The Effect Fat Acceptance Is Having On Kids

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Think Before You Sleep

Think Before You Sleep

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This video discusses a documentary called Junk Food Kids: Who's to Blame
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Junk Food Kids Episode 1: • Junk Food Kids: Who's ...
Junk Food Kids Episode 2: • Junk Food Kids: Who's ...
Article Links:
Cosmopolitan Body Positivity: www.cosmopolit...
CDC USA Child Obesity:
NHS British Child Obesity:
CDC Childhood Obesity Over Time:

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@ThinkBeforeYouSleepYT 2 жыл бұрын
On the Cosmopolitan article with Callie Thorpe. They always seem to pick the worst kinds of grifters for these types of things instead of genuinely picking good people who have had unfortunate things happen to them. Jessamyn Stanley too. She's like a full blown racist. Anyway, if you go on Callie's channel, she has a video called "Dealing With Online Abuse." Comments disabled of course. In this video she says that body positivity was originally about being fat; which is something we all knew. It was never about people with disabilities. Then she goes on to talk about all of the hate comments she gets and makes the horrendous mistake of actually showing the comments. Jeez. If you are going to grift, take a few lessons from Anita Sarkeesian and don't prove the hatred. Just say it happens with no evidence. Most of the comments are just saying, "It's not healthy to be fat" and "Stop promoting obesity." That doesn't sound like hate. It sounds like criticism. I don't think she was even able to come up with a KYS comment. Like these were the tamest "hate comments" I have ever seen. Then, because people saying, "Stop promoting obesitity" has deeply harmed her psychology, she calls for completely authoritarian censorship. Stating that social media companies should not allow this kind of speech... You mean people should not be allowed to disagree with your viewpoint? Of course she then goes the sexist route and makes it about "the abuse WOMEN are experiencing" instead of the more realistic route which is that EVERYONE who enters the public space will get criticism and mean comments. Ironically she says "I will not be silenced" at the end of the video after spending 20 minutes talking about silencing people who disagree with her. Well, these are the heroes that mainstream media wants you to look up to. I'll wait to enjoy all of the misspellings of Talulah and Pavia in the comments.
@Saberdud 2 жыл бұрын
god I hate single moms
@nonegativo4168 2 жыл бұрын
Woke = risk of heart failure
@troy612 2 жыл бұрын
Funny how body positivity only seems to apply to fat and obese women.
@one7decimal2eight 2 жыл бұрын
Mind bottling how when I was growing up in the early 80s up to the late 90s that hardly anyone was overweight and now it's the majority. Those skin tight leggings were awesome to look at when they first came out but now I realize they just hide their fat, along with the high waist pants women wear now. Not only are they butt ugly but they are like this to cover their fat stomachs.
@cactusman8980 2 жыл бұрын
I'm fat and I find NONE OF THIS OFFENSIVE. I do get annoyed when people talk shit about my weight. I do want to lose weight but its difficult for me not because of genetics, I'm incredibly unmotivated which is largely because I have severe depression. However I am doing better while I'm getting my GST training (GST: General Service Technician, car repair stuff) and I am working on being unmotivated.
@laur131306 2 жыл бұрын
If I take my son into his doctor and he's way underweight, serious questions will be asked, tests will be insisted on, and I'll be accused of neglecting/abusing my son by not feeding him. I've never understood how an overweight child isnt treated with the same seriousness. Both are neglectful and abusive situations that are detrimental to the child's health.
@johndough8115 2 жыл бұрын
I agree. FYI: I used to be very under-weight, as a child. The reason would not be clear, until I was an adult. I was partially allergic to wheat. This would cause me to absorb less nutrients. That of course, made me feel like I was constantly Staving. No matter what I ate, nor how much I ate... I could never gain weight... and eating more (if the food had gluten in it) ...just made me more hungry. This allergic response was made 1000x worse, when something caused me to get a condition I now realize is "Leaky Gut". Where Unprocessed foods and proteins are getting directly into the bloodstream and body. This caused an Auto-Immune response, and my body started attacking itself. The kinds of pains and other issues it caused, were unbearable. It eventually led to three major surgeries, in less than a 15yr period. I strongly suspect that the allergy to wheat is based on a reaction to childhood vaXX1nati0nz. I also strongly suspect, that Leaky Gut, is a result of GMO ingredients, that were put into Candy. That, and potentially the SAND (silicon dioxide), that is put into many Spice jars... to make things flow freely. Furthermore... I believe Most of the Obesity in the west, is due to Hydrogenated fats and oils. This type of fat/oil seems to stick to your internals like GLUE... and is 1000x harder to get rid of through exercise and diet. Before the 60s... people in the west had little issues with Obesity. Used to use plenty of natural butter.. and cooked + fried with Animal based Fat (Lard). Heck, the Ancient Chinese used to Wok Fry a good portion of their foods.
@david-468 2 жыл бұрын
@@johndough8115 very interesting, yeah I do find it weird how we’ve used butter and salt for thousands of years in cooking but just recently doctors have exclaimed it to be the cause of modern obesity, it may have something to do with how those ingredients are now produced
@johndough8115 2 жыл бұрын
@@david-468 Most people are not using real butter. They are using Margarine. Which is probably made with hydrogenated oils/fats. That said... Everything in Moderation. The body is good at dealing with things, at certain scales. If you go way over-board... the body loses its ability to regulate the excess, effectively. Also, I believe certain things help to clean the body. I drank red wine with a steak at this fancy dinner party... and when I went pee... I noted that some of my pee came out cloudy (in spurty sections), as if some of the fats were passing right out. It was strange, but interesting. Certain spices might also be helpful in keeping the body clean and effective. Also... remember what I said about Hydrogenated fats... sticking to your internals like Glue? Well... lets say that you have some stuck to the wall of an Artery... and then you eat more hydrogenated fats... and those new fats end up sticking to the EXISTING fat deposits... Well, even if you stopped eating hydrogenated fats... that existing fat in your body... will might be attracting other natural fats, such as butter.. to stick much better to it. This is all a theory, of course. I personally do not eat that much butter. But Ive cut out all hydrogenated fats / oils out of my diet, for decades. Ive never been obese, and I still have healthy blood pressure levels. (Im also a martial artist, that used to practice hardcore Kung Fu regularly)
@david-468 2 жыл бұрын
@@johndough8115 I mean your theory is pretty close to how cholesterol is calculated specifically hdl, I’m sure you’re more “right” then what will ever be revealed to us
@johndough8115 2 жыл бұрын
@@david-468 Thx. I forgot to mention, that I LOVE salt.. and I season all of my food with a lot of salt. Ive been known to dump some garlic salt into my hands every now and then, and eat it just like that. Ive always found it strange that people keep saying that salt increased blood pressure... when Ive had standard, to low blood pressure levels... and Im just about to turn 49 yrs old. The Western Health system, and the "Food Pyramid", is a totally corrupted system. It seems most designed to make the Lemmings as unhealthy as possible, and in the shortest amount of time.. without it being too "Alarming".
@TheGingerMale 2 жыл бұрын
Dude that lady can't say "I want an easy life" and then have a child. Children are a commitment, they're part of a lifestyle that you HAVE to take seriously. Plus, they're gonna grow up into adults one day with genuine issues that they may not be able to control because their parents were selfish
@sagetusk 2 жыл бұрын
a lot of people, my mother included, see children more akin to a pet or a hobby than a tiny human who will eventually be a fully fledged member of society. it's like the link just isn't there for some people and they have no business having children
@gofres_8540 2 жыл бұрын
She took the easy life route and didn't use contraception.
@raulw858 2 жыл бұрын
I want an easy life, with plenty of free time and disposable income. I’m not naive enough to think that I can have kids and still have that. So I don’t plan on having kids
@elz2787 2 жыл бұрын
@@raulw858 same. My life wont be easy, but certainly a lot easier than people who have kids, even if those kids were the best well behaved children ever
@arianaventi5165 2 жыл бұрын
that's why abortion right is worth it. not everyone capable of rasing a decent human being.
@esmee6308 2 жыл бұрын
As a disabled person, I've met the most hate for my disability in body positive groups and most support from gymbros. Really hope other people's experiences are better...
@rd-lw4td 2 жыл бұрын
I think it's because they're are insecure about their bodies. We care about health, so we'd try to figure out solutions around a disability to help.
@blueflamingo4526 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who's a bipoc I personally find it offensive when body positivity groups try to compare themselves to people like us. Because they can CHANGE. They're big because they don't make the effort to lose weight. Us? We're stuck like this and people make fun of us for no reason. It's not fair a lot of people are ignoring how wrong it is for them to be doing that.
@777_ 2 жыл бұрын
as a gym bro, we’re non judgemental of all individuals who aren’t in a negative situation physically that they can get out of by going to the gym or changing their habits. I believe body positivity groups are full of individuals seeking self validation - they can’t judge individuals who have the same problems (obesity) so they judge the people within the group who are different.
@sswiftbreeze 2 жыл бұрын
I relate to this as a trans individual - body positivity groups often do not actually support other “body types”.. when I heard of a new movement“body postivity” I was sure that they meant disabled or transgender people since weve been in such a rough patch lately with new laws. only to find out that they meant able bodied cisgender people who put on weight and called it activism. How could they start a movement called literal “body positivity” and leave us out??? And of course corporates are eating it up because if they can support only cishet abled people and still look good while doing it then you know theyre going to.
@picachugirl2036 2 жыл бұрын
As another disabled person yes... But most of the hate ive gotten was from employers, id like that to change too
@pizzaboynizza1 Жыл бұрын
My parents would always do shit like this. I was heavyset so the doctor told them to stop buying snacks but my parents refused because “they weren’t on a diet.” They’d tell me to exercise while sitting around, unemployed, watching TV all day. I’d ride my bike 4 miles a day yet I still wasn’t exercising enough for my dad’s standards despite him having Type 2 Diabetes and heart disease at only 48 years old. The modern obsession with consumption astounds me.
@boosqueezy2418 8 ай бұрын
they’re out of control
@cashewnutfan 5 ай бұрын
Same! I went though something at age 5/6 and grew very quickly after age 7 and up, i was a very very big kid and obese teen, my entire life my mum picked on me for my weight but would never change the food in the house. Iñst age 8-12 had to beg her to stop buying crap like cakes etc and she’d say no they’re not yours to eat. So I’d say well can’t you hide them from me? And she would say they same thing. I take responsibility for my own weight as an adult, and as a teen too, but parents hold the responsibility ultimately..
@horsepowermultimedia 3 ай бұрын
They're using your needed exercise to make themselves feel better. Parents who base their entire lives around their kids will go nowhere in life.
@wearenumberone1111 3 ай бұрын
they just cant accept that theyre wrong parents amr?
@MetroidMan90 2 жыл бұрын
She caused her daughter a month of tooth pain by missing that appointment, what an absolute monster.
@zxyatiywariii8 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly! 😲🤬😢
@ThanhTriet600 2 жыл бұрын
And this is how she acts ON CAMERA.
@Naadeneo 2 жыл бұрын
Where's CPS for that?
@reptilemama939 2 жыл бұрын
@@Naadeneo I’m a dentist…I would have absolutely reported it to CPS
@SSTVdd 2 жыл бұрын
Fat monster*
@TheHappyHousewife89 Жыл бұрын
Imagine if parents weren't afraid to tell their children "no" every once in a while.
@gemstar7286 Жыл бұрын
Exactly and when they get older ,it will just get worse .
@JarethTheGoblinKingForever 11 ай бұрын
If their parents don't tell them "no" today, it will be a cop or a judge or an employer or a landlord telling them "no" tomorrow. The real world won't engage in the whims and fancies of these kids, nor should it be obligated to.
@consideredthoughts1791 11 ай бұрын
It's just lazy parenting, nothing more. And this problem is spreading like wildfire in the West.
@te6607 11 ай бұрын
​@@consideredthoughts1791it's treating your kids like slaves¡!!!!!!!!!!!
@raidenfan7712 11 ай бұрын
I heard "no" a lot in my childhood, i didnt understand it then, but now i am greatfull that they did
@JordanRenaee 2 жыл бұрын
I got bullied to hell on Facebook saying a calorie deficit works for weight loss. People were saying that “starving yourself” doesn’t work. The world has such disordered eating habits that eating less sounds the same as starving. And it’s totally based on taught habits, I was never taught good eating habits and now have to do that for myself at 23.
@АнастасияКуликова-р2ч 2 жыл бұрын
Those people just know NOTHING about weight loss, neither they want to. Calorie deficit is not about starving, it's about burning more than you consume. It's about moving and activities. Those who are too lazy for moving just see it as starving.
@standard-carrier-wo-chan 2 жыл бұрын
@@АнастасияКуликова-р2ч To be fair, if you're used to eating a certain amount of food, then any amount of reduction will feel like you're starving yourself. If your body is conditioned to a certain situation, once the situation changes your body will start withdrawal symptoms to keep the routine steady. Of course, there's a difference between actual starving and withdrawal starving, so it's best to calculate your calories by the day so you're certain that you're not underfeeding yourself in the process. I used to have 3 meals a day, but ever since covid forcing most of my classes and activities online, I had to literally starve myself to stop eating the 3rd meal because I wasn't moving nearly as much. I managed to brave it out and now eating 2 meals a day doesn't even feel abnormal anymore.
@harbimidiyosunkanka 2 жыл бұрын
Bro ur lucky you are teaching yourself at 23. Im 28 & have no clue how to learn. My only mode is either binge or starve.
@JordanRenaee 2 жыл бұрын
@@harbimidiyosunkanka nah bro. It’s as simple as eat less food than you do now. Just because it’s simple doesn’t mean it’s easy tho. If you’re binging, figure out the root of why you’re binging, get that root out and start replacing that habit with better ones. And start moving a little more. Once you see some results, you’ll want to keep going. And lmk if you need any help, I’d be happy to assist you.
@AudiRSAvant Жыл бұрын
@@harbimidiyosunkanka Even eating a few hundred calories less than what it takes to maintain your weight will show results over time. Not eating that one extra snack or bag of chips does make a difference
@user-yf3mw5ge1m Жыл бұрын
The sad thing is, it takes a lot for a child to get this overweight. Kids normally have so much energy that they naturally burn a lot of calories. This is 100% on the parents
@Chad2353 10 ай бұрын
That is not always true not all kids have good sleeping habits. But I know many kids who have injuries which doesn’t allow them to train properly workout.
@Sandstheskeleton 10 ай бұрын
⁠​⁠@@Chad2353you are correct, but assuming the kids in this video are normal children except for the weight problems, then they still have a point.
@naomimoran5564 10 ай бұрын
​@@Sandstheskeletonfrom memory this kid had a genetic condition which impacted appetite qnd metabolism
@countrysunshinegal3038 9 ай бұрын
I thought this same thing, but then I even told my husband, they might have energy, but they probably get tired way sooner than an average weight child, so they more than likely tap out early and grab a soda instead of water 🫤
@Loljjkb 8 ай бұрын
Agree 100%. Kids usually are naturally picky and not a big sit down and eat type of people.
