these are apparently the best crypto games

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I love web3 gaming.
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@dondashall Жыл бұрын
Anthem was supposed to be around for years to come too, so were all the other failed live services. It's simply not a promise any dev or publisher can make because it depends on audience reception.
@Garoslol Жыл бұрын
Anthem was just a terrible game from the start even without the live service aspect.
@dondashall Жыл бұрын
@@Garoslol That has nothing to do with my point.
@lexslate2476 Жыл бұрын
@@dondashall Kinda does, tho. Good games attract players and a good ongoing game can both attract and keep players. Anthem failed to be good enough to attract players, and if you can't attract them in the first place, you definitely can't keep them and make a continuing thing of it. I get that you mean a developer cannot control audience reactions, but they make the game and the game is most of what determines those reactions. To focus on an engaging gameplay loop or not is an active decision made by the people making a game, and getting that loop right or wrong is make or break for a game.
@coolguyinc.1555 Жыл бұрын
@@dondashall it has everything to do with your point. At the end of the day no game can succeed let alone thrive if its so shit no one wants to play it
@KairiMorin Жыл бұрын
​@@dondashallYour coping. I'm not even a huge gamer and I still heard Anthem was bad.
@BarkleyBCooltimes Жыл бұрын
I think the biggest thing nft games don't get is that most people who play games are trying to get away from some sort of limitation that real life has. When playing something like Roller Coaster Tycoon, I don't think "wow I wish I could actually be making money right now" I think "wow, this park is going to be really cool after I build this Roller Coaster." Maybe I'm crazy, but I play video games to escape the rat race of making money.
@beek-art Жыл бұрын
Absolutely true! And im 1000% sure those games are always going to find an audience. I think this whole ownership of assets comes into play when its sort of a competitive genre, or item/luck based. Like how there's a massive secondary market for realworld trading cards (mtg/pokemon/yugiho/baseballcards etc.) There.. When the items or creatures you got where random/luck and there are meta/deck strategies. That's where the ownership makes sense. And a blockchain could power that sort of market as it makes it more efficient and make verifiable proof of ownership available, plus a very very good ledger - knowing exactly how many got made, when, where and how. Alot of other promises made in web3 are a bit BS.
@Stainlesssteele4 Жыл бұрын
"NFT Enjoyers" fundamentally want a different thing out of these games than a regular consumer does; *Money* When you ask what value web3 integration adds, any answer they provide is code for "I want to get rich doing something fun", which simply doesn't work with our current framework of games, because it requires several things: -High initial price tag. Look at any debate on the 10$ games price increase to see how gamers feel about that one. -Grind focused content WITHOUT an endgoal. Grinding in games is often done in favor of getting stronger in prep for an endgame. With crypto, grinding IS the endgame. -Massive scarcity. Gamers dislike scarcity, they want everything to be obtainable through persistence or skill. If there were only 10 of a given mount worldwide, with a massive price tag, they'd be /spit out of every major city. *Even if* you made a game that followed all of those tenants, web3's addition still isn't necessary either. Closed ecosystems mean publishers get 100% of the profits instead of losing gas fees, simply take a look at EVE or Wow's token economy. It is actively detrimental.
@FurtiveCutless Жыл бұрын
I just want to add my take on the 10$ price increase on some games: people would probably be significantly more accepting if the games weren't usually either unfinished or monetized to hell and back (or quite possibly both)
@GrandMagusDK Жыл бұрын
I think it will take a game that is massively better than anything else, since crypto is a huge barrier of entry and basically means the worst P2W you can imagine.
@imyerf5382 Жыл бұрын
Kira “who is this for?!” It’s for people who don’t actually play games.
@bahamutdragon1754 Жыл бұрын
You don't surpass something established by being better than it at what it does, you surpass something by being similar, but different in a way that the old established product can't. The sheer hubris to claim you can dethrone Minecraft is staggering.
@theldraspneumonoultramicro405 Жыл бұрын
that nft minecraft game looks a hell of a lot like a copyright violation.
@MrGrogan02 Жыл бұрын
At the end of the day gamers will play good games. If a web3 game comes out that is good enough to get gamers to play, and dedicated to sustaining their initial success, than it will have a chance to succeed. There really isn't much else to say about it.
@peppermintgal4302 Жыл бұрын
Its going to have to be so good that the web3 aspect doesn't drag it down. That's the problem --- web3 isn't beneficial, its not even neutral, its a detriment. No one who wants to play games wants to use web3 in their games. Its an exceedingly cumbersome DRM model, and players don't like even the less intrusive DRM systems out there.
@wiiseeyou Жыл бұрын
Making a third person fantasy adventure game? Microsoft and Lionhead Studios will definitely not have a problem with that :P
@Zyrodil Жыл бұрын
Imagine having a market this untapped that you're _INVESTED IN_ and there's not a SINGLE GOOD GAME. That's enoughf or me to think: "Yeah, uh, that's probably a good reason to stay the fuck away."
@Sharlenwar Жыл бұрын
None of these games are actual games. Just the crummy games from 20+ years ago. Why do we need the blockchain for these?
@beardalaxy Жыл бұрын
perhaps the best way to implement NFTs/web3 shit in your game is to make a really solid game first and foremost, and then give players the *option* to use that kind of stuff if it appeals to them later down the road when you know you'll be able to keep things up and running with a really good playerbase. otherwise all of this is ultimately just a bunch of empty air.
@dani5831 Жыл бұрын
outer ring mmo with th gq token of the ecosystem is the best gaming ecosystem actually
@michaelgum97 Жыл бұрын
13:24 No, it's more like the shady, sketchy back alley Dark Souls.
