Oh wow, I missed the stream of this but happy to catch it here (this replay is my gameplay btw!). Thanks for taking the time to look over it, and for the great advice. Its really easy to see when you can step back and have it shown to you exactly where those crucial moments of indecision are. I definitely had too much of a "save this ult for the perfect moment" mindset rather than just "put it out there to get kills because won teamfights will add up to won games". Glad you think the aim is alright - I was actually in a very highly competitive Quake 2 clan back in the day so Ive been super down on how bad it feels to me compared to how I remember it from back then, but, maybe I'm just being too critical. Anyway, great advice and again thanks, maybe there'll be a follow up in a few months!
@IllTakeThisName8 ай бұрын
Just play Pharah if you enjoyed quake :P
@tenfingerstentoes8 ай бұрын
@@IllTakeThisName I tried! I don't know what it was - the rockets felt off! I think that rocket aim and timing is now so hard wired into the core of my being that even a 1% change in travel time makes it feel broken haha. I know what you mean though for sure.
@MrWazzietje8 ай бұрын
As a 40+ year old myself, you play well man ! Mechanically you are doing fine, it is just that OW has so many small details that can decide the outcome of teamfights that makes it a lot less straightforward than other shooters. So yeah reviewing your own games can be helpful if you want to go higher in ranking. I used to be high diamond in the beginning period of OW1, didnt play for ages, and had to climb back in OW2 from silver, now I am in mid plat and still going up! The beautiful thing about OW is that every game and even every teamfight is a unique puzzle that most of the time you can solve with the right tools. Identify the key players, what are the weak spots of the enemy, the weak spots of your own team, ult tracking, etc etc. There is always new stuff to learn and to work on. Enjoy the game!
@tenfingerstentoes8 ай бұрын
@@MrWazzietje awesome! I know what you mean for sure about the puzzle aspect. It's a fun challenge to be solving a puzzle while also being like "hold up I really need to shoot this guy in the head a bunch of times " 😂
@Havocme78 ай бұрын
@tenfingerstentoes As someone who had top 10 in the Matrix Q2 mod, thank for representing us "old folks." :D
@thefoxjo8 ай бұрын
for no reason at all, i think is super wholesome when they are like 50+ y/o and play super good.
@Havocme78 ай бұрын
Hey now, he could be in his 40s.
@eerreerr4978 ай бұрын
Dude fr It's so awesome to see older folks in games I play alot of fallout and it fo76 theyre everywhere dropping me rare items❤❤ they're amazing
@Mattlott2228 ай бұрын
The old gamers, all the way down to us in our 30s, used to game hard. Before the internet, or everyone having internet, we'd have to have lan parties. We'd slap the snot out of teammates for being stupid or bad... needless to say, I was slapped around quite a bit.
@3amAfterlife8 ай бұрын
@@Mattlott222 i always wanted to attend a lan party. i was a bit too young with very conservative parents so i missed the tail end with the halo parties. you elder gamers have great stories
@tenfingerstentoes8 ай бұрын
@@3amAfterlifeSo, not a LAN party story, but, the Quake clan I was in played 5v5 Capture the Flag. Back then, there was no voice over OP, no discord, no battle net, nothin. We were SUPER competitive, so we required everyone add three line calling to their home phone plan (this was well before cell phones were the norm, they were incredibly expensive for calling at the time), as well as getting a headset for your home phone. Our base defender at the time was too cheap, but he was so good we let him make an exception. He didn't have three line calling, but he literally duct taped his phone handset to his head for every match. Dude was the best rail gun shot I've ever seen in my life though.
@Weightsss8 ай бұрын
I’m not even gonna lie, I’m enjoying the gameplay. Like LITERALLY seeing this person play and actually growing and being humble, I love.
@spacecowboy71938 ай бұрын
That Orisa AFK on cart as mercy flies by for the rein rez hurt my soul. Unlucky.
@tenfingerstentoes8 ай бұрын
Haha yeah I suppose - but I always want to focus on what I can do better. I make mistakes and I know for sure my teammates will too. The only thing I can change is my mistakes, so that's all I try to focus on!