@playedit0ut290 2 жыл бұрын
Child abuse. The most straightforward description for this mess. Thanks for agreeing with me because I never thought I would get so many likes.
@defaultworkouts 2 жыл бұрын
your battery almost dead
@andrewevans6826 2 жыл бұрын
My sister had multiple dogs.. couldn’t take care of them.. now she is a single mom who feeds them garbage
@meddlingmage23 2 жыл бұрын
Doctor is a bitch ass too. Just being overly nice. If I was a doctor. I would say: "I know you're trying to leave, so I'll keep it short. Your current life expectancy is 35 years. You might want to eat less. Next."
@playedit0ut290 2 жыл бұрын
@@defaultworkouts think of it being fed up and burnt out from the SJW mess.
@giantent763 2 жыл бұрын
Better her own that someone else's.
@Deathground 2 жыл бұрын
We heavily restricted our daughter's diet when she was under 6. Veggies, protein, and healthy fats; little to no sugar. As she got older, she ate the healthier food as junk was not in the house. Now as an adult, she has good habits. Parents are in charge, not kids
@denniscoen8175 2 жыл бұрын
Agree! You lead by example.
@Deathground 2 жыл бұрын
@@denniscoen8175 That's what I learned in the Corps. It worked back in the day and works now.
@Bonzi_Buddy 2 жыл бұрын
Everyone is different. Some people need highly restrictive diets and others can be a bit looser. Family history plays a lot into this but even so, there are people with heart disease who die young and their children live healthy lives and still die of heart disease. DNA matters more than anything and we can't change that but we can modify things that are under our control. Having physically active children is as as important as a healthy diet...and in some cases more.
@laragulisano7323 2 жыл бұрын
I hear, ALL the time, things like "I tried but he/she doesn't like vegetables, he prefers *sth unhealthy*" OF COURSE a child will always choose sweets or chocolate over anything else. It's your job as a parent to impose certain food and get them used to it. I believe changing these habits in adulthood is extremely hard (at least my experience) if you weren't taught how to eat healthy while being a child
@Deathground 2 жыл бұрын
@@Bonzi_Buddy Agreed, there are statistical outliers. A one size fits all approach will not work in such case. These are recessive genes rearing their ugly head. Our heart goes out to such people. As for the rest of the folks out there, dietary restrictions away from processed foods can work miracles.
@Fanny-ge6ge 2 жыл бұрын
Seriously, how hard can this be? My mom told me when I was around one year old, she tried giving me fruit juice, but when she realized I would cry to have a drink but refused the water because I would only want to drink juice, she simply stopped giving it to me, saying "if you're really thirsty, you'll drink the water". End of story.
@cristiplopeanu 2 жыл бұрын
It's REALLY hard for most people, you're not realizing how lucky you are to know all these valuable life lessons.
@hanscapon222 2 жыл бұрын
I sometimes babysit for a family friends 6 year old son. He’s one of those kids who has meltdowns if he has anything but chicken nuggets for dinner. Fuck that. I buy groceries as I go to their house and cook him a good meal with real meat and lots of vegetables. He has a meltdown, and I simply tell him he doesn’t have to eat it, but I’m not making him anything else. This lasts about 10 minutes before he gives up and just eats the damn vegetables. And you know what? He likes them. But I only babysit once every few weeks or months, so by the time I come back he’s decided he hates vegetables again. Sigh.
@nuvember 2 жыл бұрын
@@hanscapon222 you could try getting the kid somewhat involved with the cooking process. Like showing them the ingredients, while cooking show them certain seasonings and asking them if they think you should put it in (also telling them what they taste like so they can learn something) etc… the food would feel less foreign to them and they might feel more eager to try it? Idk if it will help, just throwing an idea out here
@friendshipismagic7896 2 жыл бұрын
My mom prevented me from drinking coke since I was a toddler and it affected me so much that I can't even enjoy it at parties or restaurants with my friends... Well on the other hand I was able to maintain good health so habits can also define a child's personal preferences I think.
@garyclarkiii730 2 жыл бұрын
@@cristiplopeanu if this was 30-40 years ago I’d agree, but you can’t even fall back on the upbringing excuse. Yea your parents prolly didn’t make the best choices and let you eat whatever, but we live in a day and age of nearly unlimited information, nobody is unable to research nutrition and seeing what’s good for them and what’s not, people HAVE to take responsibility at some point in life, at least when they’re 16-17 and above
@edres7563 Жыл бұрын
I breastfed all my children until about just under 2 years old. From the moment they were able to eat solid food, they only had home cooked meals made from a huge variety of fresh vegetables, meat, fish and dairy. They only had water or milk for drinking and a wide variety of fresh fruit, sandwiches, whole foods and nuts for snacking. The only time they had any processed foods such as biscuits, crisps and sweets, was a handful of times a year at birthday parties, and even then it was in very limited quantities. I did this all the way throughout their childhood and adolescence and I never had any issues with my children's health and wellbeing. They werent fussy eaters, and unlike most children, they loved all types of fruit and vegetables. They had a very developed palate and ate everything I put in front of them. They were always in the excellent phsyical shape and fitness, full of energy and enthusiasm for life, and happy sociable children who got along with everyone. What our children eat and grow to like as foods, is 100% up to the parents and no one else. When we allow harmful influences such as advertising or unhealthy social narratives, that promote bad lifestyles and habits, into our children's minds, then it just becomes difficult to intstill good habits as a parent. Better to avoid these harmful influences altogether and NOT create a rod for our own back
@michasokoowski6651 11 ай бұрын
When people say that their child is a fussy eater they truly mean that their child is either spoiled on sweets or that they can't cook.
@3namechangezalowdevry90day7 10 ай бұрын
People from working poor families have to feed their kids whatever from food bank/dumpster diving/ free school lunch, so they have less control. Some landlords prohibit container gardening because of the water bill.
@Psilomuscimol 8 ай бұрын
I like almost all food. Except "salads" that are meat and mayo or anything with mayo. Or undercooked onions.
@BVBfanREUS11 6 ай бұрын
W mom
@tysonvslewis12 5 ай бұрын
@@3namechangezalowdevry90day7no, I’m sorry but eating home cooked meals and veggies especially is cheaper than buying or eating fast food or processed food.
@venus1nspace Жыл бұрын
I’m a 14 year old girl who was raised by an obese mom so I grew up obese, I played sports but I never had a good diet. It has seriously affected my mental health and body image. In November I started my weight loss journey starting at 220 pounds. Months later I have lost over 20 pounds and I eat better and try and incorporate more exercise!
@i_fuze_hostages6 Жыл бұрын
Keep it up I’ve been trying to get lower myself I dropped about 100 pounds last year I’m about 250 right now
@aliensoup2420 Жыл бұрын
Never forget, weight management and fitness is a LIFESTYLE not a temporary modification. You are reinventing yourself as a new person, and the old person dies. Never quit, always improve.
@pistashleyo5897 Жыл бұрын
A little tip that would help kickstart that new lifestyle. Try just having water to drink. Nothing else. Once you do that you focus on walking whenever possible! Love to you ❤I’ve had only water for a year now and trying to inspire my 11 year old to join me. Helps kick the sugar addiction!
@aliensoup2420 Жыл бұрын
@@pistashleyo5897 Good tip. I've been drinking mainly water for years. I occasionally indulge in other beverages, but I can afford it because I've been in shape all my life. As you say, it is important to start easy - walking - and add things as you gain confidence and enthusiasm. Add some difficulty, such as inclined hiking trails or stairs. Fitness is a progressive personal challenge. Its all about developing good habits. Keep adding new things to your habits - new foods, new exercises. I'm 65 and my habits are still evolving.
@icre8 Жыл бұрын
Good for you! I also have been overweight/obese all my life. I started my weight loss journey about 1 year ago and have lost over 18 kgs. Still on my way to lose another 7 kgs.
@palaceofwisdom9448 2 жыл бұрын
"Fat children rarely have skinny parents." The importance of good habits and example cannot be overstated. I was raised by fat parents and weighed 210 lbs. by age 15. Only sheer will and my mom's otherwise unused exercise bike allowed me to turn it around. Once I was a healthy size for the first time since around age 8, I felt so much better that I would never go back.
@dryfox11 2 жыл бұрын
Maybe the reason they don’t want to work out is because they use all their energy eating all that shit lmao
@GingerSpiritSmurf 2 жыл бұрын
Same, I was over 200 after around 13 years old, and then 245-250 at 18. I didn’t do anything at 19 but blame EVERYONE but myself. I have a lot of childhood trauma, and used food to cope. Did I go to therapy? No. Did I seek mental support? No. I went running. And kept running and lifting (I posted a tiktok before and after on my channel). At 20-22 I maintained 170/180lbs (I’m overweight now, not obese anymore, but active, and I’m finally happy) And now, I’m 25 weeks pregnant and still only in the 190s. I plan to teach my kids the importance of health, fitness, and food choices. Using the fuel of my trauma, I used it ALL to make me a disciplined person
@Ocyla 2 жыл бұрын
Yep. My house had no juice, cookies, candy, chocolates, etc, AT ALL. Don't buy it, can't eat it. I mean we'd have it on rare occasions but not as a regular thing and it was put out of reach anyway kids.
@mitigamespro8757 2 жыл бұрын
My man grew younger using the bike 💀
@gibby3767 2 жыл бұрын
Im the same, my father was in the military and my mother took painkillers for something wrong in her back and my dad got fat after he injured his knee and became a trucker, i was 270 5'9 at 15 and i started working out after i got friends who roasted me, and i got down to 200 but i slacked when covid hit so im still 200 and 19 and i have a baby brother and im worried hes gonna get fat, 2 of my other siblings are and one is super skinny, i cant let my baby bro get fat to hes gonna be ripped
@stephenschuster9929 2 жыл бұрын
"You rarely see overweight children with fit parents" so true but not talked about enough.
@jackblades90 2 жыл бұрын
Ones i saw a woman that looks like a bodybuilder and her kid was overwaight. Ever since then i been curious how that hapen
@gravelroad1228 2 жыл бұрын
@@jackblades90 It’s pretty rare, but it’s possible. It happens if the parent has healthy eating/workout habits, but failed to cultivate those same habits in their child because they’re too lenient. Trying to be the “cool” parent they let the kid eat whatever and they get fat. But again this is unusual because eating habits and genetic metabolism are often passed over from parent to child.
@ionescho 2 жыл бұрын
@@jackblades90 maybe bad influence from the father or from the grandparents(from the father's side or whatever)
@Mayrita77 2 жыл бұрын
@@jackblades90 That was the exception that confirms the rule
@mariad9362 2 жыл бұрын
My uncle is very fit but his children are obese
@caitiehancock9626 Жыл бұрын
My dad worked in a childrens hospital and one time there was an obese child that was there for diabetes and he was acting out and the mom said if you are good well get mcdonalds after and the doctor called her out and said thats child abuse at this point. Her kid was sick because of the food they were eating
@angiev1840 10 ай бұрын
Once you have started a habit of rewarding with food, it's going to be very difficult to break. A parent is going to have to be willing to do the hard thing and endure the screaming and tantrums for the health of the child and come up with another reward system. It can be done.
@spehhhsssmarineer8961 9 ай бұрын
What happened to rewarding kids with a doll or something?
@Psilomuscimol 8 ай бұрын
Grandparents gave me a pepsi or coke and sent me outside to dig or smash stuff. I drank tons of soda and whetever other goodies. Grandma constantly gave me her snacks and candy, but since i was out digging and stuff i never gained weight. Untill I got on antipsychotics ​@spehhhsssmarineer8961
@_nicole_6965 8 ай бұрын
@@spehhhsssmarineer8961and stickers?!
@planefan082 8 ай бұрын
​​@@spehhhsssmarineer8961 Or play a game, do an activity, etc
@thefangirlfromhell9627 2 жыл бұрын
The mom looks so gleeful when she talks about thyroid issues like holy hell I’ve struck gold! Now I can’t be blamed for abusing my child and causing all these health issues for them
@shredwerd009 2 жыл бұрын
@hoi-polloi1863 2 жыл бұрын
Not to mention, your thyroid doesn't manufacture pounds and pounds of food...
@santsi7306 2 жыл бұрын
The gleefulness when talking about her thyroid.... Weird. That's nothing to be fucking excited about.
@hellacoorinna9995 2 жыл бұрын
@@shredwerd009 "Yew foookin wot owzat"
@whimsybomb7929 2 жыл бұрын
I was wondering if someone else would say this. That smug look on her face when she just says "Thyroid." made me irrationally angry.
@CoolPapaJMagik 2 жыл бұрын
“Do whatever you want and feel no shame about it” will never build a great society. Moral standards matter
@localretard3779 2 жыл бұрын
@jackgill6519 2 жыл бұрын
The way it’s going, these types of irresponsible people will all be dead by their 30s, leaving the rest of us to fill the space they leave
@ryanunknown4181 2 жыл бұрын
This is the slogan of a society on life support
@dessertlimbo 2 жыл бұрын
@@jackgill6519 that will be a lot of shit to clean and dispose
@GlitchPoachers 2 жыл бұрын
"I think everyone wants an easy life" flabbergasted me. The best moments of my life weren't easy at all. To be remarkable, you actually have to do something remarkable. Although I suppose achieving these levels of laziness and ignorance is a bit remarkable in itself...
@charlieklausmeier9222 2 жыл бұрын
I had parathyroid cancer that leached all the calcium from my bones and teeth. I also became allergic to the sun and gained 50lbs. All that calcium? It ended up in my kidneys, creating truly massive kidney stones. Thyroid issues are dramatic and intense. The whole "must be my thyroid idk" bs is such a slap in the face for people who actually are sick.
@Lunalla 2 жыл бұрын
That sounds debilitating. My mother has thyroid issues as well, so I can imagine the stress that has put on you dude. Hope you’re healthier and recovering x
@samsonthewyrm9396 2 жыл бұрын
I fully agree sir. My Gma was fit until her thyroid starting acting up. She gained like 150 lbs, started having lung problems, problems with her gut, heart issues... I understand this sentiment nowmore than ever. Some people just down reasons to be entitled.
