The Wild History of Dentistry

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Into the Shadows

Into the Shadows

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Just be glad you didn't live back then.
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@WaddedBliss 2 жыл бұрын
I didn't visit a dentist for 40 years because of a bad experience with a dentist with one of those old-fashioned drills. When I got up the courage to go I was amazed at how painless modern dentistry is. It was, to the petrified me, miraculous. I'd urge anyone who's had a bad experience at the dentist in the 80s in the UK to go to one nowadays. It really is totally different.
@EveryFairyDies 2 жыл бұрын
My parents have become much more dentist-friendly since moving to Australia and dealing with modern dentistry. My dad avoided it for decades, though to be fair, he's had pretty good teeth. Mom not so much. They're both British, originally. I have a weird combination of the two, teeth wise. Glad you were able to brave it and learn that it's no longer the hell it used to be!!
@lordomacron3719 2 жыл бұрын
Alas I am one of those with extreme anxiety with Dentists I can’t even sit in a dentist chair without having a panic attack. Had to have my wisdom teeth removed a couple of years back and the Birmingham Dental Hospital said I was too high risk for them to operate on so sent me to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital also in Birmingham. The QE is also the main military hospital for the UK so they can deal with literally anything of a medical nature. I had general anaesthetic so just had I nice dreamless sleep and woke up feeling much better.
@EveryFairyDies 2 жыл бұрын
@@lordomacron3719 Wow. That's... impressive. At least they were willing to go the distance. A century ago, hell, half a century ago they'd likely have just told you to deal with it. Glad you got the problem fixed!!
@mike04574 2 жыл бұрын
Most people who went in the 80s have probably been back since
@BellaLu26 Жыл бұрын
That was my 60 year old father's experience with root canals. Had one as a teenager and he doesn't whine or exaggerate anything ever but his face alone told me it was terrible and excruciating. He had to have another one recently and was very obviously nervous as heck. But when he was done he was amazed what a different experience the procedure was 30 years later
@turtleduck16 Жыл бұрын
I have never experienced anything other than modern, painless dentistry, but when I was little my dad told me how his childhood dentist had never believed in anaesthetic, and my mum told me how kids often died when under general anaesthetic. Needless to say, by the time I needed to go to the dentist I'd already developed such bad dental anxiety that they had to take me to a special clinic and sedate me with laughing gas for routine appointments. Thanks for the secondhand anxiety, parents!
@SafetySpooon Жыл бұрын
My childhood dentist was incompetent, &, whenever he gave he Novocaine, he MISSED THE NERVE. I had the pain of the needle, the irritation of the numbness in my jaw, but the full pain of the drilling in the teeth. (& then there was the little 5 year old who got a tooth pulled. The shrieks could be heard outside the building. My mother was convinced it was me - & then I asked her - SO WHY DO WE GO TO THIS DENTIST?). When I came of age & he stopped taking me as a patient, I allowed 4 teeth to rot rather than go to any dentist at all.
@robr4662 Жыл бұрын
@@SafetySpooon Same here and I've had the same experience about 4 years ago after waiting for over a decade because of my fear of the dentist. I should have kept the rotten tooth it barely hurt compared to the savage procedure that was done on me. People reading this should realize in the US there is a high likelyhood you will get an incompetent dentist who is more likely to paralyze you than actually help.
@BillionairesArentYourFriends 11 ай бұрын
Most dental work isn't needed if you brush your teeth well and for long enough, but absolutely no one knows how to brush their teeth and only do it for like 45 seconds. People also mass consume sugar and don't think twice until they have cavities. And then blame it on something else. Toothpaste is much more advanced now. Along time ago, toothpaste were absolutely horrible and did sometimes more harm than good. Dentist would do a poor job, but people were doing a number on their teeth. Shoddy work is actually still an issue with overzealous dentist, who think all issues can be solved by a root canal even when the tooth can still potentially be saved with fillers. But those are cheap, and root canals are expensive. They also just like randomly removing wisdom teeth that are coming in just fine and cause no symptoms. Because why not? Preventive medicine rules!...until there's a complication and someone can't move their jaw. There's a whole episode on it by Medlife Crisis. Highly recommend watching. It's for all medical reasons, including dental, why random screenings or generic procedures are just a scam if there's no symptoms or cause for immediate concern.
@SWISS-1337 Жыл бұрын
When you hear about the past, like in this video, it not only makes you wonder how anyone survived back then, but makes you appreciate how lucky you are to live today.
@Lutefisk445 Жыл бұрын
One word: Spite
@junepaul7843 Жыл бұрын
i pulled 3 of my own teeth. you have to be tough. and crazy. it hurt like hell but the teeth were infected so once i actually had it out of my mouth the pain relief was so amazing. like all of the infection shot out of the tooth hole and all the swelling in my face drained out thru the tooth hole. sooo much blood and pus
@gamin9wizard945 2 жыл бұрын
I remember when my parents drove me to the dentist, my das always stayed in the car, attempting to contain his fear. I enjoyed the doc telling me how our teeth are built on the inside whilst treating my teethroot, while my mother almost died to a heartattack (overdramatization) sitting in the chair and spectating the doc. Neither of them ever receives treatment of their own due to fear.
@joannaw5913 2 жыл бұрын
It’s a vicious circle. You don’t go to the dentist because of the fear. So your teeth rot and you develop abscesses which are excruciatingly painful. Been there, done that...
@saturdaymorningsacredchao2624 2 жыл бұрын
My childhood dentist was a monster. I was born to modern comforts and yet he refused to wait for the anesthetics to kick in so he might as well have not bothered
@itsapittie 2 жыл бұрын
In medical school I trained under a surgeon who insisted that we wait at least five minutes -- literally watching a clock -- after injecting local anesthetic and the habit has remained with me to this day. I've certainly witnessed people having unnecessary pain because the doctor or dentist was in too much of a hurry.
