The Vim Experience | Robertson Reacts

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Brodie Robertson Reacts

Brodie Robertson Reacts

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@yur1x0nly 6 күн бұрын
bog is awesome because he does things in the most frustrating way, yet the way most people would take
@mihalious 7 күн бұрын
1:54 the command is :Tutor
@IgnoreMyChan 6 күн бұрын
And ffs how should a new user know this shit?!
@distant6606 6 күн бұрын
@@IgnoreMyChan Yea they need to put in the dashboard or smth for the first time you run nvim just in case you re new...
@mihalious 6 күн бұрын
@@IgnoreMyChan i you launch nvim in terminal without any files, you are greeted with message which contains "type :help for help" If you do so, it opens help page with basic instructions(how to move around and how to quit) Then in "getting started" paragraph vimtutor is mentioned. Then if you type ":help vimtutor" another help page opens, with explanation of ":Tutor" command So theoretically it is possible
@mskiptr 6 күн бұрын
Whenever you start Neovim it says:
@mskiptr 6 күн бұрын
~ NVIM v0.10.2 Nvim is open source and freely distributable *type :help if you're new!* type :checkhealth to optimize Nvim type :q to exit …
@lukeemhigh 7 күн бұрын
FYI: $ and ^ come from regex syntax where they mean respectively the last and first character of the current line
@SIGMA_BLYAT 6 күн бұрын
@ninetydirectory3798 4 күн бұрын
@_BLANK_BLANK 7 күн бұрын
I didn't know vimtutor existed until well into learning vim.
@kevinrineer5356 7 күн бұрын
Holy heck this guy is representative of CS undergrads so much. 1. Doesn't read through the official tutorial and tries to piece together a full tutorial from bits and pieces of random tutorials on the same topic. 2. Names files and folders based on vibe. Will probably not come up with any sort of organizational system to manage the chaos. 3. Never updates chrome. 4. Only knows how (or at least pretended to) use the IDE to run code. 5. Forgets part of the tutorial in less than 5 minutes time 6. Completely ignores error messages 7. Finally, I can't tell if this video was a serious video or a complete troll the entire way through. I know I did some of these things myself, but it was fun and frustrating to watch.
@chiffaonosu 7 күн бұрын
as a SWE student who tries to avoid all such erroneous ways, this represents all my peers in uni istg
@SimGunther 6 күн бұрын
You're talking about both of them or just one of them? I can see why they're both insufferable.
@poutineausyropderable7108 6 күн бұрын
This dude isn't trolling. Reading the entire manual is sometime overkill, and if you know enough about the topic, you can search for what you need. Error messages are entirely meaningless if you have no context on them. Only once you've had the experience of seeing them and knowing what the error means will it actually help when you see them next time.
@ToveriJuri 3 күн бұрын
@@poutineausyropderable7108 Yeah, I agree some people have too much of a hard on for "RTFM". More often than not they are long and very technical and when you are just starting to learn something the technical parts go way over your head. When you start you need a quick start guide that gets you going and then you can refer to the manual when you need to figure out new things as you go later on when are reading the manual you will actually get something out of it.
@mihalious 7 күн бұрын
40:10 Well, akchually, "0" is not the opposite of "$", "^" is. That is because "0" puts cursor on 1st column of current line, regardless of any text on that line. "^" puts cursor on the 1st character on current line, even if text is indented. "$" puts cursor on the last character on current line. From what I've heard™ "^” and "$" chosen to be "compatible" with regexes: "^" marks the first characters of the input and "$" marks the last
@Yotanido 6 күн бұрын
If anyone is wondering, without any config changes, to copy to your X clipboard: "+y To paste from X clipboard: "+p To copy/paste from primary selection, use "* instead of "+
@MasterHigure 6 күн бұрын
This is for X11. For Wayland you need to have something like wl-clipboard installed. The vim commands are unchanged. + is the vim name of the standard (ctrl-c, ctrl-v) clipboard and * is the name for the "highlighted text" clipboard (the one where you paste with the middle mouse button). The quotation mark is the prefix used when you want to name a register to copy to / paste from.
@thehiddenplace 6 күн бұрын
Regarding your criticism of Bog's hyprland video: Him not reading the manual is obviously the gimmick of these videos. I enjoy them immensely for that reason and I assume that people with half a brain realise that this is not how you learn anything substantial. What I actually didn't like was his video on Arch, which spent half it's runtime on configuring KDE.
@psybertao 7 күн бұрын
Why is the charging port on the bottom of the mouse? So you buy a new one when it stops charging, instead of using it as a tethered one instead.
