Top 10 Disturbing Truths About Harry Potter

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@FleurDelavour 6 жыл бұрын
Dumbledore invited Slughorn back as a teacher because he needed to get an important memory from him to proof voldemort has split his soul so.... 😬😊
@adam15021992 6 жыл бұрын
And he actually believed that Harry is the only one to be capable of doing so, since Harry had so much in common with Voldemort (the man whom Slughorn couldn't resist earlier).
@arabellamileham9978 4 жыл бұрын
True, but he's still gambling the safety of the rest of the students for the greater good !
@johnyoung5413 6 жыл бұрын
@sarahkinsey5434 6 жыл бұрын
Us fans will never let that go will we
@maraudingstar1659 6 жыл бұрын
*Dumbledore asked calmly.*
@rosex_8370 4 жыл бұрын
@Mr_Storm_22 4 жыл бұрын
No sir!
@kika12peggy17 6 жыл бұрын
most of this stuff is just Rowling brilliantly mocking the crazy things about our society
@allyson8880 6 жыл бұрын
did you guys even watch the movies or read the books? 1) [fan theory] dumblodore brought lockheart in in an effort to expose him, 2) that cynical/sadistic moody wasn't actually moody, it was Crouch jr. using polyjuice so you can't blame dumbledore nor hogwarts for that mishap, 2.5) i can't think of an excuse for quirrell, so yeah, he actually fits your video 3) slugthorn was brought back because dumbledore needed harry to get a memory from him 4) ever been in a high school or college chemistry rooms? they're chuck full of dangerous things, and they're never guarded by more than one key in my area, and no cameras focused around the storage facilities, so yeah, it'd be easy to rob 5) hogwarts was an absolute death trap, but also consider all the ailments that they could cure with magic. as muggles we see their world as extremely dangerous, but they can regrow an entire bone with a single potion, fix petrification with screaming plants, and become immortal with a stone. they're perception of danger is far different from our own 6)bogarts are limited, as said by other commenters 7) polyjuice is very dangerous in the wrong hands, so it should be in the video [edited] 8) Dumbledore was definitely borderline psychotic at times, for the most part though he was relatively sane, he belongs in the list as well, but he was holding the deathly hollows... who the hell would try to go against him directly? 9) let me welcome you to harsh reality, there is sharp prejudice everywhere in our world, you shouldn't be surprised that it's also in the wizarding world. we live in a world where a vast majority of nations in the world experience national prejudice's in everyday life, harry potter simply reminded us of that fact. it is most certainly disturbing, but it's not unique to harry potter 10) slavery is still prominent in many parts of todays world,again, harry potter reminds of this fact and it's not unique to harry potter 11) the wand itself doesn't contain the magic, the magic comes from the wizard, the wand is just a vessel for that magic to flow. also, ever been in America? guns. everywhere. my neighbor is a felon and has rifles and pistols. we give incredibly dangerous tools and weapons to some very untrustworthy people here, even encouraging children to use them, so thats also not a unique aspect of the wizarding world 12) i agree, the ministry was very disturbing and outdated. hopefully they've developed for the better over the last 20ish years since voldemorts death
@grasshoppy8624 6 жыл бұрын
MoJo Creatior Your... neighbours have dangerous weapons? O_O
@DarthJedi2005remixes 6 жыл бұрын
MoJo Creatior I seem to remember that it says somewhere that Quirrell was already a teacher for several years before Voldemort possessed him on a foreign research trip. I think it even happens in the summer immediately before Harry started Hogwarts as I'm sure Hagrid says something like "the turban's new" when they meet in the Leaky Cauldron. So that's hardly Dumbledore's fault either.
@allyson8880 6 жыл бұрын
yeah, this is america, i can go to walmart and buy a gun
@TheBodyOnPC 6 жыл бұрын
1, 2, 2,5, 3) People tend to forget that all DADA teachers only last one year and thus they are very hard to find for Dumbledore. 5) Hogwarts was not dangerous at all. Most students don't go looking for danger. It has a lot of security measures and is supposedly the most safe place in the world. 6) Agreed 7) Polyjuice is not something everyone can just make or buy. It's ingrediens are very rare and its very difficult to make. It also takes a long time and there exists magic to defend against it. 8) Dumbledore was not psychotic. He was definitely not perfect which is shows specifically in book 5 and 7, however he did what he thought was best. After all, it was a huge wizarding war. 9) Also people forget that the wizarding world has not developed much for hundreds of years and thus the prejudice could be better compared to 1800th century UK. 10) There is also a slight difference between house elves and wizards/witches. House elves have ALL been slaves for all of their existences and they like it. It's hard to change something like that as Hermione shows. People also don't really care for other species in general in the wizarding world. 11) Wandless magic is common amongst some people as published in Pottermore. Also Tom RIddle had learned to use and control his magic without a wand quite well before he even turned 11 years old. Dumbledore explained to Tom RIddle about how you are taught how to use and control magic at Hogwarts and that there are rules to follow. Everyone uses wands in the wizarding world so it is not disturbing at all. It's not comparable to guns in america either because wands are so much much more than a weapon. It is said in book 7 that it feels like Harry has lost a part of himself when he looses his wand. 12) Like the rest of wizarding society the minstry of magic has not developed as much as the muggle world. Since Kingsley Shacklebolt and Hermione become ministers of magic i think things are changing, though its still gonna take a lot of time.
@allyson8880 6 жыл бұрын
TheBodyOnPC Hogwarts wasn't dangerous? it was literally attacked by an army of death eaters and other followers guns are considered by many, a tool,used for hunting, and surviving, but any tool in the wrong hands can become a weapon, I don't intend to mean that magic HAS to be done with a wand, and yeah, Tom riddle cursed the dada position, so finding a new teacher every single year has to be really challenging to Dumbledore as for Dumbledore being psychotic, he's not always that way, but he does have some psycho moments
@robertbrookes2000 6 жыл бұрын
Says they're Potterheads, can't pronounce Flamel or Remus right.
