They Want to Harm You, Chosen Ones, But Your Protection Is Divine!!

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@sanmi1752 3 ай бұрын
I really relate to this video. I've been delivered from dangers and enemies so many times beyond my and people's imagination. The ontime safety and vindication were actually DIVINE.
@mathieurenaud5850 3 ай бұрын
Yeah!! 💪❤️💯
@pattyberryman3037 3 ай бұрын
The Beautiful Beings of Gaia would like to thank Obsidian for your service. We are forever grateful.
THE LAW (TORAH) OF THE YEHOVA IS PERFECT, IT RENEWS THE SOUL. THE YEHOVA TESTIMONY IS TRUE, MAKES IGNORANT WISE. ~ Psalm 19:7 SAYS THE YEHOVA,THE ELOHIM OF ISRAEL: In That Day People Will See Their CREATOR; (YEHOVA SAPAVOVT) And Their Eyes Will See THE HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL. ~ Isaiah 17:7 Judgment Of Babylon: And I WiILL NOT ACCEPT Anyone's Mediation: "THE NAME OF Our SAVIOR IS "YEHOVA SAPAVOVT. ""HE IS THE HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL:” ~ Isaiah 47:3-4 FOR (YEHOVA Your ELOHIM) IN HEAVEN ABOVE AND ON EARTH BELOW (IS ELOHIM ALONE). ~ Joshua 2:11 AND ELOHIM SAID MOREOVER To Moses, THUS SHALT THOU SAY To The Children Of Israel, [YEHOVA] ELOHIM Of Your Fathers,The ELOHIM Of Abraham, The ELOHIM Of Isaac, And The ELOHIM Of Jacob, HATH SENT Me To You:THIS IS MY NAME FOR EVER, [YEHOVA] AND THIS IS MY MEMORIAL TO ALL GENERATIONS. ~ Exodus 3:15 FOR THIS IS WHAT THE YEHOVA SAYS: “To The EUNUCHS Who Keep MY SABBATHS, Who Choose WHAT PLEASE ME, And Hold Fast TO MY COVENANT; To Them I WILL GIVE WITHIN MY TEMPLE, And ITS WALLS A MEMORIAL, And A NAME BETTER THAN Sons And Daughters; I WILL GIVE Them AN EVERLASTING NAME, THAT WILL ENDURE FOREVER. ~ Isaiah 56:4-5 I AM YEHOVA; THAT IS MY NAME! I WILL NOT YIELD MY GLORY To Another Or MY PRAISE To idols. ~ Isaiah 42:8 I, I AM YEHOVA, And There Is No Other Savior BUT ME. ~ Isaiah 43:11 I AM YEHOVA, AND THERE IS NONE ELSE. ~ Isaiah 45:5 Preach And Bring Them Closer And Let Them Counsel Together. Who Knew This From The Beginning, Who Told Since Then?Have Not I, THE YEHOVA ? There Is No Other Elohim Besides ME. THERE IS NO TRUE ELOHIM AND SAVIOR Other THAN ME. ~ Isaiah 45:21 And Moses Went Up Unto ELOHIM, And THE YEHOVA Called Unto Him Out Of The Mountain, SAYING, Thus Shalt Thou Say To The House Of Jacob, And Tell The Children Of Israel; Ye Have Seen What I DID Unto The Egyptians, And How I BARE You On Eagles' Wings, And Brought You UNTO MYSELF. Now Therefore, If Ye Will Obey MY VOICE Indeed, And Keep MY COVENANT, Then Ye Shall Be A PECULIAR TREASURE UNTO ME Above All People: For All The EARTH IS MINE: And Ye Shall Be UNTO ME A KINGDOM OF PRIESTS, And AN HOLY NATION. These Are The WORDS Which Thou Shalt SPEAK Unto The Children Of Israel. ~ Exodus 19:3-6 Most HigH YEHOVA'S Will And Man's Rejection:(16) Because They Rejected MY LAWS And Did Not Follow MY DECREES And Desecrated MY SABBATHS. For Their Hearts Were DevotedTo Their Idols. (19) I AM YEHOVA Your CREATOR; Follow MY DECREES And Be Careful To Keep MY LAWS. (20) Keep My SABBATHS HOLY, That They May Be A SIGN BETWEEN US. Then You Will Know That I AM YEHOVA Your CREATOR. ~ Ezekiel 20: 16, 19, 20 MOST HIGH YEHOVA SAID, For I DESIRE STEADFAST LOVE AND Not Sacrifice, THE KNOWLEDGE Of CREATOR Rather Than Burnt Offerings. But Like (ADAM) They Transgressed THE COVENANT; There They Dealt Faithlessly With ME. ~ Hosea 6:6-7 When You Pass Through The Waters, I WILL BE WITH You; And When You Pass Through The Rivers, They Will Not Sweep Over You. When You Walk Through The Fire, You Will Not Be Burned; The Flames Will Not Set You Ablaze. ~ Isaiah 43:2 ‘The Mystery Of The Rapture ’“As In The Days When I Brought You Out Of Egypt, I Will Show Them Miracles. ”When The Nations See Those Miracles,They Will No Longer Brag About Their Power. They Will Put Their Hands Over Their Mouths; Their Ears Shall Be Deaf. ~ Micah 7:15-16 I AM YEHOVA; THAT IS MY NAME! I WILL NOT YIELD MY GLORY To Another Or MY PRAISE To idols. ~ Isaiah 42:8 I, I AM YEHOVA, And There Is No Other Savior BUT ME. ~ Isaiah 43:11 I AM YEHOVA, AND THERE IS NONE ELSE. ~ Isaiah 45:5 Preach And Bring Them Closer And Let Them Counsel Together. Who Knew This From The Beginning, Who Told Since Then?Have Not I, THE YEHOVA ? There Is No Other Elohim BESIDES ME. THERE IS NO TRUE ELOHIM AND SAVIOR Other THAN ME. ~ Isaiah 45:21 Lusifer fallen angel died 6 Jesus died (33) 3+3=6 ? sun day law?sun of god? Baal ? Moon ? Sun? lusifer? Did ALMIGHTY YEHOVA THE MOST HIGH AND SAVIOR tell Abraham to slaughter Isaac??? -YEHOVA ELOHIM SAID- The Sorrows Pain And Suffering,Of Those Who Have Chosen Another god Will Be Multiplied; [Because Of Their idolatry]; I Will NOT GIVE Their BLOOD Offerings, And I Will NOT TAKE Their Names ON MY LIPS: ~ Psalms 16:4 "The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessman,Teachers, Lawyers, Carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them Our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it."- Morpheus, The Matrix 💊Lightworkers: We Came To BREAK THE MATRIX!!!! HE Replied, “Go Your Way, Daniel, Because The Words Are Rolled Up And Sealed Until The TIme Of The End. Many Will Be Purified, Made Spotless And Refined, But The Wicked Will Continue To Be Wicked. None Of The Wicked Will Understand, But Those Who Are Wise Will Understand. ~ Daniel 12:9-10 and he shall speak great words againstTHE MOST HIGH (YEHOVA - ԵՀՈՎԱ) and shall wear out The Saints Of THE MOST HIGH YEHOVA and think to change TIMES AND LAWS: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. ~ Daniel 7:25 2nd testimony worshiping sun not ALMIGHTY YEHOVA THE MOST HIGH: And He Brought me into the inner court of THE ELOHIM’S HOUSE, and, behold, at the Door Of The TEMPLE Of The ELOHIM, between The Porch and The Altar, were about five and twenty men, with their backs toward THE TEMPLE Of The ELOHIM, and their faces toward the east; and they worshipped the sun toward the east. ~ Ezekiel 8:16 But At That Time YOUR People Shall Be Delivered, Whose Name Shall Be Found Written In The Book. And Many Of Those Who Sleep In The Dust Of The Earth Shall Awake, Some To Everlasting Life, And Some To Shame And Everlasting Contempt. ~ Daniel 12:1-2 the evil ones will be change to zombie!!! ‘The Mystery Of The Rapture ’“As In The Days When I BROUGHT You Out Of Egypt, I WILL SHOW Them MIRACLES. ”When The Nations See Those Miracles, They Will No Longer Brag About Their Power. They Will Put Their Hands Over Their Mouths; Their Ears Shall Be Deaf. ~ Micah 7:15-16 In Time, It Will Be Said About Jacob And Israel, ‘Oh ,WHAT ELOHIM HAS DONE! ’Behold, This People Will Come Out Like A Lion, And Rise Up Like A Lion; It Shall Not Lie Down Until It Devours The Prey, And Drinks The Blood Of The Slain. ~ Numbers 23:23-24 Our RACE Is OVER: DON'T Look Back: Don't Ask Me Silly Question Anymore,That WHO IS My ELOHIM And My CREATOR. My ELOHIM IS [YEHOVA] THE ELOHIM Of Abraham, Isaac And Jacob. لا تسألني أي أسئلة غبية أخرى من هو إلهي وخالقي؟ إلوهيم هو يهوه [يهوفا] إلوهيم إبراهيم وإسحاق ويعقوب. MOST HIGH (YEHOVA) SAID To Moses, “ Thus You Shall Say To The Children Of Israel: ‘ THE YEHOVA ELOHIM Of Your Fathers, THE ELOHIM Of Abraham, THE ELOHIM Of Isaac, And THE ELOHIM Of Jacob, HAS SENT Me To You. THIS IS MY NAME FOREVER, [YEHOVA- ԵՀՈՎԱ] AND THIS IS MY MEMORIAL To All Generations. ~ Exodus 3:15 THE YEHOVA WILL BE KING OVER THE WHOLE EARTH. ON THAT DAY THERE WILL BE ONE ELOHIM, AND HIS NAME (YEHOVA) THE ONLY NAME. ~ Zechariah 14:9 Some Trust In Chariots And Some In Horses, But We TRUST IN THE NAME OF THE YEHOVA OUR ELOHIM (THE MOST HIGH). ~ Psalm 20:7
In The Beginning ELOHIM (YEHOVA) CREATED The Heaven And The Earth. And The Earth Was Without Form, And Void; And Darkness Was Upon The Face Of The Deep. And THE SPIRIT OF ELOHIM (YEHOVA) MOVED UPON THE FACE OF THE WATERS. ~ Genesis 1:1-2 “See, I AM SENDING AN ANGEL Ahead Of You To GUARD You Along The Way And To BRING You To The PLACE I HAVE PREPARED. Pay Attention TO HIM AND LISTEN TO WHAT HE SAYS. Do Not Rebel AGAINST HIM; HE Will NOT FORGIVE Your REBELLION, SINCE MY NAME IS IN HIM. ~ Exodus 23:20-21 And WITH HIM 144,000 Who Had (HIS NAME) And (HIS FATHER’S NAME) Written On Their Foreheads. ~ Revelation 14:1 At That Time Those Who Feared THE ELOHIM YEHOVA Spoke With One Another. THE ELOHIM YEHOVA PAID ATTENTION AND HEARD Them, And A BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE WAS WRITTEN BEFORE HIM Of Those Who Feared THE ELOHIM YEHOVA And For Those Who Think ON HIS NAME. ~ Malachi 3:16 “They Shall BE MINE,” SAYS THE ELOHIM YEHOVA, “On The Day That I MAKE Them MY JEWELS. And I Will Spare Them As A Man Spares His Own Son Who Serves Him.” ~ Malachi 3:17 Then You Shall Again Discern Between The RIGHTEOUS And The Wicked, Between One Who Serves ELOHIM YEHOVA And One Who Does Not Serve HIM. ~ Malachi 3:18 If You Will Indeed Obey MY VOICE And Keep MY COVENANT, Then You Shall Be A SPECIAL TREASURE TO ME Above All People; For All The Earth IS MINE. And You Shall Be TO ME "A KINGDOM Of PRIESTS AND A HOLY NATION." These Are The Words Which You shall Speak... TO THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL. ~ Exodus 19:5-6
Be Born Again With KEEPING The 1o Commandments; HIS ALPHA AND OMEGA,THE MOST HIGH, Our ELOHIM AND SAVIOR YEHOVA SAPAVOVT: R e p e n t… Time Is Running Out, The Whole World Is Destroyed!!! We Are To Follow The 10 Commandments, And NOT The Religion That Antichrist Made! And Don't FORGET That Important HOLY SIGN Between US And Our ELOHIM To KEEP The SABBATH HOLY As An ETERNAL COVENANT AMONG US That (YEHOVA) Is Our ELOHIM & SAVIOR: ELOHIM Is Not Man, That HE Should LIE, Or A Son Of Man, That HE Should CHANGE HIS MIND. HAS HE SAID, And WILL HE NOT DO IT? Or HAS HE SPOKEN, And WILL HE NOT FULFILL IT? ~ Numbers 23:19 (THE HOLY SPIRIT OF YEHOVA ELOHIM AND SAVIOR) “See, I AM Sending AN ANGEL Ahead Of You To GUARD You Along The Way And To BRING You To The PLACE I HAVE PREPARED. Pay Attention To HIM And LISTEN To What HE SAYS. Do Not Rebel Against HIM; HE Will Not FORGIVE Your Rebellion, Since MY NAME IS IN HIM. ~ Exodus 23:20-21 Then THE ANGEL OF ELOHIM, WHO HAD BEEN TRAVELING IN FRONT OF