Yes he can box, yes he has had some assisted wins, but he said it himself: he's just a cog in the machine, which was the moment he fell from my favorite character spot to number 3. To me: an MC should take action that lead to changing the larger world around them. Sorry for the essay, and not throwing any shade: I like Yuji Itadori too, but he is far from my favorite MC
@theworldoffun8997 5 ай бұрын
@@natoriousthehopeful2786 i fully understand your point. Characters who impact the world around them good, but sometimes it is refreshing to see someone different, isnt it?*
@natoriousthehopeful2786 5 ай бұрын
@@theworldoffun8997 It can be, I will agree; like I said: if you like Yuji, no shade🤗
@Homieer 5 ай бұрын
I like both of your reasons It's interesting to look at things from different angle, Itadori is, a great main character. And different opinions can be formed about him. To some people, he might lack some traits that a main character should be. I think these type of people are people who know what they want and is confident about what they know about. To some people too, itadori is a perfect character. These people who think like this are people who can adapt and tend to empathise and relate to the situation. So they are easily comfortable with what they have achieved (I am not sure if the word is sympathise or empathise, can anyone correct me?) Actually, I am not sure why I wrote this comment. You can ignore this if you would like (because this has not relation to the JJK plot)
@theworldoffun8997 5 ай бұрын
@@natoriousthehopeful2786 🥰🥰🥰
@FrogGuyManThingIt 5 ай бұрын
People hate yuji because he's realistic, people see him as "out of place" in a world that is the likes of jjk, but people forget that the series reflects our world, the real world, just adding all the stuff that is curse spirits, sorcery, etc. they forget that yuji was just a regular high school kid before getting dragged into jujutsu sorcery for trying the most logical thing which is saving your friends and loved ones from a clear danger, hating him is like trying to negate reality, to think all main characters are supposed to be strong, perfect or even invincible, but this ain't the case because yuji, as a regular kid, it's a character to represent the idea of what would happen if a regular person gets involved or transported into a world of magic and fantasy, which as shown, it's not a fairy tale.
@quantum0151 5 ай бұрын
I slept on Yuji in season 1 and was obviously more Interested in gojou and megumi. In Season 2 currently, I have become a bigger yuji fan. He’s gone through so much pain but he’s grown so much. Mahito really pushed this man to the edge but I’m glad it’s not a corny power up where sukuna lends him power. I’m glad the “evil” entity is actually evil.
@MachiriReviews 5 ай бұрын
I love Yuji and Miles Morales because they are the same in that they aren’t defined by their guilt, but by their ability to keep going. They both faced terrible hardship and they don’t hold onto it, they keep going and keep doing their best.
@Psychx_ 5 ай бұрын
People saying that Yuji is shit and just watched JJK for Gojo simply don't understand his character, or shonen in general. Go ahead then, and watch one of these isekais, where the MC lands in a video game, instandly min-maxes his stats and becomes an unstobbable force who never faces any real challenge, struggle or growth if you're into that kind of thing.
@Saucenoat 5 ай бұрын
You basically sumarized sao lol
@bu11ymaguire 5 ай бұрын
​@@Saucenoatmost isekais..
@apza1200 5 ай бұрын
Fr like where’s the fun in that
@Polymerata 5 ай бұрын
​@@bu11ymaguire... Literally.
@donavenpierre 5 ай бұрын
I love yuji he is great character
@machomandalf2893 3 ай бұрын
Yuji and JJK is a subversion of expectations when it comes to shonen manga imo. He’s an MC that isn’t overpowered or has some desire to be the strongest. His inner demon would much rather watch Yuji burn and suffer before helping him. This story follows a lot of the same formulas as other manga but it really goes down a much darker path, making its own unique twists. Yuji to me is a lot like Guts, my personal favorite character, where he struggles and fails and continues to move against the current but refuses to quit.
@notveryfunny24 5 ай бұрын
I like the fact that he is not just a crazy op mc and he actually struggles and has emotions, he wants to save people but he's possesed by the king of curses, who literally uses his body to end many people. He is used as a pawn and he feels cant do much against that, and I love that he actually has really good writing and he's honestly my favorite character. Hopefully Gege doesn't do mah boi dirty like Gojo lol.
