this office has HUGE aquarium running through it | Fish Tank Review 186

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Fish For Thought

Fish For Thought

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@FishForThought Жыл бұрын
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@crew6227 Жыл бұрын
How do we send over our tank pictures for a review?
@Clover_knows_pets Жыл бұрын
4:47 I have a ton of bladder snails and ramshorn snails with that much Alge on their backs! and one mystery snail with even more Alge! I don't know why though, especially because my tank is mostly Alge free.
@reusablestinger3164 Жыл бұрын
i did not only make a water change but i changed the entire aquascape to black gravel so that future shrimp look fire
@FishForThought Жыл бұрын
fire shirmp
@Ilovemydog-26 Жыл бұрын
@@FishForThought ouch much burny
@eph2vv89only1way Жыл бұрын
Is black gravel natural?
@reusablestinger3164 Жыл бұрын
@@eph2vv89only1way depends where u live. vulcanic stones are often black
@elpatotengu31 Жыл бұрын
Same here. I found a piece of wood and change all the scape of my aquarium. Looks beautiful now
@riftwilliams Жыл бұрын
The Office tank is actually several tanks. The white bar at the ends is the borders.
@Hiforest Жыл бұрын
Those tables don't look very sturdy, I'd be surprised if they could support the weight.
@Name-ot3xw Жыл бұрын
That makes it so much worse, you made it a 10 minute walk to go across the office and the fish can't even follow you.
@agereartist3763 Жыл бұрын
Well now I feel sad and disappointed. I knew it wasn't real but I wanted to pretend
@touchofserenity1026 Жыл бұрын
I got so happy seeing my tank featured, I'm the one with the wild looking tank with the guppy and endlers! And yes, I'm thankful to be out and in a happier relationship with someone who wants me to be creative and is willing to learn the hobby, hopefully soon he'll feel ready enough to have his own that we can set up together ☺️ QOTW: I love my Bettas and guppies! Just adore them so much! Bottom feeders, I love corydoras. Though I will say since I got them recently, Chili Rasboras are the cutest things in the world!
@catherinewholey3630 Жыл бұрын
I was in a similar situation to you too. Glad you got out of it and can do as you wish with your tank, Good for you!
@darkdolphiex9600 Жыл бұрын did you get featured? I would love to have my 2 lowtech planted betta tanks featured eventually. I tried posting them once to Chris's website for fish tank reviews but nothing ever came of it.
@lindsey4178 Жыл бұрын
It's beautiful! I don't even have I'm a plant person though and I truly appreciate the beauty and life of a fish tank. If I had one of my own, it would absolutely have lots of life and maybe one of those beautiful tanks with a lot of vertical space for regular plants to benefit from the water and humidity. I've been in a horribly difficult relationship before and I know the relief and freedom you must have been feeling since leaving. It's amazing what we can do when we are not only free to do so, but encouraged by a loved one. Good for you! I hope you are still doing well!
@jenniferdennis5558 11 ай бұрын
The plants and the scape in this tank is like my dream. It looks great now and I can't even imagine how beautiful this scape will become even in a few months time. Hope you're growing beautifully too!
@audreymuzingo933 Жыл бұрын
About the toxic partner - maybe it wasn't so much about them being anti-scaping (specifically), just in control of household finances, stingy, and totally disinterested in aquaria or aesthetics of any kind. My ex-husband was exactly like that. Before I moved in there were no pictures on his walls, no houseplants, nothing. "Waste of money" he would say. He didn't mind me bringing my stuff to spruce up the place, but he wouldn't spend a dime to add anything. Oh my god he used my designer towel to wipe his hands while changing the oil on his car, don't get me started. So, when I was staying home with our newborn daughter, I got awful bored just watching TV while he was at work, so I begged for a fish tank. He baaaarely agreed to buy me a 10-gallon kit jobber from Walmart for like $50, and a few cheap fish from Petco. I'm certain that if I wanted to add driftwood, plants and a decent light for the plants, it would have been, "You wanted a fish tank, you got one. The fish don't need plants!"
