This Dragon Age: The Veilgaurd news is devastating...

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@naliagonzalez4782 23 күн бұрын
I am so disappointed with Dragon Age Vailguard. Over 500 hours in Origin, over 400 in Inquisition and close to 200 for DA2. I did every quest, every achievement and I unlocked, what is in my opinion, the perfect path of choices. Bioware just announced that **NONE** of the choices made in the previous 3 games matter. The only choices that matter are: Did you romance Solas Did you decide to save him or kill him Did you disband the inquisition. So fuck your Warden from Origin who went to find the cure for The Calling. Fuck Hawk if you had him live. Fuck Sanders and the Mage rebellion, Templars, Divine. Morrigans child, The Inquisitor drinking the well of sorrows. I was so hopeful for this grand epic to see all the main characters show up. Nope. And your character Rook will be an NPC for the story of everyone else because they'll develop relationships regardless if you do anything or not.
@AgingGamer1977 23 күн бұрын
You nailed it. They don't care about their product, or THESE THINGS WOULD HAVE MATTERED. Well said.
@marionase8940 22 күн бұрын
Totally agree, all these people out here crying about options being added to the character creator. Its like dude its just a extra option. Just ignore it if you dont like it. That shit is just people looking to cry about shit that isnt even going to be relevant to their own playthrough. since when is more customizations optioins a bad thing in a game.The taking away of our previous choices is a big deal though. Thats deal breaker territory for me. That actively taking away options from people. Whoever made this decision over at bioware really boggles my mind. There was a reason there old games were so beloved and it wasnt because of taking away options from the player. Crazy.
@justins340 22 күн бұрын
The only thing I would have bought this game for is to see if the "Here Lies The Abyss" line from DA2 and DAI ever paid off. Looks like they answered me. RIP to my boy, Hawke.
@red-merlin 24 күн бұрын
Yeah basically these guys who aren't the original team that made DA origins are saying "we don't care about your story, we want to tell OUR story". Yes it is insulting, and if you stuck it out this long your should be really offended by this. I was already on the fence on this game just because of how the series has lost that touch thru out the series but this would have killed any enthusiasm i had for it. And Yeah solas sat in the corner and sulked my entire playthru, didn't like him at all lol. And this game makes him the center piece lol. It should be no surprise that Corinne busche the director of veilguard did in fact romance solas, so it makes sense why these choices are solas centric
@MarwolfAeducan 23 күн бұрын
Hey these bastards had 10 years bg3. Is what feel the void after dragon age origina
@momoom2915 23 күн бұрын
The Center of the next Game will Not be solas it will be "ThE vEiLgUaRd'"
@__-tp4tm 23 күн бұрын
​@@momoom2915Solas will stay with ya throughout the game tho Either way, I wanted to give it a chance and after working myself through the different games prior (while Inquisition was a b-- to endure thanks to what feels like unending fetch quests all over it), knowing that none of it mattered to begin with just put the nail in the coffin.
@ltf3247 23 күн бұрын
When the director said all she saw Dragon age as was a safeplace for LGTV ppl I knew it was over.
@kuskus9703 22 күн бұрын
I love Solas, I romanced him but I lost hope in this game being good even before this news and now.... Btw based on what I saw of DA:V (not much), they seemed to mess up Solas too lol (SPOILERS ig if anyone cares, but in DA:I he says that blood magic is no worse than any other, used properly, but I've seen a snippet from DA:V where he says "I abhor the use of blood magic") so, yeah, very curious choices there
@Rekaert 23 күн бұрын
It's a shame, because Origins was a damn solid RPG. Love that game.
@zacheray 23 күн бұрын
Totally, I think in a little more time it’ll be considered a classic. The sub-title is holding it back from being recognized as The Dragon Age
@Kissamiess 22 күн бұрын
It was Bioware's attempt to return to form. Unfortunately it was too late and they needed EA's money to finish it, sealing their fate.
@larahanht2072 24 күн бұрын
so in three games, the only choice that ever mattered is if you boned solas, so laaaaaameeeee!!! huge disappointment!!!!!!!!!!!
@palamedes4740 22 күн бұрын
Solas of course being the only romance you don't get to have sex with
@Dankus_Memeus_II 23 күн бұрын
It’s a love letter to Solas romance fans and a hate letter to Morrigan romance fans 😂
@rileycord1248 22 күн бұрын
Oh my fucking god....this hurts so much cause it's true...
@greyw3aver 23 күн бұрын
By now it's obvious this game isn't made for DA fans but for 'modern audiences.' The world state was what made Dragon Age a unique experience throughout. Without it, it's simply not Dragon Age. Vote with your wallet folks.
@MadNinjaGirl 23 күн бұрын
Hey, remember when David Gaider said that “it hurts to leave, but I’m leaving the development of the fourth game in talented and capable hands that have my full support and faith”? Paraphrased. But.. yeah. The blows keep coming and they dont stop coming
@occorner2502 23 күн бұрын
Them abandoning the keep was a mistake. But you also can see how much relation there will be between veilguard and old games. Apart three decisions, nothing else will matter. The main reason why DA was great was that it allowed you to shape thedas to your liking, creating unique worldstates. Without it, it's no longer dragon age....
@MarwolfAeducan 23 күн бұрын
Bro so dumb on their part epic fail .
@FlyfishermanMike 23 күн бұрын
It's like going to see your favorite band but the bassist is the only original member left. The music might sound or even feel similar but something is off. The new lead singer doesn't have the range and the new guitarist can't shred. They even reinterpret some of the classics with changed lyrics or a new verse. Bioware is gone. Only Biowas remains.
@ningenKami 23 күн бұрын
No one is left. And its not a musical band anymore. It's a band of wоke "agenda fighters".
@daanvanderloon5032 22 күн бұрын
Beautifully put.
