Tokitae's Journey

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KING 5 Seattle

KING 5 Seattle

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Inside the fight to return a captive northwest orca to her native waters after five decades in captivity at the Miami Seaquarium.

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@peacanpie8291 Жыл бұрын
I wouldn’t trust a single word those trainers say, or any of the ppl that have exploited the crap out of that animal.
@winonalovers Жыл бұрын
There must be some reason why its the FORMER trainers speaking against Tokis release and not the CURRENT trainers... The current trainers are happy for her and will be going with her!
@JenniferO2323 Жыл бұрын
Yes I agree. Why can't they release the whale in the ocean why a sea pen I know it's better than a pool, but as large as these whales are they were meant to swim long distances not in circles
@winonalovers Жыл бұрын
@@JenniferO2323 The main goal is the free ocean. If Lolita learns to hunt her own fish in the sea pen and makes contact with her family, she will be released! Just watched a new interview about it.
@CoreyMillionaire2029 Жыл бұрын
@@winonalovers Great!
@Madronaxyz Жыл бұрын
​@@JenniferO2323they can't release her directly into the ocean. They need to make sure that she knows still knows how to hunt and feed herself. Being able to feed himself was a issue for a long time with Keiko. Toki needs to relearn all the natural behaviors that she had before. The behaviors necessary to survive in the wild. The sea pen would have been so much better than her tank. Much larger Clean water Live, fresh fish rather than rotten fish that she was fed in captivity. The ability to swim longer distances and, most importantly, the ability to dive to it natural depth. Toki has had so little exercise for so long that she needs to build back up to it. You took a marathon runner and only allowed him to walk around the block for fifty years, it might take him some time to build back up to being able to run a marathon.
@beckyd712 Жыл бұрын
Tokitae deserves to return home. We need to FIX what we did wrong 50 years ago.
@autumnmarchand6661 Жыл бұрын
We? I didn't do anything, and the people that did our filthy rich from it.
@matthewfajardo8461 Жыл бұрын
@@autumnmarchand6661we as a society ..
@chrisx5127 Жыл бұрын
@@matthewfajardo8461 I never even been to an aquarium in my life.
@noahpokeemon6503 Жыл бұрын
She's home... In the skies above 😢 rip
@MermaidMusings7 6 ай бұрын
It has been claimed by Friends of Toki and the Miami Seaquarium that they were negotiating for her release and had even selected a site for a sea sanctuary. However, according to NOAA's official statement, there were no proposals received from Friends of Toki or the Seaquarium. NOAA's official statement: 'At the time of her death, we had not received any proposals upon which to act; therefore, we were unable to evaluate any potential action.' Furthermore, Friends of Toki also stated that she was in perfect health just a few weeks before her passing, but the necropsy revealed that she had significant health issues. Lolita had chronic pneumonia, chronic cardiac valvular disease, and deteriorating kidney function. The Seaquarium returned her ashes to her home, but it's not enough to earn them praise for doing the bare minimum.
@MermaidMusings7 Жыл бұрын
A sad ending to a sad life. Toki had so many medical issues. She had chronic pneumonia, chronic cardiac valvular disease, and deteriorating kidney function. The Miami Seaquarium lied to the public, claiming she was healthy when she was anything but. Just three days before Toki passed away, the owner tweeted that she was in 'excellent health.' Friends of Toki told everyone she would soon be moved to a sea sanctuary even though they never filed any permits (and she was too ill to be moved anyway). NOAA has stated they had not received any proposals.
