1. "A mutated witch" She didn't become a witch because of the experimentation. She was born that way. Agatha said so herself. Wanda had somehow used Probability Hex to stop the bomb from going off. This is a reference to her comic book counterpart, her earliest ability she showed was manipulating probabilities via her Hexes. Although, I don't know why Marvel changed it into telepathy and telekinesis in the MCU. This ability is also considered her Nexus power. Because, Wanda is a Nexus Being. Which means that she is a living conduit to all known magical energies in their universe, and she also serves as an anchor to the entire multiverse, maintaining its stability and coherence. She is the very Nexus Being of Earth-616 (the Marvel Mainstream Universe). It got hinted in the 7th episode. "Ask your doctor about Nexus. A unique antidepressant that works to ANCHOR you back to your reality, or the reality of your choice." The eighth episode is also reference to the latest retcon of her comic book counterpart. Wanda and Pietro had spent a long time knowing that they were mutants and their father was Magneto, but it was reveled that he weren't and they weren't mutants at all. They were children of a powerful witch named Natalya Maximoff who was the previous Scarlet Witch before Wanda and after a mentioned grandfather. 2. "He has been inside her this whole time?" No 😅. She created her own version of Vision using Chaos Magic. This is one of Wanda's greatest power sources. Her connection to this powerful magic allows her to create out of nothing(episode 3 & 9), manipulate time (episode 2), alter reality (episode 5 & 8). In the comics, Chaos Magic is the most powerful and the oldest form of magic that allows its user to tap into the Chaotic Forces of the universe that are older than the cosmos itself, which can then be used to change to change the natural order of things. It's also important to note that Wanda has two kinds of magic in her arsenal: Witchcraft and Chaos Magic. These two are entirely different, and is one of the reasons, apart from her Status as a Nexus being, why she is one of the most powerful characters in the entirety of Marvel. 3. "So that means she is a copy of the Mind stone." *Again, this absurd. Wanda's powers didn't come from the stone. She was already a witch and her contact with it awakened her witch trait lying dormant. It also amplified her innate magical energy. This is the reason why she was able to destroy the Mind stone in Infinity War. Plus it wouldn't make sense why the stone would give her the ability to control reality, an aspect of existence, if it controls an entirely different one, which is the Mind. Also, as far as my knowledge of the comics goes, there has never been a character who became a witch/warlock because of artificial mutation. It is impossible because they need to establish affinity, and it is etched in the soul. Affinity is the natural pull or alignment to a particular magic.
@markmatson4 ай бұрын
Fun fact: Dick Van Dyke, who's apparently immortal, was an consultant on this show.