@violetk2020 Жыл бұрын
I disagree that one good game is gonna be all it takes it launch Crypto gaming. The ouya had Towerfall (Amazing game by the Celeste Devs), and yet the Ouya was a massive failure. The Wii U had Splatoon, and Mario Kart and it was the same story, (it also had Zombi U, which was so creative with how it used the new tech and yet was a flop). The 3DS had Mario 3D world and the Zelda remake, and yet it took until it had Pokemon, Fire Emblem, another mario, another Zelda, Mario Kart, Animal Crossing and SO much more for it to finally turn things around.
@Lenariet Жыл бұрын
Bit apples vs. oranges maybe. Crypto gaming perhaps only has to streamline the creation and usage of wallets and sh*t. That might be less of an entry barrier to some than buying entirely new consoles/devices. It works cross-platform. Depending on the game you may not even have to interact with the crypto part yourself directly. I mean (AAA) publishers/devs surely took notes from back when they snuck MTX into our games and will maybe attempt to do the same with crypto. We've gotta keep our eyes peeled and shields up. Maybe one day Valve will change its stance and launch Half-Life 3 or some new CS or something with crypto. Then we may not be able to keep it away any longer.
@violetk2020 Жыл бұрын
@Lenariet i see what you mean, but if you pitch it like that, where you say you can have a wallet but just let it be empty, itll sound to the average person like you're describing a p2w trash mobile game. "It's a game where the gimmick is spending money but dw you don't have to spend money" sounds like it's gonna be an exercise in getting curb stomped by everyone else. I think there's such a stink around NFTs that people won't understand that you can play the games without a financial investment. And honestly they're probably right lol. A lot of these games look like they'll be scams
@riftsummoner Жыл бұрын
Stella Fantasy
@karri-sebastiancalitu4306 Жыл бұрын
To be fair, Kevin is cute. All derpy and shit.
@Khandrake Жыл бұрын
So it's dark souls with the Diablo auction house everybody hated
@shrubninja6444 Жыл бұрын
All of these games are just "We made a bad clone of a popular game and shoved NFTs into it." Gee, I wonder why web3 gaming hasn't taken off yet.
@MaxIgnoramus Жыл бұрын
There will never be a monetisable web3/NFT game
@shocknawe Жыл бұрын
At least it looks like a game, right?
@eirinym Жыл бұрын
They keep saying it's the future. Well, if the future looks that bleak af, why does anyone get excited about it?
@RisingRevengeance Жыл бұрын
None of them will ever thrive before they start making the game part a priority over just a quick buck
@dmbpsychonaut Жыл бұрын
dude next time please full screen the videos/trailers and just let them play while you talk, this was a mildly infuriating video because 95% of it is just staring at twitter when it really didn't need to be.
@nepgamer7413 Жыл бұрын
How about artyfact metaverse
@ItsMeMattCarter Жыл бұрын
Do all these idiots not know that "Pixelmon" is one of the biggest minecraft mod packs and its literally Pokemon? Like it has all of them. Why would I play anything blockchain based first off that also isn't Pokemon when that modpack is free?
@Raletia Жыл бұрын
I feel like the NFT creator had to know that and tried to ride off the popularity of the name. It's a shame because they have made something really cool, oh and they already have to worry about Nintendo, and then some NFT grifters try to piggyback off them, ugh, I'll be happy when NFTs finally die.
@chdreturns Жыл бұрын
Regarding the souls crypto game... Souls fans opinions are as valid as cryptobros (aka not very)... Games are supposed to hold your hands and tell stories or let you tell your own
@eyeballjellyforbreakfast Жыл бұрын
Deadrop, PlayShrapnel, Metalcore The Bornless These 4 are fun.
@thepolarphantasm2319 Жыл бұрын
"web3 gaming is the future" - some mark
@samholdsworth420 Жыл бұрын
I'd rather drink Bud light
@Reth_Hard Жыл бұрын
As an amateur programmer, some of these projects are still interesting. (Not so much as a player... lol) I'd be very curious to see a multiplayer game using a blockchain as the server but the current technology doesn't seem to be fast enough for that or is too costly in ressources. Some games are claiming to "run" on the blockchain but it's only a NFT system on top of a traditional centralized server that is purely used to take money from dumb people.
@ekki1993 Жыл бұрын
@@Reth_Hard Server time is a resource chokepoint. Using the blockchain will never work because it's needlessly slow. Centralised servers or one-sided p2p will always be better than having to compete to validate an explicitly hard computation on several computers at the same time. It's only interesting if you buy into blockchain having potential for these kind of products. Which it doesn't have. It will only ever work (if it does at all) in mediums where centralisation is straight up not an option (that means, mainly in black markets), because otherwise centralisation will always be faster and even easier to trust. After all, these "decentralised" markets have shown us that not having centralised control opens up market manipulation by whales, which ends up centralising power anyways.
@voultronix761 Жыл бұрын
​@Reth Hard not too mention how easy it is to add on a random bockchain tool thanks to the unity store😂
@CrystalWings12 Жыл бұрын
More like greedy tech nerds.
@DemonicAkumi Жыл бұрын
Any single player game that wants you to spend real money for items and such or it would be a sluggish time tends to have 2 outcomes: 1. People tells it to shove off and don't play. 2. People hack it to make the real money stuff free.