@animefallenangel Жыл бұрын
@@itsapittie I had to have a tooth extraction done in a dental hospital as my anxiety was so bad I had to be sedated for it. Some of the team were final year students who were really nice and took care of me, and their instructor was telling me/us that a lot of dentists in the field end up forgetting all the bedside manner they learn during training which is why some people still end up with dental anxiety today and he was trying to make sure his students remembered that. I sure hope they do because I've met some really callous dentists in my time.
@MsTenseiga Жыл бұрын
mine happily numbed the wrong side and then broke his promise to stop if I signaled I was in pain. Thanks to this asshat I didn’t dare go for another 14 years, and even today I can’t shake my phobia. Though my dentists today are honestly great. I still cry and shake whenever I have to go for so much as a checkup.
@CashelOConnolly 2 жыл бұрын
I asked my dentist how was his love life,he replied “good I pull everyday “ groan 🤣🦷
@urishima 2 жыл бұрын
I'm in my 30s now. Back when I was a kid I was as afraid of dentists as any kid, but during a 3 year stay in Spain we had the luck of living near a dentist who was exceptionally good with children and pretty much anyone who was afraid of dentists like my mother still was. I think that pretty much removed any fear I had of dentists. My younger brother unfortunately developed a very weird resistance to common painkillers used by dentists, and subsequently also a crippling fear of having his teeth done. Took us years to convince him to go and get a referral to a dentist who could put him general anesthesia, and his teeth are in very bad shape because of it. Laughing gas isn't really a thing used by dentists here in Germany.
@wonky_shoebox7514 2 жыл бұрын
I had a weird thing where my baby teeth refused to fall out so at one point I had a double row of teeth due to my adult ones growing in. I was so afraid of the dentist my parents took me to a friend who worked in a care home for people with severe intellectual disabilities etc. She was brilliant and the only dentist who successfully managed to remove my baby teeth. Years later in adult life I found a dentist I call the tooth whisperer. Even though she once took almost an hour to remove an extremely stubborn tooth, she cured my fear and I'm now such a model patient I got my wisdom teeth out under local, not general, anaesthetic. Although I got so high after one procedure I accidentally hit the dentist doing it in his crown jewels when he asked how I was doing! I was trying to give a thumbs up as I had instruments in my mouth to open it as wide as possible during a difficult procedure
@duncancurtis1758 2 жыл бұрын
Peter Sellers and Herbert Lom 1976. Laughing gas sequence still cracks me up.
@ferociousgumby 2 жыл бұрын
@@duncancurtis1758 There's a surreal Betty Boop cartoon in which all the characters, then all the inanimate objects, become stoned on nitrous oxide. It's called HA! HA! HA! and was originally banned for promoting intoxication.
@gnarthdarkanen7464 2 жыл бұрын
@@duncancurtis1758 The Dentist Sketch with Tim Conway and Harvey Korman (Carol Burnett Show) is INFAMOUSLY funny enough, Harvey pissed himself he was so broken up by Tim's antics! ;o)
@southron_d1349 2 жыл бұрын
My local dentists were still a bit rough and ready by today's standards. By chance, the clinic was booked out when I really needed an appointment so I was referred to another clinic. The dentist was so gentle and understanding that I've been going to her ever since. Another big factor was I could get an appointment on Saturdays too which would give a day and half to recover from an extraction before going back to work. Modern dentistry is miles ahead of what it was even in the 60s when I was a kid - and it really wasn't bad back then either.
@AeroGuy07 2 жыл бұрын
There's a fourth group, but it might only be me. I inherited soft teeth from my mother, who had a full set of dentures by the early 60s. I've undergone numerous root canals, had caps and bridges and plenty of fillings. Starting in 2014 I had two sinus lift surgeries and all of my upper teeth are now implants. Since I was 14, 1985, close to $150k has been spent on my mouth. As a result I have no fear of going to the dentist. I'm used to it and I'm comfortable with my dentist. By all rights I shouldn't be, in the 70s our family dentist was nicknamed Louie the Butcher.
@OakKnobFarm 2 жыл бұрын
I would only fear the bill in your case! And we call our dentist "The fang snatcher"
@AeroGuy07 2 жыл бұрын
@@OakKnobFarm insurance covered a small portion. I consider it necessary for good health, they consider it cosmetic dentistry. But over past 8 years my dentist was willing to work with me. But there is nothing quite like standing at the desk with your jaw numb or throbbing with pain while you hand over a credit card to pay a $3000 bill. "This hurts and paid for it?"
@davidb8373 2 жыл бұрын
This reminds me when a dentist explained to me that tooth health is mostly due to genetics. You can brush and floss and do all that, you will still get cavities if you have that genetic predisposition.
@StefanMedici 2 жыл бұрын
I feel you. Had all my top teeth removed by the age of 22. Only reason I didn't get all the bottom ones removed was I was told that the jaw could wear down with dentures over time, and could mean I wouldn't be able to use a bottom denture. The thought scared me enough to hang on to my bottom rotting teeth as long as possible. Now implants are a thing that don't cost half a house, I'm finally getting them gone. Looking forward to being pain free and eating whatever I like for the first time since I was a kid.
@AeroGuy07 2 жыл бұрын
@@StefanMedici Being pain free and not embarrassed by your smile does a lot for your self confidence. What I did was worth every penny. it takes time, but it;'s worth it! Good luck!
@tim-tim-timmy6571 2 жыл бұрын
You should do a follow-up episode on the Vipehold experiment in Sweden. Mentally disabled patients were force fed sugar to assess its danger on tooth decay. While this experiment has been extremely useful, the design and process were a disaster on so many level. Sugar was an important part of the diet back in the day in Sweden, many young people expected to lose most of their teeth soon. It was common but sugar was never pointed clearly as THE culprit. Today in sweden, we have "lördagsgodis" (Saturday candies), a social rule suggesting that people (mostly kids) should only eat candies on Saturday and no other day to prevent tooth decay.
