These Manga Creators are "Alt Right"

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Its up to you to decide if this list is enough proof! Me personally? I think these people are fine.
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@Malik_Torihane Ай бұрын
Imagine, a country that has historically traditional values would have more right-leaning outlooks on things. I'm socked. Shocked, I say.
@MommaOcco Ай бұрын
Imagine my shock :v
@Angelofdeth20 Ай бұрын
One might even say unsettled
@elimDBZ Ай бұрын
What is the philosophy of the left thinkers? What are their values if they even have any
@DANCERcow Ай бұрын
Then it's time we change that and force them to be more open and progressive to foreign views! Xenophobia is not allowed in this country
@dislikebutton9571 Ай бұрын
Imagine my sock.
@Videogeek95 Ай бұрын
This person's hatred of the Spy X Family guy... Honestly says it all... The fact this person is calling the Spy x Family mangaka a hypocrite for wanting laws that benefit all people but apparently harm the feelings of transexuals... When this person clearly is ONLY focused on the feelings of the transexuals and NOT on the women around said transexuals... That level of hypocrisy is chewable...
@pauljs75 Ай бұрын
The way you phrased that, I now picture "Spy X Family Guy" in my head now. (Cue the Peter Griffin laugh.)
@Videogeek95 Ай бұрын
@@pauljs75 For fuck's sake... Why is Quagmire Frankie... Why is Quagmire ALWAYS Frankie... Couldn't Joe be Frankie...? ... And now I only see Stewie as Anya and I Hate you...
@EndymionArchive Ай бұрын
So, right-wing is when you draw manga and making your own characters instead of going around stealing characters and mischaracterizing them to the point they've become an OC. Is that it?
@FrstSpctr88 Ай бұрын
Right-wing is the same as heresy in dark age religions for the woke cult.
@rgama1173 Ай бұрын
They think the only good and reasonable position to take is theirs, any alternative is, to them, the same
@Kharmazov Ай бұрын
To be perfectly clear the guy who created the jeitai was very much right wing up to a point the anime adaptation had to be apparently heavily toned down and despite that it still shows in some of the moments.
@justsomeguywithlasereyes9920 Ай бұрын
@@Kharmazov Good there's nothing wrong with that. ppl having a problem with that are the weirdos here full stop
@CloudESkies Ай бұрын
@@KharmazovLiterally who cares if someone is right wing; it’s weird to admit that something was actively censored due to someone’s political views. That’s like, the complete opposite of being progressive.
@nevisysbryd7450 Ай бұрын
"Conspiratorial tangents about the World Economic Forum" Note the lack of 'theory' in there. It is not exactly theory when the WEF explicitly *states* what they are doing.
@Noperare Ай бұрын
Still can't believe there are people shilling for the WEF. My dude, YOU are the carbon they want to reduce
@kiethhammer6882 Ай бұрын
@@nevisysbryd7450 Normies are perfectly adept at disbelieving their lying eyes and ears, as well as pseudological gymnastics, whenever it suits them.
@RazorStormInc Ай бұрын
People who downplay the WEF infuriate me. THEY'RE NOT EVEN HIDING IT, HOW IS IT A CONSPIRACY THEORY!?
@kaisersoymilk6912 Ай бұрын
Also, it's not particularly right wing. If you think that Communists are OK with the WEF you may be from another planet.
@theap0killyp1k2 Ай бұрын
It really isn't that hard to be labeled 'far-right', just being a normal, rational human being is enough. I remember someone calling me a 'far-right conspiracy theorist' for questioning a scientific study that had very clear biases, a small sample size, and was funded by a company who's product in the study was given noticeably better stats than the competition.
@noktumwhatever753 Ай бұрын
So what's it like being Napoleon?
@theap0killyp1k2 Ай бұрын
@@noktumwhatever753 What? Did you get lost?
@yuyoshida7359 Ай бұрын
@theap0killyp1k2 think he meant it as a joke lmao
@noktumwhatever753 Ай бұрын
@@yuyoshida7359 indeed, text doesn't always work well for these things sadly. I swear 99% of the social problems we see today are because most people are communicating via text and not spoken word.
@Gorebag Ай бұрын
"Far right" just means not leftist now.
@noktumwhatever753 Ай бұрын
Really is just means not communist and mentally stable. The people who screech "far right" at everything are genuinely unhinged. They believe doctors "assign" gender.
@SirFailsalot91 Ай бұрын
The further Leftward you go, the more "Far-Right" everything looks when you look back.
@TheIronTiger44 Ай бұрын
True. I’m in my 40s. All my life Right Wing meant smaller, less intrusive government and more freedom. Now, too many people don’t know what Right Wing even means. How is trying to shrink the size, scale, scope and cost of government fascism?