@Horvath_Gabor Жыл бұрын
[flashbacks to Shadow of War orc gacha and Assassin's Creed XP boosters intesify]
@Aereto Жыл бұрын
Every mobile game ever
@Horvath_Gabor Жыл бұрын
@@Aereto I'd say the difference is that with mobile games, they are almost always free to play, and you're expected to play them for hundreds (if not thousands, in the case of some gachas) of hours, usually over many years of service time. When you look at something like FGO, Genshin, PGR, or whatever strikes your fancy, and how many hours of gameplay and story you get out of them in short gaming sessions over a long time, throwing ten, twenty, thirty bucks at the game every now and then seems pretty fair. Paying that much, or potentially more, to get an advantage in a single player game for which you'd already paid full retail price (or more, if you buy some fancy collector's edition), on top of DLC and whatnot, and one that you probably won't play and replay for years? That's another matter entirely.
@LordZero666 Жыл бұрын
@@Horvath_Gabor hello gacha ?
@Jaddeel Жыл бұрын
​@@LordZero666Gacha refers to games and "games" that charge real money for a mechanic that can be described as Slots: the Videogame. Genshin is the premier example: the way to get everything is to pay for pulls at the slot machine and everything else is there to convince you that it was really worth it. If you've heard the arguments for and against lootboxes, then you're up-to-date on the arguments for and against gachas. The term itself comes from a type of novelty vending machine popular* in Japan that dispenses a plastic egg containing a small toy or some other goodie. To be fair, being a gacha is not actually an arbiter on quality. Gacha games are fully capable of having really good gameplay and/or story, but there are good reasons why greed is a cardinal sin. * My info is third hand and quite old, now, so if they've fallen out of favor then more power to Japan. I've heard gambling is one hell of an addiction.
@stuartmorley6894 Жыл бұрын
Doing the whole thing backwards is exactly the problem. They are making it be monetized before they are making it fun or playable. If any of them made a great game then thought about how to include those elements and if it was worth it then fair enough. The people who are interested in the asset sales don't care if the game is good, they are treating it as an investment.
@michaelgum97 Жыл бұрын
They don't on the fun factor because it's more often a rug pull. And even if it's not a scam of any kind then they still wouldn't focus on it because it's a foreign concept for them.
@StarkeRealm Жыл бұрын
I think I've said this before, but the dumbest thing about NFTs in games is, when Ubisoft tried putting them into a triple A game, it bombed hard. I forget the exact number, but, they moved something like three NFTs after the Quartz minting. And that was with a good game backing it up. (Granted, Ghost Recon: Breakpoint was a bit of a mess at launch, and so it still had that reputation to deal with.) The hilarious thing with all of these Cryptobros is, the major publishers already explored this territory, and most of them decided it wouldn't make them more money than they were already grabbing.
@gabelouis Жыл бұрын
Exactly. How do they think they can do what a multinational corporation wasn't able too? The delusion of these cryptobros
@Lenariet Жыл бұрын
I'm looking forward to Square Enix taking an L with Symbiogenesis.
@ssfbob456 Жыл бұрын
​@Lenariet You mean *more* Ls. Every time they talk about it they get another.
@FlameDarkfire Жыл бұрын
@@gabelouispure copium
@gabelouis Жыл бұрын
@@FlameDarkfire Well who is they copium dealer cause if its that good, I might need to try it 🤣
@JackNormalMemes Жыл бұрын
Must be weird waking up all day to either willingly spend all day lying to people on twitter about nfts to hopefully increase your assets value or spend all day ignoring the niggling doubts that you're in a cult lol
@tomlxyz Жыл бұрын
I wonder what the percentage of "leaders" actually believe in it
@jordixboy Жыл бұрын
Same could be said about USD, it's a cult. A currency invented by some and it only has value because everyone believes it has value.
@milentiusgaming Жыл бұрын
LOL.. a cult... no your wrong you see... they got to have real followers for it to be a cult or they'll be the only ones drinking the Kool-Aid
@GuntWastelander Жыл бұрын
Mans really couldn’t think of a better word to use, yikes
@freedustin Жыл бұрын
That's just being a charlatan. History can tell you about thousands of them. It's not nearly as weird as the free mobile games + mobile games ads scheme. The product is free, yet they somehow make money advertising it? Oh because its not really a game, you have to watch an ad every time you die and in between each level to continue. Its an advertising platform integrated with google. Fkin money laundering and fraud is all that is. But its allowed. Perfectly legal according to google. These are games advertised to kids, then they get kinky (literally kinky) ads shoved in their face to entice them to click to download yet another game that does all the same sht.
@Bladster94 Жыл бұрын
One thing that makes these projects really struggle is, NFT projects are almost all relying on promising things that don't exist yet, through their whitepapers. But gamers are very wary of promises, considering how many times developers have lied or over-promised before. And the NFT landscape seems to be very prone to those.
@freedustin Жыл бұрын
Its intentional. They know they won't do the work. The plan is cash in on hype alone and people keep falling for it.
@Poldovico Жыл бұрын
Todd Howard and Peter Molyneux were just trying to save us from the blockchain scams to come!
@liam3284 Жыл бұрын
that makes the tokens securities, and the enterprise a securities fraud.
@voultronix761 Жыл бұрын
Getting money for game development can be super hard. My guess is they use the profits to fund their dream game while letting the other projects die.
@GuntWastelander Жыл бұрын
Comma bad
@zappedcustomdesigns788 Жыл бұрын
the future sucks
@Rockhoppr3 Жыл бұрын
NFT-based souls-like: If you die, you drop your NFTs. If you die before you recover them, you lose your NFTs forever.
@PURENT Жыл бұрын
Runescape moment
@harsa2017 Жыл бұрын
Still have no idea what web3 and crypto adds to the "future" of gaming aside from replacing premium in-game currency and auction house, but with some added moonbro spunk this time
@stargazer378 Жыл бұрын
Scams and higher chances of getting hacked.
