Psalm 82 Explained: What is the Divine Council of Elohim?

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The Bible Explained

The Bible Explained

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@CoutureValancy 4 ай бұрын
Saying there is no god beside me doesn’t mean there is no other gods, it’s saying there is no other god equal or next to me.
@Andy-u9x 2 ай бұрын
no it means just how it sounds there is only one God
@tomnoyb8301 5 ай бұрын
"When the Most High gave to the nations their inheritance, when he divided mankind, he fixed the borders of the peoples according to the number of the Sons-of-God." [Deut32].
@sapphiros_word 5 ай бұрын
This was immediately where my head went.
@2tce 4 ай бұрын
This is correct. The Sons of God are ALWAYS Angels (or at least heavenly beings). Not humans.
@tomnoyb8301 4 ай бұрын
​@@2tce - Calling Sons-of-God "Angels" is imprecise at best and is entirely misleading to the end-times flock. Heavenly beings is better, but still misses the hierarchy in heaven and the impending onslaught. Right or wrong, previous generations were taught to ignore the goings-on in heaven. This led to (intentional?) confusion about Revelation12 (for example), that end-times church needs to understand in order to protect themselves. Jesus said end-times would be "as it was in the days of Noah." How can Church defend against those evils, unless they know what was going-on in the days-of-Noah? (more...) In the days-of-Noah, Gen6 says Sons-of-God roamed the earth, with their major offense being that they "corrupted-flesh." Church teaches that is entirely due to human (sexual) deviancy, but in fact corrupted-flesh was literally Sons-of-God changing the DNA of the animals (and humans) of the earth. Humans could barely understand the fate befalling them. Humans didn't know a thing about DNA nor genetic-modification. Even today, American's gleefully eat GMO-foods without thinking twice (European's wisely outlawed some GMO). More recently, government's conspired to jab every citizen with a DNA-changing injection. So much so, they forced the jab at the penalty of firing or worse. Military was cashiered with a permanent black-mark (that one can be sure gov't will later further punish). Noah had to select un-modified animals for the Ark, but church teaches none of it. When Jesus said "as it was in the days of Noah," this is exactly what He was warning the final generation about. Yet, the church stands silent on these physical and spiritual attacks. Church is entirely unprepared for what has happened and what will soon happen to humanity. Worse, most Christian's are taught that all they have to do is get-saved, get baptized and/or believe Jesus is Messiah. Those are necessary, but only apply to human-beings. If some Gen6 Son's-of-God (discovered decades ago and kept secret) teach Fauci-&-friends how to change human DNA into non-human DNA with a simple jab, then those promises don't apply to DNA-modified people, because they are slightly, imperceptibly changed into non-humans. These are only some of the threats Jesus was warning the final-generation. Threats that despite Jesus clear warning, the church conspired to conceal. And has placed all in dire mortal and immortal danger.
@ElNumeroUno777 4 ай бұрын
Exactly. Consider chemosh in 2kings also
@FilthyXylophone 3 ай бұрын
The "most high" in the Hebrew is El Elyon. How do you know that YHWH is El Elyon and not one of the BeneElohim (Sons of god)? We know YHWH is Elohim, but we don't necessarily know who El Elyon is if we're going by the Hebrew. Also, very interesting that all the claims of monotheism come from books written during or after the first exile, but not before...
@FriedrichBoettger 5 ай бұрын
Your scholarship is basically sound, but I would revisit Deuteronomy 32 for who the text is referring to as the 'leaders of the nations'. You've read Heiser. I think he's right on this one. All of the spirit beings in the spirit world could be and are referred to as Elohim and sons of Elohim. Regardless, thank you for another excellent video.
@bobandurex9809 3 ай бұрын
Consider the period when that psalms was written. It was written during the era of Judges over Israel ie Ehub,Deborah,Balak, Gideon etc before Israel demanded for a king and Saul was anointed first king
@ronsutton670 2 ай бұрын
@@FriedrichBoettger I agree that “Elohim” can be angels, supernatural beings or human rulers. Many believe “sons of God” are fallen angels. I disagree with Heiser’s sloppy “scholarship.” He is fast and loose with interpretation, and quick to commit eisegesis when he finds it helpful to support his aberrant theology. Thanks for the comment. 🙏
@Yerboiy Ай бұрын
So youre saying that Yahweh had to remind men that they weren't actually elohim but that they were actually elohim? Why would they need a reminder that they weren't angels and that they would die like men? Did they forget about they were people? When being told they would die like men what was that supposed to imply? @@ronsutton670
@ceedee873 Ай бұрын
​@@ronsutton670 Dude's still a scholar even if you disagree with him.
@phearlesspharaoh3697 5 ай бұрын
I personally trust Heisers interpretation more than yours… he was a Hebrew scholar, and tbh explained it much more in depth than you did, and there’s more to it than you”re revealing.
@turbografx7 5 ай бұрын
first, thank you for covering this Psalm. you won't hear this talked about in most churches. where I disagree with you though, is that God does have a council. When God is deciding how king Ahab is going to die, there is a council God is talking to. Another intance is when Nebuchadnezzar is told he will go insane and eat grass. Deuteronomy 32 talks about how the sons of God are over the nations, but Israel is Yahwehs inheritance and his portion. which also shines some light on the angel coming to Daniel and telling him how he was delayed by the prince of Persia. These instances in the Bible lead me to believe that the beings being talked to in this Psalm are heavenly beings and not humans. I dont believe God told them they would die like men, because they forget that humans die.
@bobandurex9809 3 ай бұрын
Yes God is telling them what He will do. HE is not asking for their opinion. I think its explained in the video. Yes God said they will die like men despite the fact that He has appointed to rule over the people. is they are all humans and only authority separates them
@briannasteele7937 8 күн бұрын
Thank you for your channel. The way you break things down and explain are supreme. I hoping to have a better understanding and live faith by walking with my Lord and Savior Jesus.
@With-one-wing Ай бұрын
I think there are good arguments on both sides. But I lean more towards Heiser.
@jenihansen7201 7 ай бұрын
This was great. I am not sure about all of this, but cannot wait for you preaching on this at the end of the month.
@bobandurex9809 3 ай бұрын
Excellent explanation. In August a voice whispered into my ears in my sleep to wakeup and look at Psalms 82:4. I have been wondering until God has led me to watch this video and I am beginning to sense that God has a special task for me.Let His will be done 🙏
@spitflamez 7 ай бұрын
Angels don’t become Demons, Satan and his Angels are still called Angels in Revelation 12 at the beginning of the last 3 1/2 years of this age. Abaddon is called “the ANGEL of the bottomless pit” in Revelation 9 before his release on earth in the last 3 1/2 years. The Four Angels bound at the Euphrates are also still called Angels before their release as well.
@eew8060 5 ай бұрын
Who are the Angels bound at the Euphrates? Is this Azazel and Samyaza and them guys?
@spitflamez 5 ай бұрын
@@eew8060 I don’t know but the book of Enoch does go into those Angels and Enoch and a some Bible verses talk about Angels who were lock up being released on the earth again.
@houseofmayim5557 2 ай бұрын
Correct. Demons are the disembodied spirits from the Nephilim children of the fallen.