@negativeiqpoints396 Жыл бұрын
Sorry you had to go through that
@audreymuzingo933 Жыл бұрын
@@negativeiqpoints396 Eh, I didn't stay long. Because it got much worse than that.
@somegirl8124 Жыл бұрын
Same with me..... It was his million dollar no decoration house and I wanted to buy a few $2 candles from Walmart and a few plastic flowers from dollar tree. Would get super angry for those purchases...... Needless to say, the marriage didn't last long 😂
@Hopischwopi 4 ай бұрын
So glad to read that he is an ex! And I hope you are able to heal from that awful person. I wish you and the people you love all the best 💖!
@Just_A_Guy_From_Serbia Жыл бұрын
Guys, I was a monster fish keeper until last month. I reworked a 100 gal I had where I had an Oscar (which I sold) and I now have amber tetras, lamb chop rasboras(basically Harley Quinn rasboras but smaller) cherry shrimp, one mystery snail, one Mexican dwarf crayfish (I have a lot of hiding room), amano shrimp and prob one of my favourites... Bristlenose pleco. Maybe my stocking is kinda bogus with all these bottom feeders competing, but I will only improve as my journey goes on
@FishForThought Жыл бұрын
dayum son that's awesome :) 100 gal paradise
@timothygreer188 Жыл бұрын
@@FishForThought toss in some upside-down cats
@Stephen-jw8ci Жыл бұрын
that’s not too many bottom feeders for a tank that large, you could safely get a couple more bristlenose plecos and if there’s enough plants and rock/wood they’ll breed for you pretty easily. although the crayfish would probably pick off a few of their babies. sounds like a really nice stocking choice overall though, are you planning to add a centerpiece fish or keep the midwater as schools of small fish? if you go for a centerpiece fish just be mindful of them eating the baby cherry shrimp, the crayfish might get some of them too. a few dwarf gouramis or a dwarf cichlid (rams, apistogramas) would probably be small enough to not be a problem if there’s enough plant cover
@KittinPyro Жыл бұрын
Crayfish can co-Hab with plecos and other bottom feeders? I know it’s 100g but that’s the first time I’ve heard of anyone doing that. Remember Bristlenose can be bullies too so keep an eye on your pleco while they’re eating. I’ve always had multiple Bristlenose plecos and they all get along but they seem to always develop a hierarchy when it comes to feeding time. The more dominant one(s) will chase the others away from the food until it’s had its share so I try to put at least 2-3 feeding spots a good distance from eachother so there’s no conflict.
@Just_A_Guy_From_Serbia Жыл бұрын
@@Stephen-jw8ci Maybe in the future since i have anubias nana and it's quite small now. And I added a pleco cave, I have like 1 male and 4 females
@HalfElfAerial Жыл бұрын
My favorite fish (although it's one I have yet to own) is pea puffers. I'm obsessed with them and once I buy a house I want to set up a good 40 gallon pea puffer tank.
@theresagreen7165 Жыл бұрын
They're so much fun and have individual personalities (more obviously than other nano fish). I have three: one eats everything including flakes, one begs for treats and will only eat worm shapes including vibra bites, and one only eats live (she prefers to hunt snails but loves black worms too). They're fun to train and interact with, I hope you can pick some out soon!
@madisonk7916 Жыл бұрын
Not only did that terrifying bug thing make me panic check my fish tank for 20 mins, the sound effect of like dragonfly wings immediately when i came back to the video gave me a straight up heart attack... love it XD
@FishForThought Жыл бұрын
LMAO my bad i'm too good at making that noise
@JAANDLU Жыл бұрын
Re: The $1 Fluval Aquasky. I was a price checker at Macy's for a time. It is the person you see walking around with a laser gun type thing scanning price tags in most large chain stores. They had a thing they called Penny stock. And when this came up on your scanner, you were to remove it immediately so it could be counted as a loss and sold at one other their other outlet stores. I would assume this was the same kind of thing. The Fluval Aquasky was probably priced that way because it was meant to be removed before anyone came in the store. This person should have went back and seen if there were any more and got those also.