@leylinacustoms Жыл бұрын
it adds tax liabilities
@thegrouchization Жыл бұрын
Random topic, but you can close tabs by middle-clicking them rather than needing to click the little X. Learning that made my browsing experience much more smooth, so hopefully this info is as useful to you as it was to me, Kira (and anybody else who reads this comment, of course).
@majorclanger8857 Жыл бұрын
Middle-clicking? On the mouse does that mean?
@Darca1n Жыл бұрын
@@majorclanger8857 They do mean clicking the mousewheel, yeah. Never seen anyone refer to it as middle-clicking though.
@majorclanger8857 Жыл бұрын
@@Darca1n ah ok! Cool, thanks 👍
@Uncl3M3at Жыл бұрын
I'm dating myself, but in the early 90s, the middle button didn't roll. That technology came later lol
@thegrouchization Жыл бұрын
@@Darca1n Really? In my experience it's been common parlance for as long as I've been on the internet, which admittedly only goes as far back as the early-mid 2000s. Kind of strange how terms like that can be obscure to some but totally ordinary to others. It genuinely didn't occur to me when I typed it that there would be people who'd never been exposed to it before. Fun fact: As if to add further confusion, my own gaming mouse is set up so that one of its extra buttons registers as a scroll-wheel click (because I find the actual scroll-click tends to break rather quickly with repeated use and one of the games I play makes heavy use of it), so I actually "middle click" with my thumb.
@DanielDroegeShow Жыл бұрын
Imagine your friend invites you over to a pay-per-view event at their house. There's gonna be pizza and beer and everyone is throwing in $20. You have nothing better to do, so you head over and find out that they sold 50 'tickets' raising $1,000 while spending $50 for the show, $20 on beer, and $30 on two pizzas for everyone to share while they pocket the other $900. This is the current state of web3 gaming IMHO. ps: Illuvium is complete trash based on tokenomics alone. I think the way for mass adoption is going to be a mod of a web3 games that you can't play anywhere else. Genre-creating games such as pubg, LOL, Autochess, etc.
@peppermintgal4302 Жыл бұрын
Mass adoption won't happen simply because web3 is an intrusive DRM system that presents a taxable income nightmare and is incredibly difficult to debug but incredibly easy to scam and hack.
@Maric18 Жыл бұрын
the biggest "minecraft replacement" are factorio and the games that it spawned ( satisfactory, dyson sphere program and so on) and they only replace a very specific modded minecraft gameplay experience
@toomanyaccounts Жыл бұрын
they are also actual games that can have story, achievements, goals
@laurelkeeper Жыл бұрын
I never liked Minecraft that much. The moment-to-moment of vanilla wasn’t very fun for me, and when you played with mods, you could tell, in a way that wasn’t really positive for me. I think that for me, Scrap Mechanic did what Minecraft did for a lot of people, but of course it’s all a matter of taste.
@zzzzzzz8473 Жыл бұрын
for sure , and modability plays a huge role in how great a game minecraft can be , all contributed to by open community for free . certain modpacks are like whole games unto themselves , incredibly creative and interesting interactions between the mods . still interested to see if hytale can improve upon the formula by making the editing / custom content generation more seemless , or if something like fortnite creative/editor can become a foundation for modding .
@knollie199 Жыл бұрын
The factory must grow.
@novelezra Жыл бұрын
The problem is that not one NFT game has given me a compelling argument to play one. There are plenty of gimmicks that I thought "that's stupid" and then when it presented its function in a meaningful way I used/played it and it was great. The Wii has some dogshit games but it also has some incredible experiences that can ONLY be done on the Wii. I even thought touchscreen smart phones were stupid when I was young until I used the internet on one and found it easier than a blackberry; so I pivoted. Not one NFT game has shown me anything but "You can buy stuff" Yeah, thanks. I can do that in Diablo Immortal; and it sucks.
@steffhess3627 Жыл бұрын
Right now i have 70 nft screenshots stored on my phone and 5 printed out just to show they are not unique If annyone want i can print em out and make them into playing cards
@Lenariet Жыл бұрын
So NFTs still hurt the environment - those poor trees. 😢
@steffhess3627 Жыл бұрын
@@Lenariet yea but its made from recyceled paper
@From_A_Diverging_Timeline Жыл бұрын
You know what i like about souls games / elden ring / bloodborne / sekiro? You buy the game and all the weapons and armor and items dont cost anything and are available to all players. I like having a large selections of builds and things to try. So lock everything good about a souls game behind monitization and nfts. Brilliant.
@Nickthenec Жыл бұрын
The only web3/blockchain game I've played was Ni No Kuni crossworlds, it's based off a Japanese game IP that I had played the ps4 games of. After downloading it I realized there was a cryptocurrency and that the game was essentially full of bots and published by Netmarble, which explained why it felt like every generic grinding Korean mmo instead of a single player story game like the other Ni No Kuni games. I read up on the cryptocurrency that Netmarble was using for the game called Marbelex and they basically said they were going to ride the wave of web3 and promised to keep the currency stable for all of their users. It was trading at $51 when the game came out, and now it's about $0.90. It seems like every web3 game is some kind of grindy Korean style mmo that bots can exploit to make the world feel full to trick normal people into spending money in the game ecosystem, while they literally just exact all liquidity from said ecosystem. I guess that's web3 gaming.
@poonpoon1604 11 ай бұрын
Didn't know that game have Blockchain in it until now
@appalachiabrauchfrau Жыл бұрын
Can't wait for the influx of parents being audited because their kids got into crypto games with no idea of what a taxable event is lol. Reminder: if every item is an NFT then you've got to keep track of the value of each item that you pick up and pay income taxes on that value, even if the item's value goes down the toilet the next day. EVERY ITEM. I'd never open a chest again, and forget low level mobs.
