idk, you're only able to abuse the explo/scout because kevins playing sloppy: 00:04 kevin starts a treasure without knowing where fre hero is (although this is worth the risk for earlier age up) 00:29 monks attacking hero for some amount of time, and end up low hp 00:55 if there was one more vil in tc the scout dies it shouldnt be possible to lose monks age 1, that only happens when people play greedy
@tabben_aoe310 күн бұрын
He shouldn't avoid treasures just because he doesn't know where my hero is, just showcasing how busted pull-trick was here since i wouldn't reach his treasure in time otherwise. Your opponent will never play perfect, don't think he expected me to notice the exact moment he decides to bell vills and pre-emptively cover mode. And you don't have time to calculate the perfect amount of belled vills/TC shots that are needed besides the monk attacks. He could bell more vills to be sure it dies, I don't really mind since it's more idle time for him and it won't be used to gather much info in this matchup anyways
@alexjugureanu8538 күн бұрын
epic stuff but i'm glad people at my level don't play like this lol