Seven Myths about Schizoid Personality Disorder

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Dr. Todd Grande

Dr. Todd Grande

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@davedogge2280 5 жыл бұрын
It sucks. You go out to socialize and then you deeply regret being there among your so called friends seeing it and feeling it's being a complete waste of time
@hemprope4326 4 жыл бұрын
That's how I feel exactly.
@fernandalauton4709 5 жыл бұрын
Finally someone saying that we do have feelings
@incorvayaboy1996 5 жыл бұрын
Is that what u say though
@dianagamez76 5 жыл бұрын
Just because I don't show much emotion doesn't mean I don't feel it. People ostracize those who are different because they are afraid. but its us who have more of a reason to worry because ignorant people can be dangerous.
@TaylorjAdams 5 жыл бұрын
@ᎽօʊᏒ ᏢᎬᏁᎥᏕ Schizoids have feelings in the same way that narcissists have feelings where psychopaths don't. Schizoids have a very similar physical defect to Narcissistic Personality Disorder but with very different coping mechanisms. There's a disconnect in the brain between the emotion and the physical response, so narcissists learn to act a certain way to get what they want which leads to lying and manipulation whereas schizoids protect themselves by withdrawing which leads to cutting themselves off from society. When it's at its worst you may feel nothing at all, but your body still feels plenty of emotions and with a pile of effort and mindfulness you can access and reconnect with them. Hard part is surviving long enough in a society that refuses to hire anyone who isn't a "team player" regardless of what the actual job is
@lai4433 4 жыл бұрын
people are just afraid of those who are diagnosed with anything unknown to them, so they tend to be dramatic. it's why I dont like ignorants
@Kyavata 4 жыл бұрын
The way I explain it is that "I don't have external emotions." I'm almost 50 and have blindly been working on "recovery" for about half of those years. But even now, I feel like I have to engage one of my characters to know how to express emotion. Those are the roads, the pathways, where emotion can travel.
@ClarkABennett 2 жыл бұрын
Sometimes we can work social jobs if there is a physical or phycology barrier. I was a bartender for years. It was the only way I could socialize because there was 5ft between me and everyone else, plus the entire length of the bar. I could have conversations with people because it was never about me or my opinions. And I could meet new people because they expected me to say hello and talk to them. I never felt like I was intruding upon them.
@acatssoftnose3940 4 жыл бұрын
I'm a night shift library clerk, and I love it. When people don't need me to check out their books, I'm more or less left alone to browse the web, and read what interests me. Add on top of that the fact that those working with me tend to be introverted (even if I'm the schizoid, a.k.a, the "hardcore introvert"). I strongly suggest working at large academic libraries for schizoids: 1) They're large enough that the schizoid will be put into a specialized position requiring little to no change in duties (I don't even have to put the books away), and 2) Their academic nature usually means little to no planning of social events, and working with students who are far more mature than the average patron at a public library. Becoming a fine artist who sells online is also another path to take. As I work as a library clerk, it's a dream of mine to entirely work from home making art, and selling it. One day, maybe :) P.S., on the other hand, I do yearn for a romantic relationship. I've always wanted a woman who would genuinely love me, and be there for me. In fact, it's the only social interaction I want. The last time I had this was when I was 14-15. Now, I'm 25.
@mikebaker2436 6 жыл бұрын
Fantastic video. This is an informative and clear talk on a diagnosis that is rarely discussed and inadequately understood by both professionals and laymen alike.
@DrGrande 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much!
@mikebaker2436 6 жыл бұрын
Todd Grande I really appreciate your constant attempt to be scientific and objective with each subject you cover. The psychological fields these days really benefit from this kind of unbiased analysis and reporting.
@Musicandfilms7 5 жыл бұрын
I'd had squizoid personality disorder since the age of twelve, I started therapy when I was 18 and I was misdiagnosed several times, finally at the age of 31 one of the many psicologist I 've seen gave me the rigth diagnosis. Nobody in my country kows what SPD is, and some people are so ignorant that they don't believe that such disorder is posible or exists whatso ever. I live in Argentina( a hiper sociable country) but I'm planning to move to another country that would make my life with SPD easier( sorry for my bad English)
@Ketannabis 5 жыл бұрын
Move to Canada, we accept Schizoids.
