The Unfolding Restoration Lesson 21: Eternal Marriage

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Doctrine and Covenants Central

Doctrine and Covenants Central

2 жыл бұрын

Professor Sweat teaches about the development of the doctrine of eternal marriage, as well as tackles some misconceptions members and non-members of the Church have about this belief.

Пікірлер: 77
@roebellaj952 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you! I appreciate how you ended by acknoeledging the complications of that go with the doctrine of eternal marriage. I just know that the Lord will iron out all the kinks and make things work out in the end. I believe our duty is to live worthy to obtain the blessings of eternal marriage and exultation. This video clarified and solidified the truth I already know. Thank you again!
@shirleypost3351 2 жыл бұрын
all important information
@siumanspringer2014 2 жыл бұрын
God bless you and your beautiful family. This is why we are here to prepare and to be tried in all things so we can receive our blessing of the Eternal marriage, to be gods like our Father in Heaven.❤️
@aprilgriffin7126 2 жыл бұрын
God bless you Brother Sweat for sharing your knowledge and inspiration with us. Beautiful lesson.
@trower64 2 жыл бұрын
Love that painting. You are very talented! Thank you. 🤗
@marymabey9858 2 жыл бұрын
These programs are so helpful and so inspirational at teaching concepts. They are so good at teaching how doctrine can be simple and complex all at the same time. A friend of mine who was a convert in her 20s shared an insight she had. So often the doctrines when given brought peace and clarity, but as we live with them and study, we discover the complexity of them. Such as being sealed to spouse and family. What a glorious principle! But then you begin to ask about the complications and messiness that life presents. You help bring the simplicity and acknowledge these complexities. Thank you … again❤️
@ganendlovu7113 2 жыл бұрын
Beautiful lesson. Much appreciated 👍🏼
@RenieAmstadt 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you, for another amazing lesson.
@trower64 2 жыл бұрын
Beautiful! Thank you!
@kathleenharoldsen1415 2 жыл бұрын
These are so helpful on so many levels! Thank you!
@dorothypitts4768 2 жыл бұрын
Episode 22 can’t get here fast enough!
@renatemckendry104 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you! I still have to wrap my brain around some things.
@h.matthewhorlacher9608 2 жыл бұрын
Your Sweatheart. :)
@pchambers6658 2 жыл бұрын
Can we use this painting in our RS/Primary classes? It is fantastic!!!
@marymabey9858 2 жыл бұрын
Get his book! It’s beautiful. Repicturing the Restoration ❤️
@Sadliers 2 жыл бұрын
New and Everlasting Covenant is two covenants that go hand-in-hand. The New Covenant is the gospel that Jesus taught. That contains the laws of the Celestial Kingdom which one must be living in order to attain that kingdom (D&C 88:22). The everlasting covenant is the covenant for receiving everlasting life. Everlasting life is to live without ever experiencing death (John 6:47-50, 8:51). It is to be translated such as had happened to the three Nephites and the city of Enoch. Thus the New and Everlasting Covenant combines those two covenants together, hence becoming translated is a part of the covenant. Those that die have proved that they DIDN’T have everlasting life, hence did not fulfill their end of the covenant so that it would have been granted. The New and Everlasting covenant of Marriage is a marriage according to the New and Everlasting Covenant. Those men that receive everlasting life will also receive the priesthood that is had within the Church of the Firstborn, which is the Patriarchal Priesthood. That priesthood inherently has the keys of the sealing power, thus a marriage between a man and a woman that receives everlasting life will be forever. That is inherent to those that fulfill their part of the covenant. The church does not have the sealing power. How do we know? President Nelson demonstrated that it is not bad when he fasted and prayed for a quick end to the pandemic but his request was not honored by God; if he had the sealing power then his request would have been granted with exactness. It shouldn’t be a surprise that the sealing power isn’t had, though, because the Melchizedek Priesthood had been withdrawn from the church (D&C 124:28) and never restored. Thus all the temple dealings are without authority, and we know what the church teaches about the validity of ordinances performed without the authority. On the bright side, since the church DOES have the Aaronic Priesthood (D&C 13), and since that priesthood CAN perform baptisms, then the baptisms are legitimate. That means that the individual’s offering to enter into the New and Everlasting Covenant with God was performed properly. That means that if that individual is one of the lost sheep of the House of Israel and they completely fulfill their end of the covenant, and their spouse also does, then they can be sealed upon receiving everlasting life. But that will require following the Spirit, not flesh.