@silversend5115 Жыл бұрын
nice advice
@machinegunlament 9 ай бұрын
Yeah we had these at my old store too, except they were 90% off and they would go to online sales or something I forget, I quit lol
@vinnygraziano1318 Жыл бұрын
My favorite fish is the veil-fin comet goldfish. I have many of them and they're not abused they're in a nice 300g tank. Goldfish are amazing
@_CtrlAltDelete_ Жыл бұрын
The Bird on your shoulder is the most adorable thing I've ever seen 😭
@jameshunt4097 Жыл бұрын
Quick tip for anyone with dragonfly lavae in their tank. These larvae are sensitive to common aquarium fertilizer(one normal dose will kill them) plus they have a symbiotic relationship with water lily's
@Hopischwopi 4 ай бұрын
That explains the ones we had in the garden. My mum had the tiniest little pond but it was filled with water lillies and visited by frogs, dragon flies and other lovely little animals and insects.
@drewzero1 Жыл бұрын
I had a tank on my desk at the office, it was sometimes a bit distracting but it was very calming and thought-provoking. My coworkers liked it and it smelled fine. My favorite stocking was lamb chop rasboras.
@Velka-.- Жыл бұрын
Even fishes cant escape office work
@Sweetnlow19811 Жыл бұрын
I'm so excited that my 10 gallon planted tank is finally cycled. I will become a member of the cory gang when I stock a school of pygmy corys in a few days 😊 can't wait!
@zuzanahvizdakova3080 Жыл бұрын
Hubby did a few water changes already, i cleaned the filters, so it is going fine. The first fish that comes to my mind as favourite would be dwarf puffer fish. I would probably not keep them, but the level of adorable is trough the roof 😆
@wispyspirits2158 Жыл бұрын
Bettas gotta be my current fav, when starting out, i NEVER wanted one cause I thought they were basic and boring, but then my sister (who was less than too knowledgeable on fish) gave me hers and I absolutely fell in love! Their personalities are so unique and differ from fish to fish. That little bro has sadly passed about a year ago, and I’m here now with my second betta who I’ve had for almost two months now, named Fruity Jerma (it’s a uhhh…. Placeholder name LMAO). Also, currently watching this while doing my first water change of the year 👌 motivation has been yeeted out the window this year, so it’s a week or so later than I wanted, but hey, im proud I was able to muster up the motivation to do it now ^^ Thanks Chris for another rad Fish Tank Review, love ya man
@SuperElektrikis Жыл бұрын
that was a real tank or to be precise multiple L shaped tanks in a former call center in Boulder, Colorado. Built in year 2000 and housed a wide variety of fish ranging from cichilds and catfish, to tiger fish and menos.
@MintyFarts Жыл бұрын
my red root floaters flowered white. i had them in a newer tank with fluval aquasoil and sand, and TONS of light. tank was a COLD axolotl tank that was started room temp for a few weeks. flowered before i turned on the cooling i think.
@antantelope Жыл бұрын
Dwarf Gourami. Even though they caught an uncurable gourami disease every time Ive owned one, I still love them. They were my first fish and the onl fish that survived the terrible petco husbandry. R.I.P. Riptide, Fire Coral, and Riptide the II
@lauraguerra3768 Жыл бұрын
Favorite fish has to be checkered barbs. They are so cute and have amazing fin colors. They each have a very distinct personality. Pretty cool fish.
@birbsgobrr1619 Жыл бұрын
I second this! I love checkered barbs, I have 6 of them now and I plan to get more when I can find them. They are without a doubt my favorite barb species
@HazardNP Жыл бұрын
To answer your question - I’ve actually done 2 water changes so far this year on my only tank which is a 30 gallon. Both about 40% water changes, stocking is a bit weird…. 9 glass bloodfin tetra, 16 cardinal tetras, 6 corydoras and an apple snail.
