This Low Mythic+ Key Pugging Behavior is Totally Unhinged...

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@RafikiafReKo 3 ай бұрын
I think the warlock was not a noob, that's why I think his behaviour is more toxic to the game. Honestly, this is something you should be able to report and have them be suspended for inting. The DH who attacked the boss is pretty funny, but it didn't seem intentional and most people are learning the dungeon at this key level
@TheRockinDonkey 3 ай бұрын
Not gonna lie, I've done stupid shit like that on my first run of a dungeon or even a second run because people are killing stuff so fast (non mythic). That's one of the problems joining an expansion late in the cycle -- people kill stuff so fast you don't get an opportunity to learn mechanics early on. But, I'll own it when It's pointed out. But, I always follow the tank
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
Yup, that's how I feel about it all as well.
@jao8366 3 ай бұрын
Ppl just dont pay attention, a lot of times I feel ppl are playing while watching something else, they just dont pay attention to their screen and ignores groups chats. I had a +15AD this week that took 6:40min to kill Volkaal because the keyholder would just kill the totem, we would left a totem with 5% hp and work on the others (after he fucked up the first round) and he would just deliberated kill them even after I was typing on chat to tell him not to kill them. And this keys system too makes some ppl have high keys while not doing shit, I did a +21AD with the key holder doing 40k dps overall, I can't stop thinking this dude will probably get all the portal just because he has a +20key to start a group
@williamgraham5924 3 ай бұрын
So soft lmao.
@aspenture1087 3 ай бұрын
that or he bought the character/account/got a friend to gear it and get 2500 score for the mount and mog
@vincentgillett6110 3 ай бұрын
It seems AD breaks some players brains. Recently joined +14 alt group. All players 470-480. Healer joined and 1st thing he said was “what way you going at start?” Tank said “left”. Healer responded with “noobs. Don’t waste my time. Gl. Lol”. Then left the group. I think it’s because AD is an open plan dungeon that allows for many different routes. During this season I’ve probably done AD a dozen different ways from +2 to +23 and always managed to ++ it with little to no trouble. You would think this would be celebrated as fun and interesting dungeon design. But some people can’t handle deviating from the pug meta route. Or they assume the route they are familiar with is the meta route and all other routes must be done by idiots/trolls/noobs.
@dess3597 3 ай бұрын
It doesn't help that its a return dungeon, and BFA runners might have a preference.
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
Ya this is actually the most frustrating thing in this dungeon. Everyone demands it done their way, meanwhile the dungeon is just flat out easy outside the last boss. Was a similar issue in BFA too, but the key was way tighter.
@grimfandango229 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, back in BfA after watching the MDI teams pull the middle pack which no one had been doing up to that point, I started to incorperate it into my run, since its worth something like 14%, and worked well with Awakened, allowing you to skip the Volkaal trash back to a previously placed portal. Had this one group that got incredibly mad that i`d done that and spent the entire rest of the dungeon flaming me non-stop, purely because these people had never seen someone do that route, and instead of just seeing how it played out, and if maybe it was a good route. It was a +3 (Which some of the group hadn`t timed that quickly before) and they were still shouting at me at the end ... There was a Russian healer, who hadn`t said anything up to that point, but just before he left he said "You toxic players make me sick", which at least made me feel slightly better about it.
@stuff4812 3 ай бұрын
its crazy too because left is a common route. my fort weeks left is more common than rezan first
@lilyx77 3 ай бұрын
maybe the healer knew he couldn't handle the charging mobs so he calls you noobs and goes back to not being able to dodge a charge
@asheranna 3 ай бұрын
this is pretty hilarious... like just follow the tank even if it's a route you're not use to... he could have demonic gateway past at least one pack if he really wanted to get back with the group...
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
ya, its wild.
@unhingedcrouton 3 ай бұрын
Shouuld not take that lock in the first place. His ilvl + rio is red flag.
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
I agree
@mcshamkraken4448 3 ай бұрын
When I sign up for 18s to 20s on my hunter to fill vault I state "no leaver, filling vault" so that my 3660 hunter isn't passed over as a red flag
@JamesWaldrop-vm2yj 3 ай бұрын
Honestly the ilvl and the rio aren't a flag until he goes crazy. I guess you think people shouldn't run keys lower than their score/gear? I like being able to chill in a key sometimes.
@SupahDrummah94 3 ай бұрын
That’s so crazy, I had a very similar situation last night in a 14 AD with a 480 aff lock (I don’t recall his io) who did beans for dam and got absolutely hostile while I tried to explain why stacking on yazma is better for spiders. What is it with aff locks in low keys? Lol
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
Ya its just low keys in general I imagine. People playing a spec like Affliction though are likely to have a combative nature by default anyway. Simply because they have to battle the stigma of the spec as well as the content.