@Choso_Kamo_Productions 5 ай бұрын
Yuji is an excellent mc. He’s really well written, and at least before Shibuya, he feels more believable than most of the happy-go-lucky nice shonen protags, he’s written like more or less a real person
@pandasiah5264 5 ай бұрын
Im the opposite of the norm, i originally left because it felt like they were making gojo the main character and i preferred yuji. Found out what happened with gojo and came back to watch yuji
@VainFriggus 5 ай бұрын
How to think Yuji is a bad protagonist: have a reading comprehension level of a 9 year old
@vividcrimson 5 ай бұрын
Just want to add that Jujutsu Sorcerers are generally assumed to have a purpose and a reason to keep doing their jobs, but Yuji breaks that. People like Gojo and Yuki want to change the Jujutsu world, but Yuji? He might think of the people being saved because of him, but the reality is that he is killing curses with no particular reason, just like Mahito which he accepted inside himself. He is not a Jujutsu Sorcerer before he’s a human, he’s a human before a Jujutsu Sorcerer. I really like Yuji Itadori’s character, probably the most written character in Jujutsu Kaisen.
@intearnet6926 5 ай бұрын
he’s so far removed from the power system like how has he not developed a curse technique yet 😭
@Homieer 5 ай бұрын
Yeah, I'm actually excited to see his curse technique, I hope he gets it as soon as possible too :D
@halelolel 5 ай бұрын
​​@@Homieeryour prayers have been answered by gege
@pancakes7483 5 ай бұрын
​@@halelolel They have not been answered at all. he still has no CT or domain even in the new chapters and don't say it was hinted because we've been gaslighting ourselves that for a while now and it's getting old fr lol
@Gensolink 5 ай бұрын
even kusakabe is more involved in the power system. Yuji just managed with basic cursed energy application
@FaerieHijacker Ай бұрын
The patient is now blessed. My boi Itadori is HIM.
@charlie-vl1dl 5 ай бұрын
The definition of a mountain mover
@TheSaladBar 5 ай бұрын
@vegito_st1 5 ай бұрын
Me personally i think yuji is so underrated
@waterbean1522 4 ай бұрын
I’ve had these same realizations of Yuji as a character absolutely brilliant video🔥
@1ViivviiX1 4 ай бұрын
Phenomenal video dude. Yuji Itadori is definitely one of my favorite JJK characters, and overall one of my top anime protagonists in general. Personally Yuji resonated as a great MC from the first few episodes to me. You made alot of amazing points, the video was paced well, and I'd say the point you made to point out the parallels he has betwen so many characters was great. I never even noticed myself, especially the comparison with Geto and how Yuji could've turned out just like him, but has stayed true to himself instead. And lastly I also really look forward to see where Yuji goes and how his story will conclude. 🤌🔥 Got a new sub from me homie.
@Sbuder_man 5 ай бұрын
I can't watch more coz I want to avoid spoilers.But all I'm gonna say is wow most of all this stuff flew way over muh head. Nanami being the similar to yuji and his life purpose.The guilt he feels for all the people killed in shibuya.Amazing nice video so far
@jiocrestfall 5 ай бұрын
I'd like as an ending to where if yuji ever gets to be the one that does the finishing blow to sukuna i hope it's the most basic shit that yuji does to every opponent: he just punches them. Kinda poetic for someone that's been min-maxing their entire extended life to just get done in by the most basic attack and not a special technique
@manospd3351 5 ай бұрын
and sukuna lose from the same guy who sees as pathetic and nobody...
@sadrakeyhany7477 5 ай бұрын
I kinda hope sukuna wins, just to see the hopeless expression yuji makes, would be funny as hell
@ciol9487 5 ай бұрын
@@sadrakeyhany7477 are you gege
@deliriumthewaifu7030 5 ай бұрын
@@sadrakeyhany7477 Of course the sukuna riders
@sadrakeyhany7477 5 ай бұрын
@deliriumthewaifu7030 bro, I'm a gojo fan. It's just that since gojo became the divided one there is no more characters I'm really attached to. And sukuna is kinda entertaining in his own way too, the protagonist group really isn't that interesting.
