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Being a Woman in Jiu Jitsu

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The Art of Skill

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Robin, Xena, and Shantel discuss the challenges of being a woman in the male dominated art of Jiu Jitsu.

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@teamsanity3808 3 жыл бұрын
Hey, this is Ann ❤ I wrote the letter 😊 I keep rewatching it, still cant belive it turned into whole video 😍 Im very touched and motivated by the girls. Thanks so much 🥺
@TheArtofSkill 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Ann! Thank YOU for the inspiration, and I wish you much success in your BJJ journey!
@teamsanity3808 3 жыл бұрын
@@TheArtofSkill im actually having my first competition next saturday.. so... fingers crossed ❤🙌 Thanks!
@robind1284 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Ann 👋 it's Robin from the video. I wondered if you would see it ☺️ I'm really glad you found it motivating!
@teamsanity3808 3 жыл бұрын
@@robind1284 oh so much motivation 💚 I got my first gold last saturday and i truly belive i needed the message from u girls to feel the power to even sign up let alone win a match! I love how BJJ people are supporting each other and never let anybody feel down! 💚
@Powder-0_0-Puff 2 жыл бұрын
I’m 29 also, and thinking of start jiu jitsu. But like these girls, I am intimidated to do so. But I’m so happy to hear that’s normal. Thanks for asking that question 🥰
@johnbettertonx1 2 жыл бұрын
I’m so appreciative for our lady professors. We have a professor from Brazil and she was 6 years as a white belt 4 years as a blue belt and said female promotions were virtually impossible. She achieved a black belt in Taekwondo and opened up an academy and still couldn’t get a purple belt as she consistently trained. Long story short 23 years to get her black belt. So honored to have her at our academy
@janekelly7252 Жыл бұрын
Woah what? SIX years of being a white belt consistently training? god damn
@HolyMith 3 жыл бұрын
From a male perspective, a lot of guys are uncomfortable rolling with women because for one, they might accidentally hurt them and for two there is some awkwardness about engaging physically with the opposite sex, and a fear of looking or feeling creepy. After doing it a few times though, most guys will get over these trepidations. It is very important for men and women to roll together because for guys it helps with faster, more agile and more flexible opponents. For women (especially if they are doing it for self-defence purposes) they need to know the strength and weight difference and how to mitigate it as best they can.
@deangullberry5148 2 жыл бұрын
I was going to bring up the creeper effect. A lot of guys just don't want someone to make accusations because of compromising techniques.
@Blair4020 2 жыл бұрын
Tbh most women wouldn't say that you were being a creep most of them understand that if some how you do seem like a creep/hurt them you didn't do it on purpose
@sarahmolinasews 2 жыл бұрын
If you aren’t creeping, women won’t think you’re creeping. In my four years practicing jiu jitsu, I have only rolled with one actual creep and I haven’t rolled with him since. We know that you are in the gym to learn and grow just like we are. Bjj is an incredibly close contact sport; being close to strangers in compromising positions is part of the territory. We more than anything appreciate men treating us with respect and equity on the mats.
@SoFarSoBook 2 жыл бұрын
Agree with everything you said. On top of that, there are some techniques that are awkward to do or probably too painful. For example 1. Going from mount to armbar, where you put your hands on the person's chest while transitioning 2. Going high mount (basically sitting on the person's chest) 3. Any kind of controlling motion, where I push the person back with my head against their chest 4. Trying to push, grab or any way separate their hands from their chest. With a guy, I'd just grab the hand any way possible. With a women, I try to do it without touching the breasts, which is very difficult. There's also the issue that women tend to have long hair that gets stuck somewhere. Last thing I want to do is rip people's hair.
@ByronC900 2 жыл бұрын
@@deangullberry5148 Absolutely. Easiest rule to follow: I don't ever ASK a female to roll. But if one asks me, I will roll with them.
@edburdo 3 жыл бұрын
"To get in shape for jiu-jitsu - you should do jiu-jitsu" - Very true. The variety of movements and skills you use and learn... is very hard to replicate with other exercise. I've also found... that the more you go to classes (when you are out of shape)... the more you want to get into shape... which includes diet changes.