@m.h.9673 Ай бұрын
This helped me so much, I’m no Bible scholar just a average person wanting to understand scripture , this interpretation helps tremendously !!! Definitely subbing😊
@siryort7024 4 ай бұрын
Yeah, you missed this one. Dt 32:8 talks about the Elohim who are appointed over the nations. The were supposed to rule in justice and truth instead in Daniel 10 they fought against the forces of good in the heavenly realms.They are the ones being judged in Ps 82. Really kinda pointless at the end of Ps 82 to tell men they are going to die like men if they are going to die like men. I would also be interested to see how these men could join the council since Ps 89 is pretty clear it takes place in the heavens with the Elohim and Yahweh. But probably the most disappointing is it really discredits what Jesus is doing in John 10 and makes no sense in the context of the passage. John spends the whole book elevating Jesus as fully God and fully man. The Pharisee's pick-up stones to stone him. They knew that before Jesus quotes Ps 82 he claimed to be God and he does so afterwards in the same chapter. If Jesus pulls back from that statement to tell them that he is "just a man" like them and then claims divinity it is really a picture of Jesus waffling. Instead Jesus refered to their knowledge of the sons of God in Ps 82 to basically say " you know that there is a Lord who sits over a council of divine beings in the scriptures, well I am more than a man, I am the Lord of the Council."
@fatfabeswilly 25 күн бұрын
@Sandalphon777 23 күн бұрын
Divine Council, Council of 70...Elohim...70 nations, one Bene Elohim appointed to each by Our Creator while he chose Israel to be HIS people to shepard over directly. The appointees were intended to oversee and help the people of the nation they, individually, were given the responsibility of stewarding, etc. The issues began when the people of a given nation began to revere and worship the Malek as a god and, in turn, eventually, they would fall for the hype, start playing the part, and forsaking their assigned duties due to the distractions from the peoples' actions...this planted a seed of corruption and the more they entertained the masses without correction the more the seed grew upon taking root...which culminated in their downfalls. The saga is fairly lengthy but interesting the deeper one delves. Elohim created man in their image BEFORE Our Creator created Adam and the garden himself...he breathed life into his nostrils making him a living soul...unlike the Elohim who had not the capability to do so themselves...Elohim told their creations to spread all over the world and prosper...Abba did not say that to Adam...and the garden was seperate from the rest of the earth...extra-plainear to be more concise...fill in the blanks as you go.
@altonbrek 13 күн бұрын
Context is everything. There was a heavenly council who were assigned rulership over the rebellious nations, on God's behalf, after Babel. They failed. God said that he would judge these heavenly rebels in the heavens, and rebellious men on earth. Furthermore God restarted His own alloted nation with Abraham who were distinct from the rebellious nations and their rebellious gods. Yes, they will die like men because they will be thrown together in the lake of fire.
@mare_sheep9724 6 ай бұрын
Perhaps another question is what does "beside me" mean in light of the original language usage and with in the culture and time.
@missinglink_eth 4 ай бұрын
Besides == compares to. YHWH is the Most High. No other god compared to him.
@DA-yd2ny 4 ай бұрын
“….. there is no Elohim like you ….” This proves that he is not the only Elohim but rather that all other Elohims are different (inferior) to him. He is the only one able to create ….. he is the only eternal Elohim…..” He created all other Elohim….
@sentinaludo1489 5 ай бұрын
Enjoy hearing the various perspectives. Helps me to keep realizing the Kingdom that is now and the Kingdom that is to come.
@SPQR748 7 ай бұрын
Elohim can mean anything or anyone who occupies the spiritual realm and it also can mean a person of great power. For example Yahweh told Moses that he would be an Elohim to the Egyptians by cursing them with plague. Also the ghost 👻 of Samuel is called an Elohim in Bible.
@beenizz5102 5 ай бұрын
It seems to make clear differences of levels of Elohim. Disembodied ghosts and earth rulers with divine like power Nephlim and then the spirits in heaven and the heavenly divine court room where god is but man is not
@monwellchassion923 4 ай бұрын
30 minute theology to debunk Michael Heiser’s 30 years of study lol. Come on bro. Like, sure, it’s not a salvation issue but this sort of fear of this elohim realm is just much deeper than this video. I can respect your points, but I think you’re off. I think you misread John 10 with that presupposition, and it steered you. The whole of Psalm 82 gives the elohim narrative its full context (just in that chapter). I’ve listened to countless videos from Heiser and he’s convincing of his take on it. I’m not a Heiserian, but he even connects dots in the New Testament of these “beings”. This video just doesn’t go deep enough. Theology is just too stretched for conclusions like this.
@houseofmayim5557 2 ай бұрын
It seems everyone wants to speak in tongues, and cast out demons, but have no real belief in the Spirit realm. What do they believe Powers and Principalities are.
@jonkenyon4876 7 ай бұрын
it’s all about Jesus.
@Gokiburi777 5 ай бұрын
Sunday school answer, when you don’t know the answer. We’ve all used that one.
@jonkenyon4876 5 ай бұрын
@@Gokiburi777 oh? i thought it was Deuteronomy 29:29?
@K94Life 5 ай бұрын
Amen 🙏
@monwellchassion923 4 ай бұрын
Heiser’s position is not “angelic beings” of Psalm 82. It’s amazing how much this man gets misrepresented across the internet.
@houseofmayim5557 2 ай бұрын
Yes it is.
@JP-kx2qv Ай бұрын
The issue or confusion here is that the term Elohim is a general noun... disembodied spiritual beings that exists in the spiritual realm.. Yahweh is elohim like other spiritual beings that are also referred to as elohim BUT no other Elohim is like YAHWEH.
@SabreenWolf 4 ай бұрын
The term Angel is merely a job description, any being in the heavenly realm could deliver a message I assume. It is not telling you what a thing is, it tells you what a thing does.
@BentIronBins 7 ай бұрын
There is so much that we don’t know about or meant to know about the unseen realm. We can study it but really our main concern should be to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. We all including me need to be better at spreading his word with kindness and not to push too hard and push people away from our Lord.
@Brian_Friesen 6 ай бұрын
Good analysis. It was helpful. Thank you.
@orangemanbad 5 ай бұрын
When I started reading the Bible in the NASB where it changes the font when the Old Testament is being quoted (because I very often skip the footnotes) it really hit me how often the Old Testament is quoted. Many times per page. And that gets lost on you without this method. And in reading it this way, it totally changed my view of Jesus because all of his quotes where he’s referencing the Old Testament, I would go back and read that whole chapter. And it became very clear to me the entire Old Testament was Jesus speaking to us as Yahweh and when he quotes these verses you need to read both in a different light. And it changed many interpretations I had.
@belovedflorence4109 29 күн бұрын
Yes, the bible is about Jesus, you can find him in all the books of the OT either as a seed, typology or prophecy. Luke 24:24-27, 44, John 5:39.
@MisterGriffin 7 ай бұрын
How would you factor in Psalm 89 5-7? Heiser tied this in once in an intriguing way. I find the angelic interpretation interesting but with John 10 I find it hard to get away from a human ruler perspective. A way of harmonizing the spirit world and this material world could be a way of having both in a sense. I think we often take for granted just what "spirit" is, and how knit together it is with the flesh...lastly, curious as to your thoughts on a Deuteronomy 32:8 translation/interpretation?
@nathanaeavazquez6281 Ай бұрын
Is all beautiful!🫂🫂🫂🕊️🕊️🕊️🥗
@followerofjesus-123 4 ай бұрын
I think this video is spot on. Thanks !