ISRAEL ’S ARMY, WITHDREW AND WENT BEHIND Them. THE PILLAR OF CLOUD ALSO MOVED FROM IN FRONT AND STOOD BEHIND Them, COMING Between The Armies Of Egypt And ISRAEL. Throughout The Night The Cloud Brought Darkness To The One Side AND LIGHT TO THE OTHER SIDE; So Neither Went Near The Other All Night Long. ~ Exodus 14:19-20 The Angel Of Covenant Is THE HOLY SPIRIT OF YEHOVA THE MOST HIGH: Here I AM SENDING MY AMBASSADOR TO PREPARE A WAY FOR ME. THE ELOHIM You Are Looking For, That Is, THE ANGEL OF THE COVENANT, Whom You Seek, Will Suddenly COME TO HIS TEMPLE. HERE HE IS COMING, SAYS THE EL0HIM OF HOSTS. ~ Malachi 3:1 “And I WILL PUT MY SPIRIT Within You.” ~ Ezekiel 36:27 And I WILL PUT MY SPIRIT IN You And Move You To Follow MY DECREES And Be Careful To Keep MY LAWS. ~ Ezekiel 36:27 Teach Me To Do YOUR WILL, For YOU ARE MY ELOHIM; May YOUR GOOD SPIRIT LEAD Me On Level Ground. ~ Psalm 143:10 And ELOHIM SAID, LET US MAKE Man IN OUR IMAGE, (SPIRIT OF YEHOVA THE MOST HIGH) ACCORDING TO OUR LIKENESS; And LET Them Have Dominion Over The Fish Of The Sea And Over The Birds Of Heaven And Over The Cattle And Over All The Earth And Over Every Creeping Thing That Creeps Upon The Earth. Gen. 1:26 THE SPIRIT OF THE ELOHIM WILL REST On Him, THE SPIRIT Of Wisdom And Of Understanding, THE SPIRIT Of Counsel And Of Might, THE SPIRIT Of The Knowledge And Fear Of THE ELOHIM. ~ Isaiah 11:2 And They Said To Him, Here With Your Servants Are Fifty Strong Men; Let Them Go And Seek Your Master, Lest THE SPIRIT OF YEHOVA HAS TAKEN Him Up And Cast Him Upon Some Mountain Or Into Some Valley. And He Said, You Shall Not Send [Them.] ~ 2 Kings 2:16 And They Set Their Hearts Like Adamant So As Not To Hear The Instruction And THE WORDS WHICH JEHOVAH OF HOSTS SENT BY HIS SPIRIT THROUGH The Former Prophets; Therefore GREAT WRATH CAME FROM YEHOVA OF HOSTS. ~ Zech. 7:12 Elijah On MOUNT SINAI: YEHOVA ELOHIM SAID, Yet I HAVE LEFT ME, SEVEN (7) THOUSAND ISRAEL, All The Knees Which Have Not Bowed Unto baal, And Every Mouth Which Hath Not Kissed him. ~ 1 Kings 19:18 And He Brought me into the inner court of THE ELOHIM’S HOUSE, and, behold, at the Door Of The TEMPLE Of The ELOHIM, between The Porch and The Altar, were about five and twenty men, with their backs toward THE TEMPLE Of The ELOHIM, and their faces toward the east; and they worshipped the sun toward the east. ~ Ezekiel 8:16 Let's Gooo... The Rapture Verse: Only They Will Deserve To FLY AT HARPAZO THE RAPTURE HEAVENLY EVENT IS WHO IS KEEPING THE SABBATH HOLY, AND KEEPS THE COMMANDMENTS: HALLELUYAH And The YEHOVA SAID Unto Moses, Stretch Out Thine Hand Toward Heaven, That there May Be Darkness Over The Land Of Egypt, Even Darkness Which May Be Felt. And Moses Stretched Forth His Hand Toward Heaven; And There Was A Thick Darkness In All The Land Of Egypt 3 Days: They Saw Not One Another, Neither Rose Any From His Place For 3 Days: But ALL THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL HAD LIGHT IN THEIR DWELLINGS. ~ Exodus 10:21-23 And Moses Went Up Unto ELOHIM, And THE YEHOVA Called Unto Him Out Of The Mountain, SAYING, Thus Shalt Thou Say To The House Of Jacob, And Tell The Children Of Israel; Ye Have Seen What I DID Unto The Egyptians, And How I BARE You On Eagles' Wings, And Brought You UNTO MYSELF. Now Therefore, If Ye Will Obey MY VOICE Indeed, And Keep MY COVENANT, Then Ye Shall Be A PECULIAR TREASURE UNTO