@gabeiusbabyius5628 5 ай бұрын
People say he's bland but won't say that about sakuna. They are literally two sides of the same coin, they both do they're own thing without care for anything else. While sakuna will kill people with no regard, Yuji will kill curses with no regard.
@brawler8839 5 ай бұрын
I think one of the reasons sukuna hates itadori is because of his view of himself as a cog. Sukuna respects strength, which itadori does have, but he doesnt have that hunger to be the strongest that sukuna respects above all else.
@manospd3351 5 ай бұрын
I think sukuna hates yuji for more reasons other than that. The first one is what you said, but i think he despises yuji's selfless character. Probably, he hates him also, because yuji is what sukuna hated on himself and became the strongest after getting rid of that side of him.
@brawler8839 5 ай бұрын
@@manospd3351 that would be one hell of a twist that i would love to see
@rahimsaad8920 5 ай бұрын
Bro yuji has to be the most depressed main character I have ever seen. Now I have seen the manga makes me sad that yuji is not playful or kind but in his eyes a monster the kills with out mercy. This is all caused by sukuna and mahito the two most hated (expect for sukuna I think) character I have ever seen. Man yuji has to be given some love bruh like if I was in this situation as him I would commit suicide but yuji cannot cuz he has to defeat sukuna the king of curses...
@edric9137 5 ай бұрын
The mfs who only watch jjk for gojo vs the mfs who watch jjk FOR jjk
@andyartmaster101 5 ай бұрын
I love character essays on characters. I could never speak so eloquently but i do understand and see the nuances surrounding him and the plot.
@zenabnormal4325 4 ай бұрын
One thing I truly love man is that we see every side of Yuji sad, mad, upset, and happy all at an extreme portrayal its so beautiful to see him always never back down no matter what
@0kdevv_ Ай бұрын
Had no idea it was you until purple cell popped up great vid
@fwsashi 5 ай бұрын
I myself love yuji, im writing this comment before i even watch the video because i understand yuji's character and the way he handles situations. ive been thinking abt writing a manga for years now and always wanted it to be a more down to earth manga but my mc inspiration was always goku but with a down to earth manga i would have to write a little around that idea but when i read jjk for the first time i just knew i needed a mc like yuji, hes relatable on so many levels and how he talks and goes abt his life just screams im a normal guy thrown in the day. i love yuji for that and gege did a really good job at writing him that way (yuji needs a break from all the bad things tho), i do agree with ppl who stopped reading/watching knowing gojo will die, i myself am i big coper that gojo will come back and that gege kinda fumbled the bag a little with gojo with him saying gojo could never be a good written character while he was one of if not the best written character in the manga. but saying yuji is bland, dry, has no depth or is not fit for the role for those ppl i have just one question, do you only look at the pictures or is there a reading comprehension?
@gabidagabida 5 ай бұрын
Honestly I really like yuji, sure he can be off sometimes he is just interesting, holding in all his pain and still continuing is honestly impressive, if I were him I’d just give up and let Sukuna take over tbh 💀
@user-cd2bg5yx2x 5 ай бұрын
nice video my man
@BOGOworms4sale 2 ай бұрын
I think after JJK 0, comparing yuji’s character from season 1 to Yuta was what for me initially lead me to that conclusion. Yuta has much more concrete ambition while Yuji feels kinda aimless in the first season. Yuji doesn’t have nearly as much going for him as Yuta does especially in the powers department. That all being said, the small interactions in season 2 and the more time we spend with Yuji bonding with Nobara and Megumi are what really made me flip. I love how despite being incredibly aimless in the story, Yuji is still a very solid and genuinely likable guy with a firm grip on who he is. On top of that, season 2 firmly cements the 2 best aspects of Yuji as a main character. His interactions with Sukuna, and his interactions with Todo. Both are reinforced and given a lot more depth and that really cemented Yuji as a great main character for me.