@exman66 2 ай бұрын
Right on target in your expository teaching.
@henrikrolfsen1889 3 ай бұрын
In ancient times, there was no unemployment insurance. No retirement fund. If you were an old, tired man, you had to come up with a hustle, and fast! Everybody knew about the "Sacred Knowledge" that was circulating all over the Empire. Old men called "Wandering Holy Men" were in every corner of the Mediterranean. Every town had a resident Wandering Preacher, who carried scrolls under his arms. Such men were in great demand. The wealthy loved to invite them into their parlors, so they could watch and hear their wild stories, about demons, and angels, and mighty heroes who fought for "Salvation". They often sang, and danced around, while reading their poems. A crippled old man could make a decent living at it! By the time the 4th Century rolled around, hundreds of "Gospels" had accumulated within the Empire. It was time somebody collected them, and tried to make coherent sense of them. Constantine ordered a "cannon" be put together. About 80% of these fables were discarded, or destroyed. The "Holy Trinity" had to be quickly invented, so as to prevent "Christians" from being accused of Blasphemy. In no time, we had a new religion centered around a "Man-God" who violated the First Commandment. But the Jews immediately condemned it all. They had strict control over their "Holy Scrolls". And so you see: Old men got room and board, and we got a "Holy Christ Savior"!
@CharlesRussell-zj3jp 5 ай бұрын
Bro....great video....but demons are not fallen angels unless those angels are disembodied spirits...just saying
@davekillen1581 18 күн бұрын
wisdom is good but the only thing that makes the key is our love for God. Jesus is the key to open the way to God. Walk in faith and trust
@dsilverfox6438 2 ай бұрын
Dr. Heiser knew Hebrew and Greek and studied ancient writings. His book Unseen Realm is an excellent book. I agree with him that it cant be human men. He has a PHd and studied this topic for decades. Also read Deut 32 .
@jeffreypogue2579 20 күн бұрын
It is the Council of the Mighty Ones to be exact, faithful, created celestial beings entrusted to rule just as we faithful humans will be in the kingdom.
@jb-ld7zf 5 ай бұрын
Good job, you are correct. Yeshua answers the Elohim question in John 10:34. We must listen to him.
@NicoleBalmain-vp7en 7 ай бұрын
All Praises and Glory to the Most High God 💓 Creator of Heaven and Earth 🌍 Alpha and Omega 🙏 Trinity God Son and the Holy Spirit Amen 🕊️
@sammysantanapr Ай бұрын
How about show them the Hebrew version? Psalms 8:5 humans are created lower than the Elohim in Hebrew, again plural! This video is a mess🤦‍♂️ and mixing the new with the Old Testament is crazy. You do realize before Europeans came into Africa in 300bc there was not even a Torah. And Jesus couldn’t be god because he wasn’t perfect. Whipping people and destroying temples isn’t perfect. Plus he had Ego issues in front of Pilates he put himself above the authorities. Then he told people not to worship him at first, but then fell into sin and started to like men worshiping him. Jesus was a rebel with a death wish. Imagine I go into your church and do the same what would happen? Especially back in those days he knew he was going to get crucified because of his actions. That’s why everyone made fun of him when he was getting whipped. It’s called karma because he did the same to them. A real God wouldn’t be susceptible to the law of karma. 🤷‍♂️ so he was just a prophet yes but calling man a god is idolatry
@Sinnedone7 Ай бұрын
personaly i do not believe that jesus will do that because hes not capable of such thing he preaches good things and its contardict by hes action its not acceptable to me. and i think the jews would add that up to the story to down him and he is not boosting hes ego the father gave him a choice before he was get caugth if he admits he will die or if he eat hes words he will get free punished but not by death. he never ask to be worshiped despite the fact that he is god he humble himself and preach the father up in heaven is the one to be worshiped. that only my opinion.
@Sinnedone7 Ай бұрын
and additional to that. if rebelion is against opression then ill be willing to be part of it. right?
@senyonjopatric2612 7 ай бұрын
LORD GOD ways is not our ways.... GOD is all knowing in everything to be and to come
@anonymousntwiggn8911 4 ай бұрын
does he refer to the saints how will judge the angels?
@BuhehtThehub 7 ай бұрын
Go stand before them and find out for yourself…
@mosheheliyahu9071 7 ай бұрын
Food for thought. How about 1Kings 22:19-22?
@TheBibleExplained 7 ай бұрын
I did mention that briefly in this video (18:02). that certainly gives us a small description of a conversation that God had with angels (and apparently demons) in heaven. But it doesn't tell us that He was receiving counsel from them.
@blackdog75 7 ай бұрын
@@TheBibleExplainedi would disagree. go reread the verses.
@travishunt8999 7 ай бұрын
That’s precisely what it says.
@rockymountainprincess9078 4 ай бұрын
​@blackdog75 - Totally agree with you. The Lord clearly asked a question and the question was clearly answered. @TheBlibleExplained - I would also recommend reconsidering how you are interpreting the use of the word "counsel". In 1 King 22:19-22, counsel is used as a plan of action. This makes sense because the answer to the Lord's question was a spirit being who stepped forward and proposed to "be" a lying spirit (not that he was a lying spirit) and the Lord agreed to this plan.
@sekurity730 2 ай бұрын
@@TheBibleExplained 1 Kings 22 19-22 is the epitome of "receiving counsel." God sitting on his throne and the host of heaven standing all around him. God asks who will entice Ahab. 2 SPIRITS entered the conversation, but nothing important was stated. Then, the 3rd spirit nominated himself. God asked how the spirit plans to do so. Spirit explains. God agree that it will work and COMMANDS the spirit to go and do so. 21:13 With all love and respect, this is just wrong. Shortly after that, you quote these verses 21:26 to try to back up your claim, yet even in the text, the words counselor AND council is used, yet you're stating that he "judges the council." Just because God has the final say and does what he pleases within said council, doesn't mean that the council didn't exist. A "congregation" can still offer council. Obviously, he doesn't need a council, he WANTS a council.
@missinglink_eth 4 ай бұрын
How did you read The Unseen Realm and get that Heiser thinks the divine council is angels??? He definitely did not think that. Read it again or watch one of the 1000 videos on KZbin that shows him literally explaining his view.
@lennymalley745 7 ай бұрын
@henrikrolfsen1889 3 ай бұрын
@steelveal7 2 ай бұрын
Something I’d really like to know that I’ve never seen anyone explain, why do people suppose that demon are fallen angels? Where in the scriptures does that come from?
@TheBibleExplained 2 ай бұрын
There are to powerful reasons to conclude that demons are fallen angels: #1 - Angel and demons are both called "spirits" ("pneumata"), though the angels are "ministering spirits" and demons are "unclean spirits." This implies that they are the same kind of beings, only one is righteous and the other is fallen in sin. Check out Hebrews 1:7 & Mark 1:23 for examples of this. #2 - Twice in Scripture we are told that Satan has his own "angels," implying again that they are the same beings as angels (only fallen). Check out Matthew 25:41 & Revelation 12:7-9 for these two references.
@dearestlove8581 27 күн бұрын
This idea comes from The Book of Enoch. They are not the fallen angels (The Watchers) however, they are the sons of the fallen (the Nephilim). They are the cursed disembodied spirits.
