thoughts on adulting - maudy ayunda

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Maudy Ayunda

Maudy Ayunda

Жыл бұрын

Welcome to the first of many episodes of maudy's thoughts! Di program baru ini, aku akan banyak sharing tentang pemikiran-pemikiran aku tentang isu-isu yang lagi banyak dibahas dan tips-tips tentang sekolah, dunia kerja dan lainnya. So, if you guys have any specific topics you'd want me to talk about, please share in the comments ya!
I hope you enjoy this video, dan buat kalian yang merasa relate sama obrolan kali ini, know that you are not alone and that life is a not a race. Do what makes you happy. ❤️

Пікірлер: 892
@romziindahcahyani6407 Жыл бұрын
“keep being you because you are enough” Kata-kata yang pengen aku dengar dari orang sekitar. Selama ini selalu tertekan dan useless karna selalu dianggap “not enough” untuk segala hal. Thanks for this video Kak! Now I feel better with ur last word ❤️
@ilhamsyahmaulana8694 Жыл бұрын
I just love the way Maudy showed her vulnerability without being so over-dramatic, yet so full of content and powerful.
@sharons5144 Жыл бұрын
@kevinkoopman7662 Жыл бұрын
what a relatable thoughts. I just graduated from uni and feel so confusing being in this adult world. There's no curriculum or structure and still keep on exploring new thing that match to passion, interests and also what's good for the future :) We have to make our own timeline and goals. Good luck for us!!
@indahsnuraini3427 Жыл бұрын
Kak Mod! thank you for saying these things, huhu. I'm 21 now and the adulting moments hit me from every direction. And this is so uplifting! I'll keep in mind that passion is process. Aku pikir hanya aku yang kurang hebat karena belum berhasil melakukan hal besar seperti banyak teman lain, padahal aku sedang berusaha kok! aku perlu merasa lebih cukup, selalu berusaha & bersabar :D
@amaliarodiatunnabila3745 Жыл бұрын
Samaa kak🥺. Semangat buat kitaa!^^
@nitarosalinda971 Жыл бұрын
Semangat buat kita yg lagi di fase life quarter crisis 🔥
@piya1784 Жыл бұрын
Yaaaa,.Terimakasih sudah mewakili🙌
@dianaayuwicharsari Жыл бұрын
Sama kak, ketika kita masuk fase usia 20+ mengalamai adulting progress yang tak mudah namun alangkah baiknya tetap fokus mengenal diri lebih baik, melatih kesabaran, dan berusaha
@rafikaadriani7913 Жыл бұрын
u're not alone de, me too still process. Aku tahun ini 30 tahun. Aku sudah punya mimpi sejak kecil, bisa bekerja dan menghasilkan karya di industri periklanan maupun perfilman. Di umur 29 akhirnya aku bisa sampai dititik periklanan, but not easy to get that position. masih terus belajar. ketika temen aku udah nikah, udah punya kehidupan yg mapan. tapi ku masih percaya dengan mimpi-mimpiku. Keep fighting and spirit ya. Big hug for u ❤️🤗
@alyapou Жыл бұрын
Thanks for bringing up this topic maudy. Aku masih kuliah, tapi tidak disangka-sangka bahwa aku harus menghadapi fase menuju dewasa secepat ini. Too much goals to achieve, too much expectations to fulfill, too much problem to face. At the end of the day, the only person who can help us is ourself. Kita yang akan menentukan sendiri kemana hidup akan dibawa dan menentukan bagaimana cara kita mencapai dan menghadapi masalah-masalah yang harus dilalui saat menuju kesuksesan.
@khansafarawijanarko9036 Жыл бұрын
"get rid of all this pressure, you are enough, if you stay true to who you are, that's enough." aaa thanks kak, i need to hear that
@sukmaapriliyani8243 Жыл бұрын
Setuju banget sama yang Kak Maudy bilang. Menjadi dewasa itu mengagetkan dan banyak hal tidak terduga karena di fase ini semuanya jauh berbeda dari sebelum-sebelumnya. Apa-apa sendiri itu beraaatttt banget. Tekanan soal pekerjaan, menikah, keuangan juga menambah beban pikiran di mid 20s ini. Everyone has their own timeline, semangat untuk diri sendiri dan semua orang. Happy new year🎆
@melaqeysa607 Жыл бұрын
samaaa, aku lagi di fase ini, jadi dewasa itu berat
@halimaaau Жыл бұрын
@@melaqeysa607 semangat yaaa💐
@dinastyputrir.2378 Жыл бұрын
That's what I'm waiting for about ur thoughts in adulting or anything about social life. Perhaps, you can discuss about "How to overcome fearness to try new things" cause sometimes, when we don't have any privilege/ ability we just feel anxiety about it. Thanks kakmod for ur thoughts, really enjoy ur content!! May u & ur fam always in good condition💖🥰
@modmedia Жыл бұрын
Thank you suggestionsnya! Will keep it in mind :)
@hendriklikemusic Жыл бұрын
Happy New Year2023 , Salam sehat dan Sukses ..