@Anon.G 2 жыл бұрын
Not to discredit you at all but thyroid issues aren't always so extreme
@Anon.G 2 жыл бұрын
Hope you're doing better medicated however, best of luck
@ironboogsie1187 2 жыл бұрын
that’s horrible i hope your better now
@The_hot_blue_fire_guy Жыл бұрын
About the “if you don’t buy it they can’t eat it” part. I have a friend who is overweight and has overweight kids. His “solution” to his kids weight issues was to buy a big box and put all the junk snack foods in the box and put a lock on it so that his kids couldn’t get into the snack box. When I asked him why he bought the snacks in the first place he said that they were for him and not the kids. He then explained that he put a lock on the snacks box so that his kids wouldn’t be tempted to eat the snacks but he could still eat them himself. Essentially his plan was to only offer healthy snacks and food to his kids but eat unhealthy snacks and food himself because “I’m an adult so I can decide what I eat myself” Unsurprisingly this idea didn’t work. The kids refused to eat the healthy snacks and food and would always complain that their dad was eating snacks so why can’t they? And the kids broke into the snacks box three separate times. (The oldest was about 14 when this happened) apparently one of them even went as far as to watch lock picking videos online just so they could brake into the snacks box. The moral of this story is that if you want your kids to be healthy then you should be healthy yourself! Kids aren’t as stupid as some people might think. They will notice when things are unfair and they will complain or retaliate against that unfairness. And you should definitely not underestimate what kids can learn from the internet. This “strategy” might have worked better if you did it 30 years ago before the internet was a big thing but nowadays kids have access to more information than ever before and they will use that information against you as the parent if the kids feel like they aren’t being treated fairly!
@Jake66564 2 жыл бұрын
"Don't buy it" is the BIGGEST thing. My mom is a prolific snacker to this day, and when I started taking my weight seriously, I begged her not to buy stuff because I couldn't control myself. She finally listened after finding a few full boxes of sugary snacks in the trash
@catherineb6889 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly, it's the best way to stop.
@KyleBruhVloski 2 жыл бұрын
I can't control myself either. You did the right thing. I'm working on losing weight myself. I should do this, it would probably help.
@marcospiazza2961 2 жыл бұрын
@@KyleBruhVloski Keep at it! I wish you the best.
@gothica3605 2 жыл бұрын
My mom would have told me to f off
@kyleralmond6598 2 жыл бұрын
The best way to really stop is to constantly be around sweets and not consume. You're just putting a bandaid on your food addiction by just having nothing near you. The moment the food comes back, is the moment you relapse. Stay strong king. Keep at it.
@murkorus7147 2 жыл бұрын
I'm 16 and overweight, with a single mom who, according to this video, doesn't really put much effort into parenting. Thanks to you, I *want* to succeed. I have a reason to, and I have the advantage of learning from you. Out of sheer spite, I hope to become remarkable. Thank you.
@MetalheadChristian 2 жыл бұрын
Good luck man, you can do it
@SELFF 2 жыл бұрын
Good luck!
@Chebab-Chebab 2 жыл бұрын
Use the lessons as what not to do. Stay strong.
@factsandlogic4709 2 жыл бұрын
Do the hard work, even when you don't feel like it -Hamza
@greenthunder1000 2 жыл бұрын
Do the hard work while you’re young so that you won’t have to when you’re old. If not that, then at least for the feeling of accomplishment.
@alaia-awakened Жыл бұрын
“She’s crying because she’s needs to have her rotting teeth surgically removed.” “Let’s give her a few sweets to make her forget about it.” 🤦‍♀️
@greatgoofy484 Жыл бұрын
@Ashtrixal Жыл бұрын
"treat the symptoms, not the cause"
@gregoryreview Жыл бұрын
Most of my baby teeth was pulled, I was almost toothless at age 7. It's beyond just eating habits, it's the lack of discipline inside of the house. My dad lost his teeth from an accident when I was 3, not seeing him brush his teeth made me think it's not that important so I didn't either. My mom would howl say us to brush, but we would just tune her out. Your 20s aren't so fun with messed up teeth
@Coloriey Жыл бұрын
I had 3 teeth removed as a child (one grew in wrong so it wasn’t my fault) they were all baby teeth and I remember how painful it was. Can’t imagine that with adult teeth and it is literally a phobia of mine that keeps me up at night
@Psilomuscimol 8 ай бұрын
My wisdom teeth broke some of other grindie tooth when it came in.
@baileejaydee 2 жыл бұрын
For anyone who hasn’t seen the whole documentary, when Talulah (the little girl) goes to get surgery she gets eight teeth pulled out and is left with no top teeth. It’s hard to watch. It made me feel physically sick watching her wake up with so many holes in her gums and blood on her face, knowing it’s diet related and preventable.
@naturazpolski9213 2 жыл бұрын
Oh dear. That's going to be another reason for children in school bullying her! That she has no teeth and can't chew. It's gonna take some time untill the new ones will grow, so much time she will spent on drinking liquid food? And her mother, what a disgusting person. I doubt she would see the fault in herself
@username.not.known2473 2 жыл бұрын
Jesus. That's sickening.
@JWSoul Жыл бұрын
@timhanser1943 Жыл бұрын
The mother should be ashamed.
@miltonbates6425 Жыл бұрын
When we allowed the vgan and "plant-based" agnda (which is deficient in bioavailable nutrients) to supplant traditional foods (meats, fish, eggs, vegetables, cheese, butter, tallow, etc), and allowed food suppliers to lie about the safety of RBD seed oils (which are toxic over the long-term and contributing heavily to insulin resistance), we sealed the fate of the ignorant masses.
@JoulesJuly 2 жыл бұрын
This mother saying she “honestly don’t think whatever they eat is the problem” is the actual problem right there!
@emmaphilo4049 2 жыл бұрын
She is crazy and in denial. Very sad for the kids.
@verisimilitudeteller 2 жыл бұрын
I think kids CAN get away with eating some really shitty junk food, but not in the vast quantities these kids are getting. I don't have kids but I see friends/relatives kids, 4 to 8 year olds, eating chicken mcnuggets and French fries sliced apples and milk... but reasonable portions and the kids more often than not don't "finish their plate". And no parent should force them to, that was the biggest food abuse parents did to kids back in my day as a kid. I was always told to finish my plate and I did... then as time went on I'd want second helpings, and that's the problem. Overeating leads to more overeating. Eating carbs spurs hunger, so when a kid says they're done, leave them be, don't try to alter their natural appetite controls.
@CircmcisionIsChi1dAbus3 Жыл бұрын
What did the fathers think? OH WAIT. Everyone kinda missed that piece of the family equation. How difficult it is to raise children in broken families, they end up lacking respect for authority. Voila. I'll do whatever I want, when I want, because my mommy loves me no matter what. Addiction has less to do with the substance, more to do with the need to escape a painful life.
@eatmeatandliftweights5754 Жыл бұрын
@ava.and.jasper 2 жыл бұрын
The mother is so happy to tell the camera crew about thyroid issues because it takes the blame off her, you can see it in the way she smirks. But she knows it's a load of bs, she just doesn't want to be accountable.
@Parlimant_Strifey 2 жыл бұрын
"Just like a women" - Skeletor
@alexisorarian1587 2 жыл бұрын
How does it feel being such a bigot
@Xxrocknrollgod 2 жыл бұрын
@toastedsniper9248 2 жыл бұрын
@@Parlimant_Strifey woman*
@metalraccoon2259 2 жыл бұрын
That one belongs in prison tbh
@heyitskoryn 11 ай бұрын
My dad has been dieting recently, and he’s cooked all the meals himself. He also exercises every day. My mom, who feeds my sister and I, gives us a lot of processed food and sugar. We’ve both had cavities over our lifetime, and that led to me thoroughly brushing my teeth. I’ve never been overweight myself, but I have been starting to gain weight to where I’m worried I may soon be overweight. I think I’ll start asking my dad to cook enough of his meals for two. A little exercise couldn’t hurt as well.
@ssjsage5208 10 ай бұрын
You got this I believe in you jus ask him for help and he should help you but remember you got that
@vaska1999 8 ай бұрын
... who feeds my sister and *me* .... It's easy to tell which to use, I or me, if you try it this way: she feeds me (she feeds my sister and me). He tells me (he tells John and me). I see him (I see Louise and him).
@zacharyisrael7264 7 ай бұрын
@@vaska1999​​⁠​⁠​⁠You serious? You’re going to be on this one specific site, watching this very specific video, replying to this very specific comment (which was a very respectable comment coming from a presumably young person) correcting her grammar? Go flunk yourself (KZbin is not a supporter of free speech) you’re part of the problem. @heyitskoryn That is legendary self awareness! With that attitude, literally anything is possible for you. Put in the work, and receive infinite rewards, health of which, is the sweetest. Best of luck and I hope your journey is nothing less than fulfilling.
@dolphin1418 Ай бұрын
You started on that M’Lord grindset?
@pat7785 2 жыл бұрын
I actually have Hypothyroidism, and I have a normal BMI (21.9). My mother is a dietitian and she made sure to feed me normal amounts of healthy food as a child. Even with poor genetics, childhood obesity is almost entirely to blame on the parents.
@themissakura599 2 жыл бұрын
And kids see their parents as role models. Mines had a healthy diet and practiced sports. We all grew up as healthy sporting children. I can't eat fast food now, it's tasteless and way too sweet.
@debanydoombringer1385 2 жыл бұрын
@thesmileyone It would depend on the cause. It won't "cure" my autoimmune disease. Hashimoto's has recently been discovered as the leading cause of hypothyroidism. Before anyone comes back with "why are autoimmune diseases so much more prevalent", it's because testing for them as improved. That's always been the leading cause, we just weren't able to find out why. It's the same with diabetes. If it's not caused by weight, it's almost always autoimmune.
@Orangecatenergy 2 жыл бұрын
My family history is full of obesity, diabetes (both types) and hypothyroidism, my mom has hashimotos... I have hypothyroidism as well and I'm still not overweight, I am actually quite muscular because I like to lift heavy, I'm also short and I gain weight easily. There's no excuse just explanations, but explanations too are not reason to not want to be better.
@xyloftalexander4369 Жыл бұрын
Let my child try his first soda ever at the age of 8. He hated it. The bubbles terrified him. As long as you give your kids healthy meals and drinks early on they’re fine.
@darlingditzypinkfloweremoji Жыл бұрын
I have similar feelings about soda like your child does. I rarely drink soda because I hate how the fizz goes through my nose when I burp. To me, it’s uncomfortable!
@andreasanchez1453 Жыл бұрын
I was addicted to soda it wasn’t until 2021 that I quit due to an anxiety attack/panic attack. I’m almost 2 years clean. I’ve lost weight and I feel much better.
@xyloftalexander4369 Жыл бұрын
@@andreasanchez1453 Curious, do you think it was the caffeine and high fructose? Or just the sugar that caused your anxiety
@CircmcisionIsChi1dAbus3 Жыл бұрын
that being said, don't do the "hot" or "cold" parenting tactics with ANYTHING. If you take the "X is evil" mentality the child quickly learns that "x isn't very evil, everyone around me enjoys it." and they will eventually try it behind your back, and resent you for keeping them from this amazing thing. Like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, he denied his own son just ONE piece of candy and turned him into a candy fanatic. Kids aren't stupid. They understand that some things are to be enjoyed in moderation. The last thing that benefits a child is not preparing them for the real world where they will have temptations everywhere, so having them understand that temptation and why its dangerous is far more important and practical than denying them something their entire life. I see it in video games, television, anything. When parents take this hardcore "absolutely none of that in MY house!" mentality, it just pushes their child into thinking you're unreasonable because they can clearly see everyone else enjoying those things, so instead of understanding why, they just see you as a person who doesn't want them to have fun.
@xyloftalexander4369 Жыл бұрын
@@CircmcisionIsChi1dAbus3 you are right, i don't say soda is evil i say i dont like it so why would i buy it? but my oldest wanted to try one so we went and got one. However, children are certainly stupid up until about 4-5. Thats why those are the most important years of development imo.
@sergioorozco1087 2 жыл бұрын
The most unbelievable part to me is that a large amount of people have accepted the concept of "fat phobia" and often include fat people as some special protected class alongside racial/religious minorities, LGBT people, etc. I'm really surprised no one finds it repulsively offensive that unhealthy people are pretending they have any kind of mass suffering in history like the other kinds of groups, or comparing "I need to pay extra on the plane!!!" to real discrimination that's occurred throughout history.
@ericvulgate 2 жыл бұрын
There shouldn't be 'protected catagories' of people. We should have a baseline respect for humanity in general.
@billybussey 2 жыл бұрын
I don't think any of those groups should be protected. It helps no one.
@trayltank1015 2 жыл бұрын
Yes the lefts “phobia”-framing is very “good”, they enabled to lable any doubt, any criticism, any concers as an irrational fear.
@pain5627 2 жыл бұрын
well they do have "mass" suffering if you know what i mean xd
@brianensign7638 2 жыл бұрын
@@pain5627 Eh, eh…I see what you did there.
@GreyLifts Жыл бұрын
I used to be extremely underweight pretty much all my life until end of high school. My mom would be questioned by doctors suspecting that she was neglecting me when in reality I just didnt like eating much. Doctors should have this same attitude when an obese child comes in because both of these conditions lead to really bad health problems
@bigware9588 2 жыл бұрын
PLEASE continue to make videos on the Fat Acceptance movement. It’s such a hypocritical thing. They shame skinny people and expect people to not shame them. It’s a huge issue. So many TikTok’s on it as well. I’d love to see a deep dive into the TikTok’s.
@Gehddjdje Жыл бұрын
A HUGE issue lol
@thecabbage84 Жыл бұрын
@@Gehddjdje Bloated issue If I do say so myself
@Gehddjdje Жыл бұрын
@@thecabbage84 and there is a humongous amount of people in this world that are obese too, making it more big.
@evelynfidler6285 Жыл бұрын
Don't dare challenge a fat acceptance believer that those underweight have no voice
@quadzilla561 Жыл бұрын
@@Gehddjdje the fat acceptance is a delusional movement 💀💯
@jenniferdaulby5519 2 жыл бұрын
A supermarket chain, here in Australia, gives every child a piece of fruit. So if the child is hungry whilst shopping - it's a free apple, banana, mandarin, etc. Such a good idea I think.
@joimumu 2 жыл бұрын
Iceland does the same thing and I wish it was like that when I was a child
@sreekar5691 2 жыл бұрын
Same with Fry's in the US! Though I doubt most kids eat them.
@animeloveer97 2 жыл бұрын
fruit aint that healthy either modern fruits have way more sugar
@janys6502 2 жыл бұрын
That's a great idea, especisllu since a kid would see some sweets or snack while hungry and ask their parents to buy it for them
@SY-ok2dq 2 жыл бұрын
@@animeloveer97 What do you mean by "modern fruits"? Do you mean the popular supermarket fruits that have been around since the 60s? Because the fruit available for sale has not changed all that much from the 60s through to the current time, with the range of fruits available widening but at the budget end, there has been little change. Yet the vast majority of kids and adults in the 60s, 70s and even the 80s remained within a healthy weight range in the Western world. It seems to me that obesity gradually rose from the 80s to become the problem that it is now. The top selling/most widely stocked and sold bananas in supermarkets today would be the Cavendish variety. That's the same banana that was everywhere when I was growing up in the 70s/80s. And that's what I regularly ate, along with other fruits. I remained very slim throughout my youth. And at school, there were only a very small number of young children and teens who were chubby, and only a few who were obese. The sugar content etc. of Cavendish bananas have not changed at all since they were introduced since - after all, it's the same variety. And Cavendish plants are all genetic clones of the original plant, being propagated by cuttings not by seed.