@shinyarceus3717 6 жыл бұрын
Robert Brookes Ikr
@BuzryHaproMandalorianHunter 6 жыл бұрын
Robert Brookes They pronounce things differently in the UK.
@jp92hellraiser 6 жыл бұрын
Buzry Hapro Mandalorian Bounty Hunter No I'm from the UK and we pronounce both words the usual way. The guy narrating is just clueless. Classic WatchMojo
@lm-mx3vg 6 жыл бұрын
harry potter was made in the uk so surely they would be right?
@CaptainRambunctious 6 жыл бұрын
Robert Brookes and boggarts... I’m in the UK and this is embarrassing. He’s reading a script...
@celticpoet21 6 жыл бұрын
Hermione may have been clever and sneaky to get it out, but the recipe for the polyjuice potion "Most Potent potions" is in the restricted section for a reason!
@masha1177 6 жыл бұрын
Dumbledore pays the house elves. He pays Dobby when he comes to work at Hogwarts. Some house elves (e.g. Winky) refuse to get paid because they consider it an insult.
@LE-zy2od 6 жыл бұрын
Masha only Dobby got paid to my knowledge
@TheBodyOnPC 6 жыл бұрын
Watchmojo once again shows that they do not read books (or are just unbelieveably stupid)
@bluecherry456 6 жыл бұрын
5:19 "He said calmly"
@KingMuttley 6 жыл бұрын
#10 issues Professor Quirrell, in the books anyway, was already a part of the Hogwarts staff before he was taken over by Lord Voldemort. Granted he was still working for him, but that it easy to hide since one would imagine he would have wanted the job in the first place. Then there's the fan theory about attempting to expose Gilderoy Lockhart his antics and being a fraud. Even though Lupin was a werewolf, he was no danger to anyone since Snape was making him potions to deal with the effects and always had the Shrieking Shack if necessary. Dumbledore hadn't seen Moody for a number of years and had no reason to believe he had been captured since he is well known for being the revered Auror and exceedingly tough to take down. This is further cemented since only his father recognises him portraying Moody since he still kept his own characteristic ticks which he could have easily played up infront of his father as a big "Fuck you, im free now", knowing his father couldn't tell anyone since he is meant to still be in Azkaban. Umbridge is there on ministry appointment only. Slughorn is not a bad person and indeed a more than qualified and brilliant potions master. In fact, Slughorn is a brilliant teacher who just so happened to make one mistake and reveal too much to Tom Riddle, although it's well documented that even then Tom Riddle was exceedingly persuasive and knew how to work people to his favour. #9 Issues Slughorn does not normalise the use of Love potions, he just brings awareness to them and even says that it is "probably the most dangerous potion in here". The books are seen through the eyes of Harry, therefore we don't know if Snape was teaching the same thing to the 6th years back when Harry was in his first year. Even if he was, bringing attention and informing student about the effects of Love potion is not a bad thing. It's like when you get taught Sex Ed in class when you're in Primary school. I doubt the teachers are telling us about it and expecting us all to start fucking in the playground. They bring it to the attention of the students so that they can understand the uses and dangers of it. The students in the book don't create the potions themselves either, they are ordered in from Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. Also, its Flam-el, not Flam-ul. #8 Issues Any normal day killed by a Basilisk yeah? Despite them being rather rare creatures and only bred by the darkest of wizards, only 1 person died over the entirity of the Basilisks tenure there. The troll wouldn't occur commonly, the only reason one got in is because Quirrell had an affinity with them. Out of everything you said on this matter, only the Forbidden Forest is actually dangerous to the students, even then it's made clear that its uncommon for students to serve detention in there. The bludger, the staircase, the Whomping Willow, and Buckbeak are all non-dangerous to wizards due to their health care (unless you're stupid enough to believe that Draco almost had his arm amputated). #7 Issues Okay, so what you're saying is that if someone was scared of a tidal wave or earthquake, that is what would happen in front of them in it original huge destructive size yeah? Well, what about when Lupin's boggart turned into the fucking moon? I dont recall the entirety of Howarts beyond destroyed and thousands of students and teachers crushed to death under the weight of the moon. no, it appeared smaller, closer to the person, more personal. So maybe it would shake the floor beneath the persons feet or show a large wave that crashes onto the person. And okay, it is pretty harsh to have your own worst fears shown to you and have to go through that surrounded by classmates. However, with a teacher around and with every kids having to do it anyway, everyone is laughing at and with eachother since Lupin is there. #5 Issues Dumbledore's motive is to rid Tom Riddle from this world. He had dark years in his youth with Grindelwald and the Hallows which resulted in the death of his Sister Ariana, something which he regrets deeply. He understands the importance of Harry, and doesn't force Harry to do anything. Harry is more than happy to do what needs to be done because he understands the pain Tom Riddle has and will continue to cause the world. Of course Dumbledore can't tell him right in the first year, that would have overwhelmed and destroyed Harry. When he finally tells him almost everything at the end of Order of the Pheonix, Harry is compliant and becomes closer to Dumbledore as he wishes to aid him in his mission. He doesn't cause Harry to have to do this, Dumbledore simply informs him what is happening and says what he believes to be the right path, which evidently is the right path. Then with Snape. Dumbledore wouldn't have thought twice about him because Snape had already pledged his allegance and said he would do whatever he needed him to do. Sure, Snape had doubts and questioned Dumbledore, but he was as loyal to Dumbledore as Harry was. #4 issues This should just be stated as "Disturbing truths about the world". Are you saying that the world isnt 'Rampant' with elitism, racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, and ignorance? "Somehow Luicius Malfoy becomes a ministry big wig just by being a bastard apparently?" DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHO THE CURRENT PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES IS!! "Hogwarts system exists mostly to establish staunch social stereotypes." WRONG AGAIN!! Fucking hell. You are placed in houses based on your characteristics and personality. Gryffindor values bravery, daring, nerve, and chivalry. Hufflepuff values hard work, dedication, patience, loyalty, and fair play. Ravenclaw values intelligence, knowledge, and wit. Slytherin house values ambition, cunning and resourcefulness. You are housed based on your own merits and personality, not your social status or whatever stereotype best fits you. #2 issues Okay, "Kill or injure anyone". That is correct, if you know how to use it, something that you learn to do at Hogwarts. Strangley enough they, the staff are all highly trained wizards and witches who know how to reverse and fix anything that an 11 year old can produce. "Weapons" A bit extreme. They can be used for harm, but calling them weapons mean you just gloss over all the good and their usefulness. They're more like tools, like say cutlery. Yes you can hurt people with a knife and fork, but they are also useful tools and equipment for eating food. #1 Issues Azkaban is a place for people who deserve a fate worse than death. Is it justice to kill a person who has killed 8 people? No, the suffering just ends for them and there's no justice to be had. It's primarily used to hold Death Eaters and other seriously Dark Wizards, however it was used more regularly in Harrys time due to the fact that the Ministry was losing control, panicking, and wanted the public to think they were actually doing something. And generally, yes, the Dementors do stay by the prison generally. Sirius only broke out since he was an unregistered Animagi and the mass breakouts only happened because Voldemort had control of the dementors again. Did you put any thought into this list? You call yourselves Potterheads but can't even get the pronunciation correct. Its laughable.