@jarreththomson4535 23 күн бұрын
the more i learn the more obvious it is that they are cutting a million corners. the graphics are cartoonish and mobile phone level (which is not a compliment try playing something with high levels of fidelity on your phone) the character customization is being advertised as "diverse and inclusive" but its not, people can be short, tall, stocky, rotund, muscular, scrawny. there are so many different and beautiful ways humans can look but the only appearance type that is included is a very slim androgynous build. thats not inclusive, 90% of the worlds population wont see themselves in these "inclusive" options. and now this. why write in clever and detailed references when you can just pretend none of what came before happened. its all just so lazy
@blackchibisan8116 23 күн бұрын
“Let’s take one of the most important and unique aspects of the dragon age series and remove it.” Yeah… I knew that would happen when Inquisition came out. It was the end of an era because there was too much for them to put work into after all that.
@Keyatzin 16 күн бұрын
The Keep was actually so brilliant. It tracked so many choices, and obviously not all those choices would be referenced or impact the next game, but it effectively removed the spoiler of knowing exactly what would come up.If they only asked you about the choices they were carrying forward, it's a spoiler for what is going to happen next. So it expertly dodged that, but even better, it also made all those choices feel more significant in their own game, whether or not they carried forward. Just the fact that it was tracked as part of the tapestry of your character's story, gave it more weight. The choice to not carry over anything, is lazy, shortsighted and just a slap in the face. They had 10 years, and frankly I just want to tell them "no, go back and try again." Maybe another 3 years in the kitchen they can actually make something worth the Dragon Age legacy. Pfft
@MostlyCloudy 23 күн бұрын
TOURIST!!! lmao fuck this game
@sojinnn 24 күн бұрын
They could have just had default world options for people who didn't play the previous games. The Witcher 3 did that and even The Mass Effect series (and the previous DA games!). I know every decision didn't matter, but to say that 'this game takes place in a new area now, so we're moving on,' is so disingenuous especially since a lot of decisions made will cross geopolitical lines. We've even had companions from northern Theads so I'm confused about this explanation. And yeah, bringing back old characters at this point just feels like some marketing tactic to pull on nostalgic strings. I'm really trying not to be so negative about this game, but Bioware hasn't had a good history (literally showed a fake trailer for Anthem at E3), and they've consistently removed lore and gameplay options with each new sequel.
@stephaniewilson3859 21 күн бұрын
DAI did it just fine. I played that game first not even knowing anything about dragon age. You jumped right into a default world state. When I found out about the first 2 games and how my choices would be carried over I bought the first 2 games. I absolutely fell in love with DAO and played that game more times than I can remember now. So, absolutely no excuse. Bioware did dragon age fans dirty. Plain and simple.
@onthaloose7521 23 күн бұрын
I think it's happening like this because of two main reasons: 1. the higher ups at bioware like corrinne and epler are clearly solas fans and believe that 90% of the fanbase are too. and 2. this is their attempt to merge mass effect andromeda with Dragon Age. Like the no controlling companions, only 3 active abilities, and if you remember at the beginning of the game you had like 3 questions about shepard, which in the grand scheme was irrelevant. All that said, I really wish Dragon age would have stayed its own thing. I love mass effect, but i don't play dragon age to play mass effect, leave them separate. Not to mention, the mass effect they're pulling from is the worst in the series. :facepalm: Lastly, I find it funny Epler is like "oh we are bringing Morrigan back because she's a staple in the series." Oh yea? What about Alistair? What about Leliana? They're both staples too. Where are they? But then they would have to explain the Divine situation and the Fear demon fight in the fade, and I don't expect they'll do that... Which means unfortunately I don't think these characters will return. Which is really unfuckingfortunate.
@bsommervold 22 күн бұрын
You got it completely right. Inquisition is retroactively about if you romanced solas I don’t like the solas romance personally but I understood why trespasser was so Solas heavy. You got much less content for the romance in the base game so that tied things up for DA4. Now, the hard pivot is wild especially with Epler saying the “inquisitor feels shame and responsibility for solas.” WHATTT? No mine didn’t. I actively told him to stop and he’ll do it anyway. That’s supposed to be the conflict given MY world state
@kel9037 23 күн бұрын
The more I learn about this game, the more I just get disappointed. Ten years waiting for everything I did not to matter. It feels like a cash grab to include characters I know that won’t reference really anything that’s happened in the world.
@Gogootz 23 күн бұрын
Everything that's been shown so far just looks like a vapid and soulless Netflix adaptation of Dragon Age, seemingly made with little to no care for long time fans of the series. If you have to buy it, don't pre-order and wait for user reviews, ideally wait for a sale. Companies like EA and Bioware need to learn to respect their audience/consumers.
@brie1232 15 күн бұрын
Fenris would make so much sense in this game too
@manuelc5786 23 күн бұрын
As a “tourist” I will be enjoying the witch burning of BioWare. It’s going to be a sight to see. Now I’m going to play Origins, the only good Dragon Age game. ;)
@powerneed1023 23 күн бұрын
Dragon Age 2 wasnt that bad the biggest problem for 2 was it got rushed out the door if it had gotten even half a year more of love it could have been great
@eastbow6053 23 күн бұрын
​@@powerneed1023the elves though were uuuuugly
@mickymcbryan4814 23 күн бұрын
Um, just so you know ow, the person who made the “effing tourists” comments about BioWare fans is David Gaider, a series veteran who worked on Origins and does not currently work at BioWare, meaning the “tourists” guy worked on the game you’re going to replay and did not work on the game you’re opting out of. I myself think Origins is the best in the series and one of my fav rpgs of all time, preferring it over other DA titles as well. I just wanted to let you know for context because I see a lot of people attributing that quote to current team members when it’s an no longer employed origins vet who said that. And also, I think he was specifically referring to the fact folks were complaining about queer themes in the game, because he was basically saying it’s been there since origins.
@Rogue-ww2nw 23 күн бұрын
Inquisition is good, just not as well written, combat much better.