@Stephen-jw8ci Жыл бұрын
my favorite fish are filament barbs. i got some like 5 years ago not knowing how big they get and how aggressive they are. i had to rush out and buy a new tank one evening when they started trying to kill another fish in my tank, and i ended up having to build a 150 gallon fish tank for them. they eat all plants and i love planted tanks. but they’re still my favorite, the way their colors shimmer on their sides as they race past is beautiful and they’re really personable when they beg for food. totally underrated in my opinion, perfect for large tanks with no plants and aggressive fish
@MintyFarts Жыл бұрын
for the rice one, its over stocked but theres usually more water in there, which is used mainly for weed suppression, rice doesnt need to be flooded to grow. usually rice paddy fish are small minnow sized fish ... ive alsdo seen shrimp and fish liek this in man made lake type set ups with sewage...
@cate9059 Жыл бұрын
My tanks are overloaded by plants and super over filtered, I don’t even need to do weekly water changes.. January is almost over and I still haven’t done a water change but everything (plants, fish, snails, and even algae lol) is still thriving!
@danielmontalvo6185 Жыл бұрын
Weekly water changes for me. 14g rock flower garden. 29g quarantine and 14g planted freshwater.
@trystonstank5550 Жыл бұрын
I’m hoping to get back into fish keeping this year! In the last year I’ve moved to California and gotten married. Our apartment doesn’t have room for a fish tank yet, but maybe when we move! We have a kitty right now though. I’ve been so busy the past year that I haven’t kept up with the channel, but I’m binging through all your videos now Chris 😅 wish me luck. Also, 祝你新年快樂,恭喜發財,祝你今年身體健康,萬事如意🧧🧨 happy year of the rabbit!
@flyingdutchman810 Жыл бұрын
Sort of cheating by saying my favourite fish are small tetras, but I love the colours and behaviours of them. To be more precise, the neon/cardinal tetras with the red and blue, the Glowlight with the bright orange stripe, the black neon with the black (wow) and blue stripes and the Rummynose’s bright red head and silver make those 5 species my favourites and must have fish in a South American community tank.
@birgitta1808 Жыл бұрын
@SurvivalEZ Жыл бұрын
At 6:10 that is a dragonfly larvae and they will eat your livestock in the tank. They are very accomplished hunters, using jets of water expunged from their body to shoot through the water.
@thenamesfrog85 Жыл бұрын
1 of my bladder snails is named Mr algs because he/she has a full 5cm trail of thicc algae on its shell lol its cool to see and it doesn't seem to be spreading to the actual tank sometimes I give him a trim about once a month
@ASentientPlant Жыл бұрын
Omg I would be livid if someone pooped in my tank. How do you even get you a$$ up that high? Stand on a chair?? I have done one water change so far this year. *Heavily* planted 20G hybrid Walstad tank, 5 african dwarf frogs. (3 females and 2 males.) & A couple ramshorn snails that hitchhiked in on some plants. 🐸💕
@rhysdehaan Жыл бұрын
Qotw: my favourite fish are common goldfish, they are amazing and if you keep them in the hundreds of gallons they deserve, they'll grow massive and live for decades! I think they look great in tanks. I love the fish room vlogs and updates The ender breeding tank is looking great.
@FishForThought Жыл бұрын
very interesting and great choice!
@chrise.321 Жыл бұрын
I love my common goldfish, my largest is about 9 inches long and he's only 3 yrs old. Thicc boi!!