@TheBodyOnPC 6 жыл бұрын
"Professor Quirrell, in the books anyway, was already a part of the Hogwarts staff before he was taken over by Lord Voldemort.". He had taken the year before off and before that he was a muggle studies proffesor
@KingMuttley 6 жыл бұрын
TheBodyOnPC Exactly. He was already trusted by Dumbledore since he had already been the Muggle Studies teacher. He was already confirmed as the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher before the attempted robbery on Gringots, and Voldemort didn't become part of him until after he failed. When Hagrid is taking Harry around Diagon Alley, they saw Quirrell in the Leaky Cauldron and Hagrid introduced him as "your new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher" and they shook hands. Then Quirrell confirms at the end that Voldemort was angry that he had failed to steal the stone from Gringots and "needed to keep a closer eye" on him.
@MrWill9002 6 жыл бұрын
King Muttley well said dude. Those dumbasses have no knowledge about this. One dislike for them
@astrinymris9953 6 жыл бұрын
Nobody deserves a fate worse than death. Nobody. Nobody deserves torture, either. The goal of incarceration should be 1) rehabilitation, and 2) keeping dangerous people off the streets. If someone is unredeemable and too powerful to contain, kill them as humanely as possible.
@MrWill9002 6 жыл бұрын
uh...why do you say that? and if not for one of the commenters then for which harry potter character?
@margaretko2025 6 жыл бұрын
Muggle's schools are dangerous too.
@TheBodyOnPC 6 жыл бұрын
Hogwarts is not dangerous at all. Just read the books.
@anna.owo. 6 жыл бұрын
Omg can you imagine the Magic school in America how dangerous is? I imagine maniac teenagers with wands be like- avada catavra avada catavra avada catavra avada catavra avada catavra.. Joke don't ged angry beloved Americans 😊
@MrSam603 6 жыл бұрын
TheBodyOnPC lmao. Harry , Ron and Hermione almost died in the first book. Then in the 2nd book a teacher tried to clean their memory. Twice!
@RK-ep8qy 6 жыл бұрын
Anna Mrl Americans would find a way to combine magic and guns, and give them to anyone with a hand including children to run wild.
@kxd13flow 5 жыл бұрын
@@anna.owo. now thats funny 😂😂😂
@ladycplum 6 жыл бұрын
For Harry Potter "fans" you do make a good amount of mispronunciations and slightly ignorant statements
@AnOldFashionedWoman 6 жыл бұрын
Indeed. And the way they talk about slavery, racism and social inequality, as if they didn't exist in real world of 21st century.
@MrWill9002 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah. And as for Lockhart he hired him to prove he's a fraud and for harry to learn what not to be and what not to do. And slughorn had no knowledge that Tom would become voldemort. I could go on and on, but I'd be here all day
@youruncleolaf4694 6 жыл бұрын
@sliiifertheskydragon9790 6 жыл бұрын
ladycplum No offense, but you guys sound like huge nerds.
@borderlineok7310 6 жыл бұрын
For "fans" of HP they make a lot of very I'll informed observation. Its like they didn't even watch/read the series....
@quinnsinclair7028 6 жыл бұрын
Given the level of protection and medical applications of magic the standards of safety would be vastly different. Yes there is a risk of having all your bones shattered in a quidditch game but since those bones could be healed within an hour the concern over such injuries is naturally significantly less.
@E-A-Z-Y 6 жыл бұрын
The Harry Potter series is immortal
@WatchMojoUK 6 жыл бұрын
@sketchygetchey8299 6 жыл бұрын
“It means you never die”
@Aj-ru4wq 5 жыл бұрын
I wish
@Mr_Storm_22 4 жыл бұрын
@@sketchygetchey8299 "I KNOW WHAT IT MEANS!"
@melaniemagdalene1616 4 жыл бұрын
@@Mr_Storm_22 Shhhhhh!
@dashinatorx1152 6 жыл бұрын
The comment section is going to be just lovely.
@xolotlnephthys 6 жыл бұрын
Slughorn was recruited to protect him from Voldemort.