@jerilynewell5496 2 жыл бұрын
What would happen if only one in the marriage chose not to be faithful? What happens to the other spouse?
@dougheaton6 2 жыл бұрын
We are taught that no one who keeps the covenants will be denied the blessings associated with the covenant. Only disobedience disqualifies us from the blessings. If one spouse is obedient and the other is not, the obedient person will still receive the full blessing. I suspect in that scenario, you would be given a spouse worthy of you.
@jenniferg1424 2 жыл бұрын
24:05 Reminded me of 1820 The Musical...Kiss Forever Bye
@windywithachanceofsunshine5219 2 жыл бұрын
Our Lord taught that there is no marriage in heaven - the earthly kind between a man and a women. That is because He taught a greater marriage in eternity, that of Jesus as the bridegroom with his church, the bride. Eternal life will be nothing like earthly life. We will have bodies like those of the angels, which is revealed in Revelation. Our purpose on earth is to serve our God and keep ourselves faithful to live eternity with our God. The Family in heaven will be the Family of the faithful! Peace!
@robertlewis7208 2 жыл бұрын
Bless you
@Mannwhich 3 ай бұрын
Disagree. The point was made before hand. Adam and Eve were married by God in the garden while they were still immortal. And no where did God say their union had an expiration date. God's plan did not (and had not) changed, because of the fall of man. The family unit in the beginning was by design and was always meant to be an eternal institution with God! Not a temporary one. He doesn't do anything temporary. "Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord." Matthew 19 Christ while speaking to the pharisees, made reference to Adam's words where Adam called Eve his wife. 5) And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? 6) Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath JOINED together, let not man put asunder. Prophets were given the priesthood power to bind on Earth and in heaven. All marriage and baptismal ordinances are performed on Earth as preparation before we meet God. "If we are not one, we are not his", comes to mind. God promised Abraham that the land he gave him, and his seed would be his forever. His children, and their children would receive the same blessings under the abrahamic covenant so long as they remained righteous. Christ conquered death and regained his body in a perfect immortal state. Therefore all who came to Earth will be resurrected before judgement and receive a perfect immortal body of flesh and bone. Does love cease after we die? There is no reason why family relationships should cease either after death, as Christ overcame it. So all things relating to the family of man, may return again just as they were before we die. But only upon conditions of obedience to the Lord's commandments.
@truth4190 2 жыл бұрын
Good job
@lindabell1229 5 ай бұрын
Where in the Holy Bible does the Lord approve of multiple wives?
@markfornefeld299 2 жыл бұрын
what happens if you die unmarried and you wanted to get married
@robertlewis7208 2 жыл бұрын
Millennium is when we have that possibility
@johnrowley310 9 ай бұрын
@@robertlewis7208 Mormons are so hooked on sex after death.
@jmgren1 2 жыл бұрын
The white background for your video is really too bright
@pamhall3081 2 жыл бұрын
I agree. It’s kind of hard to look at.
@windywithachanceofsunshine5219 2 жыл бұрын
Mr. Sweat, show me a reference in the bible that tells us about eternal marriage between a man and a woman.
@robertlewis7208 2 жыл бұрын
@windywithachanceofsunshine5219 2 жыл бұрын
@@robertlewis7208 Where in Genesis?