@appalachiabrauchfrau Жыл бұрын
@@jeffcxx ha we've got no such luck here in the US! We've got state, federal, local earned income, local services tax, and occupational tax that taxes you differently depending on your career. "Technically" you can make under around ~10k and not pay federal, and MOST capital gains is supposed to be taxed at 0% if you make under ~41k iirc but some states want a slice of a quarter you found on the ground, mine for instance is $33 bucks, that's a mowed lawn lol. AND I don't think many people playing NFT games will be holding onto items for longer than a year to take advantage of kinder tax rates, so, we'll see what happens. I just think triggering a taxable event every time you pop a mob and pick up a bunch of trash whites (if you'd be so kind as to let me use Diablo 3 as a reference) is BLEAK.
@kuba4ful Жыл бұрын
US coming with the most fucked up systems again and again. I have no idea how crypto bros assumed this would somehow work, unless majority of them live somewhere else and/or has their tax audit done by their parents lmao. for example, here in Poland if your annual earnings are below the minimum wage, you don't even have to file a tax audit. not only that, if you're below the age of 26 you also don't have to pay taxes if your annual earnings are less than ~50k USD (which may seem small, but the costs of living are also cheaper than in US, so it pretty much balances itself out), tho you still have to file tax audit, just a 0% one.
@martinmustermann7523 Жыл бұрын
Any day now the new wave of UE5 cryptogame scams will come and ppl will go crazy for them. Never underestimate the stupidity of humans.
@oOoOoOwned3141592 Жыл бұрын
I approve this message.
@MechMK1 Жыл бұрын
Imagine if one of these games really *did* pick up pace and becomes successful, and then we see another "oops, we got hacked" moment and every player would lose all their items - except now, there is no way to undo that. Amazing.
@sascha5681 Жыл бұрын
Dont know If it is good for the Algorithmn but i appreacieate multiple Videos in one day. Thank you.
@sparki9085 Жыл бұрын
So uh, what does the Blockchain add to these games? Still trying to figure that out
@ea_naseer Жыл бұрын
If someone made an mmo that you could subscribe using crypto then it might be a blockchain game. If the game was written in smart contract and used the blockchain for networking and multiplayer logic then it would be a blockchain game problem it's incredibly difficult.
@sparki9085 Жыл бұрын
@@ea_naseer but why? How long has WoW done subscriptions, without a Blockchain. All it does is make the game harder to play
@toomanyaccounts Жыл бұрын
@@sparki9085 even retal outlets sell cards you can put money to buy months on
@harsa2017 Жыл бұрын
Shhhh don't think about it and just consume! To the moon!!1!1!
@sparki9085 Жыл бұрын
@@adambreezy251 how is it different than a CSGO knife skin that doesn't use the Blockchain?
@SnivyTries Жыл бұрын
Honestly, if you're going to make a game using blockchain technology, actually USE the features that blockchain has. items. "Brotherhood of the Traveling Leather Pants: For each UNIQUE owner this item had, gain +1 defense." Or, let us collect and burn NFTs to deploy events or upgraded enemies into an area ...or hell, make a megaman style game LITERALLY on the Blockchain, lol. Weapons, armor, even "Net-FT" cores all being NFTs, which you use to literally traverse the Blockchain and fight Bad Actors using their own Net-FTs. Even poke fun at the current state of things by having some of the Bad Actors actually shut down "Projects"...and have some of them also being the ones attacking populated Project blocks ("KeeraTeeVea" is attacking the BAYC Project! Send the strongest Net-FTs to repel their attack!) XD
@sebastianwendl603 Жыл бұрын
I love how "Line goes up" has become the standard explanation for Crypto Hype. Because this was the name of the documentary that finally explained Crypto in a Non-BS way that everyone could easily understand. And it is the simplest explanation of bigger-fool-theory I have ever heard
@UndeadMozelle Жыл бұрын
I honestly dont care about "owning my digital assets" in a game I play long-term either, because in web3 'ownership' means the ability to sell something externally, which only matters if that 'asset' is scarce somehow. Last thing I want is for the character skin or whatever I want to be a financial asset I need to buy a volatile currency to get, or for it to be price-gouged by some trust fund millionaire toying with the market who isnt even playing the game. Hell, at least if you buy V bucks they wont depreciate 97% in value by the next day. xD
@appalachiabrauchfrau Жыл бұрын
at least if you buy v bucks you don't have to pay taxes on it twice Once for income tax -- you get an item from a boss and now it's considered income because it is an NFT, then capital gains when you decide to sell it. Forget about gas fees or taxable events when changing currencies, etc. edit: nightmare scenario: you get the best drop ever after grinding for hours -- but now you've got to pay income taxes on this super ultra rare item, you don't have the money to cover the cost because it's worth A LOT, now you've got to sell it just to cover the cost and hope you can buy it again when the value drops.
@Lenariet Жыл бұрын
You also need other products/games actually supporting your assets from the other game in some way. Who is gonna buy your assets from game A when that game is dieing/shutting down and that supposed "interoperability" of game assets is not real? Cryptobros actually believe or at least are peddling the fantasy that all it takes is the press of one button for your CoD skins to appear in WoW, which is very far from how this stuff works in reality. So once game A shuts down your assets will be completely worthless. Nobody is gonna buy them. Not to mention that strictly speaking you aren't even selling the assets themselves but simply hyperlinks pointing to them or purchase receipts saying that you own them. As long as games aren't truly decentralized but run on and are stored on the devs servers you will never have true, absolute, direct ownership over game assets. This is just very disingenious from those cryptobros or blatant lying.