@ethlain19 2 жыл бұрын
I wanna thank you for helping bring some of my issues to my attention. 9 months ago I was 14 and weighed 216lbs and I was miserable, I couldn't move too well, I was constantly in pain and I was really depressed. Now I weigh 150lbs and I'm way more active and athletic. My heart rate has lowered and my blood pressure is more consistent. Truly thank you helping change my life!
@bathwater3196 2 жыл бұрын
Was exactly at the same spot as you, started abit earlier. My mistake was that I didn't consume much protein and focused entirely on a calorie deficit eating a high-carb low protein and fat diet, I'm currently at 125lbs skinnyfat since all the muscle that I had were gone from my awful diet, currently focusing on gaining weight again with proper nutrition to add muscle to my frame without looking like a stick and underweight on my desired body fat percentage, keep at it!
@Lunalla 2 жыл бұрын
Good on you for taking responsibility and action! Proud of you homie
@ableno.9906 2 жыл бұрын
Nice dude
@ethlain19 2 жыл бұрын
@@bathwater3196 yeah I lost a lot of muscle mass too, I'm currently working on building muscle and getting toned. Good job and I wish you luck on your journey!
@ethlain19 2 жыл бұрын
@@Lunalla thanks man I appreciate it
@ivanaandric5703 4 ай бұрын
When that little girl started saying "this theeth hurth, this hurts.." I just couldn't watch anymore. This is PURE CHILD ABUSE!!!!
@kasan8495 2 жыл бұрын
Last time I checked, body positive is something that you can’t change about your body (disabilities, amputees, skin discoloration, people suffer from illness side effects, etc,…) not being fat and lazy 😬
@Shadow_Sonata 2 жыл бұрын
It originally was, but at some point the "Fat Acceptance" Movement (aka; Obesity pimps) took it over. To make a gamer reference, it was originally for Katawa Shoujo's Emi, Rin (amputee) and Hanako (burn scars) but was taken over and eaten by Ellie Hodunk from Borderlands 2.
@akuoumaru7562 2 жыл бұрын
@@Shadow_Sonata lmfaooo ellie hodunk
@emily7195 2 жыл бұрын
Lizoos big girls...they are all working out 12 hours a day, eat super healthy for their stamina, yet theyre till big 🤷‍♀️ some people are just big?! How do you explain this?! I couldn't do 10 minutes of their routine without dying!
@s3quencial 2 жыл бұрын
@@emily7195 >they are all working out 12 hours a day bro unless theyre working manual labor in fucking siberian work camps that is not possible
@luthars485 2 жыл бұрын
@@emily7195 i call bs on this comment. Nobody working out more than 3 hours a day is going to be overweight. They can have the physique of a Strongman/woman but that's totally different from being fat.
@Bearssuperfan 2 жыл бұрын
“Don’t buy it” is pretty much the best advice. My parents never really kept a lot of soda or candy around, but we were surely always stocked with ice cream and chips or snacks and that was my crux. I was never close to obesity because I was in sports all year, but I was overweight. Now that I buy my own groceries, I just skip the aisles with junk food. I save money and my health, and finally got below the overweight category threshold. Portion control is also huge. I was always told to “finish my plate” but it should have been “eat until satisfied”. In my teens I was pretty much always getting seconds or thirds because I kept needing more. Teens do that sometimes, but it was excessive and consistent.
@feuerschlange6374 2 жыл бұрын
I always liked the portion control system my fathers side of the family tree had in place. Put the pan on the table and then take how much you want. You can always have more, but if you have taken it out, you're gonna eat it. Or with smaller kids, say stop when you think it's enough (of course the adults knew usually how much was too much and then said something like eat this and then we'll see if you want more). The most important lesson in this was probably if you've eaten your plate, wait a few minutes before taking more. The other system was you get a plate (sometimes too full) and then you eat that. Which lead to me eating just one plate, and then not taking more even if i was still hungry, to balance it back out.
@msf2000 2 жыл бұрын
Right, I nearly never drink any soda or soft drinks my entire life bcs my parents don't buy them, and my weight now is pretty stable, not skinny and not fat either. Though I imagine it's harder to avoid soft drinks in America, since in my country drinking water takes the majority rather than soda, and I rarely see people who often drinks soda here.
@internetgirl4617 2 жыл бұрын
I have a rule to never eat more than what’s on my plate
@graygreysangui 2 жыл бұрын
I don't buy my own junk food. I usually get it as a gift (Christmas.) I will spurge on vacation only because my walking miles jump up into around twenty a day. I will burn through breakfast and eat lunch but then won't feel hungry enough before I go to sleep. I am just bad at staying hydrated.
@Blacksunstoneful 2 жыл бұрын
"Finish your plate" is a poverty mindset that's been passed down for generations, it was understandable in the Great Depression where THAT meal might have been your last full meal for the week; it doesn't make sense in a society and time period where a dinner plate can breach 3000 calories in nothing but processed meats and carbs
@cheddarmx5969 2 жыл бұрын
My parents almost ruined my life like this. I was 200 pounds at 13 and 5’8”. At 15 I was depressed I started going to the gym. I started eating in a very steep calorie deficit. I lost my appetite for sugar and corn syrup and lost 50 pounds (with no help from my parents btw, they still bought junk food and i struggled at the start of my journey). now I’m bulking again but this time I’m putting muscle on and becoming a better version of myself.
@diamondking169 2 жыл бұрын
They obviously don’t care about your health as much as they should. I know it’s hard hearing and accepting this because they are your parents. Or sucks. But good job turning your life around! Keep going!
@miltonbates6425 Жыл бұрын
Seed oils and sugar are the main culprits behind the obesity epidemic. Add to that the plant-based agenda that promotes nutritionally-deficient foods in forms that aren't bioavailable to the human body (not to mention the fact that they're often loaded with antinutrients) and you have the recipe for weight gain and disease.
@Arizona_lilly Жыл бұрын
So proud of u!
@cheesefart570 Жыл бұрын
Become the peak of what you can be and prove everyone who doubted you wrong
@CircmcisionIsChi1dAbus3 Жыл бұрын
Hey, Ched. I'm curious. Hows the relationship between your parents? And how was/is the relationship between them and your grandparents? Emotional eating, is a signifier for family stress. If your parents stress eat, guess what they are going to pass onto their children? PLUS, if their emotional eating is a consequence of unexpressed emotions (perhaps from their own lack of emotional development) than they won't be able to provide that for their kids either. So you quickly see how these environments become very cyclically harmful and how difficult they are to escape from because all your life was structured around this behavior, its hardwired into you and it takes a ridiculous amount of effort to overcome.
@jMichaels878 Жыл бұрын
I remember going to the mall one day with my friends as a teenager and passing a woman in the food court who had a tiny little baby in a stroller and she was giving her soda. It blew my mind and still makes me so annoyed. Having children that are underweight is seen as abuse/neglect if you're a parent, having significantly overweight children should be treated the same.
@3namechangezalowdevry90day7 10 ай бұрын
The acidity of even sugar free soda can harm their little teeth.
@YarbroK 7 ай бұрын
I see this a lot in retail. People giving very young sodas or super sugary juice all the time. Most of the kids are overweight. It’s freakin sad.
@boosqueezy2418 5 ай бұрын
@Lightgreen57 Жыл бұрын
“Kids never lie” It should be rephrased to “Kids never lie when it doesn’t benefit them.”
@HappyGolucky-n7x Жыл бұрын
Well, if a kid is surrounded by liars, or in a scary environment then sure.
@HappyGolucky-n7x Жыл бұрын
Naturally, kids are not liars, so even when they do lie, they're terrible at it.
@missys7823 Жыл бұрын
​@@HappyGolucky-n7xI lied all the time if it meant not getting grounded. Kids lie to avoid negative outcomes. It's natural, and they just need some guidance and direction. I think it's weird when people believe children never lie. Like, what are you basing that belief on?
@JohnSmith-zw8vp Жыл бұрын
Or when someone in a position of authority tells them to.
@agniesia1984 Жыл бұрын
So true😅
@madxprofessor 2 жыл бұрын
I was almost 400lbs at age 19 and the second I moved out on my own I dropped 60lbs, then 80, then 100, then 120, and still going. I can't believe my dad bought me that shit and yelled at me for asking for vegetables and fruit. He would buy fast food almost every day because it's "cheaper and salad won't fill you up" and I always hated meat since a baby. I've had a ball trying all the earth has to offer, pomegranate is one if my faves.
@santsi7306 2 жыл бұрын
I want to be surprised that your dad yelled at you for that, but I've seen a dad yell at his family about this before, so while I'm not completely shocked, I am wtfing here with you on that.
@candyman9635 2 жыл бұрын
Pomegranate is lit
@raulw858 2 жыл бұрын
Lmao “salad won’t fill you up” is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. Also I can get enough vegetables for a salad and a veggie heavy stir fry both in 1 day for like a week for $15-$20. That’s 14 meals. Your dad was just lazy, I’m sorry you went through that
@emmaphilo4049 2 жыл бұрын
I am so sorry :( some parents really are a handful
@corilia9529 2 жыл бұрын
Congrats on the weight loss
@WabbaJackson 2 жыл бұрын
Hi, nursing student here. Another often unforeseen problem with the “overweight is healthy” body positivity movement is that it makes dealing with cases like these much more difficult. The social stigma has shifted so far in the other direction that medical professionals are required to pussyfoot around the problem or risk being labeled as “fat shamers” that the patient doesn’t take seriously. The doctor/nurse is required to downplay the severity or risk the patient shutting down.
@wombat4583 2 жыл бұрын
To be fair there are just as many skeptical and resistant doctors who who prefer to blame weight rather than actually do thorough examination, or any at all. Both ends are problematic and by doing so it's unfortunately giving people reasons to be skeptic of health advice.
@caileyrookids 2 жыл бұрын
@@wombat4583 My mother has this issue. She's had several problems all her life, long before she started putting on weight (PCOS makes it rough to lose it again), but the doctors would always blame her weight until she just gave up.
@garyclarkiii730 2 жыл бұрын
Another nursing student here, I already know I’m not gonna tiptoe around this shit, it just completely goes against the oath we take to care for patients and be an advocate for their health. Idc if it even gets me fired somewhere, if a hospital will fire me for trying to encourage an overweight person to get healthier, I got no business being there, and I’ll go from hospital to hospital until I find one that isn’t playing along with this complete insanity
@wombat4583 2 жыл бұрын
@@garyclarkiii730 Perfectly fine as long as you actually take their concerns seriously and don't only attribute all things as weight issues.
@Goldencat44 2 жыл бұрын
@@wombat4583 I am sorry but PCOS is and hasbeen used as an excuse, it makes it harder not impossible to maintain a healthy weight
@Forcommentingpurposes 8 ай бұрын
Chiming in as someone with thyroid issues. I was 210 at my heaviest before I was diagnosed and treated with hypothyroidism (thyroid not producing hormones to metabolize food) and while I did drop a significant amount of weight on the medication, now that I’ve stabilized, I lose and gain weight according to SHOCKINGLY my diet and exercise routine. That excuse can only get you so far and plenty of fat people DONT have thyroid issues.
@BloodSweatandFears 6 ай бұрын
Exactly! I have the opposite so when I was younger I looked really sickly. Let me tell you my mom got interrogated multiple times about why my weight wasn’t high enough. A lady even had to come look at our house to make sure I wasn’t being abused. They figured it out and I just need to take some supplements and a controlled (shockingly!) diet 😂 (Edit: I needed medication as a teen but was luckily able to come off of it later.)
@CoolPapaJMagik 2 жыл бұрын
People don’t have any love anymore. Not even for their kids. It’s not “love” to give your kid everything they want. You’re teaching them to follow the wrong set of instincts. Delayed gratification and all that. Kids need real love, which means showing them by example how to do for themselves
@JSFGuy 2 жыл бұрын
Correct, indulging kids turn them into brats spoiled competitive dysfunctional juvenile jailbirds.
@lost_spacebunny2769 2 жыл бұрын
I know right... Ever since I was born, all the way up to age 10, my mother always did this. Instead of spoiling me and calling it "love", she showed me how to do things right, and how to do things myself. That is what real love is supposed to be. Not spoiling your kids in the false pretense of "love". That isn't love. That's ruining your child. Destroying your child. Not love.
@Firestorm214 2 жыл бұрын
It like dogs who tried to get food not for them. Some dogs eat anything, sometimes even deadly to them. They don’t know about what food is okay or not. Is very important to teach them or watch over them. They might whine or whatever but it better than being unhealthy.
@booleah6357 2 жыл бұрын
Giving them whatever they want is more like abuse by coddling them and failing to not prepare them to live on their own in the real world imo. It's also so infuriatingly common to meet kids who end up dysfunctional because of this.
@koal18- 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly! I actually know several women who do this. Spoil their children with junk food and give them everything they want but don't teach them the correct way and give them REAL love and affection. Teaching them horrible habits, very sad.
@melissam.6652 2 жыл бұрын
I gasped out loud when she said she gave her daughter a bottle of juice in the night to make her go back to sleep. Jesus Christ no surprise her poor baby teeth are rotting away.
@Civ6Iron4 2 жыл бұрын
Water is better
@wilsonweiseng6485 2 жыл бұрын
whatever happened to drinking good old H2O?
@Civ6Iron4 2 жыл бұрын
@@wilsonweiseng6485 I wish Water tasted like Soda without damaging our health, but it never will.
@jell-opop9431 2 жыл бұрын
@@Civ6Iron4 I think there is an invention similar to that, I'm not sure though
@irxosm1 2 жыл бұрын
@@jell-opop9431 sodastream?
@isaachayman9231 2 жыл бұрын
As a kid (and even still), my family was incredibly overweight. I was the only exception because I found it so disgusting. I could not imagine myself being overweight. I used to control my diet and workout, eating literally anything that wasn’t processed or sugary. Did wonders for me. The worst part about that was when they thought I was anorexic instead of lean like I was. It’s incredibly frustrating seeing people say “oh you’re fatphobic” or some bullshit like that, as if I magically have “thin privilege” because I detest the modern American diet.
@АндрейНеугодников-м6е 2 жыл бұрын
How do you know what's is and isn't processed?
@o_sch 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly if they’re gonna keep calling it fat phobic and saying exercising is somehow fat phobic then Im proudly fat phobic. Im done pretending that obesity is normal and should be supported.