@BOGOworms4sale 2 ай бұрын
2 things I want to touch on that I forgot. 1. I don’t care at all for Junpei and Yuji’s story. It’s okay, but for me personally, I didn’t care for Junpei at all, and I’ll double down on the idea that Junpei didn’t have enough time to be set up. He fulfilled his role in the story sure, but I wasn’t feeling the same way Yuji did about Mahito after and so it kinda lost me. I really don’t get it since the hidden inventory arc accomplished so much in such a short span. 2. I really wish Yuji got waaaaay more screen time with a lot of characters like Nobara and Nanami. Nobara not quite as much since we got the slice of life scenes, but only a couple scenes with Nanami and Yuji is criminal. By far the best part of Yuji’s character is how he interacts with others and giving important characters more time with him imo
@TheSoulCalledZuzia 2 ай бұрын
Agreed, actually
@tastedivinefury2198 5 ай бұрын
Great videoo id love to hear about ur thoughts on Yuki
@maxrosefoxanime7225 5 ай бұрын
It seems like people are not used to seeing characters have a actual story and are not like kirto clones like to me yuji is probably one of my few characters i like
@ihatelaylo_music 5 ай бұрын
for those who are not caught up w the anime and manga this has spoilers
@loicpernot8779 5 ай бұрын
Man did this video age well. Not going to spoil the latest leaks but some of the stuff you wrote about Nanami, Higuruma and "He did what he could do" was downright prophetic.
@mariem8705 Ай бұрын
I’ve never doubted Yuji once this entire time. Never thought he was weak or useless. Inexperience, yes. But he as a 15 year old was able to harness and control a 1000 year old curse. Able to put up with so much BS and keeps moving forward, if that ain’t a main character idk what is.
@damson9470 5 ай бұрын
yuji really reminds me of who i used to be. self sacrficial to the core, with no regard to my own place and importance in humanity. this anime has been healing as fuck so far
@MySkinIsntMine 5 ай бұрын
Yuji's case is actually shockingly similar to Emiya Shirou from the Fate series, and Kamijou Touma from the Toaru series. All three of these characters are poorly understood and all share the same "Martyr Complex". They all are twisted versions of the ideal "Hero" that saves people no matter what. Most of these characters however, are poorly portrayed in their respective animes, resulting in them getting overshadowed by side characters. For example, people know more about Saber than Shirou, people know more about Misaka Mikoto than Kamijou, and people know more about Gojo than Itadori. They all suffer from "Bad" main character syndrome.
@takeyourmedsplz 5 ай бұрын
At no point in the story is yuji left behind or overshadowed. You're not paying attention. That comparison is bad
@unblockabledrum4134 5 ай бұрын
Yeah I disagree with this take. Yuji is arguably the best written character in the series. His fight and dynamic with higaruma alone clears most of the cast of characters in terms or writing.
@bet0neiro 5 ай бұрын
Yuji plays his part majestically. He is quite an OP cog of his cursed world.
@gerente9074 5 ай бұрын
Yuji and Invincible. Two characters that are not saved by the plot, if they are weaker and less experienced, they lose. No friendship power (jumping is an exception) and that's why I love them
@lucaswickmansound 5 ай бұрын
Ever since I started watching JJK when it first came out, I always thought Yuji was more interesting than Gojo, even now. Ive always disliked Gojo and his character, simply being “born better” isn’t an interesting character background, sure he had to awaken and all that, but none of it would’ve been possible without 6 eyes or limitless being in his clan. Also I’ve never been a fan of “I’m the strongest and almost nothing comes close to me” characters, being powerful doesn’t mean you’re inherently interesting. Yuji is still my favorite in JJK, same with Todo. They do what they can with what they’ve got, and that’s throwing hands and jumping. I don’t think Yuji is not boring, he’s simple, but that’s the point of him, and thats what makes him good in my eyes.