@lesbianwalrus 5 жыл бұрын
I don't have any persistent desire for friendships and relationships but I do yearn for physical intimacy. My interests in women has been purely physical (not sure if that will ever change). I've even avoided a relationship with a woman in the past, who showed interest in me, entirely because I would've just been feigning compassion and interest for her while using her to satisfy my sexual interests. I don't want to do that to someone - especially if they are particularly nice and innocent. Many neurotypical men wouldn't think twice about doing something like that. They may even justify that sort of behavior by citing evidence of women using men as well. But I just can't do that. It's not my style. It's not who I am. I can't be the guy women that want nor be the guy other men think I should be. I've gotta be me. I tend to be very withdrawn. I occasionally fantasize about interactions with people but generally avoid people because I know my fantasies don't match up with reality. My real life interactions with them never have that same energy and magical feeling of my imagined interactions. And these fantasies are that of brief interactions too so I don't think I have it in me to be in a close relationship with someone since I require an enormous amount of alone time. Maybe my fantasies don't reflect a frustrated need to connect with others so much as a frustrated need for something to happen in my uneventful life. I don't know. But since I don't have satisfying interactions with people (in part due to my lack of relatable interests with normies, my total incapacity for small talk, and my inability to fill in awkward silences with conversation) I just avoid them and keep to myself. I don't know if I'm Schizoid, Avoident, Schizotypal... Don't really care that much what disorder I'm classified under but it would be kinda nice to know.
@penulisbaru360 5 жыл бұрын
OMG......I'm the same way, but I'm a woman. I too fantasize about interactions with people. When I do, I sign up to various meetup groups in my city, but never attend. I deleted my facebook account because no one interest me, not even my own brother and his children.
@aimz9905 5 жыл бұрын
I'm exactly the same, my own world is way better then the real world. I too have an interest to know what label others would put me under, I'm so bored of people saying I'm cold hearted because I react with logic and not emotions I must admit when I look at society in general I don't connect with many people I don't get the excuses people make the fake relationships people go out their way to form the constant need for attention it's so far from anything I relate too I have absolutely no desire for any of it I find no joy in anything but yet I have this world in my own imagination that sparks so many emotions joy excitement thrill why would I need to go anywhere else lol
@TaylorjAdams 5 жыл бұрын
That sounds very much like SPD. One of the symptoms is having an "active" fantasy life and these kinds of fantasies are, I believe, what that refers to. I'm not sure I would classify them as borne out of frustration, but from what I've read it's basically a side-effect of isolation. Human interaction is a basic need to the extent that when one goes too long without it the brain imagines people to socialize with. This can lead to dissociation, but since SPD isn't dissociative in nature schizoids are aware that the conversations are fantasies rather than hearing voices. The way I've always looked at it such fantasies are horrible practice for actual conversation as they make it more difficult to respond to situations you didn't consider, but they are good for ordering one's own thoughts because if you can't state something in full sentences you probably don't understand it, so I've never attached intrinsic negative emotions to them.
@lizardme88 4 жыл бұрын
Husband diagnosed with this, I thought it was narcissistic behavior but this makes more sence.
@tsbcmhc2083 5 жыл бұрын
I can see why Schizoid Personality Disorder is often confused with Schizophrenia. The names are very similar. When it comes to the myths, I feel that myth 2 is probably this most important one to point out and bust. I have often heard that people with SPD are violent and unstable. I had a relative with this disorder and they were not violent in any sense of the word! Thank you for bringing these myths to the forefront.
@johnthefrogakakrazert819 5 жыл бұрын
People mix up the terms A-social and Anti-social. Laypeople use them in reverse.
@kikixiong6156 6 жыл бұрын
I have always heard the myth of lacking emotion. It’s very helpful to hear your explanations.
@MrCarlosyouko 5 жыл бұрын
Finally someone gets the main idea of SPD - detachment!