@MermaidMusings7 11 ай бұрын
There was no sanctuary. Not only was there no sanctuary, but no permits had been submitted. The Miami Seaquarium and Friends of Toki never submitted any permits because they knew NOAA and the state of Washington would never approve of a sanctuary, let alone Toki's release. Two days before Toki passed away, Miami Seaquarium and Friends of Toki raved about her physical condition. They said she was in excellent health. All lies. No criticism is allowed against Eduardo Albor and Friends of Toki. If they loved her so much, why didn't they do anything to shield her from the scorching sun? They lied about her health so they could continue to accept public donations for an imaginary sanctuary. 😔
@macgyversmacbook1861 10 ай бұрын
And the permit saying the Whale Bowl was a sound building expired two days right before Toki died! There’s something going on because moving Li’i would be easier to move than an Orca
@kimruff7133 6 ай бұрын
I heard that Eduardo Albor is very corrupt ‼️
@mattvonwenden5405 5 ай бұрын
What annoys me about the situation ... The activists and the Dolphin Company both knew full well that Toki was in the process of dying. And it was this activist group who stood firm that they would champion Toki's release, and that this release would be beneficial to her long-term health. But for the duration of their involvement changes to Toki's surroundings were rather small. Sometimes she got some new toys which she interacted with. But many long-standing issues were ignored. They never considered moving her to another facility where she could potentially receive treatment - or even try something Keiko-style where she could be rehabilitated. That's not saying that Keiko's integration was perfect - it very much was not - but I do believe that his time in Oregon saw him in the best health since his capture. But here - little was considered for her welfare. Toki's wellbeing would wait until she saw 'sanctuary'. And inevitably the actions of the activist group were insufficient. Not only was there no sanctuary as you had said... but the goal wasn't to have Toki's wellbeing improved from the smallest orca tank in the western world - the goal was always to have another 'Free Willy' story on how the AR groups helped save the planet again. But the group failed at what it set out to do. And I do believe that the plans were to use the sanctuary ploy as a facade. And then when the orca has died - is it the Activist Group that get targeted for doing little to ensure her welfare? No - for their intentions were only ever benign - so they said. And of course now many radical activists see Toki's death as a failure of The Dolphin Company - which admittedly it was - but I believe that the activist group was complicit in her death.
@kimruff7133 5 ай бұрын
I still think that they killed her ‼️
@user-cw4to5oi3t 4 ай бұрын
I Really thought she was gonna make it to something more Better than where she was
@evertje8479 Жыл бұрын
She's free now.. RIP Tokitae. You deserved so, so much better.
@jill5454 Жыл бұрын
Seems to me if she could tolerate the life she has lived for 50 years, then she is more than able to tolerate the change she will endure to go home. I understand the concern from those who have been with her, but she deserves to experience going home. Even if it harms her, which it may temporarily, how can she be denied that chance. Spirit is moving this.
@McButtsTheCrimeDog Жыл бұрын
Wild orcas live up to 100 years old. She is 50 and on the brink of death. She will die if she is not moved. It happens with every orca.
@itismeIamher 7 ай бұрын
How do you tolerate being kidnapped 🤔
@jill5454 7 ай бұрын
@@itismeIamher I guess she didn't.
@zooceta 5 ай бұрын
The thing is she was a very old animal, and the stress of such a long trip could kill her. Sending her to SeaWorld would have take just few weeks of planning and a one hour trip for her going to a bigger place with other orcas. But no, better a project that can take years to become a reality. Now we know the result of that
@carolynkinch9821 Жыл бұрын
An Orca is superbly designed to swim Miles in the open seas.. It is unthinkable that She should be kept from enjoying the smells & tastes to Her Home Waters in Her Retirement after bringing Millions of Dollars to her capturers & wardens for over 50 Years.!
@aad1969 Жыл бұрын
thanks a lot for the coverage king5 you all are amazing people !!!
@leanneadams2549 Жыл бұрын
I wanna know HOW MUCH money that Vet was paid to say ANY Orca would be better living in dirty water and eating rotten fish ! how much ?? I’m just happy I was schooled about how the whales are treated in these jails so I was able to educate my grandson. WHEN does this stop ?