@fuloran1 3 жыл бұрын
Very much so. BJJ was the key to me finally living a healthier lifestyle. I just couldn't perform on the mats and treat my body like crap off of them. I'm now 50 pounds down and feeling better at 52 than I did at 32, or really even 22.
@MrCmon113 9 ай бұрын
If you're already strong and not going super hard, you will get weaker though. I don't think rolling substitutes weight training. Also if you're going so hard in rolling that your muscles are stimulated enough, that's probably quite injurious.
@Miley..skins. 3 жыл бұрын
These challenges are real! I am so glad you ladies shared your story! I turn 42 today and am 42 days in JJ. Some days, I am like what am I doing here? I suck! Lol! But, I push through and feel so accomplished for staying in another day! This was the best decision I made for my daughter and I!
@surfb4work1 3 жыл бұрын
Never quit!
@Bobthebuilder-gn8ur 2 жыл бұрын
Stay training I train with three women at my class they are very tough
@calibansfury 2 жыл бұрын
Keep at it Lili, men who are 42 days into BJJ feel exactly the same way. At 230lbs I would regularly get my ass kicked by 140lb blue belts and 300lb white belts. The white belt path is a path of learning, humility, and mental toughness. Keep going!
@Miley..skins. 2 жыл бұрын
@My Home Vitality Thanks for posting this! I have replayed this podcast three times! It definitely helped! I was so inspired by Natalie's Journey!!!
@Miley..skins. Жыл бұрын
Fast Forward 2 years later, now a Blue belt with one stripe! Eeekkk, I won Gold in the Master’s 3 Division! I stayed in and I continue to break through. 5’1 135 Ibs 44 years old! You can do it at any age!
@martialartsvocationalschoo3319 3 жыл бұрын
As some men here have already pointed out: I never see women or lesser skilled and/or lighter partners as a "burden" that hold me back. Being 46 years old I find myself often enough in the position in which it's about pure survival for me, too - so, if I can roll with lighter partners (male or female) I enjoy to be more offensive and get a tap or two. I also can be be more playful and try out new stuff. So, never think of yourself as a burden or a waste of time!
@kristydunaway965 Жыл бұрын
This was excellent and real. As a 53 year old woman who is in her 4th month of BJJ , I am grateful for those who create and share this type of content . Thank you!
@chriscrane4760 3 жыл бұрын
I’m an older, new student and while this video is aimed more so for women it is all so true for myself. The same questions and fears, “I’m lost!”, “why am I here?” All I can say is you’ve all given me inspiration. Thank you for creating and being apart of this video. You have helped me more than you know!
@christinarosario9896 Жыл бұрын
Just watched this for the first time. I am 43 and I just got my blue belt two days ago after two years and I am the only woman in my small new school. My training partners are great but this video still hit home as the only female in my gym. Thank you for the continued inspiration to keep going!
@YotaDaryl 3 жыл бұрын
Huge shout out to Robin for being so honest and sharing her story. That takes major courage and I am so proud of her for what she's accomplished
@robind1284 3 жыл бұрын
@Courtside411 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you to the women talking about their experiences. I have a daughter who is 9yrs old. I practice Jiu Jitsu (white, 1 stipe) I am encouraging her to get into it. I am grateful for the perspective. Thank you.
@QuarantineVideoz 3 жыл бұрын
I'm so grateful for the guys at my gym, especially the higher belts. They give me great advice and help me improve while not totally crushing me. And when a spazzy male white belt comes in, I can totally hang with him and even give him a few pointers. We only have a few women at my gym, so I'm often the only woman in class. When rolling with another lady, it's go time. 100%. I'm super welcoming to new girls, but they never stay for long.
@Changeling9au 3 жыл бұрын
It's a weird irony that one of the most feminine of the martial arts is also one of the most male dominated.
@PopMami 2 жыл бұрын
@@Changeling9au Lol men are scared too, they just don't want to admit it.
@outlawfly664 2 жыл бұрын
​@@Changeling9au Word! I have always said that BJJ or Nogi submission grappling is the perfect martial art for women, i can literally write an essay on why it is. However the irony is that i witness women are more into Muay Thai and kickboxing instead, it has a large number of women participations which should be the opposite given the fact that it's known as being a "man dance" (striking/stand up game). LMAO the legends are true about this new generation and not just in sports, men are becoming more feminine while women are becoming more masculine. Quite sad
@MrCmon113 2 жыл бұрын
When I was the spazzy white belt, I tried to submit a girl by bear-hugging her. She somehow didn't tap even after a minute. I was very impressed by her tenacity. Almost more than I was impressed by the creative techniques of the coaches.
