Please do more Pathfinder videos about cantrips, spells or talents 👍🏻
@rpgmastery74487 жыл бұрын
I will! Thanks for the support!
@christophercmeyer52575 жыл бұрын
For 2nd Level Create Pit from Advanced Players Guide is a good one both early and late game. The 4th level version is Acid Pit, and the 5th being Hungry Pit. All 3 are a 10 x 10 square. Reflex save not to fall in. Starts at a min depth of 20 feet, going to a max of 100 feet with the higher level versions. That is 10d6 fall damage, then 4d6 acid or 4d6 crushing as well. I liked most of what you said. For 3rd level: I would give Slow spell a nod. Same AoE as Haste, range, duration, and effected creatures. It is more battlefield control, with creatures taking minuses and choosing only partial actions allowed. Meaning 1 attack or a movement. Meh on Dimension Door depending on the campaign it is situational. I won't argue what you stated, but the inability after D. Dooring is fairly harsh. The feats you talked about are a path set only Fight/Arcane caster build, or Monk can reach easily. The feat reqs are heinous for those not of the builds. Teleport is limited in the percentage rolls. Again it comes to DM discretion if they allow you to go to places you've only heard about. The dozen or so I've played under have ruled the seen once is required to control the abuse flow and flavor of their games. Contingency out of the spells that exist eh its alright, but sadly its like making a limited wish and/or wish spell. A misstep in wording would cause a field day for DMs. Have been bit by this as a player from multiple, even using the KISS method. So again its a DM discretion thing. DBF is great simply due to breaking the Die cap rules of normal spells. The fact it caps at 20 is what truly makes this. When you said Quickened. Quickened if using metamagic rod greater. Otherwise level 11 spell, with a few feats comes down to 9th / 10th depending if sources other than pathfinder is allowed. Moment is just flat out broken. I've had DM's house rule the spell to still make it worth its while. The bonus is equal to 1/2 your caster level + spell focus to a max of +12 at 20th. For an all day duration. I was alright with it. Still broken at being written like that. Time Stop min duration 2rd, max 5rds. Now if DMs let you know how many rounds you have then you can set up what you stated with DBF. I have been in games where the DM rolls and then asks you what do you do each turn written out. Also by 9th level you are dealing 17d6 or 18d6 sorcerer, if you have greater rod of quicken metamagic you can place a minimum of 2 DBF a round, granted assuming you built with other items in check to perform this. Otherwise without looking at items min you can place is 2, max 5. dealing min 34d6 to max 85d6 end game. However, consider things such as, Prismatic Sphere, Doesn't affect anyone, but place a sphere, place 2 DBF, step out of the spell, possibility of getting depending on size 2 to maybe 4 mansized inside the sphere. Again you are not affecting them it is the area around. The DBF go off. To leave the area, must pass through all 7 layers of a prismatic spray effect. Just some future food for thought.
@willjohnson8446 Жыл бұрын
Grease’ real strength is its versatility - it doesn’t just trip opponents. It can also disarm them and buff allies to make them harder to grapple. At low levels it isn’t uncommon for big bads to have a really nice weapon. Hit it with Grease and they are reduced to shield bashing the party. At higher levels, I like to have a wand of grease in case I get caught in a Black Tentacles spell. You can retrieve and use a wand while grappled, granting yourself +10 to your CMD vs maintaining Grapples. If this doesn’t pop you out on the first round, go total defensive to add another +6 to your CMD (assuming you have three ranks in Acrobatics).
@pavelowjohn91676 жыл бұрын
Another reason to love the spell Grease is that you can cast it on your buddies (or even yourself) to make it that much harder to attempt or maintain a grapple ("A creature wearing greased armor or clothing gains a +10 circumstance bonus on Escape Artist checks and CMB checks made to escape a grapple and to their CMD to avoid being grappled") I've used it several times on party members that get grappled and it almost always resulted in them breaking/slipping free on their turn.
@tjl1023 жыл бұрын
greese is low a level wall of fire turn 2
@zenwolf30817 жыл бұрын
I like the magic card template
@tmmaco32394 жыл бұрын
Disrupt undead is one of my favs. It's a cantrip you can cast over and over as a wizard. And does 1d6 damage per casting.
@smile-tl9in7 жыл бұрын
fly, at the same level of haste, is one of those spells that give a new dimension to your power. Literally, in this case, it gives you control of your height. Strategically speaking flight is immensly powerful. It takes you out of reach of melee brutes if they can't fly, bypass difficult terrain and the need for any climb skill i prefer chain lightning to delayed fireball. delayed fireball is kinda weak, 5 turns is not enough to use it to trap people. And If yu have time stop, their are much better spells to use during this time. Summons monster is also immensly good.