@bosse641 7 ай бұрын
God(YHVH) is NOT a human, Job 9:32 / Numbers 23:19 / Hosea 11:9 But the man Jesus, the second Adam, is a human, 1 Timothy 2:5 ...And God doth not change, Malachi 3:6 YHVH is 1 Lord, Deuteronomy 6:4 And the Israelite Yahshua the Messiah confirmed the ancient Shema, Mark 12:29 And the apostles all agreed with the Messiah, 1 Corinthians 8:6 "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ." Ephesians 1:3 / 1 Peter 1:3 / 2 Corinthians 1:3 ......and God doth not have a God. The truth is simple and clear.
@kinnylacefield850 8 күн бұрын
What about in genesis when the tower of babel falls and yahweh scattered the nations and assigned them gods but claimed abraham/isreal to be his nation, and then at the end of this psalm god inherits all of the nations. It seems to me that yahweh crrated lesser "gods" to rule over nations but when they disobeyed and strayed from gods way he called them to this council to punish them and remove their "god" status and take all nations as his nation. There were no gods like yahweh because yahweh created these lesser divine beings?
@SDJ992-q9t 7 ай бұрын
At Psalm 82:1,6, ‘Elo•him’ is used of men, human judges in Israel. Jesus quoted from this at John 10:34,35. They were gods in their capacity as representatives of and spokesmen for Jehovah God. Similarly Moses was told that he was to serve as “God” to Aaron and to Pharaoh. (Exodus 4:16)
@MikeBills-n8x 2 ай бұрын
Spot on. If you miss this understanding that these “gods” were men called to a gathering with God here on earth the Bible is confusing and doesn’t make sense. This occurred when God walked on earth with mankind hence the specific reference that he was “standing” opposed to when he is “sitting” on his throne in heaven. The Bible is the story of mankind-not the story of heavenly beings.
@TeresaGarciduenas 4 ай бұрын
I agree and I have studied Dr. Heiser's work. I just want to caution people however, Dr. Heiser also taught that Elohim means God but it also means spirit. While God is elohim not all elohim are gods. We see when the witch brought up Samuel for Saul that his SPIRIT was called Elohim. So we do not turn into little Gods the word in the Context was spirit.....So God is Spirit and we are to worship him in Spirit and truth. We and the angels are not gods. There is only one Elohim that is called God and that is The most High Elohim.....The Most High God.
@houseofmayim5557 2 ай бұрын
@TeresaGarciduenas 2 ай бұрын
@ its not incorrect he was a linguist scholar. we dont turn to gods when we die
@houseofmayim5557 2 ай бұрын
@@TeresaGarciduenas I know who he was, I study his work, and neither am I saying we become gods. Michael Heiser's world view was Psalm 82 is talking about the Spiritual realm of elohim (angelic beings that have been assigned to nations). He is not talking about people.
@houseofmayim5557 2 ай бұрын
@@TeresaGarciduenas Michael Heiser taught that we have The Most High Elohim, but there's other things going on in the Spiritual Realm, why do you think the ancient Egyptians worshipped Amun-Ra, and their pantheon of gods that the Greeks and Romans adopted, the Hindus worship Krishna and Ram, etc...
@TeresaGarciduenas 2 ай бұрын
@@houseofmayim5557 Exactly but in the BIBLE the word Elohim is used to describe the spirit of Samuel when he died and the witch called him up to talk to Saul who was no longer hearing from God. The word used was she said she saw an Elohim....SPIRIT. it was used for both while God is Spirit and Elohim not all Elohim are gods. Dr. Heiser did talk about this. While Dr. Heisers work is based off of Psalms 82. He is also a linguist that helped to translate several languages in Logos software that is used by most pasters/academics for Theological discussions/lectures/etc.
@CheKelley Ай бұрын
what do i think!? i think that i now know Exactly Who. they. ARE!! and u were able to (finally!!) clarify this simply by reading certain scriptures in that order which explains it entirely - especially after putting it with all that i already know. do angels confer with demons u ask?! this is explained in several places in the Bible including the very start of Job and 1CHRONICLES22 and 1KINGS22:23 - READ IT AND WEAP PEOPLE!!!
@brendag8418 5 ай бұрын
Do you have the scholarly background like Heiser? If not, I suggest you get that education before disagreeing with him.
@dawnemile7499 Ай бұрын
Jesus was also representing God exactly like his Father would have if he was on the earth so they were said to be as one. This makes more sense than a false Trinity doctrine.
@TheH42G 7 ай бұрын
Amen 🙏
@ramdingaliana9711 3 ай бұрын
Why would they be humans when Yahweh said they would die like humans, that's not true at all
@bobandurex9809 3 ай бұрын
Though they are leaders they will still die like every human being
@victortiempo-to5il 4 ай бұрын
My insight a out scientific interpretation of biblical messages , God is the word , and the word has power , through magicalculation ,man tried to cope up theories and theorem to conduct formulations and calculation for them to attain power who wants to sit on the throne . Words produces sounds , as it spell bound to communicate mass media entities known as sub atomic particles , enchantments through poeticalculation , musicalculation , mechanicalculation , tech nologicalculation , electrical calculation , etc., That utilize each medium for certain purpose . We know that sound need media for access , unlike lights that can pass through universal spaces maybe with the aide of neutrinos , and other microscopic or smaller than that particles . Lights from various stellar entity are known to be stimuli that interacts human senses that enlightened ones curiousness . Without light everything is lifeless . The only thing we need to do is to apply neutral principles on governance and managing the environment to bringing back the nature become once again a paradise , but everything was too late for us to do such favor on executing God's commandments , by by pride we'll be hunted down by our own mistakes
@WHAT-bz6hp 5 ай бұрын
The trinity is a pagan lie taught by the pagan roman empire that teaches to worship the image of YHWH. The trinity cult tries to kill YHWH by making the image of YHWH equal to YHWH there is no place in Scripture where this false doctrine of the “dual nature” of Christ is actually stated. Bible reveals: YAHUSHUA was flesh and bone, not spirit; that he was a man, and that he partook in our humanity. The very concept of dual nature involves a self-contradiction. The the fact that YHWH is infinite and man is finite, and so Yahushua would have to be a finite-infinite being, which is impossible and asinine being extremely stupid and pointless. YAHUSHUA needed to hear from YHWH to know how to judge (John 5:30 I can do nothing on my own. As I hear, I judge, and my judgment is just, because I seek not my own will but the will of him who sent me.), and he knew all men the same way-by hearing from YHWH.
@travishunt8999 7 ай бұрын
So what are demons in your view?
@auxaviaircarter4126 6 ай бұрын
Spirits of the nephilim
@JohnMwangangi-m6m 19 күн бұрын
Psalm 82. You have gone ahead and told us the original word used for "gods", elohim, and attempted your own interpretation. Now, I find it curious that you haven't bothered with the original word for "God" in the same chapter, and attempted a translation of the same. I say this because I've heard from other sources about Yahweh, elohim, and El. The argument being that there are many "gods", elohim, and that yahweh, the specific god of Israel, is one of them. And further that there is El, who's the God of these other gods. These gods are the sons of God, El.
@JamesW225 4 күн бұрын
Gods plural? We are taught there is but one. Why would the bible say otherwise?