@internationalparam Жыл бұрын
How can you afford a NFT but not a gaming pc?
@ecyor0 Жыл бұрын
To give a sense of scale, a non-p2w minecraft server that gets its revenue through a combination of subscriptions and in-game items and an average concurrent player count of 40-50 can make somewhere in the region of $1000/month (a lot of which will naturally go into server operating costs). Hypixel, one of the more gigantic servers currently operating, is difficult to get a definite number on, but estimates put their revenue stream at $10million+ annually. Minecraft leaves web3 so far behind in the dust, crypto bros see it coming back around to lap them and think they're in the lead.
@ShaggyRogers1 Жыл бұрын
Eh, thats not really unique to minecraft servers. That same monetization scheme has been a thing in user controlled unofficial mmo servers for ages. WoW private servers were doing those exact same things before Minecraft released their first public alpha. Little do you know, the exact same crowd that run unofficial game servers for profit are the ones making these games. Where do you think these "studios" are getting all their staff?
@Vikanuck Жыл бұрын
I can’t even play video games anymore unless it’s a more retro game on my Switch, because they’re the only ones that truly make me happy anymore. I cannot stand this pay to play crap, it’s not what I was raised on, and not what I find entertaining in a game. I love games like Links Awakening where it’s challenging and requires mind power, but is also relaxing and chill while still having an ultimate goal to reach, and there is endless replay value. I’ve been playing the same damn game since like 1996 when I first got it on my GameBoy Colour lol… now I just play the updated looking one, but it’s still the exact same game with all the same goals in mind, and you’re not a penny poorer by the end of it. Why is that not entertaining anymore? Is it just because online gaming has become so prevalent that everyone is willing to pay out the ass to be better than everyone they’ve never met before ‘just incase’ they come across them?? Do you not realize how cornered you are right now and not being let out because they’re forcing you to believe that you must be addicted to the games they put the least amount of effort into making, but demand the most profits from by not even trying to hide the fact that if you want to advance more than the next guy who might be better than you, you gotta whip out the credit card? (Or in many case, the mom and dads credit card lol 😄) What is the actual entertainment value in that? Would love for someone to try and explain as if you were outside the box looking in, and not inside of it and trying to make me see it your way. Also I know long comments are KZbin kryptonite, but such is real life - deal with it lol 🤷🏻‍♂️
@karf7680 Жыл бұрын
If you are looking for new topics, Roots of Pacha got pulled from steam and the story behind it seems pretty Kiralike to me.
@Itskilo Жыл бұрын
For a game called Pixelmon it lacks... pixels. What happened to the voxel world shown in the original trailer?
@desperado3236 Жыл бұрын
Blockchain, NFT, *insert buzzword here* are and might always be, a solution searching for a problem.
@Sniperbear13 Жыл бұрын
those games still have to answer the question; why do they need to have Web3? what value does it add?
@iloveanothermanswives4278 Жыл бұрын
Technically they are hoping for their games to become a valuable source of crypto currency. Just like how you can sell a gacha game account with numerous 5 stars characters in it. They are dreamming big and hoping ( coping ) that their game will be extremely popular and the in-game's crypto currency to be worth millions of dollars. Rich idiots gonna buy the crypto and expect them to rise up in value. It is all fueled by greed.
@Sniperbear13 Жыл бұрын
the problem with that though is it will only have any value if it has a Use. being able to use it in-game is not gonna be much value if there is nothing worth getting. look to any MMO and you start to see the in-game currency it basically worthless after a certain point. if you try to turn a Crypto into the main in-game currency, then you will have a supply problem, and thus the crypto will become worthless. same thing with having NFT's. they only have value when other people will buy them, they are worthless on their own.
@ekki1993 Жыл бұрын
@@iloveanothermanswives4278 Even having that into account, it's not different from a gacha game allowing you to sell your characters to other players. An NFT has to be explicitly integrated into other products, it can't just be an universal asset. And who would make extra work to integrate assets from other platforms when that means people are less likely to buy the assets you're selling? The rest of the world understood this decades ago, but cryptobros refuse to learn even the basics from sources outside their little culty bubble. In short, it's not done because the non-web3 market has capable people with experience that understand it's a terrible idea that brings more problems than it solves. Even when it works as cryptobros promise, it doesn't work.
@Poldovico Жыл бұрын
There was an extra credits video back before the nft craze that suggested tracking the history of items via blockchain and adding properties based on what users did. So you'd craft your iron sword, use it to kill a bunch of goblins, eventually sell it when you outleveled it, and a new player would find it in a shop as the sword of Steve, the goblin slayer, having gained extra damage against goblins. I think the idea was that keeping track of all that would be prohibitive in terms of server storage, but if it could be distributed among the players it might have worked.
@Sniperbear13 Жыл бұрын
@@Poldovico i remember that EC episode but there are a lot of problems with that system. its a good idea on paper at least, but actually implementing it would be a mammoth of a task, not to mention the problem of scale. at the same time, none of those developers are really seem to have a interest that system. many of them are more interested in just shoehorning NFTs and Crypto into those games as a quick cash grab rather then to make a game that effectively uses them.
@superscatboy Жыл бұрын
Minecraft with a huge player base, free mods and skins 😭 Minecraft clone with no players, and paid for skins 😍
@AndyLundell Жыл бұрын
If you're making the [Popular Game]-killer, and your game looks like [Popular Game], then you've already screwed up. The crowd never moves from a popular thing to a copy-cat. If you want to kill the popular game, you've got to make something completely new.
