This Is Neoliberalism ▶︎ Hayek and the Mont Pelerin Society I: 1918 - 1939 (Part 3)

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5 жыл бұрын

If you've ever wanted to understand what neoliberalism is, this is the series for you.
The story of neoliberalism is a story about the power of ideas. Embedded liberalism was in power, but it was not without resistance. Academics and businessmen who opposed the New Deal and British social democracy were only begrudgingly accepting of the situation at best, or on the warpath against government intervention in the economy at worst. These two factions allied with one another to create an idea so powerful that it would covertly undo their losses to embedded liberalism by supplanting it entirely. This is where the story of neoliberalism begins.
PATREON: / barakalypsenow
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You can also view my work on FilmsForAction:
Thank you to my amazing Patrons!
Recommended Reading:
-"Friedrich Hayek: A Biography" by Alan Ebenstein
-"The Road From Mont Pelerin: The Making of the Neoliberal Thought Collective" by Philip Mirowski & Dieter Plehwe
-"Masters of the Universe: Hayek, Friedman, and the Birth of Neoliberal Politics" by Daniel Stedman-Jones
-"Investigations Into The Social Sciences With Special Reference To Economics" by Carl Menger
-"Socialism" by Ludwig von Mises
-"Economics And Knowledge" by Friedrich Hayek
PATREON: / barakalypsenow
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TWITTER: / barakalypsenow
You can also view my work on FilmsForAction:

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@BarakalypseNow 5 жыл бұрын
Hello everyone. I'm proud to present the third episode of This Is Neoliberalism. This episode lays out the scale of the series that I hinted at it Part 1, and includes a walkthrough of the four major phases of neoliberalism throughout history, from the conclusion of World War I all the way to the present day. This episode is the first of two episodes that follow the life of Friedrich Hayek and his creation of the Mont Pelerin Society. Thank you to my subscribers, my supporters and especially my Patrons for your generosity and your enthusiasm for my videos. I am extremely proud of this work and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did creating it. In solidarity, Barak
@nivekvb 4 жыл бұрын
@L. M yes, I think my American friends mignt get lost sometimes.
@humanrebel8145 4 жыл бұрын
You can not reforme capitalism.Austria have produced "great" man who have destroyed human life Bawerk, Mises,Hayek,Hitler .
@AZOffRoadster 4 жыл бұрын
@L. M Under the gear icon you will find playback speed settings. Goes from .25X to 2X. Pick your speed.
@emlillthings7914 4 жыл бұрын
Good shit! Binged the 3parts, and will just have to binge backwards through your older vids until pt. 4 is finished
@castiron2844 4 жыл бұрын
we have built a prison of our own design. how many of Hayeks ideas are in effect in America and Britain?
@misteramazing 5 жыл бұрын
This documentary series is fantastic - stunning research and great narrative formation. Looking forward to the next one!
@BarakalypseNow 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks, you seem to have quite a following yourself.
@ndf3 4 жыл бұрын
I appreciate you not oversimplifying, giving me places to read further
@ndf3 4 жыл бұрын
Vasilis Makaronis I guess the standard has been set pretty low
@douglasgithua9339 4 жыл бұрын
@Vasilis Makaronis in which particular areas is the narrator oversimplifying? From where I sit the series covers all the major points/problems/symptoms and schools of economic thought
@gutocardoso1977 4 жыл бұрын
Wow, I'm quite surprised to learn about the association between, Reagan, neo-liberalism and evangelicals. We in Brazil are under a violent neo-liberal conservative attack from a neo-fascist president and a Chicago school trained minister of economy with strong support from evangelicals. Havok is being wreaked on worker and civil rights, and every kind of social protection. Everything is being privatized. I'm afraid we might never recover from the onslaught.
@antonkokic 4 жыл бұрын
recover from what? you country is shithole, you can't fall lower. This could be some changes to better...
@AZOffRoadster 4 жыл бұрын
@@antonkokic Ask yourself why that country is a 'shithole'. Was there some outside influence?
@visionpersistance 4 жыл бұрын
Let’s hope not, for the sake of the people of Brasil and the World
@ibrahimzaghw1745 4 жыл бұрын
Wow omg I have never been to brazil. But I saw city of god etc. i was learning about this they put lulu in jail. I can't believe it, i thought it was such a free relaxed place, for them to vote for this kind of guy is strange but im stereotyping
@AZOffRoadster 4 жыл бұрын
Watch The Grayzone Project for real news.
@lanceringquist815 4 жыл бұрын
here is one of the best definitions i have seen of free trade, "The “free” in free trade and investment mostly refers to corporate freedom to dump the consequences of their decisions onto communities stripped of their right to protect themselves."