@carolynkinch9821 Жыл бұрын
Let's ask children their opinion on Lolita/Tokitae's possible future. Let's not leave the decision to those who would likely still be chaining Elephants to cement blocks in barred cages for public entertainment.
@Charmcity199 Жыл бұрын
She deserved better than what us humans did to her. May she rest in peace and May everyone who contributed to her torture and torment develop a horrific and incurable crotch rash.
@EMG-pi4cb Жыл бұрын
I'm sorry but a "veterinarian" who participated in the suffering of this whale, colluding in her captivity has NO credibility as far as morals or integrity goes. Those trainers are extraordinarily selfish and self-centered and have NO self awareness of that selfishness. They don't "know her best" as the announcer claims. They know a SHELL of a once magnificent creature. There is WAY too much documented evidence from the history of captivity and what it does to cetaceans. The NUMEROUS and ACTUAL experts are the whale biologists who actually know what is natural to these creatures (and it is not living in a cement tu) --dulling all their natural impulses). In way too many cases these whales (and dolphins) either die or become violent because of the toll it takes on them physically and mentally. This "vet' and "trainers" who have exploited her should NOT be speaking for her. Unlike other trainers who have come forward to speak for the whales and their suffering over many years, they sat silently making their egos and their purses fat off her suffering.
@michaelrenner9182 Жыл бұрын
We will speak and continue to speak because Toki doesn't deserve to suffer and die this way.
@hollyj7090 Жыл бұрын
The fact that he walked away from her, after all that time with her, speaks volumes of his character .
@winonalovers Жыл бұрын
@@hollyj7090 You are so right! He doesnt care for her or the bond they had at all!
@CoreyMillionaire2029 Жыл бұрын
​@@winonaloversHopefully he's either out on the streets now or dead!
@winonalovers Жыл бұрын
@@CoreyMillionaire2029 Or stuck in a bath tub!
@marieatherton2073 Жыл бұрын
I cant understand anyone that disagrees with getting this whale out in to a sea pen. Those former trainers and the vet have had personal experience with the whale. I can see they love her but that is clouding their judgement on this issue. Its almost like they're ignoring the fact that Tokitae will still be looked after by humans. Only in a natural location. Anyone that is actively trying to stop that happening is a selfish person indeed!
@michaelrenner9182 Жыл бұрын
The sea pen is the beginning of the end. There will be ceaseless pressure to take her on sea walks, introduce her to the wild orcas, and release her. She will transmit disease to the wild orcas and they will terrify her. She will get sick and she is going to suffer and die like keiko. I'm so sorry people think this is what's best for her. It makes me sad.
@christinunya72 Жыл бұрын
@@michaelrenner9182 You make me sad sir. To believe that beautiful, intelligent creature should stay in that small, cramped, dirty, disgusting excuse for a pool just bc it's the only home she's ever known is a travesty. Just bc it's the only home she's ever known doesn't make it a good home. She deserves better. It's unbelievable that she has made her owners millions of dollars that they never put back into her surroundings or care and now that she can't perform and make them money anymore, now is when they decide it's ok for her to go home. Corporate greed is truly disgusting. She deserves a better home whether that's an open sea pen or otherwise. I can't believe you would truly say that she should stay in that tiny pool just bc that's where she's been for so long. It's like saying a 60 year old man that's lived in a one room apt his whole life shouldn't get to move to a house with more rooms just bc that's what he's known his whole life. The time has come to do right by this animal and that certainly is not leaving her in that sorry excuse for a home.
@winonalovers Жыл бұрын
@@michaelrenner9182 How can she make other orcas sick when she is healthy herself? Thats ridiculous. She is in the best shape ever! And they dont plan on releasing her soon to the ocean. The plan is to live in the sea pen for the rest of her life. Anything other is just an option...
@thunderowl1442 Жыл бұрын
They have to justify their guilt. At least the trainers. The vet is a psycho.