@Travis-Barth 3 ай бұрын
I have gone into low keys at a high item level before when I've been bored, helping people gear thier alts or new players etc but I never joined them, and then didn't follow the group. That lock had to be trolling or, as others have mentioned, got carried for his gear and score.
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
He does too many keys to be carried in my eyes. May legitimately be a troll but I think it's just a dude with an awful attitude. No clue why he is in there in the first place. Some one said that week was the mythic weekly so maybe that's why.
@Lindforce1 4 күн бұрын
0:00-0:11 the way you did that intro was hilarious lmao
@heythereguysitsMetro 4 күн бұрын
Glad you like it! This is suchhh a funny video!
@kopitarrules 3 ай бұрын
Laughed my butt off on this one. I feel for the DH in the second key being new and not knowing what to do, then figuring it out mid fight and appologizing at the end. Dude will NEVER make that mistake again, and seems to have let the toxicity roll right off his back so good for him. The warlock, though, that, to me is MUCH worse. MAYBE he has never gone right before, and MAYBE he doesn't realize just how open the boss order truly is and so he MAYBE feels justified sitting there thinking the other four are just running around like noobs. But once he's told that they are doing a different boss first and he is unwilling to just die so he can join the group, THAT to me is the watershed moment that tells you everything you need to know about that person. I mean, it's a 6 do you REALLY think 1 death is going to make THAT much difference or is the character so poor he doesn't want to pay for repairs? The only thing I can think is he is farming low instances for gold and doesn't want to ruin his profit margin by sacrificing himself so he can contribute. It's just sad. And it just goes to show something we have alwaays said about picking people who are vastly over qualified for a key. You are taking a crap shoot whether they will add something and make the key that much easier or if they are there to feel superior and will be a toxic presence that makes the dungeon unfun for everyone else. I think this warlock was the latter.
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
Ya totally agreed. Its frustrating too, because that Warlock is the greatest example of some one who refuses to fix their own mistakes. This concept PLAGUES mythic+ at all levels. People make mistakes, then just run away from them and hope the next key does better. This is how you get guys like that who are doing 21s and make this sort of error and just have zero concern for it.
@clakerz3446 3 ай бұрын
Before the totem boss I've pulled as a frost DK from the stairs. They have a talent that launches a frostwhelp pretty far when they use Pillar of Frost. I think that's what might have happened around 7:40
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
Hmm that would make more sense than anything else so far. Maybe so!
@jeglikertog 2 ай бұрын
I'm pretty sure it's the talent "Galactic Guardian" for the druid that pulled. If you look closely, the tank has the caster down-stairs targetted, also highlighted on the mini map, and just as the galactic guardian talent procs (the polar bear paw looking symbol in his WA suite) his target goes from not having a target to targetting him. If the DK had pulled, he wouldn't have grabbed aggro without some sort of threat generation, and as far as I know, self healing as a tank through regular means doesn't produce threat. What seems odd is that unlike the bonus Avenging shields you can get from a Divine Toll as a prot paladin, the moonfire proc doesn't seem to connect to the caster mob, as it doesn't get the debuff from it.
@0bNoXi0uS1 2 ай бұрын
That lock with a "my way or NO way" complex and pathetic performance for gear and score looks like one of those super-toxic tag-alongs in a big/mythic guild with e-sports aspirations. They are either a girlfriend/boyfriend, or a sponsor who pays real money to be there and be carried to everything. That, or they bought an "all portals+2,5k+mount+mog" piloted service and simply didn't DO anything of that. And then, they just jump into something on a whim... and are just LOST. In their regular environment, they'd get coddled and catered to, so they just don't know even the most basic rules, like "follow the tank". It's hillarious to watch though, and I'd frankly ask before starting the key, because a 486 with 2,5k score applying to a 6 is sis as flick :) On a separate note, the route tank picked in the vid only started getting more popular after MDI recently, and most people either don't know it or even didn't ever run it. If they don't know the basic rules, like "follow the tank", they are bound to do really silly mistakes... that's one thing though, if that happens you don't run your face you either stealh back or die and run to the group. Then again, the game has nothing to actually teach new player those basic rules!
@heythereguysitsMetro 2 ай бұрын
ya, the lack of learning is a huge issue. Hopefully that will be getting better starting next season with the changes.