@andymonk9505 4 жыл бұрын
Corporate policy powers are increasing with Trump administration,he's a representative for the ogliarchs and sows chaos to keep the masses divided.The media has become a tool of ogliarchs deception.
@swampyankee1615 4 жыл бұрын
so... the computer you're typing this message on, the internet, the food you eat, the car you drive as well is brought to you by corporate and economic powers, all non-governmental. It's really a tragedy that such awful inventions we're dumped on you. Such a tragedy. I'll pray for your community
@andymonk9505 4 жыл бұрын
@@swampyankee1615 I have never been dependent on the government for anything.Infrastructure for roads to travel to work, public education,forms of socialism integrated with democracy, capitalism.
@lanceringquist815 4 жыл бұрын
@@andymonk9505 corporate powers were unleashed with a vengeance under bill clinton. every year it gets worse. you wanna curtail it, the smoot hawley new deal did it. free trade, deregulation, privatization, low taxes on the wealthy, these are polices peddled by charlatans, its the reason why we have the world we live in today. hayek was a charlatan.
@swampyankee1615 4 жыл бұрын
@@allgoo1990 United states of America 1791- Present. Yet, the Reagan years ushered in the most economic growth ever seen which continued until late the 90's. Britian 1980-1990 under Thatcher
@sushiyama1 4 жыл бұрын
It can't be overstated how unbelievably informative and comprehensive this series is. In all my years of delving into politics, this series is undeniably the most insightful. I have a feeling I'll be watching it many more times just to fully absorb all of this precious information. Thank you so much
@nfazal4065 4 жыл бұрын
I learned more in these webcast then I learned from London School of Economics seminars Bravo Prof.Dr.Fazal Cambridge
@gutocardoso1977 4 жыл бұрын
The amount of research and information in these videos is precious. There's a lot of graphs in there, it would be cool to get some links to them or maybe a downloadable zip with the picture files. But I understand that it would be a lot of work on top of the already amazing job that was done here. I wish I had time to subtitle this in Portuguese. Brazilians are being terribly mislead in embracing free market ideology exactly when many around the world are waking up to the disaster. It's a shame this video got only around 5000 thousand views, I'll try to share it around. Congratulations on the great job anyway.
@gutocardoso1977 4 жыл бұрын
It would be cool to have this subtitled at least in English. A lot of people around the world have a hard time understanding spoken English but can follow along very well with subtitles.
@yungluv6645 4 жыл бұрын
I couldn't agree more Guto. I read your other comment about your home country of Brazil, my love and prayers go out to you and your countrymen. Stay safe and keep fighting the good fight!
@AndreDiasRJ 4 жыл бұрын
+Guto Cardoso Eu Estou muito, mas muito feliz de ver outros brasileiros já aqui. Sou patreon deste canal e estaria disposto a financiar a dublagem dos vídeos. Não sei como poderíamos nos falar....
@67maezinha 4 жыл бұрын
Fantastic serie in neoliberalism. Thank you !!!
@ujean56 4 жыл бұрын
The Hegalian in me wants to point out how very important it is to illuminate the context of the dynamics. You have done this with great care and detail. This allows us to step back and witness how neo-liberalism is as much or more of a reaction to a declared enemy than is Marxism. From the start neo-liberalism has been a discourse pleasing to the wealthy and priviledged. By now it is increasingly difficult to view it as an intellectual project.
@phillipbrandel7932 3 жыл бұрын
This series is a gem.
@MOONSIP2 5 жыл бұрын
This is so excellent! For your consideration: "Hayek believed that his economic vision provided the foundation for his support for free markets, but a careful reading of The Road to Serfdom (1944) suggests that he advocated minimal government involvement in economic activity because he saw hierarchical and collectivist political systems as a threat to individual liberty, not because his economics per se had demonstrated the superiority of unregulated markets. The examples on his mind at the time -- —the Soviet Union under Stalin and Germany under Hitler— -- were convincing enough exhibits for his case. But, seven decades later, we have a record of sustained liberal democratic values in economies with substantial government involvement, and the evidence does not support Hayek’'s most dire prediction. Fortunately, Hayek’'s economics and his political philosophy do not have to be taken as a package; it is possible to appreciate his insights into the functioning of a market economy without following him down the road to laissez faire. On this point we find ourselves agreeing with George Orwell (1944), who tempered an otherwise favorable evaluation of The Road to Serfdom with the caveat: 'Professor Hayek...does not see, or will not admit, that a return to ‘free’ competition means for the great mass of people a tyranny probably worse, because more irresponsible, than that of the State.'" Retrospectives: Friedrich Hayek and the Market Algorithm, pp. 226-227
@katepanthera7265 3 жыл бұрын
I love the Orwell quotation.