@jesseherbert2585 2 жыл бұрын
I'm a guy who just started bjj, and get this: my most humbling experiences as a kid came from older or stronger girls. From being pinned and almost KOd from not being able to breath, to being judo tossed repeatedly, to being schooled by my sensei's daughter when I was older, I have to express gratitude that they saved me from developing a head too big to fit through the door. And I won't even go into details on the state wrestling champ's sister who had insane strength and skills when we hit the mat (my high school wrestling skills did nothing for me that day) fact ancient Greek Olympic wrestling was open to mixed matches. Obviously averages are in men's favor, but military studies have shown women can outlast men in terms of output (not peak burst strength but sustained output) and G force tolerance before passing least from the few studies I sought out after so many "surprising defeats". Not to mention outlasting me in cold ocean swims. A Navy admiral's daughter once left me in the dust off the coast of Oregon (frigid) and I was a lifeguard. Respect my sisters, I do.
@maciejasz78 2 жыл бұрын
The details you refused to go into seem to be the most interesting :)
@aldomonti813 2 жыл бұрын
And now it's women who have a head bigger than the door.
@stevereedatx Жыл бұрын
When I was 17, I was asked to grapple with a girl who is about half my weight, and about my same age. I was still very new to martial arts, and was told to put her in a choke and try to submit her. I was very hesitant to do this, because it felt wrong. I had three little sisters, and my dad raised me to respect girls, and to not hurt them. But the instructor made a great point, he said that it was important for me to train with her, because if she never had the opportunity to train with a guy my size, she wouldn’t ever learn the skills she needed. So that pretty much broke me of my fear of engaging with females martial arts. Today, in BJJ, I don’t have any problem rolling with anybody because it’s good to have a variety of opponents. Sometimes other people are good for you, and sometimes you need to be a good opponent for someone else.
@HenkvanMierlo 3 жыл бұрын
There's also another aspect of feeling being left out. Most guys I know tend to avoid a female not because they don't want to roll, but because they think she doesn't want to or that they are a bit shy to roll with a woman. At least that what I see happening in my gym.
@HenkvanMierlo 3 жыл бұрын
PS: I ordered that super cool Game of Chokes rash guard!
@frank3283 3 жыл бұрын
100% From the guys perspective, its about not wanting to make women uncomfortable, not being unwilling to roll with them. I don't ask women to roll until I've rolled with them a few times and I know they are comfortable with me.
@delilahjones6496 3 жыл бұрын
@@frank3283 I really appreciate your comment because this is how I feel when I do BJJ at my gym. I feel left out. I've been there for 1.5 years, but a lot of the guys were friends before I even got there and so they always partner with each other and I'm left standing alone. It makes me sad. No man I've rolled with has ever done anything inappropriate with me, so I trust them, I just wish they would be more open to rolling with me. When they pick each other it definitely seems its more about the established friendship they had before I even got there. Still, I desire to not be left out. =(
@christopherevasin4142 3 жыл бұрын
@@delilahjones6496 personally i’m afraid to roll with women because it feels a little inappropriate and I don’t want to accidentally do something wrong
@MrCmon113 2 жыл бұрын
@@frank3283 >its about not wanting to make women uncomfortable, not being unwilling to roll with them No, it's because they are too weak. It actually turns me on to make them uncomfortable. But not enough to make up for the lost opportunity of rolling with a challenging partner.
@jbernard5399 3 жыл бұрын
This is becoming my favorite KZbin channel, I love this type of content, the belt level video and the narrated rolls! Thanks for sharing!
@jesuslopes5982 3 жыл бұрын
The content is amazing, Roy Dean is who led me to discover Rick Ellis. Their approach to jiujitsu in terms of philosophy and practice is how would like to practice. For now, am still benefiting from my physical attributes but eventually, I want to develop a game that is smooth and flows, a game that is sustainable for a lifetime.
