Hello and welcome Duelists! I hope you enjoyed this epic F2P Ancient Warrior Deck analysis and play test video! I really enjoyed this deck as it is fun, interesting and refreshing to play. I kinda felt the nostalgic Six Samurai vibes with this deck. Would be interesting to see a Duel between Ancient Warriors and Six Samurais. Anyway, this deck is worth the hype and should reach top tier status in the near future. My only concern with this deck is that you can brick and Ancient Warriors decks are vulnerable to summon disruptions but apart from that, they are incredibly powerful and should win many duels fast. Let me know below what you think of the new Ancient Warriors and what cards you think I should add/remove to make this F2P Ancient Warriors deck even stronger! Don't forget to like, share & subscribe so you don't miss any awesome content on this channel! Thanks for watching and for all your support as always! I hope you enjoy the rest of your day/evening or if you are staying to watch another one of my awesome videos on this channel, then I hope you enjoy that video! 😊
@gengkapak450 Жыл бұрын
Link decklist pliss
@duellinksjakku5481 Жыл бұрын
Yeah sure Geng! I have just added the deck list in the description and you can access it here: www.duellinksmeta.com/saved-decks/6580f10fe92d5fc5289c7bb7
@RedFireYGODL Жыл бұрын
It's a good auto duel deck to the Ai don't do to many misplays the boss if the auto duel is the 3k guy the AI is pretty consistent on doing that combo where the 3k guy always finished the auto fuel😅