@robertlewis7208 2 жыл бұрын
Adam and Eve are married they were immortal God who's Eternal was the one who married them since God does nothing that's not Eternal hence Eternal marriage
@windywithachanceofsunshine5219 2 жыл бұрын
@@robertlewis7208 When God created Adam and Eve, He put them in a perfect world and they were to live forever in Paradise. However, Our Great God also gave them free agency. Because Adam chose to disobey God, he introduced sin into the world. This changed the whole plan. Now all people would not live forever as humans on earth. It would take the cross to afford all humans eternal spiritual salvation. Now their souls could live forever with God IF they chose to believe in the one, true God. The bible is very clear about God's plan. BUT you have to read the whole bible, not just the beginning. It is very clear in Matthew when Jesus tells us that "there is no marriage in heaven", when the widow marries the seven brothers and someone asks who she will be with in heaven. Jesus tells them none of them because there is no marriage in heaven. Jesus always tells us that "marriage" is Jesus as the bridegroom and his church is the bride. THAT is the eternal marriage in heaven, not a marriage between a man and a woman. Eternal families in heaven is the family of God. Heaven is nothing like earth, and only men try to make a picture of heaven like earth because that is what they can relate to. But our ways are not God's ways. God has a bigger plan than we can imagine. God gave us earth to enjoy and determine our fate for eternal life. Our eternal spiritual life is up to us! Peace!
@robertlewis7208 2 жыл бұрын
You have the right to believe whatever you want and you will I can give you more evidence and you can to but come to what you want to believe and then have faith in that 🙂 God bless 🙏 you
@bartercoins Жыл бұрын
Eternal marriage and plural marriage are synonymous. The term "plural marriage" refers to polygyny in which the wives are all _sealed_ for time and all eternity to the same husband. The term "polygamy," refers to polygyny (one husband, multiple wives) in which no one is sealed for time and all eternity. The world uses the term polygamy, whereas the Lord in the revelations of Joseph Smith uses the term plural marriage to differentiate between the two, the one ending in death, the other never ending. Anyone who enters into and remains in an eternal marriage will come forth in the day of judgment in *a plural marriage* , _even if they only had monogamous marriage on earth_ . No one who accepts the terms of exaltation can receive only _a part of it_ . You either inherit all things (all of exaltation) or you inherit no exaltation, whatsoever. You can obtain _salvation_ in one of the three degrees of glory, but you cannot inherit exaltation _by degrees_ . This is because _by definition_ , exaltation is getting everything there is get, which includes all the wives there will be in the next life.
@bartercoins Жыл бұрын
The term "exaltation" can either refer to being lifted up (exalted) or to what the LDS believe is inheriting all things (becoming gods). The early saints who believed that plural marriage was the highest form of exaltation may have been using the first shade of meaning, for all the saved who come forth in the resurrection will be lifted up (exalted) to one of the three degrees of glory, while those who inherit all things will be lifted up above all the rest, hence plural marriage (equated to eternal marriage) being seen by them as "the highest form" of exaltation. As for elder McConkie, it is not necessary to enter into plural marriage _in this life_ in order to qualify for salvation and exaltation, for all one needs is to be sealed to a spouse, even in monogamy. However, that is not to say that such people will come forth in the resurrection in a monogamous marriage and enter into their exaltation still in a monogamous marriage. No, all the ordinances of both salvation and exaltation will be completed prior to the day of judgment, for both the living and the dead, and the books will be filled out and perfected, so that those who end up receiving exaltation will come forth in the resurrection as married people in _plural marriage_ .
@bartercoins Жыл бұрын
If a woman is sealed to a man for time and all eternity, and that sealing remains intact (no cancellation of sealing), they are indeed _guaranteed_ exaltation *unless* they commit the unpardonable sin against the Holy Ghost. If they commit all manner of sins and blasphemies, short of the sin against the Holy Ghost (shedding innocent blood), and do not repent of those sins by the time they are dead in the flesh, upon death they will be thrust down to hell where they will suffer the bufferings of Satan until the resurrection, and then they will come forth in the resurrection and enter into their exaltation, becoming gods. A sealed marriage can get clean and obtain exaltation in one of two ways: through the Holy Ghost (during earth life) or through hell (in the next life). Either way they are guaranteed exaltation (which is what the Holy Spirit of promise is: the guarantee of exaltation given to them by the priest sealing them together) unless they commit the unpardonable sin. If they commit the biggest sin, then their sealing _reverses_ and instead of being sealed up unto God and exaltation, they become sealed up unto Satan and perdition, and into outer darkness they go upon being resurrected. Keeping gospel covenants and temple marriage covenants allows purification, sanctification and justification through the Holy Ghost, so that you can bypass hell. But if you are a major unrepentant sinner, then you can only get to heaven _through hell_ . The eternal marriage guarantee gets you to heaven in all cases (except one), even if you have to go through hell to get there. Thus hell is for three types of people: those who inherit outer darkness, those who inherit the telestial kingdom and those who will inherit exaltation but who were unrepentant sinners in life (yet who didn't shed innocent blood). The latter will repent after suffering in hell and then be restored to their promised blessing of exaltation.