@64thecaptain8 ай бұрын
Don't forget to reload after translocate. I had that bad habit for a long time. It gets you in trouble
@tenfingerstentoes8 ай бұрын
Oh god, yeah, I totally agree. Just your mention of it gave me some PTSD 😂
@Screech21118 ай бұрын
7:58 That cleanse... Without it Rein would've been hacked and fallen over without being able to use Shatter.
@paulopacheco77688 ай бұрын
As a sombra myself, this guy is pretty good. Have really great aim, knows when to go for a pick. The only thing I would say is that he needs to work a bit on his awareness and reactions. I noticed he tunnel vision just a little bit and tends to not notice too much what is going around him and have slow reactions. To play as sombra, you need to pay constant attention to what is going on all around you. Besides these points, this guy is actually pretty good and definitely can get out of bronze easily
@tenfingerstentoes8 ай бұрын
Yeah, I definitely can get tunnel visioned for sure, and it's funny because it's so obvious when I look at it outside of the moment. Thanks for the kind words!
@paulopacheco77688 ай бұрын
@tenfingerstentoes you played well overall. If you manage to pay attention/predict what is going on around you things will get better. I would recommend also to try to react more. I noticed you move your camera a bit too slow when escaping. Don't know if it is because of your sensitivity or not too much space on mouse pad to move around, but for situations like that you definitely want to have faster moves and reactions. Also, try and reload more before engaging hahaha. Notice some of your fights you lost or took too long because you weren't at full clip
@thefoxjo8 ай бұрын
yeah and he never leaves the hacks for the mercy, if it happems happens but most of the times he just lets her revive, but yeah still pretty good
@zugzwang87618 ай бұрын
damn i guess quake and unreal player really do get the aim buff for their entire life
@GracieFille8 ай бұрын
Haha I'm the enemy mercy "ChrissyCakes", im a very aggressive mercy when it comes to enemy sombras, at 11:24 I will agree I was getting fed up witg sombra in back lines haha this game was such a stressful one with that sombra really good at aiming really good game over all!
@tenfingerstentoes8 ай бұрын
You did an amazing job! 9 out of 10 Mercy's I run into around here just try to fly around and hide 😂
@GracieFille8 ай бұрын
@@tenfingerstentoes haha you pick a fight with me ima fight back 😼
@justcallmexen8 ай бұрын
A couple of things I thought about during this that may help. At 1:19 my spider senses were tingling. You got the Widow elim early and when she comes back, be first thing she will see is you, not looking at her and the perfect target for a shot right from the spawn door. Make yourself scarce before Widow can see you, so she has to be more careful where to go or suffer at your hands again. Pay closer attention to Mercy; there were about three rezzes that you could have canceled, even when she was in valkerie and about to round a corner, you saw her guardian angel to the kill you just got and EMP would have caught her out. Against a flanking line-up of Genji and Reaper, I'd play more to guard the team and expose their movements. Use the ping system to point out where they are when they are going around to surprise your allies and spring on them just as they engage. Genji especially will be vulnerable right after going in with his dash move, hack him immediately when he starts to deflect to wait for his cooldown and he will be defenseless.
@tenfingerstentoes8 ай бұрын
All really great tips, thank you!
@djlemon408 ай бұрын
Easy tip. You know there is a mercy, and she’s rezzing your kills. Just wait on her and as soon as she goes to rez have hack ready (while your invisible) so you hack her mid rez. Could have easily stopped like 4-5 of her rezzes. She going for really bad rez attempts and getting them cuz bronze. But yeah you could tilt her just as much as the widow.
@tenfingerstentoes8 ай бұрын
Yeah, I can definitely see that, thanks for the suggestion!