@allste626 3 ай бұрын
You can two man 6's (even solo on geared toons of certain classes) but I still wouldn't kick the lock just because he's entertainment gold. I found leaning into the terrible runs ends up being way more fun and entertaining than trying to actually push serious runs.
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
Oh ya, in terms of entertainment, invite 3 more of these guys.
@zackshobe6760 3 ай бұрын
watching these make my day
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
They are so fun to make too, so I am glad we both love them!
@theoriginalzinng 3 ай бұрын
Upon closer inspection of the warlock his aff score is like 400 so that means he normally runs as destro. Doesn’t mean he’s not getting carried by carry streamers or buying boosts but this was one of like 4 keys the guy has ever run as aff I also get it in this case but I don’t like the stigma of that range of io because I have alts in that range and even though my main is linked the comments on this video alone prove that people are picky fuckers when inviting people to groups and the rio addon is both a blessing and a curse… yes my 480 something alts that are like 2400 can do just fine in your budget 20 key but I get it that not everybody can so it’s just irritating
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
Maybe that's why he was in there then. Trying to practice the spec.
@lampshades5436 3 ай бұрын
So my take on the DH is they were more than likely running the dungeon for the first time. Most players are afraid of saying they are new to running the dungeon in fear or being kicked from the group. But then you screw over the other players because you dont know the fights. For the warlock..he seemed like he 100% paid for carries. The fact that he literally stood at rezan for like 10 mins is insane. He could of just aggroed the first small trash pack and brought them to the tank.
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
Ya idk, I think its more likely that the warlock is a legit player, just with an ego issue.
@luvsdizners 3 ай бұрын
why you no follow tank? I died lmao
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
@angelus877 3 ай бұрын
I think it's fairly unknown that even if you get kicked you will get rewards as long as the dungeon has actually started and its completed, regardless of being in it or not.
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
What makes you think that its unknown?
@angelus877 3 ай бұрын
@@heythereguysitsMetro a lot of low level key doers are getting very angry when kicked even if they arent doing anything while the key is actually getting done. And also asking, WoW, like many other games have a lot of things that people just dont know about because its not said anywhere
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
@@angelus877 Ya well you may be right honestly. I am surprised to know people wouldn't know this though, because obviously if it didn't work this way it would be HUGELY exploitable.
@angelus877 3 ай бұрын
@@heythereguysitsMetro I think most people just dont get kicked and so never have to go through the "fear"
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
@@angelus877 Ya no doubt, you are absolutely correct about that of course.
@peyton5591 3 ай бұрын
My jaw literally dropped when I saw the lock was 483. Absolutely wild
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
Nearly 3k as well rofl
@greenz9490 3 ай бұрын
His io is a product of the key carry streamer community. You see it alot. I know a lock thats 2900+ and has every 20 done with a streamer. Its the one downside of the key carry community that really hurts pugs, not that it mattered in a 6, but just saying.
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
@@greenz9490 Well maybe, but is there actually evidence here? Because he does a lot of keys, to be fair.
@greenz9490 3 ай бұрын
No evidence for this particular person, more of an observation I've had as a person who helps some streamers from time to time doing viewer keys. I do have evidence of the person I was speaking on particularly, off a quick search of their io page and knowledge of the key streamers characters. Was more of a broad stroke statement, so apologies in assuming that this particular person falls in to that category
@merenwen_gaming 3 ай бұрын
Wasn’t that week when the weekly dungeon event was up? 4 low M+ for a hc gear? That might explain the warlock… but still…. If I join a key I’ll make sure to finish it asap to get to the next one…. He could’ve soloed those raptors on the stairs lol.
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
Ya I don't really feel like that explains anything honestly. He was just being flat out rude.
@allste626 3 ай бұрын
The best explanation is it was an Illidan player to be honest.
@akira410 3 ай бұрын
I wonder if that lock was trolling? His name does have 'troleado' in it which is spanish for trolled. That's just wild.
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
Oh really, didn't realize it was Spanish like that.
@MrAmbushMaster 3 ай бұрын
On the 2nd dung I think tank pulled the back from downstairs, dunno how tho. You can tell he is targeting the bottom witch doctor all the time and while he went to the edge he had to use something.
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
Ya but surely it's too far to use an actual spell. No idea what happens there because he seems upset that it pulls too.
@NeedsMorePants 3 ай бұрын
For the lack of mechanics, maybe have each m+ have a follower difficulty with the timer, without affixes, and would count for heroic for weekly vault purposes?
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
I am totally in favor of follower dungeons being a blueprint towards fixing this.
