Why No One Wants to Live in the UK

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The Invisible Hand

The Invisible Hand

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Once one of the richest and most powerful countries in the world the UK is in a state of Decline. And more than ever people want to leave. With dwindling public services and poor wages, young, talented people are leaving the country at the fastest rate in history.
- Contents of this video ----------------------------
00:00 - Why No One Wants to Live in the UK
05:37 - Why People Love the 90's
08:00 Housing
10:50 Homelessness
14:10 NHS

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@TheInvisibleHandCo 2 күн бұрын
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@seanpower5328 2 күн бұрын
Can you not have The Republic of Ireland be apart of the UK. As it is its own nation and one of the richest parts of europe with 7 highest per capita influx of migrants
@seanpower5328 Күн бұрын
@@TheInvisibleHandCo thank you very much
@krzysztofjaworski6420 2 күн бұрын
Britain is a financier and money launderer, little of it goes to ordinary people
@michamarkiewicz1642 2 күн бұрын
od czasu brexitu mają srogie problemy
@vanCaldenborgh 2 күн бұрын
Just like the West of The Netherlands is just one big dirty money-laundry business. And there rest is farming. Only some industry left in the South-East quarter, against all odds.
@michamarkiewicz1642 2 күн бұрын
@@vanCaldenborgh and yet netherlands is still well developing rich country with people migrating there from whole europe
@vijaz5559 2 күн бұрын
That why i love britain. My dr*g money is cleaned there
@vanCaldenborgh 2 күн бұрын
@@michamarkiewicz1642 Yes, also a lot of migration to the UK though, boats arriving every day. The Netherlands mostly lives from an artificially created image, a soon as people are there, they get a very different view.
@bikermaniac6002 Күн бұрын
The problem is that you live in a oligarchy. Politicians works for the big corporations that screw the general population. Laws are made to benefit them not you.
@TankEnMate Күн бұрын
True, but the UK is a democracy. So how to sell the idea of making the poor poorer to the poor themselves? Enter ... Murdoch. The less educated are easily led astray by the Murdoch news industry, sorry I mean the Murdoch angertainment industry.
@aluisious 20 сағат бұрын
That's everywhere in the "free world" now. US, UK, Canada, Australia, Netherlands, France, Germany. We are just the livestock to these people.
@benedictcowell6547 15 сағат бұрын
The factors that favoured success of the UK in the period of 1750 to 1850 were already beginning to change and this became apparent in the Great Exhibition of 1851 and became more apparent in a series of International Exhibitions in Paris, Berlin and New York in the last quarter of the nineteenth century. Air Technology totally obliterates any advantage of being an Island as Hiroshima and Nagasaki demonstrate and now a net work of Railways connecting the EU and Europe will place us at a greater disadvantage because Rail is and was and will be the most cost effective, least polluting transport system ,Physics is patent ,better than Air better than Sea. So all in all the British were and are wrong, and misinformed and clearly lack the necessary information to challenge the much distorted History and Politics fed to them by Farage and Reform .This country and its leaders have been subverted by the worst press and media in Europe. In this election no politician has raised his head above the parapet to challenge Farage' distorted facts ,fallacies and wilful mendacity, the Tory Party did not dissociate themselves from Brexit, they did not correct the wilful fallacies so a badly educated populace which has been flattered and deceived, and told what splendid people they were, and encouraged to believe in the past. All our yesterdays, And the press has been the mirror of lower middle class conceit, the barely respectable. I ask again how can people imagine that a Rapist and a Fraud is the President the USA needs? and now can the British People believe in, and hail the man endorsed by Trump should to be the prime minister we need. But there is another problem which accounts for our failure, The British have been encouraged to imagine they are top dog, they have not collaborated, openly, or rather they have not admitted they have collaborated, and so the people do not know, do not understand that the world has changed, they do not understand the change, they do not realise that we ceased to be a great power, but we hung on grimly to a delusion of the past that was not the success it was cracked up to be. No country can cleave to yesterday, but they have to be taught which are ineffable ethics and what are mutable factors but our politicians do not understand hence this massive hypocrisy. Every year since the first performance of Messiah in Dublin the aria What do the nations so furiously rage together against the lord and his anointed, and why do the nations imagine a vain thing, but they thought that meant every one but themselves. . And now a woman who stormed out of the Anglican Church because of women clergy is the law and order spokes-person who thinks a leader who is OK with Rape and Fraud Rape., She has not even asked herself how that is possible?, And in that colossal lack of self-knowledge the country flounders because they elect people like that and then blame every one but themselves. And the history they accept is spun to absurdity by media people whose mental rigidity and reaction are habit. A Michael Gove that thinks Climate Change Science is a Marxist plot, aided and abetted by the ranter par excellence, Peter Hitchins, an Historian who compare Brexit with the dynastic Problems of Henry VIII, another who compares it with the Repeal of the Corn Laws and an anachronism dressed in fancy costume such as no one has worn since the death of Victoria , cannot understand the difference between Statute Law and standards and regulations incorporated into Law by treaty to protect the British Population. When Laurel and Hardy become politicians do you expect serious politics? But they were elected or heeded, despite the absurdity of the whole dam lot. They call it 'Common sense' You realise part of the problem in the the comments the whining because their candidate has been asked searching questions, this is thought of as bias, but only because they they do not know what the BBC and ITV charters were, only because they think media is there to masturbate their prejudices, anything else is bias ,treason or conspiracy, and it the mentality of the lower middle class but technology has rendered them, the average man defunct and obsolete. Every country has them and they are all facing the menace of mediocrity, ignorance, stupidity, credulous and nursing a grievance against whom they know not, but someone must be to blame. Such nicepeopleasthey see in their mirror it can be them. This was the mind set of the Wolkische Beobachter the pioneer of gutter Journalism and the Murdoch Press, and the Daily Mail realised their was revenue and care not a jot it was Fascism.
@TankEnMate 13 сағат бұрын
@@benedictcowell6547 It's hard to follow your reasoning as your post isn't very coherent; it keeps jumping subject in a non sequitur fashion.
@mogznwaz 8 сағат бұрын
Same across the West
@EnhancedNightmare 2 күн бұрын
I'm from eastern europe and I visited UK as a kid in late 90s and again around 2007. I was amazed by buildings, museums and all the splendor. I visited again in 2017 and my perspective changed. Housing that my friends lived in was disgusting, damp and dark. Costed way too much and commutes were a nightmare. Streets of London outside tourist zones are nasty and don't feel safe at all. I'd rather live in a commie block than those shitty houses. UK became a really undesirable location to live in. Some of my work colleagues transferred to UK and say that while earning more on paper their quality of life has fallen compared to Poland.
@colinsmith1288 2 күн бұрын
This the Tories doing. Siphoned off the money for rich mates.
@garlicandchilipreppers8533 2 күн бұрын
1.2 mln Poles applied for leave to remain after Brexit, why do Poles find the UK so attractive? I am a Brit and live in Poland. Polands biggest export is cheap labour.
@trevormcdonald385 2 күн бұрын
No you wouldn’t stop lying millions of your countrymen came here when communism fell and loved 8 men to a 2 bed room house to take advantage of the economy and send £ back to Poland
@onlineonlineaccount2368 2 күн бұрын
@@garlicandchilipreppers8533 Polish people love the UK. There thousands of them there, because the Pound Sterling is worth alot in Poland. Polish and other Eastern European people also know the UK is easy place to engage in sophisticated crime like fraud, manipulating benefits. Why do you think so many Romanians, Bulgarians, Polish, Slovakians etc live there ?