@ifureplyurgay56 Жыл бұрын
6:00 it’s a dragonfly larvae, they come in as eggs on the roots of plants and eat fish
@noviibutnotactive8385 Жыл бұрын
As a new Fishkeeper, I did my water change this year! I got a new plant fertilizer which said multiple times was safe for snails (It had a very small amount of copper but the company said it was so small it wouldn't hurt him) well... put the dosage in, and within hours my Mystery Snail's behavior started to change, so we had to get him out and change the water. The snail is fine now! His behavior is back to normal and he is very active again! And I got a refund on the plant fertilizer. Im very happy that I was paranoid about it from the start, Im pretty attached to him and his betta buddy. 😌
@georgehenton2730 Жыл бұрын
My Dad always had fish tanks while I was growing up, And I recently decided to start my own up after 2 weeks of having a 7 gallon tank with a few goldfish I now am in the process of starting up a 43 gallon tropical tank, no fish in it yet but once I have cycled the tank I will start adding a few species every month
@SmolBean_exe Жыл бұрын
Can't help it the Betta fish is my favorite I have a black crown tail in a 5.5 gallon with black neocardinas and a tangerine koi betta in a 10 gal community tank with a pigmy cory gang of 4 and mixed shrimps loving their fully planted tanks
@Stpunk17 Жыл бұрын
Ftr on my bday is the best thing ever. Thansk Chris. A
@Stpunk17 Жыл бұрын
My neighbor is a hoarder and didn’t realize she had a fish tank. So when I go over to her house I steal the fish that are still living. I have three African dwarf frogs from her now and they are the loves of my life, like fr the reason I get up in the morning. I put them in a forty gallon and have spent like a thousand dollars on these stupid little frogs. But I love em so much. Guys if you ever have bouts of depression get yourself an easy fish tank. If you know what your doing of course.
@chazz2426 Жыл бұрын
12.5 and 9.5 gallon planted with a single betta each, haven't changed water yet
@capnsmashem3284 Жыл бұрын
1-1.5inch vinyl hose(length necessary to go from toilet to tank plus another 5-10 feet, fill the hose with clean water, plug one end with a rubber cork that has several feet of string attached, and put one end into a freshly cleaned toilet that has been flush several times to rid most chemicals. You'll need some large rubberized clamps that won't harm the tank(like Rockler bandy clamps, which I love) to clamp the siphon end into place so it cannot move or allow anything to become contaminated or messy. Once in place, stand a good distance and pull plug hard away wit ha string to allow the clean water to flow and begin the siphon, which will begin to fill the toilet and empty the tank. Wait for all to be drained to the level of the siphon, do not move anything, just make sure the siphon end and toilet end stay steady, preferably you have 2 people so you can monitor both ends so nothing goes wrong. Once the siphon clears, transition it carefully into a bucket of bleach solution. Do not contaminate anything. Rinse your hands in the bleach then quickly into water and rinse for at least a solid minute in room temperature water, not warm or particularly frigid. Depending on whether your fish are still alive, also note that you can attempt to net them and put them into a mild solution of hydrogen peroxide, which will be oxygen rich and mostly sterile. Careful how much you use, I tend to use about an ounce of 4% hydrogen peroxide per 1/2 gallon of room temp water from the sink but only for a short time and try to match the temperature of where they came from. There's a lot more to the fish rescuing part than that, but that's the basic idea. Plants can be planted immersed outside for a year or so to make them safe to reintroduce to an aquarium. Something can be done, but I recommend keeping people away from your aquariums.
@ryleryeezy7334 Жыл бұрын
one time my guppy grass produced two white flowers as it hit the top of the water, that was two years ago haven't been able to do it again since i really have no idea how i did it and didn't know guppy grass could flower. the more we learn i guess haha
@vx11135 Жыл бұрын
My favourite fish are black phantom tetras. I have a 10 gallon species tank with 6 of them and they're so beautiful
@skratchisrandom5596 9 ай бұрын
I know its incredibly basic and boring, but I absolutely love betta fish. They were my first hyper fixation, and to this day I still love browsing through information about that, even if I've already seen it. They are also just so pretty, and I find myself falling in love with them over and over again. Absolutely stellar fish, I cant get enough of them
@awollsd Жыл бұрын
QoTW, kuhli loach, awesome little fish, especially if kepts in groups 6+ (more is better) as the they tend to be a lot braver and active in the tank.