@tonihudson6749 3 жыл бұрын
I am slowly understanding better how my friends brain is working. I can't thank you enough for your simple and helpful videos. Your easy interaction and interpretation of all of this is impressive. I am trying to understand from my friends point of view so I don't trigger unwanted chaos. I know that I am not qualified to assist in the multiple diagnosis but I would like to show understanding and support. Schizoaffective, borderline, schizoid, Machiavellianism and extroverted. This is deep and so much contradicts but I also see the overlaps you speak of. I think you are offering a wonderful service to thousands of people who may not get the help they desperately need due to income restrictions. Thank you again for your wealth of knowledge. 🙏
@shanewilson7994 3 жыл бұрын
I am diagnosed with Schizoid Personality Disorder, and your myth #1 is one of the big reasons I am not more open about it (I'm more open about other things, such as depression, anxiety). Because even with people who don't really know who it is personally, they automatically link schizophrenia with SPD (just doing shorthand), and is such a stigma with schizophrenia.
@JCmySaviour27 4 жыл бұрын
I get bothered when the only one person I want to attach to makes me feel bad for not wanting "friends." I have the capacity to speak at my job and at school and guess what. I'm probably more content than the people walking around with fake friends that wouldn't even rush you out of a burning building. I have a hard processing my childhood so I don't really talk about my feelings but people just label me cold. Fuck it.
@slusheewolf2143 2 жыл бұрын
I always tell people it's the Final Fantasy Disorder. I feel like Cloud sometimes where I want to be there for the people I care about, but it's really hard for me to look them in the eye and say "I love you" even if I actually do mean it sincerely. I avoid eye contact, I avoid having my friends over at my house even when I want them to be here. I get "ambivalent moods", where for no reason I start having a mood swing where all that happens is my mood feels solemn and I don't want to socially interact. Those episodes typically last an hour or less. I'm not diagnosed clinically, but I did my research and this disorder has most of the symptoms I feel everyday.
@psychosanity8164 4 жыл бұрын
I think I may have SPD, but I'm not sure. I recently found out that my introversion is far to strong for the norm. I never felt bad or guilty about things I have done, but I do feel happy, sad, or angry. I'm easily irritated when friends talk to me outside class and am easily drained when being around people. I already mentioned my concern to my psychiatrist.
@JosyPoetry 5 жыл бұрын
I would be very interested in a video discussing the duality in people diagnosed with schizoid PD (overt/covert traits, such as having low interest in forming relationships, but reporting deep feeling of solitude).
@private-local-enemy 4 жыл бұрын
this video was more helpful than a good lot of my therapy sessions 🙏
@randolphcarter6197 5 жыл бұрын
I have aspergers and I relate to the thing you said about schizoid personality disorder. I know this is probably a coincidence but my symptoms are very similar
@BetaBuxDelux 5 жыл бұрын
It’s not a coincidence.
@hemprope4326 4 жыл бұрын
I was diagnosed with Asperger's but am going to be reevaluated sometime soon. I have schizoid symptoms but lack autistic ones.
@DadaistTheater 6 жыл бұрын
Excellent video, I think this has elaborated a ton on the misconceptions surrounding SPD (with which I have been diagnosed). Everything here is on point. Thank you!
@trentappleman4597 5 жыл бұрын
One would just add this: that is is fair to describe schizoid people as on a spectrum ranging from more of a 'schizoid personality' to an outright disorder. The latter category would include people who genuinely experience the anhedonia sometimes reported; or people who cannot hold down any job due to some kind of unwillingness to even leave the house. Schizoid people -- if employed and engaged -- can make a valuable contribution to the community by doing those things the social find so unpleasant but which are, in effect, a burbling brook for those who value solitude.
@WorthlessWinner 4 жыл бұрын
Why don't they just change the name to avoid the confusion with schizophrenia?
@wandamixon5360 5 жыл бұрын
Given the fact that the behavior stems from lack of interest not fear, it makes sense that detachment and restriction of expression of emotion are the main characteristics of Schizoid personality disorder. It is helpful to understand that psychosis and/or paranoia may be present with schizoid, but not pervasive as with schizophrenia. Therefore, it makes sense that myths, such as violence, do not fit with the criteria for the disorder.