@Jamiebmurray 3 жыл бұрын
I watched this for some thoughts regarding my daughters and also for insights into women in my club. As a bloke, I was very hesitant to train with women because 1. I wasn't that skilled and I did not want to hurt them.2 I felt self-conscious being that up close and personal with a woman other than my wife! What shifted it was my instructor asking me to partner with a capable woman who needed a partner. It was an eye-opener. and realised 1. She was more than fine 2. No time to be self-conscious and in fact the focus remains technical. Since then I have enjoyed training with both men and women and learn from both. Currently, I can pace accordingly with who I roll with and it works well. I try to be encouraging and positive and talk a bit ( hopefully not too much!!) Good vid thanks.
@MrCmon113 2 жыл бұрын
I used to talk nonstop during sparring, but the mouthguard caused me to bleed.
@isadurika 3 жыл бұрын
The feeling of holding the male classmates back is so real. Even if they are all so nice and really don't mind (as they shouldn't), I still feel like I'm a burden wasting their time while they could be rolling with someone they could use they full strength with.
@frank3283 3 жыл бұрын
Crazy talk! As a guy who is 195 lbs I love rolling with women. It forces me to consciously shut off strength and focus on technique. Same with rolling with kids. I probably get more out of it than they do.
@corysweeney5562 3 жыл бұрын
If they feel that way they have the wrong mindset. Dialing back strength is an important lesson for them to focus more on technique and not just overpower people. Eventually, they're all going to run into someone stronger than them too and if all they have is overpowering someone they're gonna get destroyed. Besides even amongst men strength can vary immensely. Women aren't as common in Jiu Jitsu gyms as most of us wish they were and that change in circumstances is valuable for the guys' development too. Don't feel like a burden, because in reality, you're an asset.
@MrCmon113 2 жыл бұрын
Don't worry. If some woman wastes my time, I just rupture some of her tendons and have peace for a couple of months.
@MrCmon113 2 жыл бұрын
@@frank3283 Bruh, you can't train "technique" without resistance. Same reason why you can't practice squats with an empty bar.
@frank3283 2 жыл бұрын
@@MrCmon113 that is absolutely false.
@awildswirl2641 2 жыл бұрын
I am 13 female and a gray belt (junior ranks, two belts after white), and have been training in jiu-jitsu for 4 years now (since I was 9). My Coach usually pairs females with females and males with males. However, when I roll with boys, I can really tell which ones are using tactic and which ones are using pure strength, and I find I lean more towards the tactical ones when it comes to rolling. Thanks for this video! I can relate to some of the things these girls are saying.
@rodrigopr358 3 жыл бұрын
As Robin said, you do not need to win to feel that you are getting better.
@mallukven 3 жыл бұрын
Hey ladies, thank you so much for your inspiration and help! I'm a 38yr old female who just started few months ago and have found it hard to stay consistent with going to class because it is intimidating. I find myself constantly watching videos and started to run again for bjj. Can you leave links here on the groups that you have found for inspiration? There certainly aren't many female bjj videos out there to follow. Thank you 😊
@robind1284 3 жыл бұрын
Have you joined "Woman's Grappling Network" on FB? Lots of motivated women on there. Perhaps put a post on that page that you're looking for open mats for women in your area. The podcasts put out by Girls in Gi's are also pretty great.
@BTT72genX 10 ай бұрын
I am a purple belt 230lb man and half of the time I go to class I am the last guy picked as a rolling partner. It happens. I don’t normally pick women to roll with because of my size. I have found that the weight difference can really make the training experience for both of us very difficult. I train with smaller men, but their strength can help kind of make up the difference in weight. It isn’t personal. It is about trying to make sure that both my partner and I have a productive day of training.
@user-rc8br5sw6j 6 ай бұрын
There is a cult side to BJJ which can be unhelpful because I read two different versions. My girls will continue with Karate till they are 6 because then they are eligible for Kalaripayattu training at the local gurukul on weekends. At age 7 ill have them cross train with Karate kids self defence BJJ/MMA etc twice a week. But if it ends up that they really won't be able to do much against men two or three times their size then I was thinking after they are 12 when they will have their Karate black belt if they keep turning up and practising and have completed the first cycle of Kalari training and the kids self defence programme. Maybe they could just switch to aikido for fun or something else entirely. They'll know what works for them and what is possible by then. There's a lot of fantasy told about what can be achieved with martial arts training which ignores the genuine benefits children gain from them.