@Follower967 2 жыл бұрын
@@АндрейНеугодников-м6е Basically, don't buy any meal in a box or bag. You gotta make everything from base ingredients. Also, don't eat anything with ingredients you can't pronounce or if you don't know what it is. Crock pots, cooking on days off, and freezing stuff to thaw during the week lighten the work load.
@isaachayman9231 2 жыл бұрын
@@АндрейНеугодников-м6е at least in the US you can take a look at the nutrition facts on the back. Anything with trans fats, corn syrup, any kind of oil that isn’t from an animal (soy, corn, etc). Also no microwave meals or prepackaged meals or kits. Also, just because something is organic or “healthy” does not make it healthy. Nowadays I grow a portion of my vegetables and I purchase meat and eggs from the farmers market or work in exchange for it.
@KopperNeoman 2 жыл бұрын
@Issac Hayman Avoid soy. It wreaks havoc on your hormonal balance. Lard also has an unfairly bad rap - animal fats are the best fats for non-caloric health. Watching your calories is important, but so is avoiding rabbit starvation.
@laurawhitbeck6488 Жыл бұрын
I started rapidly gaining weight around 11-13, and I'm so glad my mom knew what to do. It might not work for everyone but I was homeschooled so she had almost total control of what I ate. She would force me to stay at the table without a phone till I finished what was on my plate, which always included veggies, I wasn't allowed to eat more than what I was given and no snacks. No eating at night and no sweets. When i wouldnt listen she took away all of my privileges including phone, television, and spending time with friends, replaced with helping neighbors with yardwork. Of course I hated her for it and of course I sneaked food for the next couple of years, but she healed my relationship with eating and body image. After getting mental health issues sorted and finding my purpose in life I'm a healthy weight adult. If it wasn't for her being so severe I would have turned out a failure
@nianichole2856 10 ай бұрын
I wish my parents had done that for me. Still trying to sort out the consequences of previous/ current actions haha. I have lost 50lbs overall, got around 20/ 30 more to go
@BloodSweatandFears 6 ай бұрын
I am a homeschool mom!! I’m so happy to see someone young say they appreciate it ❤❤ it’s a lot of work but totally worth it!
@blindsey1043 6 ай бұрын
Now thats the best MOM❤ once she got u here after pregnancy she still carried u to success I love this! Thanks for sharing
@nastbshkaa 5 ай бұрын
Dunno how prohibition can help to heal the relationship with food and body image. I've almost had the same experience with mom, when sweets and snacks were not allowed and i weren't even obese or overweight. Now, when i eat 'unhealthy' food like chips or sweets i start blaming myself and feeling anxious about immediate weight gain after that. And i don't think it's okay. ED and body dysmorphia are my friends for the rest of my life, thanks
@superethangaming. 3 ай бұрын
This could have just as easily caused an eating disorder
@Papi_SpringRoll 2 жыл бұрын
I’m on a weight loss journey guys. At the beginning of March I was 295 Ilbs at 6’3. I’m proud to say that after roughly 5 months of working out and eating normal portions of food I was able to slim all the way down to 229. I’m not done yet, at most I want to be at 200. Wish me luck on this final stretch I really need it. Also, love the videos dude!
@atari9665 2 жыл бұрын
Right on dude. You got it!
@shinske3564 2 жыл бұрын
Final stretch is the hardest but keep going bro you will thank yourself you will be so happy! Please keep going and come back n tell us how it's going
@C.Webber.Minecraft 2 жыл бұрын
Good on you man. I went from 320 down to 250, so far. I'm gonna keep going too. I already feel a million times better.
@xconner2452 2 жыл бұрын
I also started working out around March! Proud of you for taking the steps to get active and stay healthy. If you’ve gotten this far, that’s proof enough you can keep going and feel even better! You’ve got this.
@EKFgamingtv 2 жыл бұрын
Great work man I'm looking to start my journey aswell and seeing others in similar boats do it tell me I can too.
@justrenderin1279 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like the most important thing that's being neglected is a lack of knowledge on how to cook. Regardless of gender, EVERYONE should know what to eat and how to prepare for it. It's such an important life skill and yet I come from a household that only knew how to make food involving tons of oils, fats and sugar with very few vegetables (We never even had carrots). Learning to take care of myself is so huge that I'm grateful for services like Hello Fresh because it taught me more about healthy cooking than my own mother ever did. Nutrition courses should be a thing in school, you should know how to read the back of an ingredients label. And you should know what to watch out for. Exercise is hard to do but we all eat every single day. We need to know how to do it right
@123SuperBeast 2 жыл бұрын
I've been thinking about getting hello fresh, worth it for a single guy?
@ShasOKais117 2 жыл бұрын
Cooking more food from scratch, particularly since I live alone, has been an improvement i'm glad i started sooner rather than later. Not only do you know what's going into what you eat, it's enjoyable to do and often tastes better to boot!
@cookiecreep9204 2 жыл бұрын
I concur, especially with KZbin. As long as you are sentient enough, you can follow a recipe as you see it, thank you Babish and Ramsay I've eaten way healthier and cheaper, and till I started I thought I'd burn even water.
@breakthecycle5238 2 жыл бұрын
No excuse when you can just use KZbin
@GlitchPoachers 2 жыл бұрын
At my middle school, everyone took a home ec class. We didn't even spend that much time on food, but it was enough to teach us how to follow basic recipes and got us familiar with basic kitchen tools. I wish that was more common, and I wish the high school would've offered a more advanced cooking class, but it's something. Eating out healthy gets expensive real quick, cooking healthy is dirt cheap.
@pete6300 2 жыл бұрын
Its harder for parents to stop their kids from drinking soda or eating healthy if they don't stop themselves. I used to drink a lot of soda until I had kids. I stopped buying any soda at all, even for myself, so my kids would drink more water. Having a soda at parties or a restaurant is more of a treat for my kids.
@mrmoustache8574 2 жыл бұрын
Good Example
@toastedsniper9248 2 жыл бұрын
same w my parents, it was like a treat. same w watching tv and stuff
@andrewevans6826 2 жыл бұрын
I love pepsi but damn those 24oz bottles have 84g of carb in them.. thats like a whole meal you can chug in 10 seconds. Least in carbs
@SkylineFTW97 2 жыл бұрын
I drank a lot of soda as a kid. Stopped on my own in my late teens. Haven't touched a single one in almost 6 years now. I definitely won't be keeping any around the house should I have kids. Leading by example is always the best way to instill habits and values in kids. For instance, my dad was big on honesty and taking pride in your work. He had been taking me on his plumbing jobs since I was 12. I saw that with everything he did and developed the same tendency. I'm an Auto mechanic myself. I routinely find that I'm one of few technicians who will take the time to do things like torque wheels by hand. Yeah, it takes longer, but the end result is the best by far. And if my name is on the repair order, I'm liable if I mess something up. Even if for purely selfish reasons, taking pride in one's work means you get more people recommending you and coming back, which means more money for you.
@Marky-Mark1337 2 жыл бұрын
Transitioning to citrus flavored sparking water helped me curb my soda addiction.
@wakingupat2pm349 Жыл бұрын
Dude, your psychologal anaylsis of this whole thing has given me a new found repsect for you. The psychology of how to address the Pavia situation that you presented was so good man. Well done brother
@chocolatebunny3221 2 жыл бұрын
When you have children, there’s never an easy life😡. You have to absolutely work your butt off to provide for yourself and the children. This woman is the very reason why not everyone should have children.
@deionmolina2758 2 жыл бұрын
This is absolutely true. My son is turning 8 now and all he wants to do is be like his dad which is eat the same foods and do the same things. I work out every day at home for my potential career and maintain my shape and him seeing me do this also causes him to want to partake. I haven't seen a comment like this but my main point is that kids will mostly follow in their parents footsteps alot of the time. You eat healthy and avoid the sugars and poor diet they will (most likely want to) too. You exercise and show them how fun and accomplishing it is and they will try to imitate you. Alot of parents just let their children do what they want and eat anything as long as they leave them alone but that is a problem, obviously. I was on top of my son (not so much any more) when he was given drinks or sweets and would limit it all. Now he will mostly drink and ask for water and likes seeing the different colors in the foods we eat. It definitely is up to the parents, or parent, to show their children a good example and they will in turn reap the benefits as they grow and maintain those same habits.
@nostrum8 2 жыл бұрын
This mom is a perfect example not the very reason. Other than that you are obviously right.
@supermaximglitchy1 Жыл бұрын
every child deserves a parent but not every parent deserves a child
@lautaroka5847 Жыл бұрын
No one should have children, though.
@CircmcisionIsChi1dAbus3 Жыл бұрын
​@@lautaroka5847 yah? why? That's like saying "no dogs should have puppies" why? says who? someone who hates puppies? To me, anyone with those views usually don't have a very high regard for humanity in general. Which one are you? The type that thinks they're saving the planet by putting it into a population crisis? The idea that your choice to have children or not, is determining the fate of the planet, fails to address the fact that most of the worlds pollution, comes from very specific areas of the world that your choices have no real influence on. So when India and China continue to pollute for the wellbeing of their offspring, you stop producing offspring. Nothing really changes except there is now less potential technological innovative minds in the planet helping us create technology to solve the problems of pollution. Then, when the population bubble bursts, it's going to be even worse. You'll be burdened with taking care of an elderly population far more because there is less people to shoulder that responsibility. It's like handing an adult couple 20 kids all at once. That's what the population crisis is going to end up doing, cause a massive amount of trauma, stress and problems when the old are dying, sick, in need of care, but there's no one to take care of them. The same way its a problem when there's too many kids and not enough people to raise them.
@sumwitegurnm6558 2 жыл бұрын
My biggest gripe with the obesity epidemic is that it’s treated like a physical health issue not a mental one. It’s a mental condition with physical effects. There is something wrong with u in your head if u have those self destructive habits necessary to become obese (like under eating and anorexia). A lot of tense parents are coping with eating and There kids pick up on it! Treat the mentality and the body will be fixed in time.
@Loserstakethebait 2 жыл бұрын
This is half true. Many people just really like food. I can't even count the number of people of I've met who just eat because they have easy access to food. It isn't like they are sad. They just like food that tastes good.
@Meatwad650 2 жыл бұрын
Great. Then have health insurance pay for it.
@Cybele1986 2 жыл бұрын
I think a lot of overweight people are susceptible to making bad food choices. However, pretty much every obese person I know has psychological issues around food.
@zo9690 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly it’s an eating disorder
@zo9690 2 жыл бұрын
@@Cybele1986 I mean sugar and salt addiction. if it’s not binge eating disorder… it’s a literal food addiction
@skybluerob8850 2 жыл бұрын
When the parent says that it’s heart-wrenching when her child is bullied because they’re overweight, it’s not out of empathy for the child, it’s because they narcissistically see it as an attack on themselves.
@jean-baptistedupont5967 2 жыл бұрын
@CowToes 2 жыл бұрын
@Mouse73 Жыл бұрын
These parents truly make me feel disgusted by our society. My daughter is a camel, she loves water. Even at age 10, if she is given a choice of pop (she hates pop) or juice, she chooses water every single time. She also chooses to eat vegetables of all kinds over sweet snacks. She eats this way because I raised her to make healthy choices. That was my responsibility when I brought a child into this world. For the people who don't understand the camel reference, no one cares about how dumb you are. Also, I am a recent sub and really enjoying your thought-provoking and honest content. Thanks.
@Psilomuscimol 8 ай бұрын
If your daughter is a camel, well unless you're a camel I feel sorry for you. The pain I can't even imagine. Wait, how big is a newborn camel?
@understanding77 8 ай бұрын
Must be nice having a camel 🐪
@eric9604 8 ай бұрын
What’s the point of bragging about your kids?
@eric9604 8 ай бұрын
Full of yourself?
@Mouse73 8 ай бұрын
@@eric9604 I'm a great mom and I have no problem stating that. If you think I am full of myself, ask yourself why you're projecting your flaws onto me. Maybe if you focus on being a better parent, if you're even one in the first place, you wouldn't be so upset someone else is raising their child to be healthy and make better choices. Or maybe you're the one who is unhealthy, obese and unable to show any restraint and you feel inadequate compared to my 10 year old. Again that's your problem and I don't really give a fuck dude.
@adamwest5625 2 жыл бұрын
My dad had a ‘difficult chat’ with me when I was 11 - l was getting quite fat and my dad suggested that I take up a sport to get healthier.. ..picked up basketball and that became obsessed with the game. That also got me into other sports and now I’m 44, I’m in the best shape of my life with 7% body fat. My dad who is now 64 remains in unbelievable shape as he has been active all his life. He is the one who inspired me to become the best version of me to this day.
@plexyglass429 2 жыл бұрын
How did that chat go? How did he approach it?
@cruelreality6789 2 жыл бұрын
7% is really low, is not not near dangerously low?
@diamonddogs6037 2 жыл бұрын
7% is low, my son is 16 and I just recently started him working out.
@Ryan-wx1bi 2 жыл бұрын
7% isn't healthy... But I doubt you're actually 7%. Most tests are inaccurate
@goulash6737 2 жыл бұрын
@@cruelreality6789 typically you wanna add 4-6% to someone's BF% claim
@chaplainnormie 2 жыл бұрын
I extremely hate it when others tell you that weight lose is unnecessary. It’s definitely not! When you loose weight you become a better person and feel better.
@FurbyParade226 2 жыл бұрын
How do you spell 'loss' but not 'lose'? Lol jw
@hadi_drums 2 жыл бұрын
agreed, but it's "lose"
@chaplainnormie 2 жыл бұрын
Ah crap lol just noticed that.
@user-zs9ux1ru8u 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly it depends on the situation, but for the most part I agree. Speaking as a person that long since recovered from bulimia, weight loss is indeed important as long as you're doing it safely and have a diet plan in mind rather than throwing up, taking diet pills that have adverse side effects, or starving yourself.
@genox3636 2 жыл бұрын
You are beautiful as you are.
@TheT1m3L0rd 2 жыл бұрын
I’m overweight (although I’ve lost 20kg over the last 6 months so I’m working on it) and I always talk to my 5-year-old about how I have a “big fat tummy” because I didn’t look after myself, drank lots of soft drinks and didn’t exercise. She has helped me with my weight more than anyone else because she wants to run around and play with her daddy. She is healthy, energetic and wants to help her daddy get healthy. I don’t like to exercise, but I love to play with her, so that is my exercise. We run around the backyard together or walk or ride bikes down to the park for her to play. I push myself to help her play and have a fun to help her stay healthy. We are strict with what she eats and limit her convenience food intake and her sweets intake.
@easternlights3155 2 жыл бұрын
You're a good man, sir. I wish you and your little girl all the best!