@rushyscoper1651 5 жыл бұрын
Detachment can lead to slight solipsism which can lead to odd thinking like paranoia or superstitious. Most my magical thinking in my youth was due to have an open mind of the possibility of those thoughts which I think most kid reject out of favoring comfort.
@don-eb3fj Жыл бұрын
Thanks for setting the record straight on this Dr. Grande, there is far too much misinformation concerning this personality ADAPTATION circulating on the web; it is also imperitive to note that schizoid behaviors are exhibited on a spectrum and not all of us present the full severity of traits listed in the DSM catalog. As far as the "disorder" designation, that adjective only applies as an opinion or perspective from the outside looking in- many schizoids are quite satisfied with the adaptation and life within its limitations, so cannot correctly be said to be "disordered", and reject the label being placed on them by the disordered society that made the adaptation necessary to begin with. I hope this further helps to set the record straight and increase awareness and understanding about this very misunderstood way of coping with an unaccepting and unacceptable world.
@May-qb3vx 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve started to realize that while in thinking about the future, I want little else than to have intimate relationships with others. But once the temporal distance closes and I have the chance to go out and do something in the present that might lead to new relationships, I want little else than to stay home by myself (even when I’ve been by myself all day or even all week at times). I haven’t been able to afford mental healthcare (especially not an assessment because it’s so expensive), but I do see that something is going on but I can’t pinpoint it.
@TaylorjAdams 5 жыл бұрын
I'm not sure if "lack of interest" is really the right term either. It definitely presents like that when it's at its worst, but it doesn't take very far on the path of recovery to be able to see that it's more like extreme introversion (specifically in the way that introversion is distinct from shyness). I'm not afraid to talk to people. I enjoy going out and hanging out with friends and some family. I dance to music in my headphones whilst waiting for the bus. There's really very little I'd like more than to be able to maintain personal relationships, but dealing with other people is just so incredibly exhausting that if I try to do it too often for too long I eventually end up semi-comatose lying awake in bed for hours on end paralyzed out of an inability to cope. There's plenty of interest, it just pales in comparison to the amount of effort required.
@waynelee7169 4 жыл бұрын
Sounds to me Taylor, that you are uncomfortable in your own skin - some of your self-observations, to me, are not typical of most SPD's of my acquaintance. SPD's rarely seek "help" as they don't usually feel anything is wrong. They rarely wish to be fixed. Who in this world doesn't live in a fantasy of their own making - maybe the coming AI's will be the first but I'll bet they'll get depressed - just like every thinking, aware creature. Like all human conditions - they vary by degrees and are not exclusive. I am saddened when I read some of the other desperate comments and only hope they live long enough to get comfortable in themselves and pursue what they have found makes them worthy - regardless of others. Self first - then tend to others if they want it.
@Cloudburst2000 4 жыл бұрын
I'm also not afraid to talk to people. I can talk someone's ear off if it is a subject that interests me. But I would say that I have a 'lack of interest' in most relationships. I try to make the effort with my family but I don't make too much effort outside of that. I get along well with the people I work with because I am generally easy to get along with and non-judgmental. I have 'friends' that I may very occasionally do something with (mostly work friends). But if a friendship falls by the wayside, I generally just shrug it off. I just don't care enough to try to maintain the friendship. I do sometimes feel guilty because I KNOW that my family feels more deeply for me then I am capable of feeling for them. I have absolutely no interest in having a romantic relationship or having sex. I am not, however, asexual. I am straight. I can look at a guy and think he is hot, but have no interest beyond thinking he looks good. So yeah, a 'lack of interest' definitely seems to describe me. I am overall fairly content with my life outside of feeling a bit of guilt about feeling less for my family then they feel for me.
@quiteaware333 5 жыл бұрын
I have Aspergers but I relate to Schizoid Personality Disorder.