@EnhancedNightmare 2 күн бұрын
@@garlicandchilipreppers8533 Not anymore and more Poles are leaving UK than coming because right now Poland is better place to live. Those who settled their lives in UK obviously prefer to stay - pretty usual. "At the end of 2017, the number of permanent residents of Poland who had been staying in the United Kingdom for at least 12 months was 629,000. This number significantly decreased in 2018-2019, reaching approximately 550,000. At the end of 2020 (after the United Kingdom left the EU), the largest drop was recorded - by almost 100,000 - down to 450,000. Since then, this number has remained at a similar level. From 2017 to 2022, the largest increase in the number of long-term temporary emigrants from Poland occurred in the Netherlands, Switzerland, and Norway - by 28,000 (31.8%), 6,000 (33.3%), and 5,000 (6.9%) respectively. Conversely, the largest decrease was recorded in the United Kingdom and Italy - by 183,000 (29.1%) and 14,000 (23.7%) respectively. In other European countries, smaller changes were observed, not exceeding 3,000 people over the entire analyzed period. " - Published by government publication [stat.gov.pl/obszary-tematyczne/ludnosc/migracje-zagraniczne-ludnosci/informacja-o-rozmiarach-i-kierunkach-emigracji-dlugookresowych-w-latach-2017-2022,18,1.html] I took liberty of translating, apologies for possible mistakes. Right now biggest polish export are car parts... The main reason Poles targeted UK was the fact that most young Poles speak English but barely anyone speaks French or German.
@woyttaz Күн бұрын
I am from Poland, I lived and worked in the UK since 2005. In April this year, however, I decided to return to my homeland. In recent years, I have seen how the UK is sinking into its own stupidity and irresponsible policy, both social and immigration. Now I live in Poland and I earn more than I earned in the UK in a similar position.
@kayn6858 Күн бұрын
Poland will be richer than UK very soon
@hiya2793 Күн бұрын
Welcome back to Europe friend. Let's hope we don't screw up as bad as the Brits with their hate, envy and stupidity. Greetings from Germany, hoping the AFD won't win the election....
@jamieevans5979 Күн бұрын
It's very sad, but I think you made a good move. You Polish folk have had a positive impact on our society. The vast majority of Poles I've met are very pleasant and civilised people. But this sadly isn't the case for our friends coming from other countries and cultures.
@Thrillhouse89 Күн бұрын
@@jamieevans5979 Yeah, when the Polish first started to come over in maybe 2005/2006, they were always hard working, polite, respectful of the Country and shared our same lifestyle, music, culture. All these Islam shit, corrupt politicians mainly have bled this Country dry and its literally on its knees begging to either be killed or to be spared.
@kierenbuckley370 Күн бұрын
immigration has actually been very beneficial to this country
@l.j.turner185 2 күн бұрын
I'd be doing my wife and kids a huge favour by asking them to pack and all of us move abroad. As a long term British resident the best word I could use to summarise the state of the country is deterioration. Everything has gotten worse, absolutely everything. Businesses are constantly closing down, services and goods are getting more and more expensive, crime is rising, homelessness is rising, the NHS is on the verge of collapse, property is extortionate and appaling quality, the list goes on. All the while our politicians sing their praises and act like everything is great.
@jartagniancopria1120 2 күн бұрын
Where to go though?
@onlineonlineaccount2368 2 күн бұрын
@l.j.turner185...You can complain all you want to, like other British have for the best 5 to 7 years +. The real issue is mismanagement of the UK goverment and the lack of creating productive and constructive policies for British citizens and society at large. British people love to complain alot and make videos how this and that is bad. Or even speak of ''i am moving to Australia or New Zealand''. Yet no one comes with solutions that are sound and nuanced just complain and vote for the major parties that love to ''sweet talk'' the British electorate with personality and charisma why lying in your faces for what 14 good years. You lot voted for your goverments and this is your end result its that simpel.
@glendurrant6023 2 күн бұрын
No. The real issue is the British ruling class who beneath the veneer of democracy actually run the country. Vote with your feet. Double your income, sunshine every day. I did. My friends who didn’t weren’t so lucky and it’s their kids who really suffer
@YouTubecanfuckagoat 2 күн бұрын
Left 25 years ago precisely because I could see where things were heading. Now, 25 years later, there’s almost nowhere left to go that isn’t economically broken & filled with ungrateful gimmegrants.
@pauldavis5518 2 күн бұрын
We must Vote Reform, Labour and Tories are a dictatorship same people.
@Martin-oz6lr Күн бұрын
What's even worse than having no housing is the government clamping down on people finding their own alternatives like living in cars and vans, or even static caravans. What are people supposed to do when even homelessness is being outlawed.
@caesar7734 2 күн бұрын
If you voted for the Tories, you are responsible for this
@oiausdlkasuldhflaksjdhoiausydo 2 күн бұрын
If you think labour is going to do anything but more of the same, you’re in for a hard life lesson.
@nlomas 2 күн бұрын
Is that the only thing you learnt in your TikTok bubble?
@sirsurnamethefirstofhisnam7986 2 күн бұрын
We’ve literally just had the highest immigration in the last few years of conservative rule in British history clearly a lot of people want to come here and basically nobody is stopped
@vullings1968 2 күн бұрын
​@@sirsurnamethefirstofhisnam7986 Have you seen the video? The issues UK is dealing with, are not caused by immigration, but by policies predating immigration.
@dallysinghson5569 2 күн бұрын
Whatever Labour makes worse, the Tories do it even worse with less consideration for the ordinary person.
@victorvandenbrink6851 2 күн бұрын
I read this quote somewhere recently that encapsulated Britains current deteriating situation perfectly. It went: "Britain is a third world country with London attached to it."
@mazzy_vc Күн бұрын
Pretty ironic when most of the third world population residing in England are located in London (and a few other big cities).
@artman12 Күн бұрын
I have seen variations of this quote for different countries like “America is a third world country with a Gucci belt” or “Canada is becoming a third world country”.
@pistolpete8539 Күн бұрын
The UK is a one star hotel charging five star prices for SFA service and benefit.
@artman12 Күн бұрын
@@pistolpete8539 I just read the other day with some people saying, “Canada is a 3 star hotel charging 5 star prices”.
@redman6790 Күн бұрын
Brevity is the soul of wit... that is succinctly put!
@glendurrant6023 2 күн бұрын
Leave before you start a family and doom your children to a future of massive income inequality, poverty and exploitation.
@richdobbs6595 2 күн бұрын
Starting a family is so 1990!
@ic7481 Күн бұрын
If Labour win the election I'm likely to head for Italy...many problems there, but it has nicer weather and women who can dress properly.
@edwardbernthal160 Күн бұрын
@@richdobbs6595 and that is why you need so many immigrants.
@richdobbs6595 Күн бұрын
@@edwardbernthal160 I don't need immigrants. I don't run a landscape service...
@edwardbernthal160 Күн бұрын
@@richdobbs6595 oh I am so sorry, I didn't realize that you believe the whole country revolves around you. Have a great ego trip.
@samcoatham2400 Күн бұрын
I left the uk 17 years ago. One thing I always notice when returning is no one has a pot to p!$$ in. Everyone is in massive debt
@Mogamishu Күн бұрын
English girls get drunk every week and have high heels permanently glued to their feet.
@user-ou9df8yx8x Күн бұрын
For me it was the filth everywhere. Shops boarded up, people hanging around streets doing nothing, house windows boarded up and disgustingly dirty. Lots and lots of none wh__te people. Communal areas around houses literally were dumps. Sorry to say this , but these areas were not occupied by native Brits.
@robdrummond6028 Күн бұрын
speak for yourself and those that you know.
@georgegarratt5559 Күн бұрын
No they are not….
@andrewlevett4274 Күн бұрын
Must be your circle of friends.
@tomp6685 Күн бұрын
I live in the rural southern United States, and my boss is from the UK. He told me he makes 3 times as much as he would in the UK. He's got a house on the lake with a boat, nice car etc
@glennshoemake4200 15 сағат бұрын
I have a work colleague who left the UK in the late 90's and moved to Atlanta. He said he sold his house for 3x the amount he paid for it and paid cash for his new home and 2 new cars. The following year he had an inground outdoor pool put in. He did say that after he sold his house in the UK, in just 6 months later he wouldn't even be able to buy it back again due to rising prices. While he has a professional Telecommunications job and his wife was a dental hygienist, they were constantly scraping by in the UK, but in Atlanta his wife doesn't need to work at all.
@mrsll4892 4 сағат бұрын
The USA has some of the worst workers rights in the world. Also, more than 70,000 people are bankrupt with medical debt each year. Also, gun crime.. well enough said about that aspect. But then again.. at least in the UK, you may have a smaller house here, but at least your kids won't be shot in school!