@shrimuyopa8117 3 жыл бұрын
I really love that entry into the triangle from the gift wrap at 27:20. I am going to try that out next time I roll.
@jasonwyatt9025 3 жыл бұрын
Awesome video! My daughter is a blue belt and I love rolling with her! And knowing she can defend herself! I love and respect women being on the mats!
@joootooobboosheet2486 3 жыл бұрын
There are only a few girls at our gym. I'm a heavyweight, and they're tiny, so we almost never go against each other. I've only asked them once or twice if they want to wrestle/roll. I take it really easy on them because I'm about twice their weight, but I have no problem going against them (and visa versa). However, I have also known the girls for a while. If I don't know the girl, then I will not even ask because I just figured it can be intimidating to them.
@thomasorchard 3 жыл бұрын
I like rolling with everyone as long as they don't smell bad. As a 37 year old guy with a blue belt, I just try to match my partner's strength and speed, then focus on technique. Big guys, teens, women... everyone can be a good roll and learn from.
@MrCmon113 2 жыл бұрын
Smell is part of the technique.
@thomasorchard 2 жыл бұрын
@@MrCmon113 Especially in competition. Smear yourself in excrement and get your opponent to tap before slapping hands.
@Wuffy34 3 жыл бұрын
Great vid, I wasn't sure what to expect but everything they covered is very accurate. I started bjj in January of this year, but I feel like I got really lucky starting out. One of my best friends has been training for a long time, and while we were at the bar he and the gym owner were trying really hard to get me to come in and try it. So, I already felt welcome, though I did feel a bit of anxiety when I walked in, I had no idea what to expect, and that break-in period is ROUGH. There were a few girls at my gym already so that was awesome, and we keep getting more. Now it feels like a second family and I love the culture, everyone is so supportive and just wants to see you grow. If it weren't for the coaxing I don't know if I would have had the courage to start, and that's really a shame because I'd recommend it to anyone. It's so much fun and it will literally change your life.
@user-ek6ec1tv2i 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing your perspectives ladies. I went into this placicng my kids in Jui-Jitsu because they are homeschooled and needed exercise. But as I watched, I wanted to do it too in my late 40s. I am now aware of other communities of women involved. And I want to be a part of this type of community going into my later stages of life. I am truly so grateful and thankful for this message.
@sarahpaps 2 жыл бұрын
Love this video! I'm so curious to know of these women only bjj retreats Robin mentions. That sounds awesome!
@PeteOrta 2 жыл бұрын
Girls are sometimes picked last because guys are taught to let them pick who they’re comfortable rolling/ training with.
@mornedeswardt4305 2 жыл бұрын
Man these women Rock! If I ever get to visit America I wouldn't mind rolling with them. So positive. I really want Rick Ellis as my coach!!
@stephaneprevost_1967 3 жыл бұрын
Great wisdom to let women answer that question. As a man I always fear that a female teammate might misinterpret an accidental move. You see what I mean. So what I do is from the beginning I propose that if she feels uncomfortable for any reason just tap and we reset if she is ok with it. So far so good. Hope my french to english made sense. Peace
@MrCmon113 2 жыл бұрын
>if she feels uncomfortable for any reason just tap and we reset Yeah, that's what tapping is for.
@ceciliai.ogwude2845 Жыл бұрын
Most women know when men are being creepy though. If your intentions are pure she'll sense it. It's nothing to worry about. It's also really kind of you to talk about before you roll so thank you for that.
@surfb4work1 3 жыл бұрын
Another great video. This is becoming my favorite youtube channel lately. Props to Robin and Xena for their insights. And Shantel was just awesome with her humble honest portrayal of being a woman in the BJJ community. There's no doubt that these ladies will reach black belt one day if they stay committed!
@sep420 3 жыл бұрын
Wow! Robin has the same story as me! Car accident, unathletic, uncoordinated, overweight, and was so scared to try bjj. Only until my first kid was born I forced myself to try. To learn to protect myself and my kids, now I have two. I'm part of the Bjj cult ;). Changed my life. Although I still get very nervous before each class lol.