@IrishMike22 2 жыл бұрын
Simon!!! Please do the true story of "The boy with 232 teeth!" The tale needs told and you are the perfect one to tell it.
@gamin9wizard945 2 жыл бұрын
232 teeth? I believe that dude might be the perfect subject for serving an eccentric fetish LOL
@duncancurtis1758 2 жыл бұрын
My dentist was called R U Skaird 😆
@IrishMike22 2 жыл бұрын
@@duncancurtis1758 appointments always at "tooth hurty"?
@alexander-mauricemillamlae4567 2 жыл бұрын
i have maybe 5 extra "dental sprouts" i.e. dormant teeth in the front of my mouth deep in my gums but 232? Holy Flip
@WaddedBliss 2 жыл бұрын
Was his name Shark Boy?
@terryenby2304 2 жыл бұрын
I was traumatised by a dentist as a small child. I am very lucky that since then I have had two fantastic, very kind dentists, but I am terrified every time I go. Drills don’t really bother me, it’s the idea of the appointment, having hands in my mouth and being “told off” that absolutely petrifies me. But I know my lovely dentist wouldn’t do anything more than suggest useful options or let me know if something isn’t working. He isn’t rude or ever angry. He is always very kind, gentle and quiet. But that one experience of being shouted at (I think I was younger than school age even) and biting because I was scared, and then more shouting (which was at least provoked because I had bitten!) just ruined my dentistry trust.
@deedeeschway9566 2 жыл бұрын
I had a bad first dentist too. Thankfully, he eventually lost his license. I have had the same dentist for over 3 decades since then and now he is retiring so I’m scared to find a new one. At least fluoride is optional now, I don’t have to fight off a panic attack anymore. Ugh.
@clintparsons3989 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve never had a bad experience at the dentist. I am just self conscious about my tongue movements lol Like “Oh God is this weird? Do other people move their tongue like this? Am I in the way? Wtf do I do?!”
@ferociousgumby 2 жыл бұрын
If you have a strong gag reflex, even having a cleaning can be an ordeal. It's involuntary, so you have very little control over it.
@Ashyblubear 2 жыл бұрын
As a former dental assistant I can tell you we aren’t worried about your tongue moving around, it just happens ☺️ It’s only when it hangs around the area we need to treat that it can become an interference but that’s what the suction is for hehe
@cesarvidelac 2 жыл бұрын
I'm 50, seeing teeth being scanned in 3D with laser and implants 3D printed... I feel like I'm living in a star trek episode 😸 I don't know if you have already done it but I'd love a story about the technology forecasted by the franchise. Great video as always!
@GuntherRommel 2 жыл бұрын
Simon does love Star Trek..
@Caterfree10 2 жыл бұрын
There's been a Top Tenz episode on that, iirc!
@ferociousgumby 2 жыл бұрын
@@Caterfree10 There could easily be a part 2 (and 3, and 4, and 5). . .
@cesarvidelac 2 жыл бұрын
@@Caterfree10 Oh, thanks 👍
@Petra44YT Жыл бұрын
I had it done, but that dentist was really bad. He replaced my perfectly good crown with a shapeless lump that I had to have re-shaped for four or even five times! Also, he didn't warn me that there could be pain after drilling so close to the nerve. Couldn't even go back to him, because he was in Bavaria, and I had re-migrated to Düsseldorf in the meantime.
@JARivera2000 2 жыл бұрын
I'm in the US, and by far the most painful part comes after the doctor is done: the bill!
@crimsonlion100 2 жыл бұрын
true that
@theloverlyladylo9158 2 жыл бұрын
I literally spent more money on dentistry than a 10-day trip to France
@duncancurtis1758 2 жыл бұрын
Tom Hanks did it best with that skating boot in Cast Away.
@JARivera2000 2 жыл бұрын
Even though we have dental insurance from work, it ended up being cheaper for me to travel to my home country (Guatemala), visit friends and family and getting two crowns done, and the dentist there did a much better work than the one here...
@jp5000able 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, spent 14K on implants last year. At least it worked out well.
@paulorocky Жыл бұрын
Dentist here, it’s incredible hearing the stories of the over-50s, some of whom have shared horrific tales of being treated without local anaesthetic, being shouted at by the dentist, being held down while teeth were removed. It doesn’t have that in this era the profession was far more cynical and often filled or removed teeth to “prevent” problems rather than address actual problems, ultimately leading to other problems that require a heap of treatment now. These days we’re encouraged to manage patients more conservatively, and younger people have no idea how fortunate they are.
@renee_3364 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who definitely has some dentophobia: why the hell did I just subject myself to watching this?! Great quality video but I don’t think I’ll be sleeping tonight, thank you.
@shua__ Жыл бұрын
as someone who grew up in the us, i never had bad experiences at the dentist. in fact, i enjoyed it because there would be a play room while i waited, then i would be able to watch a movie (via a tv on the ceiling!), and finally get a little prize from a prize machine. it was really incredible how pleasant the whole experience was.
@foxymitts4557 2 жыл бұрын
Who else falls into the category of PTSD flashbacks at the sound of an electric drill? Shudder....
@wanderingbelle7 2 жыл бұрын
I feel you, in complete honesty I’d rather listen to nails on a chalkboard than a dentist’s drill
@catherinebirch2399 Жыл бұрын
Even now I shudder at the memories of the slow drill and no novocaine at the dentists when I was a kid.
@BellaLu26 Жыл бұрын
My dad (the toughest person I've ever known) just turned 60. Had to have a root canal when he was in his teens. He didn't come out and say the words but the experience was clearly traumatic and extremely painful for him and has stuck with him. Anytime the topic is brought up you can just see it on his face regardless of what he says. I had a couple root canals a little over a decade ago and I can honestly say it was a walk in the park. During and after the procedure. Very little pain during healing. The root canal alone advanced that much in 30 years that it went from nightmare fuel to a cake a walk.