@allste626 3 ай бұрын
I'm not sure how well that would work. It would need to be scaled to be hard enough that you can't just get away with bypassing mechanics like you can in low keys, which results in people in higher keys not understanding basic mechanics.
@aspenture1087 3 ай бұрын
@@allste626 they could potentially scale it to about a +13, +15, +16 or +18 key level (all those key levels could work well enough to teach someone. they can stand in stuff and make mistakes to not necessarily get one shot but hit hard enough to learn). make it so the NPC healer only heals unavoidable damage. They'd have to make the pack live a while like have the NPCs do no damage for say 1min+ maybe and 3mins for bosses potentially. it would need to show you the interrupts and what not to stand in etc etc. They could definitely make it work and balance it
@chidy9699 3 ай бұрын
Ive been seeing a lot of tanks going the full left path lately, as ive been gearing my druid and priest over the last few weeks. It always feels so ,uch more difficult imo.
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
Ya it requires a lot more interrupts and positioning. Right is wayyy easier on low keys. In higher keys both are quite dangerous though.
@unhingedcrouton 3 ай бұрын
Going left gives you three good lusts
@vaughn7899 3 ай бұрын
Lol that iLvl and rio score are just identifyers of a player that wont give a damn about others trying to get a lower key level done and have some fun. Only time I saw those players ever contribute to a key was when they had a friend that needed some help and those keys were always timed and they always helped other players to understand the dungeon. Thanks for the upload. Sad these keys happen but fun to watch. As for your question: this lock ticked all the boxes that advocate for a reporting system or scoring system of how much toxic a player can be. Would be fun if it was like a hidden thing so WoW groups them up in a league of their own, and see chaos ensure something like the World PvP environment of the "old days". Perhaps a few new insults will be invented.
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
Ya that's my thoughts on it too. Don't invite people like that to keys they clearly have no need of.
@CaledonianCraft 3 ай бұрын
Lock was waaaay worse but also 10x as funny to watch.
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
ya that was sooo wild, still cant believe it.
@chidy9699 3 ай бұрын
This series reminds me of huskystarcrafts old series, bronze league heroes. He would cast bronze league SC2 games and it was amazing lol.
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
Oh ya, that sounds funny!
@Rattja 3 ай бұрын
Loved that series, so funny how he tried to predict what they would do like in a pro match, and then they just do something completely different. And if the match got boring, he just made up his own little stories about overlords or whatever. Kinda sad how he left it tho.
@Byhythloh 3 ай бұрын
There is a HUGE design flaw in M+ here. IF someone leaves a key or gets kicked, when the loot rolls at the end, it still assigns a loot chance to the player who left. I've had this situation before, where we had a dps just leave, we +3 the dungeon as a 4 man, and then the guy who left 2 minutes into the key get a piece of loot to their mailbox. It is complete bullshit and should be a priority fix.
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
It's not actually a flaw. This is a necessary element to ensure whoever starts the key is valid on the loot table when the key ends. This is tied to the fact that you can't replace people mid run. Also think of it from the opposite perspective. If you could just kick people before the key ended and get all five items, you'd see that as a major exploit right? Either way been this way since legion. Not going to be changed.
@Byhythloh 3 ай бұрын
@@heythereguysitsMetro Oof, feel like there needs to be a better way to resolve. Because I've only ever seen it be a negative which incentivizes toxic players to leave keys and still get loot. Nothing worse then some asshole being toxic, rage leaving the key, and them getting rewarded for the work of the 4 other people who decided to stay.
@AzeroxDoomraider 3 ай бұрын
Please keep these low keys coming i love it! But yeah if your dumb af enough you can just get carried to 3k. I know someone that is dumb af and wouldnt want him in my grp but still gets ksh etc. He actualy think hes great.
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
Ya sadly I see that a lot anymore. Especially from the DPS role.
@unsettled1821 3 ай бұрын
The DH didnt know what to do but the tank also can be blamed. He sees the dh attacking the boss then drag the boss to a totem. Also from the accidental pull. It shows he lack awareness as he reacted so slow when the mob ran up when on his screen you can see them running up. Easy enough to meet them and grab aggro
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
Ya you are right about that. Nothing abnormal in an 8 though honestly.
@Rcmathis 3 ай бұрын
Maybe the lock is someones little brother unironically and does lower keys or something lol
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
Its possible for sure.
@celestielsigh 3 ай бұрын
Iyodaddy lmfaooo But on another note I really like that guys nameplates, can the person who submitted footage share? haha
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
Oh ya maybe they will see this, sorry I wish I could help more!