@sofajockeyUK 23 күн бұрын
@@mickymcbryan4814 Gaider is a boss. His comments reflect the hard time he got from the 'Cassandra looks like a man' crowd. I totally empathise with his 'tourists' comment, though he's 10 years out of BioWare and is just expressing his view a s a private person.
@Justin-wheels 23 күн бұрын
I feel bad for dragon age fans, i only played inquisition. Im a mass effect fan and the best part about bioware games is the amount of choices that get carried from game to game, and dragon age is at this point the longest series they have going on thats still connected
@darthimperius2865 23 күн бұрын
Who needs choices when you have top surgery scars
@CeceJ6508 23 күн бұрын
Your really hurt about that huh 😂
@able75dev60 23 күн бұрын
@@CeceJ6508why do I get the feeling you are from a certain rainbow group?
@fleacythesheepgirl 21 күн бұрын
@@able75dev60Who cares what they are or aren’t? Why do we gotta be creepy about this? Can’t we just not be crappy to each other?
@able75dev60 21 күн бұрын
@@fleacythesheepgirl I don't care. That is, until you start trying to force your wokeness upon me.
@DbleOohWoo7 20 күн бұрын
But thats the most important “choice” to this people. Did you mutilate yourself for medical industry profit due to corpo brainwashing Y/N?
@An_TonYa 25 күн бұрын
I feel the same way about it as you. Like really just three choices and all of them as you said more Solas centred. Like Solas was never a big part of my play throughs so having choices that mostly effect my relationship with him is kinda upsetting. Like I always wanted to save him from himself, he was a companion and a friend to my Inquisitor but that's all. The moment I got Dorian I never again took Solas with me, except for his Quest, the Fade quest and some Dorian related dialogue and that's it. I mean there where so many things that were important at least for the characters we know are coming back. like the well, Kieran, Hawke, also things like who is sitting on which Throne, the Divine (just as a reference/Codex entry), and also things about companions who would make sense to return in this one, like Fenris, Bull, Isabella, Zevran, Stan, Merill, maybe some mention about Alistair and the Hero of Feralden, like what they are up to, because I don't think that they if still alive, would just sit around and do nothing while a double Blight is happening. I was kinda hoping for at least 10-15 questions but than again if they asked directly for example companions that would be a huge spoiler right out the gate. So I don't know maybe there are some choices to make later on, like while it's happening in real time. But still I am looking forward to play the game as well, still hyped and I am sure that I gonna love it for what it is but sad about the loss of my own world state within Veilguard.
@gamrharo 24 күн бұрын
very well put!
@sofajockeyUK 23 күн бұрын
Kieran (if he exists) is an adult, why would he be following Morrigan around? The Well choice was negated by what happened to Mythal. Fenris, Bull, Isabella, Zevran, Stan, Merill, all couple be dead, BioWare rarely returns 'quantum' characters. Evens in Ferelden don't apply, we are in Tevinter. I understand your interest, but those matters are simply not relevant to the events of Veilguard and would appear forced if dropped in where they make no sense to be discussed.
@An_TonYa 23 күн бұрын
​@@sofajockeyUK you are not wrong about this and if it would feel forced I would rather not have it but Bioware always managed to sneak in some of those thing in, in a way that it made sense and hyped people at least as codex entries. Like what you did with Connor in Origins. You actually can meet him in Redcliffe in Inquisition if he is still alive or the war table mission with Zevran. Hawke just mentioning their love interest same as Alistair if he is the Warden who shows up and I am not expecting Kieran to show up but Morrigan not even mentioning him? Like it would be a good opportunity but again it's ok as it is, I am not happy about it but I made my peace with it and still can't wait to play Veilguard on release ☺
@sofajockeyUK 23 күн бұрын
@@An_TonYa For sure, Conner was sneaked in because we actually went back to Redcliffe. I expect to see Dorian in Minrathous. It's important to be practical about these things are you are also clearly being. I there there will totally be callbacks, but callbacks to characters Rook didn't know, not so much. I'm pleased it's only a month away, the wait has been exhausting for several reasons.
@An_TonYa 23 күн бұрын
​@@sofajockeyUK yeahh I so hope to see Dorian myself but he is the one character I am mostly sad about, because he was my Inkys best friend in literally every play through, like I am never playing Inquisition without him in my party and to not have that referenced after him saying that my Inky is probably his only true friend is sad but yeahh and him I truely expect to see again because it would make so much sense. Anyway yeahh the wait is sooooooooo exhausting, can't wait myself, fandom literally is driving me crazy sometimes and the wait itself, I have the feeling it gets worse the closer we get 🙈
@chewiewookthevindicator5657 23 күн бұрын
Lost all desire to play this game years ago, and nothing I’ve seen lately has changed that. Absolutely LOVED Origins, and even mostly liked Dragon Age 2 except for its plot that just went out of its way to make everyone stupid, but Inquisition really pissed me off in a lot of ways. Some gameplay elements I really liked, even some plot points, but overall I was just pretty disappointed. This new one just looks awful. Not buying it.
@kingpoker7468 23 күн бұрын
Yeah I'm not getting this one until a sale
@williambrown8686 23 күн бұрын
Same for me this is a buy on sale game. Needs to be almost half off before I buy it.
@Qballiz2kool 22 күн бұрын
Same, gonna get it for half off or more.
@williambrown8686 23 күн бұрын
But guys we have top surgery scars now it's a 10 out of 10 game. All the other stuff doesn't matter.
@michaellombardi5831 10 күн бұрын
How often do you think your character is naked to see them? I know your joking but this is literally the only thing " games journalists " are fawning over. Just another IP trying to cater to that 0.001% of the population at the expense of 95% of people.