@ExploitMage 5 жыл бұрын
they figured I had Schizoid or Avoidant first initially and now they saying Autism spectrum, possibly bipolar on top of it. On the outside looking in, schizoid looks totally the same as ASD/aspergers but they have mental breakdowns in pretty visibly different ways most of the time, but there is a considerable overlap. Schizoid=autistic thinking without loss of skill to recognize reality as one of its core traits
@azo9602 4 жыл бұрын
You can have both at the same time
@hemprope4326 4 жыл бұрын
@@ExploitMage Schizoids are typically able to understand social cues and body language/facial expressions as well.
@kelly4321 5 жыл бұрын
In having the names very close to each other it should be easy to remember one main difference to distinguish schizophrenia and schizoid: schizoid doesn't have the psychotic symptoms attached to it like schizophrenia does. At least it will help me to remember the difference between the two.
@JoeDirt-el2fr 5 жыл бұрын
I like how the myths were defused regarding schizophrenia and schizoid
@omarmiralles1043 6 жыл бұрын
Great video, I wish for you to make a video about if there is a spectrum in psychology. Like if that person is diagnosed with SPD but only occur sometimes or at a certain condition like when you're interacting in real life you have but when you're using the internet you don't, I would really want to know because of the video that Logan Paul made in response to Shane Dawson's series about Jake Paul and I thought that it makes sense since people are really complex and we can't just point them having a personality disorder. I really need to know because I might have schizoid personality disorder, but it only occur most of the time and I couldn't even feel emotions at all. Thank you
@kinocchio 6 жыл бұрын
Can you have both schizoid and social anxiety? I feel like both apply to me.
@booates 6 жыл бұрын
@clemensf6159 5 жыл бұрын
Afaik, it's sometimes hard to distinguish between a schizoid personality disorder and an avoidant personality disorder. I'm really far from having any mentionable personal knowledge about the matter, but it kinda sounded like people who tend to an avoidant personality disorder are more likely to suffer from their condition.
@alf7075 5 жыл бұрын
Afaik, it's sometimes hard to distinguish between a schizoid personality disorder and an avoidant personality disorder. I'm really far from having any mentionable personal knowledge about the matter, but it kinda sounded like people who tend to an avoidant personality disorder are more likely to suffer from their condition. I feel kinda in between too, but I guess I'll try to re-evaluate its impact on my life before I see a psychiatrist coz I don't know what happens once I have a diagnosis, maybe I'll start defining myself by it which I definitely don't want
@rushyscoper1651 5 жыл бұрын
Schizoids can easily feel overwhelmed when around ppl which result in social anxiety. But it differ from normal social anxiety it important to understand how they differ
@TaylorjAdams 5 жыл бұрын
@@alf7075 The thing about personality disorders is they're worded like horoscopes. It's really easy to read a list of almost any of their symptoms and have confirmation bias and lack of understanding of terminology convince you you have them. The most important thing to remember is that even doctors aren't allowed to diagnose themselves. Actually the most important thing to remember is probably that CBT and mindfulness are the primary treatment for pretty much all mood disorders including both of those and once you've made some progress in recovering from whatever it was that was ailing you all the lines start to get fuzzy anyway
@MLFreese 4 жыл бұрын
So, in a nutshell, the DSM should change "Schizoid Personality Disorder" to "Monk Personality Type" :)
@rjconte8751 4 жыл бұрын
Or Vulcan!
@stefanlindstrom-entreprenology Жыл бұрын
Great clarification of this schizoid, they simply lack the interest of others.
@ramen7761 6 жыл бұрын
Interesting video, can you make a similar one with schizotypal personality disorder?
@moriendus 6 жыл бұрын
Ramen I was going to ask the same thing :) I'm always interested in hearing about my own disorder
@DrGrande 6 жыл бұрын
Yes, I will add that topic to the production list. Thank you for the idea!
@yrien982 5 ай бұрын
doctor everything you said is true....and all explanations are true...