@lisadunn2208 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Mr. Irsay, bless you for your generosity. Please use whatever influence you have to make this happen as soon as possible! Tokitae deserves to be free for as long as possible, be it long or short. Her HOME is where she was taken from, not a tank that is too small, too warm & eating fish that's been frozen rather than fresh fish she's caught herself.
@Mirai_Inoue Жыл бұрын
She's gone to a better place now, RIP toki ❤😢😢
@rebeccataylor1472 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for creating awareness for Toki she is a wonderful creature that deserves to be free.
@abkxx Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your coment....people are so undeniable about animals and wars....terrible programming we been having with tv ....animals belong to close the multimillion dollar business ZOO industry....God bless you
@carmelad8618 Жыл бұрын
Lot a thanks King5 for that updates about our beloved Tokitae 🐳🌊💙🐳
@LM-lv6fv Жыл бұрын
The awareness and frankly the forgiveness these animals show us makes keeping them incarcerated absolutely unforgivable. They clearly are powerful enough to hurt anything they want to, and yet, they don't. The time is NOW to prohibit keeping these animals in tanks anywhere in the world. Lolita/Tokitae is an amazing animal, her acceptance of her condition is humbling. 😔
@chrisx5127 Жыл бұрын
Not Tikikum though. Lolita is a sweetheart though.
@Smug_Queef 6 ай бұрын
Tokitae was essentially stockholmed and forced into a domesticated taming - likely drugged up and demoralized from her poor conditions into being a submissive and passive gentle creature. I bet she is a genuinely loving compassionate being, but she also had no will to fight back... instead she was just a kind victim of humankind. She had a will to live despite her loneliness and depression, the sea pen would have done her wonders I bet. An animal that is aggressive towards his or her handlers and trainers shouldn't be considered as bad, unkind animals - but animals demonstrating their sheer stress with their exploitative conditions. Tokitae was a gentle soul, but she really deserved so much better.
@djondjon 11 ай бұрын
What happened to Tokitae (& others like her) was CRIMINAL! UNbelievable! TOTALLY heartbreaking ... for us, yes, but imagine how much moreso it was for HER! WORSE than DESPICABLE!
@grumpygills9886 Жыл бұрын
Rest in peace you beautiful soul ❤
@savewildlifewhosuffer Жыл бұрын
Tokitae must return home to the Salish Sea & her Lummi Nation Family
@Noctessa 5 ай бұрын
We tried so hard to bring her home. Under a veil of secrecy we buried her in our tribal ceremonial funeral befitting a treasured family member. Unlike the nightmare disposal of her prior tank mate Hugo. Our tribe cherish our friends of the sea and take very good care of our orcas.
@dhogan1967 Жыл бұрын
She just passed away. Humans are horrible.
@tomboykatie Жыл бұрын
The fact that those former trainers kept referring to toki as a killer whale and not an ORCA is a straight up 🚩🚩🚩on them
@Helena000 11 ай бұрын
Rest in peace, sweet girl.
@autumnmarchand6661 Жыл бұрын
I must say this news station covered the story the best out of all I've seen
@Sunsetsonthehorizon Жыл бұрын
She is so cute 🥺 It breaks my heart what was done to her and seeing that disgustingly small tank she is forced to live in. Poor thing. I hope the various agencies expedite the paperwork so she can live the rest of her life out somewhere better 🖤
@lbabytutorials4852 Жыл бұрын
Rest in peace baby girl
@Grace-lh2eu Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this important feature.
@charlotteminshull6686 Жыл бұрын
Where she has been living For 52 years is shocking!!!!
@dianebays5484 Жыл бұрын
It hurts to hear them cry.