@Jobocan. Ай бұрын
"Being anti-communist makes you far-right" might be one of the craziest political opinions that exists.
@marcar9marcar972 Ай бұрын
But that’s pretty widely held. The whole idea behind communism is it is supposed to be an omnipresent force that shows up in everything, including art. The communist view is that not including politics in art promotes evil things like white privilege and oppression. It’s the reason communist regimes always target artists because they’re a threat to control by just making things that aren’t propaganda.
@nevisysbryd7450 Ай бұрын
​@@marcar9marcar972 Yeah, people either miss or ignore that the foundations of that entire school of ideological thought explicitly condemns escapism as an existential threat to itself. Mao, especially, took that particular element really far.
@letmedie4524 Ай бұрын
American Centrist do the same thing to when you say that they should fix their healthcare and housing problems they call you a Communist, even if the proposed solution is just taxing corporations a little bit more.
@AbyssWatcher745 Ай бұрын
@@letmedie4524 Tbf it wouldn't be that simple, You'd need political leadership that want to stop corporate lobbying. It's not a matter of money but how they're spent
@sebastiansirvas1530 Ай бұрын
​​@@letmedie4524Taxing corporations more would do nothing. If anything, it would just benefit them by clearing the competition. Also, healthcare is expensive BECAUSE government intervention: In 1910, the physician oligopoly was started during the Republican administration of William Taft after the American Medical Association lobbied the states to strengthen the regulation of medical licensure and allow their state AMA offices to oversee the closure or merger of nearly half of medical schools and also the reduction of class sizes. The states have been subsidizing the education of the number of doctors recommended by the AMA. In 1925, prescription drug monopolies begun after the federal government led by Republican President Calvin Coolidge started allowing the patenting of drugs. (Drug monopolies have also been promoted by government research and development subsidies targeted to favored pharmaceutical companies.) In 1945, buyer monopolization begun after the McCarran-Ferguson Act led by the Roosevelt Administration exempted the business of medical insurance from most federal regulation, including antitrust laws. (States have also more recently contributed to the monopolization by requiring health care plans to meet standards for coverage.) In 1946, institutional provider monopolization begun after favored hospitals received federal subsidies (matching grants and loans) provided under the Hospital Survey and Construction Act passed during the Truman Administration. (States have also been exempting non-profit hospitals from antitrust laws.) In 1951, employers started to become the dominant third-party insurance buyer during the Truman Administration after the Internal Revenue Service declared group premiums tax-deductible. In 1965, nationalization was started with a government buyer monopoly after the Johnson Administration led passage of Medicare and Medicaid which provided health insurance for the elderly and poor, respectively. In 1972, institutional provider monopolization was strengthened after the Nixon Administration started restricting the supply of hospitals by requiring federal certificate-of-need for the construction of medical facilities. In 1974, buyer monopolization was strengthened during the Nixon Administration after the Employee Retirement Income Security Act exempted employee health benefit plans offered by large employers (e.g., HMOs) from state regulations and lawsuits (e.g., brought by people denied coverage). In 1984, prescription drug monopolies were strengthened during the Reagan Administration after the Drug Price Competition and Patent Term Restoration Act permitted the extension of patents beyond 20 years. (The government has also allowed pharmaceuticals companies to bribe physicians to prescribe more expensive drugs.) In 2003, prescription drug monopolies were strengthened during the Bush Administration after the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act provided subsidies to the elderly for drugs. In 2014, nationalization was strengthened after the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (“Obamacare”) provided mandates, subsidies and insurance exchanges, and the expansion of Medicaid. Also, check "Managed truth: The great danger to our republic" by Russell L. Blaylock.
@soldio4143 Ай бұрын
" spread hate" hilarious when they dehumanize others using label-slurs because others don't agree and bend to their world view. "Rules for thee but not for me"
@SirFailsalot91 Ай бұрын
"Bigotry is wrong - except when people of particular minorities disagree with me, then they're free game!" They're following their own rules perfectly, but nobody else is willing to play their game.
@ladyjunon6305 Ай бұрын
The issue with the the whole "anime is left/right-wing" discourse is that that it's almost always viewed through a modernist Anglo-Saxon lens. The general concept of left/right politics has always been progression vs tradition/reformation. Japan is traditionally ultra-nationalist and collectivist, so progressive politics tend push more individualist policies, which differs from the more collectivist values of the Western left.
@kaisersoymilk6912 Ай бұрын
Don't be fooled by their leftist veneer, woke western stuff is individualist too. It's the end game of liberalism, in fact I (as a leftist) call those people radlibs. I won't write an essay but you can do your own research about it.