@tcironbear21 4 жыл бұрын
Real good stuff. I have been hearing and using the term Neoliberalism more and more of late, and it is really good to get an in depth definition of what it is. While more dry that the version that Philosophy Tube put out, yours is comes across as much more well researched. I am really looking forward to Part 4 and subscribed so I would see it arrive. Good luck!
@BarakalypseNow 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the kind words.
@helengarrett6378 4 жыл бұрын
Why has the listenership fallen off? I have only a high school education but when I found Commanding Heights I was so outraged that I, who never throws a book out, dumped it in the garbage. This series is very important and clear. Wake up and learn all of this. You cannot know why you suffer until you learn how you were scammed. If I can understand and find this information vital, why has the viewership/listenership fallen off? I am disappointed by the shallowness of the general population. At 78 years of age I have seen so much of this unfold in my lifetime and my response was activism knowing I was being had! But now, this series displays exactly why and how we have been abused. I was castigated by leftists when, instinctively, I railed against Obama claiming there was little distance between the two parties. And when I cried out against Hillary Clinton my own children said I was unhelpful to working people. These scars won't heal easily. After living through almost 3 years of Trump I still think I was right to vote for another candidate, and not Trump! But I still persist in hoping for the end of our March toward oligarchy.
@phattybacon931 4 жыл бұрын
Do you understand or have sympathy for those who voted for Trump, though? I see those people as misunderstanding the economoc minutae they are mired in but easily able to point to the social instability caused by the policies. The same people who tout free trade above all else also blame the immigrants pouring in that were traded for. Free trade includes the movement of people and the disjointment of families. Mass immigration is obviously not the cause of societal ills but it is a symptom and Trump voters are decrying it. My hunch is that they are dissatisfied with far more than the easy scapegoat but have trouble parsing exactly what it is, which this video series helps with.
@helengarrett6378 4 жыл бұрын
@@phattybacon931 I have sympathy for every honest but struggling working person even when I am convinced they have taken a wrong turn in thinking and action. I do not let those deviations deter me from working for what I think is right and more effective. Sometimes that makes me a minority opinion. I ask that people listen and I hope I can listen to them too. It is a kind of respect for humanity. But I am pretty convinced after a lifetime of struggle and work that I know where I am going and I know that I am not about hurting, but helping always. When I must make choices I do it but try not to harm it the process. I seek consensus when possible but also I have a determined vision of what I have decided is the correct, most helpful path. Sometimes people agree and sometimes they do not. I still keep on keeping on because I know no other way to be and still like myself. Sometimes I can be biting if I run into people I think are malicious. I try not to be that way always. Does this answer your question?
@phattybacon931 4 жыл бұрын
It deleted your reply for me but I can still read it in my inbox, weird. Yes that answers my question and begs another: are you a Christian or believe in God? That kind of dedication to conviction and sympathy for those easily propped up as your enemy seems like a strength beyond "politically well-read". The way that I am parsing good from bad right now is to think about what is a threat to a family unit, I'm not sure if you do the same but its helpful in solidifying my principles and preventing scapegoating. Also, any thoughts on debt (usury)? Realizing our entire economy is based upon this principle that was chastised in the past is troubling to me.
@helengarrett6378 4 жыл бұрын
@@phattybacon931 What does religion have to do with my dedication to social justice? I do what I do because I am part of the huge part of our nation that has been I'll served by the wealthy and powerful that own everything and directly or indirectly run everything for their own purposes. My morals are born out of knowing so many bright and beautiful people who have never been given any kind of a chance to shine. People who from the circumstance of their birth, throughout their education, into their various work experiences and into their waning old age, never have been encouraged, or listened to. I know so many amazing but very ordinary people who have never had any idea that had been listened to. When they get into a group that listens they are dumbfounded! Cannot believe they have important ideas. And they bloom. They grow. They become giants. Our society worships wealth, fame and skulduggery in so many ways. When honest working people realize the power they have and the truth of their own ideas, a real miracle happens. Religion is not what drives me, though it is important to many others, and I respect that. Human kindness, honesty, hope and desire to better my own life along with millions like me, that's what motivates me. I am a simple person. I have no special education beyond what I can find in a library or in a publication. I read everything I can find and I read fast. I have not a single college credit. My jobs have been clerical ones, Ill payed, unrecognized and mostly routine and boring. My apartments are modest, my clothes often second hand, my background is solidly working class. Nothing distinguishes me except for a firm dedication to the better future of people like me and people in even worse situations than I am. I fight because that is all I can do. Because the next step for me is to live on the street because my rent, in an 'affordable" apartment is still too expensive for my social security and a $165/month pension. I may soon be forced to give up the internet to stay in my apartment for another year. That is why I post so much now. my voice may well be extinguished by poverty. Of course I fight for the unheard, unfortunate millions. i am one.