@fellaardinacahyani1806 Жыл бұрын
aku kira fase itu menghantam diriku aja. ternyata lewat konten kk maudy ini, hal itu jadi bersifat general. yash, ga cuma aku doang yg ngerasain. tapi bersyukur bisa melewati lembar lembar kehidupan selama 21 tahun ini. semoga kita yg menjalani proses pendewasaan ini dikuatkan pundaknya. 🤍🖤🤍
@hudiyasukma209 Жыл бұрын
hai kak maudy, aku mau ucapin terima kasih banyak sudah mengangkat topik ini. di titik setelah lulus kuliah aku selalu overthinking soal karir kedepannya, passion masih belum pasti mau ke arah mana, tekanan orang-orang terdekat, insecure sama temen-temen yang udah mulai menemukan passion nya sendiri, beban bangett gitu untuk mencari minat diri sendiri karena emang belum nemu :( tapi setelah nonton video kak maudy aku mulai percaya diri lagi dan masih terus mencari minat bakat ku apa, dan ya ^^ thanks a lot kak sudah membahas ini. di tahun yang baru kudu semangat untuk diri aku, kak maudy dan semuanya!!!!✨
@Ahero0fAfrica-6789 Жыл бұрын
“There is no single model of democracy, or of human rights, or of cultural expression for all the world. But for all the world, there must be democracy, human rights, and free cultural expression.”- KOFI ANNAN was the 7th Secretary-General of the United Nations, from 1997 to 2006
@clessyao Жыл бұрын
Feels so calming and reassuring that I’m not in this ‘adulting’ thing alone. Thank you kak Maudy❤
@lailawahyuningtyas8840 Жыл бұрын
Aaa thankyou very much!! Aku lagi di fase ini sekarang. Sayang sekali durasinya kurang panjang, padahal lagi butuh banget insight seperti ini. But its very helpful for me. Thankyou!!
@esthersimamora4412 Жыл бұрын
kak maudy, sering-sering yaa bikin konten seperti ini! suka bgt dengerin cerita kakak :) ditunggu video tips-tipsnya!
@wulansawitri Жыл бұрын
i just found out this video of yours on my timeline and it feels like such a destiny! makasih kak maudy for sharing your thoughts about adulting dan jujur aku bingung banget dgn gimana aku bakalan jadi "orang" ke depannya and this video really makes me realize that everyone has their own way for what kind of "people" they want to be. gladly im not using social media too much nowadays and i do feel much better tpi ttp aja masalah terbesarku sekarang ya doubting literally everything that already happened or even might be happen in the future... again, thank you so much for this comforting video kak, happy new year!!
@kesha8439 Жыл бұрын
suka banget. one phrase to be remembered “you are enough” always. kak mod, please talk about these topics below. - Pretty privilege - Ur standard for men aka life partner - Ur love life in a nutshell like worst dates/first date experience, etc (coz ur married now!!) - Confidence - How to communicate better/deliver speeches - How to be secure/overcoming insecurities - Trauma, parentified children - Advices to people in their 20s - How to be nice and avoid dramas coz ur clearly the least problematic celeb ever💗 And many more. I’d love to hear your take on it, thank you. hope you’re seeing this! 🥰🫶
@rawchicken8644 Жыл бұрын
I love how quick and straight forward this video is, but its super packed and insightful, thank you so much kak maudy!
@FGumansalangi Жыл бұрын
Dear Kak Maudy, thank you so much for this video. I finally got a real description on how I feel right now, about the struggle I’ve been carrying on since November 2022, last year. And I’m totally agree that “adulting” is a tough and challenging process. Once again, thank you. Thanks a lot! Stay healthy, stay cool! -ur fan, Ice.