@celestielsigh 3 ай бұрын
@@heythereguysitsMetro All good, thanks for providing us with the best m+ content!
@unhingedcrouton 3 ай бұрын
Looks like slightly modified quazii plater with BigDebuffs
@tonic316 3 ай бұрын
From Illidan server not surprised.
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
neither were the guys in the key haha
@aaronowens8941 3 ай бұрын
It's always Atal'Dazar... xD LMAO!
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
Ya this one has been an absolute hit factory this season.
@allste626 3 ай бұрын
My AD's were always failing to people not understanding totem mechanic or not understanding how to move away from spooders on last boss (I've had people in as high of a key as 23 not know totem mechanics, it's mind boggling).
@mcshamkraken4448 3 ай бұрын
Interestingly enough. All the high ADs I'm in goes left. I.e. 26 thru 29. I think it's a faster route. That being said, when I tank with my alts I ask group if they prefer left or right from start just to lower potential drama
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
Ya left is increasingly popular. I do not think its faster. Its just easier if everyone plays properly. Do you have many deaths doing it?
@aspenture1087 3 ай бұрын
on high fort keys right just hits extremely hard. left if you get the important kicks and bait juggernauts is very easy but if you mess it up its very hard and you have lots of deaths edit: my group tried going right on 28 fort and I was having to do 200k+ hps to keep the group alive and the tank ended up dying. We only pulled the first honor guard and the 1 stalker and the 2 shield guys just to see how hard it hits, we had a prot pally tank. it's hard to balance keeping the tank and the group alive similar to the dragons in fall but more tank damage. without a tanky group it's near impossible. maybe if we tried a couple more times we could manage it but left when you do it properly is easy and you'll only have a couple deaths potentially
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
@@aspenture1087 gotcha, I'm sure it gets a lot harder the higher and higher you go. I've gone right on 26 fort many times and no issues though. Obviously the healer has to heal but I don't really look at that as a reason it's difficult. The mistakes on left result in unhealable failures so seems more controllable on right.
@aspenture1087 3 ай бұрын
@@heythereguysitsMetro yeah for sure. My group gave up after trying it once which sucked I wanted to give it a few more pulls before walking out of that key. Me and the tank just needed some time to adjust Edit: it was definitely healable just the tank ended up dying before anyone else so I just had to adjust who I was healing and maybe he needed to use metigation differently idk. We definitely just needed some time to adjust. Our only ranged in our comp was evoker or me as disc priest later rest druid so its hard to heal and move on the colossus packs. Mistweaver it would’ve been fine extra kick and the statue to bait
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
@@aspenture1087 ya the tank portion of the right trash is pretty hard to be honest. Another reason I prefer it while pugging.
@gerasimoskardaras1319 3 ай бұрын
warlock was fun! :P
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
@Karismei 3 ай бұрын
LMAO! I'm from illidan! I promise we're not all idiots 🤣🤣
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
Ya no doubt. Sadly just a big issue with people speaking languages foreign to the continent in my eyes.
@allste626 3 ай бұрын
@@heythereguysitsMetro I'd have to disagree with that. While, obviously, not everyone from that server is like this... there are definitely observable patterns of what the common attitude/skill level of people are from certain servers are. I have found well over half of the people from Illidan I've played with are, at least somewhat, like this Warlock. There are other servers that many people tend to be wary of because of similar issues, such as Azralon, Ragnaros and Quel'thelas; while, again, not everyone from these aforementioned servers are the same... there is a clear pattern of insane behavior from people on these servers in pugs.
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
@@allste626 Oh ya, I mean there are problem servers for sure. I was just responding to this person saying "we are not all..." My issue with Illidan is how many people speak Chinese there honestly. Chinese is not a language native to this continent, and I do not even know where to BEGIN to understand it as its a totally different set of characters, so I do not want to see it in Mythic+.
@Karismei 3 ай бұрын
@@heythereguysitsMetro I'm american as well, so seeing a ton of chinese players on illidan threw me off so bad when I first joined. Thankfully theres a "blockchinese" addon. But then again I'm like "I shouldnt even need this why am I being forced to use this" but you really do on illidan lmao
@allste626 3 ай бұрын
@@heythereguysitsMetro That is true. Maybe with the way AI is skyrocketing we will have AI driven, real-time language translation mods one day soon.
@Nathan-hl4uq 3 ай бұрын
Some context. Illidan is the server Ragnaros players flee to, to get away from the justified stigma there server gets.