@ai-spacedestructor 4 күн бұрын
46:00 my issue with auto completion is, its great when i want it but its annoying as hell if i dont and i have no idea if and if yes how i can configure my editor to do it only when i want it to. i end up pressing so many extra keys just to escape the multiple lpop up windows it creates because it runs through every possible option vs code can do in the given scenario.
@AlucardNoir 6 күн бұрын
Brodie, Brodie, Brodie... first you use the terminal file manager, then your graphical one and the next thing you know you're coding in Zen on a Mac.
@Jutastre 7 күн бұрын
I'm considering learning vim or vim motions during AoC this year
@RenderingUser 7 күн бұрын
40:16 i think i actually understand this a bit moving to stat and end of lines in vim is ^ and $ respectively $ iirc, was used to mark end of line or end of string for some programing languages ^ as you can see in the old keyboard, is in the same spot as home, which is another key that moves you to the start. as for 0, im not really sure. i guess that one was based more on making sense of whatever tf 0 could possibly do, rather than key placement
@fahadahaf 7 күн бұрын
$ is still EOL in regex, ^ is start of line
@ArturdeSousaRocha 4 күн бұрын
I don't always use nano but when I do I use nano BTW.
@no_name4796 6 күн бұрын
10:36 i don't use a terminal file manager because zoxide is the most efficient way to move around the file system. And lsd, and lsd --tree are perfect to see the file structure where you are Honestly a terminal file manager is simply slower, and is full of informations which will melt your brain. Which is a similar reason as to why i prefer neovim to vscode: in neovim i only have open a buffer with the currently open file, or at worse i split vertically for a terminal. On vscode you are full of buttons of words, of stuff, and that distracts you from concentrating on the one thing you are doing. So, i fully disagree on that take. I actually think using a terminal file manager is worse then just using zoxide and lsd (and starship for a nice and useful prompt) Sure if you mean a file manager over the default gnu utils cd, and ls, i 100% agree. But with the alternative programs such as zoxide, starship, lsd, ... the file manager simply is worse
@syrefaen 7 күн бұрын
vim and notepad++ :D love them both on each OS.
@SnakesMF 6 күн бұрын
Magic Mouse is stupid in design, but has hands down best gestures and horizontal scrolling (Which is amazing for audio/video editing) of any mouse ever. and ps, I got a Magic Mouse wireless charger (which involved a trivial swap of the battery chamber) for the original Magic Mouse back in like 2010 or something and I still use it- it still works almost 15 years later
@trbry. 2 күн бұрын
On the notion that "it's more about using X instead of Y" To be frank, with age, the _will_ to spend time on learning an application for the sake of the application goes away. So using vim to do something else while learning is kind of the way.
@Tekay37 6 күн бұрын
Notepad++ is that high because it is lightweight and has a version you don't have to install, which means you can use it on Windows Servers with high security restrictions where you aren't allowed to "install" software.
@JessicaFEREM 6 күн бұрын
back in the DOS days everyone just pirated norton commander unless they had MSDOS5 then they used the clone of norton commander built into windows back when norton made good products and wasn't bought out by symantec.
@mskiptr 6 күн бұрын
If Apple really doesn't want any ports visible on their mice, they should just design it with a swappable battery and give you a spare one to charge externally. But an option to use the mouse in wired mode will still be superior!
@RenderingUser 7 күн бұрын
1:13:38 oh hey thats me
@hotrod54chevy 6 күн бұрын
George Hotz. Is that Geo Hotz, the kid who unlocked the OG iPhone?
@ThisIsSparta-k2m 7 күн бұрын
Primeagen is my hero
@JessicaFEREM 6 күн бұрын
I'm wondering how long before brodie realizes that he's using the apple terminal and not iTerm
@JessicaFEREM 6 күн бұрын
tbh I'm not the most mad about the port being on the bottom on the magic mouse because you can get docks for the magic mouse that just slot into the port on the bottom. that is if anyone would get one. you just slam the magic mouse into the dock and pull it out when you use it, like you would some gaming mice. I'm more mad that there's literally nowhere to grip the thing and actually use it, and I wish the top glass was pressure sensitive so it could tell whether you're left or right clicking without lifting your fingers in the air. there's nowhere for your thumb and pinky to go to firmly grip it without buying third party grips. also I will die on this hill, the arc mouse is so much worse than the magic mouse, the magic mouse is *good* in comparison to the arc mouse. because there's nowhere for your thumb and pinky to go at all. at least the magic mouse has a concept of where you would put your fingers and before you call me an apple shill, I despise macOS. it's worse than windows. it's only useful for artistic things like video editing and drawing, and a web browser.
