語言的習得過程更多是自然而然的,就像母語者就算沒上過學還是會說,生搬硬套沒辦法讓自己講一口流利的英文。 學語言也不要有完美主義,要求口音文法用詞都很正統很地道是很難的,母語者也達不到,世界上不存在這種完美的。 語言最重要的還是交流,借助我喜歡的一位英文老師的說法:I believe in connection not perfection. 當能夠比較流利沒有太多障礙地使用一種語言進行交流,其實也無形中夯實了語言基礎,再去深究文法用詞就會覺得手到擒來,學習的過程才會更有趣不至於枯燥乏味。
@caravaggio72415 жыл бұрын
1. 文法 本身就是邏輯 當然重要 2. 學語言 當然會學文法 不一定要先學文法 3. 你說的"學文法" 當然是必須的 特別是外國人 4. 特別專注文法 以及 特別去學KK音標 這是亞洲人 獨特的現象 不是正確的路 確是有效率的路 (入門時) 我的感想... 以下翻譯是用台灣邏輯加上英文文法做出來的, 不道地, 但是絕對看得懂 1. the grammar is important, it's the logic its self 2. you'll definitely learn the grammar when you learn a new language but not necessarily to get to know the grammar first 3. regarding your question of "learning" the grammar, of course, it's a must especially for non-english speakers 4. it's a special case for asian people to pay more attention to learn the grammar (similarly likewise, to learn KK in the beginning). it's not a right way, but an efficient way when you are a beginner of a new language. 上面大概要花10分鐘翻譯(比估狗翻譯慢)
As second language learners of English (any language in fact), you need massive amount of input in order to skip the process of studiously learning vocabulary and grammar on purpose, which requires a huge investment of time. Unfortunately, learning languages is only part of our life, especially if you're not immersed in the environment of the language that you're currently learning, it's really hard to fulfill the amount of language input you need. That's why learning vocabulary and grammar on purpose is essential for most of the language learners.
嗯嗯!我其實覺得初期learning English through grammar, 但其實後期有一定程度之後便可以 learning grammar through English. 初期的話如果沒有足夠英文知識的話其實很難製造一個文法性的句子 所以學習grammar其實也是需要的 也是重要的 只是後期的話可以透過多聆聽便可以自動潛移默化「grammar」聆聽的內容可以鞏固自己學過的文法 不用過份專注 然後多說出來可以更好 sorry for 一舊一舊🤣🤣
@AtreusX53 жыл бұрын
@tinahsiao37964 жыл бұрын
@via47524 жыл бұрын
@jackjackyphantom88544 жыл бұрын
我学校就是用英文来教学的。So I don't even know why I'm here lol. Btw我是新加坡人。Even tho 我是有英文的基础,但我的英文还是说不上很好。尤其我对很多英文单词的发音都不标准。I feel like a failure!
AGREE,I've been teaching language logic instead of Grammar since I start speaking
@jackjackyphantom88544 жыл бұрын
Sir, even tho I've the foundation of English skills - since English is used as medium of instruction in the school that I went. But I'm still kinda struggling especially in terms of vocalization; there are just English vocab words that I struggles to pronounce. Btw, I was born and raised in Singapore where English is primarily used in almost every school.
@母語化英文3 жыл бұрын
@@jackjackyphantom8854 Practice repeating English words and sentences after any sound track made my native speakers without subtitle , and you can get better.
@jackjackyphantom88543 жыл бұрын
@@母語化英文 "Usual" and "Pepper" are few of the words I failed to pronounce properly.
@jackjackyphantom88543 жыл бұрын
@@母語化英文 The difference between British and American English can be confusing to non-English speakers. Being a Singaporean kinda give me some advantage since I've the basic foundation of English knowledge that I gained from earlier education, I just need to brush up my English skills in certain aspects (especially grammar and pronunciation). My range of English vocabulary is quite limited as well.
@母語化英文3 жыл бұрын
@@jackjackyphantom8854 Trust yourself, Human beings have a perfect ability to copy the sound . Therefore, don't read "word", but only copy "sound", and this can help you jump out the frame
@shinywang135 жыл бұрын
Agree with you! But I get confused with this question for a long time too 😅
@WongWong-vb8mz2 жыл бұрын
@QuizmasterLaw5 жыл бұрын
我爱学中文。 英语无法比中文文发难。所以,是也比重要。 English grammar is tougher and thus more necessary than Chinese grammar.
I really agree with your idea. I come from mainland China. I think the English education in China is a selected method. We haven’t input and output just grammar test, so English learning becomes an miserable task. You are an excellent teacher. I will continue to follow your video.
Agree and disagree. I learn English started with grammar. I have been wired.At that old time, we don't have computer,everyone learned from grammar. We lost natural ability to learn a second language .
@TYTfromnowhere5 жыл бұрын
片頭的外國人是在模仿Bill Burr嗎?XD
@洪閩宏5 жыл бұрын
蔡耀庭 超像XDDDD
@chaueric43914 жыл бұрын
i agree you not all gammars are import
@minamilol10233 жыл бұрын
吃饭 饭不重要 菜才重要啊。 哈哈哈
@hsingch93395 жыл бұрын
speak to 哥倫布 xD 如果不管文法自己說 那老師肯定也聽不懂學生在說什麼 哈哈哈 但也不可以放著文法讓學生自己K,這會很淒慘 哈