@rpgmastery74487 жыл бұрын
Time stop cancels out if an enemy is targeted with a spell, so the idea is to place delayed fireballs at their feet. ;) Kind of a loophole to deal damage to a large group of baddies. Thanks for the comment!
@smile-tl9in7 жыл бұрын
thanks for answering. I understood the logic behind the delayed fireball during a time stop, i'm just one of thoose that rarely blast with their spellcaster. During a time stop,I generally place battlefield control and summons, like wall spells, sleet storm/solid fog/acid fog/ (you can place it during a time stop, it is just that the ennemies don't take damage until the end of it) and an quickened greater invisibility or a mirror image on myself if i have the time (i am a fan of that +mind blank). I also move into postion for an perfect buff. Note that you can use effect that target an zone and impose a save as long as you don't target an ennemi. The effect just take place after the stop. time stop + dimensionnal lock + forcecage is my favorite combo
@smile-tl9in7 жыл бұрын
vanish and emergency force sphere are awsome, even at level 20 it can save your life. programmed image = free action spell. Generally i programme a false prismatic wall. haste is an awsome buff, but it doesn't control the battlefield
@smile-tl9in7 жыл бұрын
someone told me i was misusing the programmed image spell : it is not a contigency persistent image, it is some kind of trap rather than a contigency : it only works in the area where you cast it, not where it is triggered.
@nicholi89337 жыл бұрын
I mean Delayed Blast's are alright for time stop, but I am with you on this, my wizards are usually controlling. I like time stop and when I reappear There is now an army of summons around the boss. We fought a 20th wizard while we were only 17 so we couldn't to that. He would time stop and wish for heal spells and some other crazy spells since wish does not say it has to be from his spell list.
@toradathan32744 жыл бұрын
I would switch out grease with sleep, I find it funny that I have used the time stop delayed blast fireballs as well. I also use time stop and summon spells.
@flemmingrostock53407 жыл бұрын
magic missile is great, even on later levels, if you use the metamagic feat toppling spell.
@rpgmastery74487 жыл бұрын
And chained with several targets, not a bad idea Flemming. Thanks for the comment!
@nicholi89337 жыл бұрын
I think that Wish is a slightly better spell that Time Stop. I love Time Stop, but back in the old days of 1st and 2nd ed this was the only way to raise stats permanently at all. You can still do it and it is permanent. I know this is the same as the books, but a wish is cheaper and more easily accessed for a wizard. Also it allows for some great magic item making.
@rpgmastery74486 жыл бұрын
The component cost is what made the difference for me personally. If wishes were free, no doubt a number one spell.
@tjl1023 жыл бұрын
time stop is 2-5 rounds you cant roll lower then a 1 and u get a +1 for 2
@smile-tl9in7 жыл бұрын
for me, the best cantrip is detect magic : detect magical item in the pile of treasure, magicaltrap, detect if someone have a spell casted on him (wich can give away the position of an invisible ennemy)
@DigitalAlchemyst4 жыл бұрын
Is there somewhere that you can find all these cards? Did you custom make these or whats up? I am totally inspired here, I want to either download the set and use in my game or make my own set to again use in my game.
@mitchgaunt24316 жыл бұрын
That was so very powerful
@smile-tl9in7 жыл бұрын
have you ever heard of dazing spell ? It is an awsome metamagic feat that change your blasts into battlefield control. it daze a zone for several turn, without being mind-affecting, target reflex (a.k.a the weakest save by far of the magority of high-level monster) Depending on which spell you apply it on, it can even bypass spell resistance (caustic explosion or acid spit)
@rpgmastery74487 жыл бұрын
Thanks, I will keep this in mind when I cover Meta Magic feats.
@alexandermackenzie89496 жыл бұрын
a clever gm can counter the contigency spell teleport 200 ft to the right into a tree /into the earth wall of a dungeon etc and insta die/critical damage/ stuck and cant move so its good but not unbeatable i imagine in reallife sorcerers and mages would be careful about how this and teleportation spells work
@thegreatlemmon74877 жыл бұрын
@rpgmastery74487 жыл бұрын
@atzanger3297 жыл бұрын
Hi I love d&d can ye do all de classes thx
@akinleyeakinrefon64476 жыл бұрын
Qustion I was playing pathfinder and my friend at me doing 120 damage plus ate me doing 75 damage how can I do massive damage to him inside his belly