@xanthrax8207 Жыл бұрын
Dude i love watching your videos, youre super chill, easy to listen to for hours, awesome content, i love the tank reviews. Also im a huge office fan too so the fact that you are makes me feel like youre one of my friends lmao. Sive drafely!! 🤝🏽
@akabga Жыл бұрын
Changed my water in 2023!!! 😄 I love my fish! I’m not sure the feeling is mutual. I think they think they’re miniature sharks, because they always swarm an attack against my hand every time I put it in their tank.
@akabga Жыл бұрын
I’m 100% sure they’re just danios, but they might be half piranha!
@hardybryan Жыл бұрын
I've had snails with little bits of algae growing on, or at least stuck to, their shell. Not like that though. Someone takes a dump in one of my tanks, I'm drowning them in that tank. And I don't want to know what that sawdust tank was. QOTW: The Green Terror (actually Gold Saum, blah blah blah). It's the fish that got me hooked. I always liked helping my dad with his tanks as a kid. He kept tetras, betta, corys, etc., some livebearers in one tank (he had 2 or 3 running most of the time). I really liked the tanks. But when I saw a full grown, male GT at the LFS one day when I was 9 or 10 years old, I was instantly in love. I saved for a couple years to buy my own bigger tank just so I could get one. And I've had at least one for well over 30 years since.
@drewsta005 Жыл бұрын
I change my water weekly so three times in ‘23. All time favorite fish is a Jack Dempsey. It was the first fish I helped take care of when I was a kid, with my dad.
@FishForThought Жыл бұрын
v nice!
@swordwhale1 Жыл бұрын
changed water in aquariums, added water to garden pond, discovered some rando lagomorpha or rodentia had snipped the wires from the solar panel to the fountain in one pond... HAWKS AND FOXES, ASSEMBLE!!!
@42Meglet Жыл бұрын
I have an ecosystem tank, and have only topped off the water so far this year!
@marywan58 Жыл бұрын
First fish I think of is Rummy Nose Tetras. I think all 6 tanks have had a water change so far.
@henrikwannheden7114 Жыл бұрын
I have for some reason gotten a nitrite spike which have decimated my stock. Yeahyea, mea culpa, I'm learning. So yeah.. a couple of water changes this new year, just about one 1/5 each day for two weeks. The upside is that I got the tip of using pothos, so I quickly cut up a couple of PET bottles so I could hang cuttings on the glass. It look very pretty now. And yes, the nitrite is gone.
@swordwhale1 Жыл бұрын
ROFLMAO at the dragonfly nymph... I've seen plenty in the wild (kayak, explore, turn over some rocks ya'all). I have them in my garden ponds, where they eat bugs and mosquito larvae, along with damselfly nymphs. Accidentally brought in some damsels with pond plants, oooops. Netted and relocated back to pond. Got some neat pics over the years of both dragons and damsels emerging from their last nymph stage; the exoskeleton splits and they climb out, unfurl their wings and become aerial stealth hunters. They are hunters underwater as nymphs, so, yeah, maybe not in your shrimp tank (adult shrimp are ok with damsels, but they might have eaten some of my newly hatched cherry shrimp.
@enbehn Жыл бұрын
Qotw: After seeing one in my local fish store, I've been obsessed with African Butterflies. I love the way they look, the fact that they can glide out of water, and that they eat insects. I always thought it would be cool to get some feeders for my fish
@FishForThought Жыл бұрын
yeah they freakin awesome, but they can literally fly out of the tank so make sure it's got a tight lid
@micheleann3239 Жыл бұрын
Did two water changes already this year. I added some new plants and now I'm overrun with baby snails!! This never happened to me before. I'm not sure what to do.