@2flatroosters588 2 жыл бұрын
Well well well fact boi, you've stepped into my domain and might I say it's good to see you cos it's not often people step in with fact. 2 years into my career we adopted CGF (concentrated growth factor) technology which uses the patients own cells from drawn blood to decrease healing time and boost success of procedures. Especially beneficial for the patient with extractions and implants. I also recall when AgFl became a revolution for young children with caries whose compliance understandably sometimes is impossible. Cheers for spreading the good goss on our advancements wrinkle king
@OlyChickenGuy 2 жыл бұрын
This soothes a debate I had years ago with a D&D group I was in. They argued that toothbrushes were relatively recent inventions. I argued that Native Americans have been using cattails as toothbrushes for millennia. They argued that Native Americans were a unique culture that existed without contact, and that the average person in the middle ages wouldn't have brushed their teeth, as toothbrushes are relatively recent inventions. TAKE THAT, NERDS!!
@stacyrussell460 2 жыл бұрын
If any video can trigger dental PTSD, it's this one. Oy!! Brings back so many painful memories.
@joannaw5913 2 жыл бұрын
I was completely traumatised by a dentist/butcher when I was a teenager. I’m now in my fifties but still have a terrible fear of the dentist. This is particularly embarrassing as I’m generally a pretty tough and stoical person. Just going into the waiting room reduces me to tears 😭.
@terryenby2304 2 жыл бұрын
I hear you. I just shared a story about being terrified as a small child. I go in to surgeries and pop my own joints back in multiple times a day. But it still terrifies me in a dark subconscious corner of my brain!!
@O4FUXACHE 2 жыл бұрын
I had a dentist who didn't believe in using anaesthetics on children . . . still can't go to a dentist without an armed escort . . . 😭
@terryenby2304 2 жыл бұрын
@@O4FUXACHE that’s awful!!!
@skwervin1 2 жыл бұрын
I had a monster remove three of my teeth when I was 6 and totally messed up my mouth. Later I had to have a root canal when I was 17 and I was almost catatonic during the whole thing, vomited after each session and I still (at the age of 56) will wait until the pain is super sever before going. I have asked my dentist to remove hem all and give me dentures and he has refused since I have 8 strong teeth at the front but all of my molars are totally destroyed or removed.
@douggaudiosi14 2 жыл бұрын
Clearly u aren't tough or" stoical" then
@MG-hz7wi 2 жыл бұрын
All you have to do is look at the progression of my family to see where dentistry has gone. My grandparents had full dentures before they were 60, my mom and dad had root canals and periodontal problems, and myself, who grew up in the age of fluoridated water and modern dentistry, has only two small cavities at the back of my teeth that I got 30 years ago.
@Dancingonthesun 2 жыл бұрын
I can fall asleep in the dentists chair, I feel so blessed to live in the modern day!
@danny554477 2 жыл бұрын
Dentistry has come such a long way. I am only 25 and I remember when I was a kid, I needed a tooth removed. The method they used was to use a vice and tighten it until it shattered then they pulled the chunks out. Shit leaves chills down my spine to this day. No pain meds or anything after either. Entirely possible I just went to a super shit dentist though in the middle of Wisconsin.
@kellyalvarado6533 2 жыл бұрын
You went to a super shit dentist. No way that should have been happening in the 2000's, even in the middle of Wisconsin.
@StiffMeat Жыл бұрын
brother that sounds like an experience from 200 years ago, that is straight up abuse & lawsuit territory.
@ignitionfrn2223 2 жыл бұрын
2:00 - Chapter 1 - A modern(ish) problem 3:00 - Chapter 2 - Earliest dentistry 4:00 - Chapter 3 - The legend of the worm 5:45 - Chapter 4 - The 1st dentist 6:30 - Chapter 5 - Early teeth replacements 7:25 - Chapter 6 - Toothbrushes 8:10 - Chapter 7 - Ancient rome 9:30 - Chapter 8 - Middle ages 11:20 - Chapter 9 - Modern dentistry emerges 12:20 - Chapter 10 - Pain relief 14:15 - Chapter 11 - Into the 21st century
@24934637 Жыл бұрын
I quit going to the dentist 25 years ago following on from a major malpractice incident (Luckily no permanent damage done physically as I got out before the drilling happened). Recently got a new dentist and started going again, and he's absolutely FANTASTIC. Had 2 extractions done, and there was NO pain whatsoever, and it only took 2 mins per tooth. A visit to the dentist is no longer something to be feared!
@Yezpahr 2 жыл бұрын
I'm surprised Simon didn't start a channel yet called "Simon Says". It could be literally about any business-blaze-style adhd-rant that the public so desires. Just Simon and his endless droning about every thing he experienced. We need a catalog of it, that's how gold it is. Also, I'm glad in the rest of his channels he's serious and on-topic about things, but the other side of Simon is even more interesting. I guess the problem is just it happens spontaneous right?
@karenz3853 Жыл бұрын
I’m still a teen so I’ve always had modern dentistry but I was still terrified of it since I had so many fillings and I have a really strong gag reflex which starts doing it’s thing as soon as they start doing stuff in my mouth. Noise canceling earbuds are an absolute lifesaver for me at the dentist (it also helps that my dentist moved and it’s in a weird old house anymore)
@Battle_Beard 2 жыл бұрын
“Grew up with excellent teeth.” Fuck yes. Parents threw all my attribute points into tooth enamel. As a physical specimen I might most closely resemble a sea sponge but I’ll have corn on the cob at my retirement party damn it.
@paulwilhelmsen6586 2 жыл бұрын
I’m with you. I can’t win a race to save my life and I’m prolly not dumb but working on Hondas is as far as my tech savvy goes but 35 yrs in I got all my teeth, never had a tooth ache and haven’t been to the dentist since my folks stopped being able to cover me 18yrs ago!!