ME Above All People: For All The EARTH IS MINE: And Ye Shall Be UNTO ME A KINGDOM OF PRIESTS, And AN HOLY NATION. These Are The WORDS Which Thou Shalt SPEAK Unto The Children Of Israel. ~ Exodus 19:3-6 Most HigH YEHOVA'S Will And Man's Rejection: (16) Because They Rejected MY LAWS And Did Not Follow MY Decrees And Desecrated MY SABBATHS. For Their Hearts Were Devoted To Their Idols. (19) I AM YEHOVA Your CREATOR; Follow MY Decrees And Be Careful To Keep MY LAWS. (20) Keep My SABBATHS HOLY, That They May Be A Sign Between US. Then You Will Know That I AM YEHOVA Your CREATOR. ~ Ezekiel 20: 16, 19, 20 Don't Be Afraid Of Them! Because THE YEHOVA Your ELOHIM WILL FIGHT For You. ~ Deuteronomy 3:22 For Whoever KEEPS THE WHOLE LAW But FAILS IN ONE POINT HAS BECOME GUILTY OF ALL OF IT. ~ James 2:10 HE Will Not FORGIVE Your Rebellion, Since MY NAME IS IN HIM. ~ Exodus 23:20-21 ​ You Shall NOT ADD To The WORD That I COMMAND You, Nor TAKE FROM IT, That You May KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS OF THE YEHOVA (THE MOST HIGH) Your ELOHIM That I Command You. ~ Deuteronomy 4:2 THE YEHOVA WILL BE KING OVER THE WHOLE EARTH. ON THAT DAY THERE WILL BE ONE ELOHIM, AND HIS NAME (YEHOVA) THE ONLY NAME. ~ Zechariah 14:9 HELP US, ELOHIM Our SAVIOR, FOR THE GLORY OF YOUR NAME; (YEHOVA) DELIVER Us And FORGIVE Our Sins For YOUR NAME'S SAKE. ~ Psalm 79:9 I Will Be Glad And Rejoice In YOU; I Will Sing The Praises Of YOUR NAME, O MOST HIGH. (YEHOVA) ~ Psalm 9:2 Our Help IS IN THE NAME OF THE YEHOVA, THE MAKER OF HEAVEN AND EARTH. ~ Psalm 124:8 THE NAME OF THE YEHOVA IS A FORTIFIED TOWER; THE RIGHTEOUS RUN TO IT AND ARE SAFE. ~ Proverbs 18:10 Some Trust In Chariots And Some In Horses, But We TRUST IN THE NAME OF THE YEHOVA OUR ELOHIM (THE MOST HIGH). ~ Psalm 20:7 And Now What Are You Waiting For? Get Up, Be Baptized And Wash Your Sins Away, CALLING ON HIS NAME. (YEHOVA). Acts 22:16 Get Baptized With Listening THE VOICE OF THE MOST HIGH YEHOVA'S HOLY SPIRIT Inside You. 14 I Know That, Whatsoever THE MOST HIGH YEHOVA DOETTH, IT SHALL BE FOR EVER: Nothing CAN BE PUT IT, Nor Any Thing TAKEN FROM IT: And YEHOVA DOETH IT, That Men Should Fear BEFORE HIM. 15 That Which Hath Been Is Now; And That Which Is To Be Hath Already Been; And YEHOVA ELOHIM REQUIRED THAT WHICH IS PAST. ~ Ecclesiastes 3:14-15 And Moses Went Up Unto ELOHIM, And THE YEHOVA Called Unto Him Out Of The Mountain, SAYING, Thus Shalt Thou Say To The House Of Jacob, And Tell The Children Of Israel; Ye Have Seen What I DID Unto The Egyptians, And How I BARE You On Eagles' Wings, And Brought You UNTO MYSELF. Now Therefore, If Ye Will Obey MY VOICE Indeed, And Keep MY COVENANT, Then Ye Shall Be A PECULIAR TREASURE UNTO ME Above All People: For All The EARTH IS MINE: And Ye Shall Be UNTO ME A KINGDOM OF PRIESTS, And AN HOLY NATION. These Are The WORDS Which Thou Shalt SPEAK Unto The Children Of Israel. ~ Exodus 19:3-6