@m.f.richardson1602 Жыл бұрын
Always interesting and informative with sprinkles of confusion Thank you Peace 💕🇺🇲
@AvrilFanCarson 4 жыл бұрын
I think I was in a relationship with someone with schizoid personality disorder
@justmai2476 5 жыл бұрын
Can OCPD and schizoid personality disorders be comorbid? I feel like I could have schizoid PD, but I'm wondering if it isn't just due to my depressive state. I am diagnosed with OCPD, as well as depressive and anxiety disorders. I am socially awkward and have always had a painfully hard time fitting in, especially in groups. Given the above-mentioned and having a brother with HFA, I've also questioned whether or not I could be on the spectrum. The thing is, I only face challenges in social interactions, but I have a good social intelligence. I'm just a social clutz, a wallflower. This is all very puzzling, but I promise I am not an adept of self diagnosing. I just learn about all these disorders and so many ring bells. Why is it called "schizoid" PD? Why not unhealthy introversion disorder or something more explanatory and less deceitful? Also, is there a problem with the number of diagnoses that exist? Many people (such as myself) live lwith a plethora of diagnoses. I am convinced that psychiatrists should extend the definitions of the ones that currently exist, rather than patholigizing every quirk and trait they notice, and making 20 additions to the DSM each year. That said, thanks for the video! It's very informative
@wilmer89 4 жыл бұрын
Compulsive schizoid?
@yourenough3 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@virginiamurrey9139 5 жыл бұрын
This video is very interesting, and has been helpful in obtaining information of Schizoid Personality Disorder. Knowing the myths could help in spreading the correct information in association with the disorder.
@HYPMaeLsTRom 6 жыл бұрын
Hi! I have been following your videos for a while now and as luck would have it you happened to post this video while I'm in the process of writing a paper over Schizoid PD, particularly about Schizoid PD's possible links to Oneiroid Syndrome, for my psychology course! Could you possibly answer a few questions about Oneiroid Syndrome and its connection to Schizoid PD if you have the time? There is very little information available on this topic, so even an educated guess would be appreciated :) Personally from the (admittedly little) information that I have found on Oneiroid Syndrome, it seems to be a drastically more severe variation of Schizoid PD, typically compared to Catatonic Schizophrenia, by the literature prior to phsychosis being categorized as a spectrum anyways, however it seems to only be a possible occurrence in Schizophrenia, without requiring the presence of Schizophrenia, similar to Schizoid PD. Oneiroid Syndrome seems to also be distinct from conditions such as Delirium, which seemingly makes it it's own entity. One piece that I can link if anyone is interested makes an odd comparison to similarities with Histrionic PD. Other theories seem to indicate that Schizoid PD otself may exist on a spectrum and that Schizoid PD may just be a sub-clinical variant of Oneiroid Syndrome. Also there are a lot of comparisons drawn to Autism Spectrum Disorders, while yet remaining it's distinction as it's own disorder. What I your opinion om this condition out of curipsity? My theory that I'm currently formulating places it as a distinct diagnosis, as either a severe form of Schizoid PD or a psychotic variant of it (by psychotic variant I mean that Schizoid PD may be to Oneiroid Syndrome as Schizotypal PD is to Schizophrenia). Sorry for the long comment and thanks for the time. Keep up the good and informative videos that I have come to know you for 💌
@danaattieh8290 6 жыл бұрын
i hope Dr. Todd see your comment and answer it as it is interesting, but if i may add my opinion.. Schizoid dont typically show psychosis, even the fantasy schizoid (which i believe i am), i do fantasize a lot but i have no doubt and never find it a problem to distinguish reality from the fantasies. Oneirioid syndrome by definition does include psychosis. Of course i might be wrong, but i thought i might weigh in from personal experience from schizoid personality disorder (probably) as to the nature of the fanstasies
@TaylorjAdams 5 жыл бұрын
How did you do on that paper? I really can't see the link you're talking about. Sober schizoids don't hallucinate unless they've developed schizophrenia. I wish people would stop using the word 'dissociate' instead of 'withdraw' because it seems too easy to conflate dissociating from social groups with dissociating from reality. SPD is a mood disorder, but I do think schizoids are probably more likely to develop substance abuse issues and a link there would make sense to me.
@lachimolala7086 4 жыл бұрын
Schizoid is NOT the same as schizophrenia.... schizoids are into the reality while persons with schizophrenia are not
@billhildebrand5053 4 жыл бұрын
Comment 131: 21,894 views with 644 likes. I’m glad that I can review many of the factors which differentiate the two. I am glad you communicate so well Dr. Grande. 😍👍😍
@ghenulo 3 ай бұрын
Being unemployable is a myth? In that case, I must have another problem.
