What kind of writer wrote this curl history, what sad minded blind person are you guys, what make you write this sad story, why did you hate life that much?, and you!!! , what make you choose to read this ? , there is more in life than sadness, happiness is the choice and it is the way you look at life matter in order for you to see it in different way, I will not forgive you for making me listen to this kind of story, I listen to it hoping this old man and the young man can be family, he introduce them to his parents, finally see his wife and kids, grand kids, because some time , you can be a father of many even those they are not yours, and god always listen . Have faith, have fun, change your thought , change your writing, find beautiful in nature, the end of the day , you are nothing but one human being, you have no power over nothing but your self and your life , which by the way you don’t even have full control too, you can’t even choose who your parents are , or where you want to be born, forget that , you did even have control over your own body system. So be thankful that you are alive you are breathing.