The Proof Is They Do Not Accept YEHOVA'S NAME And Hate It. When We Say YEHOVA Is The NAME Of Our ELOHIM And SAVIOR, They Look At Us With Hated Eyes And Say... "You Are YEHOVA'S Witnesses??..." Reading My Armenian Holy Bible, Especially The Old Testament, (TORAH) I Understood Many Realities That Have Been Kept From Us By Telling Us, That The Old Testament Does Not Belong To Us! I Found A Chapter That Says, Our SAVIOR'S NAME IS, (YEHOVA SAPAVOVT) And, HE IS THE HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL: Here The Verse: YEHOVA SAVIOR Inside (TORAH) THE LIES END; This Is The Proof From My Armenian HOLY BIBLE: Judgment Of Babylon: And I Will Not Accept Anyone's Mediation: “THE NAME OF OUR SAVIOR IS, (YEHOVA SAPAVOVT) HE IS THE HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL: ~ Isaiah 47:3-4 And In The New Testament They Erased YEHOVA'S NAME AND SALVATION, For Our Destruction And For Their Victory! Wake Up Dears, Open Your Eyes Well, The Journey Is Short; KEEP SABBATHS HOLY: HIS YEHOVA AND SIGN BETWEN US IS HOLY SABBATH: ---------------------------------- sun day 🌞 law is the antichrist beast 6 3+3=6 son of man? sun day law? son of god (baal) ? YEHOVA ELOHIM SAID- The Sorrows Pain And Suffering, Of Those Who Have Chosen Another god Will Be Multiplied; [Because Of Their idolatry]; I Will NOT GIVE Their BLOOD OFFERINGS, And I Will NOT TAKE Their Names ON MY LIPS: ~ Psalms 16:4 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six." Revelation 13:18 states that if one is wise and has an understanding to count the number of the beast, which is also the number of a man, the number comes to 666. The TEMPLE Of The ELOHIM, between The Porch and The Altar, were about five and twenty men, with their backs toward THE TEMPLE Of The ELOHIM, and their faces toward the east; and they worshipped the sun toward the east. ~ Ezekiel 8:16 ------------------------------------ When He Saw Elijah, He Said To Him, “Is That You, You Troubler Of Israel?” “I Have Not Made Trouble For Israel,” Elijah replied. “But You And Your Father’s Family Have. You Have Abandoned The ELOHIM Commands And Have Followed The baals. ~ 1 Kings 18:17-18 Daniel 12:10 King James Bible Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand. SAYS THE YEHOVA, THE ELOHIM OF ISRAEL: In That Day People Will See Their CREATOR, And Their Eyes Will See THE HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL. ~ Isaiah 17:7 ​ Out Of The North HE COMES In Golden Splendor; YEHOVA ELOHIM COMES In Awesome Majesty. The ALMIGHTY Is Beyond Our Reach And Exalted In Power; In HIS Justice And Great Righteousness, HE Does Not Oppress. ~ Job 37:22-23 FOR YEHOVA Your ELOHIM IN HEAVEN ABOVE AND ON EARTH BELOW IS ELOHIM ALONE. ~ Joshua 2:11 BLESSED Is The People In Such A State; BLESSED Is The People Whose ELOHIM (THE MOST HIGH) IS YEHOVA: ~ Psalm 144:15 Therefore, I Will MAKE Them Know This Time, I WILL MAKE Them Know MY HAND AND MY POWER; And They Will Know That MY NAME IS YEHOVA: ~ Jeremiah 16:21 MOST HIGH YEHOVA SAID, For I DESIRE STEADFAST LOVE AND Not Sacrifice, THE KNOWLEDGE Of CREATOR Rather Than Burnt Offerings. But Like (ADAM) They Transgressed THE COVENANT; There They Dealt Faithlessly With ME. ~ Hosea 6:6-7 Time and Laws: 25 and he shall speak great words against THE MOST HIGH YEHOVA ALMIGHTY, and shall wear out The SAINTS OF THE MOST HIGH YEHOVA, and think to change Times and Laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. ~ Daniel 7:25 You Must Not Do As They Do In Egypt, Where You Used To Live, And You Must Not Do As They Do In The Land Of Canaan, [Where I AM BRINGING You.] Do Not Follow Their Practices. You Must Obey [MY LAWS] And Be Careful To Follow [MY DECREES.] ~ Leviticus 18:3-5 “You Have Six Days, Each Week For Your Ordinary Work, But THE SEVENTH DAY, IS A SABBATH DAY OF COMPLETE REST, AN OFFICIAL DAY FOR HOLY ASSEMBLY. [IT'S CREATOR YEHOVA'S SABBATH DAY,] And It Must Be OBSERVED Wherever You LIVE ”. ~ Leviticus 23:3