@Shockguey Ай бұрын
@@kaisersoymilk6912 It's basically that anything that gives you a suggestion of how you should live is a system of oppression. I don't believe in "radical", it's just the end point of the philosophy. The "radicals" are just the only people who take their beliefs seriously instead of picking and choosing like a cafeteria.
@master.baiter2050 Ай бұрын
This goes to show how much lack of touching grass these Twitter people are. No matter what your political spectrum, the fact they used their political beliefs and bring it up to any entertainment medium is such a nuisance. It's really tiring seeing westerner putting political beliefs in anime as a non westerners
@AscendantStoic Ай бұрын
Progressives in the west are the most collectivist lunatics living today....their entire insane ideology is built on collectivist guilt.
@sparking023 Ай бұрын
Yeah, this discussion is bery interesting to have because Japan is very culturally conservative, but said culture is very collectivist in nature. They care a lot about having a cohesive society, and as such, they tend to enforce their cultural norms a lot more. It's the old "nail that stands out" general rule. In turn, anime and manga seems to be a medium where both mangakas and readers/watchers can escape their more restrict reality. I've heard of a few thesis where the more strict one is raised, more they seek strange and exotic experiences. It that's the case, it would explain, well, A LOT.
@bcd32dok36 Ай бұрын
I personally find America’s idea of a right winger is different from every other country’s idea of right wingers. And honestly I don’t like the idea of anime becoming like starship troopers where everyone just wants to talk about what’s politics it supposed rather than just enjoy it. Americans are so oppressed with politics that they put certain foods under a political stance.
@ryojimata3708 Ай бұрын
trust me, most of us that just want to enjoy it and want to ignore these mentally deranged people. Only thing is these people want to censor manga into oblivion and back, some of these people are in charge of translating it for western audiences and been caught "modernizing" lines in manga and phrases and such in subtitles and dubs in anime.
@ArlindoBuriti Ай бұрын
Welcome to the culture war.
@talkingtakotaco8611 Ай бұрын
America can't see between left and right. Anything that doesn't align with you or your politics must mean it belongs to the opposite political party. It's pretty silly.
@adriansanmartin5773 Ай бұрын
@@talkingtakotaco8611 Well, some groups from the left in America began all this nonsense of proclaiming certain things or appropriating some things to be the property of the left wing (even groups of people) and later right wingers joined on their game and did the same dumb shxt.
@Shockguey Ай бұрын
"I don’t like the idea of anime becoming like starship troopers where everyone just wants to talk about what’s politics" It's about killing bugs.
@minyaw1234 Ай бұрын
Basically, I would define a tourist to be someone who does not feel at home in the culture they are visiting. I'm not really into loli and stuff like incest. But I know the culture I'm in it for the last 15 years, and the last thing I would do is be moral about drawings, as long as they dont look realistic.
@joaquinvanhouten Ай бұрын
That entire caption had me floored. Bro has negative self awareness. Gahhhleee!!!
@MommaOcco Ай бұрын
The self awareness is Negative
@EndymionArchive Ай бұрын
Bro failed three comprehensions - It's a manga and it shouldn't be taken personally. - Japan's politics is much different than ours and the things we find offensive may not be offensive to them. - Most people are just there to endorse the manga and could give less of a shit what the mangaka thinks.
@bwestacado9643 Ай бұрын
​@@EndymionArchiveExactly. I have never cared about their politics. I'll watch a good anime no matter if the creator is commie or conservative
@lakotarawls5295 Ай бұрын
i think anime/manga is far too wide of a artistic medium to claim it is of any single political view point. some are very leftish by japanese standards, some are very rightish by japanese standards, many are completely neutral and uninvolved. much like any art, it can be used for any kind of message
@durandus676 Ай бұрын
If you know the history of Japanese artistic expression, sure some generalities exist but ultimately art is an extremely personal thing for most passionate artists. It would be inappropriate to group most manga as any type of particular political activity. It’s like how the US has the first amendment, art in Japan would have so many layered references and personal meanings like Hieronymus Bosch paintings but less abstract. This protected them through doubt when criticizing their lord religion or the like by hiding meaning. It was a life or death issue at times.
@kaisersoymilk6912 Ай бұрын
The amount of gay stuff present in anime and manga is remarkable even if you don't consider politics. But knowing that so many authors are right wingers makes it extra weird.
@-tom-8720 Ай бұрын
@@kaisersoymilk6912 Yes because being right-wing is anti gay now?
@the7blargs Ай бұрын
My favorite thing about people complaining about anime and manga on twitter are usually kids that dont know any better and tourists that only recently got into the fandoms trying to push out eveyone else
@MommaOcco Ай бұрын
And they won't succeed
@vampocalpyse Ай бұрын
Tanya guys anti commi, anyone who's seen the movie could tell you that, it's not exactly subtle about it.