@goroufromgenshin57107 3 жыл бұрын
Nice pfp
@wearenotdoinggethelp3985 6 жыл бұрын
4:06 Draco’s best line 😂
@LeremyJenkins 3 жыл бұрын
Your comment is ridiculous
@goroufromgenshin57107 3 жыл бұрын
@@LeremyJenkins YoUr CoMmEnT iS rIdIcUlOuS
@shinyarceus3717 6 жыл бұрын
what's really disturbing is you say you're a Harry Potter fan but you could not pronounce some stuff right.
@petartodorovic5477 5 жыл бұрын
He could not pronounce almost anything right
@thomaslove6411 6 жыл бұрын
You are asking questions that all have answers.
@aodhanbrannigan22 6 жыл бұрын
Thomas Love if only they read the books
@CheekyTop1 4 жыл бұрын
He’s not a potter fan
@liamdiamond7287 6 жыл бұрын
Ugh, you almost got everything wrong! Next time, RESEARCH
@MrDeflador 6 жыл бұрын
Well the thing about boggarts: If you would fear the end of the the world he would not cuase that. He would maybe turn into a mini-earth thats gots destoyed. It did turn into a whole moon for Lupin even if it was what he feared the most. (Edit): And about houselves: yes some or most of them are beeing treated rather badly. But most of them want to be kinda enslaved. If you read the books, dumbledor did hire dobby with payment and all and the others want nothing to do with that.
@grasshoppy8624 6 жыл бұрын
Alexander Coe Yeah holy shit, Upin must be extremely noticed
@princekrazie 6 жыл бұрын
Wizards are really messed up in Harry Potter. the No-Majs have computers and swag and wizards are still using letters and quills. They don't seem to have improved in the last thousand years, whereas the No-Majs made incredible progress. Clearly the future belongs to Teknoloji not to majix.
@buzzpaw5259 6 жыл бұрын
Lockheart wasn't a convicted or well known liar. No one knew about his lies, because he'd erase their memories when they figured it out. Moody was recruited as Moody, not as Crouch pretending to be Moody. Dumbledore brought Slughorn back, specifically to get the truth about what he told Tom Riddle all those years ago. Also, Voldemort set a curse on the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts after he had asked to have it, but was rejected. That is why all of DADA professors only last a year.
@borderlineok7310 6 жыл бұрын
Buzz Paw dumbledore knew Lockhart was lying previous to his employment at Hogwarts tho because he knew a few wizards whom Lockhart had stolen stories from.
@TheNuyorker 6 жыл бұрын
Clearly not made by fans.
@florenna 6 жыл бұрын
No, this video is clearly made by muggles of the worst kind ;)
@jamietucker6700 6 жыл бұрын
the thing is Dumblodore choices have been for the greater good, but it has effect others of course not intentionally but yet it was a good result that came of all films.
@TheBodyOnPC 6 жыл бұрын
Dumbledore was definitely not perfect. Book 5 and 7 showed us that, however he did what he thought was the best.
@hmoham 6 жыл бұрын
I never understood why Dumbledore never trained Harry, if anything in the environment he let him grow up in, it could be argued it was down to pure luck that Harry didn't end up following in Voldermorts footsteps. Just think if he didn't bump into Ron on the train. He'd never know about the four houses and could very well end up in Slytherin, or the abuse from his uncle could have easily made him hate muggles. Dumbledore did what he did for the greater good, but he did it in such a blase way, Harry should have died multiple times over the duration of the books.
@jessicahobbs2383 5 жыл бұрын
Okay. #10: The reason why Dumbledore keeps hiring these kinds of teachers is because of 1) he needs teachers that have had experience with the Dark Arts and 2) Voldemort cursed the subject because of Slughorn so that no teacher would make it past one year.
@roryodonnell4119 6 жыл бұрын
When you said the stuff about kids getting wands that can kill or injure anybody I was like wow u didn't think this through they are going to a school to learn magic what they gonna use lemme guess their imagination
@deedle141 6 жыл бұрын
Maybe the script was written by Umbridge
@roryodonnell4119 6 жыл бұрын
deedle141 lol
@Gavintheking2 6 жыл бұрын
deedle141 top ten watch mojo theories
@astrinymris9953 6 жыл бұрын
Wandless magic is possible. It's more difficult to master and takes longer, but some schools of magic-- like Uagadou-- focus on wandless magic in school, and produce extremely skilled mages. They may get wands later, because wands add power, but they don't start off with them. So in theory Hogwarts could wait until their students get out of the prime bullying years before "arming" them so to speak.
@RnRnR 5 жыл бұрын
Obliviate is the scariest spell of all. It's not illegal AFAIK. You could obliviate everyone around you and change everyone's perception of reality. You could be the worst criminal of all time and no one would ever know.
@rheaahluwalia1698 5 жыл бұрын
You have to be a really powerful wizard or witch to be able to cast a very good obliviate charm. Since all magic leaves trace it could be undone, after all it is just a charm. So not everyone can go around casting them before someone caught on.
@lucylancaster9019 6 жыл бұрын
It sounds like he said Nicolas 'Flannel'
@goroufromgenshin57107 3 жыл бұрын
Actually, it sounds like “flammel”
@neeneeo 6 жыл бұрын
In 10#, Tom Riddle before he became Voldemort, went to Hogwarts and asked to be a Professor of Defense against the Dark Arts but Albus or whoever the Headmaster/mistress before dis agreed. Then Tom cursed the Defense against the Dark Arts subject. Notice Lockhart, Moody/Barty, Lupin and etc, were all Defense against the Dark Arts Professors.
@neeneeo 6 жыл бұрын
Ahh, Ok
@arrogantgodjealous 6 жыл бұрын
You forgot about the worst one. When Cedric died, Twilight was created!
@MrRedPasty 6 жыл бұрын
That’s a crime that needs a whole separate channel of videos to answer for.... the shite which must not be named...