@Rogue-ww2nw 23 күн бұрын
why would new players to DA want to delve into a series on a new release when old players feel insulted or scorned by, why invest into a stock the current stock holders are ashamed of the stock. They need to delay it, this is BioWares last straw for me, Anthem broke my heart but I understood why it failed and why they axed it, but if they ruin Dragon Age for me I will have no reason to take interest in their games anymore, just another title like AC that completely destroyed itself, sad, the combat looked really fun too
@Flop5303 23 күн бұрын
You will create your own inquisitor, but they do not care: 1) Does your inquisitor believe in Maker or not, 2) How the inquisitor treats the gray wardens, 3) How the inquisitor treats mages and templars, 4) How the inquisitor ran the inquisition, with a soft and merciful hand or a harsh word of the law, 5) What kind of politician was the inquisitor (Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts), 6) Did he/she always tell only the truth or lie for the sake of politics(truth about fate of Ameridan) , 7) if we are talking about romance with Solas: did she remove vallaslin or stands with it( pathetic virgin simp of Solas or proud Dalish gigachad😂😂😂) and so much more. "Your" inquisitor in DATV is an empty shell without a soul BUT! with one of 100 hairstyles. And all of this just Inquisitor's problems.....I even don't talk about others.
@Bloomingtide 23 күн бұрын
I bet that re-created inquisitor is gonna be as removed from your personal version of them as possible, and will be just a hollow husk that is on strings by bioware and and a prop and mouthpiece for for the writers pet/darling solas, nothing more 😭 💀
@Flop5303 23 күн бұрын
@@Bloomingtide Oh I have no doubt about it. In fact even Solavellan can be different (more dialogue options with a crying eye or stoic ones), but I'm sure that the Inquisitor will be a rag for shoes in DATV, the most disgusting simp of Solas. The developers said in their interviews that the Inquisitor will feel guilty because of Solas's actions. Dog shit. I still don't understand (no matter friend/enemy/lover) why the Inquisitor should blame herself/himself for the lies and mistakes of another person. It's not my Inquisitor and not my Dragon age.
@anapaulaperrotta5518 25 күн бұрын
THAT GRAPHIC IS SO REAL, i keep texting my friends updates being happy and then sad and then angry and then happy again
@gamrharo 25 күн бұрын
i know i saw it and i was like this image is the most perfect way to describe what it’s like following this game 😭😭😭
@jfkst1 23 күн бұрын
Dragqueen Age: The Transguard.
@whattheduck8745 23 күн бұрын
If you don´t like it, don´t buy it. I sure will not. This is the only way leading to change.
@PillowEgg 22 күн бұрын
Dragon Age: Origins had an ending epilogue. It didn't need sequels. The sequels simply deterioted in quality and expectations. I consider Dragon Age: Origins a complete story, it doesn't need anything more as further sequels like The veilguard simply bastardizes everything about the franchsie.
@Arthurio99 23 күн бұрын
Thanks this did make my decision to ignore this game easy. All i wanted from dragon age 4 was to have epic comeback of all great characters from the past and especially i wanted to see a meeting of Hero of Ferelden, Inquisitor and Hawk ( if they are alive ) and at least some of their respective companions. Instead this game will pretend nothing before inquisition happened and inquision will be generic.
@fsafas2930 23 күн бұрын
I was very sceptical about all the news coming out regarding the game, but this is the nail in the coffin for me, and I'll be skipping it. BioWare seems long gone, and I don't want to ruin my favourite game franchise of all time with this. I've started with DA2 and platnium all of the games :(
@iwannaplayssbb6665 23 күн бұрын
I won't be touching this game ;)
@SenaFoxGirl 23 күн бұрын
I will be. But it won't get my money
@sansdreemur2024 23 күн бұрын
Welp. Knowing I'll never know the ending to the world story I built from DA 1 just pushed me to just skip this game all together. Just gonna spend my money elsewhere then :(
@FrizzleLamb 23 күн бұрын
The Keep was such a good system too, I’ll never understand why Bioware didn't carry it over to another game. It was ahead of its time for an RPG series that needed a way to store and reference player decisions for future games, almost like a library. So just discarding all of that system is basically just throwing someone's hard work out. It's weird. Until Veilguard comes out, I'm going to assume that it experienced the same issue with DA2 with rushed development which prevented it from incorporating as many decisions from Origins. But despite its flaws I actually enjoyed 2, so I'm just hoping that Veilguard will have its own merits like actually likeable characters.
@SIlverbullet108 23 күн бұрын
I think it's increasingly apparent this team care little about what came before them. They want to tell their own story and disregard the rest because they think they know better. That on top of the very questionnable and flashy art direction tells me this game will have very litttle to do with a Dragon age game.
@donatodiniccolodibettobardi842 23 күн бұрын
First trailer kinda killed the interest for this game for me. And majority of my enjoyment in the last game came from sidestepping dumb pacing choices with the wartable and closing gates, as well as largely ignoring the shallow combat game mechanic in favour of a cool, if not particularly deep story... I kind of stopped believing in Bioware being capable of delievering a good game a long time ago. If somebody is happy with this game, good on them. I'd love instead somebody try to build on the ideas of the Dragon Age: Origins instead of betraying them at every turn.
@jmmywyf4lyf 23 күн бұрын
I was already disappointed with Dragon Age Inquisition.. as far as I was concerned, that was the end of BioWare as my favorite RPG studio. Every game they've released since has been awful. I was still obviously following because Dragon Age Origins is my number one favorite party based rpg of all time! Every single thing we have seen about Dragon Age veil guard, has been worse and worse and worse. I cannot find one single redeemable quality about this game! As much as I despise inquisition, veilguard is so much worse! It does not even bear a minor resemblance to dragon age.. Modern bioware seems to be only catering to the small faction of gamer girls, who prioritize romance above all else. This is not what I want in my RPGs
@bryants1012 22 күн бұрын
This game was made as a companion date sim first and a continuation of Dragon Age second.
