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GOD Can not LIE ...KJV
Num 23:19 = God is not A man,
that He should Lie; Nether the son of man, That He Should Repent :
hath He Said, and Shall He not DO it ?
or bath he spoken, and shall He not Make it Good ?
Heb 6:18 KJV= The bY TWO immutable
things, in Which is impossible for
GOD TO Lie, We Might have Strong consolation, Who have fled for refuge
To Lay hold of the Hope Set Before us.
1John 1: 10 KjV= if We Say That we have not Sinned, we make Him a
Liar, And His Word is Not IN US.
GOD Can Not Change KJV=
malachi 3:6= For I Am The Lord,
I Change not ; Therefore
Ye sons of Jacob are not Consumed.
Pslm 90:2 KJV= Before the Mountains
Were Brought Forth, OR Ever thou
hadst Formed the Earth And the
world, Even From Everlasting
TO Everlasting, Thou ART GOD.
Heb 3:8 KJV= Jesus Christ The
same Yesterday, And Today, And
For Ever.
Rev 1:8 KJV= IAM Alpha and omega,
The Beginning and The Ending saith the
LORD, which is and which Was,
And Which is to COME,
The Almighty.
" GOD Can Not ALLOW Sinners
Because,, GOD Can not Stand SIN !
ISA 59:1-2, PROV15:29, Jer 5:25,
EZK 18-4 and 20 , EZK 39:23-24,
Rom 6:23, lcor 6:9-10, GAL 6:7-8,
and 1John 3:-4 . "Rember Jesus
Christ Paid the Eternal Death Penalty
FOR us ALL !
Depotter out
May The Words of MY Mouth and the
Mediation of my Heard Be Exceptable
in thine Sight, oh Lord my strenth and
My Reedemer...