@AshePBlack 7 ай бұрын
Honestly I think council is all names of Prince angels ending in el, being el is a designation but I'm not nixing possibility of patriarchs and a very limited number in this generation because you know all the scripture on being Christlike and have different glories or portions? We will all on new earth hold a measure of God, the ones that hold most may be on that council
@garywhitt98 2 ай бұрын
Ephesians 6:12...
@alananimus9145 7 ай бұрын
Psalm 82 is one of the Baal psalms. It was a psalm originally written to Baal so yes the text says Yahweh is the chief deity among other deities. At the time of its adoption and redaction the Hebrews were polytheists.
@TrumanStalls18 4 ай бұрын
@alananimus9145 4 ай бұрын
@@TrumanStalls18 you can deny reality but it won't change facts. Sorry facts don't care about your feelings.
@harrietsnodgrass9429 Ай бұрын
@@TrumanStalls18 Yes.
@CRoadwarrior 7 ай бұрын
I'm glad you did not fall in line with all the Mike Heiser fans who blindly accept everything he says without carefully checking anything. Scholarship long before Heiser was born helped us to understand that Psalm 82 was not about "divine beings" or angels, but human judges, according to the immediate context. Nowhere in the Bible do we see any "divine beings" judging humans, but we do see human judges/rules doing what is mentioned in verses 2-4. Heiser made the mistake of ignoring immediate context, not only of Psalm 82, but also of other passages like Deuteronomy 32:8 and 4:19, where he made up his "divine council" view. It is truly sad that so many people have not been able to see how erroneous Heiser was regarding that. But it's refreshing to see that not every has drank the Heiser cool aid.
@Anthony-i2k5l 7 ай бұрын
I have studied both explanations on this topic also Demonology etc... My question is, as an example ALL the Hindi gods...who are they if not spirit beings created by the one and only God Elohim! they have apparently been "allowed restricted reign & "territory in our world.
@CRoadwarrior 7 ай бұрын
@@Anthony-i2k5l They could also be man-made "gods" from the imagination of the Hindi people. Who said that all the gods claimed by people must be real? Besides, how much sense does it make for the Almighty to make "spirit beings" and "allot" them over people, knowing they will not reign correctly? Heiser's theology has more holes in it than Swiss Cheese, and it creates more problems than it solves.
@michaelmeyer7455 7 ай бұрын
Actually I believe you are wrong because Dr. Michael Heiser studied Christianity to where he had a PHD on the subject & had many more degrees of study on the Hebrew language where the words translated to English sometimes the 2 different languages did not match 100% up cause words had d 9:52 different meanings. Heiser also taught classes on why he had certain beliefs & explained why, so I don’t think you can just ignore all of his studies & say he has blind followers who believe anything he says.
@CRoadwarrior 7 ай бұрын
@@michaelmeyer7455 You can study and get a Ph. D. and still be wrong. But there is no substitute for careful study, which I argue Heiser did not do. Heiser is relatively new to Hebrew language studies, since he only just graduated from grad school in 1998 and 2004. My Hebrew professor, on the other hand, has been teaching Hebrew for over 40 years. I learned from a seasoned "master" so to speak, not a relative newcomer to Hebrew and Semitic languages like Heiser. I am in no way ignoring his studies. I'm just paying closer attention to the many problems of Heiser's claims and pointing them out. And in doing so, those who have not carefully investigated and checked his claims are now being exposed as either lazy or careless in their studies. I not only say Heiser was wrong, but I also PROVE it using careful exegesis of Scripture, and my knowledge of both Hebrew and Greek. So instead of assuming Heiser must be right just because of his studies, I suggest you check his claims against Scripture and learn from those like myself who have carefully checked Heiser and found him erroneous at points. I have a whole series of videos on my channel called "The UnBiblical Realm: Refuting Michael Heiser's Divine Council w/Heath Henning." In the series, we discuss Heiser's views and demonstrate the problems that many people have ignored or simply choose not to see. You are more than welcome to participate and make comments. But whatever you do, don't dismiss us simply because Heiser has a certain level of education. That simply won't work.
@user-tl4qg2gh1l 5 ай бұрын
The beings addressed in Psalm 82 have to be either hybrid or demigod or semi divine since verse 7 says "but like men you shall die and fall like one of the princes."
@amaliwe3738 2 сағат бұрын
Actually, Israel was originally a polytheistic nation. They had many gods like El Elyon , Baal and Ashera, Over time it evolved into a monotheistic society. But a few of the polytheistic roots still remained. Elohim is a collective noun it could mean gods. God says in the 10 commandments that I am a jealous god, you will have no other gods besides me. That is what he is referring to. It doesn’t mean that there are no other gods besides him it just means we’re not to worship any other gods besides him. Yahweh was originally a storm and war god and had a female consort called Ashera. When israel evolved into a monotheistic society, they seized worshipping the other gods and were instructed by A Yahweh to destroy their altars. But you forget that the bible was written by men who had their own political agendas. So this psalm 82 is alluding to Israel’s polytheistic roots.
@Sons_of_Thunder. 6 ай бұрын
The sons of God in Job 1: 4-6 Sanctified and Explained....Context is King. 4 His sons used to go and hold a feast in the house of each one on his day, and they would send and invite their three sisters to eat and drink with them. 5 And when the days of the feast had run their course, Job would send and consecrate (SANCTIFY) them, and he would rise early in the morning and offer burnt offerings according to the number of them all. For Job said, “It may be that my children have sinned, and cursed God in their hearts.” Thus Job did continually. 6 Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came among them. It is insisted this is angels which is false, Okay lets break these verse down in 3 parts, >Part 1: The big one is the word Sanctify found in verse 5, becasue Job is presenting a burnt offering/animal for his children. Job is head of the household/the patriarch and father of his family, so it is his duty to present the sacrifice for his children to "Sanctify" them, meaning Sacntify their souls. The verse says in verse 5 “It may be that my children have sinned, and cursed God in their hearts.” The verse use the word hearts, which means inner person or the heart of a person, their soul. The word Sanctify means set apart as or declare holy; consecrate, make legitimate or binding by religious sanction, free from sin; purify: cause to be or seem morally right or acceptable: Job being the Patrarch of the family, is performing a priestly duty, angels have NO priestly duties or present animal sacrfices unto the Lord God. Angels have NOTHING to do with Sanctification. Jesus on the Cross is the High Priest and was the Sacrifice on the Cross for Sanctification, Jesus paid the final sin debt in full on the Cross for sinful man. The result from Jesus who is the son of God, the sanctification of a sacrifice whether a burnt offering/animal sacrifice or the sacrifice of Chirst put sinful souls in the postition of purification (sanctified) to be sons of God or called children of God. NOTICE verse 5 says " Thus Job did continually," which means Job continually offered burnt offerings unto the Lord for sanctification for the souls of his family or children. >Part 2: Now that the burnt offerings/animal sacrifices, sanctification, priestly duties and sons of God being set apart/purified are established, lets look at the word "day/yom". Verse 4 and 5b "4 His sons used to go and hold a feast in the house of each one on his day, and they would send and invite their three sisters to eat and drink with them. 5 And when the days of the feast had run their course," What text is say there were these feast days. These feast days are celebrations maybe celebrating birthdays or some special occasion, but