@justsomeguywithlasereyes9920 Ай бұрын
Based, all of Japan--heck the world even should be anti commie to be perfectly Honest.
@josephahner3031 Ай бұрын
I'll have to check out the movie. I could use a good anti-commie piece of media.
@nicodemous52 Ай бұрын
I don't know about the community now. But the community around 2010 was mostly apolitical. We gathered together to talk anime and nerd culture generally. I was probably the most political person there, and I mostly kept out of the group, because that wasn't what the group was for. By "there" I mean the anime club at college.
@mateusfelipecardoso40kview3 Ай бұрын
Basically a bunch of left inclined creators say X bad things about anime anime fans make exposed against the creators and this is how anime got his fame of pro nazi with crimes against miner's!
@walkermott1750 Ай бұрын
A little after 2012 people started to notice odd things in anime translations and started to look into it. Then news spread of translators being hyper political and now it's such a wide spread issue that it can't be ignored. People in general are now more political by default so it just naturally seeps in. Usually it's leftists tweaking out about healthcare or racism in the comments because they can't separate fact from fiction. I call it X-man syndrome, where the creator wanted it to be commentary or racism but the logic doesn't work at all. Mutants can literally just kill hundreds of people with no effort and the author was like "Hmm yes, these will represent black people being oppressed" like bro what
@ryojimata3708 Ай бұрын
The yasuke thing is true, he was never an actual samurai. Plus, Harulores is the perfect example of a tourist, they are also known for starting harassment campaigns against people they disagree with. The guys basically a mental patient with all the tinfoil hat bs he constantly rants about.
@Hakasedess Ай бұрын
What is meant by "an actual samurai" here?
@AzayBae Ай бұрын
@@HakasedessYasuke was likely a retainer but was most definitely not a samurai. Samurai was an official title/position like a knight of the UK. A guy famously wrote a book claiming otherwise and sneaking used his own articles as a source. The AC Shadows controversy made people notice he was a fraud and the dude has disappeared after. The only proof/record of Yasuke at all are three pieces of paper too. So the activist "historian" claiming other sources existed was stupid. Yasuke was lucky to not be a samurai either, he got to live and go free once Nobunaga lost. Samurai and other followers were offed.
@Hakasedess Ай бұрын
@@AzayBae I mean for one, no, at the time "samurai" was a term that roughly meant the same as 'retainer', and even that is overselling it, seeing as this was a time when the term "samurai" as a whole was incredibly loose, to the point where anyone in an army at all were referred to as samurai (the exact timelines are messy). He wasn't really "likely" a retainer either, unless you think there's some sort of reasonable way to doubt that status of a man granted a stipend, land, servants, and the right to carry a sword, as well as carry Nobunaga's weapons. He was even rumored to be in the running for the equivalent of a lordship. (no official confirmation on this one) The details of the guy being sparse is true, though, but he wasn't spared execution of account of "not being a samurai", either. He was spared because he wasn't Japanese.
@Hakasedess Ай бұрын
Of course, being spared because you're japanese can be interpreted as you not being recognized\accepted as 'samurai', which isn't an unreasonable interpretation. But that's also the view of an enemy of Nobunaga, not Nobunaga himself (Nobunaga was notably dead when this decision was made) In general though, it's just not the case that 'samurai' was some solid and codified title during the time in question. It became codified in law later, but by then Nobunaga had already been dead for nearly a decade.
@ryojimata3708 Ай бұрын
@@Hakasedess The japanese don't even consider him to have been a samurai at the time. I choose to believe the people who culture that its from to be able to more accurately articulate it.
@nevisysbryd7450 Ай бұрын
My favorite far-right mangaka is Kentaro Miura. We know he is far-right because the protagonist killed -R horse- Vaush!
@bikinibottom4204 Ай бұрын
This whole shit is so exhausting. Everything is either "alt right" or "inherently queer and political". No in between.
@Taneuma_563 Ай бұрын
Man, I wish we could just travel back to the mid 2000s where anime was still a niche thing and American politics were a million light-years away from it.
@rgama1173 Ай бұрын
Remeber that "alt right" don't mean that you identify with any far right movement, it meanbthat you are on the right of Stalin
@cantsay2205 Ай бұрын
It's almost like Japan is more traditional and conservative than the US lol
@nicodemous52 Ай бұрын
And what people don't understand. "Asia" looks at itself the same way the UK does. Where they all hate each other, but in the UK it's mostly a joke. In Asia, it's mostly not a joke.
@Solus-qn3ur Ай бұрын
Agree, unlike western world, Asia is no different from Eastern Europe. Some Asians hate each other and the racism between Asians is brutal and Overtop compare to American, you can even say American racism is a joke.