@fulsgarden6915 5 жыл бұрын
The truth of Lockharts recruitment: Dumbledore was aware of the fact, that Lockhart was a fraud, but he belived, that pupils can learn something even from the worst teachers. On the other hand it could be the perfect opportunity to expose himself as such, as it later did :)
@immortalagony88 6 жыл бұрын
Fred and George wouldn't need to use polyjuice potion to turn into each other since they're identical twins....
@leviticuspagelus 6 жыл бұрын
How is it the Barty Crouch, Jr and Grindelwald were both able to mimic Moody's and Grave's voices while using polyjuice potion while Harry and Ron in Chamber of Secrets were still using their natural voices.
@Peecamarke 6 жыл бұрын
It's disturbing how the wizarding world is xenophobic and supposedly better than muggles but they have just as many social politics and troubles
@genticles9981 6 жыл бұрын
The most disturbing thing I find is the fact that Harry could competently perform two unforgivable curses and was never even punished. Fair enough, Carrow deserved it, but using the imperius curse to break into a bank is pretty sick. Also, work on your pronunciation if you’re such a ‘potterhead’
@huwsie1 6 жыл бұрын
1 - the Weasleys are ridiculed because they’re “blood traitors” aka they admit they have some muggle heritage, not because they’re poor. 2 - If you know so much about SPEW, you’ll know that Dobby was paid and had annual leave because he asked, although you are right about the idea of house elves being rather messed up. 3 - I’m not sure but I’m sure that their wands are handed back, remember when Hagrid had his wand snapped in half when he got expelled? 4 - Following the defeat of Voldemort, dementors were removed from Azkaban and it’s now guarded by Aurors on patrol, it was like that because of a few dodgy Ministers and none with enough balls to say “screw the state sanctioned torture!”
@bowtiesrcool86 6 жыл бұрын
1:16 I think that JK stated that Dumbledore knew Lockhart was a fraud and hired him so he'd be exposed as a fraud. One of Lockhart's "accomplishments" was actually done by a friend of Dumbledore's. As for Slughorn, Dumbledore but brought him back in hopes that it could reveal a clue about destroying the Horcruxes
@obreroclydedanvillea.9369 6 жыл бұрын
The first dumbledore is a savage💀
@MARYWTHER 6 жыл бұрын
Disturbing facts about HP: Severus Snape was a stalker who bullied everyone who didn't suit his PoV and everyone he saw inferior to him (Petunia, his students, even Lily when she didn't agree with his vision- Lily whom he was supposed to love). Severus Snape was never in love with Lily Evans, he just fixated on her but never respected her or the people she loved (like HER OWN SON). Severus Snape wanted to save only Lily at a time where Muggle borns were killed by the dozens by Voldemort. Severus Snape "changed" only because he was afraid of being responsible of Lily's death. Severus Snape came into the Potters house after Lily's death, made some weird things with her body but left her son alone there. Severus Snape literally tore up pictures of Lily's family, just to take Lily's part of the pictures, and pretend she was smiling at him and not at her husband and son (all while they were in hiding BECAUSE OF HIM, a few months before they died BECAUSE OF HIM). Severus Snape bullied and frightened a 11 to 13 (let's say he surpassed his fears thanks to Lupin) Neville Longbottom just because he was not "chosen" to be killed by Voldemort, thus leading to Lily's death. Severus Snape is a creep who should have never had a redemption arc, and just because he was brillantly played by Alan Rickman, that doesn't make a good man of him. Most disturbing fact: the fact that Harry gave his son, the name Severus.
@meihatsume3686 6 жыл бұрын
Nora Girl I dont think that naming his kid Severus was that disturbing. As you described, he may have not wanted to feel responsible. So he was a double agent as to make up for Lily's death, but still did not like Harry because of his father. He grew to care for Harry for some reason. But Snapes patronus was the same as Lily's. Which means he cared, even loved her. When she died, he probably wanted to make it up and felt guilty. Just as Harry said, Snape was a pretty brave man, despite everything he did
@TheBodyOnPC 6 жыл бұрын
Snape loving Lilly and what he did because of her death is all the good he ever did. He was a deatheater. He probably killed and tortured many people .He was a horrible teacher bullying everyone except Slytherins. It was not just Harry. For example Neville's boggart was Snape.
@radeknaprstek3886 6 жыл бұрын
That's the great thing about this character. He has really dark sides and a lot of reasons to be hated for but he was also skilled, clever and brave enough to fool Voldemort himself. He also had to kill Dumbledore because he asked him to. He had to kill the man who trusted him and showed him the right way some years ago. He had to deal with everyone hating him for that but he managed. He was incredible brave and without him Voldemort would have never fallen.
@lumossk3657 6 жыл бұрын
Snape had many issues. He was a deatheater. Yet he did immensely selfless things. Why would he go back to the man who killed the love his life, seeing people being tortured/killed unable to intervene only to safe the child of his bully. Lily was dead what could he hope to get. He didn't even want Harry to know about it. He suffered much. But on the other hand he also choose to wallow in self-loathing and self-pity because he couldn't handle the weight of his guilt. He is not a perfect character, but his love is pure and perfect. I also don't get why people say that he "only" did it out of guilty conscious. Being able to feel guilt is what sets apart Voldemort from everyone else.
@borderlineok7310 6 жыл бұрын
Nora Girl do I even dare ask if your a feminist...
@ToastyMuppet 6 жыл бұрын
So about the teachers. Quirrel was not possessed by Voldemort when he was hired. That cake during the year. And as for slug horn it was because of his past that he was hired. Not only so that he and Harry could figure out how to defeat Voldemort but also to keep him safe. Which is also the reason why Trelawny is at the castle. And even before Moody was taken over he also had a strong ability to keep students safe. He hired Lupin to fight prejudice and well actually I can’t defend Lockhart. I mean Dumbledore knew. So why?