each of these feast days had there own day, think of it like the days of creation found in Genesis, each day had it's own day. Day 1 - light and time (Gen 1:3-5) Day 2 - the sky and “separated” waters (Gen 1:6-8) Day 3 - dry ground, bodies of water, and plants (Gen 1:9-13) Day 4 - the sun, moon, stars, and planets (Gen 1:14-19) Day 5 - fish and birds (Gen 1:20-23) Day 6 - land animals and humans (Gen 1:24-31). The hebrew word for day is Strong's Hebrew: 3117. יוֹם (yom) -- day - Bible Hub. Whether these are literal days or each day is a 1,000 years it is debatable, but it is for the readers understanding that God is the creator. Okay this is the same approach for the word "day/yom" in Job, this is not a 1,000 years for the word "day/yom", but each day is its own day for these feast days, just like the days of creation. Lets look at each of these feast days for Job's household. When Job presented the animal sacrifice/burnt offering (Job 1:5) this was in the days (Plural) of Feasting. There are Two "DAYS" mentioned in the days of feasting found in Job 1: 4 and Job 1: 13 and there are also Two "DAYS/YOM" when the sons of God presented themselves Job 1: 6 and Job 2: 1. Whether this is in the physical realm or the spiritual realm, that is debatable it is open to discussion, even when Satan tempted Jesus 3 times was that in the physical realm or the spiritual realm. Job 1:4 " And his sons would go and feast houses, each on his DAY, and would send and invite their three sisters to eat and drink with them Job 1: 6 "Now there was a DAY"YOM when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came among them. Job 1:4 is a Day/Yom and Job 1:6 is another Day/Yom, but both Days are part of the Days of Feasting Job 1: 13 " Now there was a DAY/YOM when his sons and daughters eating and drinking wine in their oldest brother’s house;" >>>>>Job:1 19 and behold, a great wind came across the wilderness and struck the four corners of the house, and it fell upon the young people, and they are dead, and I alone have escaped to tell you.” Job 1:20 Then Job arose and tore his robe and shaved his head and fell on the ground and worshiped. 21 And he said, “Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked shall I return. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.” Job 2: 1 "Again there was a DAY/YOM when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them to present himself before the Lord. Notice in verese 20 that Job shaved his head and fell to the gorond and worshiped, during the presenting of burnt offerings/animal sacrifices, the worshippers would fall to the ground while presenting the burnt offerings/animal sacrifices in the OT, in a state of worship towards God. Shaving the head which was then a usual ceremony in mourning: of which see Ezra 9:3; Isaiah 15:2; Isaiah 22:12; Jeremiah 7:29; Jeremiah 41:5; Micah 1:16. Job was mourning over the loss and death of his children. Angels do not shave their heads for mourning. Another thing to Notice Job 1: 6 "Now there was a DAY"YOM when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came among them. Job 2: 1 "Again there was a DAY/YOM when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them to present himself before the Lord. In Job 1:6 happened when Job's children were living and in Job 2:1, Job's childrenhad lost their lives and were no longer living ound in verse 19. The proper interpretation is pairing together Job 1: 4 with Job 1: 6 and pairing together Job 1: 13, 20 with Job 2: 1, keeping Job 1: 5 in mind and applying that thought to with the verses that are paired together. Basically what happened is in Job 1 :4 and Job 1: 13 the feasting would be taking place, then the following day Job 1: 6 and Job 2: 1 early in the morning Job would present the animal sacrifice/burnt offering unto the Lord God. Job is being made Holy as well as his Household (wife, sons, daughters), because of the sacrifice (burnt offering), sanctification, atonement and shed blood of the sacrifice, this brings Job's Household into a position of "Adoption and Purificationof souls", hence forth sons of God are explained in Job 1:6 and Job 2: 1 which happened the following day. This all took place during the days of feasting. >Part 3: Looking at when and how the word "PRESENT" is used in Job 1:6 and Job 2:1....... Job 1:6" Now there was a day when the sons of God came to PRESENT themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came among them. Job 2:1 Again there was a day when the sons of God came to PRESENT themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came among them to PRESENT himself before the Lord. It is already how the sons of God presented themselves, it is by Sanctification, made right, purification with the burnt offering/animal sacrifice by the faith of Job. Notice>>>In Job 1:6 Satan does NOT Present anything to the Lord God, he just shows up, but in Job 2:1 Satan how Satan presents himself is found in Job 1:11-12.... 11" But stretch out your hand and touch all that he has, and he will curse you to your face.” 12 And the Lord said to Satan, “Behold, all that he has is in your hand. Only against him do not stretch out your hand.” So Satan went out from the presence of the Lord. How Satan presented himself which is his primary goal is that Job would curse God to His face found in Job 1:11-12 found in the previous verses, this leads into how Satan presented himself in Job 2:1 after Job was given over to Satan in Job 1. Again is this conversation Satan and God having in the spiritual realm or physical realm, but the scene is on the earth, not in heaven. Pointing out the 3 heavens: 2 Corinthians 12: 2-4 "I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago whether in the body I do not know, or whether out of the body I do not know, God knows such a one was caught up to the third heaven. 3 And I know such a man whether in the body or out of the body I do not know, God knows 4 how he was caught up into Paradise and heard inexpressible words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter." A)The word heavens can be used to refer to different realms. Heaven can refer to the sky and the earth’s atmosphere, making it the "first heaven" (Deut. 11: 11, Psalm 104: 12, Isaiah 55: 10). B) Heaven can also refer to outer space, where the stars and planets are the "second heaven" (Psalm 8: 3, Isaiah 13: 10). C) Third Heaven can refer to God’s dwelling place or throne of God, which is beyond the other 2 "heavens," a place known as the "third heaven" (Psalm 33: 13-14, Isaiah 66: 1, Matthew 6: 9, Hebrews 7: 26, Revelation 11: 19). With the conversation with Satan and God, the conversation was the "first heaven" or the realm of the earth in the sky where the clouds are while the sons of God (Job and his household) are in "Sanctified Status" presenting themselves with animal sacrifices and burnt offerings. Even when Satan tempted Jesus it was in the realm of the earth found in Matthew 4: 1-11, 3 Temptations.
@brandonrunyon Ай бұрын
It seems obvious from deut 32 that there is a high god that gives second tier gods, including yhwh, an inheritance of both a land mass and a peoples for themselves. Thats a very plain reading of the text and very much indicated Yhwh is among other gods of a Northwestern semitic pantheon of the Canaanites, which the Isrealites were embedded in. Any other negotiation of the text would be an apologetic to prop up a strictly Christian dogma. Id like to add, that just because yhwh is supposed to be the only god, does not mean that means there arent orher gods, it means Isrealites are only supposed to believe in yhwh as the only god they believe in... its exclusivity in worship, not am exclusion of the existence of other gods.
@jarellkindell6835 4 ай бұрын
He was talking to Israel not the others nations so your wrong
@JoelNewman-hx7ul 6 ай бұрын
I've only watched a few of your videos but it seems to me that you disagree almost entirely with dr Michael Hieser on every notable point.
@ezekielsaltar4728 17 күн бұрын
Adam and Lilith had 70 male sons and these are the "sons of God" that are referred to in Deut 32 and Genesis 6.
@roncoleman3259 7 ай бұрын
Bable and bible
@thanatosgarvey3701 2 ай бұрын
Yeshua was almost stoned for preaching Psalm 82 as literal in Matthew 10. I take the gnostic interpretation more seriously because I think the martyrs have more to say than the conquerors.