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
Oh ya? That's the first I have heard this. I was surprised to see a Spanish name on the Chinese server
@pascalnick4394 3 ай бұрын
I´m pretty sure that bear tank pulled that trash down the stairs...look at his target and he goes to the edge of the stairs, then he proccs some dmg on them and he aggros them ^^ and yeah you see some crazy things even in like 20-23 keys^^ i had some SP 480+ ilvl do 70k dps overall on a 22 throne and he had like 3.2k rio so dont know whats going on anymore xD
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
Ya, the bad DPS thing is sadly becoming normal now, late into this season.
@Travis-Barth 3 ай бұрын
I'll have to play in slow mo, but I don't see any moonfire procs or dot damage numbers on that pack from the druid. If he procced a galactic gaurdian, you would see moonfire damage numbers
@pascalnick4394 3 ай бұрын
@@Travis-Barthyeah you´re right with the moonfire thing for sure, and after you wrote that i looked at the vid 10 times in slow mo xD so the tank has the witch from down stairs in target and the warrior goes right to the edge of the stairs (probably pulling the pat that is about to hit them anyway) and right before the mobs appear the tank has aggro from the witch he did had in his target for some reason... but maybe im seeing things that are not there that could be the case...the fact that he had the witch in his target makes me kinda believe in it...but im not blaming anyone though, i just remember that some abillitys and trinkets (even some pots maybe) can pull from a range by simply getting attacked and the potion proccing on the mob you had in target so just some speculation ofc :)
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
@@pascalnick4394 my issue with all of that is he is just too far away to aggro it with a spell don't you think?
@pascalnick4394 3 ай бұрын
@@heythereguysitsMetromaybe not a spell but a proccing passive abillity could be the case... just like the tazavesh tank trinket that pulled mobs from the other side of the dungeon if you where unlucky enough to target them at the "right" time^^ or the Biggest but ever: he might just be super unlucky that the pat somehow aoe aggroed the mobs and he just happens to have the mob in his target^^ but sadly i cant look at the loggs to verify any of this so its just a fools guess ^^
@canwestop 3 ай бұрын
that warlock just not moving and sitting on rezan was something lmao, good to know not to invite him i f he acts like this
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
Never saw something like that before in my life honestly.
@canwestop 3 ай бұрын
@@heythereguysitsMetro yeah I’ve run a lot of keys and never seen this kind of attitude
@jdsim9173 3 ай бұрын
I have never done a M+, this is why
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
I mean as you see, even with this, its still triple upgraded. You shouldn't let these things stop you honestly. The content is still very fun. You just need to be able to laugh at the idiots.
@user-ct4kl1rn4y 3 ай бұрын
Low tier is where it’s at :D
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
Its where all the fun is!
@cyris2948 3 ай бұрын
Warlock is 100% a boosted character or someone playing on their account. At least they were smart enough not to queue up for a 20+ and bricking someone's key.
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
I'm surprised to hear so many suggest the "boosted" idea. I don't see it on his raiderio and don't see why he would have gone up so much score in the time it was recorded to now. Furthermore I think this idea is giving him a pass honestly. In my head, he is 100 percent aware of what is happening and just being ignorant. I could be wrong though for sure.
@cyris2948 3 ай бұрын
@@heythereguysitsMetro I just don't want to believe someone is that stupid/destructive to the game.
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
@@cyris2948 Oh god, is this the first video you have watched on this channel lol!? There has been dozens of players this bad or worse just this season alone. Sadly, this is just what the game's community looks like now.
@OneNvrKnoz 3 ай бұрын
Maybe I’m just really petty, but I would have kicked the lock just prior to pulling the last boss
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
Ya tbh I would have kicked him too.
@allanturmaine5496 3 ай бұрын
See, I'm kinda dumb, so to avoid situations like this I mark the tank at the beginning of the run.
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
Well to be fair you can just look at the map. Marking the tank is nice I'm sure if you are unable to see where he is facing enemies or a general positioning he is taking. But if the group is 200 yards away from you and you are alone, it's probably not going to help lol
@allanturmaine5496 3 ай бұрын
@@heythereguysitsMetro my goal is not to end up 200 yards away
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
@@allanturmaine5496 very wise.
@jani14jani 2 ай бұрын
Less than 30k dps on a 8 during S3. I would understand if this was a 2 and they were new players. Or testing new specs that they haven't played before. But for that they should be doing heroics or 2s.
@heythereguysitsMetro 2 ай бұрын
Realistically an 8 is very much a learning key. You won't learn a single thing in a heroic.
@Taphosthewarlock 3 ай бұрын
Lock is probably boosted. Bought everything. It's so cheap now you can't trust anything score related tbh
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
Hmm idk honestly.