@MrsYasha1984 2 жыл бұрын
This is so sweet! Keep her wellbeing, as well as yours a high priority. The love for your daughter can be the driving force in your life for Good. Keep following that
@sensoryoverload673 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly the opposite of the woman in the video. That's lovely to hear, sir. All the best!
@fte6te6f 2 жыл бұрын
great share mam
@azure4208 2 жыл бұрын
that's awesome to hear, you're definitely setting her up for a good, healthy life like that
@DonjiKong Жыл бұрын
If I were the doctor, I would have addressed the mom and the daughter equally telling both of them they are overweight.
@dennisburns2002 2 жыл бұрын
Since getting really into your videos, I've stopped drinking alcohol, started going to the gym 6 days a week, eating healthier, intermittent fasting and generally becoming more self disciplined. You weren't the only factor, but a sizable part of it. Thanks so much, you are a very positive influence
@dryfox11 2 жыл бұрын
Good for you man! Keep it up
@aedanbobaden3094 2 жыл бұрын
hope you are seeing consistent progress dude!
@factsandlogic4709 2 жыл бұрын
Just remember to do the hard work even when you don't feel like it
@dennisburns2002 2 жыл бұрын
@@factsandlogic4709 I've noticed that not drinking has made it easier to be consistently motivated to do the exercise and diet stuff. I'm getting way better at keeping my promises to myself
@factsandlogic4709 2 жыл бұрын
@@dennisburns2002 yeah, addictions with pin you down and keep you weak of you let them so stay strong
@pennyburroughs6615 Жыл бұрын
I was really fat as a teenager. Obese. If someone had stopped to question me, or what was going on it would have been obvious. It was a really rough environment I was in. Trauma. Fear. I left home at 16 and the weight fell off. I was desperately unhappy and coped using food. Later in life I used alcohol. It’s an addiction. It’s all mental health. I can only speak of my experience, but pushing the fat acceptance is INSANE to me. Praising any harmful addiction is a form of madness
@dddux Жыл бұрын
Being aware of this is the first step towards a better life. An applause for you, lady. 👋 If you can, try to learn how to cook food for yourself. Food that is healthy. The Internet is full of great recipes! My personal favourites are Indian and Mexican dishes. Easy to make, tasty and healthy. YUM! 😛
@angiev1840 10 ай бұрын
Exactly. Emotional trauma and disorders need to be addressed because many people are overeating due to emotional problems and not exclusively lack of discipline. If you don't heal the root, any weight loss will be temporary.
@boosqueezy2418 8 ай бұрын
it’s like handing out crack pipes and putting dope fiends on the cover of health magazines
@B_PE 2 ай бұрын
im sorry this is late and off topic but how did you move out at 16? im looking for tips on moving out myself
@dolphin1418 Ай бұрын
@@B_PEI know you might not want to answer this but why?
@KlausSgroi 2 жыл бұрын
The face that mother does when she says "thyroid" (10:23) says everything. Even she doesn't believe what she's saying.
@CircmcisionIsChi1dAbus3 Жыл бұрын
yah I noticed she kept trying to stop herself from laughing and smiling. She really doesn't care. This is her paycheck to appear on this show. She doesn't care about her life just like she doesn't care about her kids. If she did, maybe the person who gave her 2 kids would still be around.
@yehmen29 Жыл бұрын
It's so quickly to test too, as the narrator pointed out. I have an overactive thyroid, ibs, cancer... and I can produce the test results (blood work, biopsy results, mri scans) to back that up.
@lanaburismo5231 Жыл бұрын
Both of my parents were fat. I made the decision when i was little that i wouldn't be like them. They'd tell me to finish my plate and I'd refuse because i was already full. They're both dead because they couldn't control themselves
@arthusoliveiradossantos9232 Жыл бұрын
@AUselessTrader Ай бұрын
Last sentence hit like a brick
@mickieerickson7267 2 жыл бұрын
I was so lucky. My mom was chubby in elementary school. My grandmother's doctor told her that my mom had to loose 20 pounds at age 15. My mom was so bullied in school and when she had us children she was very strict about food. No soda, sweet juice, sweets, or chips were allowed in our house. We had to eat healthy meals. I'm grateful for a lifetime of good habits because my mom didn't want her children to suffer the negativity of obesity that she had.
@Orangecatenergy 2 жыл бұрын
You were indeed lucky cause this behaviour is also not a healthy relationship with food Recognize that kids can have sweets from time to time, but not to shut them up or comfort them when they're fussy, and don't treat it like it's such a good thing, don't treat it like the devil either, just treat it normally. And preferably not the type of candy that's full of chemicals.
@you_dont_know_me6583 2 жыл бұрын
Most kids call that abuse but it's just good parenting
@mrmoustache8574 2 жыл бұрын
Good things she learned and realised that she was wrong
@vhp6774 2 жыл бұрын
Your mother is very smart and caring; and you are very lucky.
@mrmoustache8574 2 жыл бұрын
@@vhp6774 I Agree We cats and humans have a lot in common
@watchdealer11 2 жыл бұрын
Two videos in just a short amount of time. Thanks for blessing us during these dark, woke times, man!
@CoolPapaJMagik 2 жыл бұрын
Somehow I missed the last one. Didn’t get a notification so thanks
@JSFGuy 2 жыл бұрын
@@CoolPapaJMagik it was a long video the last he dropped, about radicalizing individuals.
@hooligan2588 2 жыл бұрын
Fun fact: Human males have 2 puberties, there's a spike in testosterone around the age of 3-4 which largely determines growth and penile growth, and being fat disturbs the necessary hormone balance for optimum growth. Being a fat kid = smaller pp
@avoider707 2 жыл бұрын
they really help
@ericvulgate 2 жыл бұрын
Me neither.
@HappywifeTaylor 2 жыл бұрын
I work in a pediatricians office and we had a 12 year old come in who weighted almost 400 pounds. She could barely lift her foot a inch and a half to step on the scale.
@mangersavoir4213 2 жыл бұрын
I had a pre K student that just turned 3 years old and he was 74 pounds.
@1439315 2 жыл бұрын
Grocery store; see a fat guy & fat girl walk in, right behind them, chubby son & chubby daughter. Later when you are about to check out you pass them & look into their food cart; If i ate the crap they do then i would weigh what they do. Trash i snot food.
@rationalbacon5872 2 жыл бұрын
This should be considered child abuse by the parents. At the very least it's severe neglect. I just can't understand how we tolerate parents doing this?
@laur131306 2 жыл бұрын
@@rationalbacon5872 I was about to ask this same question! If a child is brought into my pediatrician that's severely underweight, the parents are usually in trouble...unless it's a rare case where it's a medical problem but USUALLY it's due to some form of neglect....but the parents of overweight kids arent looked at the same way. It's so odd. They're both serious abuse and neglect.
@Firestorm214 2 жыл бұрын
I am 14 and I can’t believe 12 years old can get 400 pounds. That’s terrible.
@yehmen29 Жыл бұрын
'If you don't buy it, they can't eat it'. Perfectly put. When I was 18-25, I tutored children (teenagers) from wealthy French families in Paris and its posh suburbs. Many of them were doing drugs. Not just cannabis, but also Ecstasy and even cocaine. Many of them were sexually active too, and some of them had started having sex (usually with other teens) before they were the legal age for sex, which is 15 in France. As a result the mothers would take their daughters to the gynaecologist so that they could get a prescription for the contraceptive pill. As they didn't use condoms (yet they could afford drugs) some of them would get venereal diseases. I had a 18-year pupil (3 years behind at school) who had been sexually active since he was 14 and had managed to catch drug resistant syphillis when he was 16. He had been expelled from 3 private Roman CAtholic schools in a row because he was dealing drugs. His parents paid £20K pa (in today's money) for his current school, which was non boarding. That fee didn't even include the canteen. The boy's mother gave him around £20 every morning so that he could have lunch in a brasserie or similar with his friends. Whenever the parents asked me for advice about their kids' school results, I suggested they get them off the drugs. No one can focus on their English or Maths homework while on cannabis or ecstasy. The parents would counter that if the kids didn't take drugs, they wouldn't have any friends at school. If I suggested not giving them so much pocket money in the first place (these kids were receiving the equivalent of the net minimum salary from the age of 12), the parents would be horrified. THey would argue that if they didn't give their kids so much pocket money, they would end up having to prostitute themselves to buy the drugs, the designer clothes, etc. that they 'needed'. That money could have help bring up several kids who were living in poverty, buying food, clothes, stationery, sports kits, etc.
@3namechangezalowdevry90day7 10 ай бұрын
Wow. The US is kind of like that in how the teacher is blamed for low grades no matter how bizarro the kids' home lives are.
@Psilomuscimol 8 ай бұрын
I did way harder drugs than weed and still graduated fine.
@Psilomuscimol 8 ай бұрын
Meth. Heroin. Xanax. Fent. Xylazine once even.
@Psilomuscimol 8 ай бұрын
Xylazine was after I graduated and I blacked out for a whole car drive.
@lintera5157 8 ай бұрын
​@@Psilomuscimolbragging about using drugs is fucking sad yo😭
@badrequest5596 2 жыл бұрын
I have lived in the UK and i noticed that people do use children as a pay check. The governement gives fat benefits per kid. The more you have the more money you get. I heard young women saying they needed to get pregnant so they can afford to get out of their parents house. It honestly horrified me. It gave me the impressiona they dont actually care about their children. Obviously this isnt everyone, but a lot of people seem to think like this. Things may have changed since then. This was over 10 years ago
@connordickerson6815 2 жыл бұрын
I have met people that won't work over 16 hours because if they worked 40 they would end up with less money.
@tristanbackup2536 2 жыл бұрын
Sometimes I wish we need to take away daddy government. Want kids? Find a man who will settle & support, take responsibility.
@meelodeshmeeelo2034 2 жыл бұрын
@@tristanbackup2536 yes in an ideal world. We do not live in an ideal world. Relationships breakdown, people die, accidents happen et et etc
@meelodeshmeeelo2034 2 жыл бұрын
@@makingadjustments one of the problems here in the UK, as someone mentioned, wages are so low for many so they have to top up on benefits - earn a wee bit over the threshold and boom they have to pay for things they would have gotten free or reduced when claiming top up. The system kinda sets low earners up to NOT work more hours and I don’t blame them.
@meelodeshmeeelo2034 2 жыл бұрын
@thesmileyone where you getting those ‘facts’ from?! 😂
@THEBIGNADZ 2 жыл бұрын
When I was a personal trainer my boss was ripped, she had a 6 pack at 40, gorgeous woman. Then she revealed she has had thyroid issues her whole life among a tonne of other health issues.She never let any clients get away with using their thyroid as an excuse. I really do feel like sometimes when people get answers the answers turn into excuses. " well I have ______ thats why" . Through intuitive eating and listening to my body I lost 40lbs and managed to keep it off for 10 years so far. There was nothing positive about being overweight. I can never get behind this "movement" that is based in a lack of movement 🤣
@afrozoldyck 2 жыл бұрын
@kittycat8222 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you! So many thyroid cryers in these comment section. I was literally born with deformed feet and ankles along with bones spurs in my knees and I never let that cause me to make excuses. I am only .7 lbs over my BMI.
@THEBIGNADZ 2 жыл бұрын
@@kittycat8222 good for you, for not letting that stop you! It's easy to find examples of people doing nothing about their problems. Its inconvenient for people to believe that others actually push through and don't let set backs completely stop them.
@andreab9 2 жыл бұрын
Your boss is so right. I was diagnosed with Graves Disease (hyperthyroidism) and was told that my medication may make me gain up to 10-15 pounds, but no more than that. I did gain 10 pounds over the course of a few months, but it’s slowly coming off as I get better. Throughout the entirety of my treatment I have been avoiding inflammatory foods like gluten and soy. I’ve also been prioritizing an active lifestyle. Not to say that I didn’t do these things before, but when you are being treated for Graves, weight gain becomes SO much easier. But at some point you have to hold yourself accountable. It’s been quite a journey for my body but I’ve prioritized keeping stress levels down, getting all my nutrients in and staying active to AVOID excessive weight gain. People are allergic to accountability I guess.
@ihavenonameforyou1 2 жыл бұрын
Your boss has her life revolved around fitness and working out and it somehow proves that it is not genetic to an extent. Most people have lives and things they need to achieve not just train 24/7. For some to be fit you need to sacrifice a lot of your life while for others it comes naturally.
@gemmagreene362 2 жыл бұрын
When people say that obesity is “genetic”, they are talking nonsense. I was a child in the UK in the 70s & there were about 2 overweight kids in the whole school (and when I say that, I mean slightly chubby, not obese). Genetics can not work that quickly. What they mean by “genetics” is having fat parents/grandparents/siblings, ie an obesogenic family environment. But calling it “genetics” or “thyroid problems” places the blame outside of the family & makes it less likely that they will take any real steps to change it.
@larajones175 2 жыл бұрын
Genetics does have a part in it . A Thyroid from Mom and Dad . The eating disorder from the thyroid, I don't understand. Mom is still 120 at 5'4 and I'm 137lbs at 5'9. It's metabolism . Once addressed , There's no issue with weight. You'll gain a bit of weight knowing something is wrong . About 15 - 20 (Not 100 ) pounds. You are what you eat, Ignor your teeth, They'll go away , And an apple a day keeps Doctor away! Responsibile active parents that didn't indulge or have excuses was so appreciated looking back. Children emulate their parents. We must be accountable for their outcome, Instilling great habits from the start.
@animeloveer97 2 жыл бұрын
i remember my ex best freind saying obesity ran in her family when we were 12/13. even then i was like nah dude yall all just eat like shit
@davidortiz3094 2 жыл бұрын
@@larajones175 People act like they can't lose the weight by going to the gym. Lazy people always make excuses.
@connorself 2 жыл бұрын
Although weight is “genetic” in a sense; it’s often misinterpreted and twisted. The genetic predisposition to be obese does exist, but that does not mean you will become obese, just that you have a higher likelihood than the general population due to XYZ. However you can take extra steps to prevent this from happening. I am at an extreme predisposition for diabetes as my entire father side has type 1 diabetes and my mothers side has a lineage of type 2, however I’m still in good health due to me being proactive about my body care. These people can take care of themselves but choose to blame genetics for their inactivity.
@wolfywonder8480 2 жыл бұрын
My mom has thyroid problems and, as a result, has difficulty with her weight. Sometimes she will inexplicably gain or lose weight despite not changing her eating habits and taking medication to regulate her condition. However, she is nowhere near morbidly obese because she has good eating habits and outright refuses to get fast food or even eat out period, except for a few times a year when it comes to going to a nice restaurant for a family member’s birthday, or something similar. These problems do exist and can be hard to work with, but they’re no excuse for poor habits
@libertyblue159 Жыл бұрын
I really admire how you dissected respect and conversation skills when talking about such a complex issue.