@armandoriosfragoso6726 23 күн бұрын
"I am sure gonna love it" meh... this is the toxic possitivity that brought us here in the first place. Why are you going to love something that is not even out ? Because of nostalgia ? Because you have to ? Because this is your personality and if you don't love it then who are you ? This is exactly what brought us here in the first place, the era of mediocrity, the same speech the concord team had within their walls, "We're too good to fail" hahaha , the same attitude that brought us Starfield. No wonder why devs are also torn on what to deliver to make a good game, because this community give no feedback at all, they force themsleves to love something just because it resembles what it was, but is not anymore. You're more than the games you choose to play. Besides, the games you love throug experience are still there.
@gamrharo 22 күн бұрын
I am saying I am open to loving it despite conceptually disagreeing with some of the choices. If the game ends up being bad then I'll say it, but I won't sign it off just for being different quite yet.
@anonvoila4883 23 күн бұрын
When I heard about the choices I made 3 choices myself 1. Will I buy? No 2. Do my story matter at all? No 3. Was I Morgan lover with a kid? YES. will she remember me? HELL NAW
@Bloomingtide 23 күн бұрын
yeah i went from excited to no longer caring and upset bc obviously bioware doesn't give a fuck about longtime fans/player of the games. So i will act accordingly and just not buy it and play it, as this news was the final nail in the coffin to me, after having already various issues with its direction/art style/cringy dialogue bits/one note characters etc. It's like veilguard got streamlined as much as possible to make it as appealing to the widest audience since they need to veilguard to sell well or they are dead in the water as a studio. Which, by now does sound appealing to me ngl, as this is no longer the bioware of old I loved the games of (not when it has devs who srsly asked "wHo iS zEVrAN? uuuuugh) Minus the fact that you will have all the wrong pissbabies gloating about its failure of course 😩 But nonetheless I feel it is time to accept that i am no longer the target audience of the game series as someone who started playing DA in 2009 upon launch. Which as said, are only new players and solas stans/mancer btw, and they don't care about anyone else it seems. So I should just move on to other games. Or stay in my lane with continuing to writing my fics, that is. It is just a very shitty feeling (to be treated as such) after a decade of waiting for nothing, ngl.
@GreenUnicorn06 23 күн бұрын
I’ve been cautiously optimistic about this game, which has been a bit of a struggle because everyone and their mom has been non-stop hating on it since it was announced. I was really looking forward to it….but these news are honestly a bit of a gut-punch. Sigh. I swear, if Dorian doesn’t get at least a cameo appearance (we’re in Tevinter after all)….. I don’t really get why they didn’t include it, it shouldn’t be that much extra work. Like, I played through Inquisition both with the default world state and with custom ones and it’s not like the Origins choices made that much of a difference (if any) gameplay wise, but it felt really nice to have those little nods and made me more invested in the world..
@Zankyo137 23 күн бұрын
one misconception: we are NOT only in tervinter, we start the story there Orlais, antiva and the grey warden fortress were already onfimed to be locatio in the story.
@Heretus 23 күн бұрын
But MuH sUrgErY sCaRs. This is a mockery of dragon age , went woke and thus to shit , this is just another reason not to get the wokeguard
@CeceJ6508 23 күн бұрын
Those top scars really getting to you 😂
@able75dev60 23 күн бұрын
@@CeceJ6508so just spam commenting on anyone who dares dislike those surgery scars, huh?
@CeceJ6508 23 күн бұрын
@@able75dev60 I could say the same about you
@able75dev60 23 күн бұрын
@@CeceJ6508uh, no. I just happened to be going thru the comments and noticed you spamming that to multiple ppl so you got called out for it. How that is the same?
@CeceJ6508 23 күн бұрын
@@able75dev60 I was scrolling through and noticed multiple people use surgery scars as a justification of why there’s only 3 choices in the game. The two are not the same. So I stated that you and other are really hurt about scars as if that changes the game play in anyway. Now the 3 choices absolutely can change game play. So again how are this two things in the same category?
@fleacythesheepgirl 21 күн бұрын
Are they not going to say who’s king or queen? Like how do you avoid saying who the countries leaders are? 😅
@otaviodelucca3573 25 күн бұрын
I think this is the greatest mistake of them so far, truly, the only one that made me upset. Some of other things people mentioned were like OK for me, like not a big deal, the story will surely be good and gameplay is nice, I already have a crush on Davrin so... ok... But that?! Like, WTF. I think this is KINDA homophobic too, because I could NOT romance Solas, not even if I wanted to, neither women that weren't elves... So, kinda not a choice?
@jirimaly6019 23 күн бұрын
ill wait till its in sales, which will be pretty soon... not using keep after 10 years of development, is a joke and spit in a face of fans....
@TheJeroenbrouwer 23 күн бұрын
Yeah, especially as a long time fan thats not too big on inquisition, having the only thing that matters is a romance option for inquisition.. I just dont care. I wanted to hear more about Morrigans kid that my warden has fathered dang it.
@jezebel324 22 күн бұрын
I wanted solas to be the focal point and even I am sooooo hugely disappointed by this news. Every time I hear news about this game it gets worse and worse. I'm already mourning what it could have been.