@leahsong594 3 жыл бұрын
@@helengarrett6378 Dear Helen, your voice is so beautifully clear and needs to be heard! If you are indeed in danger of losing your internet connection, please write to me. I am a woman of your same age, intent on learning and responding to the truths of what is unfolding in our time. I would love to help keep your voice active on the internet.
@lukewarmwater5320 3 жыл бұрын
Is this available on DVD? This entire series should be played in colleges and universities around North America and the world...
@RedTTHayo 9 ай бұрын
Just found this series. And the quality is astounding. Respect for your hard work.
@pocketbomb8081 4 жыл бұрын
This is great can't wait for part 2
@giantsloth126 5 жыл бұрын
I was randomly wandering about your channel today, only to be met with a new video!
@thisisfractopia 4 жыл бұрын
Well researched, well written and well produced. I hope you continue the series!
@SimplyFelix 3 жыл бұрын
14:12 - "This is where the story of neoliberalism begins." Well, damn, I thought we began two episodes ago... Great series, BTW, - very insightful!
@merops 4 жыл бұрын
Well done. Can't wait for the next instalment. Don't you dare stop now!
@FartChamp69 4 жыл бұрын
This series keeps exceeding my expectations with its quality. I'm going to have to watch a few times to absorb it all
@lanceringquist815 4 жыл бұрын
the best definition of protectionism i have ever seen, "The question is not whether protectionism is good or bad, but rather of who is protected."
@geshtin 4 жыл бұрын
I can't wait for the next part. I binge watched through all three parts today - this is a really great series.
@tracyleighbasham 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for contributing to my journey. Working-class intellectualism is the key. You are helping to provide the mold. 🥰
@MattStranberg 4 жыл бұрын
Amazing video series! Bravo!
@nicellisbrown 4 жыл бұрын
Incredible vid. looking forward to the next part.
@helios8459 5 жыл бұрын
This is such a well researched video. Great work man, looking forward to future parts
@kurono1822 5 жыл бұрын
I've recently discovered yout channel, I really hope you keep doing this, excellent work
@m4nl875 4 жыл бұрын
So after watching this here's my basic layman's understanding as someone who hasn't even finished highschool: - Classical Liberalism: Pre WW2 economics leading to The Great Depression - Embedded Liberalism: Post WW2 economics leading to Socialism and growing wealth - Neo Liberalism: Hijacked Embedded Liberalism in effect taking us all back into Classical Liberalism once again and eventually leading to another depression Correct me if I'm wrong... I've always found it strange whenever I was in debt and struggling financially to the point I could hardly even afford to buy groceries the grocery stores are still filled with food. Which is thrown out when it's passed expiration date. My dad was a garbage man and my mom was a housemaid. Both working their asses off for multi-millionaires. One bribing regional politicians to ensure his monopoly over the regional garbage collection and disposal. The other a real estate magnate funneling money between his companies and failing to pay his debts while still enriching himself (much like Trump). I kept wondering as a kid why we were struggling financially while they were working so hard for such wealthy people. I now know they were basically working for (legalized) mobsters. Who got away with it all by controlling both politics and the public frame of mind. It's really sad to see the so called 'left' constantly going across the isle and negotiating with the right to protect corporate interests. This is why I'm a 'radical' leftist. It's high time it seems to me to repair the system and get back to the concepts of Embedded Liberalism. Or even improve on these if we can. That's why Bernie really speaks to a simple man such as myself.
@Dong_Harvey 4 жыл бұрын
I agree, but don't debase yourself, you have grown far beyond simple, but instead quite introspective and armoured against the mentalities that pervade our broken society Stay strong, so that others may be strong with you
@m4nl875 4 жыл бұрын
@@Dong_Harvey Well I'm actually autistic but psychologist have never been able to put me in a box such as Aspergers for instance. I've had IQ scores ranging from 119 to 147 (I was obsessed with those for awhile a long time ago) and I've always scored average on capacity tests except on my analytical capability. There I've always scored between 90 and 99%. I've gone through horrible depressions in my life and psychologists have never been able to help me. I'm kind of a strange cat to them 😋 Eventually I got myself out of my depressions. But it's still an ongoing process. I also have several health problems and at age 19 I was just placed on disability welfare. Because nobody knew what to do with me. I guess I was lucky because in some other countries I would've been dead already. When I say I'm a simple man it's because I've learned to humble myself and try not to listen to my ego. I'm actually quite complicated from society's perspective. At least in the small town where I live. I have no friends here and I'm always online. But that's enough of that... No need to tell my entire life story 😂 just explaing I definitely have a lot of self confidence while also being aware of my 'shortcomings'. I'm highly critical of myself. But in a constructive way.