@_Kuma_ 2 жыл бұрын
Meanwhile I’ve taken good care of my teeth my whole life but have chronic dry mouth, so my teeth have signs of decay… 🥲 I even got cavities because of it.
@mothersandfuckersofthejury Жыл бұрын
@@_Kuma_ same🥲 It was so bad as a kid that I had 11 cavities at once and have always had weak enamel, despite brushing and flossing twice a day as recommended. On the other hand my current partner, who never brushes let alone flosses and hasn’t for years, has never had a cavity
@cynthiasimpson931 2 жыл бұрын
When I compare my root canal in 1985 to the one I had last year, I can see that the difference is incredible. This is a good thing, since I have another one scheduled for next week, making 6 in all. Fortunately I have an excellent dentist.
@mindyroe4541 2 жыл бұрын
My mouth is hurting just watching this! Thank goodness for dental advancements.
@lordMartiya 2 жыл бұрын
35 years, had to face the drill... And never feared the dentist. Only the bill.
@nukers1234 2 жыл бұрын
my biggest fear with the dentist isn't pain, but the pain it inflicts on my wallet.
@resid3nt3v1l 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for video Simon have an amazing day thanks for the constant release of videos on all your channels
@RainbowTheSnail 2 жыл бұрын
I had an operation to remove both my upper canines as they were growing up towards my nose instead of down where they were supposed to go. My mouth got infected after as they had to peel back the roof of my mouth in order to reach the teeth. I'm all good now
@CashelOConnolly 2 жыл бұрын
Is that the tooth?🤣🦷🦷🦷🦷🪥🪥🪥🪥🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸
@ryanc473 2 жыл бұрын
And now I'm having phantom pain in my mouth/jaw just thinking about the old horrors before anaesthesia in dentistry
@colmastro4373 2 жыл бұрын
I'm lucky enough to have clean, white teeth with zero fillings/cavities. Floss daily and brush twice a day since i was a child, now 34 and so far so good. Had a dentist come to school and "educate" us, bloke scared me senseless and from that day my mouth hygiene has been on point lol
@fourtyfivefudd 2 жыл бұрын
I never understood the fear of the dentist. I LOVE the dentist. I’ve gotten enamel drilled and teeth pulled and needles put into my gum, and whole not comfortable, it’s not nearly as painful as my mouth would be if I just never went to the dentist at all. Dental pain isn’t that kind of pain that fades a bit if ignored like cuts or bruises. It just doesn’t go away. I always leave the dentist no longer in pain
@douglassmithe9799 Жыл бұрын
I was born in 1995, and going to the dentist for me has always been at worst slightly uncomfortable. I didn't understand jokes when I was a kid about how going to the dentists was meant to be painful, but now I realise that it's because at the time the jokes hadn't caught up with the technology and experience of dentistry.
@shellshell942 2 жыл бұрын
I had a tooth pulled 2 days ago, the implement looked just like a phillips head screwdriver. Took my dentist about 30 seconds to do it. He would have been great in the past when there was little to no pain relief.
@Metroidfreek 2 жыл бұрын
We call that an elevator in the business. It elevates your tooth! ;)
@shellshell942 2 жыл бұрын
@@Metroidfreek Good to know he hadn't just ducked in to Bunnings. I actually had to go back today but he didn't even charge me. If he didn't cause me so much pain I might even like the guy 😅
@Metroidfreek 2 жыл бұрын
@@shellshell942 where else can you get good pay to torture people legally?? 😂
@dakota.T 2 жыл бұрын
Keep up the good work Simon love all your channels
@FatLikeKessel 2 жыл бұрын
I think we’ve all been there, when the pain is so unbearable that you seriously consider pulling the Tom Hanks in Castaway scene. Can’t sleep through it, can’t think straight, and life couldn’t get worse. The pain the Dentist inflicts is a godsend compared to the actual toothache.
@FUL0H8 2 жыл бұрын
Who’s off to brush their teeth now?
@chrisvickers7928 2 жыл бұрын
My great-great grandfather moved to Nanaimo, Vancouver Island in 1854 to manage a coal mine. After 5 years his contract was up and he moved to Victoria and set up as a photographer. By 1869 he had added dentistry to his studio. His main qualifications being good eyesight, ability to use tools, and a very steady hand. The last may have been because he never drank alcohol and founded Victoria's original temperance society. He later moved to Olympia Washington in 1877 and back to England in 1879 where he continued to practice dentistry. I was raised with regular dental visits back in the 1950's and have never had a fear of dentists so I am in none of your three categories.
@Angel_1394 2 жыл бұрын
Tooth worms sound truly horrific. So glad we live in our current time. Tooth pain is already horrible
@tigershirew7409 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, my Dad (who is 86) can remember having a tooth extracted without anesthetic. UGH.
@reflexxuns4065 2 жыл бұрын
I always hated going to the dentist and over the course of my life I've had alot of work done. And I do mean alot! Incredibly, I became a dental assistant. I really enjoyed my work and am amazed at how much dentistry has improved since I was first certified in 1980. Interestingly, the things that really haven't changed in literally centuries are some of the materials used for toothache (i.e. clove oil) and instruments themselves. Many have undergone only slight modifications. I think we're in for some pretty amazing breakthroughs in dentistry this next decade or so! Great video. Thanks!
@kisukebomb3750 Жыл бұрын
I'm young, and have only experienced modern dentistry, but i also resist local anaesthetic to the point that i feel EVERYTHING they do. I don't go to the dentist and i wish i could
@laurenpetty4073 11 күн бұрын
this channel is so informative!!
@Br4vado Жыл бұрын
I'm 30yrs old and I'm not ashamed to say I am to this day terrified of the dentist 😬
@DFSJR1203 2 жыл бұрын
I lost 3/4 of my teeth back in 1979 when I was 20. I was racing a sprint car on a asphalt track during an open practice when I was wrecked. Since I had an open faced helmet my face hit the steering wheel. The steering wheel basically went in my mouth (I ate the steering wheel) and it totally broke or knocked out 3/4 of my teeth. By time I was 25 I had dentures. I did not care what people thought because I was having fun driving that car.