@PrettyGoodLookin 2 жыл бұрын
My Brother is schizoid and he is nothing like how the Doctors think Schizoid is like.
@Pseudopodia__ 4 жыл бұрын
Someone close to me recently got diagnosed with schizoid personality disorder. What's bothering them is the fact that they have a fantasy world and it inteferes with their normal functioning. Can anyone with a similar experience give some insight on how to deal with it? And how to be productive along side it?
@jackiesorrells5571 5 жыл бұрын
It was helpful to learn the distinguishing features between schizoid and schizophrenia.
@shrub8644 Жыл бұрын
I think the Schizoid PD and lack of interest in social situations is developed from social fears
@Pugkin5405 4 жыл бұрын
I thought it was pronounced. (shiz - oid). Main reason. I wanted to watch a video on it is to learn how to pronounce it
@feefee6713 5 жыл бұрын
Hi Dr. Grande, Is it possible to have both, Borderline and Schizoid pd at the same time?? Thank you!!
@feefee6713 5 жыл бұрын
Or would I have schizoid with complex-ptsd?
@furiousape7717 4 жыл бұрын
It’s possible. Theoretically, any two disorders can be comorbid
@MeMe-zq7qd 4 ай бұрын
How do you tell the difference between someone whose just a loner/ introvert vs some with SPD? I’m curious because I definitely have some traits of SPD eg lack of interest in relationships, no interest in sexual encounters, primarily choosing solitary activities, complex inner life, day dreaming but I don’t have traits like flat effect or indifference to praise or criticism.
@youwillforgetinaweek 4 жыл бұрын
Dr. Grande, could you provide the source of this video? I am very interested in writing a paper on this topic.
@mayahurney1492 4 ай бұрын
Why do you still use the term “histrionic” instead of “rhapsodic”?
@incorvayaboy1996 5 жыл бұрын
"Cannot by employed" someone needs firing here
@mariellthomassen2860 Жыл бұрын
Thank you❣️
@bryantlong6522 2 жыл бұрын
Was just clinically diagnosed with this and major depressive disorder today. The characterization of me in a six page report is a lot of wrap my head around.
@MaricaAmbrosius 4 жыл бұрын
What's the difference, then, between this and Autism?
@jayncraft1233 5 жыл бұрын
I have a question and its what if you have antisocialpd,shizoidpd,shizotypalpd,paranoidpd. What happens?
@theactualbajmahal833 5 жыл бұрын
Sorry, all you get is this lousy tee-shirt.
@Ketannabis 5 жыл бұрын
You don't have all those disorders.
@KeeperOfSecrets-42069 Жыл бұрын
Dr Grande is the perfect supervillain/porn star name.
@ryanzdawson 8 ай бұрын
Thanks for explaining these myths about schizoid per-snide-issor. Next, maybe you could dispell some myths about poor enunciation.
@janicedixon2051 5 жыл бұрын
Until this video I thought schizoid personality disorder and schizophrenia were the same. Myth 1 fixed that for me!
@shelliblossom8953 6 жыл бұрын
i think i have this i stumble into it looking up stuff about apathetic personity stuff and looked though some of the stuff sounds alot like me how else can i tell if i have it
@jrusstrevenant1092 5 жыл бұрын
Does it associated with Introversion?
@steve_x9582 5 жыл бұрын
Yes. if you know anything about the MBTI, it strongly correlates with both INTP\J personality types.
@Haveagreatdayight 4 жыл бұрын
I’m an ENFP and a Schizoid so no. In public I’m great at small talk and don’t mind it but I’d rather stick by myself.
@JonDoe-xy7cb 6 жыл бұрын
Hi I'm still anxious by the fact that you said schizoid doesn't lead to schizophrenia, and I still don't understand the explanation you've given to me. Because I see crom websites such as quora and stuffs like that say " schizoid leads and develops into schizophrenia or schizotypal PD " and I'm really afraid because one of them said their son who was a teenager back then got diagnosed with schizoid PD and later onto the adult years he became schizophrenic. And it makes me anxious, and they also say because of the spectrum and stuff. I really need a true answer, thanks.