@julianbayona345 23 күн бұрын
Thank you. This far I've been weighting on minor things about the info that's out there: that the UI looks like a movile game, that the art style is extremely cartonish, that once more it feels that they've shrunk the spellbar, that they've gone with the go woke go broke thing, that they've added really silly stuff that seems quite irrelevant to the gameplay... And I really was going to just turn a blind eye on it. Because I'm a long time fan. I've completed the trilogy once and again over and over. This game really meant something to me, the characters really meant something to me, the story really meant something to me, Dragon Age meant something to me. But this is the drop that spills the cup, I can't I just can't stand that betrayal, this is insane, I ignore what reasoning they went for with this. I've heard several times that Veil Guard is going to be the new Concord or even that is going to be worse than Concord, and I thought... It cannot be, because Concord didn't have a history, it didn't have players that were aching to continue their story, so Veil Guard wouldn't be the next Concord, but now I know it will be, they've betrayed the only real prospective customers they had, and now they want to sell that garbage to just anyone who... who? Someone who's interested in playing as an ugly character? Someone who wants to play rock, paper, sissors with some bot? I don't think this game will succeed to even allow Bioware to salvage an overhaul, I think they've doomed themselves and the franchise is over... This is a very sad day, I feel like a part of me has passed, that I haved lost something that was very, intimately dear to me, I feel like I've lost a friend, like I've lost a significant other, because this game was significant to me... Now I barely get to see how they parade its corpse and try to sell it as an ideological trap... I'm sorry I opened like this in your comment section, this is mostly a vent at this point... an act of duel of sorts... They took a very loved companion of mine and I hope they fail, I hope they don't get away with this. Anyway, I thank you because I dind't have to find out about this from someone like Asmongold, but rather from someone who clearly loves the game -not likely as much as I did- but someone who clearly loves the game... So, that, thank you, and sorry for the vent.
@fatmrbunko 22 күн бұрын
Personally I find who the inquisitor romanced to be the least relevant of the 3 questions since you can at least inform a general relationship between them and Solas from the final choice. And if the romance question effectively boils down to did you romance Solas that means 2 of the 3 questions are asking you the relationship between the villain and what is now a secondary character at best. You could have got everything you really needed for that just from the defeat/redeem question.
@loofy530 20 күн бұрын
All three questions are fine considering the focus of the game, but there really should have been a few more for the important returning characters. I doubt it would have added that much to the development effort, just a few references here and there, a few more recorded lines.
@brinaromig4699 23 күн бұрын
I think this is only a problem because they are bringing in characters from other installments of Dragon Age. Morrigan should definitely know about some things from DA Origins-Inquisition, Varric should definitley be able reference events from DA2 -Inquisition, etc. If none of these characters were present, i could understand there reasoning of location. But, i also feel like they missed out some awesome opportunities here. Fenris is in the north and we haven't seen him since DA2. If Cole is a spirit perhaps we could see him in the fade? Tons of missed opportunities.
@eestiny9734 22 күн бұрын
I went to the trouble too, to make different choices since Origin last year. Problem is they advertised for almost 10years that our choices will matter! The choices in the DA Keep are the ones that matter!
@katymorgan327 23 күн бұрын
that is just one of the reasons why so many people wont be buying this game including me , i have all the other games and all the dlcs to those games and i have 0 interest in buying and playing Veilgaurd ! i also have all the dlcs and own all the mass effect games and this shows that that games is also going to be this bad as its the same people making that games so i have no hope for bioware any longer ! i wont be buying there mass effect either and that is sad for me , i even have a N7 tatto so for me to say i wont be buying the new mass effect is a big statement for me !
@moysoyjoy 23 күн бұрын
The only decision left out that leaves me a bit confused is who drank from the Well. That seems relevant for this game.
@SnowAngelLunar 23 күн бұрын
Don't worry, they'll stick with flemmeth died in the end credit, so it won't matter narrative.
@danthewatcher9681 23 күн бұрын
To be fair Inquisition was a massive step down in terms of story to Origins, sure DAI had better graphics, but it felt, like many others have said it before me, like an mmo but without the MM part, just an Online RPG a Live service game before they were a thing, and we all know how great those are now :) So one can expect that they would cut even more of the RPG part out of it in Lone Wolf/ Vale Guard/ whatever it will be called in the end if it comes out! Look BLizz ruined Diablo little by little since the launch of D 3, I loved D 2 and I enjoy D2 REsurected, D3 was just OK with massive flaws, it was to kiddy friendly, one of them. D4 started ok in preseason, but Season 1 just made me quit and I will never ever pick it up again! Blizzard rant aside, Bioware ruined Mass Effect, with andromeda! And then they came up with Masseffect Epic Edition, which was in many ways a step down in quality form the trilogy it was supposed to sum up in a single game! I guess that my point is, the bigger a company that makes games becomes the more up their own arses they end up, and even though they started with love and passion towards the IP they create, the longer they work on it the more they will lose one or both of those up till the moment they will not care about the IP, they will just care to milk it for all it's worth. Both Blizzard and BIoware started as studios who loved making games for gamers, they loved the IPs they created, now both studios have been bought by bigger and bigger companies and somewhere along the way they lost the plot and they think they know better what their fans wat and or don't care what their fans wat and just wat to milk the IP for how ever l0ong we allow it! At leas Blizz didn't completely ruin Starcraft, but they Fked up WoW's Lore and Diablo is in shambles, meanwhile Bioware messed up ME and is working on not giving a Crap about DA. "How does it feel to have lived long enough to see all your favorite franchises go down in flames? " -Strangely this quote from RLM is more and more relevant as the years go by!
@EyesOfGehenna 23 күн бұрын
I wonder if Harding is part of the question of who did your Inquisitor romance.
@themanonthewall7029 23 күн бұрын
welcome to ever fandom for the last... what 10 years ?
@stephaniewilson3859 21 күн бұрын
Totally agree, a total slap in the face. I was excited for this game until I heard about the limited choices that carry over and the lack of character creator options for a feminine body.
@Ponder557 22 күн бұрын
You're completely justified. I'm under the impression that this game happened 10 years later. I believe that they will not be shutting down the Keep unless they start abandoning Dragon Age in general. I also think they need to start focusing more on the choices you are making in these games. For instance, there was a Dragon Blood side story we will never see in the games due to honoring the various worlds states
@IronLordEXO 15 күн бұрын
Man, if Failguard wasn't already gonna flop hard enough, the devs just set this game up for a funeral on release
@justinworley6538 14 күн бұрын
Due to veilguard. My future playthrough of the dragon age will be origin to inquisition excluding trespasser and skipping the post credit Solas scene, and that's the end of the series to me as that's where my choices stop mattering. Thanks for keeping my dragon age playtroughs from getting any longer so I can plan them out better bioware. Veilguard is the andromida of Mass Effect to me, skippable. Happy gaming.