@phoenixfire8978 2 жыл бұрын
Very interesting Simon. I couldn’t actually watch Jens’ handiwork because of all the dental imagery but it was interesting learning about the history. And yes, I’m so dentophobic I need sedation to get a dental exam.
@murrayscott9546 Жыл бұрын
Tooth -aches can be brain-splittingly painful. There have been instances where people have thrown themselves off of bridges to make it stop.
@Sarah-cy7zw 4 ай бұрын
So true. Sometimes infections don't show up on x rays. This needs to be more adressed
@martinisawe6300 2 жыл бұрын
Idk if someone else have this experience but here it goes: When i was a kid i hated the dentist. Then as a teen i had a root canal, worst pain I ever experienced. When I went to the dentist, my thought was more of getting rid of pain than fear. After my 1st root canal was removed i trust the dentist more, then had a 2nd root canal and I was confident that it'll be fix. Idk if anyone relates to this but that's how I got rid of my fear of dentistry. Never had a bad experience but just was scared in general.
@AngelusAnsell 2 жыл бұрын
When I was in high school, I got all 4 of my wisdom teeth taken out at once. The dude actually gave me 3 options: 1. Knocked entirely out for the duration of the procedure (the option i took, cuz obviously) 2. Numbed and apparently painless, but awake. (tempted cuz i'd heard it was a rather curious experience) 3. Nothing (It was like that horrifying urge to jump you get for an instant, when standing at the edge of a crazy high ledge)
@Senacacrane Ай бұрын
I'll be honest, I'm glad that in this day and age, dentistry has come a long way from when your parents get their teeth ripped out without anesthetic. I'm glad for that.
@catherinejohnson1354 Жыл бұрын
I have been a dental assistant for 24 years and technology has changed greatly. Face pain is a different type of pain as you must breathe, eat, and drink so no rest and elevation for the area.
@HomesteadDreaming 2 жыл бұрын
Yea definitely in the "the dentist scares me" category. I remember very vividly screaming at the top of my lungs as a child while teeth were pulled and my parents and the dentist telling me to be quiet.
@jima1135 2 жыл бұрын
I had anxiety during this entire video. I logically know it is better now, but some experiences leave scars on your psyche that logic can't always overcome.
@Nyan_Kitty 2 жыл бұрын
Tbh, even today there's some real butchers out there. It's NOT all fine and dandy, sadly...
@johannalehto9154 Жыл бұрын
I remember when taking out my last two wisdom teeth I almost backed out in the last minute. Because the first time was so painful and I got an infection and it really gave me nightmares. However, when I heard the bill for the extraction if I had to take it later I decided to do it xD (In Sweden it's free dental care until you are 23 and it was my last chance to take them out without paying extra)
@epowell4211 2 жыл бұрын
I feel sorry for people who have bad dental experiences - I refer to my cleaning appointment as "spa day for my mouth," and find it relaxing. I've only had one bad dentist: an old guy who kept cutting the inside of my mouth with tools as he worked.
@allisonbergh4429 2 жыл бұрын
Very timely video, as I just had a tooth pulled yesterday and am still doped to the gills for the pain 😅
@toomanyopinions8353 2 жыл бұрын
In the USA dying of tooth infections is still very common. Many people without insurance only ever go to the emergency room for treatment, and the vast majority of emergency rooms do not have emergency dentists.
@matthewmahan2150 Жыл бұрын
I got complete dentures between 2-3 years ago in a small town in central Texas. The dentist was a very sweet and somewhat incompetent lady who used Novocain injection only. No nitrous or anything else. Each jaw-done separately-required over 30 injections. At one point, the stitches on the upper jaw dissolved prematurely and I was able to run my finger over 1.5 inches of exposed jawbone. The lower jaw developed granulated tissue that required further surgery. I was left with dentures so poorly-fitting that I am practically unable to eat solid foods. I’ve lost over 75 lbs and my insurance won’t pay for a new set for another 2-3 years.
@ritualj0int 2 жыл бұрын
i love my dentist, he is amazing and i actually don`t mind to meet him any time
@animefallenangel Жыл бұрын
I had braces when I was 13 and ended up despising the orthodontist and dentist so much. My mother would always complain how expensive it was to me, as if it was my fault my teeth were crooked (and still ended up so afterwards :/ ). That was on top of always insulting my appearance anyway and would tell me not to smile too widely in photos so that my braces wouldn't show, and how I would look so much better once treatment was done. Because of this, and the apparent inability of any dental worker outside of a hospital I've encountered to have even an ounce of compassion meant that I grew to permanently hate dentists. I'm even sitting here now with a broken tooth with a throbbing ache, and it's not bad enough for me to even consider the idea of re-registering with a dentist.
@RodrigoMarinho42 2 жыл бұрын
As a dentist, and maxillofacial surgeon, i can say: today we live in a era with so much advanced technology that is a blessing to be in. In the last 10 years of pratice i saw advances that are unbelievable. For example, today i can plan a surgery in a software and it will be precisely what happens in the surgery. 0.01mm movements are possible. Is impressive
@tats8666 22 күн бұрын
In NZ I don't have a fear of going to the dentist because of the dentist or the experience themselves, but the cost of it and being told what I owe them at the end is always a traumatic experience.
@lombardo141 2 жыл бұрын
This is a true story. Corona struck and I had no insurance. Didn’t matter though because hospitals wouldn’t take me in anyways. My tooth was bothering me and I thought over time it would just heal. It got worse and worse and I thought I would die. I literally was at the point of committing suicide and finally decided if I was going to die anyways I might has well take things in my own hands. Orders a few pilers from Amazon, bought 3 bottles of vodka, one bottle of Advil and one bottle of sleeping pills. I said one final prayer to God, sent my family vague I love you messages and went at it. Hours went by which felt like months. Finally got it out and pass out. When I came to, looking at the tooth, it was so black, rotten to the core and the amount of blood I lost that day omg. But I came through. 🤦‍♂️. I have gotten a new job and have always kept a regular appointment with my dentist since. I do not wish this on anybody.