@aureliegilbert1523 6 ай бұрын
An Nft soulslike sounds like someone who has never played a souls game. Its about the gring and seeing i😊
@MethodicalAnarchy Жыл бұрын
I can think of only one reason for introducing crypto & nft into games - microtransactions. And we all know those do make games better, right
@lexslate2476 Жыл бұрын
I don't want to have to manage a crypto wallet, and we all know how well trusting a company to manage one for you tends to work out. This is a very large hurdle that a crypto game would have to clear before I'm even going to consider any of them.
@Riclaval Жыл бұрын
Regular games already have to fulfill certain expectations and many blockchain games are barely completing that part, but definitely none are providing anything that adds to the value of gaming experience, that's why it has not and will not catch on; unless the first one is able to provide the requirements in a way the others then can copy.
@voidimperial1179 Жыл бұрын
"Dark Souls that's homeless" If only you knew the guffaw I just let out
@Jinkypigs Жыл бұрын
So the future of crypto game are copy paste of e rated games of the past? LOL.
@AliBoba Жыл бұрын
I love that pixelmon is not pixelated anymore... :D
@Dajudge06 Жыл бұрын
Pretty damn offensive to the mod of the same name. Way to ruin the reputation of something fantastic with something that is total garbage. xD
@ckaldariaq5904 Жыл бұрын
The only way "ownership" of digital assets makes sense financially to a customer is if you can port a skin across different games. Until different companies allow such a thing, NFT skins will never become mainstream. You could have to somehow convince every major AAA studio to allow skins to be imported into the game that the token recognizes. Why would they do that when it would objectively cost them sales on their own skins.
@magnemoe1 Жыл бұрын
And you can obviously not move assets between games with different game mechanics and art style anyway. Say WOW and CoD.
@Lenariet Жыл бұрын
​@@magnemoe1 I can't use my CoD skins in Stardew Valley? 🥺
@gimok2k5 Жыл бұрын
Want some added irony: It's already possible to do that, just in a slightly more roundabout way. A very specific example is Team Fortress 2 and Portal 2 - if you own certain hats in TF2, you get to use in Portal 2. Or, more accurately, you are given a Portal 2 version of that item to use in Portal 2. To a lesser degree, Payday 2 - if you own a DLC for Payday 1, you get to use it in Payday 2 (PD1 Soundtrack, so you can use the music of PD1 in PD2, PD1 Wolfpack DLC to use the PD2 Wolfpack DLC. And vice versa for the latter. There are also a few other minor things where owning one thing allows you to use stuff in PD2.) Amount of NTFs involved in either case: none at all. It's just that in most cases, companies won't do it because... why should they? It just means they can't sell it to you themselves, and hence not make money of that sale.
@sarthakmunda3914 Жыл бұрын
I have 3 issues with saying something is the future: First, you're selling a hope. And you're low-key inducing FOMO. "This is going to be the future of gaming, get in on the ground floor now or you'll regret missing out" Then, there's the fact that it is supposed to be great in the nebulous future, it gives the developers an out for their product being shit now. "Oh you don't, understand. It looks like shit now, but it is the future, these are just the beginning days" And finally, why are they even trying to compete with the future. I strongly believe in the survival of the fittest paradigm, only those things that are fit now, will carry on to the future. If your product is not able to stand out in the market today, why will it survive, or even, be the champion in the future. The games in the future will generally be better than games now, and your game can't even compete now, in the present. Why will it stand out in the future? Instead of harping on about the future, why not make something that is good, now, and it will then survive and thrive into the future
@nakano15 Жыл бұрын
Web3 enthusiasts have really low standards.
@hilal8461 Жыл бұрын
That valeria studios game looked pretty cool
@antondovydaitis2261 Жыл бұрын
$GALA has been crashing, and about to "upgrade" to version 2, rendering all existing $GALA worthless Monday, May 15th.
@benedict6962 Жыл бұрын
I mean that's more impressive than I ever thought they would manage, but they're doing a pisspoor job of selling what they have. If they actually wanted to argue with you to prove their games will be something, there are some solid points to be made. That they haven't made them suggests a disconnect between the devs and the hype team.
@ricogt7092 Жыл бұрын
I don't know man I just want my games to not constantly be connected to the internet is that too much to ask for nowadays?
@ShinePaw101 Жыл бұрын
With the whole Pokémon/dig I’m on resurgence I’m so excited to find new pet battle games (ones that aren’t web3 I mean)
@shrubninja6444 Жыл бұрын
I played a pretty fun one called Coromon on steam. I don't think it's 100% finished yet but what I did play was really good with some fun creature designs.
@IlRe720 Ай бұрын
XD Illuvium is so fukn bad, like genuinely it’s worse than I expected it would turn out and I expected it to be a crime….
@Raletia Жыл бұрын
JUST A REMINDER - The Pixelmon NFT crap has NOTHING to do with the popular Pokemon Minecraft Mod named Pixelmon.
@dekoldrick Жыл бұрын
These people just can't simply make a game. That is all you need. No blockchain, no NFT's, no Web3. Just make a game.
@OhCanadaGamer Жыл бұрын
Crypto games are a pile of crap. Literally any game without crypto, NFT's, blockchain is going to be a better game just by virtue of not having that trash.
@higherlearning9386 Жыл бұрын
Dark Souls that’s homeless is so damn funny😂 Seriously though, you hit the nail on the head on why NFT games will never succeed. You can’t just take your game idea and try to cash grab on Web 3.0 by squeezing NFT’s/crypto coins/land sales into your game and expect it to work, they will always lead to failure in the end. Until a company builds an amazing game (Most likely a MMORPG) with no cosmetics from the start then adds a NFT based cosmetic shop, that is the only way I ever see it working where the digital items will actually hold or gain value. All of these games NFT prices will only go down over time when the hype dies, if it’s not a complete scam from the start.