@undefined6947 Жыл бұрын
Lol to answer the question at the beginning I've changed my water so many times this year. Since the beginning of the year I've set up a new tank and tore 3 down, one to keep cycled to repurpose later, plus getting new fish and moving them all around and such. So. Many. Water changes.
@graciousvalley9978 11 ай бұрын
lol you went from nah on the office and then you started thinking of the potential stocking and got excited. Oh and my favorite fish is probably the Black ghost knifefish. They always made me feel like there was a mini orca in my tank.
@NakulMithra Жыл бұрын
Absolutely love the 5 minute length!
@jalex4487 Жыл бұрын
Haven't changed my water yet. Will this weekend! I'm new, glad I found your channel
@katnor4688 Жыл бұрын
Favorite fish is any type of gourami. They're just so beautiful and unique.
@kazisadinyousuf1606 Жыл бұрын
Changed it twice so far, with. thorough clean the second time💪💪 You give me that dedication Chirs
@baileytheaquarist9628 Жыл бұрын
QOTW: My favorite fish are the mandarin fish. They are beautiful during mating season, and the fish helped me get into the hobby.
@venitarose9323 Жыл бұрын
I just found an article says the office was in Boulder, Colorado and it was stocked with "Cichilds, catfish, tiger fish, menos, and much more". But no longer exists as the company, got sold.
@TheWaterwhispersASMR Жыл бұрын
Changed 1/3 of water of all 13 aquariums I have twice in 2023 so far, plus currently in the process of upgrading to 4 big tanks instead of 13 small tanks 😊
@ryanrogers8211 Жыл бұрын
@meekxmouse Жыл бұрын
the office tank was a real thing in Boulder, Colorado they had a daily mail article. it closed in 2008
@ShampooMr Жыл бұрын
Did 2 water changes already on my 3 tanks and fav fish is skalars or bettas, bettas courtship display is so pretty but skalars is too.
@huntergreene3453 8 ай бұрын
Idk what I do to cause it but my red root floaters flower like crazy almost all the time! It's really pretty. My vice flowered too was excited about that!
@sazkepogi2707 Жыл бұрын
Just finished my 7th water change. green hair algae just destroyed my whole aquascape while I was on vacation so I had to do the hydrogen peroxide treatment for 4 days + my weekly water changes. Now it looks like a tarantula enclosure.
@brandonshaw7999 Жыл бұрын
QOTW: Pea puffers, I love how they only grow 1 inch and are full of personality. I also love how they only grow 1 inch big too. I am thing of getting 7 or 8 and putting them in a 125litre/33gallon
@LeviVanSluijs Жыл бұрын
5:59 I have seen an caught a lot of these creatures they are the larvae of some sort of dragonfly I believe
@randomnessx3597 Жыл бұрын
I've had multiple water changes this year, 50 gallons and above hit a certain kind of way
@watafumx Жыл бұрын
5:59 Yep, that's a dragonfly nymph. The fauna in that tank must feel like they are in a slasher movie.
@randyp2882 Жыл бұрын
That wavy fish tank setup there is no way that's real. How could those desks hold that mucccch? OO
@RemuHeichou Жыл бұрын
First water change of 2023 this morning. Hope y'all have done yours as well.
@jerry4256 Жыл бұрын
Doing the Father Fish method. Just started, we will see about the need of a water change in the future.
@CroatiaSurvival Жыл бұрын
Didn’t change any water yet. One tank has an aquaponics system on it and others are covered in floaters. I just remove floaters a few times a month. I usually do a water change every 3 months or so.