@RayRahu Ай бұрын
based mangaka
@Hypnotically_Caucasian Ай бұрын
I'd rather be far-right than far wrong
@okazakikun1 Ай бұрын
idk. those types likely just considers anything that is just "right" as "Far right".
@TBoneTony Ай бұрын
Always a fan of Ken Akamatsu ever since Love Hina manga made me laugh my guts out. It was so funny that I often think it inspired other Romantic Comedies like Girl's Bravo and To Love Ru that came later. Ken Akamatsu was also writing Girl x Girl characters, these leftists who are attacking him don't bother to read his works. So I will always love Ken Akamatsu as he is now putting his words into action fighting against Global Standards.
@MommaOcco Ай бұрын
Fighting through art is the best way imo
@bxq207 Ай бұрын
What does anti-Korean mean in this context or the Japanese context for that matter? Do they mean that these mangaka are against the immigration of Koreans into Japan or are they historical revisionists who deny the atrocities Japan committed against Korea? Do they believe Koreans are ethnically inferior? Do they believe Koreans are culturally inferior? All of the above, None of the above? Is prejudice against a group of people tantamount to the total rejection of their political interest?
@sparking023 Ай бұрын
Who needs context when you have a easy-of-use label to slap on anyone who doesn't agree with you, am I right?
@ThatDjinn Ай бұрын
Anime tourist is someone who only watched Kobayashi's woke localization and then lectures others on how it's actually good.
@ADayintheLifeoftheTw Ай бұрын
Real anime fans know that Trump repealed the TPT act that Obama set in place. The fact we have as much access to Anime and Manga that we do is because of our Orange Boy.
@kaisersoymilk6912 Ай бұрын
What are you talking about? I searched for "TPT act, Obama" and nothing came up. Maybe you meant TPP? But in that case it has nothing to do with anime and manga. In fact, it was a free trade agreement, you would have had even more access to Japanese stuff (no customs and no tariffs whatsoever for buying from Japan).
@Shockguey Ай бұрын
@@kaisersoymilk6912 I looked it up. Yeah Looks like it's a free trade agreement but that doesn't mean it wasn't taken down by Trump resulting in greater exchange of artistic works throughout the region. _Recent focus is honed in on The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a free trade agreement among 12 countries around the Pacific Rim. It will standardize intellectual property laws. In Japan, this includes reclassifying copyright infringement as a crime that can be prosecuted without the victim's consent. In Japan, it is currently a shinkokuzai, or a crime that can only be prosecuted if the victim files charges. After five years of negotiating, the TPP reached a milestone on Sunday and appears to moving forward._ - anime news network, 2015 The taking down of the TPP was a very important event in the history of Manga, specifically Dojin. Not that Trump knew this, there was likely other bothersome parts of the treaty that he disliked.
@Taneuma_563 Ай бұрын
Don't be fooled, western political parties are not on the side of anime fans. It takes just a few radfems and religious extremists to get anime banned. Trump hasn't said anything yet about the medium, so I have no opinion on it. What I know is that lefties go after fan service content in video games and have time and time again censored or removed content that goes against their beliefs, instead of providing a faithful translation. Several of the left wing "Vtubers" have also attempted to cancel famous Vtubers in order to gain clout. On the other side of things, due to the a lot of tr@n$formers being into anime, several people on the non-nerd right side of things consider weebshit some evil plan to turn Americans into genderless, depressed blobs. Things were made worse when a bunch of illiterate librarians decided that Maid Dragon (a seinen manga, which definitely was not for kids), was the perfect choice to put in a school library, because they went by the back saying All Ages, without checking out the contents in the manga first, which lead to the manga being featured on the news, which definitely didn't give western manga/anime fans a good look in the eyes of those on both sides of the political spectrum. There's also Brittany Venti going after Hololive fans and the controversy over Hololive being at the Dodgers stadium. If Project 2025's anti-porn commitment is set in stone, I could see a scenario where an anime hating politician could decry that "all anime is lavicious and pornographic garbage and must be banned from American society to protect the souls and salvation of Americans". Even if that doesn't happen, what's not to say the left has anti-anime law to with their agenda 2030? The West in the future is a dangerous place to be an anime fan. Sorry if I sound paranoid, I'm just really terrified of the future.
@katsuyaki7605 Ай бұрын
It's like a Twitter thread version of the meme "Everyone I Don't Like is a Nazi".
@gustavonomegrande Ай бұрын
I remember seeing a political alignment graph with various mangakas, the funny part is that the Author of Akagi appears twice, his young self on the top left, and his older self on the bottom right.
@TBoneTony Ай бұрын
We Anime fans don't want anything political in our entertainment that divides the traditional fans. BOTH political grifters are tourists and most traditional anime fans have been wrongly labeled as alt > because of the wrongful description of what that term really means by those on the left and wrongfully being labeled as P-word by the right who were too boomer to realize that just because it's animated, doesn't mean its instantly for young people.