@woofy25 5 ай бұрын
The main reason why people don't accept yuji as a mc is culling games... I know culling games is a build up arc but still yuji didn't had enough screen time....the whole arc didn't focus yuji and that made people think he is just a side character.... It's a massive shame that people don't realise yuji's true depth as a mc... One of the best written MCs for sure
@ayush9202 5 ай бұрын
Yuji had more screentime in culling game then any single characters. People are comparing every single character screentime combined to single yuji screentime and saying he don't get enough focus. Culling game was like a tournaments arc where everyone needed to fight at least 1 battle so how is yuji supposed to be in every chapter. Hakari and Yuta needed introduction in the story. Maki needed to show us her heavenly restrictions power. Yuji had 2 important fights in culling game against Higuruma and Sukuna. And he was present in the setup arc and after Sukuna. People just hate Yuji and find non sense reasons
@woofy25 5 ай бұрын
@@ayush9202 nah you didn't have screen time, just being in one chapter fighting doesn't mean he had screentime.... everything you said was right... Gege needed time to introduce other characters but I remember back to back straight 40 chapaters yuji didn't appear (almost a year).... Yeah after every character introduction gege started to Focus on the main plot that yuji vs sukuna and I'm all here for it as a biggest yuji stan...
@ayush9202 5 ай бұрын
@@woofy25 then tell me if not Yuji who had the most screentime in culling game. And not just in one fight. After shibuya Yuji was there from the beginning to meet Tengen, then to recruit Hakari then he fought Higuruma then he was absent for 4 INDIVIDUALS fight. After that everything focused on Yuji. It is like people calling Naruto trash just because Naruto was not involved in every Chunin fights.
@Saucenoat 5 ай бұрын
@@ayush9202 you spitting bro
@dallasdean4115 5 ай бұрын
​​@@woofy2530 chapters even then he still dominatea the screen time by massive margin before and after. He's been prevalent in last 33 chapters now. Its like yall have object permanence or something.
@monkeyflex9368 5 ай бұрын
I'd just like a main character that wins a fight occasionally. I get trying to show a theme, but I can only watch a human punching bag for so long.
@swervyghost 5 ай бұрын
People that dont like yuji are just casuals thst never reslly understood or cared for the story as a whole
@kota7789 5 ай бұрын
Anyone saying he’s mid is probably mid themselves.
@trayfr 5 ай бұрын
I really like Yuji. I can't help but feel like everything that he goes through, or that happens in the story in general, serves as a sort of build-up towards his rise as a sort of strongest exorcist like Gojo or Sukuna. can't wait to see what Gege has in store for him I like the manga as a whole too. everything flows pretty nicely and stays relatively sensical. I do have to say that I don't really enjoy the info dumps about cursed energy, techniques and whatnot that there are at times. but other than that, I still think the story is thriving after 250 chapters
@luzyasiramelotapia1136 5 ай бұрын
After watching the video now I can still confidently say I don’t like him as a character, but I respect your opinion and you made me see him differently too!
@ImJustSage 5 ай бұрын
@nobody4248 5 ай бұрын
The thing about Yuuji is that he doesn't feel like a mc. His actions have very little effect on the plot of jjk. He is a cog in a machine he doesn't understand.
@johnlangone2738 5 ай бұрын
peeped the signalis music in the background... HE COOKED
@Griblothedepressedgoblin 5 ай бұрын
Been a yuji fan since day 1
@the_spider_lily911 5 ай бұрын
Yuji has been my fav character since episode 1.
@nstar674 5 ай бұрын
I recently got into JJK, just got into the Shibuya Incident. Yuji is easily my favorite character so far.
@OpticProPredator21 5 ай бұрын
Yuji lives as the mustard seed
@doom8183 5 ай бұрын
yuji isin a endless cycle of pain to sadness and then back to pain
@ae7746 5 ай бұрын
Yuji is my baby. One of the few MCs I actually like.
@bestbrothereverchoso3305 5 ай бұрын
🗣️ ITAGOAT FR 🔥🔥🔥🔥
@michaeltaufik527 5 ай бұрын
Yuji's the GOAT🔥
@crossfellsans7377 Ай бұрын
i always was on the yuji's side i knew he was cooking and when i saw read chapter 256 i was so happy to see my man finally get the attention he always needed
@donniebell7887 4 ай бұрын
I like Yuji because in a world full of people with reality bending superpowers and he just has HANDZ and he can hang... mostly... sometimes. I always love characters who fights differently from everyone and can hang with everyone else. Hit is my favorite Dragonball character for this reason and yuji reminds me of him.