@wardahnurshofia3611 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing kak! Jujur ini relate banget sama kondisi serta pemikiran aku sekarang. Adulting is challenging for me, karena pada akhirnya yang akan memutuskan jalan mana yang ingin dipilih, pencapaian apa yang akan dikejar, pilihan mana yang akan diambil, adalah diri aku sendiri. Untuk yg baca dan sedang dalam fase yang sama, semangat ya! Just enjoy the process and keep going~
@yuyunkutari344 Жыл бұрын
Terima kasih banyak kak udah mau bahas topik ini. Sekarang, apapun tentang masa depan pasti akan selalu nangkring di pikiran kita semua. Ngapain ya? Apa yang harus aku lakukan besok ya? ditambah lagi dengan banyaknya perbandingan yang menyertai perjalanan kita sekarang. Aku dalam proses pendewasaan juga cukup struggle karena ketiadaan kedua orang tuaku, mereka sudah lama pergi dan meskipun aku di kelilingi saudara dan kerabat, semua keputusan tetap ada di tanganku, dan itu gak semudah yang dibayangkan dalam nerapinnya karena aku harus memperhitungkan sendiri segala risiko dan hal lainnya. Jadi, semangat untuk kita semua ::))
@raniakinantan4017 Жыл бұрын
@dinianggraeni7899 Жыл бұрын
26 and it's getting harder for me. Karir yang masih disitu-situ aja, tuntutan menikah, dan rasanya untuk mencari pasangan yang sesuai dengan apa yang aku mau juga sulit. But well like you said kaa, semuanya ga harus berpatokan dengan umur. I'll try my best for living my life right now, love myself more and be happy. Thank you so much kaa maudy, luv you xoxo
@i_m_henpunzel Жыл бұрын
I am thankful that this video showed up on my youtube. This is happening to me right now, like the exact same thing. And everything you mentioned hits me hard. But this brings more courage for me, the courage to keep on walking and seeing my process as a fun thing to do and it takes time. This reminds me not to rush everything and just keep doing what I’ve been doing. Thank you kak maudy^^
@afickredox4121 Жыл бұрын
duh aku gk bisa berhenti senyum liat kak maudy , ditunggu banget untuk episode dua nya kak
@muhammadhadipursai9961 Жыл бұрын
Thank u mod ! Tiap kali liat youtube ini jadi balik lagi semangat ku
@bintangpuspita788 Жыл бұрын
kak maudy, sering-sering upload ya next video! thankyou that thoughts so meaningfull for me, pas banget denger persoalan adulting di malam hari dan aku jadi bisa refleksikan pada diriku:)
@diankristinanda Жыл бұрын
thank you so much kak maudy for sharing your thought and opinion of adulting di tahun yang baru ini! kebetulan aku lagi ada di fase transisi dari perkuliahan menuju masa bekerja. as a final year student, I found myself struggling and confused with what's happening, kayak kenapa tiba-tiba semua orang udah sampai di tahap ini tapi aku masih sampai sini? the pressure and expectation toward myself felt so real walaupun itu indirectly. aku jadi sering merasa tertinggal, aku juga sering ngerasa bahwa aku selalu kurang, but this video helps me realize that I am enough for being who I am. anyway good luck for us and once again, thank you kak!
@nadianurfadilah7 Жыл бұрын
Suka banget cara kak maudy ngejelasin tentang dirinya dan sharing tentang apa aja yang dirasain, keep doing this kak 🙌🏻💜
@aeninfrizzka Жыл бұрын
so heartwarming
@bimbimbab_ Жыл бұрын
aaa makasih banyak kaa, aku lg ngerasain bgt proses adulting di awal2 kepala 2, dan yap ada aja rintangan2 yg aku ga duga sebelumnya, udh hampir 3 bulan kepikiran, nangis, cape, tp ya ternyata ini proses adulting wkwk. setuju bgt sama opini yang tidak terstruktur, kita jadi harus buat struktur kita sendiri, dan prosesnya ituloh yang luar biasa perjuangan. and socmed itu juga sangat amat berpengaruh, aku coba rehat lihat story2 orang yang sekiranya bikin mikir "aku kapan kaya gitu ya", "ko aku belom ada di tahap itu ya", dll yang bikin terus overthinking, dan ternyata cukup ngaruh. yg aku rasakan paling penting itu ya jangan banding2kan dirimu sama orang lain, semua orang timeline hidupnya beda, jadi fokus aja sama diri sendiri, sulit si memang :) thanks ka maudy, membantu sekali, & aku request untuk banyakin konten adulting ya kaa.