@SpenserRoger 4 жыл бұрын
@@m4nl875 yea big muff if I were you I'd avoid talking about how you scored on tests and look for purpose, meaning, and responsibility in your life, and oh, don't resent society at large.
@m4nl875 4 жыл бұрын
@@SpenserRoger Well you're not me. But thanks for your two cents.
@frida507 4 жыл бұрын
The Democratic party in the US is not "left" in an international perspective. All of your ruling politicians are to the right.
@tropezando 4 жыл бұрын
Leaving a drive by like and note here with the hope that they help your vids get some sidebar suggestion action. Thanks for all that you do.
@doodoobrn 4 жыл бұрын
Best series Ive seen in a while. You hit the nail on the head!
@RpgmaniacNo1 4 жыл бұрын
Fantastic upload! Educative, enlightened and very important in political times like today! Thank you very much!
@lanceringquist815 4 жыл бұрын
'An organizing framework for the community option was succinctly outlined in 1933 by economist John Maynard Keynes: “I sympathize, therefore, with those who would minimize, rather than with those who would maximize, economic entanglement among nations. Ideas, knowledge, science, hospitality, travel-these are the things which should of their nature be international. But let goods be homespun whenever it is reasonably and conveniently possible, and, above all, let finance be primarily national.”
@lilyshah4608 3 жыл бұрын
I need this in a book! You are brilliant
@erichnk 3 жыл бұрын
Brilliant video; brilliant series that desperately needs to be seen and *understood* by every thinking person.
@yungluv6645 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for making these! Great info delivered well. Keep it up!
@beangobernador Жыл бұрын
This is the best video series on politics I have ever seen, wow
@jsbart96 4 жыл бұрын
Absolutely fantastic resource, excellent, look forward to the rest
@kilpatrickkirksimmons5016 5 жыл бұрын
Subscribed. Good shit, keep it coming.
@makeitseventoday 3 жыл бұрын
This is such a valuable documentary series. Thank you for your work towards truly educating your fellow conscious thinking beings. Krienkergaard said it best: humans fight for their freedoms but seldom use that freedom to truly think and investigate.
@XxXVideoVeiwerXxX 4 жыл бұрын
The one thing I can think of during this series is that one quote: "Every generation needs a revolution" I really feel that quote, and can't help but agree with it.
@XxXVideoVeiwerXxX 4 жыл бұрын
Good videos btw, part 2 was the best IMO. Part 3 felt it was a bit too personal politic'y during the first half. But still good.
@dennyhamrick2552 3 жыл бұрын
Just watched the first three in this series today, gonna finish it up tomorrow. Excellent, excellent work mate.
@sharann3482 5 жыл бұрын
Finally waited too long for it
@IXPrometheusXI 4 жыл бұрын
I hope to see a next installment someday. Thank you for your hard work putting this together.
@rorymcdonough2330 4 жыл бұрын
Great stuff Looking forward to more!
@adammiller3609 3 жыл бұрын
Love the series. Thanks for your work.
@MrWilliamWolf 4 жыл бұрын
Bravo, this history must be told to explain the all-pervasive influence of this academic idea in Neoliberalism. I eagerly await the next video.
@rychei5393 4 жыл бұрын
This is fascinating and well done. My Econ teacher NEVER taught me any of this.
@cptsky47 4 жыл бұрын
I just watched lecture 1 and lecture 2, I am amazed at the efficacy of these lectures and how deeply you dig into the concept of Neoliberalism. I have a degree in economics and international affairs and this is an excellent presentation that would be valuable to all. Some parts are a bit technical, but most, if willing, can understand the themes. This is also a great exercise in the practice of critical thinking and deep introspection into understanding the world we live in today.
@TheSgrizli 4 жыл бұрын
This video series is amazing you should do more of them
@matthewmcneany 4 жыл бұрын
These are really good, I hope there's going to be more in the future.
@nrhoofcare7724 Жыл бұрын
Just fantastic. Answered so many questions.
@karengrice2303 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the great series of videos on neoliberalism. It helped me to understand it better and how it evolved. I really hope our country begins to move in a new and better direction soon!
@ernie7778 5 жыл бұрын
Great clip on neoliberalism. I have been waiting for the fourth episode. How many episodes do you plan to produce?
@BarakalypseNow 5 жыл бұрын
It's hard to say since the scope of the series is evolving over time. I do have a finite number planned but it's likely to change. Needless to say it will take a long time to do it all. I will need all the support I can get to speed up the process!