@DeniseF 6 жыл бұрын
To teach harry what NOT to do.. #Lockhart
@sickboy7104 5 жыл бұрын
I always figured the Bogart was just sounds and sights. I never remember one physically attacking anyone in the books.
@offbrandweasley1574 6 жыл бұрын
3:54 When a boggart transformation is not real it can only scare you its like a hologram. As proved in The order of the Phoenix book when Mrs. Weasley attempted to remove it from a table in the drawing room. It turned into a dead version of her childen including Ron who had been in the room when it had transformed into a Dead Ron.
@vishnukamdar7200 6 жыл бұрын
What I find most disturbing about the whole thing is how in the first book they turned mice into buttons. It might have been a joke, but still. As I read the novels, one thought never left my mind: some object like a chair or book might actually be a person cursed for eternity.
@feanor411 5 жыл бұрын
OK this is fun. On Dumbledore's choices of DADA profs: He chose Lockhart because he was well known; he was pressed to find somebody quickly because his efforts to find a competent teacher had failed that summer. Remus, because he was an old friend & needed a job (also the best DADA prof they had for some time). Moody was very very good at magic, with lots of experience dealing with dark magic. Of course Umbridge was forced on him by the Ministry, and Snape, well, you know about Snape. Quirrell, I have no freaking idea. Maybe he thought the turban was fetching....
@sirfloyd1348 6 жыл бұрын
The best part of the books. The dark back story of every society.
@TheBodyOnPC 6 жыл бұрын
It's not really backstory. A lot of the prejudice and the outdated ministry is what the Harry Potter books are all about.
@lumossk3657 6 жыл бұрын
That's the point. The story was all about discussing these issues. It's not just coincident. Many of these things (like the enslavement of houselves) was addressed in the books
@JMDarkly1 6 жыл бұрын
You can't really hold it against Slughorn. All he did was answer a student's question on a subject. He had no way of knowing how far Riddle was going to go with it.
@FanAnime67 6 жыл бұрын
You don't seem to be aware that many of these "truths" had certain details that varied between the characters throughout the series.
@digitaldeathsquid3448 6 жыл бұрын
Fun fact about the whole Azkaban thing: From Day 1, Dumbledore was opposed to Dementors being used as guards of Azkaban because of their dark connotations and insistence that they were not truly allied with the Ministry because they were regularly fed - an assertion posthumously proved right when the Dementors joined Voldemort's army during the Second Wizarding War. Similarly, their heavy-handed tactics tended to get in the way of finding genuine answers to pressing questions, such as any movements Voldemort may have been planning remaining unknown to the Ministry, as well as an early testimony of Voldemort's return, when Barty Crouch Jr was Kissed by a Dementor that Fudge had taken to Hogwarts as a bodyguard I don't think it comes as much of a surprise, then, that after Voldemort's defeat, newly-appointed Minister for Magic Kingsley Shacklebolt forbade the use of Dementors as guards of Azkaban.
@taicanium 6 жыл бұрын
Something that's even more terrifying about Azkaban? It was built by a dark wizard who captured Muggle ships that sailed too close to the island. He performed torture and human experimentation on them that was so horrendously inhuman that the misery and hopelessness collectively felt by all of the prisoners is what caused the Dementors to just sort of "appear" out of the shadows in every corner. When the Ministry finally found out what was going on and sent an army-in-everything-but-name to knock the guy's head, they managed to kill him, and then went inside to see what had happened to the prisoners. When they came out, they refused to speak of it. To this day, no one but them knows the horrors that were found inside Azkaban. Sounds like a great place to put petty thiefs.
@aldoringo439 5 жыл бұрын
Laughed so hard when he said Nicholas flamel like “flannel” 😂
@leonkennedies 5 жыл бұрын
3:36 even Lupin is so done with Hermione's intelligence lmao
@aagold76 6 жыл бұрын
Talking about awful teachers- Snape is worst. His bullying would get him fired any where else. Did he actually teach? They always just seemed to follow the book or instructions from the book on the board....
@louisemckn 6 жыл бұрын
Harry learned a lot from the half blood Prince and really you could argue that about a lot of muggle subjects
@aagold76 6 жыл бұрын
yes- but the half blood prince NEVER taught any of those techniques in the actual class he was teaching- all of which would have made them better potion brewers- he couldn't be bothered to think beyond himself- who he worked out the book for....
@MrWill9002 6 жыл бұрын
aagold76 and not to mention he had Dumbledore had no option at most points and I bet Dumbledore had decided to let harry die when voldemort took Harry's blood to come back
@stefanstefan7404 6 жыл бұрын
Yes. He's unfair and he's a horrible person!!! I hate him!!! I don't know why some persons love him!!!
@MrWill9002 6 жыл бұрын
Wolf 358 because he, like vernon only saw james in harry and in case you haven't noticed, he loved Lily so much he begged for Dumbledore to protect her family when voldemort hunted her down
@quazirej1998 6 жыл бұрын
Hey kids! Here's a truly sick idea. A reboot of the Harry Potter series...featuring the X-Men! Personally I nominate Beast as Harry , and maybe Apocalypse as Lord Voldemort? Now I ask you: who wouldn't want to see that?
@noahhart6083 6 жыл бұрын
Order is chronolgical not numerical 1. Dumbledore brought Lockhart in to expose him, he liked Lupin, he didn't have a choice with Umbridge, and the rest he didn't know about 2. It's sixth year potions class they have to learn about different things, and it's FLAmel, not FLEmel 3. The main reason it's unsafe is because of Dark Lords, just don't be Harry Potter and it wouldn't happen to you 4. Boggarts are limited and students have to learn 5. Polyjuice takes months and is forbidden to students 6. Dumbledore knew Harry was okay with helping to defeat Voldemort 7. Prejudice is everywhere in the world 8. Slavery is still in places today and house elves like serving 9. In book 4 Moody says they could all try to kill him but only give him a nose bleed. As Hermione would say "Honestly, don't you read." If you're in Azkaban your wand gets snapped 10. It's called punishment. If your going to rant then to research first
@jethmen 6 жыл бұрын
We all knew Harry Potter was humiliated by the 4 horsemen Hermione is Bell Cedric Diggory is a Vampire Newt is Stephen Hawking and Grindelwald is Captain Jack Sparrow
@theamvgirlx 6 жыл бұрын
Dobby CHOSE to work in Hogwarts kitchens. They offered him a lot of money but Dobby ASKED for lower because he saw how money had corrupted his previous masters (the Malfoys) and didn't want a part in that.