@lathifacamelia6035 Жыл бұрын
kak maudy this is the reason why do i adore u a lot. you gives such a validation but u also gives such a motivations. i'm so agree with u and i'm glad that i was doing it since new year and then i found this video makes me want to keep going with that mindset
@tars6220 Жыл бұрын
im literally crying when kak maudy bilang "you are enough" because just a few hours ago i just told myself that im being what i am today is never enough
@claulea Жыл бұрын
Thank you kak Maud for bringing this topic up, I felt more calm after hearing this. A part of this ‘trial and error’ adulthood journey is also dealing with failures & disappointments, If i may request, I would like to know your thoughts and experience on “Keeping a positive mindset when dealing with unexpected/disapointing situations”, thank you Kak :)
@archaneul Жыл бұрын
@nazirahamalia8201 Жыл бұрын
@sabrinabensie2253 Жыл бұрын
@stardusto Жыл бұрын
just found it this on my timeline and soooo relateeed ;) adulting is so hard. harus bisa fit dimana-mana dan bisa menyesuaikan sesuai keadaan, nggak boleh gegabah terus persaingan yang wow. huft, i hope i can survive this year huhu
@novandialdisadewa3910 Жыл бұрын
Thank you kak mod, you’re being special one for my brainstorming and such a blessing to know that you inspiring a lot of people here😊
@kawaiirena2449 Жыл бұрын
This kind of talk really relieve the hard feelings in my heart with all of the uplifting/excitement talk the others said.
@ryanramadhan6673 Жыл бұрын
I totally agree with the statement 'we have our own timeline'. Just don't do anything because of what people say about us, like marriage, graduation, work, child, and many more that we usually heard. We live our own life, we are the pilot of our future. Thanks kak Maudy!
@putriromhadhoni3747 Жыл бұрын
Kak moddd pleasee to keep making content like this, i want you to know that your words give such a power for me. thanks a lottt
@miasuryanti5739 Жыл бұрын
kak Mod makasii banyak! yaampun aku udah mau netesin air mata liat video ini, baru ngerasa down dan somewhat lonely juga di umur 25 tahun ini. temen2 aku udah pd nikah, kerja, S2, sedang aku msh explore who I am and what I wanna be and do.. kadang ngerasa kayak I should've answer those questions earlier krn merasa ada tekanan dr keluarga dan kanan kiri juga :") thank you for this reminder, it is indeed uplifting
@feliciadarlene2146 Жыл бұрын
Thankyou for bringin up this topic. It feels like having online best friend through this adulting journey. Can’t wait for the next video of yours Maudy.
@luthfiabc Жыл бұрын
Sukaaa sekali sama konten ini!!! Lanjutkan yaa kak ❤
@cynthiaagatha6280 Жыл бұрын
Kak Mod!! Kamu inspirasiku selalu❤
@gladysbusel1065 Жыл бұрын
These past few days i’ve been feeling lost because now i’m officially graduating and i still don’t know what i want to do with my life and what my passion is. I’m so glad i watched this video. Your words in this video is everything that i need to hear right now 😭😭. Thank you so muuchh❤
@sisiliamanoppo6288 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Kak Maudy 😇😘 topik yg satu ini menarik banget, Bahas dong topik tentang self improvement dan sikap yang pas dalam menyikapi keberhasilan pribadi maupun orang lain 😊😊😊 🙏 di tunggu 😇
@davinaaudra_01 Жыл бұрын
❤️❤️❤️❤️, thank you kak,for convinced everyone that "you're not alone" along with this adulting.