@distortiontildeafness 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent series thank you for your contribution
@mns8732 3 жыл бұрын
Just a great series A marvelous effort. Any economics teacher would be proud
@lanceringquist815 4 жыл бұрын
"if you’re an environmentalist/anti-climate change, you should want a trade war. you should want to stop the government-subsidized 5/10,000-mile supply chain. Government-subsidized as in: favorable taxation for fuel oil, government subsidized port facilities/roads, lax emissions regulations, lax labor laws, etc."
@princetonwong2 4 жыл бұрын
While I do not get a thorough understanding much about the video content, not because it is poorly presented (it is very organized and articulate), perhaps there is not much scaffolding for average public. BUT I can 100% say, you are creating very important and rare content of substance in this age. You definitely touches on something important to people living in the contemporaries. Thanks for the hard work!!
@Maceta444 3 жыл бұрын
Great summary and research on genuine Neo-Liberalism (as in liberal thinkers of the 20th century), and not the meaningless buzzword abused by the left.
@rodrigocarvalho6426 4 жыл бұрын
Superb documentary. You are doing real public work!
@thechadeuropeanfederalist893 4 жыл бұрын
When part 4?
@BarakalypseNow 4 жыл бұрын
I've announced the date on my Community Tab.
@thechadeuropeanfederalist893 4 жыл бұрын
@@BarakalypseNow thanks
@dondreytaylor8001 4 жыл бұрын
Really love your series, great stuff. I like the background music you used, curious what song is playing at 13:44 to 14:10
@BarakalypseNow 4 жыл бұрын
I've found all of the music in this series on KZbin's copyright-free library.
@dondreytaylor8001 4 жыл бұрын
@@BarakalypseNow Ah okay, thanks for letting me know. Will check it out there.
@ibrahimzaghw1745 4 жыл бұрын
well i made it this far, 11 minutes in. Fantastic stuff, i have subscribed.
@andymonk9505 4 жыл бұрын
I'm thrilled that you exposed Reagan's policy, I was young and joined the trade Unions in the early 80's and seen the republican attacks on the Unions.I seen the upper level Union presidents change from elected business representative to appointment.It encouraged me to stay out of politics and focus on my work, quality instead of quantity and good work sells itself.Our local Union had the best school and reputation as being a best Millwrights in the world.
@TimBradleyFromOz 4 жыл бұрын
Please do one on the value of considering Marxism as a critique of capitalism - and the potential benefits for reorganising society. In solidarity.
@PAppMundo 4 жыл бұрын
History has already established for all of us that Marxism, is a really really really bad idea. Let’s not go down that path again.
@samba-karamba 4 жыл бұрын
Hey when will you upload the fourth part. The documentary is extremely good.
@roganthompquist7207 4 жыл бұрын
This series is excellent; educational, and well researched. Even so, video #1 was preachy and overstated. This #3 video is calmer but still fast paced. The background charts go by too fast, (I may try to look some up) but BarrakalypseNow has put together an amazing amount of information with understanding. Though I may not agree with this 100%, I have come up separately with many of the same insights and am very pleased to think this information is being learned and understood with the expectation that we can come up with an economics that will be much better. Thank you!
@ViraL_FootprinT.ex.e 3 жыл бұрын
Kind of wild seeing how many people are here pushing back on you calling trump a fascist. History really is cyclical, huh? These people *never* see it coming, nor do they ever learn. Explains a lot. Anyway, love this series. Thank you.
@ViraL_FootprinT.ex.e 3 жыл бұрын
It's just wild that we can see full-on militias being blatantly emboldened by trump and have whole swaths of society not recognize that for what it is.
@adampowell5376 4 жыл бұрын
I just wonder what I can do keep socialism alive and put a stop to the destruction of neoliberalism?
@lanceringquist815 4 жыл бұрын
"the Cliintoons threw the working class under the bus and HRC blames her demise on the Russians. You can't make this stuff up!"
@katepanthera7265 3 жыл бұрын
Am currently reading "Dark Money" by Jane Mayer, which is all about the Koch brothers. Their view of 'free markets" and how we shouldn't have any govt. except one that serves them and others like them is truly terrifying. Even Hayek advocated for some form of a social safety net; but the Kochs believe that if you're poor or disabled, too bad. If you're not rich, it's your problem, and don't expect the state to help you out.
@jemolk8945 4 жыл бұрын
Great series! As an anarchist, I already had the gist of what was going on -- it's why I'm anticapitalist to begin with. But you do a very good job laying out the problems with neoliberalism, much like Marx did with capitalism as a whole, and in a way that's accessible to modern audiences, quite unlike Marx (who was doing a great deal of deep philosophical work in extremely novel intellectual territory, and thus sadly didn't have that luxury).