@CombativeMedic Ай бұрын
So basically a thread giving me a list of mangaka to check out, if I wasn't already. Neat! Been itching for more reading.
@vampocalpyse Ай бұрын
all I need to see is the first posters about me to know that we got a major Chuni edgelord and nothing they say can be taken with any degree of seriousness. just in case that kei person is the one I'm talking about, he who tames the god of darkness, lol.
@otakunemesis34 Ай бұрын
The numbers in that percentage makes me think someone discovered a long forgotten database.
@Xoruam Ай бұрын
Also, the last line by the Youjo Senki author has been severely mistranslated. What he said was, "To be honest, I think that this is an era where honest and hard-working conservatives and liberals are really unfortunate." (The way I understand it, is that modern times are really rough to those people.)
@NeoEvanA.R.T Ай бұрын
These two tweets, represent everything wrong with Twitter/X
@Xoruam Ай бұрын
16:14 From the top: "Even in Aquaman, a black gay guy comes completely out of nowhere, and there were other problems, right? At this rate, they'll stop being Avengers and will become HATTENgers* instead" *"Hatten" being a slang for gay sex. "I will gather all instances of DC and Marvel characters, being turned into PC and Liberal Super SJW heroes in the thread below:" Quoting: "The new Superman title with Clark Kent's son as the protagonist, being gay and getting it on with another man. I have a feeling that the eco-addict, LGBT son-kun will not just be the Superman's son, but will become a Super SJW-son instead". "The person in charge of colouring SUPERMAN leaves over the PC policies: 'They don't have the right to waste characters. I've had enough.' Talking about the decisive blow of changing the former motto "Truth, Justice and the American Way" into "Truth, Justice and a Better World", in order to reflect the modern movements of historical self-victimization and social justice." Let's see if I get sent to the Shadow Realm for this...
@Johan_the_Marshal Ай бұрын
I'm most likely still an initiate into anime and manga but I'm deepening my love of it. Though the first manga I fell head over heels in love with was and still is Berserk.
@scratch7971 Ай бұрын
I wish Americans could learn and understand that world politics doesn’t revolve around twitter, dude. Embarrassing.
@Xoruam Ай бұрын
I am here for the recommendations.
@kankuj23 Ай бұрын
The audio quality, please
@aaa1e2r3 Ай бұрын
05:00 That comic isn't even Endo's, that comic was written by one of his assistants, not himself.
@georgesmith5201 Ай бұрын
Most of Japan are "right-wing" relative to their politics.
@Scarcheeze Ай бұрын
Oh mygot what bundah rahma ambassing is that 🤣
@erasedoggO316 Ай бұрын
I dont know whats left and whats right (i have zero political knowledge) But a lot of these just seem like theyre either giving their opinions on the subject or just a random tweet If theyre really as bad and active as he said he could just show that One of them is just a guy drawin some dudes as samurai because someone asked him He probably got money for that At that point its just work
@yuyoshida7359 Ай бұрын
I don’t see how the people labeled “Anti-Korean” were all racist. The post mentioning “Gikou Sadamoto” showed his dismissal of the “comfort women” exhibition, which is more of a historical dispute than a racist remark. Given he never stated anything against ethnic Koreans, that post alone I was nowhere near enough to prove him a racist; it shows he’s against “Korean propaganda”
@TheThreatenedSwan Ай бұрын
All the good things are evil and right coded. All the bad things are actually good and left-coded. How could this possibly go wrong
@Dr.Sho_Minamimoto Ай бұрын
13:19 Well mama tako not only are some asians racist to other asians but racist to their own people. See for example India and how they can be racist to their own countrymen (Caste system) or Japan having racist inclinations depending on your job or what part of Japan you are from (mainland Japanese versus the Ainu people).
@RazorStormInc Ай бұрын
A caste system is classism, not racism.
@Dr.Sho_Minamimoto Ай бұрын
⁠​⁠@@RazorStormIncpoint still stands, if you are from one part of India and someone else is from the other part things can get pretty racist. And technically Pakistan and India have history and that comes out in tense and quite racist ways.
@RazorStormInc Ай бұрын
@@Dr.Sho_Minamimoto Pakistan and India are not the same country. You can be racist towards immigrants, sure; but hate for your own typically comes from tribalism or classism.
@Dr.Sho_Minamimoto Ай бұрын
⁠​⁠​⁠@@RazorStormInc Oh my friend, if you looked into the history of India and Pakistan, you'd realize that's technically incorrect. You are initially right pre-british India, wrong during British India, and correct again after August of 1947. And I say yet again- my main point of people can be racist to their own race still very much stands. I'd try to make an example like “Internalized racism” or “racial self-hatred”, but I get the feeling that too will be nitpicked in shortform.