@raughboy188 7 күн бұрын
Everything i know about vim i learned from a comptia linux book. I don't know why even though vim is old to me feels more comfortable to use than nano. I use basic commands mostly. :w, :q, :wq, :w!, :q! and :wq! . Also i use "i" for insert and esc for leaving edit mode so i can move around file. These are only basic stuff i know and can use. Anything beyond basic i don't know and i don't need yet.
@inertia_dagger 7 күн бұрын
vim, imo, has made a lot of great choices that make it a comfortable editor, but also has crusty spots that just feel so old. even neovim can't shake off this feeling completely
@Burgo361 7 күн бұрын
I have my capslock remapped to backspace, I think it's actually kind of common well common in the small percentage of people that remap their keyboard.
@rudenough 6 күн бұрын
I have remapped CapsLock and Enter to Ctrl, and Tab and \ (the key about the Enter) to Alt. It feels so much better and pinkies don't hurt anymore
@SIGMA_BLYAT 6 күн бұрын
@rocstar3000 6 күн бұрын
8:13 that's same as fzf btw
@liorean 7 күн бұрын
Nano isn't horrible, for people who started out with edlin and progressed to microsoft edit and then borland turbo pascal and their c windows environment. I actually have another terminal editor I like: micro. Unlike nano it has the expected commands for things like copy and paste for people used to gui editors, while still being a good and capable terminal editor.
@RenderingUser 7 күн бұрын
micro >>>>>
@ArturdeSousaRocha 4 күн бұрын
I tried micro but it sometimes garbles my code on save. I should probably file a bug report.
@terranbyte2619 7 күн бұрын
funny that I've learned nano in my compsci class in highschool, and not VIM. I do also use nano a lot when I need to edit a doc, and I've just always had a bad time when using VIM (but at least I now know there tutor)
@ArturdeSousaRocha 4 күн бұрын
I actually got to use nano's predecessor, pico, back in the day. Nobody I knew at the time used vi and I'm not sure many people had heard of Vim. These days it's mostly Vim or VS Code for me but I like to use nano from time to time and I even made a full-blown config for it. 😊
@MagnaP 5 күн бұрын
I mostly use notepad++ on windows
@Eddieddg1 6 күн бұрын
I am said nano programmer... 3:30
@catfan5618 6 күн бұрын
7:17 Well aaaactually, he is using the default MacOS terminal emulator, not iTerm. 🤓
@graydhd8688 7 күн бұрын
idk what this dude does, but I've perma swapped control and caps lock. I use tmux and have ctrl+a as my leader which is easy to type rapidly without thought. Also mapped switching i3 workspaces to control + number, pretty easy reach from caps lock key.
@graydhd8688 7 күн бұрын
I also use cd/ls lol, works well enough for me atm
@RenderingUser 7 күн бұрын
ive set ctrl to d and k keys on my keyboard caps lock can stay as excape
@Adiee5Priv 7 күн бұрын
I use nano often, now speak to me
@eyesight2073 6 күн бұрын
Do you code in nano?
@Adiee5Priv 6 күн бұрын
@eyesight2073 when I can't use vscode (lack of a DE or on phone using termux), I do actually sometimes
@Soccera0 7 күн бұрын
Finally it's been uploaded!
@rosehogenson1398 5 күн бұрын
ls is the best file manager fight me
@emil82 7 күн бұрын
(Edit: fixed some spelling stuff) Just watching the video and the Magic Mouse comes up. You can touch scroll with it, for video editing and other stuff I think it’s Awesome. Charging port underneath it’s not an issue. Charge it like 2times in a year when going away from computer battery warning like shown days before it dies. Python Just install anaconda to manage things like you do in all os. Enjoy your videos. Nice to get the news what is happening in Linux world. I run Linux in my MacBook Pro 2015 it’s nice. Used Linux on and off since late 90’s and over 20 years later it’s still a pain to get shit working. Little bit less pain though 😀
@Sophed 7 күн бұрын
AI generated comment
@emil82 7 күн бұрын
@ did I use AI to make a comment or what are you trying to say? Cool. You should get yourself a Magic Keyboard, so you also can make great ai generated comments.
@Jaymal10 6 күн бұрын
I don’t even like vim an that was painful
@AnnCatsanndra 6 күн бұрын
The more Bog videos I see the more and more I get annoyed with the vibe of "This creator knows exactly the topics I want to see, but seems to be trying to intentionally and subtly piss me off and lie to me", which honestly I would be fine if that vibe did _not_ become more popular.
@howuseehim 6 күн бұрын
Be quiet
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