@SavageSav0813 Жыл бұрын
I have yet to do a water change on my 20 gallon but I’ve checked the levels and they’re all perfect 👌🏻 yay plants lmao. Finishing cycling a 40 breeder for an axolotl so I’ve got daily changes for the next week before he can go in 👀 also just wasted 8 years in a toxic relationship and finally got out a few months ago 🎉 his tank is still here though and I have to take care of it til he gets it 🥲
@rabbitamy1936 Жыл бұрын
I don't actually own fish But through the research of many hours kuhli loach I just think they're really cute
@trevorgardner6384 Жыл бұрын
I arguably spend equal time watching FTR than i do on my PhD
@KlingonPrincess Жыл бұрын
If you are studying ichthyology it would count 😁
@audrameyer9558 Жыл бұрын
Happy FFTday!! OMG the Uncle Roger reference made my day!! 🤣 I love Nigel Ng!
@ocelotgaming520 Жыл бұрын
I've been working on my tank for a while, trying to get rid of brown alagee on my plants, going well.
@Lizardlafemme Жыл бұрын
Yup 6 tanks usually once a week. Cleaned too many sponge filters at once in the 75 gal, bit cloudy(Bactria bloom)?
@jhaych Жыл бұрын
I have not done a water change for 9 months now, my 780 litre reef is understocked, I dose all of the elements required and test with my Hanna test kits weekly, my nitrate is at 5 after 9 months!
@holly9247 Жыл бұрын
I'm in the process of setting up my first tank, a 10 gallon planted tank for a betta, it's really exciting!
@AVDB95 Жыл бұрын
Best off luck. 10 gallon planted is a verry good aquarium for a betta. Looks like you did your research.
@Pennysfishkeeping Жыл бұрын
Another great Monday! Thank you once more! Fantastic job!
@FishForThought Жыл бұрын
ty for watching!
@tsuribachi Ай бұрын
I was confused that red root floater has flower because I was confusing it with other aquatic fern like Salvinia. Turn out, red root floater (Phyllanthus fluitans) is in the same genus as Malay gooseberry (Phyllanthus acidus).
@tianahoovik2931 Жыл бұрын
No water changes yet, but I set up a new tank (#5). Favorite fish- reticulated hillstream loach
@KlingonPrincess Жыл бұрын
Fav fish - rummy nose tetras. They are just so cute ☺️
@loveapup01 Жыл бұрын
I'm new to keeping fish but Bettas are my favorite I've keep so far so much personality
@ed0c Жыл бұрын
big tank like that has to have a sump setup , did you see the 2nd one on the smaller desk too?
@chelseybean3857 Жыл бұрын
I did a small water change. Favorite fish is the dwarf gourami.
@Trevor_123-f5t 6 ай бұрын
If a fish keeper is in a coma, just say, “Hey, I found a beautiful driftwood down the street!” That should do it 😉
@symbioticanimalalliance674 Жыл бұрын
yup 36% on 11 tanks . did it just now actually and chilled with youtube after the fact o.o .. 2 turtle tanks, 2 fishtanks 4 axolotl tanks, 1 newt aquarium and one african clawed frog community tank
@RostovVlogs Жыл бұрын
Yeah did a water change and made a normal tank into planted tank like amazon setup , I love it
@Harold_the_Guy Жыл бұрын
Currently looking to get a new 29 gallon, lezz gooooo
@Morgam06 Жыл бұрын
6:05 looks like a Dragonfly larva variant. How did that get in? That will kill smaller fish.
@karenhann8956 Жыл бұрын
Millie! How many times I done water changes since the start of the new year? Water changes are a hot topic today! My bettas and guppies get water changes once a week. Also have 2 Flowerhorns ~ the poopers get their messes siphon out in the morning. And about every 3 days they get a 50% water change. I'll let you do the math! My favorite fish? Flowerhorns 💖
@FishForThought Жыл бұрын
haha awesome xD
@ashcan6 Жыл бұрын
@6:14 - That’s a giant predatory water “bug”. Put on your armor, and get it the darn heck out yo tank, before it kills everyone in there! And don’t get bitten, because yea, they do, and yes, it hurts pretty damn bad. Good luck.!
@shadmanislam7824 Жыл бұрын
2 water changes so far but planted goldfish tank is still spotless
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