@spitflamez 7 ай бұрын
It’s not the leaders of all Nations, it’s Israelite Judges and Prophets etc. God didn’t trust all Nations with His Torah, it was Israel who was supposed to be an example to all Nations and all Nations were supposed to influenced by Israel but they fell off, broke the covenant and went after foreign gods. So God had to do it Himself through Jesus, who although an Israelite was literally Gods Word made Flesh. Also Angels are called Elohim in Scripture too but this video is still mostly on point and good 👍🏾
@artokautiainen 5 ай бұрын
The wording הילל בן שחר was used for the fallen angel, which means "Helel, son of Shahar". which had its own followers. They were initially supposed to care for and guide the people created by Yahweh in paradise. How you have fallen from heaven, you brilliant star, son of the dawn! How art thou cast down to the ground, thou that overthrew the nations!
@saraglasgow271 4 ай бұрын
I think you are making it really difficult when you don't have to. I realize that we have a problem of other elohim. But you don't have to. If you look at it as elohim (little e) are spiritual beings.. This all makes sense. You stated the the Bible says there is no other God but me.. It's Elohim (capital E)... That's a true statement.. If you look at the scripture of Saul calling up Samuel through the medium of Endor, she screams and Saul asks her what she saw.. She said "I see a god (elohim)" Samuel was dead.. He was a spiritual being; that's why she said "a god" (Little g).. Also If you look at Psalm 89 How can you explain the holy ones in the sky? Humans don't reside in the sky.. Sons of the Mighty (El). Another area is in Daniel. When he's praying for Israel and the angel finally appears and explains that he was held up by the "Prince of Persia" and Michael had to help him. This cannot be an earthly prince. Last I checked angels basically wipe out any earthly beings whenever God instructs them.. One angel killed 185,000 so thinking that this is an earthly being is ludicrous. Then when the angel returned he would have to battle the Prince of Greece.. Deut 32:8 & 9 states that God divided the nations according to the sons of God. This so easily explains Daniel... They are going to die like men because they are going to be judged because they corrupted themselves of overseers of earth and accept the worship of men. They will die like men.. We are going to be judged at the end of the age.. Jesus says in Revelation that there will be a new HEAVE and a new EARTH.. I Cor 6:3 also that says "Don't you know you will judge angels?" Sorry for the long explanation but it's so easy.. I realize that translators had a really hard time putting an "s" at the end of G-O-D.. I had a really hard time too, but if you look at it as "spiritual beings" and not Gods (capital G) then it's really simple and we are not endorsing polytheism.. :) Thanks
@brianclark528 3 ай бұрын
He absolutely didn't apply that psalm to the Jewish leadership in John. That reading makes absolutely no sense.
@1969nitsuga 2 ай бұрын
All those examples of "Elohim" confirm Yahweh as one of them even in the transition into monotheism. Job's allusion is very interesting by presenting the Archetype as a member of the very same court of gods in a same level friendly confrontation. All the rest are conjectures from biased interpretations.
@ronsutton670 2 ай бұрын
30 minutes of clear biblical interpretation to debunk the flawed theology of a higher criticism liberal-theology that rests heavily on uninspired books like 1st Enoch.
@Rop-ur7gl5 2 ай бұрын
(Without disagreeing with your statement) 1. Does God have councils? ... you reference Job where exactly that happens and then go on to claim he doesn't?? ... 99.9% of King's have always had councils - doesn't mean agreeing no even less requiring their approval or permission. no research or just wilful misconclusion 2. introducing 'angelic' and then switching to Angel in the same statement. Kindergarten ontology ... NO researcher anywhere even suggests Seraphim and Cherubim' are 'Angelic' ... its like saying 'Corgi's and Dalmatians' are felinic (Feline like). Just pure utter nonsense. 3. other "council" verses where they "meet in the sky" .... tough for earthly Kings go do that. ... pretend those don't exist. ... and many counter-arguments presented without a shred of evidence .... cleverly (you thought) hidden between a few that you can find some text for (in various English translations - even then ... if you're going to proof-text tiny/single word points it must be Original Language - never never never use questionable English paraphrases.) Totally Worthless. 4. misrepresentation (purposeful) of the interpretations other then the one you've landed on: for instance: for instance - and this is MASSIVE': Heiser you say writes 'council are angelic Elohim' ... blah blah (and again switch) 'blah blah Angels are hard to accept in that role" SHAME!!! (still hard to believe NOT intentional as beyond kindergarten ontology) misrepresentation. Heiser always/OFTEN says "NOT" Angels (nor CBM/SPM) ... you use LIES as disproff! SHAME! (BTW: H says a different - unnamed - ontology - uses "small-g-gods" and even then admits he's not comfortable with that as makes them sound too close to being like 'the One True GOD" For effort: F - little if any research evidenced. Presentation: - Rejected: not only unsupported arguments but actual untrue statements. You've got nothing
@bryantcovington732 2 ай бұрын
@ErikaRodriguez-x7u 5 ай бұрын
When the LORD JÈSUS was here on earth, he told the men who were falsely accusing him of being a blasphemous man because the LORD JÈSUS said that he was and is the son of GOD. Then the LORD JÈSUS called these men....Gods.
@HollyGarden-u8d 3 ай бұрын
@dawnemile7499 Ай бұрын
I and the Father are one does not denote equality. It means one in purpose. If this scripture is saying they are the same then this contradicts all other scriptures describing God. Being one says nothing about equality. In addition, there is no mention of holy spirit
@joescott58 5 ай бұрын
Sons & Doughtors of Ye’HoVaH & Ruach. That is their Names.
@georgecreel6960 Ай бұрын
Genesis 1:26-27 and God said let us make man in our image. clearly God directing a decision among more than one entity or Angel in the making of Man. that phrase (let us make and our image) opens the door to wide interpretation of the involvement of more than one.this is a confusing aspect of the creation of man though the actual deed was done by God in forming man from Clay of the Earth and then forming woman from the rib of man. So I believe God involves his angels in his works. Jesus's two statements Lord forgive them for they know not what they do proves his knowledge of heaven but his second statement oh Lord why have you forsaken me showing god is in control but for jesus's reward for sacrifice was not only meant for us but to other angels in heaven showing jesus's status in heaven
@RTRT-t8t Ай бұрын
Elohim means son of God, it means that they were created directly by God. The word Angel came to be when they translated the scriptures into Greek and the Greeks called Elohim Angels. Adam and Eve were created by God so they are Elohim but not us. Angel is a profession, a role that they play and not all Elohim are Angels because they have another profession. God doesn't need a counsel or help from his son's but gives them jobs anyways and he ministers to them as he does to us too. NOTE: Stop saying that demons are fallen angels because Angels, even the fallen ones have a body and these demons are disembodied spirits so NOT fallen angels. Angels are to minister to us, help us understand and live by God's word, however, some were already under punishment from the Younger Dryas age (before Adam) and decided to continue their insurrection, thus, come off as god and don't minister to us properly. Michael Heiser has made many mistakes in what he has put out, unfortunately, he has passed on now so he'll be corrected by God himself. Elohim were never meant to have son's and those who did, were able to do so thanks to Azazel who figured out how they could change their plasma body into one of flesh enabling them to have children, these children were the Nephilim and all were Evil. ONE last point because this will become a large comment otherwise, ... Before the flood, these abominations created by these fallen Watcher's were called Nephilim BUT after the Flood, these giants are called Rephaim and what that means is that they are reanimated by those who inhabit under the water. BTW, the DEEP is a type of being. ONLY one God and he doesn't need help from any of his creation, never has and never will, he is just ministering to all of his creation by including them.