@phaety2495 6 жыл бұрын
Did you know that wands are the vessels for the magic? So basically you could use anything as a wand. A pen or pencil with a feather inside. A sword covered in dried dragon’s blood. The list goes on. I mean, Hagrid used an umbrella!
@Ranger1812 6 жыл бұрын
Vermin isn't an insult. That's horrible. Rats, like all animals, are amazing, beautiful creatures. Humans are animals, and no more special than any other creature.
@rhiahb 6 жыл бұрын
The wand is the outlet for their magic. It's how they direct it to where it needs to go while & after they learn to control it
@lenastorm6280 6 жыл бұрын
2:53 I love how all the children look down, serious and kinda sad, after Dumbledore mentions death and Harry is just like: WTF kinda school is this??
@emd1494 6 жыл бұрын
Dumbledore picked defense against the dark arts teachers that he did for a reason. For example the famous guy, he wanted Harry to see what can happen if fame goes to your head. He picked the other professor when he needed a memory from him. Quirrle probably to teach him to be brave. Etcetera. He knew the position was cursed and no one could hold it longer than a year. Probably didn't want to doom a good person/teacher.
@doomedpepper8109 5 жыл бұрын
2:42 Dumbledore: "The third floor corridor on the right hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a most painful death" Harry: "The fuck kinda school is this"
@LadyEvilest 6 жыл бұрын
Boggarts are frightening, but can't do any real harm. For someone who fears tidal waves or the apocalypse it would take on the image of a wave or a person suffering radiation sickness. But it wouldn't be able to do anything but frighten the person looking at it. It is hinted that some fears (like death of a loved one) can't be dispelled easily.
@tonicardanini1863 6 жыл бұрын
What disturbed me the most was how parents still sent their kids to school when the death eaters were running the school.
@nadirah1019 5 жыл бұрын
What if Dumbledore is Voldemort? Wait.. Voldemort doesn't have any hair..
@hanahyane9189 5 жыл бұрын
I thought one time: I WANNA USE POTION TO TURN INTO VOLDEMORT!!! . . But wait ..... HE GOT NO HAIR!!
@beckylance4743 5 жыл бұрын
The reason muggles don’t see the kids run through the wall of kingscross is because the wizards put charms on it
@DarrenHeywood 6 жыл бұрын
You know, I thought that because this is WatchMojoUK, and there’s a British narrator, that the narrator would pronounce names and words from the Harry Potter universe properly.
@2010Wilde 6 жыл бұрын
The wizarding world should change those wand laws. We can't sit around while another kid is forced to eat slugs.
@yourcoolboihassavedyou5158 6 жыл бұрын
Anyone realise how stupid Hogwarts was recruiting their DADA teachers?
@FanAnime67 6 жыл бұрын
Hogwarts was FORCED to take in Umbridge by the idiot Minister of Magic.
@magnuspendragon636 6 жыл бұрын
Slughorn...can't be blamed for Voldemort's actions. He saw a smart boy who wanted to know everything.
@elazarsinger4187 6 жыл бұрын
Has Dumbledore never heard of background checks? The entire wizarding world believed Lockhart. Why should Dumbledore doubt him
@astrinymris9953 6 жыл бұрын
To be fair to Rowling, it's impossible to write an adventure story with a child protagonist if you have responsible adults around. You either have to get rid of them by killing them off or write a portal fic. Rowling tried to split the difference by sending her orphaned hero to a magical boarding school. Unfortunately, that decision meant the teachers have to be clueless, evil, or allowing the danger to proceed for their own purposes in order to make the story work. As for the rest... Rowling's writing is plot-driven rather than character-driven. She creates spells and magical artifacts to drive the story along without thinking through all the implications of them. This is why her worldbuilding is sometimes criticized, even though her imagery is brilliant and fans worldwide have latched onto the universe she created. Rowling was focused on the story she wanted to tell and the religious allegory at the heart of it, so she didn't bother to create a well-thought out theory of magic for her universe. But then, Rowling never expected to have adult superfans who would pick apart every element of canon and spot all the problematic elements. The criticism of her work is based on the fact that she succeeded beyond her wildest dreams. Just sayin'.
@MoistCrumpet 6 жыл бұрын
The ingredients you need to make a polyjuice potion are very hard to come by, and you would have to put up with the horrible taste of the potion non stop if you wanna keep the form since it only lasts a little while. Plus even the transformation process is very painful. So I don’t think very many witches and wizards would go through the trouble of looking like a different person.
@Weirdgirl1026 3 жыл бұрын
I think the only reason why Dumbledore bring back slughorn is because he needed his memory.
@clarejones5641 6 жыл бұрын
With the poly juice potion, you could just put two people you have a theory about in the same room.
@Originella 6 жыл бұрын
When you are who you are on KZbin and this is posted two days before your birthday...
@sabre3696 6 жыл бұрын
Out of all of the things you put on the list for "Top 10 Disturbing Truths About Harry Potter" I would have personally left out the bad recruiting, dangers at Hogwarts, and the potions room because those are small fry compared to Voldemort being figuratively and in some regards literally a wizard Hitler. Voldemort has something along the lines of a wizarding equivalent of a wizard KKK, wizarding quasi-Nazi Brown Shirts, or even a wizard version of the Gestapo if you will whose proper noun is the Death Eaters. Aside from Voldemort being a wizard equivalent of Hitler he is also something of a Satanist, being that he rips apart his own soul so he can stay immortal unless the objects that the bits of his soul are possessing are destroyed by special means.