@lordprotector3367 3 сағат бұрын
I went to Florida, and the guy working in the bank was british. He says he earned half what he would in the UK, but the cheap housing balanced it out.
@glennshoemake4200 3 сағат бұрын
@@lordprotector3367 Florida always has low paying jobs because it has no trouble attracting workers because of the climate. Atlanta was the best paying Southern city with the cheapest housing and disposable income when I lived there from 1995 to 2005. I expect things have probably changed now.
@lordprotector3367 3 сағат бұрын
@@glennshoemake4200 I see, didn't realise that. This was in 2007, so may have changed.
@jacquesmertens3369 16 сағат бұрын
My Polish friends no longer want to move to the UK or any country in Western Europe. They have a much higher standard of living in their home country. As a result Poland, among others, is now struggling to keep illegal immigrants out.
@alexandru5369 2 күн бұрын
"Those leaving the country were significently more skilled then those entering the nation" What you mean mass migration means majority of them aren't Doctors and engineers? I'm "shocked "almost like businesses want them too suppress wages "crazy I know"
@vmoses1979 Күн бұрын
Suppress wages? Corporations offer jobs at certain wage rates and conditions. If Brits don't want to do them - Corporations press the government to allow in foreign workers. If you don't want foreign workers elect politicians who will shut that down. Unfortunately that will mean many corporations may go out of business. Best to think this one through before fulminating at foreign workers. Just like brexit pack of horse sh*t that promised Britain would rise if unshackled from the EU. How did that go exactly?
@thewordywizard4389 Күн бұрын
Or maybe it's because even if an immigrant has qualifications from their own country this is often seen as sub standard compared to our own qualifications. I know of many immigrants who are skilled but struggle to find work until they have qualifications recognised by employers. What you get.is skilled immigrants doing unskilled jobs. It is not their fault, nor is it the fault of immigration policies. Now I'm not saying this is the only problem but I think it is naive to think immigrants are unskilled
@PwerRanger01 Күн бұрын
@@thewordywizard4389 its because most have fake degrees.
@nickw8071 Күн бұрын
@@thewordywizard4389it’s their fault for leaving their own country. If they’re skilled they should remain and develop their country. We are full and don’t want them.
@Thorsted67 Күн бұрын
High IQ 130 and productive out,- low IQ 80 and low productive in. It called balanced migration.
@edwardburroughs1489 2 күн бұрын
LOL, there is no 'paradox'. If you replace the population with unskilled economic migrants and continually expand the state at the expense of the real economy what will happen?
@ChsM-jk4oy Күн бұрын
I was thinking same thing I'm not racist never been anti immigration I've actually always voted left parties but this is just common sense 😅
@vendeux Күн бұрын
@@ChsM-jk4oy when discussing supply/demand it is nothing to do with racist, creed or religion. Its simply maths. Too many people in such a short space on low unskilled wages cannot work with our level of public service provision.
@TheSkyFallTronic Күн бұрын
Imagine what would happen to Britain if all these doctors and engineers disappeared.
@muhcharona Күн бұрын
@@TheSkyFallTronic you forgot the quotation marks.
@aluisious 20 сағат бұрын
That's not the real problem. Britain used to steal everything from India, and now it can't. It was always a shitty, poor island, and they had their cheat code turned off.
@joelhungerford8388 2 күн бұрын
Its not all about economy, the uk is crumbling because its citizens feel less and less united
@onlyonewhyphy Күн бұрын
That's about to swing the other way and not just in the UK
@al9709 Күн бұрын
People don't care anymore. They just think about themselves rather than the country.
@mikelons3000 Күн бұрын
I wonder why are they feeling less united? The millions of browns and blacks replacing the british couldn't be the cause because diversity is strength
@Osindileyo Күн бұрын
@@al9709for many, the way the country is now is all they’ve known. Why should I do my bit when I’ve had to go cold and hungry just to keep a roof over my head? Make it make sense
@al9709 Күн бұрын
@@Osindileyo if everyone does a bit extra for everyone else, then the net result is 3* better for everyone.
@justmechanicthings 2 күн бұрын
I migrated to Australia from the UK in 2019 and never looked back. The final nail in the coffin for me was being told I didn't earn enough money on a first time buyer scheme for a 2 bed part buy-part rent apartment in Edmonton despite earning the national average wage and having double the required deposit amount. There is definitely higher earning potential for me in OZ but the country still has it's own issues with available housing.
@robthebloke 2 күн бұрын
I left the uk for aus in 2016. I last went back in 2022, and was shocked by just how bad it had become. It’s actually tragic. Australia isn’t perfect, but it’s leagues ahead of the uk.
@robthebloke 2 күн бұрын
(There were two final nails for me. Firstly the taxi driver who insisted that Pakistan was part of the EU; then the pink ukip bus that was blaring out flight of the Valkyries by Wagner, you know, hitlers favourite German composer. Facepalm central)
@brettharter143 2 күн бұрын
Yeah but Aus beat up grannies during Covid and setup camps so enjoy your future police state lol
@dibdap2373 2 күн бұрын
​@@robthebloke oh no, hitler liked a thing? Well I can't like that thing now!
@debbieanne7962 2 күн бұрын
Housing in Australia is more expensive than the UK and there’s no such thing as affordable housing in Australia.
@reneeantwi-boasiako3974 2 күн бұрын
The worse thing is feeling that neither of the main parties would make it better 😔
@justasrandom6609 2 күн бұрын
Maybe give libdems a go
@colinsmith1288 2 күн бұрын
Give labour a chance. They will unite Great britain. Bring in more socialist friendly policies to help the poorer members of society.
@RazorMouth 2 күн бұрын
​​@@justasrandom6609they're just pro EU Tories to be fair. I don't understand how they say labour can't do better when they haven't been in power for 15 years.
@radicalesotericcentrist 2 күн бұрын
@@colinsmith1288 Didn't they have a "race manifest" at some point? Not to mention that class socialism is inherintly anti-semitic? Just read Marx, Lenin or Stalin's texts themselves.
@DavidNaval 2 күн бұрын
@@radicalesotericcentristthose maniacs? never
@gumnut6922 Күн бұрын
I disagree, there are millions of poor who still find it better than their homeland. Also, they tend to hate the U.K so revel in its demise. Something for them to feel proud of.
@HuwColes Күн бұрын
I left UK coming up to 10 years now, I moved to Slovakia, everyone asks me why I would leave uk. Well I earn less when you compare the wages in UK for the type of job I have. But I bought a flat here bigger than the house I lived in, in uk, I just finished paying off my mortgage here so my flat is my flat. I have money in my pocket and I use no credit cards or Loans. So even though wages are lower so is the cost of living. Why would I stay in UK and still have debts up to my eye balls. I say to anyone Don't hold yourself to UK there is always something better over the water. Just need to try
@Sam-rr4ek Күн бұрын
For how much longer do you think slovakia will be in a healthy shape
@HuwColes Күн бұрын
@@Sam-rr4ek Not sure. it could go either way. I know wages in some areas are extremely low and prices are rising, I was lucky when I moved here. Only time will tell. I know this country has its issues
@ashok3733 Күн бұрын
I left London, UK almost a decade ago and never looked back. There is more to life outside of UK and like the saying goes "go where you sre treated best"
@bosshog36 2 күн бұрын
British citizen, left the UK in December last year, no intention to return to its shores except for visits to friends and family every few years
@njoguszn 2 күн бұрын
where you at now?
@DavidNaval 2 күн бұрын
where did you move to?
@AndrewBuckleBookReviews Күн бұрын
Very sensible !
@1985MrFRESH 2 күн бұрын
Below I list what I think is the reason from my personal perspective. 1. Low education levels of the average Britt. This means there's horses of people that can't even write an email. 2. Low income. Exaggerated, by the corporations that pay way below what the living wages are. 3. Income to value ratio of housing. 4. Pack of business funding for new businesses that turnover less than 100k 5. Class. No matter how hard you try some people just won't get into some places. Which ruins talent and rewards incompetent upper and political classes.