@The-Man-On-The-Mountain 2 жыл бұрын
I am a snowboarding teacher. I had a kid many years ago, who was 11 years old, and his weight was 81 kg. At launch time, I told him to let me see what he had in his backpack. Not a single sandwich, no water. Everything was chocolate, industrial milkshakes, soda, candy... I was shocked. I told my boss to talk to his parents, because that was horrible.
@BobSmith-pl6sm 2 жыл бұрын
81kg at 11. That's is shocking.
@maddyg3208 2 жыл бұрын
I'm a 55 yo man and I don't even weigh 81 kilos
@msmaria5039 2 жыл бұрын
That's 178 pounds.
@DavidChadwell 2 жыл бұрын
I weighed that much at 11 years old, and weighed 260 by 20 years old. My parents never taught me anything about eating right or exercising. Luckily I learned eventually, and my kids are learning at 3-4 years old so they don't repeat my history.
@karsana0859 2 жыл бұрын
Oh shittttt I weigh 70 kg at 14
@Purple0fairy0bunny 2 жыл бұрын
My daughter was 168 lbs at 10. We were concerned woth her weight and her dr said they dont worry about weight until 15 and then will start process for bariatric surgery. We changed drs and was immediately able to get blood work done. Changed eating habits and within 6 months had lost 30 lbs but also gained 4in in height. Shes now 13 and has been steady at 150 and (currrently 5' 4") for over 2 years but her labs are all now normal. On the flip side my son was underweight and they hospitalized him for a week to get him to gain but he gained .4 oz so released him.
@ThinkBeforeYouSleepYT 2 жыл бұрын
What a horrible doctor. He was literally pushing you towards expensive surgery when it was completely unnecessary.
@umbreonfan0369 2 жыл бұрын
@@ThinkBeforeYouSleepYT Doctors gotta get money out of you somehow. Probably why they are pushing for it.
@emmaphilo4049 2 жыл бұрын
@@ThinkBeforeYouSleepYT not only expensive but also a quite heavy one with consequences on daily life.
@mangersavoir4213 2 жыл бұрын
@@ThinkBeforeYouSleepYT I'm sure the doctor was getting a kick back from that.
@ShadowbannedAccount Жыл бұрын
@@ThinkBeforeYouSleepYT Anything to earn money.
@FishAnvil 2 жыл бұрын
Every time I'd go to my doctor with my mom I'd be around the 10th percentile of underweight boys for my age, so maybe 3 or 4 pounds under where I should be. The amount of questions she and I were asked to see if I was being abused or neglected was insane when you consider that forcing your child to be in constant pain is met with absolutely no concern.
@rwsd343 2 жыл бұрын
In primary school, I had to get a blood test because one of the teachers thought I was being neglected. If I had been a fat kid, she would have done nothing.
@splicerbabe 2 жыл бұрын
my sibling is 6’7 or something ridiculous, tall parents, short me(5’3). But they were always extremely tall and lanky, taller than parents now, and growing up we always heard people talking about them, even though they would leave no food for us and has a sugar addiction. On contrast, I didn’t have weight issues until college, campus food plan and a new bf who took me out to eat every weekend or more was too many calories. I was about 140 at my highest, spent a lot of time counting calories, tracking what I burned on the treadmill, being strict with myself. I got down to 115 and then a bit later i got food poisoning and got almost below 100 since food made me nauseous and still to this day does it effect my relationship with food, but I gotta push through it and eat or overeat when i can to make sure i never get to such a scary point again. It scared everyone I knew, I wasn’t advocating for acceptance, I knew it was a problem and was trying to fix it.
@AdriCr4ft 2 жыл бұрын
I’m guessing it’s because if a child has access to no food and is being abused or neglected then that child isn’t going to be alive for many more days. While a child that over eats, even tho it’s neglectful, it’s a different kind of neglect/abuse.
@leifmeadows3782 2 жыл бұрын
@@AdriCr4ft CPS is so overwhelmed by cases that they probably can't start coming after children with severe obesity. I also wonder if this is a case of the laws not catching up with the times. We have laws in place to deal with parents not feeding their children because for years and years THAT was the most likely problem. Whereas now, severe childhood obesity is also common. Oh and also you would have people rioting int he streets if you tried to criminalize letting your child get morbidly obese. You then have to decide where to draw the line: are parents allowed to let their child get a little overweight? If so, by how much? If they're 10 pounds overweight do we leave them alone or do we have to do a CPS visit or do we just leave them alone? Should we wait until they're obese class 1, 2, or 3? It would be a logistical nightmare and I'm not necessarily saying we shouldn't sit down as a society and figure it out, I'm just saying it would be a logistical nightmare AND there would be rioting in the streets AND no politician who could possibly be up for re-election is going to want to wade into that mess. Oh and also CPS can't even remove children who are being physically abused half the time, so there's that.
@AdriCr4ft 2 жыл бұрын
@@leifmeadows3782 well what I meant was that being obese isn’t as dangerous as being in an actual abusive home. So CPS should put deadly cases first than irresponsible behaviour. Let’s be honest here. They feed the kids what they feed themselves. You must have heard that phrase or sentence before, if you are cold then your child needs 2 layers more. Something like that. So they overfeed their children thinking their as hungry as them. They have food in the house and they clearly don’t lock their cupboards. Otherwise they would be skin and bones. They don’t hit the kids or physically beat them. They love them enough to fatten them up. So in my eyes this is a lowest of the lowest rank for neglect and isn’t going to get attention which I agree with. Sexual abuse/r@pe/ physical are the ones who need most attention to.
@giusepperesponte8077 Жыл бұрын
My mom was a neglectful parent and was just ignorant on parenting. She gave me straight apple juice when I was really young all the time and I had to get 7 root canals before I was 5. They couldn’t just pull them because it would’ve deformed my jaw because I was so young. It would’ve been a while until my permanent teeth came in. It was extremely painful.
@Upioornica 2 жыл бұрын
"For those who aren't British, one stone is 14 pounds, so that's 266 pounds for a thirteen year old girl" And for those who aren't American, that's 120 kg. Stones and pounds are as helpful here as measuring height in carrots and football stadiums XD
@FreshMedlar 2 жыл бұрын
Always blow by American measurement system ahahahhahaha
@fanofcodd 2 жыл бұрын
Btw a carrot is around 16.8 cm
@lukelblitz3627 2 жыл бұрын
@@Raya-ir4tm no,we just use measuring systems that make sense
@jamessewake8285 2 жыл бұрын
@@Raya-ir4tm They said measuring weight in pounds/stones is like measuring height in carrots/football stadiums. In what sense is that bad English?
@puma8262 2 жыл бұрын
@@Raya-ir4tm His english isn't bad, your reading comprehension is ass.
@larcm3 2 жыл бұрын
Just today I went to see the doctor for my daughter who sprained her ankle while exercising. The doctor tried to shame me for making her exercise saying that there is nothing wrong with a fat looking kid. I'm never going back to that woke doctor again.
@luna1r 2 жыл бұрын
I know these kind of people too. I also work with children and tbh yes, there's something wrong when they are overweight. Some of them have real trouble breathing and moving and it's heartbreaking to see. It's NOT normal and should not be normalized.
@idkwhybut... 2 жыл бұрын
Exercise is good. Just don't overwork the kid. If you want them to stick to it, they'll have to enjoy it.
@naturazpolski9213 2 жыл бұрын
Was the doctor overweight too? Because that's the only idea I get after hearing such bullshit, how doctor can say somwthing like this? A DOCTOR?!
@co7769 2 жыл бұрын
@@naturazpolski9213 bro there’s doctors in the states and Canada who are mutilating the breasts and genitals of children! Fucking minors! Society doesn’t let them drink, drive, work (until 16 or so), they are not allowed to go to the restroom without permission, they have to ask their parents for permission BUT they can totally go and get their genitals chopped off. Not only that but there’s also doctors that prescribe puberty blockers. They lie and say that if you decide to stop taking the blockers, that the kid will grow and develop like nothing happened. They are doing irreparable damage to children.
@kaerligheden Жыл бұрын
What??????? I can't believe a doctor said that.....
@Zathren 2 жыл бұрын
Fat acceptance may even be more sinister than we all think. I see a lot of obese customers where I work. And there's about twice as many female obese as their are men. With women being so over weight, they're less likely to want to take the effort to raise their kids responsibility. Hence obese kids. Edit: and to those asking "why do I care?" let me relate to you. Why do you care about an alcoholic? Or a drug addict? The homeless? These are people we can and should help. The men and women who are eating far to many calories every day are no acception. I'm only just starting to realize food addiction may be a real thing. Trying to lose weight when all you can think about is the delicious but worthless food you can buy is a terrible hole to be in. My day to day is a constant battle of will, hoping I lose another pound at the end of the week. As a fat guy trying to get healthy, I HATE that people seem to encourage the opposite these days.
@rizkiramadhan9266 2 жыл бұрын
They're not women. They're womanatees
@Red-jt6uu 2 жыл бұрын
It's amazing that these cows manage to get pregnant in the first place. Are there really that many desperate men?
@xanthippus9079 2 жыл бұрын
And they are given priority access to children in case of divorce 🤡
@samsonthewyrm9396 2 жыл бұрын
Single moms destroy children. Look at Arnold's son that lives with his mother vs the one that lives with him. Perfect example
@livedhill1640 2 жыл бұрын
I'm ask why do you care? Fat accepted is not a problem. If you wanna be fit go be that way. But going out your way pointing at fat people is dumb. Like along as your family is so call healthy then why you care?
@Roxanna_Lux Ай бұрын
Wild when parents act like they can’t control what a toddler eats when they buy and cook the food 💀
@cxa340 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who is legally blind and just had to undergo a transplant to save what little vision I have - I say a big FU to this movement. I did everything I could to save my sight, and will continue to do so - someone who is fat because they simply lack willpower and self-control does not get to compare their situation to mine - that is beyond offensive. If you are oversight because of health issues I understand that, and I do not judge it because I see no difference between my situation and someone who faces medical issues effecting their weight and health. But, those people are few and far between, compared to these people who simply cannot step away from the tv and take a walk.
@bestaqua23 2 жыл бұрын
And you know they are few and fare between because ... ?
@cxa340 2 жыл бұрын
@@bestaqua23 because there is a fairly large amount of research including Cochran studies that show most overweight and most obese patients do not suffer from a pre-existing medical condition like thyroid disease for example that prevents them from successful weight management. Most patients if they enter a supervised weight management program will be able to lose weight if they adhere to the program.
@Fatima-zs3mo 2 жыл бұрын
@memyself898 2 жыл бұрын
I get your point and agree to an extent, but sometimes it's more complex than that. Sometimes it's a mental health issue. I will say I'd bet more often than not you are right. But it's like dealing with drug addicts as overeating and being sedentary can in itself be addictive. I know because that was mean for a long time. I was fat and had a lot of eating issues from severe depression. I got help mentally, that turned into losing 90lbs physically. And that doesn't mean I somehow get a pass to do nothing though so don't get me wrong. Yeah I was depressed and needed help, but I chose to do nothing for a long time so it's on me. I'm just saying it's not always that people are just lazy.
@courtneycherry5582 2 жыл бұрын
My husband is a type 1 diabetic senses birth he gets so mad over the fact that these people would give themselves diabetes. SMH
@saraoz8071 2 жыл бұрын
Being an overweight girl is hard, it makes your childhood and teenage years very miserable. Not only because of bullying or seeing other people being prettier than you, but also from family members. I was overweight when I was 15 because of depression, in my family food was seen as comfort, celebrating and generally positive things to the point where I used it to fill the emptiness in my young heart. It took me 3 years to realize I had a problem, the sad part was that EVERYONE told me I had a problem but I didn’t listen. When I finally realized it, I got into a dieting program and I’ve been loosing at least 1 kilogram a month since I started. If you feel overweight and overwhelmed, try and see within yourself to find the problem and try and change. Other people can’t change you.
@bunnieskitties293 Жыл бұрын
Good job. Last girl I saw showed me her 'before' picture once. It was a bit embarrassing for me with how absolutely shocked I was because while she was curvy when I saw her, I couldnt imagine what her starting point was. An impressive transformation and a worthwhile journey. I hope you get to where you like to be with sustainable habits. Our parents these last few generations are going to saddle almost everyone with awful problems to work through. The best we all can do is learn which ones we got and iron them out in our 20s and become 'adults' in our 30s so we can be better parents than they were.
@quadzilla561 Жыл бұрын
Keep grinding ❤
@wchas5702 Жыл бұрын
You were overweight because of depression? No, you were overweight because you ate too much and were lazy
@savagetv6460 Жыл бұрын
That's a big reason so many fat girls become Trans. Woketards feed on vulnerable people like a cult
@CircmcisionIsChi1dAbus3 Жыл бұрын
The REAL sad thing, is that everyone who cared about you enough to tell you that you had a problem, weren't people that you respected enough to listen to them...its cyclical. I fail you, I feel sorry about failing you, so I, in my instance of guilt, try to talk to you, but I failed to establish a sense of respect towards you and you don't care what I have to say.... It reminds me of this short animation: Building an emotional foundation starts at a very young age, and if it gets disrupted, or fails to be built, it causes quite a lot of problems down the line. It's like building a house on sand. It just erodes whatever you try to build.
@muey5265 2 жыл бұрын
Im 15 and i weight 96 kgs, this channel made me realize that holy shit, im fat and unhealthy. My mom already helped me with a new diet and some exercise like riding a bike or running. Thanks for your work!
@solomon2532 2 жыл бұрын
keep it up, you should not be 96kg at 15 years old. Good luck :)
@lialia2268 2 жыл бұрын
You got it! Smart kid, you’ll get healthy just keep at it
@neonneo143 2 жыл бұрын
best of luck with that!! :D we all believe in you
@valeriekeefe8898 2 жыл бұрын
None of that will help on its own, just make you feel guilty and make you fatter in the long run. Look up Jason Fung and understand the fundamental biological relationship between obesity and nutrient-sensing hormones. You'll be less-hungry, more-satisfied, and stop being made to feel like being force fed 100 years of medical misinformation was your fault. Wish I could've saved myself 20 years of heartache at that age, so best of luck. (And I was 180 lbs and 6' 4" in high-school... the bad habits that were sold as good habits caught up with me by the time I was 20, and the numbers spiralled up until I peaked at 440... I'm now down somewhere between 60 and 80 from that peak, and it's fasting. Dieting was part of the problem. Not saying avoid vegetables, but it's less that than you think. I eat less-micronutritious foods now and my health's improved because autophagy is part of the mix.)
@naturazpolski9213 2 жыл бұрын
Don't run! At your weight it might hurt your knees. Cycling is much safer now and still you burn lots of calories! Keep it up mate! You can do it!