@mercedespernas Жыл бұрын
Was at the Seaquarium that Sunday after two days of her passing. Came out on the Spanish news and was recorded by the American Press that day outside the park with Peta activists. l didn't give my name to Miami Herald because l didn't go there for recognition. I went there to pay my respects to Toki and to give her a voice she couldn't use because of the innocent conditions she was restricted to. Her death was so sudden and shocking. I believe her spirit is content now in the spirit world where our real home is before we are all born. 😔 🕊 💙
@savewildlifewhosuffer Жыл бұрын
Thank you king5
@bosskiu 13 күн бұрын
People need to understand that the reason Tokitae lived for so long is NOT because the conditions were great, the treatment was great, or whale captivity is right, it's ONLY because the ORCA HERSELF has a strong will and ability to survive all that torture.
@MiamiBeachNativeInNYC Жыл бұрын
RIP Lolita aka Tokitae died today, Friday August 18, 2023 after the new owners of the Miami Seaquarium had agreed to a sea pen relocation to her native waters 😢
@Ghostoffdr1957 11 ай бұрын
I been signing petitions for 20 years demanding Tokitae be freed! Now she is dead and we cannot help her but....Tokitae's tank mate is still alive, his name is Li'l. He was captured in 1988, that's 35 years in prison! Lets work to get him free! I just saw a video of Li'l swimming mad circles around the filthy tank and what appeared to be him slamming his body on the side of the tank. 😞 FREE Li'L NOW! Tokitae's mother is still alive at 90! If we had freed her 20 years ago when she was 30 her mother would have taught her what she needed to survive. Like elephants they never forget family.
@janeriva8072 Жыл бұрын
The barbaric suffering for years just so parents can entertain their brats.
@MermaidMusings7 Жыл бұрын
Lolita deserves a better life.
@bosskiu 13 күн бұрын
"We have no power to do anything to improve her living conditions." "We have the FULL RIGHT TO STOP Y'ALL from moving the animal away from us!" Wow you hypocrites..
@bambilackner 7 ай бұрын
That’s the real reason they didn’t want her moved, they knew she’d have to forgo medical a check before being released, and the lies would be exposed.
@shena1256 Жыл бұрын
They are willing to let her go now that she is no longer a asset bringing in the money.
@leanneadams2549 Жыл бұрын
Yup, exactly or they’d fight tooth and nail !! They are all so disgusting
@RabiesTheBeagle Жыл бұрын
"Bright day, pretty colors" This is what "Tokitae" translates to English as.
@hnanatomy92 Жыл бұрын
She recently passed... swim free girl.
@Italianqueen Жыл бұрын
As much as I hoped and prayed for this beautiful baby to go home with her mom and pod,I knew “something would happen to her” I know they killed her!! They weren’t going to move her!
@janalogsdon 10 ай бұрын
This is so great 👏🏻. I can’t wait to see her home 🙏🏻🐳🌊 Thank you for all you all have done to get her out of there.
@0hMyLife 8 ай бұрын
She that tank
@teresaryan2288 Жыл бұрын
Human mankind ambitions doesn't have an end, capturing a creature that is suppose to be free in the Sea, capturing and treating them as toys and using them as an amusement, just for the simple pleasure of mankind to make a profit at their expenses, shame on humans.
@LitheFider Жыл бұрын
"Research shows that whales being in captivity stunts their development and starves them of stimulation and social needs." I feel like you didn't need a study to tell anybody that, is exactly like humans in prison. Do humans in a concrete box do well mentally? NO. Highly intelligent creatures are no different than us in these situations. I hope Toki can be in home waters soon, I believe the move will be hard on her the same way being ripped away from her family was hard on her, but she's obviously lived this long, she's strong willed. My greatest wish for her is that she thrives and her family will hear her calls and come by her seapen and pay her visits. Unlike in Keiko's release where he was never accepted into a pod, we know he exact pod she came from and orca who knew her and speak her language are still alive. She was 4 when she was captured so she'd remember a bit more than other whales captured younger. Even if she's never able to be let fully free because she can't survive in the wild, if her family knows she's ok and she can see other orca again, that's just wonderful!