@shaaravguha3760 2 күн бұрын
What are you on about. Britain has one of the most educated populaces in the world. In fact London is literally THE most educated city globally (highlighted by the fact that it has the most universities and eve 2 universities in the top 10)
@robbailie5878 2 күн бұрын
@@shaaravguha3760 I agree. my kids are bringing home homework from primary school im pretty sure we didnt touch on till secondary school 30 years ago.
@colinsmith1288 2 күн бұрын
My daughter gets shed loads of homework. If she does not complete it on time she gets detention and has to do it anyway.
@RazorMouth 2 күн бұрын
​@@robbailie5878 We had primary school homework in Ireland when I was in school in the 1980s
@dallysinghson5569 2 күн бұрын
The average Brit has normal levels of education vs rest of Europe. Where there is detriment, it's the anti "socialist" aspect where Brits lean more to the US way of doing things than old UK.
@LongSeax88 2 күн бұрын
Nobody wants to live in the Uk? Can you please tell This to the millions of immigrants coming here?……… thank you. 🙏
@buffalosoldat 2 күн бұрын
Nobody skilled from the civilized world wants to live in the UK.
@fredcarson2791 2 күн бұрын
Longseax88 A brilliant comment. 👍
@fasilkhan1854 2 күн бұрын
They are coming here to get their money back that has been robbed from their country and invested into properties in UK...not to mention their country being bombed 🤷‍♂️
@TBoy1247 2 күн бұрын
Watch the video and you'll know.
@geertstroy 2 күн бұрын
They mean no people of any added value , the desperados flock to the isle cuzz they have other illegals in all noox and crannies... so that is more familiar
@2ghb75 2 күн бұрын
The UK advertise their universities as “World Leading Education” but my experience with the university of nottingham and the Universities belonging to the Russell Group, is that none of the students learn anything in the classrooms. The teachers were not passionate about teaching nor there to inspire their students to think about problems of their field. It’s just competitive with whatever means. People were not nice especially the international student and the African asylum seekers who had the chance of home fee. It’s a terrible culture that’s brewing since 2007.
@rheung3 2 күн бұрын
personally, I found in 1995 (FYR) Lancaster University very good, seems still good recently 2020 as learnt from friends.
@2ghb75 2 күн бұрын
I find that because their parents pay an arm and leg for their education, they needed it to be good and could not say that it isn’t. My criticism is that none of the students in my class were engaged, got their thinking caps on, pure reiteration, and that is not what I would call learning.
@badrhetoric5637 2 күн бұрын
Or maybe because all our services are purchased by companies, mostly american, and don't invest in services, avoid taxes, lack of infrastructure investment...but no, must be some foreigners.loser. coward.
@ic7481 Күн бұрын
I have a friend from abroad whose daughter went to Nottingham Uni - He had to pay something like £23k + housing and living expenses. Next year, she went back to study in Asia at a fraction of the cost. Too expensive. People from Asia are getting wise to how low value British universities are...
@Alex-pr6zv Күн бұрын
It's easy to claim that you`re education system is "world leading" but can the people making those claims honestly say they've checked?
@tangaz5819 Күн бұрын
An Australian nurse told me she was going back, she said she was tired of being 'working poorly. She moved here because her partner was from here but even he is convinced that their situation would be better for them as a young family in her country.
@tangaz5819 Күн бұрын
* working poor
@kellykreqeli8924 2 күн бұрын
I was born in London in 1978 I will always love my country But the way they have allowed my country to become makes me not want to live in my own country anymore As I feel like a minority in my own country a second class citizen And I feel isolated especially having my skin colour mentioned on a daily basis because I am white
@Ethan5985. 2 күн бұрын
I'm 20 and I'm white it really must depend on the area never happens to me see so many white people
@harrykeane9027 Күн бұрын
@deblacquiere Күн бұрын
Born just outside London, lived in the UK for 29 years, I don't remember anyone mentioning my skin colour except when I had sunburn. Stop reading the newspapers.
@whittakerwinstanleyiii4051 15 сағат бұрын
@@Ethan5985. where do you live? certainly not in any of the big cities
@Ethan5985. 14 сағат бұрын
@whittakerwinstanleyiii4051 's no I Don't live in a city but I get that rap is everywhere in London, same as road men. Most are black there, I've never been to London, just see loads of black people on the news
@cumhurtopbas7014 2 күн бұрын
2000 Pounds for a studio, 2500 for 1 bed and 3000 for 2 bed in central London, at same time median household disposable income in the UK is £32,300 (after taxes) and rent figures don't even include council taxes or utilities. How do you start a family or afford to rent an apartment at these rates
@Londonsteve56 2 күн бұрын
Short answer: you don't. This is part of the reason why so many people are leaving.
@truthismycause2800 2 күн бұрын
Short answer, you quit being posh and entitled wanting to live in the centre of the capital, move to cheaper suburbs, wake up 1 hour earlier and arrive back home 1 hour later. It's the normal life of the working class.
@belteshazzarx2568 2 күн бұрын
​@@truthismycause2800 You make a fair point but I would like to point out this isn't just happening in London its happening where I live too.
@truthismycause2800 2 күн бұрын
@@belteshazzarx2568 It's happening in all major cities in Europe and North America. It's a combination of factors, I guess, a cocktail of real estate funds hoarding residencial estate, expansion of AirBnB-type platforms, excessive immigration and new construction red tape.
@avancalledrupert5130 Күн бұрын
​@@truthismycause2800 it's not just major cities it costs a bomb to live in the countryside. Those prices are pretty much Cornwall prices . Unless you live in a complete shit hole like Stoke or grimsby or something you ain't getting affordable housing.
@nilkilnilkil 2 күн бұрын
I am utterly despised bro !!! I came here in 2017 to get a degree from kings. I'm 42 and nobody will employ me with my undergrad credentials, besides shit, irrelevant jobs like supermarkets !!! Yippee !!! I'm despised !!!
@colinsmith1288 2 күн бұрын
Unfortunately it is who you know that counts. Nepotism very much alive in the Uk.
@Litheon11 Күн бұрын
Move abroad
@hiya2793 Күн бұрын
Learn german and come to germany. German businesses are BEGGING for applicants, especially in the machining and industry sector. Our entire country has ground to a halt because we don't have enough people - and migration doesn't solve it, because learning german is not something anyone can just do. I'm serious. A Busdriver earns 3000€ per month, with all benefits, retirement secured and can't be fired. It's ridiculous.
@dannyh9290 Күн бұрын
Then leave
@colinsmith1288 Күн бұрын
@@hiya2793 German is hard to learn for the English speaker.
@TheUnatuber 2 күн бұрын
MISSISSIPPI??? Jesus H. Christ, I'd had *no idea* that things were going that badly over there!
@happyfelix1440 2 күн бұрын
Some part of the UK have lower income/capita PPP than Romania.
@Guitar6ty 2 күн бұрын
I have seen slave plantations in the Mississippi that look like paradise compared to parts of the UK and its freezing cold and wet for most of the year.
@deitchj003 Күн бұрын
Yeah it’s very bad over here
@dungbetel Күн бұрын
The problem is, since Thatcher was in power, no-one has been investing in British infrastructure and the British people. This is why the UK is now a third world country. We're still even arguing about HS2, when it should have been built 30 years ago all the way to Newcastle. The City boys have continued to skim off the British workers and middle classes, while country roads are full of potholes and people are dying in ambulances in the casualty queue. I don't live in the UK anymore, but every time I go back, I am stunned by the number of towns that are derelict apart from pubs (if you're lucky), betting shops, charity shops and money lenders. The British people deserve better, but they've been conned by the Tories into voting for them, believing their lies that they'll get a seat on the gravy train.
@Dunois36 2 күн бұрын
Plodding along can only work so long. The great paradox in all of this is that none of the main UK parties grapped with these issues since the 1990. In fact they made it worse. National suicide is sad to watch.
@onlyonewhyphy Күн бұрын
Even harder to watch when it's by deisgn Before you ask why that would happen, the financial disparity, which is completely distinct in our time, is part of the answer.