@IKilledEarl Жыл бұрын
Holy shit! I'm so sorry that happened to you! I'm a dental hygienist in the US and it angers me to no end how much our healthcare system sucks. Teeth are 32 little body parts and people shouldn't go bankrupt or be forced to perform oral surgery on themselves due to lack of access to dental care. And needing separate insurance for teeth and eyes is beyond stupid. Sorry. Stepping off my soapbox. Glad you're better now. In the future though, hospitals can't turn patients away if they don't have insurance and they do have oral surgeons on call for emergency extractions. They'll fuck you over for the bill, but they'll prescribe you antibiotics and pain medication and do have the capability to remove teeth if it's an emergency.
@lombardo141 Жыл бұрын
@@IKilledEarl Thank you for your comment. I honestly try to forget that day but it only made me appreciate life more. Have a great day and in your line of work continue to make people keep their smiles. 😀 P.S you are right hospitals should not turn me down but this was during the very early days of Corona. They hospitals I went to did not consider my issue an emergency. No one really knew what was going on or what to do. The timing sucked.
@IKilledEarl Жыл бұрын
@@lombardo141 True, hospitals were a mess back then. I hope you don't mind if I share your comment with my office. I think they would appreciate it and it's a good reminder for why we need to be patient and compassionate with those who have dental anxiety. You never know what someone has been through!
@lombardo141 Жыл бұрын
@@IKilledEarl go right ahead. 🙏
@ShepherdsCreek Жыл бұрын
I am a combination of the first two categories. I'm in my mid 30s so lived through most of modern dentistry and I was blessed with good teeth. Worst thing I've endured is braces but I've never had a cavity or any other tooth issues.
@SEAZNDragon 2 жыл бұрын
What timing. I started to develop a toothache the last couple of days on a tooth my dentist just filled. Also reminded me of a story my mom told me about her experience in the old country. She didn't have the money for a dentist so she went to a back alley dentist for a toothache. The guy disinfected this tools in a pot of boiling water. The sound of the tools claning freaked out my mom and she ran out of the place.
@EmilyJelassi 2 жыл бұрын
My dad is afraid of the dentist.. the receptionist and my mom make the appointment and then mom will tell my dad that he has so long to get there. I love my dentist.. she's fantastic and so is her hygienist. I honestly can't remember ever having a bad dentist..
@peterswires8439 Жыл бұрын
Simon said that the myth of the 'tooth worm' persisted until the Eighteenth Century. It didn't - it was still going in the Twentieth Century. I once bought a book with the title Enquire Within Upon Everything, and it gave instructions on how to remove tooth worms. It was dated 1905.
@TeamQuigley 11 ай бұрын
Had part of my jaw and 4 impacted wisdom teeth out with local anesthetic that wore off dang quick.... yet my kid was sedated before they even got x-rays. Things have really changed in dentistry over those 20 years.
@roxannlegg750 Жыл бұрын
The latter is me. We had a public school dental clinic at our primary school, and we were taken at random, no warning out of class to the dentist. when major work was needed no parents involved...they just went with it, and did what ever was necessary. but i was born with rubbish teeth as i grew up in rural arrea without fluoridated water, and needed every treatment going. the ptsd is so bad, i could not even take my children to the dentist as the smell of the cliniic would trigger severe reactions in me, that i eventually could no longer hide. my husband took them instead. my treatments were brutal, no warning, and often didnt use enough numming injections. the 1970's just sucked in every way....
@brody3166 Жыл бұрын
I'm a younger person, but I wouldn't say going to the dentist is a pleasant experience even now. While it's a substantially better experience than older dentists visits seemed to be, it's still often uncomfortable and somewhat painful when I go. There's also a great deal of guilt tripping from the staff (at the three offices I visited anyways) and chastising that encouraged me to stop going altogether. To define guilt-tripping: the dentist or assistants talking at length about how I make their jobs harder, getting frustrated at me and also telling me that the reason I don't brush comes down to laziness and a lack of discipline. All while I'm paying a significant amount out of pocket and don't have any serious pain or discomfort that motivates me to go.
@ayushacharya972 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Simon! 2 suggestions: 1. Kashmir Conflict 🇮🇳🇵🇰🇨🇳 2. Internal Conflict in Myanmar 🇲🇲
@jeffdroog 2 жыл бұрын
I've always loved to visit the dentist.It always has left me feeling much better about myself,and in general,more pain free,but the price of dental care has always had me scared of going.Unfortunately,that's likely also lead to most of my dental emergencies costing up to eight thousand dollars.Would be nice if our world could see how necessary dental care really is,and put more effort into reducing costs,and increasing availability of dental care.
@momoali007 Жыл бұрын
I've had a filling and a root canal done with no anesthetics, the memories make me not want to go even when in complete earth shattering pain
@Nturner822 Жыл бұрын
I’m the ptsd category…even going recently there was almost no pain but the anticipation still had me white knuckled
@steel8231 Жыл бұрын
I'm in the US and the worst I ever had at the dentist as a kid was those Fluoride Foam treatments where you had to bite into a tray full of said foam for like 10 min. After growing up I found out that said treatments were only for kids who grew up on well water rather than an everyone thing. That said I'm near 30 and never had a cavity but most of my friends are on 3-4 fillings and 2 have had at least 1 tooth removed (and it wasn't because they were in a fight).
@Caterfree10 2 жыл бұрын
This episode is a summation of one of the chief reasons why The Past Was The Worst.