@estrellaawondatu1239 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for bringing this topic! This is so relatable, I'm feeling it these days
@keitomue Жыл бұрын
Makasi ka maudy sdh sharing 💗 dan aku setuju banget, kalau we're already enough for ourself and for everyone too. Untuk ide topik berikutnya, aku penasaran nih kak, gimana caranya bisa stay positif buat diri kita sendiri dan juga gmn caranya membentuk pertemanan yang sehat. Makasii ka maudy
@seasofangeel Жыл бұрын
please do more content like this!!! ka maudy, can u tell story about “gapyear”?? i think it will be interesting for all people yg lagi gapyear! sepertinya ka maudy dulu juga pernah gapyear ya? kalo boleh diceritain dong pengalaman gapyear kamu! thank you ka maudy💗💗aku seneng bangett denger kamu cerita2
@putucathayvarianthy7981 Жыл бұрын
Thank youuuuu Kak Mod for reminding me again about the uniqueness of people that is actually incomparable. Indeed, passion takes patience, and whenever it seems hard along the process.. Well, at least we are levelling up!🤗
@christienmargareth Жыл бұрын
You just wrapped it all, Kak Mod!!! I feel youu and been thinking the same. Semoga kita semua bsa lebih mindful dan mendengarkan diri sendiri yaaa di tahun iniii🤍🤍
@rizkakusumastuti4994 Жыл бұрын
Thank you jazakallah khairan..saya perlu mempelajari2ny,nambah ilmu2 manfaat,semua dengan struktur2ny,semua tak akan berhenti2,tetap semangat2,semua🤲🤲🥰🥰🥰..
@nitanita888 Жыл бұрын
Sekarang emang lagi butuh banget opini2 ke gini. Kadang kita tu hanya butuh validasi dari pemikiran org lain yg buat kita tenang. Dan happy banget sih bs dengar sharing ka maudy .. ga ngerasa sndiri dan bersyukur banget.
@auliarahma8283 Жыл бұрын
love this new program, Kak Mod!💗
@handayanipujiastuti4844 Жыл бұрын
Moment yg sgt indah dan penuh tantangan 👍👍👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞
@fendyrust4712 Жыл бұрын
makasih konten nya ka Maudy, buat aku tambah pd sama keadaan sekarang. memang susah banget berhadapan dengan suatu kondisi pendewasaan. perlu effort lebih biar bisa lewatin semua tantangan. so fighting guys !!!Gbu
@intanmazilan9647 9 ай бұрын
I love how you look at things so positive and make me more motivate kak maudy! I also agree that passion need patience even ceo of kfc success at the age of 60. There's no due date for success guys, define your own success. Don't be trap by mindset need to success before 25, world has different so are you!
@Papayoluu Жыл бұрын
Kak Maudy terima kasih banyak sudah menyampaikan hal-hal tersebut, it's really boosting my live spirits. banyak kekecewaan yang terjadi akhir-akhir ini di hidupku yang ngebuat aku jadi ngerasa i'm not good enough for living in this life, in this era. but your words make me believe that i am enough, to be who i am today. thankyouu so so so much, it's mean a lot to me. i mean it, really.
@catatanbelle Жыл бұрын
thank you kak Maudy for bringing this topic. Ini bener2 relate banget sama pemikiran aku saat ini. Lagi di fase ini bahwa 'keadaan ini memaksa aku untuk mendewasakan diri, but i enjoy it on my process." btw, thanks udah bikin takarir bahasa Inggris & Bahasa Indonesia. I am really enjoy to watch your videos! It make my dayyyy, thank youuu so much!!
@muhammadaril6473 Жыл бұрын
Kak maudy pinter bgt, sering2 bikin konten kayak gini ka
@ravaliaputriadela3989 Жыл бұрын
kak Maudy! I always love listening to your insights. I'm amazed with the way you explain your thoughts and describe your feeling clearly. It's really heartwarming to watch until I didn't realize I had tears in my eyes for no reason. Thank you for motivating and making me believe in myself more. Please keep sharing your brilliant ideas and life-related insights to us. Stay well and happy, kak Mod! ❤️✨
@claraayu88 Жыл бұрын
Ka Maudy, jujur ini deep sekaliiii buat akuuu. Terimakasih buat pemikiran ka Maudy yang mature dan terbukaaa♡ suka banget ka :')
@fitrahyani859 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing this, Maudy. I thought you were an ambitious girl who always planned everything. But when you say you want to keep it enough. The new year is not always a new you, because you are enough now. Sumpah itu revealing banget. I love that. 2022 is also an adulting year for me. Meskipun di tahun kemarin itu umur saya sudah 34, tapi proses adulting itu masih terus ada. We always evolve, right? Saya sampai pada tahap kontempelasi, apakah yang saya jalani selama ini sudah benar. Kebahagiaan seperti apa yang ingin saya raih di hari tua kelak, dan sebagainya. It's a really big question for me and maybe for most of us. Happiness, actually, is simple, but to get that simplicity is sometimes very hard.