@robind1284 3 жыл бұрын
Sorry to hear u were also hit by a car. Oddly enough I swear it's one of the highlights of my life. It ended up being the catalyst for change that I so desperately needed. I also used to get nervous before every class. It probably took over a year for that to wear off
@sep420 3 жыл бұрын
@@robind1284 thank you for replying to my comment. Wasn't expecting that! Not sure why I still get the pregame nerves. I'll be nervous before, almost finding an excuse not to go but after I'm so glad I went!
@BrionyGunson Жыл бұрын
A big thank you to Robin, Xena and Shantel for sharing their stories - it really helped me. I am in my late 30s starting out in BJJ and thoughts I had were "am I too old?" and "will I struggle in such a male dominated space?". This was really encouraging and valuable to see what's possible and people "like us" doing the things we want to do. Also at @21:08 - such a valuable point. Women often will - consciously or unconsciously - drag other women down emotionally/psychologically as a survival tactic. It's important that we lift each other up! This video is super helpful, thank you for creating it!
@huh4963 2 жыл бұрын
I took a class at my college and loved it. I just took a class at an academy yesterday. Nervous (still) and honestly I’m happy to get back into it but I am nervous as well
@Pieslops_The_Cyclops 3 жыл бұрын
Very good stuff, you've been putting out great content lately
@chadparris8892 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the content! This is a great perspective to see and it's part of why my goal has never really been fast progression with my exposer to BJJ so far. I just want to be a good training partner for everyone.
@kelleystoll5856 2 жыл бұрын
I just started BJJ and I feel the exact same way. I have done other forms of martial arts but this is the first time I have felt this way. This was helpful.
@77stephani77 2 жыл бұрын
My story is almost identical to Robin’s (minus being hit by a car), I was mentally hit by a Mack truck… my son started and about 8 mths later I decided to start, I’m 45 3 mths in, I am almost always the only female, I did train JKD & Kali, with some CSW but that was over 10 yrs ago… my goal is keep going with my son and actually be able to roll better with him, & others, he can tap me out even though he’s 12, I go 4 days a week, & every day it hurts and I feel defeated, but it’s getting better and I’m starting to recognize moves. Partnering I usually try to cycle through the guys so I and he gets different training every time. But I do have a few I training with most, because we are more comfortable with each other. They just want to help me learn & succeed as I them… thx for video..
@jawz2005 Жыл бұрын
Happy to hear you are enjoying your journey 💪🏾
@johnelliott1223 2 жыл бұрын
when I took jiu jitsu lesson there was a female black belt who helped the the instructor by taking the new be she was very small so she was all techngue when she rolled with the beginners she talk all the time telling you what you did right & wrong I kept taking my back to easterly she taught me to protect my back
@lynchpinlaze 3 жыл бұрын
This channel just gets better and better! Some awesome insights and advice, thanks
@insamsitive 3 жыл бұрын
not even finished watching, but this is great. thanks for the awesome content.
@erinodonnell386 4 ай бұрын
I just stared jiu-jitsu and I’m a smaller woman, sometimes there’s another woman in class, sometimes there isn’t. There are only 2 other women that come relatively regularly, oddly enough they both started within days of me, and we’re just these 3, completely lost white belts trying to figure it out, usually not quite understanding what’s being explained. Makes it really hard to make any progress. 😅 And if one of them doesn’t come, I’m on my own. For whatever reason we usually have odd numbers of people and I’m the one left out. No one to train with. No one to roll with. Typically the instructors will come help me but… it can be pretty discouraging.
@808BJJ_Black_Belt 3 жыл бұрын
Great video women in JiuJitsu are effen AWESOME!!!! I respect them 💯
@I1s7a 2 жыл бұрын
Im a guy and im a whitebelt only Training mma for a few weeks now so i am the guy who just gets tapped out by everyone and beat up in sparring but why would i feel bad about that and feel low when i leave? I still learn so much every time i come to the gym. And even if i just make people take a little bit longer to tap me than last time it's already a win for me. You can't have a big ego when ur a beginning (at anything) bc you have to learn and train first before you can see the results and be good at something so yeah just leave ur ego at home before you come to the matt and be ready to learn from ur mistakes and you will never feel bad after leaving the gym!