@RazorStormInc Ай бұрын
@@Dr.Sho_Minamimoto Yeah, no. I'm not sure about the exact co-relation between Pakistan and India; but hatred against your own kind is - factually - almost always a classism or tribalism issue; not racism. A rich Indian might hate a poor Indian for being poor, but he definitely doesn't hate them for being Indian.
@SleepyRulu Ай бұрын
I am surprise that I havent got accused being alt right over lolis yet I am right laning.
@lanasmith4795 Ай бұрын
I wonder if Miss Takahashi is going to make the list I seem to recall her having some very strong opinions on gender roles and curing someone of(gender confusion) in one of her comics
@MommaOcco Ай бұрын
If the list gets updated perhaps a part two will happen 🤔
@Taneuma_563 Ай бұрын
This is kind of why I secretly, in the back of my mind didn't want Stop! Hibari-kun to be brought over, but it seems like it has happened anyway, and I feel bad for Eguchi-san because now he's gonna have to deal with all these radicalized, brainrot, terminally online zoomers (I'm a zoomer myself but I oppose these people) harassing him and possibly even sending death threats because of a funny gag manga he wrote in the 80s being considered politically correct and considered hate speech under the guise of modern American leftist politics.
@Benzinilinguine Ай бұрын
"Dumb tweet, this person is obviously depressed." -least projecting internet-addicted twitter user
@ThatGamingFurry Ай бұрын
“Only watches Naruto or one of the big anime…” Well I don’t blame them, Naruto and the big three rock
@MommaOcco Ай бұрын
That's not really the point. They are good animes. The point is rather that the only exposure to anime is only in one place, and nowhere else. They then try to change everything else to fit what they think is morally right.
@jameskazd9951 Ай бұрын
yeah but if that is your only exposure to anime you are hardly an "anime fan", it's like claiming to be a film buff or cinephile but the only movies you watch are the Disney Marvel movies. It then becomes a problem when these people that don't understand the culture try to police it or change it to fir their ideals despite the vast majority being happy with where it is now
@LucienTheWitch Ай бұрын
Me to naughty politics mangaka: Shut up and take my money!
@MommaOcco Ай бұрын
They didn't have to sell me lol
@naraku971 Ай бұрын
Oh no... someone commissioned Amano San to draw a painting??? The absolute horror! >_> This person is an absolute clown.
@MommaOcco Ай бұрын
Sadly they might but take my circus from me lol
@APS_Inc Ай бұрын
Mic's a little scuffed but otherwise thanks for the video!
@cymes82 Ай бұрын
I'm wondering , if *TerraFormars* made the list ?
@MommaOcco Ай бұрын
If you didn't see the Mangaka on the list when I read it, probably not
@cymes82 Ай бұрын
@@MommaOcco I clicked off the video for a moment and forgot to resume watching it. I'm going to watch it on Monday.
@kingjotnar6448 Ай бұрын
Western art is created by a small group with certain values. Manga is a bit less centralized, from what I've seen.
@MommaOcco Ай бұрын
@noobeginner9838 Ай бұрын
This mangaka only write whatever they want
@azeriyo Ай бұрын
Is the mic peaking?
@MommaOcco Ай бұрын
It's possible. I am trying to fix it so it stops at the red
@kougamecs3876 Ай бұрын
You know something is mentally wrong with Elon Musk when Twitter still exists
@MommaOcco Ай бұрын
Perhaps. Or is it genius? 🤔
@mr.tajtas4259 Ай бұрын
The Alt-right wasn't a thing for 6 yrar by now.
@Syndromman609 Ай бұрын
One Piece is the best selling manga of all time, and so popular that they have entire stores dedicated to just one piece in japan, and it has more leftist themes then I can count (LGBT positive, the entire story is anti authority, civil rights with the fishmen, etc. Etc.)
@Syndromman609 Ай бұрын
Btw one piece is my favorite manga. Just incase it wasn't obvious.
@sparking023 Ай бұрын
Ah, you see, your misunderstanding is thinking those themes are solely "leftist", or that going against them is "rightist". For example, the Soviets were not kind at all to gay people, they were very, very, very authoritarian, and let's say that your civil right could be revoked at any time if you didn't get on with the program. And I guess that's the point here. Anime and manga are not inherently left or right wing, because each story is particular to their author.
@revolutionarydragon1123 Ай бұрын
​@sparking023 eh well, it is hard to worry about civil rights where it didn't exist and living along side a population that looking for any excuse to lynch you vs a population that didn't even understand it or repulsed by it and treated you like a human being not a hard choice
@motherlyfather9871 Ай бұрын
Certified Americanism moment
@kyuremthefrozen8539 Ай бұрын
Oh nice model i like the glasses
@MommaOcco Ай бұрын
I love my glasses too ❤️
@hellomanul Ай бұрын
why is the mic audio so bad..