@archimedestw4587 Жыл бұрын
I just read all 3 of your comments. I am curious to know though, where did you learn all of this? Was it from gospel doctrine class or can you refer certain books?
@ggrace1133 Жыл бұрын
Wow, why would you believe such horrible things for the daughters of God?? You sound like you can’t wait. But then, you are just a guy…why wouldn’t you love such a future? But for we women, it’s a cruel eternity. I’ll very gratefully and happily pass.
@ggrace1133 10 ай бұрын
@@bartercoinsthat is found nowhere in scripture. Only modern prophets taught such concepts and none of those teachings were canonized and are not binding. I think they taught such ideas to help young 16-to-18-year-old girls give up wanting to date and marry the young men in their schools and stakes, and be willing to marry a man 50-70-years-old as diaries have recorded such marriages. I believe those leaders were sincere and well intended, but their teachings may actually be completely erroneous. Thankfully. No normal, mentally healthy women could ever be happy sharing her husband, letting him engage in the sexual arousal of another and fulfillment to him by another(s) without suffering the deepest form of betrayal and hurt. Try reversing the situation of men having to share, knowing his wife might find another man (men) better and more gifted at gratifying her, or being more handsome, tender, romantic, and entertaining. Men often murder their cheating wives, and to this day in some countries women are stoned to death if they sleep with another man. The adulterous men aren’t harmed, just the women. Men seemed to feel sharing a wife is an abomination. Yet they often see no problem, and even yearn for having multiple partners. They don’t seem to comprehend the pain it causes, or if they do, they don’t overly care because they are so excited (literally) to be granted multiple beautiful and young options for their pleasure. Of course that sounds like heaven to the baser male. But an exalted man would seem to be one who could never, ever hurt the wife he loves by going to another. He’d learn to not be bored, to not get tired of her. And a woman must learn to do the same. She must not feel bored and become tired of her husband. The kind of love worthy of exaltation I don’t think is comprehended in mortality. I don’t think even the best of mortals get much past a toddler level understanding of true love. But progression is eternal so there is hope and grace for us all.
@jillyncomstock2284 Жыл бұрын
Why would any woman want to have unlimited increase ( children) . That sounds awful. I love my children and grandchildren.
@Mannwhich 3 ай бұрын
Abraham was promised virtually unlimited increase. God promised the land he gave him, (and his seed) would be his, forever! And his seed, if they be worthy would receive the same blessings. We are eternal beings, so our perspective should not be on temporal things where rust and dust corrupts.
@johnrowley310 10 ай бұрын
The gospel was never lost. Smith was a false prophet...Jesus is more important than marriage.
@spamjelly9635 Жыл бұрын
Joseph Smith never taught polygamy he was against it. That comes from his own mouth and that is found in our own scriptures at his death. Joseph Smith never taught Eternal Marriage. That comes from William Clayton the same person that polygamy come from. So question members do you have a testimony of William Clayton? And if you do I suggest you read his Manchester mission Journal. Where he talks about having an affair and falling in love with a girl named Sarah. And how he talks about having a second wife. But supposedly he didn't know about polygamy until years later. But I guess truth doesn't matter to most of you. Joseph Smith restored the fullness of the truth. But a group of English missionaries including Brigham Young started teaching other Doctrine contrary to Joseph Smith. If you want to know the truth go find it. Start by reading 3 Nephi chapter 11.. when you read it ask yourself what is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And why Jesus Christ said no one can add or take away to it. And then ask yourself did Brigham Young. Because Joseph Smith didn't.
@jeffhagen9840 Жыл бұрын
Zero revelatory support of the concept of a Mother in Heaven. Zero. A second hand account of what the Prophet Joseph may have said one time. What we have is a poem inspired by another poem, and cultural over-belief. Sorry.
@julielund3362 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for another wonderful lesson.
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