@chocolatefudge1999 Жыл бұрын
What research? Blackfish, PETA and others who want there to never be such a thing as an animal under human care does not count
@Smug_Queef 6 ай бұрын
How is it not just common sense?
@djondjon 9 ай бұрын
What happened to Tokitae should NEVER, NEVER, NEVER have happened. It was cruel and abusive.
@autumnmarchand6661 Жыл бұрын
😢 send her home
@wonross9836 Жыл бұрын
Best of lucks Tokatae! Hope you’ll be having a nice, calm, relaxed and quiet long healthy free life for once thank you for done for her, animal enthusiast.
@frankiel7517 9 ай бұрын
😢 Rest in peace beautiful animal. You’re free now ❤
@annarose4308 10 ай бұрын
I hate to hear about the argument of cost to get her home. That baby made them millions! Any amount to get her home should have been paid and a done deal!
@barkeyes8592 Жыл бұрын
Shame, shame.......get her home.😢
@angeldaniel7360 Жыл бұрын
Orcas are amazing sea animals!!
@Madronaxyz Жыл бұрын
I think that the trainer's in the veterinarian from the Miami Seaquarium saying that tokitae was happy and had strong bonds with with the trainers is similar to slave owners saying what a great relationship they had with their slaves.
@WildeMermaid Жыл бұрын
The fact that the former trainer only has selfish reasons to not free her & trusts/supports seaworld says all we need to know about her honestly... she isn't to be taken seriously or trusted! Tokitae/ Sk'aliCh'elh-tenaut, deserved to be free in her true home (Salish Sea) & near/with her true family (L Pod & Lummi Nation) to live out her life in peace.
@charlotteminshull6686 Жыл бұрын
And for human entertainment shame on all of us we should all take responsibility for this 😢
@chrisx5127 Жыл бұрын
I don't live in Florida
@thunderowl1442 Жыл бұрын
@pandoraBeLightful Жыл бұрын
Praying for tokate release and reunification with her family and relatives 💞🤝
@MiaPJ1 Жыл бұрын
Quite frankly how would them feel if it was there child looked up !! She will be fine anything’s better than what she has know , so mind ye business trainers it not your call , she’s going to die anyway so rather as a free Orca “ Freeher !! Every Orca realice has turned out fine Orcas are STRONG!!!’❤
@MiaPJ1 Жыл бұрын
I really hope they move her sooner than later , she deserves to feel the sway off the ocean & hear her family because she will they so intelligent & spiritual & emotional, she will be free after a lifetime of being locked up so cut the RED tape and give her a chance ❤
@oliviak2963 5 ай бұрын
How could anyone work there without feeling an ounce of guilt.
@faithpaul7927 5 ай бұрын
R.I.P TOKITAE! They were never gonna let her go because of the money they needed to get her back. 😢 Toki couldn't wait anymore. R.I.P TOKITAE! ❤🐋
@alexcrasci3940 Жыл бұрын
Whatever the outcome I hope tokatae is happy
@lbabytutorials4852 Жыл бұрын
She died
@Smug_Queef 6 ай бұрын
Poor girl.... an exploited and highly intelligent depressed being who was stockholmed into horrible conditions. She was lonesome and suffering, trapped and abused. The sheer neglect and sickness of humans only valuing her for her entertainment potentials is abhorrent and deranged. I'm thankful so many people genuinely tried to get her out of that prison pool, but sadly she just got too sick and ended up dying. She was already mentally ill to such a great extent, this majestic and utterly sensitive animal was desecrated over years for the sake of money and noteritiey.
@YeIIowWood 19 күн бұрын
The display of the costs...she made BILLIONS of dollars for decades, she could pay for her own release...
@LadyOfTheLake77 Жыл бұрын
Free Lolita.
