The game is trash, hope cod dies so other games can grow, if the game isn't woke at least. Awful disrespectful game they made.. Unfinished, buggy and weird sound, pay to win sound, ridiculously strong aim assist for controller players, trash ping servers, hitregistration doesn't work properly, a lot of cheaters who ruin the game in every mode (not only in ranked).. Like, how can you make so much ass decisions for a AAA title? It really is disrespectful to all the cod fans and the public besides them. I just play a round or 2 and hop off because I'm getting tired all the time from seeing all this shit. MW2 was shit but dmz was a bit of fun and something a little new, but they ruined it, vanguard they ruined, mw3 they ruined and now this. Coldwar I dind't even bother because of the rest before that game. And even now, years later it still is garbage. How can people swallow everything from cod, the devs, activision and ricochet. I'm done with this company. And a little with multiplayer, because of all the trash mistakes that are made, the cheating problems and awful servers. Like how can they not even get that right while earning millions or even billions. They just shit on all their fans and don't respect them. And the engines the games run on are garbage too most of the time. Old is gold. Everything nowadays is just trash. And way too much influence of AI, to the point of failing extremely hard every time. How difficult can it be, years ago they could do it, why not now? The whole world is just getting more ridiculous every second including games hahaha. I like how a lot of gamers pay 2k-5k for their pc's while not enjoying a lot of games, because a lot is trash. That's not why they bought their pc's. Ofcourse there are good games, but it's not that much anymore because of all the trash influence. And games get more optimized for consoles anyways and consoles can play a lot of titles earlier.
@regie67610 күн бұрын
You really nailed it. Thank you very much for your statements. The big problems in your statements: 1. Activision (greedy as heal) 2. Ricochet (does not work on the real cheaters because they are whitelisted) 3. BRS (BED ROOM STREAMER OR HIGH PROFIL STREAM) IN MY OPINION THE BIGGEST PROBLEM WE HAVE NOWADAYS. But just my opinions. I hope they will not bring back Verdansk. If they bring it back at these circumstances, i promise this will be the last time cod for millions of player. Warzone should be cut of from cod multi. Stop this bullshit integration with mw and bo and the hundreds of weapons and the meta bullshit.