I love soaps Todd talking to viki for a sec knowing in only 3 years they'd be closer than close and have the best sibling relationship ever on TV. another of my fave Todd lines "don't be fooled by sweet talking women " I've used that line myself haha. damn Todd was obsessed with Marty he got so jealous of Marty and suede
@Jerira212 жыл бұрын
Damn Todd has issues, his big issue is he loves Marty and feels rejected so It turned int rage
@rebekahmikaelson192012 жыл бұрын
@JasonAlredge3 жыл бұрын
Todd had real anger issues. I think it all started here.
@natalieps23873 жыл бұрын
Todd cant pass math but 2 years later is smart enough to publish a newspaper & outsell the banner a 60 year old est. I think todd played dumb like that's what he thought was his role the king jock sex crazed dummy when early on we see hes cunning. The guy escaped prison how many times. He was no idiot. Later when we meet sadistic peter we see the facade come down from todd like when Peter disparages Todd's mom he smiles but its clearly a pissed off smile . I really loved Todd's therapy sessions w/ that cool therapist ray martinez. Todd started changing a lot w/ a positive male influence. I loved that ray brought up that todd should be angry at his adopted mom for leaving him. I thought that was a good point. Peter threw her out but what kind of mom who knows Peter is abusive leaves her innocent 5 year old son to fend for himself?? Vikis mom died so she had nobody. Todd's mom just left. What kind of mom doesnt fight for her child ?Todd's answer to ray about his mom was like " I dont blame her for getting out " I think todd knew his dad hated him & to think his mom was weak & didnt care enough to fight for him would be to much to bear. Like in his mind at least she loved him. I think she did but to dump ur kid w/ an abusive man & start a new life like he didnt exist is so messed up & abusive in a way that's neglect. Also we see todd had zero clue how to treat a woman w/ tenderness. When marty asked him to stay he looked thrown. I think partly Marty should have been less furious b/c if u literally jump in a guy from schools lap that is an acquaintance in a class & tell him literally were gonna go home & have sex I'd think most guys wont respect u. Anyway she went from this like wild child free spirited sexually experienced chick in a bar who came on to todd then after sex she sobered up & wanted to be held. Todd was not originally the serial rapist they later painted him to be w/ carol swift. Notice she was never mentioned again. Plus todd was alone w/ marty a few times & he never forced himself on her. I dont know when malone decided to make him a gang rapist but that's not how todd in these early scenes seemed. Hes actually pretty harmless. Anyway my point is todd legit had no clue what to do after sex. When blair came on to him letting him know on Christmas she wanted sex he just left but they were already friends for months. The 2nd time Blair came on to todd he rejected it only b/c he didnt want her to ignore him again & needed a friend. So Blair said can u stay. It was an exact replica of his one nighter w/ marty. This time he stayed & said " I have no idea what u want me to do ? " so blair told him just put ur arm around me & hold me. So he did. Obviously this was a very different todd then the college frat boy who hid his real self w/ sarcasm & a smug attitude but b/c he was raised by a man he watched treat women like " liars & users " he had no idea how to be a boyfriend or partner. So in a way I did not like how Marty was so nasty & played head games w/ him. He apologized a few times for walking out on her & he asked to start over. Marty really acted way over the top that todd didnt stay the night. Even if todd wasnt screwed up if u just throw urself at a guy offer up sex when u barely know him human nature is really what do u expect. If u dont know a person it would be sorta weird to expect true intimacy. Cuddling is something that u build up to. Also marty played head games. She came on to him again to make suede jealous. Todd actually was pretty sincere saying " I'll treat u nice " like he wanted to date her so she says shell call him or see him later & she does call the bar & todd comes to the phone & she hangs up. She knew todd was now interested in more than sex & she used him to make a guy jealous. I'd be hurt too if someome kept using me like that. Please make no mistake that all of that meant todd had the right to gang rape her ! Which sorta came outta no where. Todd was not rapey at all before the party. I never got vibes he was dangerous & that's why I think Marty was still like " oh todd ur drunk get lost " in the frat room. Like it was just todd being a jerk again. I think she was shocked when it went to ok this dude is gonna rape me w/ his friends in the room. Todd at least had a motive ( again not an excuse ) but it wasnt about sex for him.it was about rage & power & hurting Marty the worst way he knew how. I mean he could have just raped her alone but to bring friends it was about degradation. Zack is a pure sociopath. The guy raped a freind just for fun. Powell the nutcase of the bunch in some ways is more dispicable b/c he knew it was wrong he was like puking literally out the window over it he couldnt even look like some child covering their eyes & then he participates??? This story was an a+ but would have been an A++++++ if they didn't make powell some hero esp nora who told todd " u made Powell do it " wtf was wrong w/ nora he raped her!! Todd didnt put a gun to his head. The guy was s sicko. Nora saw he wanted to blow his brains out yet never got maybe some help for him? He just rejoined the college like nothing happened which I hated. The fans were pretty outraged & saw that making powell the rapist have really no consequences he did like a month in jail & had nora calling him.a hero ( puke ) they had to write him out & I'm not surprised he was a serial rapist & had a full break from reality. Too bad Sean's acting actually got really good on the way out. He was I believe Victor's brothers son. Maybe his old man was a sicko like victor. Something was very off w/ powell from the jump
@littlesongbird110 жыл бұрын
Why does Todd keep selling his parents?I thought his mom died..or was that not written into the story yet?
@lisacush69965 жыл бұрын
I loved Todd he's still hot
@Justicia007 Жыл бұрын
Still, in 2023.