@natasyaocatav Жыл бұрын
@shivaolivia5967 Жыл бұрын
thanks for bringing up this topic kak maudy. success for the maudy's thoughts next episodes.
@tuttutbaratut9136 Жыл бұрын
hi seneng banget dengerin obrolan kak maudy...
@larasputri7357 Жыл бұрын
Denger gini udah sering tp semakin sering didenger semakin nancep di otak. Terimakasih kak
@skyumi8183 Жыл бұрын
Suka bngttt, bikin lagi kakk 😍
@ZulkifliMAhmad-sy8wx Жыл бұрын
Kak mod sering2 dong buat konten kek gini, jujur ngebantu bgt🥺🫶🏼
@nurulauln Жыл бұрын
i'm literally crying.. thank you, kak! ❤️
@natashahadiwinata Жыл бұрын
Thanks for being vulnerable, Mod. What an uplifting thoughts!
@kitten_toebeans Жыл бұрын
Mod, thanks untuk konten yang menenangkan disaat banyak konten yang mostly tentang gimana menjadi kuat, struggling, resilience, terus lari dan mengejar🤍
@dheaardhina7758 Жыл бұрын
hi, kak! thank you so much for the video. I just came across youtube (after crying hourly, thinking about life after graduation & others) and find this on my homepage. I think this video is an answer for me. I just feel like adulting really hits me.
@Ana-eq1qz Жыл бұрын
Waww that’s a topik i wanna know about you❤. Please give more longer vidio about that topik. Lovit
@windyaharieska Жыл бұрын
part 2 nya kak. mungkin sharing problem2 yang pernah dialami dan cara mengatasi atau akhirnya keluar dr problem itu
@abigail6896 Жыл бұрын
Sayangg bgt sama kakk maudyy. Tengkyuu somach kakakk ❤️😭✨
@claraaa3362 Жыл бұрын
this is so comfortinggg, thank you kak maudy!!
@blitzergkon311 Жыл бұрын
Kak mod thank you for this video ini ngebuat saya mungkin penonton lainnya kalau ini memang hal yang wajar soalnya kerasa banget kayak ada rasa ketertinggalan yang ngebuat kekhawatiran berlebih, thanks for validate this for us, hope u and who watching this video have a good life and been able pursue ur dreams, enjoy the process ,be grateful and happy new year all
@nofiatihikmayah7290 Жыл бұрын
Asli, kalo lagi ngerenung, ini video sering banget aku putar. Makasih ya kak Maudy atas insight nya.
@christysilalahi188 Жыл бұрын
Instead off too focusing on what is my passion; dos or donts; be present is the most necessary thing to do. Thans maudyy, ditengah komunitas yg FOMO ada suara yg mengingatkan utk slow down n just do what you can now. We will never get this time back. Enjoy the ride.
@veraldaputri9577 Жыл бұрын
Very wonderful thoughts, kak maudy! I’ve been having so many hard times facing this “adulting process”. I often find myself lost in track. Witnessing people around me getting married, having a baby, getting promoted on their job and many things. I sometimes think why am i still in the same place? But after I watched this, I realized.. everyone has their own process, and I want to enjoy my process to see what I am capable of. Thanks kak Maudy.❤
@husnahazwani670 Жыл бұрын
Thank you, Maudy! Needed to hear this!
@putrirutelok9284 Жыл бұрын
i love this topic content, obrolah ringan tapi dalam dan menyentuh hatiku banget
@Lalalalisasa_m Жыл бұрын
Terima kasih banyak Kak Maudy... this is exactly what i want to hear.