@allste626 3 ай бұрын
That is true. When I was still playing at the beginning of the season I brought a friend back to the game (after 5 year hiatus) and he boosted a toon and I funded all his BoE gear to hit the highest Ilvl for a new toon and it was only around 40k, chump change. Funny thing was even after a 5 year break he was playing better than almost everyone in the groups we ran with and after being told a mechanic one time he had it down pat.
@quintit 3 ай бұрын
It's hardly cheap. Buying 16 20s costs around 3 mil
@alihorda 3 ай бұрын
​@@quintit3 mil? Where? When? Lol
@Taphosthewarlock 3 ай бұрын
​@@quintit you say that as if people aren't RMT. Also, while you (and i too tbh) consider that "expensive", many won't.
@cristisibiseni 3 ай бұрын
=)) true the low level keys are the most hillarious. i'm wondering why was a 483ilvl in a +6 tho?? like wth? come to help someone and dont help at all? i mean when season started farming +13-14 from 440 emerald dream gear up until 460ish ilvl, then push 16-18 at around 470 ilvl... why on earth go +6??
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
Ya no clue. Only thing we can think is it's either some one playing some one else's account or he is there practicing affliction.
@alansmith4395 3 ай бұрын
just fyi- the map is obscured by your vid :) but we get it!
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
No it isnt
@anonymousSWE 3 ай бұрын
This lock is the posterboy of why a failed run should result in rating going down. How to do it, I'm not sure. But having it that the rating can only go up is stupid af.
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
No, its not stupid at all. You just don't understand what score actually is. Its not a match making rating, like in PVP. Its a numerical measure of your progression level. You know how in Raiding, everyone says I am 7/9 Mythic etc? Well in Mythic+ there are too many layers for that to be said easier. No way to say I'm 6/8 +21s and 2/8 22 etc. So some people made a system that assigns points to each level you upgrade. Once you progress past that level, you can't ever lose that progression, just like you can't have your Mythic raid boss kill taken away from you. If that still doesn't make sense, think of it from the opposite perspective. If you ONLY gained rating from your first key of each level, but you can lose rating infinite times, the system is totally non-functional. So in order to ever lose rating, you'd need a way to gain it back without losing anymore until you gained it back. I don't look at that being any better than what we have now. It would just be way more work to maintain any rating, and discourage people from doing keys they have already done that they don't need score from. So honestly, no offense meant here, but your suggestion is what is stupid. And that's a big problem. Because a LOT of people think they have easy solutions to the social issues that plague Mythic+ pugging, but its only because you haven't thought your solution through at all. You are basically asking for an entirely new M+ scoring system in order to actually facilitate losing score, and that is just way too complicated for Blizzard to ever care about at this point, 7 years into the system's lifespan. There IS a solution out there, and if everyone would properly brainstorm on it, we may be able to get Blizzard to see it and implement it. But instead we just get they one-quarter baked suggestions which Blizzard will never consider.
@anonymousSWE 3 ай бұрын
@@heythereguysitsMetro "You are basically asking for an entirely new M+ scoring system in order to actually facilitate losing score" Exactly.
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
@anonymousSWE 3 ай бұрын
@@heythereguysitsMetro The way it is now is not a representation of ones skill, but how many keys you've done.
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
@@anonymousSWE That is the how it is intended to work. "Skill" is not something measured in this system, which is meant to be about a team and not individuals.
@deannordlundii5713 3 ай бұрын
Even if you kick someone they still get credit for the key and loot.
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
That's correct.
@allste626 3 ай бұрын
Maybe it was a kid playing his parents account or something in the AD 8. Seems odd to be 2.7k and not understand the basic mechanics but I've seen people in 23 AD not know how totem works so maybe my expectations are just too high.
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
Hmm idk what you mean. The DH is not 2.7k that was the warlock.
@allste626 3 ай бұрын
@@heythereguysitsMetro Must have been too high watching the video, thought it was the DH with that IO.
@alexanderadams9008 3 ай бұрын
aff and destro really struggle in low keys, too much ramp, stuff dies too fast, in his defense
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
No real defense for any of this. Don't bother.
@Tyzen7 3 ай бұрын
The Warlock was funny af, but I think its worse when people straight up lie about knowing mechanics. Either speak up and say you don't know, or don't sign up imo.
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
Problem is you don't know what you don't know right? Either way it's an 8. No issue here at all. The reason it's features is because of how absurd the monks reaction is, not the mistake itself.