@djlemon408 ай бұрын
@@tenfingerstentoes good luck! You definitely are comfortable on sombra. You’ll definitely climb eventually hit the rank of “scumbra” 😂
@sethescope5 ай бұрын
@@tenfingerstentoes just so you know, as a certified mercy connoisseur, there is nothing more annoying than a sombra waiting afk for me to go for a res, even when I know it's coming and when I know it's the right play for them to make (and when I'm knowingly choosing to risk it). im always like :O how dare you not let me press my button! so definitely hack resses when that's the highest value thing you can accomplish. but! don't be like a Sombra I played against recently in high plat(!!!) who wasted their emp just to prevent me from ressing literally directly outside our spawn after I valked (to res more safely). I was ressing so we could regroup right after the payload hit the checkpoint and get good map control as a team of four (our fifth had just died on cart and wasn't with us) instead of three. it wasn't a necessary res; I could have and maybe should have left it. but it also wasn't a terrible res; I had a vision for it, but it wasn't a res at a super critical moment in overtime where my team will lose if I don't get it off. that emp was a complete waste. I didn't get the res off, but all of my teammates who were right behind me in spawn pushed out in response to the emp and mass damage boost melted the enemy sombra, Winston, and someone else. so as a mercy player in high plat after the rank reset, almost diamond, don't hyper focus on mercy either. yes, interrupting res can be very valuable. hassling a support can be very valuable. but I have genuinely stayed on mercy at times even though I was dying a lot to the sombra because I could make them c9 just by deliberately making myself their target. one even c9'd twice because they chose to go for me instead of the point lol of course, bronze, silver, gold, and most plat mercys won't be trying to play 3d chess with you, but don't let yourself lose sight of the bigger picture. also, Mercy's healing did get a tiny buff and it is noticeable, but a virus and a few headshots will absolutely still out damage that healing. your aim is good, so if you are up against a mercy who is hanging out with one of their dps, I would encourage you to feel confident about going for the Mercy's beam target instead of the mercy. unless the other support immediately turns around to help or the dps reacts quickly with some kind of self sustain, mercy can't really do anything to save them
@NotOki18 ай бұрын
Id like to see this person on a hitscan or someone like echo. I feel like sombra at those lower ranks you have so much less impact while others are easy to understand and develop skills, and at the same time you get more control over your games.
@tenfingerstentoes8 ай бұрын
That's probably true, but, I am the type who finds something they enjoy and really want to dive deep and master all of the ins and outs. I don't mind things going slowly as long as I'm learning and improving. I reached out because I was at a point where I was like "gee, I'm doing all these things and I'm struggling to figure out what direction to go in next", but now that I have some solid advice I'll just keep improving on that stuff and see where it takes me.
@NotOki18 ай бұрын
@@tenfingerstentoes oh its you! Thats awesome that you're reading comments after the video goes up to, im just at the end. Sombra is a very niche hero that your going to get alot of backlash, its okay being a one trick its just very difficult as sombra since she doesnt have a default value to her like a hitscan would if that makes sense? (she does but you can feel useless into alot of comps like illari, winston, brig, just some quick examples) Its why i found so many people default to cass as hes a hard hitting safe hitscan. Make sure you understand and play the other roles btw, it can help you understand the perspectives of your team and the enemy as say your playing the tank pov, you get a different perspective of the enemy than you would on dps which you can apply to later games on any role. Good luck, i kinda rambled instead of doing a online test 😂
@tenfingerstentoes8 ай бұрын
@@NotOki1 Haha thanks! Yeah, they cut a little bit of my intro write up, I am silver on Tank and Gold on Support, I do play all roles (although tank the least), but certainly solid advice. Things look a lot different when you're in someone else's shoes!
@FutureHorizonsStudios8 ай бұрын
I think the thing is comfortability in decision making. You're making great decisions late, and passing up on other good decisions. So, what might be helpful is practicing goal setting before a fight. As Sombra, you have plenty of time to figure out what to do, before you go in just make a plan and have a backup in case it doesn't work.
@tenfingerstentoes8 ай бұрын
This sounds like really solid advice and I will try to incorporate that, thanks!!