@farmsalot1233 23 күн бұрын
The witcher 3 was basically the same. Only a few choices that had minor actual impact and nobody complained with that?
@An_Actual_Rat 23 күн бұрын
Witcher 3 was a game made by a "literally who" studio that made janky fan fiction based on their love of a fairly obscure fantasy series. The fact that W3 was as good as it was is a miracle, no one really expected anything of it, unlike Dragon Age.
@jacksmythe2187 23 күн бұрын
I really get wanting to prune down the choices, but they picked basically only what directly impacts 'their' story around Solas. Which is really weird with them wanting the factions to be such a major deal and none of the named characters from the two previously established factions can even be mentioned because their current status will be unknown (unless they just choose a worldstate for you). Talking about the Inqusiitor alone is going to be weird when you don't have their gender, species, or anything imported, let alone the state of the world outside Tevinter. The entire plot is going to be a ship in the bottle episode with questions like that which isn't a bad thing in itself, but man is that more of a sidegame or new trilogy thing than a sequel to Inqusition
@milhaus924 22 күн бұрын
Well, I was going to buy Vielguard but having my previous choices invalidated. Ill be passing on it
@ProtoManiac2283 23 күн бұрын
I am coping so hard right now
@hugofreitas6799 23 күн бұрын
Game had 3 itinarations that we know off... and this was what they choose to do?
@MrShadowx17 23 күн бұрын
They’re basically burning our tapestry BioWare forgot one thing the fans are reason that made the had that love they had that made them great so they degrade them themselves this far for them to lose that passion that should be in this game we love so much it makes no sense
@NoName-ym5zj 23 күн бұрын
Nah ... I love it when games don't respect me as a fan and completly disregard all my choices in their choices & consequences based game. I also love how two of those choices are from a fuckign DLC that is not part of the main game, despite it being integral to the plot of the sequel. Also ... 7:52 - Carver and Bethany could be Grey Wardens and they are from the Free Marches so they probably would be at Weishaupt.
@jcfra420 22 күн бұрын
Been around since the beginning. Although, I am not as hardcore DA was the end all be all. If I am being honest, my rating would be DA>DAI>DA2. I have over 1k hours in DAI. In PC, with mods, that game is awesome. Played every angle. Ignored Solas, Befriended him ,made he an enemy and with my last play though, romanced him. I mean I have seen every angle of the story. The latter, would have been the one I started off first with the continuance of the timeline. Just so I could chose either kill him, or appeal to him. When I heard about Dragon Age Dreadwolf, I was pretty excited for what to come. Then I heard about the talent that left the studio en masse. Then the name change. Yeah, I pretty much lost interest at that point. So commenting from that point of view, there has really been nothing in this game that has attracted me to it. The art style and play style looks like a mobile game. I CAN'T stand the name Rook. The comments by the Director, and their work history, this is going to be a fuq fest dating game, with dragons. The character creation, and the choices made there are also pretty much a no go for me either. I can imagine the idiotic meetings they had in regards to creating these characters, I swear to God.
@rhizonhaze5597 23 күн бұрын
I completely agree with you on this. This is a very dour decision made by the devs. I'll play the game eventually, but not at release. Won't pay full price for it.
@aspavazoura5523 23 күн бұрын
This game is not about us fans. It's about the devs and THEIR choices.Hence no Keep choices, the character creation scars. They didn't even know who Zevran is..Fuck this pile of shit game...
@sofajockeyUK 23 күн бұрын
That's a rather foolish point. It was the Vocal Director who was unaware of Zevran, a character who last appeared 6 years before she was hired. John Epler was perfectly aware of Zevran.
@aspavazoura5523 23 күн бұрын
@@sofajockeyUK In their Q&A nobody knew him.The interviewer pointed him out..But that goes to show they don't care about past games. They made that very clear when the advisor who was in Bioware from the beggining ( I forget his name) shat on all past games just to promote this shit..
@chaos9059 23 күн бұрын
Also Taash is pretty much a self insert character. Taash is Corrine Busch but, with kryptonite horns.
@sofajockeyUK 23 күн бұрын
@@aspavazoura5523 You're plain wrong. John Epler immediately reference him as 'Our Antivan Crow'. They are not rubbishing their past games. You clearly don't know the names of the key people. Have you played any Dragon Age games before?
@sofajockeyUK 23 күн бұрын
@@chaos9059 Patrick Weekes wrote Taash, so that comment makes zero sense, though I'm sure Corinne likes Taash as do others. The character is rumoured to be totally awesome.
@mistermarkham101 23 күн бұрын
My thought on the Hawke choice: this confirms to me that, regardless of your choice, Hawke isn’t dead and will be appearing.
@RavenN7Ryan 23 күн бұрын
This game is gonna be 75% off before Xmas
@willardtk 23 күн бұрын
I'm still waiting on my refund for Anthem. Screw EA and screw Bioware.
@OpheliaTerat 22 күн бұрын
Tbh I kinda expected this and have somewhat come to accept that mainstream game studios are just gonna suck and be lazy when it comes to player choice. I'm just glad that our previous romance choice from Inquisition is at least one of the questions.
@stefan9inter 22 күн бұрын
horrible decision. total slap in the face to anyone who played all 3 previous games.
@Powgout 23 күн бұрын
Tbf, most choices are probably irrelevant to the parts of the world we’ll be in. If Fereldan’s nobility isn’t in the game, most of Origins is fairly irrelevant. DA2 is also fairly irrelevant, as almost everything was solved in DA:I/novels. DA:I feels like most of it was also resolved, and the inquisition was going to lose power no matter what, meaning everything the inquisition backed would eventually lose power. Who cares if they backed the Grey Wardens for 2 years if they were going to leave them hanging after it was disbanded/absorbed by the chantry. There is no way that 2 years resolved their problems in the south. Plus, a massive amount of wardens were in the Anderfels playing politics, being completely separate from the Corypheus problem. You could definitely tell an entire story without many of those past choices having anything to do with DA:tVG.