@MommaOcco Ай бұрын
It could be my lack of a limiter. I keep forgetting to look into it XD
@pallasdiana4206 Ай бұрын
"This tread is just for me," Then why did you post it. You clearly wanted people to see it so they could kiss up to you.
@MommaOcco Ай бұрын
It's kinda clear lol
@josephahner3031 Ай бұрын
Right wing is when you're not shrieking Free Palestine loud enough at the protest you don't really know why you're at.
@MommaOcco Ай бұрын
I think that's just full blown progressives. But perhaps I'm wrong. I'm not left leaning. Just Center
@Xoruam Ай бұрын
13:10 I think you are reading too much into it. It's not about race, it's just... People usually hate their neighbours. That's as much true on a personal level, as it is on an international one. Think about it. Why can't you play your music at full volume? Neighbours. When you want to have peace and quiet, whose children do you hear outside? Neighbours'. You have a great view outside your window, and who eventually ruins it? Neighbours. Who leaves their composter by your fence, so that you can smell the rotting fruit? Neighbours. Now, when you are talking about nations, you are talking about territorial disputes, resources, strategic locations, trade route fees... Then there are potentially different religions, elements of the culture invading the other country... It's really not that difficult to understand why people living next to each other... They usually don't like each other very much.
@MommaOcco Ай бұрын
Perhaps I am? The comments I said came from a few Asians I know XD
@blazeburner303 Ай бұрын
there's a term for this language leftists use, but you cant say it on youtube sadly it starts with a "ree" followed by a "tard" with a "ese" at the end, too many of them speak it and I cant understand, I am monolinguistic and only understand english...
@MommaOcco Ай бұрын
Exceptional Individuals is the replacement I use for that
@oven723 Ай бұрын
@MommaOcco Ай бұрын
@oven723 Ай бұрын
I like the color o yo hair
@idreadFell365 Ай бұрын
Well anime and manga especially shonen are flawed for a reason.
@MommaOcco Ай бұрын
How so?
@idreadFell365 Ай бұрын
@@MommaOcco traditionalism is overrated and regressive. There’s always sexist narratives sprinkled in or outright blatant in a lot of anime. So I call the anime out for what it is, FLAWED.
@tubalord3693 Ай бұрын
Dammit I ran into the social politics sector of KZbin again. still having fun arguing about things that don’t matter and never will. Feel free to shit on me. I think arguing over ideological belief is stupidity Nothing matters you don’t matter I don’t matter we live in a careless and meaningless universe that is slowly cooling and dying. Who gives a shit about how you live your life. Just don’t be surprised if people try to defend themselves if your ideology actively tries to destroy theirs. Every action as an equal opposite reaction. If you’re curious, I’m a transhumanist I have no attachment to flesh or the human form. So seeing a society built around what genital you have is nonsensical to me but it’s none of my business because it’s just belief not truth so there’s no point in me telling you you’re wrong.
@leoncampbell8616 Ай бұрын
So Americans going to another country and forcing their values on them. Some needs to explain to them that is called soft colonialism.
@MommaOcco Ай бұрын
Ain't that funny?
@leoncampbell8616 Ай бұрын
@@MommaOcco indeed right now i am worried that the majority of mangaka's might fall into this dumb western DEI wokeness and develop brain rot, cuz manga and anime are my remaining entertainment.
@Xiu83 Ай бұрын
Last time I checked, the King was the law of the land. Whatever the King says, is the law of the land. If the King calls you a "knight" and or "Samurai," then that means his word is law, no? So therefore, by the Kings decree. You are what he says you are. His word is law, and he can make whomever he wants a "knight" or "Samurai". I don't know how everyone on the internet just magically became a historian, half of everyone on the rock doesn't even know about their own history.
@lekhaclam87 Ай бұрын
It's not that simple. There were other powerful individuals and organizations that could cause a problem for the king if he did or said something stupid.
@Xiu83 Ай бұрын
@lekhaclam87 Yeah, I know. Monkey becomes King of the Circus Chimps. Other monkeys want to keep him in check because to them, he is just a puppet. So, King Chimp has to do what the other monkeys say in order to appease them, to not have his neck slit in his sleep. There are some Chimps out there, however. That do not care for what the other monkeys say. There are some Chimps out there that have power and authority beyond that of which any monkey could ever hope to achieve.
@paladinras7970 Ай бұрын
If alt right is literally everything from working out to making your own art cool sign me up
@FriedGamer Ай бұрын
"Spy vs. Spy author" My sides!
@MommaOcco Ай бұрын
Yeah I knew what I meant to say, but my brain said something else.
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