@nugudave8 ай бұрын
@@tenfingerstentoes kinda late to the party :3 , don't know if other people have suggested this or not, and kinda hard for me to make out from the replay, but there is an (sombra specific) option - to disable translocator camera lock. when you turn on this option, you are able to move your camera, while you translocate. for example, you can like 180 while translocating behind the enemy, so you be looking at them when you land, instead of moving camera after translocating landed, or like when you TP straight up, you can look down immediately and perform a hack or so on. hope this is understandable. ^^ ps : i know off quake from rocket jump ninja, checked him out for mouse reviews, and saw quake gameplay. pps : out of curiosity, are you missing any fingers or toes, respectfully asking. 🙏
@tenfingerstentoes8 ай бұрын
@@nugudave yeah that makes sense! Gonna try that out for sure! Also yes, I have all my digits 😂
@nugudave8 ай бұрын
@@tenfingerstentoes have fun! nd glad to hear all the digits are in tact. 😇
@RisingPhoenixLily8 ай бұрын
An OG Quake player!? My respect! If the person as Sombra sees this, I've been Silver many times during OW1 until the last OW1 season where I finally became Platinum. Keep improving. Rooting for ya. 👏
@tenfingerstentoes8 ай бұрын
Hah thanks for the kind words!
@BaggB8 ай бұрын
never thought i would ever see sombra with a white bears but here i am
@Smght18 ай бұрын
i am torn between rooting for my fellow old man and hating him for playing sombra
@tenfingerstentoes8 ай бұрын
But the hate fuels me 😈
@epileptix89548 ай бұрын
This Sombra is more useful than most of the ones I see in my diamond games.
@CLCL1858 ай бұрын
They're playing decent, even good. Especially for an old person that didn't played competitive games for a long time. Respectable a lot.
@MrRob14268 ай бұрын
If you don't ride a bike for a few years you don't magically forget how. There are lots of us "old people" out here making you kids rage quit.
@3amAfterlife8 ай бұрын
this video feels made for me, elder gamers AND sombra gameplay, yay!!!
@wingswingswings8 ай бұрын
i cant wait to see this person in a few months!
@oguzertan89158 ай бұрын
Close the translocator camera lock, you will be plat in no time
@tenfingerstentoes8 ай бұрын
Not sure what this means? I don't really adjust many of the in game settings beyond sensitivity so I'd be happy to try something out!
@grandheroking8 ай бұрын
@@tenfingerstentoes in settings > controls, sombra has a setting called "disable translocator camera lock". make sure it's set to ON, so you are able to move the camera while translocating :)
@PaktNisely8 ай бұрын
he does have good aim, all that quake must've stuck with him
@88Ravenfeathers8 ай бұрын
They also need to change their translocation setting so they can turn in the animation to finish kills
@Chowamancer8 ай бұрын
@tenfingerstentoes great mechanics! i would recommend practicing to do a 180° turn each time u translocate. having that small skill helped me a lot ❤
@ravenclaw91228 ай бұрын
I miss overwatch i dont miss my blood pressure spikes
@ciarawalker20098 ай бұрын
I think they're actually really good! Much better than the normal Silver players I get 😅
@rickkau78267 ай бұрын
Hack the Reaper when he pushes in so he can't fade out.
@SirMOCbuilder8 ай бұрын
Bruh, wish I could be like this when Im old :D
@4RumTezzy8 ай бұрын
A fellow Quake 2 player, thats awesome.
@tenfingerstentoes8 ай бұрын
Hell yeah man those were great times! Were you in a clan back then? I was in virus.23
@4RumTezzy8 ай бұрын
@@tenfingerstentoes i was literally 4 years old in 1997 lmao, i played the single player over and over to death but probably found my way into some multiplayer lobbies. I played alot more Q4 online, i missed Q3A :(
@tenfingerstentoes8 ай бұрын
@@4RumTezzy ahhhh gotcha. I missed Quake4! I played a lot of Q3A as well but tapered off a bit after a year or so. When we were doing the OGL ladder for Quake2 my days were like, 8 hours of Quake every day. Scrims, public servers Etc, just nonstop. After a while I had other stuff to do lol. Too bad streaming wasn't a career back then 😂
@JINX_GamingHere8 ай бұрын
The sens could be higher and it looked like they had camera lock on for when they Tp you want high sens so u can get out faster hope this helps someone lol
@Battleress27 ай бұрын
ngl, this game overall felt like a mid- to high-silver game. like, just the fact that red team played as a core unit for most of the game and there was some regrouping froom both sides (usually due to team wipes but still) and the careful spy-checking + not leaving the cart unattended for backcaps.... like honestly i feel like some of my plat games don't even go this well. and the way the sombra played? absolutely at least gold material if you just work on ult timings and not overstaying your welcome.