@vajliakduke6231 3 жыл бұрын
If Capitalism kept doing like Embedded liberalism, emerging Marx criticism would unlikely to occur
@jemolk8945 3 жыл бұрын
@@vajliakduke6231 If people are comfortable enough, they're unlikely to want to risk making things worse in an attempt to make them better, certainly. However, market socialism is a fairly natural progression from embedded liberalism anyway, and the critique of capitalism would remain valid; revolution just wouldn't be the preferred method if capitalism could progress to something generally good for everyone through incremental reforms.
@sheilamarler2439 4 жыл бұрын
Is there a part 4?
@zoeltrain 4 жыл бұрын
Really good series. I think this episode would have benefited from more clearly labeled sections, but it was easy enough to follow and worth watching a second time if I missed something anyway.
@theyescapedtheweightofdarkness 6 ай бұрын
are all your sources the "recommended reading" tab in the description?
@lifeisgood339 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this complex topic. While I appreciate many aspects of your analysis, I find some of the conclusions to be presented as facts without supporting evidence. It seems that your strength lies in economics, and I'm impressed with your overall skill. However, I may not fully agree with certain interpretations on who individuals are. I encourage you to continue creating content and deepening your understanding of this topic; your expertise is noteworthy. If there are specific areas where more evidence or clarification could be provided, I'd be interested in exploring those further. Your commitment to learning and sharing insights is commendable.
@lanceringquist815 4 жыл бұрын
"The problem is that the US has not just ceded production. It has ceded skills, from the factory floor through supervisors and middle level managers. This isn’t the sort of thing you get back in a year, or even five years. It’s much easier to destroy than build or rebuild, particularly since many of those formerly skilled workers are past retirement age, and what they knew is not current, so even they have catch-up. While that’s still better than starting from scratch, pray tell how do they get back down the curve? And for some companies, it’s worse than that, since they haven’t just “offshored” but have outsourced to foreign companies. So they have ceded those capabilities entirely."
@hopedream11 4 жыл бұрын
Might I suggest a book or vid series on the history of immigration? The Guarded Gate would be a great book on this I believe to start it
@mehrshadvr4 4 жыл бұрын
What about part 4?
@petersmythe6462 4 жыл бұрын
"There would be no such thing as price" [under socialist central planning] Ok, but the state has the means of production and unprecedented access to statistics about *exactly* how many bolts, hours of labor, steel plates and etc are required to make, say, a locomotive. Including under actual operational conditions where some loss occurs during the production process. So if not market price in money (an irrelevant piece of information under socialism) them they still can know the labor cost of each type of labor, from farmers to miners to metalworkers to engineers to physicists to factory workers, on both a fixed and marginal cost basis. And they can estimate demand very accurately as well because they know EXACTLY what is being bought, how often, and by whom. And also don't have to for all capital goods, because non-consumer goods like said locamotive still don't need to be sold. They can simply be shipped to where they need to be, from a goverment assembly plant to a goverment rail station, with no transactional inefficiencies. As to not being able to have enough people making the decisions, this is why real socialism involves delegating responsibility so that an economy of millions is to some extent planned by millions. TL;DR: market prices are not a necessary feature of a socialist planned economy.
@AliceDiableaux 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah that seemed to me like a really dumb thing to say and a fundamental misunderstanding of socialism and communism. Fucking duh there's no such thing as price, we're trying to get rid of money alltogether, you dope. He's literally criticizing socialism for not adhering to capitalism principles. Like sjeesh.
@BarakalypseNow 4 жыл бұрын
@@AliceDiableaux You shouldn't conflate my description of Mises' writing with my own position on the matter.
@pedrotome1 4 жыл бұрын
"And also don't have to for all capital goods, because non-consumer goods like said locamotive still don't need to be sold. They can simply be shipped to where they need to be, from a goverment assembly plant to a goverment rail station, with no transactional inefficiencies." no, a locomotive or a train has to be built. How are you going to build locomotives under socialism? What resources should be used? What production processes should be used? Without prices for the factors of production, you don't know what's the best way to build that locomotive. Even if you know present and future demand (or the necessity of the trains), and know best where to alocate locomotives, you still face with the economic calculation problem. Since you don't know the best cost-saving and economizing processes, then you might end up wasting resources that could be alocated in better ways. And this problem does not only apply to locomotives, but also to the production of all goods in the economy, consumer or not. Without prices, you don't know what to produce, in what quantity, with what resources, with what production process and where to alocate them.
@Victhor4 2 жыл бұрын
yo cool vid
@EstebanGunn 4 жыл бұрын
I like to get comfy to this deep level stuff.
@rafa1z1 4 жыл бұрын
Do you have episode 4?
@nethminiwidanapathirana42 4 жыл бұрын
This is a really valuable video. Can I know the writer of the content of this video please?