@iactr3807 Күн бұрын
What are you on about? Suicide rates have been stable at around 5500 people each year for the last few years. It’s low compared to other developed countries and has stayed low.
@toolsey2 Күн бұрын
Is this video a joke , most people can see all this , the answer is to stop immigration of low skilled people which in turn drives down wages and makes us all poorer , the infrastructure cannot take the large influx arriving in such a short time coupled with closing of training centres for the youth , giving them no future . This was done deliberately to eventually replace the indigenous people with people who will work for low wages and no rights
@bunnylove2212 16 сағат бұрын
My child was born to a British dad in 2012. In 2014 I knew that it was going downhill, and left for the States again. We are doing well; his father stayed as long as he could, but last year moved to Dubai for work. It's grim, kids.
@robertwalker9130 2 күн бұрын
14% of income from London . 8.9 million people live in London which is around 14% of the uk population.
@richdobbs6595 2 күн бұрын
Yeah, I thought it was funny when he commented that London if it was a separate country would have a higher GDP than Norway. It would also have a higher population.
@ComputeCrashers 2 күн бұрын
It'll be comparing per capita so population won't be a factor
@ElectrostatiCrow Күн бұрын
This doesn't do it justice though The per capita GDP of the uk is under 50k while London has a per capita gdp of somewhere between 60k and 80k. There is a huge gap.
@richdobbs6595 Күн бұрын
@@ElectrostatiCrow Hmm. It seems like most countries have an even greater gap between their major financial cities and the rest.
@ElectrostatiCrow Күн бұрын
@@richdobbs6595 Not for most. The UK is very London centric. Just like Japan. Other countries like Germany are better spread out.
@user-lx1lu8qr7e 2 күн бұрын
Watching this as I prepare to leave for Germany in a few days, as much as I will miss the UK the quality of life (and particularly the health care system) is just much higher over there. Also just to point out, some of your footage here (tent city for one) is actually Dublin, not the UK.
@DavidNaval 2 күн бұрын
why did you decide to go to germany and not other countries? like in europe or the united states, im curious as someone who wants to move out of this country in the future
@zelands 2 күн бұрын
I am studying a semester in Germany, but I have to go back for final year. I already do not want to leave. As soon as I get my degree I will look for work on the continent - be it Germany or Netherlands or possibly Denmark.
@user-lx1lu8qr7e 2 күн бұрын
@@DavidNaval Germany has recently relaxed it's visa requirements for non EU skilled workers due to a falling population. I started learning the language as a lockdown hobby and have continued onto a level of conversational fluency (I speak no other European languages so that's a big part of it). I spent 5 weeks last summer travelling around the country and I found that in general the German people have a much higher level of respect than here and the quality of life to be higher and crime rates lower. Having the strongest economy in Europe is also a big selling point.
@casteretpollux 2 күн бұрын
​@@user-lx1lu8qr7enot really. Energy price and Ukraine war
@Londonsteve56 2 күн бұрын
@@user-lx1lu8qr7e indeed, and it has long been the case that German living standards are higher than in the UK. The difference is just more stark in 2024. I'm in the process of moving to Austria which has even higher living standards than Germany and about twice those of the UK.
@Dublinby 2 күн бұрын
Please make your next video on how the world is poor, and no one wants to live anywhere. it's a global trend!
@davidcooks2379 2 күн бұрын
I just wish they stayed in their own countries rather than coming here.
@GG-hu9dn 2 күн бұрын
No...I'm afraid in most aspects..it simply is not?!
@Dara-wk5ty 2 күн бұрын
Its most likely also because of migration Something which wasn't mentioned here is that Canada is experiencing something very similar A very huge chunk of people in comparison to the UK's or Canada's population gets added each year
@xenocide2210 2 күн бұрын
Thank you, very informative
@jimpaine6331 Күн бұрын
My son, a Master's-level university graduate has emigrated to Denmark as his equally well qualified Danish wife was unable to live and work in the UK despite months of job applications.. She very quickly found employment in Denmark at £48,000 p.a., has no student debt, pays £500 per month in a secure-tenancy, rent-controlled flat , whilst my son (£65k student debt and rising) embarks on the process of becoming a Danish citizen. Their first preference had been to make their life in the UK but it was not possible, and to be honest their prospects are much brighter in Denmark. This is the consequence of 45 years of ideologically driven neo-liberalism, and there is scant prospect of any fundamental change under the incoming Labour government,
@Ushio01 2 күн бұрын
Population of the UK going up populations of Germany, France, Italy and Spain going down but no one wants to live in the UK LOL.
@Londonsteve56 2 күн бұрын
The majority of uneducated, unskilled people in the third world would be delighted to live in the UK. The stats show they comprise the bulk of recent arrivals. It's the educated from the developed world the UK is lately unable to attract. They and their young, native British brethren are fleeing the UK is numbers we've never seen before.
@marleneMS 2 күн бұрын
How difficult can it be to find facts to write about? Obviously too difficult for a lot of English people
@PhoeniX199777 2 күн бұрын
Only 700k net migration, absolutely nothing mate
@Ushio01 2 күн бұрын
@@marleneMS oh go look at demographic figures then.
@Ushio01 2 күн бұрын
@@PhoeniX199777 that’s 1 immigrant per 80 people in the UK per year if that’s not a lot I would hate to see what you do call a lot.
@I_am_Done_with_it 2 күн бұрын
More than 32% of the NHS is already privatized silently....which means it became profit oriented like in the USA. The trend is ongoing, not limited to the NHS (e.g. drinking water supply, public transport). This situation existed already long time before Brexit. Do you wonder why Brexit super donors were insurance brokers with tight links to US healthcare corporations circling above the NHS? After Brexit, these opportinities for corruption and money making by cheap shopping of public assets increased significantly since no EU rules, processes etc needs to be applied anymore. Post Brexit UK is the wild West of predator capitalism.
@aleph8888 2 күн бұрын
Adopt a German style non-profit healthcare system then. 60 weeks to see a consultant…. a Labour government will just pour tax money into private healthcare companies to reduce the NHS waiting lists.
@I_am_Done_with_it 2 күн бұрын
@@aleph8888 there are no waiting times. I can see a doctor / general practioner or specialist of my choice any time, no appointment required...even beyond working hours by calling 116117. On demand, he visits you at home. Digital prescriptions are issued remotely. Medicine is drlivered by courier within 15 - 45 min..everything free of charge. Max cost for medicine €10,-. Yes, you should adopt the German system, which is not perfect but much better than the NHS.
@inbb510 2 күн бұрын
Source... Trust me bro
@MarkJones-gt2qd 2 күн бұрын
Once the population overpowered the NHS resource then only an insurance backed system would be feasible. As the service declines, it will be easier and easier to get buy in. When I've gone privately, it's been fantastic. and expensive. When the NHS sent me privately, it was also fantastic. and free. But those will be the two alternatives in the future.
@fl-ri- Күн бұрын
Can't have public healthcare and mass immigration. This becomes more obvious each year. Don't believe it when they say "immigrants prop up our NHS". They do not. The English are still over represented in the NHS compared to foreigners. Especially when you consider only doctor/surgeon/nurse roles. Foreigners in the NHS fill more unskilled roles than skilled roles.
@JFKxprinc 2 күн бұрын
Good thing that Brexit fixed all these issues, right? Right!?
@cleanwillie1307 2 күн бұрын
The problems come from the remoaners burrowed deep into the bureauracy who are committed to tanking Brexit.
@Lonbet 2 күн бұрын
Where out get over it
@pauljohnson1664 2 күн бұрын
It started in 2008 not 2016.
@dannyarcher6370 2 күн бұрын
No one ever said it would.
@2011hwalker 2 күн бұрын
@@pauljohnson1664 it accelerated in 2016...its comedic how no one can defend brexit anymore
@TheRealSeamless 2 күн бұрын
If no one wants to live here then why do we have millions coming here?
@VOLightPortal 2 күн бұрын
To Islamize Britain, knowing now that The Enemy is weak and falling apart.