@thefangirlingpuellamagi3345 6 жыл бұрын
Don’t worry, Schizoid pd isn’t actually on the Schizophrenia spectrum, there isn’t enough evidence to an actual genetic or neurological link as opposed to Schizotypal pd. There’s just some shared symptoms such as flat affect which made whoever coined the term add “schizo” to the name.
@madsulrik5rs 5 жыл бұрын
This is how it works: people with SPD do not automatically develop schizofrenia. Having SPD does not mean that you WILL develop schozofrenia. People with SPD do have an increased risk of developing it compared to people who do not have it, which is why people with schizofrenia are sometimes found to have been diagnosed with SPD earlier in life. It also depends on how SPD expresses itself in an individual. Does it come with symptoms that resemble those of schizofrenia like psychosis? Then there may also be an increased risk of developing schizofrenia. Bottom line: people with SPD will not automatically develop schizofrenia, though they have a higher chance compared to those without SPD.
@johntate5050 6 ай бұрын
The Copper pyramiD man. On his head. an alligator not an hand. That makes a mockery of what has been said for thousands of years. Sibbet.
@memsisters9994 4 жыл бұрын
In Dsm6 i wish they make a bag of traits and if you got 5 of these, you got apersnality disorder, without categorization
@seijghdelfierro4405 4 жыл бұрын
it's so me... i also had OCD. lol.
@vishva8kumara 3 жыл бұрын
So true.! thank you
@livvyjade259 5 жыл бұрын
Any mental illness must have a tie to depression right? I think if you have any mental disorder you have it must be due to depression. This total description is a link to myself. I have this but i dont want to. I want to be normal. I want to want to have a marriage, i want to want kids. The truth is I like to be alone and i hate kids, i just wish it was the opposite, but there is nothing in my power to change it.
@keerongill7310 Жыл бұрын
I just thought i drank to much
@justinbuenconsejo3608 5 жыл бұрын
Schizoid or just introverted?
@nightfighter7452 4 жыл бұрын
The real question
@Kyavata 4 жыл бұрын
Do you like to be in your room, or are you stuck there and find the door doesn't work?
@furiousape7717 4 жыл бұрын
Ayava Kyavata that’s a really good metaphor
@debraanchante3661 5 жыл бұрын
Can a cerebral malignant narcissist also be schizoid? My narc has all the symptoms of both
@ExploitMage 5 жыл бұрын
Yes because honestly when you research enough, any mental problem can co occur with any other mental problem in general, maybe excluding only Major Depressive Disorder & Bipolar disorder because that’s usually a 1-or-the-other kinda situation, for obvious reasons. They’re both depression disorders but totally different over the course of a matter of decades of time of suffering from them, and major depression could definitely upgrade into bipolar at some point along the line but it would no longer be major depressive disorder at that point in my understanding
@ExploitMage 5 жыл бұрын
My dads a pretty Abusive one who seems to also be schizoid/Schizotypal so it’s hard for me to help you besides to say, schizotypal and antisocial personality sometimes co occur and make a pretty dark&semi psychotic person as a result, and they might appear fully schizoid due to the mixture of symptoms
@xivwords5448 5 жыл бұрын
It doesn’t seem problematic
@saljpal3 5 жыл бұрын
Not particularly my only complaint about having it is how constantly numb I feel and how few activities give me joy.
@jinglerpuff8630 5 жыл бұрын
Schizotypal is the schizophrenic personality disorder as it is still called schizophrenia sometimes
@furiousape7717 4 жыл бұрын
@notexactlyrocketscience Жыл бұрын
2:42 top google result says 50 times the prevalence amongst murderers and/or serial killers
@tkmax2119 5 жыл бұрын
@LadyOfTheEdits 4 жыл бұрын
Yup I'm definitely Schizoid
@37latitude 5 жыл бұрын
I'm not sold on the ideal of a shiziod personality disorder. In fact, I think it's bullshit.
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