@teqhchaser 5 ай бұрын
hold on this might be the first salad bar banger
@qknee 5 ай бұрын
What if like how in Mahitos case, using his idle transfiguration on himself and attaining his instant spirit body of distorted killing, Yujis learning his true unbridled soul with the more suffering he tanks instead of his parallel of Mahito attaining his true self by dealing suffering into mankind. While yujis body remains human, his fists will shine his side as a curse due to Kenjaku. The only part of mahito that retained his “humanity” was his hands, so he could continue to transfigure humans. In a way, maybe the only part of yuji that will change when he attaines his true unbridled soul is his fists. The part of him really useful in his ideology as a calamity of curses. Just like how mahito’s hands were the really only useful part of him useful in his role as a calamity to humans. When yuji attains his true unbridled soul, just as mahito did, his ability will be idle transfiguration to harm sukuna from a far or maybe swap souls with sukuna to change the shape of his own soul, in turn, taking away sukuna’s perfect body. Either that or using sukuna’s body as his own as we know that yuji cares not for his own body if it means the death of sukuna. Since kenjaku says the body is the soul and the soul is the body, yuji will retain his new found technique inside sukuna’s body and possibly his same appearance.
@nova7931 5 ай бұрын
The biggest reason people don’t like him is that he is in the background a lot which is almost never happens in other shonens and when you have all these other characters with these insane powers and insane fights having the mc lose most of the time and then have his “big moment” of killing mahito stolen right in front of him people start getting frustrated because, what the fuck is the point in caring about an mc that doesnt do shit,loses every time ,and makes thing worst, because people don’t see that yuji is a character meant to do one big thing and die and even then people will hate that so yuji like in the series is in a no win situation
@bren.nan_ 4 ай бұрын
itadori yuji is one of my favorite mc's of any anime
@blacksabbath5754 5 ай бұрын
Some people just can’t enjoy a character who doesn’t get his powers from their mentor by swallowing a hair strand, or getting massive amounts of power from a demon fox or just being overpowered from the beginning simply because you worked out so much. Yuji isn’t that typical shonen character who has a clear cut goal established from episode one. Yuji is someone who struggles with his battles sometimes he wins, sometimes he needs assistance from stronger sorcerers hell he even loses his battles and gets absolutely blitzed. But that’s why I like about Yuji he doesn’t stay down and he’ll keep fighting until he can’t anymore. Yuji is gonna get his moment to shine and when he does he’s gonna put the hurt on Sukuna and take him down once and for all I see it coming fr
@Ayesha-ps5ze 5 ай бұрын
totally agree but who ate a hair strand for a powerup, I'm genuinely curious lol
@zoecallaobenach6923 5 ай бұрын
@@Ayesha-ps5ze Midoriya Izuku (Deku), from my hero academia.
@Ayesha-ps5ze 5 ай бұрын
lol what? How does that work? @@zoecallaobenach6923
@broskibrobro1278 5 ай бұрын
​@@Ayesha-ps5zeit was the method of transferring powers from all might to midorya
@THE_Metal_Sonic1 5 ай бұрын
Where you go i go what you see i see🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
@Lilgooberr 5 ай бұрын
Yuji is my favorite character fs
@terrariaenjoyer420 3 ай бұрын
hes not just a cog in a machine... he is THE cog in THE machine
@roodyg5352 4 ай бұрын
JJK is better than I thought lol these guys know how to throw hands! Glad I’m finally all caught up in the anime.