@DaniS398 Жыл бұрын
Trainers and Orca show people don't want it to work because if it does with oldest orca in captivity then there will be no excuse not to retire all captive orcas to sea pens near their birth waters. That is why they are pushing back so much, certainly not because of their "love" of these poor animals. I used to go to the Miami Seaquarium as a child and I loved seeing Lolita, but as I got older it just made me sad to see her in that tiny tank. Then I learned how she got there and it was and is just horrible. That vet and those trainers are disgusting. How do they think that disgusting park is where she needs to say. How do they think feeding her rotten fish was them caring for her health? I absolutely love how in one sentence they'll say how well she was cared for and in the next breath say she's so riddled with disease that she's a risk to the wild orcas. Which is it? You took great care of her or she was neglected so badly that she's sick enough to risk wild orcas. Shame on them. That vet is the most disgusting of them all. He wants her to stay in that tank specifically. Gross.
@KalebsLife2018 Жыл бұрын
Captive orcas have pathogens that wild orcas have not been exposed to, and visa versa.
@macgyversmacbook1861 10 ай бұрын
The oldest Orca in captivity even when Tokitae was alive is Corky II in San Diego, she’s a Northern Resident from the same area as Toki, all the push to free Toki should honestly be dedicated to Corky now
@KalebsLife2018 10 ай бұрын
@@macgyversmacbook1861Toki was a Southern Resident, a different ecotype than Corky.
@racingcow96 11 ай бұрын
To bad she never made it home 😭💔
@margui6224 Жыл бұрын
That veterinarian needs to lose his license.
@jaymatadi5903 Жыл бұрын
Rip Lolita😭
@JoannePerry-gc5jw Ай бұрын
So sorry to hear she passed away. Are they going to go ahead with the natural enclosure in Nova Scotia?
@charlotteminshull6686 Жыл бұрын
God bless you beautiful girl
@roxanneweichinger9318 11 ай бұрын
RIP Tokitae, now you’re free to swim any where you want to go.🍃🌹🍃🕯️🕯️🍃🌹🍃🕯️🕯️🍃🌹🍃🕯️🕯️🍃🌹🍃
@user-cw4to5oi3t 4 ай бұрын
I've always wondered that given the Whales dead fish have anything to do with their overall 🤔 Health Conditions 😢😢
@CATSWITHKYLA 4 ай бұрын
Of course it does. I havent watch this yet but Orca's don't drink water so they get water from their food ...... LIVING food. Dead fish that has been frozen and defrosted is drained from all liquids.
@Marian-cm1rw 10 ай бұрын
I loved her very much
@autumnmarchand6661 Жыл бұрын
I'm confused why isn't Seaworld paying for it?
@highjinx6519 Жыл бұрын
I don’t think Seaworld owned the aquarium she’s been at. Not sure if they ever had “ownership” of her.
@highjinx6519 Жыл бұрын
But I agree the aquarium that’s made $ off her all these years should cover it.
@marius87bv Жыл бұрын
How come they don't release young wales? Is it because at 50 she is useless? Also why they don't release the full pod from captivity? Wouldn't this rezolve the solitude? Aren't they already accustomed with eachother?
@macgyversmacbook1861 10 ай бұрын
Because the “young whales” around today were born in captivity. Tokitae was born in the wild
@shehawk7662 Жыл бұрын
My heart💔
@janetdavis-wagner6937 Жыл бұрын
Now that she’s passed away and not tortured by this move I hope everyone involved is terribly ashamed that this ever happened. Lowering the temperature of a hot Miami swimming pool would never have prepared this human like Mammal for moving and ice water and being moved from roasting sun ridiculous bless her soul she left on her own and has been dissected and cremated. Nothing is worth this ever 20,000$. Sad pathetic ridiculous shameful
@McButtsTheCrimeDog Жыл бұрын
They're following a similar, but seemingly more rounded out plan to the one used with Keiko. I will say that the intent to feed her salmon instead of teaching her to hunt salmon may be not a great move but if she reconnects with her family, it could be that she learns from them anyway
@JoannePerry-gc5jw Ай бұрын
Its a shame she did not get back to her pod but all will meet on the other side including creatures.