@bobshikalob4990 2 жыл бұрын
I'm from Vietnam, and this is baffling to me. I have seen maybe 1/20 kids as far and I cannot imagine one in five kids being obese! My parents are great, they have me good food and rarely ever let me eat sugary foods and drinks, conditioning me to like vegetables and fruits. Luckily, I have also met good people on the internet, and not the fat acceptance ones. My parents have also worked hard, helped me with my health and even though we fight a bit, assignments like this have really made me appreciate them. They always make homemade food that this healthy and delicious! Thanks for informing me about these horrid parents.
@bobshikalob4990 2 жыл бұрын
Instead of assignments, I meant videos. Autocorrect with my bad spelling really butchered that
@macktheripper7454 2 жыл бұрын
I love Vietnam .. visited there many times .. peace ✌️
@ivanlozano2019 2 жыл бұрын
The west is toxic and self destructive. Keep that shit out of your country. The UK and America are becoming 3rd world countries. I don't think anyone wants to find out what it'd do to a third world country.
@TomNook. 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, essentially first world problems
@defaultworkouts 2 жыл бұрын
fruit sugar goes right to the belly. they aren't that healthy not to mention bloating
@briannerk3373 2 жыл бұрын
As a psychotherapist, I really think that the best way to understand this is as an addiction to food; more specifically, as an addiction to "binge eating" (an activity that is psychologically qualitatively different than eating until one is full). All addictions are generally about coping with unbearable default affects in a person's life, be it anxiety, loneliness and etc.. It is no surprise that the atomized and high speed society of today with it's abundance of food, especially "high dopamine reward food", people would use binge eating as a addictive coping mechanism. We need to understand and address this as a form of addiction arising out of a societal context.
@laurendawn9872 2 жыл бұрын
What do you recommend as a solution? I did a lot of therapy (EMDR and CBT) which changed my life completely, however even after all that work and healing I still have a problem with food... I am overweight by 2 lbs so it's not bad at all but I keep failing at trying to stop eating all that junk food :/ At that point I don't know what to do anymore, I know it ruins my life but I can't stop
@TrollWithN3oN 2 жыл бұрын
@@laurendawn9872 I'd suggest not buying those type of foods
@xconner2452 2 жыл бұрын
@@TrollWithN3oN That’s like telling an alcoholic “just don’t buy alcohol”-like yeah, that would help, but it’s not that simple. You need to address WHY they want to buy the thing they’re addicted to in the first place
@xconner2452 2 жыл бұрын
@@Raya-ir4tm People can have stressful lives, mental illness, and personal trauma regardless of whether there’s been a war or not. Life can be relatively easy and a person can still have depression. General circumstances don’t necessarily correlate to individual circumstances
@jean-baptistedupont5967 2 жыл бұрын
I'm sure that is correct. However, is there statistical evidence for that? I mean, I'm sure there are a lot of obese people who fall into the category you described, but that claim needs a bit more proof than just stating it. I'm not trying to be abrasive, the thing is just that I know quite a number of psychotherapists, and with one laudable exception all of them have this tendency (or should I call it 'obsession'...) to declare a 'psychological trauma' being behind everything (usually claimed without evidence - it's just 'what they think'), so they can indulge in their personal favourite topic.
@Iburn247 2 жыл бұрын
I have a wife who's now permanently in a wheelchair as of 4-5 years ago. Been with her since highschool. Anyway, she can't work and we have a 13 year old daughter together. When corona hit, I lost my job. I had to miss 4 months of tightening for my daughters braces because we pay out of pocket. I was devastated and felt like the biggest scumbag on earth. I STILL do and she's since been back regularly. I couldn't even imagine my kids suffering as much as the kids in the video ....because of me. Chokes me up actually
@Guts_Brando 2 жыл бұрын
I hope yall manage in some way
@GimmehLewt 2 жыл бұрын
I wish you all the best. It's tough, but we get through it :)
@Iburn247 2 жыл бұрын
@@Guts_Brando thank you. I have since adjusted things and have bounced back. I totally changed careers and left construction behind. Probably for the best anyway but it was definitely a hard transition. I've been working tools since 16 so I was like a caveman trying to learn the computer to work from home 😂
@Iburn247 2 жыл бұрын
@@GimmehLewt Thank you. Yes we do. You can't control what happens sometimes... You CAN always control how you handle what happens tho.
@markbaranyk9161 2 жыл бұрын
@@Iburn247 You are not a terrible dad. Granted, Invisalign may have been cheaper but you’re looking out for your daughters health and you’re a great dad for doing that.
@seanjeremiah3908 Жыл бұрын
your understanding of human psychology is really impressive. What i found most interesting about your commentary is how simply you explained these concepts. In reality, they ARE simple. Everyone inherently knows how to influence people from the time when their a baby crying cuz they want food or milk. However since they don’t understand the mechanism and idea behind doing so, they can’t use it all the time or to their full advantage. This video was commentary on a show investigating weight related issues within families, yet i could see myself using the information you gave in many other aspects of my life. very good stuff 👌
@katdodd6211 2 жыл бұрын
It says everything you need to know about our society that I never heard a thing about it when I was obese but now that I'm in shape, people think that something is wrong with me if I miss a meal.
@localretard3779 2 жыл бұрын
Keep doing you, don’t listen to these mindless sheep
@izzyjones19 2 жыл бұрын
I had a really big wake up call during the holidays when I had been taking my brother to go see my family who hasn't seen me in years. Not only was I a food addict, but I ate fast food regularly. One comment did it in for me. "One brother stayed skinny and the other one got fat." It angered me and I looked in the mirror and hated what I became and what I was doing to my body. I had people that would tell me that I look fine but i was 80 pounds over weight and my blood pressure sky rocketed in the last couple years! I just wish this society pushed for a self love that involved watching what you eat and loving your body enough to keep it healthy. Overindulgence is not self love, I was slowly destroying my life. I'm glad I'm not the only formerly obese person to realize this.
@BuckROCKGROIN 2 жыл бұрын
Wimin like being fat pigs and wimin set the rules for society.
@beingusseles4133 2 жыл бұрын
one question how did you loose wheight im 14 and i try to lose weight and i just want to know how some other people lost wheigt?
@katdodd6211 2 жыл бұрын
@@beingusseles4133 low carb/sugar and one meal a day most days
@benchapple1583 2 жыл бұрын
20:40 That girl sitting in the doctor's office playing with her phone and completely ignoring the doctor or her mother who is sitting next to her taking no action completely describes the situation. My mother would have gone insane if I'd done that and the reaction would have been very aggressive indeed.
@miguelgonzalez6495 2 жыл бұрын
My dad would kick my ass for something as simple as forgetting to great people when we had get togethers.
@miguelgonzalez6495 2 жыл бұрын
@Miranda Zhang Maybe I should have ended it with a laughing emoji? lol Because of my dad, I’m the man I am today. I know the value of hard work. I meant it in a way that I was taught proper manners.
@laurelsporter 2 жыл бұрын
Mine wouldn't have gone insane, but there'd be a wooden spoon coming out of the depths of her purse!
@fantasea114 Жыл бұрын
I would have had to say bye bye to my phone for good.
@Masami_Salami 2 жыл бұрын
I am mortified at the lack of social skills demonstrated by the adults in this video. All of the adults have failed the children they were trying to help.
@michellemcgill9328 Жыл бұрын
I worked in Pediatrics for 14 years. The advice we always gave was to never allow a child to go to bed with a bottle & to limit the amount of Juice given because of dental development.
@vanessaflores5379 2 жыл бұрын
I watched this original documentary with my 4yr old daughter, and she ran to brush her teeth right after, and doesn't forget to brush them anymore, and she does it all on her own. I also use this as an example to her, as to why you don't eat/drink so much sugary stuff, and she understands! If you educate them, and aren't lazy, you can prevent so much 'heart wrenching' pain. We also balance electronics/outside time so she doesn't become overweight or addicted to the screens. She even works out with me or invites me to work out with her. Children are an investment!
@Krysnha Жыл бұрын
Yes and no, childrens should be the future, a simbol of love, of a man and woman, something that we treahure and yes they are the investment of the future, dont see your children only as investment, because you make them look like you only want is a future nurse or doctor to pay for you and care for you when you are unable to take care of yourself
@dddux Жыл бұрын
One tip for healthy teeth, especially gums: instead of mouthwash you can use green tea. Well, having a habit of drinking green tea, beside black tea is a good one, since green tea contains more antioxidants. I love my Irish breakfast tea, make no mistake, but I drink 2 cups of it per day in the afternoon, 2 cups of green tea in the evening, and 2 cups of coffee in the morning. 2 (big) cups of everything is enough! 😆 I sorted them according to caffeine content, so it doesn't disturb my sleeping pattern as much.
@mckennadishongh2160 Жыл бұрын
Don’t get her obsessed with her weight at 4 yrs old….I understand teaching her good habits but if you overdo it you may run into a different and opposite problem when she’s a teenager.
@vanessaflores5379 Жыл бұрын
@mckennadishongh2160 We don't. We teach her what healthy looks like inside and out. I'm a woman, so I know what the teenage years look like for a girl. I also know how she processes information at this young age. I am fully aware of weight obsession because I've been there too.
@mckennadishongh2160 Жыл бұрын
@@vanessaflores5379 I’m really glad. I see so many parents teaching their young children things they wish they had known. Except because the child is young they over emphasize the issue without realizing the child doesn’t have the life experience to mediate the extreme for real life. I think Because of the state of our world teaching healthy habits and their importance is very important.
@Wicallz420 2 жыл бұрын
Hey man I gonna say I you were the one of the ones who got me to start my diet like 2 or 3 years back. I respect that you have the balls to spit out the truth that other places won't give. I can't believe I ever fell for this shit of being fat is "healthy". Like man I now training to become a boxer and you started that. Like I was 335lbs now am a 180lbs. Seriously never stop giving the truth and don't let youtube censor you. Keep on making the great videos.
@ThinkBeforeYouSleepYT 2 жыл бұрын
Wow. That's a big deal. Congratulations.
@Weekenday 2 жыл бұрын
Keep grinding and working on bettering yourself, there's always more work to be done bros 💪💪 never get complacent
@PopcornBroVids 2 жыл бұрын
Beautiful to hear brother let's get these gains
@naturazpolski9213 2 жыл бұрын
You go king! Keep fighting!
@eliotvarda 2 жыл бұрын
@@ThinkBeforeYouSleepYT please make a video about this, I think it is a set up, and at the same time it reached a lot of people,....
@JennieRose8 2 жыл бұрын
Tululah (spelling?) is adorable. It wouldn’t take much to adjust her weight either. Knock out the sugar and processed foods and go hiking with her. Sweet baby girl. ❤️
@Creative.onomatopeia Жыл бұрын
Absolutely adorable, so sad to see her in pain
@timhanser1943 Жыл бұрын
She is a lovely girl , so sad , the reality for most in the uk , our society is going down the toilet so quickly.
@ArmageddonIsHere Жыл бұрын
@intuitive_duck Жыл бұрын
The advice you said about being more involved, conversation wise, is so good. Honestly, I think having a strained relationship or lack of communication with your parents can exacerbate weight issues. You don’t feel loved if the only times your parents talk to you is to discipline or lecture you. You don’t feel motivated to change or might want to fight change because your semi-absent parents suggested it.
@booleah6357 2 жыл бұрын
Stories like these always make me want to get up and go for a run and exercise. I'm not an unhealthy person by any means but the idea of morbid obesity does scare me. Which I think it absolutely should.
@BitchChill 2 жыл бұрын
I run nearly everyday, even with days I don't wanna do it
@booleah6357 2 жыл бұрын
@@BitchChill I try to as much as I can. Some days life happens and I don't go but I do my best. It really helps with depression and I feel the days I don't do it.
@Snoebal 2 жыл бұрын
Whenever I can, I like to go for a jog on the nature trail in my neighboorhood every day. It’s good excersize, Vitamin D, and I get to see a nice forest and wildlife.
@snowsnow4231 2 жыл бұрын
I was on keto and literally everyone is telling you: "Why are you not eating bread? Why don`t you eat brownies? This is so weird". People who were telling me that were unable to do 2 push ups. I stopped keto, went back to average diet, results - instantly got acne, constantly tired, zero energy, constant sugar cravings which I did not have on keto. I am back on my diet now, I can only buy 1% of products from the grocery store, which are eggs, precooked meat, raw meat and some other snacks like cheese or double cream. We have literally come to a point, where an obese person gets zero comments, yet a healthy fit person with abs is constantly getting reminded that they are doing something wrong. I prefer to get comments than let my flaws go unnoticed. I got a lazy eye and started squinting. My friend told me, I started doing eye exercises and now its gone. Would I rather prefer no one tell me and go around cross eyed? Nope. Telling people there is something wrong with them is normal and actually good friends should tell you stuff like this to help.
@sol-hunter2332 2 жыл бұрын
Do you have any dieting advice? Or easy steps to take as a novice?
@alexvaughan1013 2 жыл бұрын
It's better to only be able to buy 1% of products than have no self-control at the grocery store, fill your cart with tons of unhealthy crap, pay $200 then say, "I only came in for one thing."
@antm2599 2 жыл бұрын
Keto is cool but if you are on it too long you'll get a fatty liver. It's good to get rid of fat in the short term but long term you'll end up eating up your muscle mass too.
@jade5202 2 жыл бұрын
@@antm2599 and eating carbs gives you fatty liver more.
@BearPawSwipe 2 жыл бұрын
@Sebastian of current thing is valid I wish I could like this comment again. This was some good advice.
@BeeHatz 2 жыл бұрын
ive been overweight for many many years, and ive lost nearing 70lbs. i can truely say being smaller has made my life enjoyable! not only is food special now, it tastes better, im more confident, everything is going uphill. the fat acceptance movement is absolutely disgusting.
@jerknorris2483 2 жыл бұрын
I drink 3 coffees and probably 3 litres water probably water is key , 70lbs killing it gee go you
@Dirty_Bear22 2 жыл бұрын
@@jerknorris2483 Caffeine helps as appetite suppressant technically. Most stimulants do. Hell old weight loss supplements were caffeine and Ephedrine…
@pb95-bn4fc Жыл бұрын
As someone whose obese and ashamed of myself, I am thankful for your content. It gives some insight on psychology. I love to eat meat and vegetables but get tempted by carbs. Getting help for it now. Thank God!
@olgajones7530 Жыл бұрын
Vegetables have carbs, and carbs aren’t necessarily bad depending on what you eat. I really recommend visiting a nutritionist, it will help you plan meals better and wish you the best of luck ❤
@davidcox3076 8 ай бұрын
@@olgajones7530 Another vote for the nutritionist. They can provide a lot of tools to get on a healthy eating plan.
@FransceneJK98 7 ай бұрын
I got on the keto diet and it’s completely erased my cravings for sugar and fast food. I keep my carbs under 30g a day now. Lost tons of weight and many medical issues cleared up too. Can definitely recommend looking into
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