@xsuperxvixenx8 ай бұрын
I'd be so mad if I got picked for spectating, and was called old and a boomer
@tenfingerstentoes8 ай бұрын
Bro we all get old, gotta lean into it 😂
@pir0s8 ай бұрын
I think mercy awareness would go a long way. is something missing in general in low-rank lobbies but killing someone is not the end of the job! just take care that it may come and hold on that stun/hack/push for a few seconds, and is a luminous flying big ass mosquito with a laser pointing at it, if you didn't see it flying to a dead body is just because you were not paying any attention to it.
@solasolar18 ай бұрын
50 ish quake player too. You can still play quake these days on steam.
@MM-ux7kp8 ай бұрын
good shyt dude, and have an amazing day/night
@reissyboi75278 ай бұрын
So many Mercy rezes you could’ve hacked… especially on the Rein that shattered at the very end, you absolutely threw the game right there by letting her get away with that
@Godhatesalex8 ай бұрын
Yuhhh I’m enemy kiriko
@khele2k8 ай бұрын
Sombra is great in higher tiers, but it's hard to get great value in lower tiers because of the lack of coordination.
@Person-bp7qk8 ай бұрын
11:40 pov mercy has ptsd
@damienperry58288 ай бұрын
I would be happy to have this guy in my plat/diamond lobbies. Well played!!
@zainepittman6538 ай бұрын
Ok, how did they not go into a third round? They were two and two.
@reissyboi75278 ай бұрын
Neither of them capped the 3rd point and the other team pushed the cart further
@steelas4818 ай бұрын
a player like this gets out of bronze just by playing more...i get the feeling he doesnt have alot of time to play and he logs in once in a while for maybe 3-5 games
@reallyfastturtle32728 ай бұрын
Love to see it
@aimlesswitch8 ай бұрын
That's a gold player right there
@Quonyx8 ай бұрын
Alright SO 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
@zadinal8 ай бұрын
Unfortunately EMP is not as solid of a victory in comp. People don't know what to do with a team that is heavily damaged and can't use abilities.
@moleethedon8 ай бұрын
While it's true that sombra's damage numbers mean almost nothing, but a lot of low rank players literally just afk on sombra/not trying to make plays. They're always playing to reserve their kd rather than win the game. This sombra was doing more than the average bronze sombra I think.
@keshamix_8 ай бұрын
Bro, if this is Bronze then how am I plat? Their plays feel nice and fluid, they are not lost/they are aware of their surroundings, just gotta fix few bad habits and learn few tricks (e.g. hacking characters when they are about to escape), but overall this is fantastic. Is the player base that good now?
@AnimeVampire2348 ай бұрын
i think this guy is a gold player. i don't think he fits in bronze, like a few more tweaks i think he's a solid gold.
@tenfingerstentoes8 ай бұрын
Thanks! I actually am Gold on Support and mid/high Silver on Tank - its why Ive been so confused/frustrated about getting out of Bronze on DPS. I mentioned it in the write up of the replay, they just cut a bit of it at the beginning for the sake of the video length
@thed4nimator8 ай бұрын
based man
@heyojinko8 ай бұрын
hi past me!
@troublebreathing86488 ай бұрын
It's dafran
@linearburn88388 ай бұрын
if some one told me this is plat sombra play I would belive it
@thomasjones96318 ай бұрын
Their aim is SIGNIFICANTLY more consistent than mine (I’m D1 😂😭)
@tenfingerstentoes8 ай бұрын
Oh man thanks 😁 I didn't go into it in the write up for the replay but I was in a very highly ranked/competitive Quake 2 clan back then, so I kept feeling like my aim was junk compared to how I remember it used to be. It's good to hear things like this!
@Wulfereene8 ай бұрын
Looks pretty good to me. I've seen gold play worse. You should climb, just need to grind 100 games.