@RupluttajaGames Жыл бұрын
People out here thinking Web3 games will make them rich, while others are out here selling the shovels. Ultra is soon starting open beta of their game delivery platform, a direct competitor to steam. They provide tools for developers to easily integrate items, etc. as NFT's in their games. But more importantly, the game licenses will be NFT's as well, allowing users to re-sell their games after they're done with them. This provides a lot of extra revenue sources for game developers.
@juances Жыл бұрын
I don't see how any NFT game could become the next minecraft because of the obvious barrier of entry, you need a wallet and pay for the NFTs, which usually get way way overpriced. The extra layer of abstraction, needing a crytpo wallet, converting USD to ETH and how a skin of an ungly ape worth $1 is probably gonna be sold for $1000 instead are not going to make it very accessible to kids. Minecraft got as big as it is because it catters to all ages, ignoring one big chunk of the audience is not gonna make your game bigger than them. Of course I fully expect there will be cases where the kid steals the credit card of their parents and buys 1000 NFTs but still, I expect the target audience of these games will be full of 20-something year old dudes, not kids.
@midimusicforever Жыл бұрын
tHe NeXt BuLlRuN!
@omenoftheundead7099 Жыл бұрын
alright two points to make; - it feels like NFTBros and suckers don't grasp that nft's by developers for their games, comes across as cutting up a game to sell separately at the very minimum. "hey, heres a game, but we want to include nft's, so x weapon / y character / z skill / A-skin. is a nft. " So either their 1 off boosts, which players hate paid for boosts, especially fomo boosts, or its a 1 off skin, and people hate fomo skins... GG not well played. - its always a -like of another successful game, its never something new that could make the use out of nfts, like I could see a creation game, or a art-based game, allowing players to generate and sell their pieces to each other, but thats not a nft, thats just a game, where you can buy each others work (shrug). its like nfts dont bring anything new to a IP. The only, thing that comes to mind, was during dota 2's peak, when we were all watching the international, and we had drops of like "signed" uber rare items, that we had within the steam inventory, and we could sell on market, or trades. that... oh look. Didn't need the blockchain :) yeah, its bollocks
@Gravewhisper Жыл бұрын
Web3 gaming is the future! Just look at all those old games that we plagiarized and have stuck NFTs in! The future is so innovative and bright, y'all! xD
@CryptidMom Жыл бұрын
"This might not even be Dark Souls at home, this might be Dark Souls that's homeless." I fuckin WHEEZED
@mantisdragon6322 Жыл бұрын
i think this web3 stuff is supposed to be a way to try to make money maybe? while gaming? definitely NOT the future of gaming. gaming is supposed to be fun. but when gaming becomes too much work, is it fun anymore? maybe im just too old to understand🤷🏾‍♂
@AgnosticCube Жыл бұрын
xD haha. "Were going to make a better game than Minecraft". It's literally a chinese knockoff of Minecraft. This comedy writes itself. Thats blatant plagiarism.
@NitwitsWorld Жыл бұрын
Man and a lot of people supported the creator of pepe for suing folks that took his frog away.....
@fredEVOIX Жыл бұрын
I never tought our world with end with an ai blockhain bunny, all praise mypethooligan our future overlord the pay2win dark souls might work plenty of people who want to play games like these but dont want difficulty, it might spike sales but they will also discover it has no point and drop it
@StefanHydroscand Жыл бұрын
Why do people still invest in this...just why.... and why is it all stolen from real games even if successful the will get copyrights strikes. and people keep investing in it.......WHY
@NorthStarBlue1 Жыл бұрын
Honestly I don't think a Web3 game even needs to be the best in its genre to catch on, it just needs to be more than an obvious minimum viable product where the gameplay is taking a distant backseat to the blockchain/crypto/"line go up" aspect. Make the actual game the primary focus, and if it's compelling and fun then we'll talk about your digital dragon's gold that you want to peddle.
@johndove2835 Жыл бұрын
I am definitely more pessimistic compared to Kira regarding NFT gaming and crypto as a whole because it has more cons than pro IMO and so far nothing from the cryptobros make me think “hey I will be playing or using that”. Most of the projects are just for sake of increasing their tokens value which is why they keep trying to create an ecosystem and even going as far as trying to recreate the internet(Web 3.0). Most companies who invest in them just want to own a bigger piece of the pie than they currently own and in the end, crypto will just contradict itself on being “people money” and take people money instead 😂.
@berserkfury101 Жыл бұрын
You're not getting it Kira it's like Chocolate cake, you can make cake without chocolate which is fine, but Chocolate Cake is just straight up better, Block Chain is Chocolate, and if anyone thinks I'm being serious, please re-evaluate your life choices.
@АкакийАкакиевичБашмачкин Жыл бұрын
There is no way a game with NFT can work. People will always optimized the fun out of the game to improve their income. Some people already do that in games where there's no gameplay incentive to. If it's hard baked in the gameplay that playing to have fun is playing the game wrong, it's not a game, it's a job.
@Guru316 Жыл бұрын
All these games just look like all the other random, vanilla games from obscure developer's that pop up on Steam. They a dime a dozen. Nothing here stands out from the crowd.
@Lyndonberg_Gaming Жыл бұрын
9:04 prime example of Kira stand by his word in that segment I’ll take what is easily accessible at face value, he f I’m wrong prove I’m wrong show me what you got and if you can I’ll give honest opinion from what I’ve seen good on you dude
@justskip4595 Жыл бұрын
Tibia mentioned. Try 26 years instead of 20. You're getting old and you think time is going forward as much as it does. I know the feeling.
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