@frederika3013 Күн бұрын
Because they are stupid
@tpower1912 Күн бұрын
No Europeans want to live here. Ranjeesh is happy to turn your neighborhood into a Birmingham ghetto
@rafalnowak7990 Күн бұрын
You'll have more new citizens soon . I remember when an indian nurse told me that everyone in India wants to move in to the UK 😂😂
@PwerRanger01 Күн бұрын
@@rafalnowak7990 need to stop the shit tide
@krosfyah4932 Күн бұрын
Grew up in London, left in 2011 to move to NYC and it shocks me every few years when I go back just how the place seems to have stagnated / regressed since I left.
@DanaStar-le2rm 2 күн бұрын
Why no one wants to live in UK you say And still somehow thousands of people are risking their lives crossing the channel from…. EU! France!
@larsbjrnson3101 2 күн бұрын
It's because they can't be returned anymore. The boats started coming in 2020.
@janeslater8004 2 күн бұрын
Vote Reform 🇬🇧🙏
@kentishstacker 2 күн бұрын
@@larsbjrnson3101 They can be returned it's just the political class do not have the balls to do it
@larsbjrnson3101 2 күн бұрын
@@kentishstacker No they can't return them to France "with balls". Before 2020 you could with the Dublin agreement.
@zorrodm 2 күн бұрын
​@@larsbjrnson3101 Incorrect. The UK took in more asylums before Brexit than after Brexit. So I'm glad we left the Dublin agreement due to Brexit.
@GlycerineOxide 2 күн бұрын
The same situation exists in Education. Lots of teachers are quitting teaching in the UK and are going to international schools abroad for considerably better pay and better quality of life. I'm leaving in a month.
@Sam-rr4ek Күн бұрын
@Cozzi0 Күн бұрын
A few teachers that I know are moving to places like the UAE, Qatar, and the usual places like Australia and New Zealand. The secondary school system in the UK is horrendous now particularly, it's a no brainer for most unfortunately.
@OptimusPrime-fn8cp 2 күн бұрын
If no one wants to live in the UK, why are there soo many migrants over flooded my city in Birmingham?
@kennethbowry1521 2 күн бұрын
Because you are paying them fool.
@DavidNaval 2 күн бұрын
it would more realistically be “no educated person wanted to live in the UK”
@kennethbowry1521 2 күн бұрын
@@DavidNaval Do mean like you whoes parents sent to a private school.?
@onlineonlineaccount2368 2 күн бұрын
@OptimusPrime-fn8cp...Because the UK needs immigrants to sustain the economy and diverse sectors, especially low paid sectors where the avarage English person would never want to work. But where a Kurd, Polish, Indian or Chinese would. Birmingham is already a bankrupt city so that says enough.
@Lonbet 2 күн бұрын
The elite are encouraging them to Finnish us of
@paulcini5849 Күн бұрын
Very enlightening
@AndrewMclachlan-hq4jp 2 күн бұрын
Great video love channels like this
@alexandru5369 2 күн бұрын
Preform worse than Mississippi? Ouch. I lived there for a few years and nice people and all but yeah Mississippi's economy is agriculture and that's it
@redman6790 Күн бұрын
@EvilMammal 2 күн бұрын
i moved to estonia on a DN visa...best thing i ever did.
@stephennelmes4557 2 күн бұрын
Estonia, nice place. Had 4 hours ashore there during BALTOPS 21. Marines all drank themselves silly in a pub shaped like an upturned boat. Spotlessly clean capital city.
@robhavock9434 Күн бұрын
I met an Irish man in 2009 in Cardiff, a very old man who walked with a stick he said that the decline started in the middle 1960,s , I was at that time living in a tent which continued for 14 months, the air was good and I had no colds, examining his statement after consideration I would agree a infrastructure in the railways was destroyed in the decade a fatal indication of economic decline.
@johnl.7754 2 күн бұрын
With all the gloom and doom too bad real estate is still very expensive
@koosgijsman 2 күн бұрын
Mainly driven by immigration…all cheap houses never reach the market…
@andrewtaylor6737 Күн бұрын
A slow & steady decline in house prices for years to come! Atleast there's one positive although what's happening across the globe, house prices in the Uk will be the last of our worries!
@ian_strachs 23 сағат бұрын
​@@andrewtaylor6737Are you mad
@andrewtaylor6737 16 сағат бұрын
@@ian_strachs No, just realistic.
@ian_strachs 15 сағат бұрын
@@andrewtaylor6737 Lol good luck guy
@nigelparrott6944 Күн бұрын
How ridiculous, half the world is trying to get in from France!
@nomadspiritvids 2 сағат бұрын
yeh, the shit half.
@janicewolk6492 2 күн бұрын
Thanks, Goldman Sachs. Time to raise taxes on the rich in the US before this problem spreads here.
@tpower1912 Күн бұрын
Then the rich will just move like they're moving from the UK and you're left with no money and no one to tax
@fl-ri- Күн бұрын
The problem is not low taxes on the rich, it's destruction of competition via regulation and punitive taxation meaning the have nots can never compete with the haves and can therefore never build capital.
@9810027 Күн бұрын
Informative video
@AdLockhorst-bf8pz 2 күн бұрын
Illegal immigrants love living in Britain; no ID carry requirement there and that makes a huge difference. As Britain is no longer an EU member and thus not a Schengen zone country the Dublin agreement does not apply; that means Britain can't send migrants back to the first Schengen state that the migrant first entered the zone in.
@Bosolevu Күн бұрын
They got what they voted for.
@johndinsdale1707 2 күн бұрын
Hello, so you think property conditions are better in Australia, New Zealand and the USA? You think getting a right to work is easy in these countries? The people who are leaving are probably well funded and asset rich not the young or homeless?
@Red-lg9hv 2 күн бұрын
Property conditions are better in Australia? This is keeping in mind there are some seriously seriously shitty housing stock out there, located far enough away to prevent anyone having affordable means of getting into work, while charging maximum tariffs on solar energy and other bills. Also it might get caught in a cyclone or forest fire
@pascalrange2275 2 күн бұрын
If real wages are adjusted for inflation you can't compare it with inflation a second time because it is already accounted for. In this case wages have gone up significantly but so has inflation, meaning you aren't any worse of than 15 years ago but your living condition haven't improved ether.
@annamoon7222 2 күн бұрын
Very good video thanks 😊x
@norocketsciencebuild5371 Күн бұрын
Good video!
@Arghans Күн бұрын
Tax is too high and especially for the middle class. Even unskilled office workers are now in the 40% bracket and with the cost of living rising this has just left many despondent. Workers go part time, buy extra holiday and shirk management roles as it doesn’t pay enough after tax to be worth the stress. This means we have a workforce that is dull and not pushing itself which means globally we continue to lag behind. All the while the bill for central government rises because no Government cares to ensure value for money or that each department is working to full expectations. When on top of that you add people every year who haven’t contributed to the system you then have more pressure to raise taxes to cover.
@chad0x 2 күн бұрын
The right to buy scheme was a simple way to sack all the council staff involved in the upkeep of the housing and to put homes into the hands of peopel who eventually wouldnt be able to pay their mortgages. So the rich could swoop in and buy up the council houses. And that's what happened.
@pairedsoles2822 2 күн бұрын
@stephennelmes4557 2 күн бұрын
I bought a council house. It's one of my favourite houses. My tenants love it.
@Ethan5985. 2 күн бұрын
​@@stephennelmes4557nice joke😂😂😂😂😂
@stephennelmes4557 2 күн бұрын
​@Ethan5985. 😂😂😂😂 I'm glad someone appreciates humour.
@KojiCO-ConvinceM 2 күн бұрын
a nicely layed out vid. love the audio intagration, love the effort thats gone in to the production
@martynfenton3814 Күн бұрын
An increasing population at these rates is not compatible with a welfare state or investment. As for Brexit the fact is the UK now has a surplus with the EU not a deficit
@iactr3807 Күн бұрын
The NHS should be shut down and an insurance based system like Australia put into place. People should take more responsibility for their health. The NHS is woefully ineffective and wastes money on pointless managers but they can’t even pay doctors and nurses enough.
@clareholgate8718 Күн бұрын
Australia has exactly the same as England, not sure what your talking about. We have the option of paying private healthcare, but many don't because its too costly.