@kamilmoha10338 ай бұрын
Day 03 of asking emongg to : OIL UP FOR RAMATTRA
@tenfingerstentoes8 ай бұрын
I don't know what this is referring to but I'm here for it 😂
@kamilmoha10338 ай бұрын
Its for RAMATTRA gigachads
@kamilmoha10338 ай бұрын
You'll know soon enough if he read this comment
@genesisosuna8 ай бұрын
Not canceling mercy rezzes was terrible
@hazlok1878 ай бұрын
@tenfingerstentoes8 ай бұрын
That's fair, I definitely tried at times, but as mentioned in the review, it kept feeling like they were playing so bunched up that I would be immediately focused if I tried. There were definitely better spots to be in though in anticipation of the res so that's something I'll work on for sure. I didn't notice in the game but seeing it after I can see how I missed on several opportunities to be on high ground that would have make it safer to try and hack the res. I also though feel like it's really hard to get the timing of that hack. Like if you don't get it right at the instant they start the res it doesn't seem to complete in time to cancel? Maybe I just had bad luck at some point and I should put more priority on it and I wrote it off too early.
@kalismols6068 ай бұрын
What sensitivity for hack? When the mercy is bunched in with people
@poop-nq2yw8 ай бұрын
@@tenfingerstentoes dont be scared to just go for it, u need to camp the body and be ready the second she gets close. u'll get better at it when u develop more gamesense. but rn u just need to go for it bc u dont use hack often enough. i promise u wont be wasting a cooldown. one more thing, dont feel forced to always lead with virus and get closer to ur enemy. most of ur duels with soldier u are standing too far, miss ur virus and/or he uses his healing station to undo ur work. if hes hacked he wont be able to use it and if u get closer u can land the virus better + do more dmg cuz sombras gun is not that ranged, unlike soldier who can burst u down more quickly at the distance u r playing
@damienperry58288 ай бұрын
I like how he played so well and this is all you have to say. Gotta love the OW community.
@andersj918 ай бұрын
This person just needs to switch to soldier or cass to climb near term until they understand the flow of OW better to play a character like Sombra.
@andersj918 ай бұрын
Also, hack mercy first for an easy kill (mercy, tracer, bap, kiri, soldier that all have good 1v1 utilitiy moves should all be hacked before virus).
@rj-boi8 ай бұрын
Very cool
@natsusixx22978 ай бұрын
No shit
@rj-boi8 ай бұрын
@natsusixx2297 tf u mean no, the vid is interesting
@natsusixx22978 ай бұрын
@@rj-boi tf you mean, I said no shit as in duh
@Mattlott2228 ай бұрын
Boomer Boomers
@micheleiadarola42608 ай бұрын
bronze is horrible to watch
@300ml_brasil8 ай бұрын
leading with virus is bad advice for widow. youre letting her react and waste a huge amount of certain headshots which have higher dps than body shots and virus combined. usually you wouldnt want to virus at all in this situation.
@donnyfly4958 ай бұрын
I feel like the guy made his story up, not saying overwatch doesn’t have a wide range of players, but I just don’t believe an at minimum 35yr old man had his buddies recommend this over a cod game or br as his first game since the 90’s. I can believe the vod of the dad catching up to his son but this is a reach😅
@tenfingerstentoes8 ай бұрын
Hey - so, I guess to clarify, it's not that I haven't play ANY games, just not any multiplayer FPS type games, at least not seriously. I've played a few rounds of CS, didn't enjoy it, sometimes on Fridays people want to play Halo and I've played a little bit of that, and I didn't enjoy it. So those games I didn't put any effort into/didn't play outside of with work buddies etc. Overwatch stuck with me because like Quake it had no inertia to the movement. That seems to be a feature of almost all post "arena shooter" games, and I just don't really like that style at all. Overwatch was the first game that gave me that Quake feel again. I also of course have played single player FPS games like Cyberpunk and stuff. I also play lots of strategy games, and I am in a very highly ranked World of Warships clan, but I can assure you there is nothing mechanically similar to an FPS and World of Warships 😂