@martinreid2352 4 жыл бұрын
14:23 underrated pun
@crunchsixfoe 4 жыл бұрын
Great series, really enjoyed it. Now to cheer on a downfall...
@alexivanov7567 4 жыл бұрын
Help! I can't find next video (part 4)
@johnsmythe7940 4 жыл бұрын
An Obvious fact: You cannot have any control system in existence or any future system that is yet not conceived. Until you have good Government. To have Good government you MUST have Good people. Thus it is an impossible task, people who are ambitious ARE the wrong people, for they will always seek more power for themselves, over the wellbeing of its people. People who are NOT ambitious are also not the Right people because they would lack the drive to compleat tasks that are required.
@lanceringquist815 4 жыл бұрын
bill clinton did this to the mexicans, “There’s no other option for us. It’s either certain death in our villages where we can’t survive, largely due to NAFTA, or maybe dying on the road.”
@Rick-or2kq 4 жыл бұрын
Is there a transcript of this series?
@Rick-or2kq 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for taking the time of putting this together, good job! I give it 3 stars out of 4. Why? I feel I would be amiss if did not ask why you exclude Marx from this? Capital it's 3 volumes is believed by many to best ever of a critical analysis of capitalism.His contribution is enormous. There was a time when a third of the countries in the world constructed their societies on his ideas and two very big countries still do China and Russia, along with much of Europe. Also Professor David Harvey who is considered by many to be world's most informed on Marx's work and taught it for over 40 years, says that it was Marx who deconstructed the classic economists labor theory of value and found it to be wrong. They ( those who believed deeply in liberal economics) world had been blown up by Marx, so, they either had to adopt Marx's theories or come up with something new, and so the foundation for neo-liberalism was laid in the mid 19th century.
@BarakalypseNow 4 жыл бұрын
I haven't forgotten Marx. One of the things I hope to accomplish with the series is demonstrating that you don't even necessarily have to invoke Marx or socialist ideas in general to make a detailed case against neoliberalism. It is dangerous and incoherent enough to be proven unsustainable and unjustifiable even compared with other forms of capitalism.
@Rick-or2kq 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for responding. First off I would like to apologize for my knee - jerk action to the video, after I thought about it a bit I was wrong to jump on that one point, over all it was an excellent video and I learned much from it..Hope you intend to continue with them! People need to hear this.. Thank you again for your thoughtful response.
@tompogson9755 3 жыл бұрын
Hayek should have kept going as a botanist. 🌺
@justanotherdayinthelife9841 4 жыл бұрын
You need to do the Business Coup of 1933-present
@gaius_marius 4 жыл бұрын
Great videos. Just one small correction @16:40 it’s the Habsburg dynasty, not the Hamburg dynasty.
@BarakalypseNow 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your comment.
@mappamondo555 Жыл бұрын
I suggest also Laissez-faire (2015) and Laboratory Greece (2019)
@iassndksdfasfsd1297 4 жыл бұрын
Why do you refer to Neoliberalism as a characteristic of the *Right* 13:11? At this point it's above any ideology and lives on as it's own thing, separate from the right and left spectrum of politics(even though even these two have no meaning today in modern political discourse)
@iassndksdfasfsd1297 4 жыл бұрын
Also i watched your whole series. I find these videos very informative and fun to watch. You have my praise for your good work, i hope you continue making more of them.
@BarakalypseNow 4 жыл бұрын
@@iassndksdfasfsd1297 The reason why neoliberalism is characteristic of the Right is because conservative parties in the US and the UK were the ones who initially latched onto the neoliberal philosophy produced by the Mont Pelerin Society with the most enthusiasm. Mont Pelerin style neoliberalism was mostly bankrolled by business conservatives who opposed the New Deal and British social democracy. Thatcher and Reagan are the quintessential neoliberals. Their domination over the political field only influenced liberal parties to conform after the fact.
@andrewpaddock7560 3 жыл бұрын
Economics is hard. Most of this went right over my head! Then again, these highly educated people spend years studying and refining their arguments, arguments that go on for generations, so what hope does a layperson have of penetrating any of it? All I know is that he world is shit, and while everyone has an answer, no consensus exists. What does seem to come through for me, though, is that the neoliberals don't seem concerned with the well being of people or the environment. Beyond that, I'm not really sure what matters to them. I wonder if this is why anti-intellectualism thrives during hard times. Still, thank you for your hard work and research even if this doofus doesn't get much of it.
@reforest4fertility 4 жыл бұрын
About 5 min mark were they talking about including Chicago schooler, Leo Strauss, I think the name was?
@FlagWaverFlagBearer 4 жыл бұрын
I wish life saving information could be more entertaining.
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