@brandyc.3026 Жыл бұрын
I’m so grateful you have this video. I’ve been interested in this but I was in an abusive relationship even though years ago I’m still terrified I want to defeat this fear but also learn this even though I’m scared
@FreeHat_ 2 жыл бұрын
I love rolling with girls, I just focus on pure technique
@Athena124 2 жыл бұрын
I was fortunate in that once I decided to try bjj about 7 months ago, I discovered there was a gym within walking distance of where I live and that they have a women only class twice a week. The women are all amazing and encouraging. I hate to admit it but I probably wouldn't have had the courage to start otherwise. I have done the classes that have mostly men and I feel the same way, that they don't want to be stuck with me. I'm sure some of that is true and some is in my head. First thing I noticed was that the men's class is a whole lot quieter LOL.
@powertothelocaldreamer3803 Жыл бұрын
Thank you! Needed this today!
@mindlessbutcher4182 2 жыл бұрын
Wow no guys in the gym I go to feel that we have to go hard or get one over any woman but I’m lucky to have found an awesome environment 🙌🙌
@oceandojo 2 жыл бұрын
Very important coverage. Thank you
@lordsneed9418 Жыл бұрын
I can either not try against girls, or if I tried then I'd be able to shut down 90% of anything they tried with strength and weight. So I don't try. if I turn down my strength and try to match their level of strength then they'll just be a lot faster than me since I'm big and slow so they'll get the dominant position and tap me. so it's more just an opportunity for me to see different moves. It's probably not useful at all as sparring practice for the girl since it's neither realistic for them for self defence nor is it representative of them competing against another girl , but idk how to make it better.
@greengo9 3 жыл бұрын
These girls are awesome! Good practical tips. Really liking this channel.
@richkrupansky1339 3 жыл бұрын
They had good advice regardless of your sex
@AdiantumSchool 2 жыл бұрын
I feel really lucky because my gym has at least 6 women per class, if not 10 on certain nights. I didn’t realize how uncommon that was when I first started. As a white belt it’s really awesome because the women with higher belts will often break up and go with the white belts to disperse their skills and help out. When we are choosing partners, sometimes we’ll even meet in the middle of the mat and choose together to make sure that we have good pairings for the class. I’m guessing that some of the original women at the gym established that culture early on and other women stayed on because of it. I hope this becomes more common!
@darinjohnson3671 Жыл бұрын
I had to quit Ju-Jitsue and would like to return, but when I was practicing I had one guy about 3 times my size and I think he ended up at least brusing one of my ribs. So if I do go back, but will not be this year if I do. I do like the comment that you do not need to win, but rather what did you learn that in itself is a win. So being intimidated does not just apply to Women, but I do think it maybe more prevalent with Women for sure. with a guy who is smaller, I found the same problem.
@guadalupecovarrubias3487 2 жыл бұрын
Even just having months or even 1yr of Jui jitsu under your belt. Imagine how much more skill you have already to defend yourself or someone else being attacked in the streets. You are far ahead of most in this world in self defense👍🏼
@donlean2164 2 жыл бұрын
I roll with anyone in the gym but especially if i roll with woman i always try to use technique and never muscle out of anything but if they start to apply more pressure i try to match their energy. I remember we had a small girl start at my previous gym and when i would roll with her i let her take some positions so she can actuallly learn and practice her subs only because there was no one in the gym her size.But even as a guy and as a 155lb its annoying with you roll with a big dude and they muslce out of everyting and over stack you and end up just hurting you the whole roll, Its just no fun for no one
@joycefung2473 2 ай бұрын
I'm always the last one being picked, BJJ or something else, doesn't matter. Don't know why. Had always felt left out since I was a child, so it's not a foreign feeling to me, yet it gives me anxiety. The only time I was first one picked was another girl who thought I was a push over and could teach me stuff. But well, turns out I crushed her by accident, so then she never chose me lol.
@emilyhops2566 9 ай бұрын
I do bjj, i strted a few months ago properly. I also do lindy hop dancing. Sometimes at a dance i see a fantastic lead and i think i want to dance with that lead... but theyre so much better than me, i dont want to waste their dance, i'll only let them down. And then i think for gods sake. Its 3mins out of their evening. I'm bloody asking them. And i do! Its a good dance, i learn something and i feel fab. Hopefully i'll feel the same way when i'm brave enough to start rolling... (any day now...aaaarrrrgh)!