@angeldaniel7360 Жыл бұрын
She needs to how to learn to haunt and be around different killer whales!!!!
@Cassandra96 Жыл бұрын
She is coming home, just not in the way we wanted. Her ashes will be brought home by a Lummi Tribal elder.
@jasminetripoli9529 11 ай бұрын
Let her go home to ocean please ❤❤❤❤
@oliviak2963 5 ай бұрын
Too late…she passed away in August 😢
@beawojcik5728 Жыл бұрын
I don't understand... why couldn't they just build her a HUGE tank instead? Leaving the place where she spent 50 years would not have actually helped her. She bonded with the people who cared for her, she was hand fed etc. A bigger tank would not cost this much..and she wouldn't have to endure such a huge change. So stupid. RIP poor girl :(
@thunderowl1442 Жыл бұрын
This is the worst story now she’s dead. Very suspicious. Criminal vet saying she is happy in that tiny concrete bowl, all her behavior tells you she’s depressed. Humans are paying for torturing animals.
@chantellelewis7444 Жыл бұрын
Get her back home they should never be captured in the first place so sad but happy that she’s on her way home
@DUBSTEP_KUSH305 Жыл бұрын
@charriso Жыл бұрын
So sad she didn't make it back. 53 years 💔
@user-ps7pq8sm5t Жыл бұрын
She. Should. Not. Of. Not. Been. Taking. From. Her. Family. From. The. Begining. It. Was. Wronge. Poor. girl. The. People. Should. Be. Punished. God. Will. Punished. Them. You. See
@angeldaniel7360 Жыл бұрын
Lolita’ passed away today is believed to be a renal condition.”
@smariegalski3641 Жыл бұрын
They killed her.
@retard_activated Жыл бұрын
Just hearing about the costs makes me batshit insane!!!! We incurred all those costs to abduct her in the first place but that wasn't a problem then, was it!!! I believe she was murdered outright. They didnt want to spend the time or money on her and she wasnt making any money and I believe those greedy mfers decided the Almighty Dollar was more important!!!! Rest in Paradise, Tokitae/Lolita. I am so sorry you never got to be reunited with your family.... 😭😭😭😭😭
@softwhiteund3rarm0r Жыл бұрын
Wonderful she's dead.
@benjamincarter1587 6 ай бұрын
I think this was very sad from the beginning. I think we need to stop capturing wild animals and predatory fashion to put on display for amusement. I believe in natural parks or zoos where the natural environment can be preserved for the wildlife contained within. I don't believe any of that was fair. I believe it was a very compassionate attempt for us to bring her back to the Pacific Northwest and reunite her. But she was so sick from her environment in Florida. There's so much available with technology these days that we can experience all this and more without having to capture these animals and treat them like that! We can also bring people out on boats to watch whales instead of having to capture them in a small pool and force them to do tricks! My final statement and point with all this is that if we have enough technology nowadays to see everything through a virtual world and we have the ability to keep things in natural habitat and still observe them then there is absolutely no reason to put any animal through anything like that! We need to reform our loss on how we deal with this stuff it needs attention.
@jilllanden0521 Жыл бұрын
Guess them trainers were right all along huh... she didnt make it.. 😔😔
@zahraafouad4792 Жыл бұрын
ياظلمة ……… الظلم ظلمات يوم القيامة ……… في يوم الحساب سوف تأخذ حقها كاملا ممن حبسها …
@LadyOfTheLake77 Жыл бұрын
Lolita is finally free. RIP.
@user-ps7pq8sm5t Жыл бұрын
Good. Luck
@angeldaniel7360 Жыл бұрын
Tokitae die yesterday 😢😢😢
@alaeanna1 Жыл бұрын
That cage is too small! 😡😡😡
@tkc1246 Жыл бұрын
Stop giving your money to these animal prisons!
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