@wrjsell13 жыл бұрын
Funny, Todd keeps talking about his parents like there are two of them, but then of course it's only Peter and his mom died when he was what 10?
@littlesongbird110 жыл бұрын
wow...in some of these old Episodes...Powell was a bit of a jerk!
@natalieps23873 жыл бұрын
Todd was so upset he actually was trying to tell suede about his problem! Lol. Then suede said he failed cause he was an idiot. I have to say in these early scenes Marty todd & Jason were all really nasty to him at times when he really didnt do anything. Like suede calling todd " scum in hell " & todd went to I guess shove him than Jason grabbed him." Toad" marty also hit on him , a guy she just knew from campus told him take me home so we can get it on & then expected a virtual stranger to stay & cuddle? Hes not ur boyfriend so her anger about the one nighter was way over the top plus todd said sorry & asked several times to start over & than after being so bitchy to him every time she uses him to make suede jealous than calls the bar late for Todd & hangs up when he says hello. Todd just seemed annoyed by her at times. * I'm not excusing gang rape or rape ever * but I'm saying marty was very all over the place w/ todd as either her target of venom or using him for sex or to make a guy jealous. If I was him I'd be pissed but just say shes nuts to hell w/ her. Marty was so nuts & not exactly a nice person ( she ruined andrew & Billy's lives for a year. She spread a lie that andrew was gay & was a pedophile w/ underaged billy Douglas which literally got andrew beaten up by homophobes & turned the whole tien upside down all b/c andrew loved someone he met before her. She even tried to ruin his wedding til viki slapped her. So honestly I would not put it past her to have screwed up Todd's formulas for the calculus final. I also think she got very jealous of how todd put blair, a foster child who came from nothing & was known as the town trollop on a pedestal while he ran a train on the Rich heiress Marty, the lady of the manor. Todd reversed class roles. He treated Blair like a queen & marty like gutter trash. That's why she was always inserting herself into his marriage. I think it bugged her a lot. I think subconsciously she did put todd in danger the day after his wedding. She even said to andrew " I wished todd dead many times & I knew their was danger & killers all around & I threw todd in the middle of it " andrew of course said " oh of course not " gimme a break. I think it's crazy that head writer malone thought getting gang raped makes u a better person or something. Marty was a wacko who did horrible things to innocent people. Why does being gang raped elevate u to sainthood? I understand it gets u sympathy & of course I feel horrible for her going through that but does that make u a better person ? I mean I know the behind the scenes that malone wanted to get susan an emmy & to redeem Marty as she was the town pariah & he loved the idea of " the girl who cried wolf " but did it have to be a gang rape ? I think malone had a serious rape fetish. Every year w/ that guy some sort of sexual depravity was his major storyline. Marty says andrew is a sexual predator of a gay teenaged boy. The next year a gang rape which is really a shocking disgusting thing. Rape is bad enough but a gang rape is just really sick then the next year the serial hospital rapist & his final year viki is raped by her dad starting at 7. Incest & pedophilia on the towns matriarch. What was gonna be his encore if he stayed? He covered everything. I'm surprised he didnt write in that todd was gang raped in prison. Their was hints at it when todd told his therapist the other prisoners were roughing him up. They brought malone back in 03 & notice roger bounced again. He quit the first time b/c he hated how malone was making todd a hero & of course wanting to pair todd & marty. What was one of malone's first storylines? Mitch raped viki ! I mean really. Then it was faux todd raped blair. The guy has issues. I remember watching some soap talk kinda show & a caller said to the host after powell was carted off " man I'm really getting sick of all this rape stuff. Can the show lighten up a little ? " I think that was everyones thoughts & possibly why malone was let go. Plus they wanted roger back b/c when he left in 95 the show lost tons of ratings.
@RoyalSinclair11 жыл бұрын
"Or maybe I was just kidding myself about that?..." loll
@traciekelley27573 жыл бұрын
To bad they didn't have Marty and Todd in a relationship. Blair and him don't have the spark. Don't maybe it's a good thing Marty didn't get with that family abunch of nuts
@Justicia007 Жыл бұрын
I think they might have made it work years later with a relationship but Todd had so much self-hatred about what he did, he would have been the obstacle I think. The crazy thing is they did make Marty completely nuts later on in the show. I thought that was a shame....
@nattyps31602 ай бұрын
Yes marty was a wild child & def did some terrible things like of course spreading those lies about andrew & billy but she was never delusional or violent. I think marty just snapped. She thought patrick was dead her amnesia then thinking that she slept w/ rapist her son has a child as a teen then went to prison. She also got shoved down the stairs & miscarried a baby. I think she was found insane that's why she was sent to st Ann's what I didn't get was how she got out & got even worse. It was sad they didn't have original todd & marty have a scene again. Also I do think todd & marty had chemistry early on but todd was so different. The todd from 95 & marty is where u really see how good " that " todd the one who now had marty on a pedestal b/c of the guilt he had plus he was away from peters influence & got pretty intensive therapy from that great therapist ray. Todd actually listened to him. Anyway in 95 it was def weird how they had marty at his elbow about his problems but I'd like to think it was her interested in seeing todd be human but it was always when he was drunk & or suicidal during his 1st marriage to blair. Still fascinating to watch those 2 as in general had such powerful chemistry they were pretty much screen partners or talking about eachother having the constant distorted dreams even todd out of prison all the stuff at the hospital pretty much for over 2 years rh & sh were working together so much plus they both won emmys for the same story both were young exactly the same age in real life oltl were very early acting roles plus they were both excellent actors it was all there once todd improved & evolved a lot in a short time.