@floyd920 7 ай бұрын
You read out of the bible but replace all the God words With Elohim. This scripture is supposed to be the inspired word of God. There is a good reason why Elohim is never used in the bible. Jesus never calls his father in heaven as Elohim. He uses his father in heaven and never Elohim or Yahweh. There must be a good reason for this. Has heaven changed from the old warrior type God to a more merciful God. It all reads as if this is what happened.
@deepwaters2334 7 ай бұрын
The truth is humans are the same kind of thing as God since Adam is the son of God (Luke 3), and Hebrews 1-2 makes it clear we are made equal to Christ as the children of God. Of course, this is only true when mankind is uncorrupted. Elohim is a plural word, and so it refers to the Godhead of all redeemed Christians, Christ, and God the Father. This helps the wording of John 1:1 make sense: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God". Switch "God" with the Hebrew word "Elohim": "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with the Elohim, and the Word was an Elohim". Furthermore, angels are spirits without souls or "nephesh"; they have no heart. Adam was given dominion over both spirits and the physical world, but that authority was lost when he disobeyed God. Jesus is the 2nd Adam, and regained this full authority. This is why Jesus had authority even over demons.
@Sinnedone7 Ай бұрын
"YHWH" is God when he takes a form of an Elohim or Angel he became an "Eloah" when YHWH takes the form of a man he was called "YeHoWaH" jesus. if you add the vowels A E in YHWH it will become YAHWEH. in hebrew it will be pronounce as Ah - Eh which is now AI.
@IOANNIS-l7r 2 ай бұрын
@ShemaHaTorah 3 ай бұрын
Heiser's entire construct falls apart when you understand who Satan really is in the Hebrew Scriptures and ancient Jewish mindset.
@John-z9p8l Ай бұрын
It's says devine council of elohime not devine council of the gods because there is only one GOD JESUS CHRIST please stop lying about the holy Bible
@Andy-u9x 3 ай бұрын
God has NO council to help him in his affairs and matters. he IS counsel unto himself and all there IS since the spirit of COUNSEL proceeds from HIM!... people better STOP leaning to their own understanding
@HusbandsCoach 17 күн бұрын
Sorry, but the Evil One is not the greatest among all the gods, though he wants you to believe that. Deception 101. Jesus warned you, but you're following the Devil
@thembamaselane5885 5 ай бұрын
Sorry sir your reading falls shot.
@Sons_of_Thunder. 6 ай бұрын
What Heiser says is so Hyprocitical.... God is on the side of JUSTICE and what is RIGHT, Psalm 82: 2-5 2 “How long will you judge unjustly and show partiality to the wicked? Selah 3 Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute. 4 Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.” 5 They have neither knowledge nor understanding, they walk about in darkness; all the foundations of the earth are shaken. As we know Heiser thinks that the "gods" of Psalm 82 is about angels and non human beings, which he is totally false and apostate with his teaching. Asaph is a prophet and wrote Psalm 82. Prophets were the VOICE of God in the OT, because God spoke thru Prophets. Heiser really never explains thes verses (2 - 5) in Psalm 82. God speaking thru the Prophet Asaph is addressing the nation of Israel in these passages NOT angels/non human beings. What is going on in the passage is that the nation of Israel (Jews) would have foreigners (people from non Jewish nation) or to call them Gentiles coming into the nation of Israel. The Jewish people and even Jewish Elders were not living up to taking care of these foreigners. The foreigners probably were in poverty, were poor and needed to be delivered from pagan gods and Idolatry, the nation of Israel was NOT representing the True God. When a person reads Psalm 82: 2 - 5, that makes more sense that HUMANS (Jews) are being scolded rather than angels/non human beings. God is on the side of Justice in defending the weak and fatherless as well as rescueing the weak and needy. Addressing die like men To die like men just means a physical and mortal death, death of a human body of flesh. Angels do not "Experience" a physical body of flesh death, angels are spirits, do not have a human body of flesh, angels are not flesh and blood, so they do not die like men, it is impossible. It just means a physical body of flesh death or a mortal death, Death for man (mankind) started in the garden of Eden, so this is about a physical/fleshly death, All humans will die and the body of flesh will expire at some point. Israel as the "gods/elohim" in Psalm 82 will die like men. Through out the OT God would bring either famine to Israel or the sword, because Israel was Idolatrous and would not follow God. God NEVER brought famine or the sword to angels/non human spirit beings. Mankind is under the curse of a mortal and physical death. In Pslam 82 the death just means a physical death for Israel (Jacob's decendents). Angels do not die like men, Angels are "spirits" not flesh, to die like a men just means a physcal/fleshly death or mortal death. A simple way of putting it, a person has to compare apples to apples and oranges to oranges.
@qwerty-so6ml 5 ай бұрын
Genesis 1 is ELOHIM (Lucifer and the fallen angels). They made this realm. They made man in their image. (tares) Man is an idol, a trap to hunt angels. Genesis 2:7 the Lord God forms His representative in their system. (wheat) One Gospel: Gospel (GOOD ANGEL) of Reconciliation. Jesus Christ came into THEIR kingdom to reconcile fallen angels unto Himself. We are the fallen angels (ELOHIM) kept in DNA chains of darkness. If you do not confess being a fallen angel in Lucifer's kingdom, then you are an unbeliever. Unbeliever = those that claim to be made in the image of ELOHIM(gods). REPENT FALLEN ANGELS.
@thanatosgarvey3701 2 ай бұрын
Henotheism is the word you're looking for.
@qwerty-so6ml 5 ай бұрын
Wanna see fallen ELOHIM (angels) ? LOOK IN THE MIRROR. Genesis 1 is ELOHIM (Lucifer and the fallen angels). They made this realm. They made man in their image. (tares) Man is an idol, a trap to hunt angels. Genesis 2:7 the Lord God forms His representative in their system. (wheat) One Gospel: Gospel (GOOD ANGEL) of Reconciliation. Jesus Christ came into THEIR kingdom to reconcile fallen angels unto Himself. We are the fallen angels (ELOHIM) kept in DNA chains of darkness. If you do not confess being a fallen angel in Lucifer's kingdom, then you are an unbeliever. Unbeliever = those that claim to be made in the image of ELOHIM(gods). REPENT FALLEN ANGELS.
@Lphmm 3 ай бұрын
where did you get this?
@qwerty-so6ml 3 ай бұрын
@@Lphmm John 14:26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, HE SHALL TEACH YOU ALL THINGS, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.
@bledarmorna8889 5 ай бұрын
99 name of God is the first one Father Son and Holy spirit the Universe which is not keep on the ass by keep stars the sun and so many planets and give spirits not only to the humans let's say to the trees animals insects and more and more what is the universe
@justme-dw9oj 2 ай бұрын
Certainly confusing!
@markdeegan7268 29 күн бұрын
Sir, your wrong
@dariolemos4583 7 күн бұрын
Haha love how this clip tries to clarify but o ly makes things more confusing and absurd. The bible is a mish-mash of nonsensical stories trying to get obedience and docility out of the followers. Unreal how someone cannot grow out of that manipulative nonsense
@senordiaz1 5 ай бұрын
Listen to Lord of Spirits podcast.... it makes way more sense than this
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