@eldoherz Күн бұрын
There's a reason that a good number of the Polish men and women I've met in the UK are now returning to Poland from the UK. They came initially for a better life and opportunity. That dreams dead and with it goes all the skills, experience and money they've earnt whilst here. And unsurprisingly the change is being led by the most skilled and industrious of them.
@GregNicolas-vb6vj 12 сағат бұрын
You can make a case for almost anything with statistics. New Zealand is regularly voted as the safest and nicest place to live in the world, but 52,000 more people left, than moved to, the country last year.
@constantinuslefug2874 2 күн бұрын
"as more people move to the UK, it's level of public services is gradually declining" That is not a paradox. Mass immigration/invasion is what is imposed by war upon defeated countries. The fact that rich traitors opened the borders to the third world is the direct cause of the decline in living standards, the housing crisis, the decline in real wages, the rise in crime and terrorism, and virtually every other problem affecting Britain.
@MarkJones-gt2qd 2 күн бұрын
The shills and traitors are in Parliament, and there are no alternatives at this point. Unless there is some miracle with Reform etc, I don't see anything but terminal decline. Soon government will need to start taking everything from anyone who has anything to continue to support the mass who have "nothing" except the stuff of others. It's basically communism without the benefits, complete with the elites above us all.
@fl-ri- Күн бұрын
There are of course more problems, like over-regulation killing all but the bigger established businesses (lobbied for by said large established businesses of course!). But mass migration is probably the single largest contributor to the visible problems like low wages, high real estate costs.
@adamlea6339 Күн бұрын
@StormaLorda Күн бұрын
@@adamlea6339 More people = more competition for things like houses, drs, jobs, etc. What the fk don't you understand about it? It's the #1 rule of economy, supply and demand. Any questions?
@constantinuslefug2874 Күн бұрын
@@adamlea6339 Anyone shilling for open borders is trying to crush the working class.
@englishlongbow935 2 күн бұрын
Foreigners may leave first then, instead of 10 million arriving in 10 years.
@specularverzide9972 2 күн бұрын
The Poles and romanians are going home now. Indians and Africans are taking their place. Diversity increases thus Britain is on its way to untold riches.
@colbr6733 Күн бұрын
I went to the UK in May and was surprised how good it was, parts of London looking better than when I'd lived there. Having spent time in Brussels, my Wife and I thought homelessness there was far worse in Brussels. But this was only what I had seen while visiting both cities recently.
@JacobSigstein Күн бұрын
This video is just clickbait.
@al9709 Күн бұрын
The other big one that's never talked about is the training and internship system that labour disbanded. They replaced it with a government controlled system that's about making great statistics rather than learning real skills. Gordon Brown took away the training from the control of the companies who employed the workers. Instead they created a new layer of training companies who were just admin companies. The training quality deteriorated considerably and the small business sector was particularly handicapped.
@avancalledrupert5130 Күн бұрын
Ive got American in laws so i have the option to go to America. Im sad to leave Britain but the standard of living there is so much higher. 30 to 45k for a carpenter here its 80 to 150k there. I can buy 3 acr of woodland in colarado for 15k . Then i can actually build on it . Amazing. That land would cost 150k in England and i wouldn't be allowed to do anything with it. Stupid town and country planning act makes housing yourself impossible here . $3 a gallon for petrol. Even health care is less than i currently pay in national insurance. I can have guns and have the freedom to protect myself not just be a victim and then watch nothing happen about it. . Fuck Britain its a sinking ship.
@lordprotector3367 3 сағат бұрын
You may have noticed that the UK is about the size of Florida. If everyone bought 3 acres of woodland and built on it there would be no more woodland. God bless the planning act.
@BeYourselfMan 2 күн бұрын
Brexiteers are awfully quiet...
@seriousoldman8997 2 күн бұрын
Except the shouty ones.
@Martin-oz6lr Күн бұрын
Why? The only thing keeping England off its knees is its ability to trade independently outside of Europe. You've been brainwashed/programmed into your way of thinking. Ireland is 100 times worse than the UK right now. It's far more expensive to live in than England is and can do nothing independently to fix the situation because everything is dictated to Ireland from Brussels. You've got no idea what you're talking about.
@growler5678 Күн бұрын
You are aware that Germany has been in recession or close enough to for the past 12 months. Is that because of Brexit?
@BeYourselfMan Күн бұрын
@@growler5678 Germany’s case is completely irrelevant. Germany situation was caused from dependency of cheap Russia gas. When sanction went into force over the Ukraine war, it damaged their economy to the core.
@growler5678 Күн бұрын
@@BeYourselfMan Explain March 24 GDP Figures then. UK: .7 Italy: .3 France: .2 Germany: .2 Netherlands: -.1
@donnyskinglongliveme Күн бұрын
The comments here show show that what we English people said would happen many years ago, was correct. That Foreign people would come here, in numbers unheard of in the history of the world to claim government handouts paid for by many generations of British people or become low skilled cleaners and food delivery people etc, but have no loyalty to our only homeland. Once too many foreign people came and made our homeland into an unrecognisable, dangerous cesspit, those without loyalty to us would leave us to our ruined home. I heard many years ago that this would be the only way in which these foreign people would leave. Instead, of being a place where nobody wants to live now, well over 2 1/2 million people came to Britain just since the current prime minister was brought in.
@helebarda344 Күн бұрын
My sister is a Dr. of biochemistry here in Slovenia. She does work for an English sponsored team through our chemistry institute. They did scout her to try to get her to move to London but she saw how worse the living standards were compared to staying home.
@fatimateresa19 Күн бұрын
Smart girl
@Sam-rr4ek Күн бұрын
Whats the average rent in slovenia and whats the average salary?
@helebarda344 Күн бұрын
@@Sam-rr4ek Eh sallary is before taxes an average 2.427€, taxes about 46-48%for 01.2024. Not sure about the median. For rent the situation is not great but you can get a decent place. While sallary would definitely be bigger in England the work culture here is pretty relaxed. If you are interested, our country has some great sites to visit and it would be better to just search video about our country if interested. I'm happy here and that's more than I can say about some other countries.
@Maverick1. 2 күн бұрын
The people on the boats sure as hell want to live here. I say people but I mean fighting age men from terrorist ridden areas
@johnanthonycolley3803 2 күн бұрын
If that's the situation " no one wantsto live here " Why are people risking there lives to get here 🤔
@nitsaastro2162 Күн бұрын
They come from Africa ,Middle East 😂
@tpower1912 Күн бұрын
To leech off the people who are left
@crose7412 Күн бұрын
@johnanthonycolley3803 The video is about why British people want to leave the UK. Your comment embarrasses you by showing that you haven't watched it.
@PeterPeter-pr2hi Күн бұрын
This just makes me realise how much us Hungarians have fallen behind most of Europe in general. I see many Eastern and Central Europeans in this comments section saying how they liked their home better than the UK, yet here, the UK is still viewed as this dreamland where all of your hopes and wishes will come true. Now this could just be chasing a false dream and all, but really, most Hungarians who live in the UK still say that their quality of life is better there than here. At this point, it says more about how low we have fallen than how good the UK is.
@vulpushx6675 Күн бұрын
At 1:45 you have to extend a bit those arrows ... nobody comes from EU to UK, especially to London :)
@sermodur 2 күн бұрын
Explanation: manufacturing being brought abroad by British companies to take advance of cheap labour in China, India or East Europe like Poland, Estonia, Lithuania....
@nitsaastro2162 Күн бұрын
@frederika3013 Күн бұрын
My friend used to work for one such British fashion company in Slovakia. The conditions were inhumane and illegal. You wouldnt work like that even if those jerks kept these jobs in the UK. Brits and in general westerners have a feudalist exploitative mentality.
@eldoherz Күн бұрын
Ain't this the truth. Not anywhere enough mention of the fact that a lot of that growth in the 90's was done by selling the country down the river for short term gains.
@SubjectiveFunny 2 күн бұрын
30k illegal migrants this year alone beg to differ...