@Tyzen7 3 ай бұрын
@@heythereguysitsMetro Yeah true. Im just thinking from my personal experience where I've had people sign up for a decently high key and not know simple game mechanics and end up ruining a key
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
@@Tyzen7 ya that's a topic we have been discussing here a lot recently.
@kaoticbacon4373 3 ай бұрын
warlock had to buy his account
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
Doesn't appear so no. As the player has gotten a lot of score since the recording.
@Lilligirl319 3 ай бұрын
Hmm I wonder if people in these videos find out that they were in them?
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
I think many do, ya.
@aspenture1087 3 ай бұрын
@@heythereguysitsMetro some definitely do. if you remember studmaster the prot warrior from +13 RLP in season 1 he found out he was in one of these videos (I knew him from shadowlands I helped him learn routes and helped him get his portals in shadowlands season 2/3) edit: you will be happy to know that he learnt a bit from your video and I reinforced what you said when I finally played with him season 1 and he did improve, he eventually got all 20s I think or most of them.
@luckygozer 3 ай бұрын
I'm so confused by the warlock I can't find the words. Was this just some weird freak event of an arrogant player not wanting to admit he made a dumb mistake? Is he actually that clueless? The DH clip makes me more sad than anything. If it was his first time in the key and he doesn't know the mechanic yet alright that's fine. You have to learn it at some point and he seems to figure it out eventually. It's an 8 who cares. Unfortunately the way the monk reacts isn't entirely unusual to see.
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
The Monk just blows up at him though haha Never seen some one freak out like that over such a little mistake.
@enzoshink7597 3 ай бұрын
he literally have ''troll'' on his name. lol
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
haha sort of!
@kingtut8367 3 ай бұрын
The lock was boosted. The dh was just a noob
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
I don't see any evidence of him being boosted but even if he was surely he would have seen people go left along the way.
@danoizedafunk753 3 ай бұрын
You think maybe that could be a bought account? That just seems so weird, like now way he could get that high. Or….maybe he was intentionally trolling that group
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
No chance, he gained 200 some score since this was recorded. Just a very self-centered player likely.
@danoizedafunk753 3 ай бұрын
Oh damn ok. That’s so wild
@cheeks684 3 ай бұрын
I'd probably kick him but not until we are almost done, waste as much time as possible, if its an easy clear for 1/3 of the dungeon without him doing anything DH in second clip def doesnt know what he is doing, but not sure if the bear knows what he is doing either.... just tanking in the middle and doesnt hit a totem once
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
He dotted them up. That's more than I do. I don't believe its a good practice to be putting a bunch of damage in to one totem. It causes the DPS to become imbalanced and opens up potential mayhem when people start switching. That being said, this obviously is already happening here.
@sackless1 3 ай бұрын
It's not a great excuse, but casters get shafted in lower keys and dot classes are even worse. Otherwise, dps going their own way is wild.
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
I am not sure I believe any spec is so bad that it loses to healers haha
@sackless1 3 ай бұрын
@@heythereguysitsMetro I'm not saying it's bad. I'm saying that casting takes time. Dots need to exist for 12s to give full value. If combat is regularly 20s you don't get any time to set up and if you do, it's over before you get value for your globals. And it's not just a healer, it's a gimp ret paladin healer that can press 4 buttons in a row and deal the majority of their damage. I've played frost in low keys, you never get past the 5th global and all those globals are set up.
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
@@sackless1 I just don't buy that in that 40 second combat, 50k would be normal for a 483 player.
@MrkraZzz 3 ай бұрын
Affliction needs time to ramp up. Its not really that crazy for the holy paladin to be above him in a plus 5 where everything dies in 5 seconds.
@characterantula4868 3 ай бұрын
Not exactly. Affliction can do burst pretty frequently, especially if you have 4 piece in a 6
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
Pack lives 38 seconds. If you are saying it takes more than 30 seconds to beat a healer, you are just saying the spec is bad.
@notacyborg 3 ай бұрын
Illidan is notorious for being one of the worst servers.
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
@RamblingMaddGod 3 ай бұрын
It's gotta be like a bought or shared account right? like no way you do the content to get that ilvl while having 0 clue of how to actually play the game
@asasdsaasda 3 ай бұрын
483 is super easy, took me 1 week to hit 485 on a fresh new Ret, you can craft 8 486 items, its all about how many 16+ you have time to grind, if you do low content where mechanics don't 1 shot you its normal for people to not know what is going on
@heythereguysitsMetro 3 ай бұрын
I don't really see what you mean by "0 clue of actually playing the game." He just is being rude right? That's the way I view it at least. This is a concious choice.
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