@Dixie-to2ix 3 ай бұрын
Bless. You. Love. One. Thank. You. For. Reaching. Out. You. Might. Not. Think. It. Helps. Truly. Every. Little. Thing. Every. Good. Word. Every. Little. Step. Does. Make. A. Difference. Thank. You. For. Works. Of. Our. Kingdom. Bless. You. May. You. Light. Keep. Shining. Brightly 🌞 Bless. You. Young. Man. Bless. You. In. Love. Strength. Great. Health. Name. Of. Jesus. Sealed 👍 confirmation 👍
@paolaserrano1900 3 ай бұрын
I know this is real. Thank you ❤
@Bossmoafi 2 ай бұрын
Yeahhhhhhh all glory to god 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥😌🔥
@Jag-leaper 3 ай бұрын
Many are called but FEW are chosen.....and there is nothing romantic about it...IT ..IS ....HARDCORE
@StockMalthiel 2 ай бұрын
Yes, my protection is divine just like my love and forgiveness, i recognise myself in everyone.
@UnlimitedProccess11342 3 ай бұрын
Sweet! 🍠
@nipapirini9402 3 ай бұрын
❤peace blessings For all hallelujah
@Andreh.T 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for your great works,I truly appreciate it ✨💚✨
@guasamisterioso9908 3 ай бұрын
@geraldineyoung1364 3 ай бұрын
Thank you I did not know this wisdom from God.Jesus name 🙏❤❤❤
@MIAZadora99 3 ай бұрын
God Almighty is always true to His Word. Amen. Thank You Jesus Christ
@murielleexume6778 3 ай бұрын
So Trueeeee. Im experienced all theses
@EmekaIgwegbe 3 ай бұрын
Absolutly right, and awsome message ❤❤❤
@lindavinson1139 3 ай бұрын
❤ thank you I've enjoyed you immensely
@TMNKPs 3 ай бұрын
Thank you❤
@guasamisterioso9908 3 ай бұрын
@NormaFields-ni2sz 3 ай бұрын
This is so true! My own family and friends have done so much evil to harm me…even sending fallen angels to kill me, they have tried everything in their power to destroy me… but I’m still here by the grace of God. That’s how I know the Most High is with me always…I give thanks to all my guardian angels ancestors, universe that guides and protect me and my children + gchildren. SELAH!!!❤️🙏🏾🧚🏿‍♀️🌞
@MariaHerrera-pi5jc 3 ай бұрын
This is so true I've been safe so many times of people n family trying to hurt me in so many ways I've always felt I was being proactive by God. Etc thank u sweet Jesus amen thanks for this video that opens my eyes 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❣️❣️❣️
@rebeccacasas6152 3 ай бұрын
Dear Father Thank you for the your words and the Amazing volcanic glass that protects me..though i encountered some arguments yesterday but my aura is still the same. May this will guide me always in my path. Amen.
@tonyeze5177 3 ай бұрын
Amen Hallelujah. I thank you Universe
@socalsays 3 ай бұрын
Love it
@guasamisterioso9908 3 ай бұрын
@PepperEllis-v7m 3 ай бұрын
Met there match. I will always show them my chaos wherever or whenever wearing my best faith actress outfit that day
@guasamisterioso9908 3 ай бұрын
@karimaelhamrouni2468 3 ай бұрын
@guasamisterioso9908 3 ай бұрын
@frankwarfield4123 3 ай бұрын
Conformation AMEN
@PepperEllis-v7m 3 ай бұрын
They better find another victim. I am chosen with a powerful gift. I make it through everything without a scratch or pinch
@hectorborrero5443 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for the info. God bless.🙏🏽♥️🙏🏽
@marijankelemin1357 2 ай бұрын
A good Story. Is Protection real? Yes, many people had in face of Danger become it.