@TheKingOfRooks 5 ай бұрын
@lastfaith7819 5 ай бұрын
I was so confused when the deathloop soundtrack came on
@emcee7777 5 ай бұрын
I like Yuji cause he just feels like a regular kid who's just trying to do his best in life to prove himself and to help those around him. He's not some "chosen one" or a reincarnated God, he's really just a cog within the Jujutsu machine as he puts it
@carrieromberger8640 5 ай бұрын
Idk how people think he is bland. It’s like they don’t remember that scene in shibuya where he says he should die because of what he let Sukuna do. His reaction to it is one of the best scenes I have ever seen in a show. It’s almost breathtaking how accurate a person like him would react to seeing the death and chaos he feels like he caused.
@user-zi6gc3yr4n 5 ай бұрын
my problem with yuji is that he's a worse emiya without any of the initial survivors guilt. i get that he's a kind kid, and truly i sympathize. he's a shallow character just moving ocean and he just doesn't stand out for me. no goal, no ambition, a shallow reasoning for what he does. emiya at least was a fake, but he made that ideal his own with his own reasoning, and he breaks his body for something he's not cut out for and yet persists and succeedes. emiya was fleshed out in 3 ways, but yuji didn't develop as a person until he was forced to witness his own weakness and it's own repercussions. in my eyes, he's just another traumatized kid with nothing but those hands. i would've liked to see more of yuji's development, considering how highly he's talked about in the story, even sukuna being disappointed in him. his growth has only been linear recently and really only from raw physical strength. it's really disappointing, when yuta lives up to his reputation but yuji doesn't, especially as the mc, where typically you'd expect more explosive growth. them hands really do get to boxing all they are really nice to see in action, especially recently in the anime.
@natoriousthehopeful2786 5 ай бұрын
You summed up my opinion about Yuji quite well: I think he's a good character, but he doesn't really do it for me as a MAIN character
@ianharrison5758 5 ай бұрын
I think you misunderstand a huge aspect of Yujis character writing. Finding that goal, that ambition is something he’s written to find along the way. He’s not some cookie cutter MC that knows at 15 exactly what they want in life and never ever actually have their morale and will to fight broken. Looking at Yuji as an mc the way you’d look at more typical examples in shonen does a disservice to the role he plays in the story and what his narrative role is. And his growth has been explosive, extremely so. Yuta has the advantage of having flashy powers to show off obvious power boosts, but Yuji, over the course of at most 3 hours after his loss to Choso grows so much stronger Choso will call him a demon god while he’s still not even recovered from shibuya. It’s not Yujis growth or even actual skill that’s any issue, if anything it’s that his main powers outside boxing aren’t going to play their most key roles until the current manga, and minor spoilers: He’s definitely cracked now and one of the only ones who have any shot of clutching the fight he’s in. His presentation is different than other MCs, if that’s not for you I understand that but to say he lacks depth is just wrong
@Subpar1O1 5 ай бұрын
​@@ianharrison5758Yuji's arc in the story is finding out where he fits in it and personally that's ten times more engaging to me than the likes of Deku or Goku. Yuji's in a world completely foreign to the average citizen and he's trying to find out where he comes in, growing into his own and actually maturing. Honestly while JJK isn't my favourite series of all time Yuji's definitely up there as one of the best MCs to me. His drive to keep going is actually kind of grounded compared to shonen MC's imo
@Nsix4 5 ай бұрын
I don't find him boring or anything, but ffs I want to see him get a W. No teamate to bail him out, no headscar mf bailing out his opponent, just an actual win. why is that too much to ask.
@konjfful2963 5 ай бұрын
Yuji only exists to give sukuna a cool looking vessel, his character is an after thought.
@TehGhostWhoPlay 5 ай бұрын
In a world full of grandeur individuals like gojo and sukuna a character like Yuji might seem dull because he can’t compete with the top characters even though he the MC. But me to that make me love him even more but I actually get to see him grow, I actually get to see him get strong and not get spoon fed that he simply just the strongest because he is. And I will get to understand that when the time comes… Yuji Itadori will be the strongest, not because he is the strongest but because he is Yuji Itadori.
@markrounseville6998 5 ай бұрын
I would like some official confirmation on Nobara's status.
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Satoru Gojo Shouldn't Work
Savage Books
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КАКОЙ ВАШ ЛЮБИМЫЙ ЦВЕТ?😍 #game #shorts
Рет қаралды 10 МЛН