@darthsurya88 Жыл бұрын
New to the channel and I've watched videos on genocide, torture, horrible diseases, terrorism, etc. and this is the first one so far that I struggled to get through...
@Loki_Morningstar666 2 жыл бұрын
I am of the third group that is so scared I only go to the dentist when it really hurts and I need to have a tooth pulled
@neopagan1976 2 жыл бұрын
This makes me so greatful for modern dental technology. I wouldn't have wanted to go to a dentist back in the day. Now I understand why most people have such a major problem going to the dentist. Can you really blame them? lol
@stephanieparker1250 2 жыл бұрын
Well, I used to think this way until I needed a root canal done due to a massive infection. The pain from the cavity and infection was… there’s no words to describe it. I literally told the dentist just to use a hammer and get it over with. I think if I lived back then, I would consider dentistry the lesser of two evils lol
@neopagan1976 2 жыл бұрын
@@stephanieparker1250 - Well, with a major dental problem like that, I can't say I blame you for wanting to go the old fashioned rout. I've had my own fair share of dental problems. I have a full understanding of where you're coming from.
@nrgbunni. Жыл бұрын
I remember in primary school we'd have a van come to visit to do dental check ups on kids. Sometimes theyd need more serious work, i was unfortunate enough to need fillings. They said they didn't need to give me anaesthesia as they wouldn't be drilling deep enough and they slipped and drilled right into my nerve root and I shot up in the chair from the pain like a bolt of electricity shot through my nerve. I was very anxious the first couple of follow up dental procedures I ever had after that but luckily they were performed elsewhere and anesthetic was actually given those times. As an adult they have to give me the maximum dose of local anesthetic in my gums otherwise I still feel everything as I have a naturally high tolerance to anesthetic, sedatives and pain medication, some people just react differently to some meds and need more or less than usual.
@nancys2839 2 жыл бұрын
I had a root canal in an office 120 mile round trip from home I'd had 2 root canals before so it didn't seem like any different until I woke up in the night with the worst pain and even more terrifying my face was so swollen and bruised that my eye swelled shut and I looked like I had been in a terrible accident. I ended up in the hospital for 4 days almost lost my eye and seriously could have died from the infection (the tooth was on the top front and likely the sinus had been punctured and caused the infection) I had to be SEDATED FOR YEARS each time I went to the dentist for any work. Thankfully I now have a great dentist and finally no more sedation
@MsTenseiga Жыл бұрын
when I was 8, my dentist discovered a tiny cavity in one of my molars, right side. He drilled it out and put in a filling. Little did we know he did a poor job and that cavity kept growing until the filling fell out because that tooth was practically hollowed out. I didn’t feel any pain though. Naturally we went to another dentist to have the tooth removed. It was a baby tooth, so pulling it was the obvious solution. Anyway that dentist was an absolute fossil. First he lied to me that it wasn’t gonna hurt, and if it did, I could signal him and he’d stop. He numbed the upper left side of my jaw. The tooth, may I remind you, was on the right. I thought he’d numb both sides, but he started pulling the tooth. It hurt SO fckn bad, I screamed and signalled for him to stop, but he insisted he had numbed me and he didn’t believe me it was that bad. Then he just pulled it out. Thanks to that asshat I didn’t go to the dentist for 14 years. Finally, 3 years back I got incredible toothaches which felt like my teeth were gonna fall out if my damn face… I was so scared of having it checked out because after so long, it could have been literally anything. I called a dentist specializing in patients with phobias and explained. I was crying on the phone. Turns out I’m just grinding my teeth. Otherwise my teeth are healthy thank fuck… got a tooth guard and some manual therapy for my jaw muscles, and have been pain free since. I visit that dentist 3 times a year and had not one bad experience. Still every time I sit in that chair I start to shake and cry. I feel so bad because these dentists are honestly great and patient with me. I just can’t shake that fear after having this one guy break my trust and rip put my tooth without numbing the right spot. I sincerely hate this man for what he did to me long-term.
@pmgn8444 2 жыл бұрын
Actual question on a dentist's new patient questionnaire: Have you had any bad dental experiences? My response: There are good dental experiences? But dental work is less painful and more effective than it was 45 to 50 years ago (1970s). Unfortunately, I know!
@bradlevantis913 2 жыл бұрын
This came out right when I was in the waiting room to get 2 fillings. Awesome
@AgentBoobimus Жыл бұрын
Inever used to be scared of the dentist until the time i went to have a tooth pulled but had an infection. The anasthetic didn't work and i nearly hit the roof, didn't end up having it pulled and i've been scared ever since.
@1whitkat Жыл бұрын
Look for a dentist that advertises " Gentle Dentistry" Or " Sedation Dentistry." Either one will help you with you fears, but Sedation Dentists will literally knock you out for the entire procedure.
@Wormweed 2 жыл бұрын
I'm 36, and i used to hate the dentist. But that's completely gone now. It has improved a lot the last 10-15 years, but so has the dentists!
@zenjon7892 Жыл бұрын
My cousin is a DDS. She told me that daily thorough brushing and flossing means an easy time when you visit the dentist
@impermanence4300 Жыл бұрын
I had to have a pretty large filling a couple of years ago, basically half the tooth. The worst part about it was the jawache I had for like a week afterwards because my mouth had to be stretched as open as possible for about 45 minutes. The procedure itself was anxiety inducing but painless, I could feel a sense of pressure on my nerves but no pain. The filling only had like a 30% chance of staying in but here we are nearly 3 years later and it's not given me any bother whatsoever.
@KrisMalinov Жыл бұрын
A few years ago, I got 4 root canals done on a single tooth with no anesthesia whatsoever, and it was so horrific I was told that some of the patients waiting to come in after me got scared away from my screams. Needless to say, I now avoid going to the dentist, and when I do, I ask them to administer enough anesthesia to put down a horse.
@skwervin1 2 жыл бұрын
I could never be a spy... just fire up that dentists drill and I'd spill everything!
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