@shihomt4875 6 жыл бұрын
for Boggarts, I found it silly that it only turns to the fear of the person who is the nearest or standing in front of it, and everyone else around sees the same fear that person sees. shouldt it be transformed into everyone else's fear, and shouldnt they be seeing different figures
@raynermooney1239 5 жыл бұрын
Dumbledore knew what he was doing when he employed Lockhart.
@roxyslife1052 5 жыл бұрын
People say u can’t see a boggart but what if ur fear is a boggart
@manuvirajkhare 6 жыл бұрын
2:53. Harry's reaction to 'Anyone who does not wish to die a painful death': Da faq kind of school is this?
@noahwilhelm1133 6 жыл бұрын
The reason the Hogwarts keeps getting bad teachers is bc, Voldemort put a curse on the defense against the dark arts position, and Dumbledore wasn't even in charge of Hogwarts at the time slughorn was bc working there( the first time)
@noahwilhelm1133 6 жыл бұрын
There was no research in this video
@tysondennis1016 6 жыл бұрын
Dark truth: Harry may have become a Obscurial
@RyanMK666 6 жыл бұрын
there is more to house elves that isn't explained in the books, they live to be 'slaves' they eventually die/go insane if they aren't bonded to a witch/wizard or a family in general
@ashlazdanovich8396 6 жыл бұрын
Actually, letting your piers know about there worst fears could be a good thing. But like everything else it can also be a bad thing. Depends on the person really.
@meihatsume3686 6 жыл бұрын
I dont know how to feel about this I dont know if I want to be a witch or not anymore I'll go to the American school instead.......... o-o Edit: I know what's it's called guys don't worry! At the time I just was uncomfortable saying because I might misspell it or people wouldn't know what it was ❤❤
@MrWill9002 6 жыл бұрын
NYAN CAT FARTS RAINBOWS there is a wizarding school there too called ilvegmory I think
@unstablespinach 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah. Go to ilvermorny
@gamesmaster8357 6 жыл бұрын
@chheinrich8486 3 жыл бұрын
I cant imagine how these books and films are so popular
@shihomt4875 6 жыл бұрын
at least death eaters or voldemort or bad people only attacks when school year in hogwarts is about to end. in muggle schools, a crazy can break in and fire at everyone even when your in the middle of a math quiz
@am5527 6 жыл бұрын
5:50 yeah, because the king sacrifice is a brilliant move in a game of chess...
@l_scanu8645 6 жыл бұрын
To do with #6 one of the biggest things and plothole that fustrates me, is that in the Chamber of Secrets Harry and Ron still have their voice, but in the Goblet of Fire Barty Crouch jr has Moody's voice, unless he somehow managed to perfect it and never let it slip, which would be the most Magical thing in the whole universe.
@TheBodyOnPC 6 жыл бұрын
He did manage to perfect it. He trained for a long time to perfect everything about Moody. It says so in the books. I don't think he let it slip because he had been acting like Moody for such a long time he halfway becomes Moody and keeps thinking like he was Moody.
@TranscendentLion 6 жыл бұрын
Maybe the potion in 'Chamber of Secrets' was a less refined version than the one Crouch used.
@l_scanu8645 6 жыл бұрын
TranscendentLion mabye, but it is Hermionie who had the lead in making it, also wasn't Crouch in Azkaban for a long time before he came to Hogwarts? Probally not a lot of time to practise making it, ecspecially because the potion takes about a month to make
@emmanuelgregorio7943 6 жыл бұрын
Well crouch got put of Azkaban because his mother gave her he poly juice so maybe it’s her mother’s recipe he was following or using all along??
@l_scanu8645 6 жыл бұрын
Emmanuel Gregorio ngl i haven't read the books in a longg time so if that's the case then yh that would make sense😂 but in the words of Cinemasins when talking about films "the books do not matter"😂
@ingridaguero6460 5 жыл бұрын
I went to buy some Harry Potter books and the sells lady and I both agree that at least the muggle parents should be hesitant to sending their kids there. I mean a werewolf can't possibly teach there but they can have a forest with giant spiders wolves senators soul sucking dementors and a giant snake that kills people when you look at them, but no a werewolf is too dangerous.
@sofianunes9944 6 жыл бұрын
Harry potter was published a long time ago, and you didn't have time to read the books and fix that video
@nielspeterbrggeregebo7730 5 жыл бұрын
So basically the wizarding world are a concentrated mirror of real life.
@RnRnR 5 жыл бұрын
Also wizards cannot die from normal accidents so falling from a staircase probably wouldn't kill them.
@trinitychambers8123 6 жыл бұрын
1. Dumbledore did check them, and was on to the the whole time. Ever heard of keep friends close, enemies closer? Snape was working for dumbledore, and he knew about quirrel, barney Jr, and they were all aware of umbridge. Your first reasoning was so bad I'm leaving with a dislike, not finishing the waste of time this will surely be, and hope you actually do research for your videos in the future so I might have a reason to subscribe. Good day!
@souvikhaldar6822 5 жыл бұрын
no seriously hav u read the books??? Slughorn never inspired Tom to become Dark lord but he unknowningly passed information to his one of the most brilliant student (Tom Riddle) about Horcruxses ... Slughorn never knew what was the intension of Tom behind that
@meganbrooks3610 5 жыл бұрын
If Snape knows how to bottle fame why doesn't he bottle Harry Potters fame
@youruncleolaf4694 6 жыл бұрын
The most disturbing fact is that someone willingly woopied Voldemort. 🤢
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