@Cyaaberry Жыл бұрын
all my love for you maudyy🥺💗💗💗💗
@shilmaananta718 Жыл бұрын
Hi kak maudy, thankyou for sharing this. Bikin aku sadar bahwa ternyata 2023 membawa aku ke ekspektasi-ekspektasi tinggi seperti orang2 dan feel not enough. Masuk ke fase yang gaada strukturnya memang sangat membingungkan dan complicated but after watch this video, I realize that i just need feel "enough" for my self and try the best in every opportunity in this year. Hope we're can survive in this adulting era. God bless u kak maudy❤
@evanafransisca1484 Жыл бұрын
terimakasih kak maudy, video ini bisa menenangkan pemikiranku selama ini pikiran" yang berkecamuk di otakku, apa yang harus aku capai, mengapa aku belum bisa seperti orang lain yang sudah berhasil menggapai impiannya masing" terimakasih sudah memberitahu bahwa aku memiliki timeline sendiri, yang tidak harus sama dengan orang lain
@stunnananaa Жыл бұрын
Mashaaallah Kak Maudy cantik banget!! Aku menunggu video tips belajar yg effisien dari Kak Maudy sm Skincare tips as your daily routine ya kak!! 😃
@nataliatrimileniasitumoran9427 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your wonderful thought, Kak Modi. 🥰
@saniaputriistianah5687 Жыл бұрын
love you Maudy, thank you for sharing this superrelatable things and thoughts, wishing you a very great life and happiness, xoxo!!.
@sitiandini1102 Жыл бұрын
Thank you maudy, topiknya menarik. Saya setuju menjadi dewasa itu ga mudah. Dulu msih sekolah smpe lulus kuliah rasanya enak, dunianya terstruktur. Kita cukup merasa senang bgga karena mncapai nilai yg tinggi aja. Setelah lulus ekspektasinya kerja ternyata jadi ibu muda aja ga mudah, tp sy merasa ini momen sy untuk menjadi dewasa dan menerima klo meskipun kita ga on track seperti di sekolah we will find our happiness in unimaginable ways.
@ossss7308 Жыл бұрын
Suka bgt kak bahas ttg kehidupan. Betul bgt adulting beda2 usia, utk aku adalah di usia19th krn tahun itu aku udah menikah, punya anak skrg daaan banyak merasa tersesat, bingung. Utk skrg krn udh ada anak, tanggung jawab besar, aku kumpulin bekal dan praktik perbaikan diri dan fokus ke anak. Sambil kuliah, kerja sampingan aku berniat merajut nyicil mimpiku. Pada dasarnya aku suka belajar, jd skrg aku nyicil ngafal Al Qur'an, dengerin kajian yg terstruktur, itu dg itu aku jd lebih hidup krn dg segala aktifitas yg aku jalani ada pengetahuan kalau semuanya gd yg sia2. Aktifitas kita semuanya bisa jadi ibadah dn dapet pahala walaupun sama tp niat berbeda, Allah tau dan menilai kebaikan kita bahkan hanya dari tersenyum dan bersihkan rumah. Itu sangat berarti dan membantu aku yg tmn2 aku blm pada nikah dan masih asik main2 aku cukup terhibur dan melihat dunia dg sudut pandang berbeda lebih cepat dr teman2 sebayaa
@h6_10_sayurahmaindrianirah4 Жыл бұрын
kak maudy, thank you for sharing iniiii.... sangat bermanfaat sekaliiiii
@aryadzikra2312 Жыл бұрын
suka banget videonya ada subtitle jadi lebih gampang paham sama apa yg kak mod sampein
@kabeltelepong Жыл бұрын
@Hasnurridha Жыл бұрын
thank you maudy for bringing this topic up, relate banget, aku jadi merasa punya teman :)
@ainurrosyidahhidayati Жыл бұрын
thankyouuu kakk, pas bangett aku lagi butuh konten2 kaya gini hehehe. sending lots of love 🥺
@rahmaadawiyah22 Жыл бұрын
makasiii kaa maudy , kontennya bikin aku bangkit lg utk ttp mnjdi diri aku sendiri. ditunggu konten berikutnyaa ✨✨✨
@isminuranggraenig8639 Жыл бұрын
thankyouuu very much ka maudyyy! watching this made me realize, that i'm not alone, you're not alone, n one thing that we have to always remember, semua adalah proses, be patient, just be who we are, keep fighting yeeaa!!
@ridhwankurniantoro8031 Жыл бұрын
Thank you, mod! Exciting to hear more of your thoughts!
@adivaariniputeri4993 Жыл бұрын
Kak Mod! Makasih bangettt buatt videonya, pas bgt aku lagi di fase yg sangat dilemaaa buat masa depan😭thankss bgtt untuk menginspirasi aku✨💓
@reginanurulmulyani545 Жыл бұрын
Always love the way you share your thoughts. Terima kasih, Maudy. I absolutely agree with that 💕
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