@Figs4Life Жыл бұрын
How can a Father advise their 13 year old daughter before joining BJJ? She started Kick Boxing at JKD, and as uncomfortable as I am, I will also like her to learn BJJ for defense.
@armyofficer11a 2 жыл бұрын
@muscleheadzzzz 11 ай бұрын
I feel like this could be the other way as well where women likes sticking to their own gender as far as rolling? Like they have their preference, so men would look the other way and just roll with men. Or does it go back to the fear of getting smashed by larger men counterparts?
@bw5187 Жыл бұрын
The insecurities are heartbreaking
@a1totalservices636 Жыл бұрын
Gonna pose a question for a girl in my dojo. What do you girls do with your hair?
@maciejasz78 2 жыл бұрын
Yup, just as expressed in the comments, an explanation of the problem of feeling left out isn't complete without the male perspective. I don't train myself (maybe just yet), I just got interested and watch some videos on YT. I noticed very quickly in those videos with young girls dominating young boys, that boys are way more passive, almost timid. Like they were afraid of being inappropriate. So then I started to wonder myself, and that was before I learned anything about actual techniques, is it even fair? The girl has no hesitation and can push against or grab almost any body part she wants, but I would have some serious reservations if I was in that boy’s place and the boy seems to feel the same. Then I watched the BJJ Crash Course, saw some techniques and learned, that in theory there is no problem. But the theory doesn’t look like the chaos when people roll and struggle to win.
@curraja14 5 ай бұрын
I wonder if you're still training.
@Tyborg425 Ай бұрын
Oh shit I thought it said beating women in jiu jitsu, lol good video.
@maryreed2280 Жыл бұрын
I propose small women be allowed to use more unconventional methods against men just to even things up.
@user-uy4vp7ex9r 6 ай бұрын
I live in the uae and let me tell you more woman than men win jiu jitsu competitions and they don’t shamed they don’t weird comments so sucks for y’all Americans
@YimingCai 2 жыл бұрын
Incredibly beautiful and motivational to watch ❤️
@molly461 3 жыл бұрын
No do one titled "Being trans in Jiu Jitsu" & it's just a montage of everyone either refusing to roll with you or trying their best to hurt you until you quit
@gabzz72 2 жыл бұрын
That’s messed up, maybe try a different school?
@Delamthedestroyer 2 жыл бұрын
Thats shit to hear you have negative experiences like that. I hope your still grappling.
@ennio5596 2 жыл бұрын
@BrunoAmaralBJJ 2 жыл бұрын
Another video
@Cindy_istopforheartrocks 3 жыл бұрын
BJJ Master Women Facebook group is good too
@robind1284 3 жыл бұрын
@Trephining 3 жыл бұрын
sounds like a great spot to find potential future wife, hahahaha
@dedyhermawan5725 2 жыл бұрын
Love bjj girls. Love aal bjj girls.
@apollothirteen9236 2 жыл бұрын
Their are some things worse than dying sir .
@magcitrate 3 жыл бұрын
The 1st time I got choked and tapped by a girl… whoa. I give them no leeway😁
@felipehidalgo9394 2 жыл бұрын
@aldomonti813 2 жыл бұрын
From a man's perspective: I remember when I practiced kudo that a girl in the gym always went 100% even when the instructor told us to train at a lower intensity, despite being short and very light she always pushed forward in sparring, being totally unrealistic in her strategy facing stronger, taller and heavier opponents. She always had this frowning upon, angry expression printed on her face that made the interaction annoying. If women have this bad attitude in a dojo then they don't have the right to complain if nobody wants to roll with them. And simp instructors need to suck it up if they lose dojo members for these reasons, as they never call out women when they cross the boundaries. And let's not talk about how useless or scarcely rewarding is for a man to have a female sparring partner.
@digs1223 2 жыл бұрын
I avoid rolling with women for a few reasons, they could accuse me of being inappropriate (false accusations are rife all over the place) and they tend not to give a very challenging roll because Im fairly big by men's standards so women are almost always very small and weak to me. I have a couple of female friends at my gym, only the second is of concern then.
@apollothirteen9236 2 жыл бұрын
These people are angry and should be heavy Medicaid in
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