@guasamisterioso9908 3 ай бұрын
@guasamisterioso9908 3 ай бұрын
@lorannamagic5965 3 ай бұрын
@mikelivingston5772 3 ай бұрын
Never forget the wind storm that came out of nowhere at witchitah mts no rain or lightening it cleared the park in a matter of minutes . A drunk stranger shined his flashlight in my tent and all hell broke lose.
@John-k1o5f 3 ай бұрын
Everyone is called few answer, chosen is a distractive word suggesting God has favorites, He doesn't!❤
@godschild7745 3 ай бұрын
am forever tested day after day,month after month ,year after year😢am sooo tired and those destroying me are members of family.
@guasamisterioso9908 3 ай бұрын
@MIAZadora99 3 ай бұрын
Btw, obsidian is still my favorite rock.❤ beautiful.I have one special black piece of obsidian from california. ❤ idk Y but its special to me.
@ahmadbahlama 3 ай бұрын
Many thanks to obsidian
@pdupetawalla 3 ай бұрын
Everything is about giving it back or,, sending it back to the oppressor.. Then,, there is darkness in the light as well.. Yin yang.. The white side too have the dark side.. There is no perfection,, in anything, so let us not argue regarding it.. Some technological changes are needed..
@GoAskAlice23 3 ай бұрын
I can disappear!
@AustereEchadh 3 ай бұрын
By unsubscribing?
@guasamisterioso9908 3 ай бұрын
@guasamisterioso9908 3 ай бұрын
@matthewdgood 3 ай бұрын
@guasamisterioso9908 3 ай бұрын
@guasamisterioso9908 3 ай бұрын
@guasamisterioso9908 3 ай бұрын
@PepperEllis-v7m 3 ай бұрын
All they gotta do is try at any hospital, mental hospital, shelter, on a bus, hotel and watch God make me expose and embarrass the
@PepperEllis-v7m 3 ай бұрын
@PepperEllis-v7m 3 ай бұрын
I am not who they thought. I am black homeless but God not gonna give too many more warnings. I am his chosen messenger🎉pressure!
@PepperEllis-v7m 3 ай бұрын
Fearless beast❤🎉
@PepperEllis-v7m 3 ай бұрын
Ms Pepper M. Ellis
@Serendipity1398 3 ай бұрын
@guasamisterioso9908 3 ай бұрын
@guasamisterioso9908 3 ай бұрын
@guasamisterioso9908 3 ай бұрын
@guasamisterioso9908 3 ай бұрын
@TchakuntepatrickMonchow Ай бұрын
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ amen
@guasamisterioso9908 3 ай бұрын
@ChrisCooper-dh8pm 3 ай бұрын
The Golem is not mystery or fictional it is as real as fairies leprechauns Bigfoot and aliens
@guasamisterioso9908 3 ай бұрын
@alcerz984 3 ай бұрын
Sounds like our ex president
@1games4ever 3 ай бұрын
Meneer bebouw mag ik uw nummer?
@guasamisterioso9908 3 ай бұрын
@guasamisterioso9908 3 ай бұрын
@guasamisterioso9908 3 ай бұрын
@guasamisterioso9908 3 ай бұрын
@guasamisterioso9908 3 ай бұрын
@Dixie-to2ix 3 ай бұрын
Thank. You. Lord. We. Love. You. We. Ask. To. For. Give. Us. Of. Any. Wrong. Doings. Knowing. N. Not. Knowing. We. Pray. For. You. We thank. You. For. Loving. Us. We. Pray. For. You. N. All. The. Saints. We. Pray. For. The. Nation. In. Jesus. Name. We. Pray. Sealed. Confirmation 999. 222. 333. 888. 777. 666. 555. 444. 1010. 2020. 3030. 3232. 3636. 1919. 7945. 327. 427. 454. 283. 318. 307. 350. Sealed. Confirmation 👍
@Infinite_money263_Strong_King 3 ай бұрын
@ariesunique3757 2 ай бұрын
the balloon deflated while it was flying #tiktok
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