@mrmr5831 23 күн бұрын
I agree, it's a huge slap in the face. It kinda feels antithetical to the DA series as a whole. I understand wanting to accommodate to new players, it's something every company SHOULD do to stay relevant. But I don't think it's something that should come at the cost of alienating long time fans of the series. It's similar to Andromeda, where to new players I'm sure it felt refreshing to not need a large well of knowledge to get interested, but to long time fans it just felt lackluster and underwhelming. Still hoping it'll be good because I love bioware, but
@elifrost7890 23 күн бұрын
I don't think it's beneficial at any case, even if person never played DA games. When I've played Pillars of Eternity: Deadfire, which is a direct continuation of previous Pillars game, I was rather intrigued by different things that obviously appeared from the first part. I still did enjoy my playthrough greatly and it left me wanting to know more. That's how it works, not other way around. It's plain as day - they had no interest in making a proper high quality game, simple cash grab. Shame on them.
@silpheedpilot7 23 күн бұрын
lmfao I'm not even really surprised. this isn't the dragon age we waited 10 years for.
@emuu6232 23 күн бұрын
i’m really feeling like i don’t wanna play this game anymore… i was so excited and the last few weeks it just seems bad news after bad news…
@clair1100 22 күн бұрын
Glad I have the mass effect trilogy and they can’t screw it up….
@Maartwo 23 күн бұрын
It's okay, nothing can redeem this game. It's only going to sell because of nostalgia for a Bioware no longer exists.
@polackdyn 23 күн бұрын
I think BioWare is in financial troubles. They want to save as much money as they can so a world state that only has three choices is what they could do. Now, dont get me wrong, i am not am apologist, this is garbage for me too. So many big things happened in inquisition its ridiculous. Remember the choices website? We could create our own save states from dragon age 1 and 2 for inquisition. 3 is just insulting. But what can we expect from a supposedly mobile game turned AAA.
@Icipher353 23 күн бұрын
I was highly skeptical on this game before this news, and now I'm 100% out. I'll play it in a few years when I get it for ten bucks in a steam sale. I'm not paying $70 to be massively disappointed.
@ArvisSc 23 күн бұрын
Nice. Who cares about your major choices in previous games? Most importantly they added pronouns and top scars!
@sofajockeyUK 23 күн бұрын
Certainly not Rook who didn't know them. The other features are just settings, I don't know why they deserve comment?
@grallonsphere271 23 күн бұрын
@@sofajockeyUK Can you be a bigger shill Sofa? I'm sure if you try hard enough you can. 🙄
@Peachy_crow 23 күн бұрын
I never understand why people get so frustrated with pronouns, I’m very certain you use them everyday lmao
@sofajockeyUK 23 күн бұрын
@@Peachy_crow Verbs too. Adjectives even.
@ArvisSc 23 күн бұрын
@@Peachy_crow its very simple. No reasonable person wants modern day, virtue signaling politics in their games. If they put more time and effort to develop the actual game instead of pandering to the zippertit cult, we might've got a good game.
@LathrielHighwind 22 күн бұрын
DAI had a default world state, iirc the Warden is dead and Morrigan doesn't have a son in that one. It sucked back then and it still sucks now. On the other hand factoring in 3 games worth of possible game states sound like writing hell. Would be nice if they at least have a 'canon' wolrd state to look at somewhere, like the templar-mage conflict or who is Divine.
@lulubugs2752 23 күн бұрын
As a casual observer of Dragon Age, this sucks to hear about. It really does. I can't even imagine what the hell is going to be in store for you fans and such.
@gabriel99a 23 күн бұрын
Eh. Please, do your research as you make videos. Dragon Age Inquisition takes place in year 9:41 Dragon and Dragon Age The Veil Gard is said to be in 9:53 Dragon. It is said it happens 9 years after Trespasser DLC and 23 years after the start of DA:O.
@gamrharo 23 күн бұрын
noted, important update thanks! My twitter source must have been misinformed. Makes sense why Varric looks much older.
@averagelok1959 23 күн бұрын
I'm not really shocked the writing was on the wall it was pretty clear the people behind the veilgaurd aren't fans of dragon age and are only using the name to garner more support than they deserve. I mean come on they removed every aspect that made dragon age, dragon age and y'all still held out hope than when they got rid of the last redeeming factor everyone acts shocked come on people use some of your pattern recognition.
@emilylamb1883 19 күн бұрын
I give this video like and hope you will run ads to promote your nice channel
@CyBerCat6410 22 күн бұрын
Lmfao imagine waiting this long for Failguard only to be told your previous choices (other than the generic ones from inquisition) don't matter... so that whole drinking from the well fuckery no longer matters? 🤡
@michaellombardi5831 10 күн бұрын
I'd love to know how many devs worked on vale guard that completed all the other games, my guess is very few. For 10 years in development this game looks like trash. I completed all the other games and mass effect 1,2,3, but gave up on bioware. Passed on Andromeda and passing on this garbage. Just seeing what they did to the look of the dark spawn and qunari, not seeing any good decisions.
@Alwaysttango 23 күн бұрын
You're gonna have fun playing this game? Good, I'm not. There's no way this is worth as much or more than bg3. Larian is the current king of RPGs, BioWare is dead.
@DarkKing009 23 күн бұрын
I'm still tentatively excited after 10 years of waiting. And 15 years of waiting in total from the Dragon Age Origins release. I still have to kill the Mage for that betrayed me. Who consistently denies their divinity. 15 years of investment I cannot walk away from that.
@adampickard9685 23 күн бұрын
I wasn't gonna bay this garbage anyway but thank you dragon age for this game for the modern audience forever going to close my wallet to you for killing one of my favorite franchises for me 😂
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