@deanosaur808 23 сағат бұрын
They just come for a quick visit 😅
@vincentmaille6765 Күн бұрын
Very researched. You're better than Economics Explained. Great stuff
@MsJustice4ever Күн бұрын
As a middle class person, I still find my life pleasant in rural England. I lived in London for 15 years and that wasn’t as good, but there are still places in England where it’s reasonably good to live, my kids go to great schools, we live in a nice detached house. We also have private healthcare via my job, so that’s a plus too. I work from home so no stress to commute. If I was piss poor, I’d likely try to move abroad too, but most other countries have their cons too. Just recently visited California and I was shocked to see that even honey and plasters and shampoo was locked in cabinets in the supermarket. No thanks.
@oktoberfest2140 2 күн бұрын
Average Nigel Farage enjoyer: "It's these pesky immigrants and poor people....if we could only leave the EU.....oh wait we did....lets blame someone else...stupid EU won't do trade deals in Britain's favor, how dare they" Everyone else looking at facts: "...Not saying I told you so before the Brexit Vote but...."
@EnhancedNightmare 2 күн бұрын
You can see the economy sharply rising in UK around the time of UE accession of post-communist countries. What a coincidence.
@robbailie5878 2 күн бұрын
Mate its been 8 years and your still salty about Brexit. Get a hobby, knitting might be your thing.
@Prince9743 2 күн бұрын
@davidwasilewski 2 күн бұрын
Touch some grass. All we wanted is to make our own laws and not be ruled by other countries. Our own remainer, London centric ruling class let us down in not taking advantage of our independence. One day, we’ll vote in someone who will reform things. 😘
@oktoberfest2140 2 күн бұрын
@@robbailie5878 how would anyone come to that conclusion??? i am german and live in Germany, never been salty about brexit, just laughing at poor life decisions by the english and i take opportunities to remind them of it as they would do the same if positions were reversed
@graybeard3291 2 күн бұрын
Why no one wants to live in the uk ..... tell that to all the migrants floating across the channel and the 600,000people who moved here last year that has nothing to do with the highest levels of homelessness the fact we need to build a house every 2minutes to keep up
@user-qu9yp8pj1k 16 сағат бұрын
When you compare it to living in Bangladesh or Africa of course they’d choose the uk. But the fact is the uk is becoming shittier and shittier every year for the average British person.
@TrangleC Күн бұрын
The relative ease of moving to other Commonwealth countries or the USA certainly is also a factor. The threshold for making the decision to migrate must be considerably lower for British people than it is for other Europeans who would have to adapt to speaking a different language and adjust to a very different culture and job market.
@ApplebobDaGreat Күн бұрын
To be fair, this isn’t just a British problem. France has a lot of poor areas too and so do many other European countries. Its just that because of brexit britains economic issues are intensified.
@thejustifier5566 2 күн бұрын
Britain doesn’t really make any new products that anyone wants. That is the problem that is why they stagnate.
@rafaelcid8510 Күн бұрын
In IT they are the most developed European economy
@jamebrow Күн бұрын
​@@rafaelcid8510Dyson, JLR, Rolls Royce?
@ciaranReal Күн бұрын
Britian produces more a year than fance, so?
@jamebrow Күн бұрын
@@ciaranReal Are you sure? The French are very productive, but they have their own serious challenges. Infrastructure is pretty decent in France.
@ciaranReal Күн бұрын
@@jamebrow yes the french are more productive, due to government spending Increase on those areas. But britian still has a slightly bigger population that's why
@geraldbruce886 2 күн бұрын
That's been the case since the 16th century that's why so many moved to North America, Australia, New Zealand,Africa etc
@tedtedy9817 Күн бұрын
I went to London from Warsaw in 2004 as my parents lived there from late 90'.Meet my wife in 2005 ,lived in sw12 and sw16 area then came Croydon...after 8months move out to Portsmouth and finally after 2 years come back to Poland.Now i looked back and thinking is it was worthy....Two things are..i meet my wife and i worked with hardworking, true English guys who teach me all aspects of ,,live and let live,,, in the country of Albion.Sad side of the story is i keep in touch with few of them and they not happy at all and i dont blame them Nevertheless there is no chance for me/us to go back
@JossyFoop Күн бұрын
In Ireland we watch a lot of British tv. It’s insane how much of it revolves around stretching your money and protecting it. Things like Rip-Off Britain, Jamie Oliver’s £1 wonders, and segments on affordable clothes/bills/necessities on daytime tv. It’s like omg can these people afford to breathe?
@deanosaur808 21 сағат бұрын
No one watches TV anymore, especially when Jamie Oliver is on 😱😱😱
@paulmatthews9366 2 күн бұрын
Tell the people coming here that no-one wants to live here. Seems the whole world wants to
@jr1734 2 күн бұрын
You think they're coming from developed nations?
@rafaelcid8510 2 күн бұрын
​@@jr1734most of them come from France
@jr1734 Күн бұрын
@@rafaelcid8510 lol, you're telling me they're French?
@rafaelcid8510 Күн бұрын
@@jr1734 they could live in the EU but they want to go to the UK
@jr1734 Күн бұрын
@@rafaelcid8510 mate, they live in tents in France, they don't get housing or social welfare. In the U.K. they get both.Do the math Einstein...
@georgeh5075 2 күн бұрын
They've ruined our country, I can't live in my hometown of London, I can't live anywhere
@Ju5tBU 2 күн бұрын
I have been living in uk for 18 years now, I have 3 degrees completed here and think really hard about moving out. I’ll do that in the next 5 years for sure. The lack of any growth and the state of economy is appealing, and since I came here in 2006 I actually never was earning good money here, at the beginning I had no skills so was working low skill jobs. Then I was Aubrey underpaid by my employers and unfortunately I stayed way too long there. So if your employer is not appreciating you with payment just keep jumping job and f**k loyalty, they are not loyal to you
@peterkee354 Күн бұрын
It is not that we don't build enough houses for "our growing population" since we have sub replacement level population growth (around 1.4 per woman when 2.1 children are needed to maintain population) meaning we have a shrinking population not a growing one. What you really mean is we don't build enough houses to accommodate the 1.2 million people we bring in every year.
@exonut2477 2 күн бұрын
Hell man, I lived in UK for a year. Even if thety weren't poor I'd still refuse to live there again. To give you an example of why I think that , there were god damn metal detectors in KINDERGARDEN.
@cadlantiquecao8796 2 күн бұрын
In my humble opinion there are physical factors to include along with a disastrous Brexit. UK oil production had a first peak around 1985 with about 140 million cubic meters produced per year, a short dip around 1990 and rebounded to 140 million cubic meters the following years. It peaked around 1998 and has been falling since to about 40 million cubic meters now, so that's a loss of about two thirds. Peak oil is a reality and when it hits the economy tanks. Add throwing a wrench into easy access to the world's largest market and I would say you have a recipe for hard times.
@theLowestPointInMyLife 2 күн бұрын
scottish oil production you mean
@rheung3 2 күн бұрын
Nordic way FYR would not sell oil when world’s market price too low, but wait years (which other could?) to sell when high, so, same millions tonnes of oil could mean many times different. FYR only. Thanks.
@phillipphil1615 2 күн бұрын
​@@theLowestPointInMyLifeyou are right, however , Scotland is still part of the UK.
@davidcooks2379 2 күн бұрын
Should have treated it as a bounty and invest oin a sovereign wealth fund rather than spend on current expenditure
@eldoherz Күн бұрын
That and the fact that all that oil wealth went to private interests. WE could have something akin to the Norwegian Sovereign wealth fund, or we could have invested in our people. Instead we just made the rich even richer at the expense of everyone and everything else.
@al9709 Күн бұрын
The long term decline is caused by the high tax rate the government takes from the economy. This is compounded by increased regulation and requirements for consultants reports to do anything. These additional costs make us uncompetitive in the world markets.
@gillb9222 Күн бұрын
Ive just applied for my Irish passport so I can get myself and my son out of the UK. I am glad the Tories are going but I don't think that things are going to get any better any time soon. I tried moving to Scotland from England but while Scotland has a better ethos it doesn't have the money to back it up because of the lack of funding from Westminster.
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